30th of December 200SIXX, Have A Good One
- Later
7:02PM CET
So it came the end of the year fucking before
many of us were even prepared I guess? I think personally
this year has passed by faster than I cared for. Then again it
was a year in global tragics. It was a year where we all became
a little more naked and insecure. I think the world picture is
about to get even nastierto us all in the new 2007. How ever I
have kind of had enough losses in my life this year. For the
first time in a long tie I trusted something to happen and it
didnt. It was the ONLY thing outside my Motley world I wanted to
function but alsos that i was taken away. I feel I am not sat
here to succeed out side this world of being a collector. I
think its a little more sad than what I care to admit. Next year
was meant to be my huge change in life and for the rest of my
life but other would not that it went that way!! So, here I am
stuck in Denmark single and in worse and worse shape, in many
ways. I have sadly also sat a decision to wheater or not I
should stop this collecting business. I have had a little too
many heart felt dissapointments since summer of this year to say
things are ending in happy thoughts and satisfactions in that
matter. I am now hoping for 2 last things or they arent really
last things if I end up being able to pull em through but two
things I really would to get which was also mentioned in my last
posting on here. Huge fucking collectibles!!! Over the top
killer awesomenss to have and say they are parts of MY personal
collection. Get out of here. I love it. Right now the latest on
that matter is gonna have an answer to it perhaps sometime at
the end of next week. So.... there are a few things that I think
can make my dream happen how ever it takes a lot of will on my
own part and it takes a sacrifies and a hell of a lot of luck!!
But its now its the right time to make it happen if it can
happen. You see things are not gonna come to me easerly at all.
It will be a bitch to take this one home but if I do I will be
ass proud and like I say I will know more and there by inform
you of it late next week.
So on a more positive side of things, inspite of all my
shitty deeply cutting losses I have also had a line of
really awesome adventures. not to say this site!! We have
worked hard to make it more and more attractive and expanded
it a ton of times through out 2006. We have reached a path
now where we like to say we have finally found our skeleton
to be the one for the future for a long time anyways!!!
There are more coming and getting added on here for sure in
the new year also. You see we have still a few ideas
untested and unadded on here. This is the only and single
thing that I have that I fully trust now a days. I have the
motley life and the collcting thing that really is a hell of
a lot important to me. Words are peanuts no matter which I
choose to put together to describe that feeling and that
truth so I wont. Those of you who knows this you know what I
am talking about those that doesnt well..... its just over
whelming. I have no other way to say it.
I have had a doctor vicit last week with my yearly body
check as I do. I know I have had a bad heart for some years
now. Well the latest test says I am very unstable sitting
here having a chat about it with my webmaster and it felt
weird to be thrown the question "what about the site and the
collection should something happen?" Wow!! Never quiet
thought of it. I have not but a single idea about that one.
I think I instantly have like three people in mind should it
happen. Morten, Jesse and Corinna. But somehow I cant really
say that after all. Why?? Well Jesse - my dear dear beloved
missed brother in Cruelty course I have seen him sell shit
in need of the fucking money we are all so damn depending
on. Would be hard to think of my collection going to him
should I be gone. Dont really want him to sell shit .. Not
even his own stuff. But rather expand the collection the
best he can. Morten my brother - should I die I think he
would hold on to it all in my memory. But then again not him
either course he collected ones and I saw what bad it did to
him. now he is not collecting only helping out and I have
never seen him happier. Its been the best gift to me in
2006. Glad to see him growing and smiling again. Good going
brother. Good going!! And finally a girl I think I never
fully get over. My travelling partner in passion. My heart
touched love of my life - Corinna. And in a very complicated
way I dont want her to have it either. She is way too
unemotional about my shit, me and things in generel. It
crushes my heart to know she is not as passionate end
emotional as she let me see and thought the first half year
I met her. But I will never ever fully get over her. We have
shared and she has been a part of whats most important to me
in life in a deep, deep way!!! So for a life time Corinna
.... love going your way!!! Want it or not. You see, the
thing about me is that I am a passionate fucker that lives
LOYAL to my hearts sayings. I will go through fire for
things and persons that holds a piece of my heart. I have
not seen any anywhere having this, this massively. Not to
polise my own glory or anything but I havent. I think people
would have to get to know me to fully see and then perhaps
understand me.
But hey lets just say we had an action packed 2006 of good and bad
and 2007 is but another year. I am walking into it with HUGE goals and
hopes and I will be the first to say I am willing to die for my goals.
To all my friends, family and the men behind the reason for my ways of
living .. thanks for all this year!!! happy new year fuckers.. Love you
all even though I dont see many of you all that much. If you only
knew.. If you only knew....
A huge thanks and special salute to my new found musical passionate
friend in Russia... Anya ... bitch!!! Thanks for all so far - Tommy
28th of December 200SIXX, The Ultimate Test
To My Collecting
12:12AM CET
"Hey T Ive almost reached
an agreement with xxxx to get you the curtains and backdrop. I
thought for a minute that I lost them because MC management said
they didn't realize we had them and they wanted to get them
back. They now work through the law to get em. Butthey NEED to come
up with and show papers of ownership from the past and last storage
contract!! And since the mangement they have now is a different one
this will take them a good 4 months to do. So law says i can do
anything with it till March 18th!! So this means a GOOD
situation for you, I hope? Also, I didn't have enough money to buy
xxxx out
completely for them, but we are coming to an agreement. Based on
the plan you sent to me, you will have until April to get us $4,500
USD. Let me know how much each monthly payment will amount to.
This is way way way cheaper than originally asked for but based on
the fact that you have a far far shorter time to deliever I give you
both ofr the 4,500.
I'll pay shipping to get the stuff to your Boston friend from the
$4,500 that you send. Plus, I'll throw in more goodies from my old
storage stash. Then, I'll keep Nikki's toy, skins and TL prototypes
for you to buy from me at a later time, whenever you are ready...and
at a very good price that we can determine later. These items are
small enough that I don't need them in storage and when you want
them, you can have them. I hope your Christmas went well and I hope
this thing all works out for you just the way you want it to. Drop
me a line when you get a chance. This is sadly the ONLY time chance
you can get these so dont think too long!!!" |
So what now you may ask? Fuck dude I just dont know. I need to get some
things working. Gotta try to get myself a job different kind of job, selling
the rest of my KISS awards and more. I am willing to do absolutely NOTHING
for the next six months should not do or go anywhere but to some hell hole
job and just pay off the what ever if thats what it takes to get this shit.
May very well be the ultimate collectible out there for my personal and
private collection. Fuck I have two huge hopes for the new year about Crue.
This is one of them to get these two items. If it fails and the second one
will too, Ill stop collecting. I have suffered just an inch too many this
late summer and fall 2006 for being able and willing to accept these hopes
and dreams to not happen for me too. Its just not acceptable. I could not
live with it. I have not had the best time and year of my life. Lost way too
much....my inner US dream and girl. Many Crue dreams and shit. Lots of lost
crap in sales and buys and what have you. You have no idea well actually you
do if you have followed my brains walking through out the year. I am just so
very dissapointed and hurt like you cant even begin to believe?!! I WANT
THESE ITEMS. I am willing to pay any person that would borrow me the money
first hand a huge advantage and promise even a contract to be the next owner
of my shit or pieces of it when its selling time for my private collection.I
need this to happen for me and my Cruecial future.
There have been new shit added to the collection online too the last few
days. Not a whole lot but bits here and pieces there. I have a line of
things I like to do and all still with it. And there will be refined things
going on new started ideas and shit!! I think its time to change my ways for
a good six to nine months. I dont fancy the idea but I need it. In order to
make this above mentioned shit happen!!
I posted a new headline too asking if any had read the the Heroin Diaries
yet!! Through the official site of motley.com guess what happend. Here is
also the posting and the staffs reply and more.:
Me: Who have read the Heroin book yet?
Anyone? Let me hear from you at...
Reply: stop trying to release un
authorized copies of the heroin diaries if you continue to do so your
account will be suspend..
Me: so again the things between fans
gets censored!!! dear Mox... I am amazed how many rules the staff throws
together to stop ppl from awesome chances.
Unlike many other bands and their universes.. fans help eacother, help
getting rare stuff.. only in the crue world is this going on!! Can you out
of kindness and helpfulness tell me why this is and who sets these rules?? A
lot of times I talk to fans and collectors that wants things not out yet or
redrawned for what ever reason. And if its not coming from here you guys
dont aprove of it.. in other words you kill the chances for fans telling
fans about some pretty great chances. Just please tell me this... I am just
amazed thats all...!!!
Reply: no you are
basically trying to rip off profits from Nikki by giving people his book
before it is even released.. and as i said i have no idea where you got it
from and as such it may not even be the official copy.. this is nothing to
do with censoring you this has to do with you basically taking cash from
I am amazed in ways beyond words. I am not trying to promote a sell pre
release with this. Yet its turned around to threats and more course it is
all about protecting Sixx for income. What The Fuck????? People are fucking
retarted. I am all weird feeling. I am only setting up a subject to be
talked about. I ´kind of get off on how stinky things are run on certain
things in the Crue camp. What the hell? I dont get it man... its too low and
too non fan like. I get the picture and more of the financial shit (as if he
dont have enough if it really was all about that) but... it isnt. So now,
now what? It has been taken off there too. Not to anys surprise really. What
the hells this? I do not get it. This is partly also why the official sit do
not aprove of the
www.motleycruehitsquad.com which by the way in my mind is cool. Way
cool. Man ohh man...
There have been a good few talks too with new to me not previously known
so called Crue fans. Again my `dissapointment was over whelming. You see I
still sadly see too many, way too many being pricks and egoistic sons of
bitches in all kinds of ways. cant forget the talk I have had going on and
off with Jesse for some time now. The bands fans are so unlike any other. In
a cool way? No. Sadly not, no wonder i dont talk to too many of them. Its
like ... ohh well. Might as well just give it a rest!! Nothing is going to
change or anything so never mind. damn I can not forget the offer and the
changes it has taken. Its tightening in on me like I am just about to choke.
And there are only two doors out of this. One leads to the end of times on
these doings that I live for almost the other is demanding a hell of a huge
portion of luck timing and no life at all for a long periode of time and
more. Which one is the most attractive you think? Like asking one would you
rather die by gun or blade the outfal is pretty much the same so who the
fuck cares? Alright I may have overdid that one in writing and thinking. But
you get the idea dont you? I am seriously a bit concerned. How will this
end? I am not at this very minute able to say or even predict. But if you
force me to I have to say I just lost it. It is really not something I
believe in getting. But I am sure as hell gonna try!!! Wish me luck!!!
talk to you later, Tommy
24th of December 200SIXX, Wrong feeling, Know
Whats 2 Come
1:48PM CET
Merry christmas folks. I have a good feeling this is the last time I am
doing this what I am doing today. Skipping the holiday cellebrations. It is
tragic lonely affair how ever I think I know why and I know whats to come,
hopefully in the next coming months from the decition I have made for this
years holidays. I so badly want the things I have talks about getting with
the seller. I think this is hard as fuck and to not have a loved one either
is just a really stinky thing. Above all the reason for this crappy feeling
I am sure can be blamed on the financial situation. I see people having a
job that brings a rather fairly good income do not have these feelings about
anything like htis that I have today. It can also be that I am just this
very sentimental fool. Who knows? No one can answer me there. I have been
sitting for the last good hour thinking not out of pitty or anything but
rather another thinking about what to go after in the next month to come. I
so need to have some things to believe in. And I feel I am so extremely in
need of something cool again. I think a lot about what I have been blessed
with the last ended year of 2006 on the Crue side of my life. I have truely
had a lot of greats again this year. Its hard to deny that one. Why should
I? I have had more in a year than many have had in 5 and thats the story too
on the previous 2 years 2005 and 04. So hell no I should not complain and
yes they still mean a lot to me. it is still heart felt but small parts have
changed. At least a little bit. I cant quiet figure out what it is that have
been touched but something have. As I figure it out I will let you all in.
It will be as natural for me as putting on a shirt in the morning. Motley
Crue is a band that still makes my actions being controlled in their name
and I can at times wonder why. Why do I have this passion thats so stinky
deep and massive? Why this, why not something else or another band? Why not
go back to KISS then? Well I know the answer to that one so thats kind of
ruled out. ...... yeah in short its just really, really strong. The feeling
that takes me on this constantly ongoing journey. But I still have plans for
doing this till I am done with my passionate inner feeling or there comes
other things or forces in life that takes me out of this quiet isolating
universe it is to be a diehard collector and cruehead.
Anyway this is one last call out to you all on the day ... have a great
one.... I gues yo uall are huhh?
I am back on the 28th or something with new addings here and there. There
are a few things here now that needs to be scanned and all. 8x10s, mags,
tickets, cds, dvds, personal, yeah still a lot in the mail that has not made
it here yet too. What a massive control of me it has this thing. Or to be
honets it asnt .. not more than I myself alou it to have though. The whole
family have already gathered at moms house by now here I am still doing
Cruecial thinkings and shit. What the fuck.....? I know as said I have fully
understandings for all that may have wonders to why or how the hell I can do
this and do that. merry christmas people...
See ya all later !!!!! Your cruester lee
22nd of December 200SIXX, Santa Days & Appreciation
6:56PM CET
Its on!!! Christmas and the end of the year is closing in. Also the day
today is the day that turns things around. Its getting to be longer days and
brighter days slowly yes, its going to change back from today and on so, all
that doesnt like the dark and colder times .. smile fuckers.!!!!! I love
winter I love snow (we dont fucking have any) I love most about this time of
year but ... well, its just all different for me this year. I am personally
not really gonna have an old fasion christmas...Not much else is gonna be on
here till we return later. Next posting might be round the 27th of December
and then we are with high speed closing in on 2007!!!! I wanna personally
thank all of you each one of you for a truely appreciated support through
out our second year!!! 2007 will be taken us in on the 3rd. I am highly
happy to say we have more plans with it and it sure as hell will expand a
great deal in the new year too. I know its big as it is but listen up, its
such a cool thing and it is MY LIFE still just as much as ever. On
the matter of the site(s) its been a cool year. On the Motley front its been
a fairly cool year. Shitty ending. Hated the fall tour as you all know. On
the emotional side of things it could easerly have been better !!! WAY
BETTER!!! But I am used to stand left as the looser on all fronts on that
subject But hey,...I have my fucking music dont I? Things are not looking
any better what so ever on that front so ....fuck it. I miss a love to share
yes but I have pretty much stopped believing so, for good or bad reasons, I
have now fallen even deeper into the collecting thing on the band and there
by also gotten to the point where I have dropped all hopes for now anyways
about a love life!!
I found a new loyal partner sadly a busy one right about now on regular
jobs but a seriously cool one. Jesse of Boston.. hail to you brother thanks
for all so far .. we havent even begun yet!! Morten the baby brother of mine
the one that handles all my audio video shit simply course its a riddle in
itself thanks for what ever has been looked in on and dealt with still loyal
in a different way to the band I know But I know the best gift you ever gave
your self was stop collecting. You have never been happier and never felt
better .. youre alive its obvious to see and I know it pleases you more than
you can ever tell me. The webmaster - we need for sure to take this fucker
to another level how ever we have done a good deal through 200SIXX and we
are heading for another mountain top in the new year right? Merry christmas!!
In fact to all my friends and the fucking non believers .. merry christmas .
may you all have a good one. Corinna my cruecial bonding for so long. We
have shared Crue shit together more than any of us have with anybody else
and you know its a missed highly missed minor thing now. There wont be any
other of these things for a seriously long fucking time. You tell me if you
are still hungry? You tell me if you have fel what I have .. and you tell me
if you still fucking miss it. I do. More than anything. But what can one
sacked shitster do on ones own two feet... fucking nada!!!! merry christmas
to you too...
So till after the big day .. I will return and it will be with a new
years salute and the latest fucking thoughts depressions and more thats on
my god damn mind!!! Love to you all out there.. Thanks again. Tommy
Merry Chistmas - Happy Holidays |
20th of December 200SIXX, Friends, Thoughts &
Rock n Roll
5:50PM CET
Here I am on a Wednesday its feeding time for my lonesome.. and I am
sitting here with tasty duck and all that goes with it. Fucking nicë!! Have
no fucking woman, but then I have the meal!! Quak quak quak......
So much for toast fastfood and shit. ths is MY evening and its all shitty
awesome. There have been a few things going on today and the "Rock Fest"
merchandise offer to me from the company comes in today I have heard hope i
can do it ... its gonna be a nice end of the year deal should it come
through. that was a festival hoped for to attend but I never did half a year
ago, Now at least the merch is in reach if the offer sounds alright. I have
a talk going back and forth with the president of the firm that holds the
festival. he said he could put an offer together for me holding one of each
items so... cross your greased five!! Thanks.
I think it could FINALLY come through for me but mostly cause of the
helping hand right now from my brother. Thanks a great bunch.
Now its gonna be a good half a year till even the
Darron dude of the crue touring staff is gonna be seeing the the
band again so I have to chase other rock n roll sickness till I
myself have any Crue related live activities again. The American
boogie rock and that I love too. I so fucking love motor bike rock
and boogie rock like i cant ever begin to tell you. Georgia
Satellites are gonna be in Roskilde on feb. 9th I would love ot go.
Are you kidding. Have seen them so many times too they always bring
on a rocking evening making everyone forget about the stinky every
day bills and doings. Its sweet .really cool. Other than that I have
a lot of Backstreet Girls, rammstein and Weezer on these days. Still
the generation Swine album kicks my ass blue too. have not changed
that line of artists in the player for a good 10 days now... shit it
just hit me.. .and i have loved the crap every time I have had it
on. Well that gotta say something . The shit worls for me then dont
it? Lol...... yeah the satellites are cool. Igf you havent heard
them give it a chance a high blasting volume. Its insaine. Keep your
Hands to Yourself, and others they roll ....and I am on the
rollercoaster for sure. |
Not the only old school boogie beats coming, Krokus comes in
january too to this hell hole of a country.... hmmm should I go? |
I have follwed them to for a long long time decades. Buut well wewill
see. i am thinking about doing a try out for all the shit on here to be a
book in a couple of years is that a cool idea or? I cant quiet figure it out
but I like to try to get it done and set it up right and all... guess i have
to talk to someone that is in this sort of business I guess? What do you
think? I dont think the book of Paul Miles is extremely cool. I think I can
easerly do just as cool a book when it comesto creating an inside picture of
a dedicated dude. I have thought more and more about it and I think it could
be fun to at least try to look into and then throw a few tals together with
some possible interested companies.. maybe try to have a few talks and
possibilities under the belt till I decide weather or not its cool to go for
for real. And then maybe aim for a book at the end of the boys next world
tour... could be shitty cool. I would love it.
I have been going solo for a long kind of time now. Jesse is still more than
much with me just worlking 24 7 right now and that is just something needed
on his parts right now .. he returns i promise .. I am sure he sends all an
xmas wish and al lhere in the coming days too in his diary section!!! I will
be throwing my last diary posting on here on Friday morning I think. So
there will after that not be much else but holidays for my sake. Well untill
around the last Decemebr that is...I will return then and try to give it al
la good twist before new years. What are you al ldoing for the holidays? Me?
Hell if I know? Have really no plans this year what so ever. I think I am
gonna just follow the flow and be stupid!! Doesnt atke much for me to
fullfil that act! Lol.... 4 days to go and its decemebr 24th thats christmas
eve over here in denmark where my newly bathed ass is sitting...Its not at
all snowing or anything its about well close to 27 to 30 degrees (USA) here
.. not cold or winter at all. SUCKS!!! I miss snow. But cold and snow or not
a lot is going on in my Crue world and shit is still in the mail working its
way over from all corners of the globe. Insaine. lol. You get to see it all
in time as it goes up on here. One thing is for fucking sure. There is going
to be a damn hard drive on the Motley shit and buuys the first three months
of 2007. I have three HUGE (financial) deals that hopefully goes the way I
want it to. Its badass and pretty insaine. But its a must. I as of this
point dont have plans for any travellings this side of June next year. it
kills me and I am NOT sure I will be fine with it .. but lets just wait and
see what the stinker called life brings and offers this old fart.
My space - online the site that is (you can find ours othrough the link
www.mcrueloyalty.com check it .. on there the last couple of weeks I
have gotten so,me awesome new friends . hell a cuple of them are fucking
even tring to hook me up with something nasty!!! Auchh!!! You wanna have a
few clues to what and who they are? you try find them on there and hunt them
I gotta say there are a few hotties on there one I have seen makes me get
a third leg so easy. Another one is or should I say seems to be thesweetests
of the sweet and I will try to get in better contact with her and that
is not gonna be too easy I dont think. Well again never say never. We will
see. I truely hope thing will turn out cool and that all will be going the
best way possible. Its just a hard hard time to get things on that front in
focus. If you know what I mean? No? Then never mind. Doesnt matter to anyone
other than the fucker posting anyway!!! But the My Soace of the MCrueLoyalty
is highly vicited thats pretty cool. A lot of people have asked about all
kinds of things. its cool. A lot of new people have seen the sites too.
Nice. Always feel free to mail any of us in the contact section if you
wonder about anything. Cheers
Rocker DAVE NAVARRO is heading out with his
band PANIC CHANNEL in 2007 to support supergroup ROCK STAR SUPERNOVA.
Navarro hosted the TV talent contest to find a singer for TOMMY LEE and
GILBY CLARKE's new band earlier this year (06) and now he's touring with
them. The Panic Channel will support drummer Lee's new band on dates from 7
January (07) in Florida. So all you have to do is get the ticket for it all
if you wanna go see these fucks. So ... till next time on Friday.. be bad ..
sick fucks I know tyou will be ...
18th of december 200SIXX,
3:34PM CET
So this is the last week before the Christmas days knocks on all of our
doors!!! Well for most of us anyways. I sat yesterday with a dude, fucking
almost in theraphy about my ways of collecting and all. It was just like 99%
of all other talks to different people. He just could not understand either.
I post this cause the more I talk to people, the more I understand how
unreal I live my life and how unreal I set my limits. All I truely want is
my Motley life and collection to top my dreams nothing more nothing less. I
do how ever miss the female in my life. But I just see it like.. being
around her every day its doomed to kill my passion or (more likely) what I
have several experiences with, it will kill her and the relationship. I need
to find one that ... and that is not gonna happen in a life time. But this
collecting and heart felt honest and very open talk about my Motley life is
for me like living in a fairytale. Its an adventure unlike anything else!! I
am constantly on the edge of turning myself ill and shit cause I spend all
thats got anything to do with finances on ... you know what!! I begin to
have a home that seriously need to have everything from A to Z replaced for
something new. TV, Stereo, Bed, Furnitures and .. damn man you name it.....
But I dont. I have a good while ago stpped believing in a ton of things so I
dive deeper and deeper into the universe of what I do on this matter. Isnt
it wonderful? Yet shit scary??!!!!!
I wanna prove to myself certain dreams can still be turned into reality.
Its not many I have had going that way with in my life. Its actually, when I
think of it, all been about music in some way or another. In every other way
it just has not been going my way. And my life has now been lived so long I
have stopped believing in chances and shit for other things outside my
musical life to come true. I just dont believe it. But dont wanna course I
know what its gonna go to me. I am living a life with no, absolutely no
social life anymore. No sex, no bettering in the apartment, no small every
now and then little doings that could bring me something thats non Crue
related. I do all this as if I was walking towards the only place I dont
wanna go to yet HAVE to, cause its needed and its honest. Its who I am. How
fucking sad is that? You tell me.....Its pretty sad. But what happens when I
say its all the way through HEARTFELT - HONEST - and no BULL? You get
stunned dont you? Hell even I do when I analyze it like this. I can get a
little bit scared. Its aweful to think about it. I am fucking 40 now and its
still not a hobby and still not a thing that I feel Im done with. Next to
this Crue living all I am actually looking forward to ... well you dont
wanna know. Or at least I should not tell thats for sure. You would think of
me as a phyco and we cant have that now can we?? Fuck no!! lol lol...or
maybe you already do?
here in europe a lot of us still talks about the fall tour seen with
Aerosmith. My feeling is a lot of Americans dont agree and see it the way
the press in the United States have said about the Motleys in the reviews.
We do!! We the europeans .. or at least a lot of us it seems. Have so far
talked to 9 people and 7 of them said it was not something to go apeshit
about in a positive way. The final shows were something i should have
thought would be cool and all. But look at these reviews too. They dont
really say too cool things about the Hollywood boys. Now its pretty silent
as said only Tommy and Nikki instore apperences for their respective
clothing lines and then Supernova hits the road in a good two weeks. There
is a "new" Supernova fan site up and running if any should have that kind of
Saddledome, Calgary - December
11, 2006
Rock train keeps a-rollin'
CALGARY - They may have been billed as co-headliners, but the main
attraction at last night's Route of All Evil show was definitely Aerosmith,
not Motley Crue.headliners, but the main attraction at last night's Route of
All Evil show was definitely Aerosmith, not Motley Crue. While both bands
brought their A-Game to the 'Dome, the Crue came off as a bunch of junior
high boys, throwing a rockin' party for their equally immature pals,
compared to Aerosmith's much more professional and toned-down set. Motley
Crue showcased its usual bag of rock show cliches -- massive explosions,
showers of sparks, tons of smoke and a couple voluptuous women in cages
suspended above the stage. Video screens glowing with disturbing images of
more of the same ol' situation -- scantily clad ladies in bondage gear, fire
and an array of devils including George Bush -- added to the locker room
feel of the 75-minute gig. Fad? In a way, but it was no surprise that these
boys, who celebrated Nikki Sixx's 48th birthday last night, still haven't
grown up. Even less shocking was the band's set list, which ran much like it
did in the '80s, the '90s, when they were here twice in the summer of 2005,
when Vince Neil played Cowboys during Stampede and so on. Dr. Feelgood,
Don't Go Away Mad and Kickstart My Heart and their anthem Girls, Girls,
Girls were the obvious crowd favourites. But in terms of performance, the
highlight was definitely Home Sweet Home, which featured an acrobat hanging
from silk panels twisting and turning. The band was tight -- Tommy Lee
ripped on drums, Sixx was even more impressive on bass and the walking
corpse that is Mick Mars looked -- dare we say it? -- lively. The power of
singer Vince Neil's vocal delivery was a far cry from what it used to be,
and at times he seemed to forget the words. Not that it mattered much to the
sold-out crowd, which savoured every cheesy moment the masters of '80s hair
metal threw at them, including smashing a guitar. Considering all of this,
it was odd the Crue went out of its way not to be seen. Between the constant
smoke and lights pointing at the crowd, it may well have been impersonators
onstage. We know all too well what you look like, Tommy Lee. Aerosmith
didn't rely on the special effects and side shows, opting instead to focus
on Steven Tyler's voice and charisma.
Chantal Eustace, Vancouver Sun December 14,
Motley Crue, Aerosmith deliver an
explosive spectacle
Motley Crue - also known as the opening act for Aerosmith on their
extensive Route of All Evil Tour - put on a smutty, raunchy, tacky and
positively explosive spectacle. The animalistic, ‘80s hairspray metal band
was so bad that it was good. (And it was so good that it was a tough act to
follow.) R-rated video screens illustrated lyrics that would be better off
left to the imagination. A chorus of vampy burlesque dancers of undefined
genders hammed it up to the Crue’s trashy-but-catchy anthem, Girls, Girls,
Girls. And when things seemed to be calming down, they’d throw in a wall or
two of fire so hot waves resonated through the stunned crowd like in the
song, Shout at the Devil. It was totally out of control. The crowd seemed to
buy it too. Cougars with thongs peeking from low-slung jeans, 20-somethings
in vintage concert tees, boomers in leather jackets and tweens with dark
eyeliner all suffered the cochlear attack with arms pounding overhead. And
when things felt too crazy, the veteran rockers - Nikki Sixx, Vince Neil,
Mick Mars and Tommy Lee - just kept going. It was the same old situation
with their banter too. At one point they told us to grab our "nuts" or "titties."
Lee or Neil dropped f-bombs between almost every song and sometimes during.
And Neil waxed poetic on the year they spent in what he calls “V-town,” when
they recorded Dr. Feelgood in 1989 with producer Bob Rock. Next door,
Aerosmith was busy recording Pump. That was the first time the two bands
collided in this city. In the midst of the Crue’s heyday of sex, drugs, car
crashes, prison and more drugs, they have fond memories of Vancouver. “We’ve
spent a lot of time up here. We spent a year up here. It’s sort of like a
second home to us here,” Neil says to the cheering fans. “Vancouver. I just
like how that sounds Van-f*cking-couver.” After a few more gut blender
tunes, Neil tells the crowd: “The relationship we have with Aerosmith goes
way back. We really f*ckin’ bonded together when we were here in Vancouver”
(During that time, both groups reportedly even shared the same counselor,
Bob Timmons, according to the book, The Dirt: Confessions of the World's
Most Notorious Rock Band.) The Crue also enjoyed the Vancouver’s exotic
dancers, Neil says, and the song, Same Old Situation, was even inspired by a
local stripper who dumped one of the band members. Things wrap up on a
boisterous note with some cheerleader tactics – a vocal ping-pong challenge
with the words Motley Crue - led by Tommy Lee, who also passes a bottle of
Jagermeister to the crowd. He tells us: “Goodnight F*ckers.” So with all
the shock and awe of the notorious Crue – all the ruckus, pomp and commotion
caused by the big-haired brats - Aerosmith’s performance seemed a little
clean cut. A little sanitized. A little quiet at first. That doesn’t mean
Steven Tyler didn’t slink around the stage stunning us with his fit
50-something physique and big-lipped, vocal acrobatics or that Joe Perry’s
fingers didn’t singe guitar after guitar. It doesn’t mean that Joey Kramer
didn’t pulverize the drums while Brad Whitford’s fast fingers kept tune on
lead guitar. Because they did. The rockers were sensational. Instead of
gimmicky devices like flame guns and hairspray, they focused on good, solid
music. Nikki Sixx band-hopped into the set for a cameo in a rock version of
Helter Skelter where Tyler added signature screams and raspy vocals. Perry
mixed in some raw, bluesy riffs in their solid version of Baby Please Don’t
The Leader-Post December 14, 2006
Aerosmith isn't a Motley bunch
Published: Thursday, CALGARY -- It was hard not to wonder if
slightly long-in-the-tooth arena rockers Aerosmith were still a formidable
live band, or it just seemed so because they followed Motley Crue during the
pairing's double headline bill at the Pengrowth Saddledome on Monday night.
Billed as the Route Of All Evil tour, Motley's harshest evil is on that of
unplugged ears. Wailing like a wounded moose, Vince Neil remains one of the
lousiest live singers in rock, and his cohorts Nikki Sixx, Mick Mars and the
infamous Tommy Lee (the fourth and fifth member of the band) remain the
loosest live band in '80s metal. Still one has to marvel: After all, never
has anyone gone so far for so long with so little. For those of you who
attended the group's headlining show at the Brandt Centre earlier this year
. . . it wasn't an off night. The Crue is nothing if not consistent in their
supreme lousiness. On the last night of two years on the road. the group's
finale was more welcome than Cher's final show of her third Farewell tour.
Aerosmith? Different deal altogether. The Beantown heroes led by the former
toxic twins of rock and roll, Steven Tyler and Joe Perry, are a real rock
band -- a musical abnormality during the latter days of calendar year 2006.
A lot of Crue minded people may have thought that at least Sixx would
have participated in the new coming release of: "Six-String Masterpieces:
The Dimebag Darrell Art Tribute" but he isnt. Rather Ozzy Osbourne (BLACK
SABBATH) and Ace Frehley (KISS) are among the latest artists who have signed
on to participate in the "Six-String Masterpieces: The Dimebag Darrell Art
Tribute" — the art exhibit of guitars that have been hand-painted,
illustrated and sculpted by top rockers and modern artists in tribute to one
of the most influential metal guitarists of all-time, "Dimebag" Darrell
Abbott of DAMAGEPLAN and PANTERA. Over the next two months, look for new
Dean ML guitars painted by: Ozzy Osbourne, Ace Frehley (KISS), Al Jourgensen
(MINISTRY), Dean Karr (award-winning video director, photographer), Paul
Cristina Scabbia (LACUNA COIL), Alex Grey (legendary psychedelic artist),
Billy Gibbons (ZZ TOP), Leslie West (MOUNTAIN), Jamie Jasta (HATEBREED),
Aaron Lewis (STAIND)!!
A new eBay auction from the people behind the Texan Crue fest (as far
as I have understood it) have made and got it Vince sigend the Skylar
OF A KIND 3" x 4" custom leather and vinyl handmade tapestry was created by
designer Kevin Sockwell of
American Drag Seats for CrueFest Texas.
It is being offered at auction and all monies raised will benefit the Skylar
Neil Memorial Foundation. Skylar is Vince Neils's daughter who died of
cancer at age four.This tapestry was personally autographed by Vince Neil at
a private meeting before his concert in Dallas on November 15, 2006.
Guaranteed authentic. I took the pics and the model is my daughter.Original
artwork has been autographed by the designer and will be included in this
auction. The art is of the tattoo Vince has on his chest in rmemory of
Skylar. This tapestry is the only one of its kind a true collectors item.
About CrueFest.
CrueFest Texas
June 16, 2007 at The Firewater, Dallas. "A Tribute to the
past...to benefit the future!" Music fans organized Crüefest - a music event
to benefit charity. An event inspired by good-will and the uncensored energy
that Motley Crüe's music embodies. Since its inception in 2001, Crüefest has
grown in audience attendance, musician participation, and dollars raised to
benefit cancer research. Crüefest grows every year because of the dedication
of organizers, sponsors, artists, and fans who plan, donate, and travel to
make it happen. Proceeds from Crüefest Tëxas will go to the Skylar Neil
Memorial Fund for Cancer Research. Skylar Neil is the daughter of Vince Neil
(lead singer of Mötley Crüe) who's battle with cancer resulted in her death
at age four. Event supporters share their money for a great cause at
Crüefest, and artists donate their talent and time. We all share love and
verve for every one of us whose lives have been transformed by experiences
with fatal illness. Crüefest's continued success is testament to the
strength and lasting power of the glam-metal-punk-rock phenomenon. Musicians
under this wide and vibrant influence are recruiting the next generation of
fans with every show. We at Crüefest know we are partly responsible for
fueling the momentum of this edgy musical alliance.CrüeFest Tëxas will be
held at The amazing Firewater Bar & Grill and is a 21+ venue.
Okay I guess a couple more diaries are gonna come up on here before
christmas day so..... talk to you all later friends...
Chill!!!! Tx
16th of December 200SIXX,
9:15PM CET
Thats Right, After We Had the Site Removed We
Received alot of Emails Asking For Its Return and Alot of People Were
Missing The Site,So Back by Popular Demand Here it is..I Couldn't
Recover Alot of Are old Content Like Bios,Discography,Ect,Not Sure if
Thats Coming back or Not...If Anyone Has a Request That they Would Like
to See on this Website please Contact Administration...Unlike Motley.Com
This Website is Run for the fans And by the fans.You Can Become a Member
of HitSquad by Joining Are Forum..Are Forum is a No Holds Barred Arena
Similar to that of Metal Sludge!Our moderators do not play favorites or
reply to whining requests to ban this person or that person! It's a very
Motley place so enter at your own risk!
Does any of you guys know this mutha fucker?
www.motleycruehitsquad.com ? No?? Well
you should check it out. Its pretty cool. beem away fom the world wide web
for a while.. but its on a return now and its hopefully here to stay this
time. I like it. Got this in my inbox a good 45 mins ago "Sup
Bro,Rude From HitSquad here...Just letting you Know i brought the Site
Back...Went through some hard times and had to let it go awhile... "
Guess what I said? "hell yeah brother .. back in business..." I think a few
actually very few fans real and loyal honest dedicated fans are making their
whereabouts go public. We have not much else than the god almighty Paul
Miles in Aussie land and the official site(s)!!! So to hear this was on
return made me smile. Welcome brother hope you stay arounf this time. Check
it out brothers andsisters this bad dude even holds the respect and love
for us sick fucks on loyalty.dk enoough to have us added as the featured
website on his!!! THANKS A TON BRO!!! Respect.
Here is a new auction that is up and around I would so love
to get this baby...
MOTLEY CRUE received aplatinum award from
the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for the
sales of "Decade of Decadence.” RIAA awards (most commonly
known as “gold record” and “platinum record” awards) are given
to the artists for their sales achievements (a million copies
sold merits a Platinum Award), and beautiful presentation
plaques are traditionally given to music industry executives who
the artists choose as instrumental in their success. You are
bidding on a 100% official, beautifully presented RIAA platinum
presentation plaque. The award was given to a high-level
executive at MTV, who has generously donated this one-of-a-kind
item to the Bid 2 Beat AIDS auction. There is also an
acknowledgment of more than 50,000 sales of the home video for
the album. The plaque is accompanied by a Certificate of
Authenticity. The executive who originally received the plaque
has personally signed the Certificate of Authenticity.
Proceeds from this
auction will benefit LIFEbeat - The Music Industry Fights AIDS
is a national non-profit organization dedicated to reaching
America’s youth with the message of HIV/AIDS prevention.
LIFEbeat mobilizes the talents and resources of the music
industry to raise awareness and funds, and to provide support to
the AIDS community. For more info on LIFEbeat check out
Some concert venues and companies have had European talks about Supernova
should they
think of fulfilling the rumored tour 2007. Some have even said they
dont want the band to play there course its (in short) bad shit. Auchh!! I
cant believe it and especially not in these days where everything that
brings in money normally is signed up for!!! Ohh well, not of my interests
anyway. This is only short - quiet short there is a tiny work on the
sitetomorrow as the webmaster and myself are gonan sit together for some
hours and go some things through!! We will see what the end of the day will
bring out. I think it could be rather interesting if cwe should come up with
some new ideas or something. And I guess yo ucan check that out Monday maybe
or Tuesday.... As said yesterdya in the world of the band itself after the
now ended tour nothing is really ahppening. ONly things up and running were
mentioned in the posting on here yesterday. Actually Tommy is in a promo
instore in a good 5 hours from now in Cal. The MÖTLEY CRÜE drummer Tommy Lee
will appear at Nordstrom South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa, CA today, December
16 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., in the Savvy department. Tommy Lee will be
appearing in support of his tattoo-inspired limited edition collection
"Peoples Liberation for Tommy Lee" (PL for TL), an exciting extension of
premium lifestyle brand People's Liberation. You'll take home a special gift
with your purchase from the line (one per customer, while supply lasts). For
more information, please see your favorite Savvy or The Rail sales associate.
The limited collection consists of premium denim, hooded sweatshirts, and
hats for both men and women. Deriving inspiration from Tommy's edgy tattoos
and personal artistic taste, the collection fuses modern tailoring with an
edgy, super sleek fit. Spreading his talents beyond the rock stage Tommy is
intimately involved in the creative direction of the collection from
graphics to fabrics to wash development. You go if you are near that ...If
not well tough!! im not going either (tease) lol... later freakos!!!
15th of December 200SIXX, End Of Tour N More
4:56PM CET
So the last date in the tour of the Aeroheas and Crueheads is
over. It has been a carreer cool feeling for Sixx. One of the
best three in hislife he sys? Well good for him. I did not like
it at all. Then again I am not the musician playing with my
heroes anyways so what the fuck. So NOW it has officially
begun. The silence. For a long time to come. Its over and done
with the massive merch release and the much worrying for many
what can be done about getting the money for the shows and all
thats available. Plus what to expect next since a lot of fans
thought the Crue were on a shitty path with the way things were
sounding and all on this fall outdoor touring. I am one of them.
I had many questions. I rarely got them answered. So it is a
huge undescribeable hard time to go through for someone like me.
In all honesty looking back I think it is actually amazing that
I got nothing taken away from me during that time. Meaning about
my passion. That it not loose a little bit. But now I know the
answer to that weird shit too. I am in too deap. I hold it too
close to my heart. Its stronger than a relationship between a
girl and myself. Or so it feels like. I have been asked about my
situation on that too. Well keep guessing folks. Thats just a
thing that is totally irrelavant to this posting for sure. While
sitting here the laundry and shit is spinning in the washing
machine and I am about to get a few daily ordinary and boring
stuff cleared out of the way. While doing that i remember back
as you can perhaps feel from above?
I think I am about as close to a highly risky move asI can
get in a financial sence that is. I love to do and get shit done
win some BAD WANTS to get added to my collection and I am still
ready as long as I am not taking anyone with me (family,
girlfriend and others) I am willing to really risk all I own for
things I really want so its cool. Or not... depends on who you
ask. Aks me and I say "Sure....Ill give it all up for these
items you offer me" Ask anyone else they would say "The T dude
is insaine. he is givin up STILL all his fucking belongings and
risking health and life greats for dead shit to own that more
than likely only goes in to a box in a corner of a room in his
appartment" You figure it out. I gave up a long time ago ...
just stopped to focus on what it is all about for me.ANd trust
me that takes a monsterous bite out of me too. My grave stone
should read "LOYAL CRUEHEAD" only!!! Fuck name dates and all..
just that. I have a line of shit to get handled over winter and
hopefully get over my huge America dissapointments and all. I
only want not to get another job work like an ant (HARD LONG)
and get huge paychecks to get huge collectibles and then not
much else untill summer 2007. Sounds boring? nahh its all cool.
I know why I do it or would do it if I found a job. Trust me!!!
In the meantime while I go take a piss you cam have fun with the
latest official diary note from SIXX;
"December 14th, 2006
Now another thing I think is fucking awesome to have had is the now upfor
auction FAMILY SIGNED Gene Simmons Collectors box of "Family Jewels"
Would have loved to have that one. But not fucking paying the bucks its up at,
350 plus dollars with still 5 days to go. Give me a fucking break. Yet still
cool I admit that. Shit just read the text to go with the auctions. Yes there
are a few of these babies set up:
"You are bidding on a rare
AUTOGRAPHED Collector's Edition DVD set for the 2006 A&E real-life
series Gene Simmons Family Jewels. Take an unprecedented look into the
life of a rock-n-roll icon. Includes a must-have for any Gene Simmons
or KISS fan - two previously unreleased, never-before-heard songs from
Gene! Only TEN sets have been signed and made
available for auctions to benefit the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS
Rare AUTOGRAPHED Collector's Edition 3PK DVD set for A&E’s Gene
Simmons Family Jewels.
One of only TEN kits signed by Gene Simmons for benefit auctions.
Signed by the entire Simmons Family, including Gene, Shannon, Nick, &
Sophie. |
3 DVD's / 385+ Minutes Includes two previously unreleased,
never-before-heard songs from Gene.
Faux leather hard-bound photo album with family photos and captions written by
Halleluja!!!! No I will not get that one. Will get
the boxset though .. yet again not till next year. Sadly. Its coming to
Corinna as the last thing this year I guess before her moving and all.
Out of the bible belt headng to California. Now.. another eBay auction
is up. cant really think of the seller from the ID but it says "Heavy
solid silver necklace custom made for Nikki Sixx with Motley Crue logo
and skull-engraved with Nikki Sixx's name under skull."
Has a 15.000 dollars amount starter.. FUCK!!!! Thats a line of cash
there baby. No, dont think this will sell. It could easerly be SIXX
himself seling from one small detail only. How ever I cant tell you
which!! There have been a lot of Sixx auctions on the net over the last
year and a half. I guess there have been some things out there from his
house that are paid good money for and other shit that to me in mymind
has not been worth half the amount they sold for. There will be more. no
doubt about it. 2007 returns with more auctions. I guess a lot of things
now have found their ways to hapy fans. Some winners of these things are
truely idiots in my mind treating their shit so very bad its fucking
ripping my heart out. But who and what the fuck am I to judge others on
theeir hard earned money theyspend on these things? its sick. But thats
just my opinon. Okay thats about it for me this Friday evening. I have a
good load of things to do this weekend so .....
I may not fully return till sometime next week. But there should be
stuff done on the site(s) on Sunday. Just dont know how much just yet.
Keep it clean my friends. Dont do things I wouldnt do... then again that
isnt much!!! Also be careful what you wish for it may come true. Hell
yeah.....Your dude ... the dane!! |
14th of December 200SIXX, More Gold From the Past
4:45PM CET
Thursday, a weird kind of day in many ways. here goes a list ,.. I have
started getting sick again. Fucking shit!! The computer has something shitty
I cant get rid of. Corinna mailed me this morning saying "we wont talk chat
or nothing unless there is something on mind and we do it by phone course
the moving and a lot of xtra work will keep me busy off of time to do things
for you and off of the PC." So thats the first time in 2 years we have this
kind of situation. So weird... once you get used to something you really
appreciate it truely is hard to let it go when it still means something to
you and you still in one way or another care for what ever it is. just weird.
Plus I also have started some contact to one near Copenhagen and there is PC
trouble and illness there too so we wont talk for some time either .. man
feels like waking up on the wrong side of bed. Not at all attractive.
On a good note.. the dude from the past Michael from Coffmann and
Coffmann have mailed more answers and I am for all truely greatful. This is
a dude I wish I had known way earlier and been way closer with!!! Ohh well I
am scum and I have no other choice than to say this is what it is and I
shall just bow say thank you and appreciate his liking of my ass. Not
litterally though. I think he likes me. I might be some what different than
most fans and he can sence it. he told me ones anyway. Are you ready for
more golden eggs and stories from the man who lived the shit we all only
dream off?
Here it goes;
Tommy: Did you never get close to try
look the band up again in 82 or something and work with them again?
Not really. Shortly after I quit there was the ill-fated Canadian
tour, then the Electra signing, then Coffman's firing and the Santa Monica
Civic show where they met Doc McGee.
Looking back if I had any brains at the time I should have contacted
McGee and basically asked for a job. That probably would have been easy. It
wouldn't have even been a matter of money as I was doing pretty well at the
time with other things. The guys would have vouched for me and from what
I've read/seen about him, McGee and I would probably have gotten along well.
(Never met him)
Tommy: It seems you wanted and
certain band members wanted what KISS had and was all about back then - is
that true?
Let's put it this way... Fourth of July is my favorite holiday. (Next
to Halloween of course) I love fireworks and a SHOW. I feel if people pay
their hard-earned money for a concert ticket they deserve their money's
worth. A spectacle, not just four or five guys standing on stage in jeans
and flannel shirts playing music (unless they're the Eagles or a similar
band). Motley gave the crowd that spectacle even in the early club days with
lighing and costumes but when I was pushing for pyro Nikki kept nixing (no
pun intended) it as he said 'If we can't do it 110% right we're not going to
do it at all. We're getting too many KISS comparisons as it is.' All we ever
had during my involvement was the stageing (Tommy's riser, the amp scrims,
etc) some fog and strobe lights. As usual, Nikki was right. W.A.S.P. did it
back in the day and in retrospect, especially after the Great White fire I'm
amazed I'm still alive. Youtube.com some early W.A.S.P. videos at the
Troubadour and you'll see what I mean.
Tommy: As you started Shamrock did
you ever hope Crue would come in??
Actually yes. Tommy was the only one who ever came in, always with
Althena Flynt, Hustler magazine publishers wife. Great lady with a bad
habit. To this day I believe she was the one that turned the guys on to the
needle. She liked her little rocker boys (and girls)
Tommy: You have been there for all
the big Hollywood bands before they made it. Why did you not start working
with GNR?
It just was in between the lines that something awesome between you could
have been?
In between the lines is a good way of putting it.
Tommy: As of today 2006 do you have
any contact with any of these bands and members?
Only Tommy and that was three years ago when I ran into him at the
Rainbow. It was the same day that the Malibu Judge released him from his
successful probation (It was on the evening TV news) for hitting Pam.
Details in the book, it was very friendly yet brief. For what it's worth
that night he was squeekly clean and sober, just drinking soda. Tommy's a
good guy, just never grew up I guess. LOL.
Tommy: Did you after all this hoola hoop continue to do drugs?
Yes and no. I was never that into drugs, never an addict. Maybe a line
or two at night. I kinda gravitated to my old crowd of friends which was
different from the music folks, but there was a heavy coke (don't laugh,
high end disco clubs) scene there too which I can't say I didn't enjoy on a
limited basis. Fun while it lasted, I haven't even seen the stuff in fifteen
years. (Well, there was that one time LOL) I don't even drink hard booze
anymore, just wine.
Tommy: What do you know about the
Nikki childhood.. .what did he tell you? What was he willing to talk about?
One thing comes to mind. Apparently he lived with his Mother (Grandmother?)
in a public welfare apartment complex in Seattle, Washington. He would watch
this neighbor kid who was retarded spend hours each day on the community
playground riding the merry-go-round. Hence the inspiration for the song
years later.
Tommy: what back then was perpaps
each Crue members biggest secrets?
Not a secret, but a funny story Nikki once told me. It was Halloween
night in Hollywood and they had been partying at the Rainbow and Whiskey for
hours. As hundreds of people in costumes paraded the Strip, Nikki passed out
in the gutter by Tower Records. When he came to, he looked up and saw ghouls
and devils and all sorts of weird shit and thought 'Oh my God, I've died and
gone to Hell.' Then he remembered that it was Halloween. LOL.
There you go my friends more gold from a man
in action. Thanks again Michael..its seriously awesome and the
memotries you have and a trip down your own memorylane with all
the shit I throw at you dude. Thanks a lot for the constant
doing sharing and all. It is this coming weekend also gonna be
written in stone if I will get the Nikki Sixx Heroin photoshoot
used boots Sixx was givin from Donna. Love to have em and try to
get em signed sometime too. Its all awesome. There are a few
things in the mail these days too. And there have arrived some
few things too. Not gonna add those till I have a little more
thats already in the mail so I let you all in on that what it is
and when that happens later on alright? Thanks. |
I am also hoping for things to not fuck up for me on the matter of
getting the late Decemebr and January things looked in on. I am trying to
sit back most possible and not really do too much hasty shit so things can
become bad lol. Seriously I hope things are al lcool as this year rings
out.. Talk to you later my dear freaks...To all my missed ones out there I
dont get to see much these days .. I miss the crap out of you and I hope you
havent fully forgotten about me either.... If so sit on it and pump it
bastards.. lol lol lol. Your hopeless T.
13th of December 200SIXX, Crue Birth From
Satans Ass Of Salt Lake
3:48PM CET
While the attitude of attitudes rolls out the loudspeaker on a wednesday
afternoon home in the devils backyard of this shitty hell hole of a town I
get to meet new shit stinky cool fucks every week. Latest sexy "sixxety" of
satans smeely ass of a dump town in Salt Lake US. For fuck sake I meet these
shit cool people all over and the next thing would have to be me getting one
of them for more private involvement. I can not go with a so called ordinary.
Or canI? I have tried it before doesnt work. Then as they are all ruled out
the rest are kind of nutty and really doesnt work either. I have in the end
as it is right now my musical passion ONLY as a steady thing in my life. So
the other dream just has to wait a while again.. But "Sixxety" has started a
new MySpace page today and she is gonna refine and work on it for some time
to come .. pretty neat. You gotta check it out. To get a short and quick
inside look on what she is all about in the Crue world here are a few things
"Sixxety" said about her Cruecial visions and wants. Here is a little
something on it from the girl herself; "WELL MY MOM GOT ME INTO THE CRUE AND
How did you react to Crue firt time you
hard them?
What is so cool about them for you?
Fave member - why? NIKKI FUCKING SIXX
TALENTED ALL TOGETHER Fave album - songs? Why?
How are Crue givin you something in your every day life?
cool about the band now 2006? THEY KEEP
Anything you would like to see them do they havent done?
Your best Crue memory? HAVEN'T
Your biggest Crue dream? JUST MEET THE CRUE
Having any Crue fans bonds that are special to you and why?
There you have it .Hell maybe we shoould ad a new section on here and
start doing something new like ones a month or something post a lill
something on a fan every now and then to let what its all about be the
center of attraction? What you think? Could be something cool!!! Let me give
that a thought or two and tqalk it over with my staff folks lol!! I ahve a
few new things that have almost been made promises to me too pretty cool.
Looks like I am now getting the merch from the June RockFest 2006 with Crue
headlining the Saturday bill. Thats rather cool I ahve tried without luck
for a long long time now to get just something from that event but no luck
for so many months. Its insaine. I also have some other various shit coming
already!! Its like christmas but sadly self paid and financed a long way ...
so the only people that find it to be really christmas with my name attached
would be the bank. Ohh dear not going there. Long and sad stories ... have
enough of them just watch the bloody news. Its all bad and negative. why?
Well I tell you why!! Thats how we are put together dudes or rather thats
what we have become .... the human race is not interested in nice little
every day sunny news stories. But tragic actions murder and natural
disassters are highly wanted .Blod and shit uhhh we swallow it then!! Its a
sick minded generation of people that have the globe in their stinky little
hands these days. SICK!!!
I have also today gotten a note of the much wanted thing
being backdrop and curtains from OOOOLLLLLDDDDD tours. I seem to
be the one to add it to my personal collection in 2007 at sme
time. FUCK ME!!!
And do it HARD!!! Good and long!!!!! God damn it . have no
word what so ever for that little something. Just all over
fucking exstatic about the idea that all of a sudden now its a
far, far safer and more SURE THING
its gonna be mine. Now only one ingredience to go... MONEY
baby!!!! And lots of it. Another thing is a package from THE MAN
to work woth the band on tour .. no I will let him remain
nameless...... a package deal there is gonna be up and on too!!!
Shit cool stuff coming from there too... cant wait to see this
shit coming!!! Its gonna go to a US address for a starter as the
shipping taxes and shit would kill this one!! Further more there
are so many ideas and future plans for me about things. In the
name of Crue i have already booked most of 2007!!!! So heyyy
there you have it. now its only hard work for it all to happen.
Im cool with it. I gladly work for my shit to come true. There
are a good few things thats been added this week already too...
as always you get the latest in the top rolling banner and the
little NEWS stars next to each section on the frnt pages... just
click the links and you get right to it all.
Hell its gonna be a rough and well packed year too. Not too
much travelling i dont think. but a lot of addings gaining and
changes in my filthy little shitty excistence called LIFE!!!!
Its gonna be a road that will test my ass like it hasnt been in
ages. There just has to be found some ways to create energy,
possibilities and cash!!! The will the suffering and the other
shitty needed ingrediences are there and they are ready to used.
You all know me. I live this shit and I am gonna die before its
taken away from me too. One thing that is not really worked on
yet is gonna come under my wings next year too. New ass, new
bitch, new toy, new jummi dummy!!!!! Like this here that is so
far not even out of this world. Look at this fucking ass and (I
know tyou cant see really) the legs on this baby is insaine. I
have officially turned MAN!!! I dont give a fuck ... hate me if
you like. I loose nothing .this dool is amking any living man
from 12 to 80 sit back with a hard on!!! Fuck sencorship. Tell
it like it is. Thats an ass and legs that just hmmm...
Next up dinner here, and then back to next step on all ongoing
deals... Your personal hell boy!!!
Txx |
12th of December 200SIXX, Im Going Up Not
Coming Down
3:32PM CET
So the bastard turned one summer older.
Fucker Sixx just wont die now will he? Hell never mind we love
him ... most of the time .lol, lol sorry Sixxdog you fucker. I
sit here with a good feeling on a Tuesday afternoon its been a
few good days and I have more or less isolated myself from the
world after working hours due to gain focus and energy to what
ever comes next. One person in particulor or it would be fair to
say TWO .... have been givon me that extra little nicely felt
something. First and foremost my partner in crime Jesse.... yeah
thats right!! He and I have talked like shitty little horny punk
ass kids these past few days. He is up to his neck in work thats
awesome for him I guess. Im pleased hearing this as he has had
enough bullshit running his way lately. Great to hear dude. Just
nothing like good times and positive energy. And you have gotten
that back I think I can say right? I`ve missed his stinky bad
ass smartness. We are so bad together its gonna be a dangerous
something when we next year hit a night out together...we have
already agreed and promised one another to get a CRUELOYALTY
tattoo together tying the life long bond between us together for
life. Its gonna be cool. So year next June its gonna be done.
The inked brothers ...nahh just kidding .. then again I guess we
are .. love the fucker to death!!!
The other one thats been making my days these past few is
from a shitty little hell hole like mine in Denmark called Koege!!!
Lena, so far thanks for some really nice talking and great vibes
back and forth. You have made the every day living a little more
fun. Youre too cool for ... well.... hmm!!! I hope the coming
times will still hold this something thats there. Wonder whats
gonna happen. But for sure, you are one of the rare. You just
hold some really awesome thoughts, opinions and ideas bout
things in life. Thats pretty fucking cool. lol... how odd "FIND
MYSELF" just started on my PC thats set to shuffle mode. A sign?
Well... if you believe in that crap. I believe this coming year
for me will see new things if I want it bad enough. I have a
mission or two and they are all holding things that could be a
bright nicely appreciated future after all.. woops did I say
that? Well, thanks Lena its awesome!!! Youre one in million in
many ways, end of story! |
I did not really cellebrate the hero´s b-day too much yesterday!! Could
have been stronger but the music was on repeat shuffle mode so all the
tunes blasted to their tribute to the 4 stringer. Hope you had a good
day Sixxter. A miracle that nothing bad has happend to the band yet...
two years on and still alright in the bonds across the four rockers.
Nice to see. Now its an end for the tour and then up next comes Tommy`s
Supernova crap. I am sorry dude but I just dont like it. Hate Lukas`
voice and I think the music on the CD is non revolutionary and will
quickly pass into the forgotten and not really being appreciated. I give
it 8 months and then no more unless suprising new things comes to
On a more cooler note my old great pal buddy n highly appreciated
rock n roll creature Michael whom you may know as being the right hand
partner in and with the Coffmann Management in the early Crue days.
I have every now and then sent him questions and here are more with his
replies received today!! I have before posted some questions and
answers in on here and here comes a few more.. happy reading he is
surely one with the coolest knowledge in the RNR book of hair shit
Tommy:The history
books on Motley Crue has it that Mick was one staying pretty
much for himself. Did you never have anything with him?
Well, Mick was surely the 'quiet one' not unlike
George Harrison of the Beatles. He didn't have much to say
often times, but when he did open his mouth,
he actually said something if you
know what I mean. I think it had a lot to do with his age,
being older as well as his experience. He did to stay away
from the Hollywood scene more than the other three, not
entirely, but lived in the Marina area with his then
girlfriend. If I recall correctly, most of his friends were
bikers that he had met when he worked in a Harley shop
rather than other musicians.
Interesting triva. My friend Bruce lived in the
same condo building as Mick (after Shout was released)
Bruce couldn't get his bike started one day in the garage
and Mick, who he only knew to speak as a neighbor found the
problem, a clogged fuel line I think and got him rollin'.
Sounds like the "Motley house" was a place that was the
frames for a lot of dirt. Of interest in their carreer and
health why did you never say STOP to their thing they did.
Drugs booze and all?
Well Alan did. At least until he himself became
involved with the 'scene.' Mostly alcohol on Coffman's part
but I've recently heard that he partook of coke too.
I never saw it but it's possible. Remember in the
book where Alan had the roadies beat the shit out of the
boys dealer? That was in the VERY early days of Motley
Tommy: Ever
had a talk to Nikki and them boys about the Wishbone Ash
support of Europe? What did they say?
Not really,
just that night at the resturant. I think that things
had gone so far downhill between Coffman and the guys at
that point they had a 'I'll believe it when I see it'
type attitude.
Was it a try to win trust of points again that Alan
offered this Europe tour you think?
Absolutely. Although in fairness I truly believe that
Alan thought it was going to happen.
Tommy: When
did you hear Motley starting to talk about not being
happy with Alan?
When Alan
stopped showing up for rehersals at SIR studios and
later it escalated when Nikki was in jail and Alan was
nowhere to be found. (He was banging that fat-ass DJ)
The it got much worse that New Years Eve at the
Troubadour with David Lee Roth.
The thing
with Greenworld was that the best move for the band back
then you think looking back?
Without a doubt. Greenworld was a good
Company, good people. They had done well with Missing
Persons and as far as I knew were very honest with us in
the sales/accounting reports. Too bad they went out of
business a few years later. Having said that, remember
that the Greenworld deal was the only
deal at the time.
Tommy: So
you eventually did get paid all you were owed from the
Easy answer:
I didn't feel
too bad though a few years ago when I sold my last
un-opened copies of TFFL (original Leathur pressing)
some tee-shirts and a few other goodies on Ebay.
You were suprised that it ended up being Electra that
took the band. You mention it course they had diff. kind
of artists, were you worried the label would not do them
I felt that
Electra was signing them not because they thought they'd
be the next big thing, but just to keep other companies
from getting them. That happens (happened) a lot in the
business. Sign a band for a few dollars, keep them on
your roster, if something happens big great, if not, no
big loss. I couldn't see the Crue on the same label as
the Eagles, Linda Ronstat and Steely Dan. All great
artists of course, but Motley was certainly the first
real hard rock act in their stable. In retrospect
though, I was wrong. Electra did indeed put their full
resourses behind the band.
What label would you have liked to have seen taking
Warner Brothers.
Or better yet Capital. A few months after the Crue/Electra
signing Capital signed W.A.S.P. for more up-front money
(adjusted for inflation) than they paid the Beatles in
the '60s. Amazing, but the story goes that the top brass
felt W.A.S.P. was the new KISS.
place in the hills that Nikki wanted to meet some
specific girls (that had the drugs) with you at - think
it was a place that was located on the corner of some
place that had this long and tall stones made stairs up
to a huge house..
That's the
Who lived there. Or was it like the daughters of the
place? Who lived there? (I drove by there last month but
we could not park as there was heavy trafiic.. .so I
never saw it for real....)
That was
Houdini the famous magicians house. A
strange fire burned down the original large house fifty
or so years ago, all that's left are the stairs.
reading here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Houdini The
large home across the street was rumored to be a Satanic
cult 'boarding house' where people could come and study
the black arts.
I seem to remember (and I could be wrong, it
might have been someone else) that it was Nikki that
told me about it.
Thanks Michael for
this, so far another inside scoop for the site and my
knowledge and chapter to my Crue life....Thanks brother.
You`re one of kind. Awesome knowin you.
We (Michael and I ) are
both worried bout another dude in the californian area.
The old original member of the White Horse. If you re
not familiar with this band it is the pre-Crue band for
Mick Mars. This dude have had long, long time contacts
to Michael and far less but still appreciated contact
with me too. You see we have had silence from him for
many, many weeks now and are worried for his well being.
I will let you know more should I get to find out whats
going on there too brothers and sisters. Thanks.
We are getting things
in in the mail these days so smaller stuff will be added
here and there too... but the rolling top front page
banner tells you whats new and where to find it so....
Just keep coming back guys. Things will be going on n
off the rest of the year here!!! But a good few diaries
with thoughts and shit still to be published for you all
so you all can continue a travel through my Cruecial
nutty brains of mine. Can be one scary ride though lol
you have been warmned. no bullshit censorship here. Hell
no... its all attitude honesty, openness, stiff dick and
wet puss here. But thats the god damn way we love it...
ask Jesse if you dont believe me (dont blame me single
handedly!!!!) Now a toast to the loyal . cheers fuckers!!!
Your personal punk!!! Tommy
11th of Decemebr 2000SIXX, B-day Sinister
12:01AM CET
10th of December 200SIXX,
8:45AM CET
Sunday bloody
Sunday for ones its a nice bloody Sunday too. I am off today and it
feels awesome. I so need to relax and not do too much. Hoping for only
one thing today. Its a much thought about "Down Crue History lane" dvd I
like ot put together and get out there with all these special places
that they all lived at and did shit at and so on. The last 4 times i
have been to Hollywood and the Los Angeles area we have gone around and
done all kinds of things filmed and shot a lot of things. I think its
time these things got put together nicely for a cool finished thing. I
cant wait to have it in my hands ready for viewing too.
Crue is closing in in the last few
shows for this tour and this year and then its a long long silent time
for them beinga live band. Tomorrow is Nikki Sixx birthday and Corinna
as well. They will be live on stage then at "Pengrowth Saddledome" in
Calgary BC, Canada then. And on the 13th they end the tour at
"General Motors Place in Vancouver, Canada....So I guess a happy
birthday is in order for them both!! 31 and 48!!! There are not gonna be
any Tommy, Corinna adventures and crue ongoings for a long long time.
You see its a busy time financially and its a slow time when it comes to
activities to go to. There is the up n coming Supernova tour. But I
would not want to go. I still after such a long time dont like it. There
is the Tommy clothing line that he has and every now and then show up at
an instore for... not gonna collect that. Its a waste of money and
nothing special at all. Then there is the Sixx clothing line and he too
has his instore events here and there... havent really seen it all yet
but ists damn high prices and I am not going to hit America for just
that either. Then sometime next year is the new vince neil solo album
andhis solo tour. I am not gonna do that either I dont think?? But I am
not fully sure.He has an attitude as a solo artist that I dont
appreciate what so ever. So yeah in short myfeet are not gonna be over
ther for a long long time I dont think.
We ill see what
happens!! I still hope for the requested stuff to get positive
answers to about some buyings. And that means it is a well high
amount that I once more have to find with in a good short period of
time. We will as said see whats gonna happen.
On antoher
account Mr. John Corabi`s ex-wife have recently like Sixx set up
in agrement with john some of his old rock n roll clothing
gear.Selling it to raise money for their sick kid that needs
constant medication. Sad but okay life was never promised to be
pretty I guess. But a good lot of the stuff have ben set up with
reserve prices extremely high like a belt he had in 1994 1500
dolalrs. The Corabi dude is not that kind of an individual in
the rock n roll business to have success with such high prices.
Sadly not. Hope they decide to set their prices down so its
helping all parties ....good luck John andsorry to hear about
your kid.
On another
note that has take its room on there the last quarter of the
year KISS. I am unsuccessfully trying to sell my last KISS
stuff. Its sick how hard it actually is!! I need the money for
other Crue items and there have been a line of KISS interested
people and they are just not too reliable. They have a lot of
talk but not much of the walk if you know what I ean. Fuck!!!
Sometimes thigs are just not as easy as they should have been!!
Fucking weird. In a good 2 weeks the new Gene Family jewels box
limited fan and collectors edition is coming bt to Corinna for
me. Its gonan be well unknown when I will have the set here in
denmark. Sucks ass. Next from the KISS men to gain for myself
would be KISSvideology part 2 and the Gene box to come next year
Gene`s Monster the next 2007
bomb to be released. its gonna be a huge fucker.
It will hold a complete carrer spanding music trip from hom and
its gonna be a MONSTER like the title of the box will be. Rain
Keeps Fallin’ This demo was an early version of a song that was
even considered for use on the “Psycho Circus” album. Several
different lyrical versions of the song exist dating from around
1991 when the song was first demoed by Gene and members of
Silent Rage prior to the “Revenge” sessions. One version has
interesting lyrics such as “Burning crosses in my own back yard”
and “My name’s on a cool headstone with a pretty rose.” This
song and “You’re My Reason For Living” are scheduled to be
included on a special bonus CD included with the “Collector’s
Edition” of Gene Simmons’ Family Jewels DVD set from A&E.
“Accompanying the songs is commentary from Gene — a letter
describing the history of these two tracks and the thought
processes behind their development. A required addition to the
collection of any Gene Simmons or KISS fan, this DVD set should
not be missed”
Vince Neil Ink store has also since last time I was posting
had its opening day on the world wide web. Part form what i
aleady have and bought ther in Novemerb while standing in
thestore, there are two new items I better get asap. The
logo belt buckle its bad ass. its rock solid and its nicely
made. Plus there is finally the tatoo artists working shirt
buttoned front and its all cool Need that one too. Much much
much more is coming. Including the earlier talked about
jacket. So ... I know perfectly well where to throw my money
at. have too many places alocations and people to take my
cash for yet a good 3 years as it looks right now. You do
the math. Its insaine. But I knew it would be like this
should I at least TRY to get all there is and was and will
come you know its hopeless to say its covered course its
like impossible to do just that! But I am as i have been for
the last 3 years giving it a damn hard and serioustry
though!! |
Alright guys ..
there are new stuff added on the Tommy solo section posters and this
n that check it out and I ll be with ya again soon...Love to ya
Practise hard sex, eat well and dont be a prick!! Fuck normalcy.....Lee
5th of December 200SIXX, Stiffie Thoughts
Xmas Wishes & Cool
7:20PM CET
Think are nuts these days. Going nuts over the male needs in life thats
not there .. you put two and two together and you get a dripping something.
What the fuck. I am only human. rammstein and the Backstreet Girls are
blasting my god damn stereo and I am all for wet kittens and rock n roll
these days. damn!!! What the hell that may be my shitty christmas gift to
myself. Rock n roll and some .....So how have you all been? Jesse is gonna
get the last few probs covered on cam any day now then we begin to be on top
of things for real. Well thats untill we have the next lot in ... things are
coming in all the time. Either to "my" address in the states or here to
Denmark. There is a good lot in the mai las I post this so... should be
coming over the next few weeks. Always something. You know from how things
have been going the last many months right? Like hell you have ... its a
never ending rollercoaster ride isnt it?? Like fuck it is.
My buddy in Detroit attended the Gun N Roses show
there a little while ago and with his passion for airbrushing he of
course made himself a cool classic design vest and got it sold on
the spot for a good amount of cash....he is a really missed and
highly appreciated friend of mine. I miss him way too often for it
to be healty. Had I been even closer I would have maybe been as luck
as having gotten a christmas gift from the fucker... lol lol but
heyy no santa finds me to have been this good all year. Its a
blessing when one can actually do shit thats appreciated like this
guy and jesse can. They make wonders and I envy them both. Really
wish I had a chance to be the god of doings sometime. Its all cool I
think. Love a lot of their shit. Its wild. You like KISS, Maiden,
Crue, GNR, or what ever you turn to this dude DON
ARMSTRONG E-mail-adresser: armstron.don@sbcglobal.net !!
he will do everything exatly the way you like it .. Down to every
detial there is.... So dont think twice.. this dude rocks.. youre
into KISS? he makes them fuckers look alive on canvas and jackets
London LeGrand a well respected and missed frined in the Californian
Holy Wood has finally also gotten the latest shit going. new band
coming ... ROCKSTARS
ON MARS he has just included the bass player of "ChrYst" so
I for one am shit thrilled. I have hoped for his return for way too
long. He is the shit and he is by far the cooler front man ....I say
no names.. but he is. Love you London.... you fucking kick ass...
Its gonna be fucking cool to have the man back on the rocking
stages. I love to have these things going right. lets see if he can
use his smarts to get the ball rolling the right hills. You go kill
em London....As much as I have said it on here about the people and
so called fans of motley that they are fucking sad news and a bunch
of loud speaking ass wicking (is that even a word) bad mouthing
fuckers constanly so damn negative, they should NOT have the
knowledge of getting this news. But some do and they already bad
mouth him and the name and well in short you name it. What the fuck
is that? Jesus leave what you dont like alone ... its not a MUST to
say all the crappy stinky shit people always let out on there. Thats
why I think boards are way too often a bad thing. Its a snap of the
fingers and you are fucking bathing in shitty issues and comments.
And trust me there is no way out. It stinks!!! Welcome back
London.!!!! Love you brother ..... |
Sixx Autographed Stage Boots
This auction brought to you by SWAGROX the
official store and auctioneer for The OFFICIAL WEBSITE FOR NIKKI
SIXX is for a exclusive Autographed WORN stage Boots from Red White
and Crue and COS Tours. Both boots are signed on the toe in black
marker by Nikki himself. Boot are New Rock - 591 - Black with Dark
Silver Flame size european 43.. size 10 US. This is a rare
opportunity to buy a real collectable item WORN and SIGNED BY NIKKI
SIXX! And to help the Kids of Running Wild in the Night. Motley Crue
bassist Nikki Sixx founded The Running Wild in the Night Foundation,
which is dedicated to raising funds for Covenant House. Covenant
House is the largest privately-funded childcare agency in the United
States providing shelter and service to homeless and runaway youth -
So the Nikki boots that was taken off of eBay last week is up and
back again. Its all cool. still 5 days for it to end so you have
christmas self pitty and money you go get them. I would had I had
the cash. But there are things out there offered I wanna try to go
at!! I need to at least try. These items can kill these worn stage
boots by the Sixxster many times over. Hope I will manage to get the
shit. |
I will be back here shortly if not before then Thursday or Friday with
more news and updated items in the various sections here.
-Love you all and as always I myself and jesse thank you endlessly for
your kind support. Its well worth it. Thanks a lot...Tx
Sick my duck honey no matter how much you try
Sick my duck to the day I die
Sick my duck honey think of apple pie
Sick my duck honey till the day you die
Sick my duck honey please dont ask me why
Sick my duck honey uummmmm thats good
Sick my duck honey !!!!!!!!!!
3rd of December 200SIXX, Misunderstood & Ho
Ho Ho`s
12:21PM CET
I think its time for me to say it again. I have for the best oart of my
life. Been misunderstood. And by one that I like to think is close to me she
had been totally misunderstanding me recently.
I think it is with great irritation these days that this ones again comes to
surfase. Ton of blaming and shit because one dont understand a person. Then
sure its easier to label the fucker and just blame him or her. What the fuck
is that all about? Have some interest and a little bit of patience and ask
the person about whats up instead of accusing the one. God damn it fucker. I
have so had it with all that bullshit.
Yeah yeah its December and santa has officially entered the month to ring
out the year later on and ring in the holidays. Well this year for my
sake you can take your santa and your holidays and send it all off with a
one way ticket. I am so full of peoples bullshit. Christmas has oficially
been cancelled ho ho ho. Why is it I always am expected to be and do so and
so and so.....but hen I do it in return to the people that asks of me then I
am givin hell? Okay thats all on that matter - I hope you all out there
reads this and tink a little before you label me fuckers. It is not even
with one week no more that these shitty things seem to hit me. I am so not
satisfied with this and I feel more and more that I am not really happy on
this planet they way the people have it shaped. I am so against the masses
and I am .. ohh dear. I should not really say all this it makes no
difference and all there is about it when listed here is a negative posting.
The site has been givin us some major problems recently. There have been
weird stuff posted in our KICKSTART section from some one out there. We
think that that can be the reason for the problems so for a little while we
are gonna ask you to send your guestbook postings to :
!!! Sorry bout this.. but we have to do something ot make
this site functional since somebody out there wanna give us problems. I ask
kindly for your patience. Sorry for the trouble. As you may have seen there
are a ton of things out there that can so easerly fuck up what you are doing
and it sucks. Well we wont give in and its being worked on. Hopefully
tonight we will have a continued adding of guitar picks some Supernova stuff
and such things. We have almost gotten through evertything and we have
handed you all a new look. A colourful cool I think, how about you? Pretty
cool eyy?
Jesse - hmm my good buddy Jesse ...I begin to only have one thought about
him. he and I should see each other face to face much more than whart we do.
We are so alike in ohh so many ways. I know he has been busy and he has been
a little over the top of bad luck and crap. But he has dedicated time to get
it looked at and the man is better. he has still some stage probs photos to
get around to. It will come and we all look ofrard to the addings for sure.
I know its something a few peolpe have asked for and mailed me personally
about and i thank you for the interest and comments. I know it is truely
making the personal section a monster these days. Give the man a few more
days and I think he may be able to get around to have the last pictures for
you. Jesse is better and he is gonna be with us here shortly. I am hopeful
for the impossible to happen next year. I will know in a good week or so.
There is a small chance that I may be able to get the original backdrop
fromthe US leg of the 1985 Theatre Of pain tour. The huge Alister one. And
the original red curtains to front the stage with the band logo from the
Girls Girls Girls tour. I would really love to have these items. Its sick
how cool they would be to have in a private collection. I have made my offer
and I will know in a good few days I guess. You see I have so much right now
its insaine (again) and I have so totally no money. I need a serious make
over both me as an individual but also my home. Everything needs to be
traded in for something new. Man everything I have and everything I own
needs that. But all I do is spend on them 4 men.
I hardly eat right. I have had lots of bad feelings due to bad eating and
more. Trust me I am almost like in a self destruction fase the way I am
doing this every day living. It is so shit far from being healty. But I seem
to not really give a shit. All I care for is to get some things added and
some holes closed in the collection that is but so dear to me. It is not a
thing to fuck with for me or to take lightly, Fucjk the none believ ers and
the ones to give me shit about the none understanding for this that I do. I
wish I had a chace to ...well let that be left as a thought only..
There has been yet another SIXX auction up on eBay. Sixx boots worns on
stage last year. But eBay has their weird policies and all and they ended
the auction and killed the listing. Swagrox.com have had no understanding
for this crap and they are relisting it again next week. So for al
linterested parties look in there next week again. It will be back on. There
have also come to sufase for me an offer onthe totally missed ROCK FEST in
june 2006. I never went and there for never got the festival items there are
a shit load of shirts from that festival. A few new things have actually
been up in the air too about more stage probs fromthe guy that sold me the
first lot. But this time its more minor things like guitar stands drum parts
and shit like that. Sure it would be cool to get the remains he has but
money money monye . must be funny... in the rich mans world!!!! And that
world is not mine. Lets just see what we can do about it all if the curtains
and the backdrop goes through then the rest of the probs can be going
through later on too I think. We will have to see. I have a lot of shit to
clear .. so I am ready for a sucker punch of a shitty job to gain some cash
and kill whats wanted. And kill whats needed.
I have a lot ot clear and get in gera in the new year to come. I so only
need to be active and put all my personal goals and dreams a side since they
are not gonna be fullfilled no mre. At least not for a long time. So I have
almost givin up on that and now its time to just take something shitty and
just do something money wise. I am just gonna wing it and see where it all
takes me I guess. I only wanna be alive if I can have my fucking rock n
roll. Or get to meet the girl of ones dreams. But thats a task I dont
believe in so .... im stuck with my rock n roll.
Suck it !!! Off - T dude
28th of November 200SIXX, Has
Pam Got Shit For Brains? New Deals?
5:00PM CET
"PAMELA ANDERSON has filed for
divorce from husband KID ROCK after less than four months of marriage. The
couple married in a lavish "celebration ceremony" aboard a yacht moored off
St Tropez, France on 29 July (06), but made it official when they returned
to the US and wed at the Beverly Hills Courthouse. Anderson, 39, has hired
famed celebrity divorce lawyer NEAL HERSH, whose clients include KIM
irreconcilable differences. Anderson's representative TRACY NGUYEN tells
American publication People, "Pamela filed for divorce last week. It wasn't
a happy Thanksgiving." Earlier this month (NOV06), Anderson miscarried what
would have been her and Rock's first child together. She has two children -
DYLAN, eight, and BRANDON, ten - from her marriage to rocker TOMMY LEE.
According to entertainment website TMZ.com, the couple did not have a
prenuptial agreement, but because they were married for such a short time,
it probably will have little impact on the divorce proceedings. Anderson is
currently in Vancouver, Canada filming BLONDE AND BLONDER with DENISE
So it got out this too huhh? Well wupdee do muther
fuckers. has she got shit for brains? Does she have to fuck and marry every
male that looks her way? Get a grib chico!!! Its a farse. Its a bloody joke.
How can this not be? Admit it both of you. Tommy and Pam, just get back
together and stop making shitty scenes for the papers. Behave and live good.
For god sake. When will this Pam news be old news? Does she really have to
turn 80 before people and magazines starts to loose interest? Damn....Well
T-bone she is available and if youre lucky you could manage to become
married again before new years. What do you say? Tempting? Or is it more fun
to bang every pussy nation wide and just dont care? No I am not pissed about
the news .. I find it just so absolutely hysterical. All males should have
an alarm going ones getting close to Pamela. Fuck her? Yeah dude, who
wouldnt? But marry her? Hell no, not in a million years. Are men really this
fucking stupid? Guess so. Give us nice ass and titties and we all jump to
your saying. For a while anyway. Till the meat is everyday news then fuck it
...loose interest and just dont care. Ohh well....
Have ones again had a talk going with the good
friend of mine and recently the suplier of the stage probs. He has more to
offer me. He has more to let me have if I can get a solution to the
financial side of it. I am so amazingly thankful for his doings. But I am
also on the shitter with what is coming and going around of offers and the
chances to garb the lots. I really dont have too much to do with I need a
new job after new years. I really do. This is not working. By far its not. I
should ahve an answer to this for myself, him and you all at the end of this
week. I simply have too much going right now. So sorry to have all these
long term things going. but that has most of my life also been the case when
it comes to offered cvollectibles. Have a constant flow going with more than
one two three or more people going all the god damn time. Never has been
any different. So yeah its creepy at times I guarentee tee you.
Talked to my swedish friends Mattias and Pearl
yesterday. They are going to the beaches and the sun next year early for
escape from winter and shit. I have and will never ever have a romantic
doing like that with any one no more. I envy that like nothing else. I guess
christmas is cancelled for me this year for a line of reasons. The only
holiday I have my entire life loved to cellebrate for I found it to be warm
and sharing with only nice atmosphere .That ended this year. I am not gonna
do anything on that. I have tried a little too hard to find it to be worth
it no more. I am totally fine with it. I miss the right reasons for
cellebrating it so this year I am not gonna. Instead I am givin myself some
cool collectibles if things goes right and say santa can stick his ho ho hos
up where the sun doesnt shine. I am anti christmas this year. So there
really isnt that much else to look forward to this year part from if corinna
should send something off from her place thats mine anyway. I am not really
gonna make a big fuss about things just let the last part of this year slip
by and enjoy the cold winter days. Thats my time of year. I love it. Sadly I
miss more snow than what we have here. But who knows maybe this winter will
be different? More snow? I am only hoping things will be fine and go right.
By the way my finnish friends in Private Line have gotten back to me and
there is a package on its way down to me from the cold Suomi!!! I love to
get to see them again. One day somewhere. Also the boyfriend of one certain
webmaster has returned home so please bare with me. She is not the most
reliabe person on planet earth as he is home so....
But a lot have been added as you can see and sadly
we have bumbed into some new unseen shit ... our text in the link buttons
online begins to dissapear on us sadly it sucks. I apologies for this shit
and I promise you she will look in on it and figure the shit out. Of course
none of this shit should be messing with the coolest website on the world
wide web on our boys. My younger brother is coming by me tomorrow for a good
couple of days so that will also bring some light to situation as he is the
one that deals with my audios and videos. I know we have a few things to get
around as he comes here too. Also there are a good few things that I like to
get fixed and there is hopefully some time with the webmaster tomorrow to
getthings on here again so things can be packed away from here. i don have a
home saving all unadded things in piles all over around here. You know what
I mean dont you?
I really have a good few conceerns about things.
Corinna called me yesterday too. i know you all probably hate me when I say
A and dont finish with B. But I simply can not say what I was told I was
just all together chocked. Wonder when and what I will hear from her again.
Jesus Corinna, get real. C`mon. What the hell? Also need to know a few
things from her about certain things before I can get on with what I have
started here too. Ahh I should not have opend up on that one it all makes
absolutely no sence to you out there sorry bout that. Hope to have good news
for myself and for you out there at the end of this week as said!! Right now
i cant say there is much else to win over other than thoughts that right now
are but prayers for a good and positive perhaps even supriseing outcome to
it all. I will be back Friday on here I guess hope to have heard from both
then. Cruecial loyalty to you all...
27th of novemebr 200SIXX, Got A Minute? Whats UP?
3:03PM CET
Another week and a last week before
December knocks on every one`s door. Hell Christmas seems to be coming early
this year. Its not a suprise only I never fully realized that I needed to
hurry up so badly with things like i do. There have been so many things
around me that has and have had deadlines line hell. Some I have turned
down. Some I have ignored and otheres have been agrred to but yet to be
future doings to also. And finally some I have just grabbed a hold of and
said FUCK it. It has to be dealt with. Like a few things on and about the
sites. As some of you may have notised. There are a few changes and here are
a huge pile of added stuff in the collection section. Also there has been
givin birth to a few new ideas like the search page. Many often asks for
where to find this and where to find that. I hope the "Search" page will
kill all your wonders and concers. Lol. have fun.
Most of all the stuff is now up and
added to the various sections of things and collectibles on here. A few
things are missing still things are in the mail on its way to me and more.
So It is a constant flow and incoming on this one. I said it before and I
will again - Motley is my life not a hobby. Right now I only hope and pray
for my partner Jesse to come around and be and feel better. If you have read
his recent diary you knew what I am refering to. Thanks. he is the brother
in this I think I have been missing. The gang was sadly never what I want
edit to be and my biological brother . ohh boy. he did the best thing for
himself. Ended collecting while ahead so to speak. Yet he is extremely
helpful in getting me stuff that is highly sort after and I htnak him deeply
for all of it.
I have in Jesse what I so hoped to have in Corinna. She MENS AND PROBABLY
WILL FOR A LONGER TIME than whats good for me - be a really important person
in my life and crue doings. How ever she never really managed to give in and
be the part of the "brotherhood" and more like I have with the Boston dude
in Jesse. I still love her for all we share and all she more or less always
does for me. Jesse get better brother. I miss you and our talks. I am kind
of suprised to see how much I myself is able to do and how many shitty
beatings I take like constantly and always gets back up and stand loyal to
my musical passion. Ohh dear here we go again. I will spare you guys.
As you have perhaps noticed the old
and much talked about stage probs are finally getting added on here too. Its
been a long, long hard road to make all that shit happen. But now i think
its about time to have all this crap listed. Thanks for the patience. i knwo
there have people with doubts to if I really did have it or if I was just
kind of loking for the attention. Well the answers are listed on the .Dk
site under "Looks" and then "personal" and thats that!!!
Also yesterday late
night I got a really cool suprise my newly found latest friends of Belgium
have been writing me. (Thanks Davy) I love these kids. Hope that afternoon
and evening in Atlanta, GA was the start of a long beautiful friendship.
they are KISS idiots like I used to be. They are I think... (??) trying also
to help me get some Motley Crue items to add to my collection. And there are
already now some shit down there they say I have not on my list on this site
so .. they maybe can help
me get more soon? I love them. Some really dedicated guys just the kind I
like to get to know much more. One has been and still is a photographer at
rock concerts. I am sur if you have any fave bands you collect or something
this dude can help you. he may sell you some shit awesome ones. I dont know
you can try reach him at: Davy Cleenewerck
davy.cleenewerck@pandora.be tell him tommy Lee
sent ya. Guys if you read this heres my big warm arms around you. Warm
winter hugs. I miss you guys dont be strangers now you hear me?? Love you
We are trying to make a few more
changes on the sites and next week will hold a few more addings. Hopefully
the last of the stage probs and a good 20 new audio and videos more. And
some minor stuff.
So its not really over with the adding yet. Or to be more frank with you it
never will be. Not till I actually stop collecting. And that happens
when.... yeah right!!! There are more coming as said. stuff for the sections
of CDs, Personal, Posters, Passes, Picks, Tour Itineraries, Magazines, and
more. Its all in the works or in the mail. Sit tight and come back to see
us. Remember werre loay l to you all loyal to the band. And for the Belgiums
- dont forget us now. Love you Tommy Lee
25th of Decemebr 200SIXX,
Closing Another Month With New...
10:23AM CET
SO we are closing in on the final
month of December of yet another year. Fuck me if we dont get old before
time. Time just fucking flies away like I dont know what. It is insaine. I
myself am closing November with a lof of new added stuff on this site and
yet a few more new ideas brought to life. We are right this very day working
on a "search" section that should make it a helpful detail for finding what
you are looking for on here if it has been listed anywhere. It, being the
site(s) are beginning to be so big now that even our fucking webmaster cant
find things no more. Then its really about time to get our selves one of
these things.
Seven more dates to go and some of them are in Canada then the "Route Of All
Evil" tour is history. Thank god. That was a really hard one for me to
swallow. I did rarely enjoy that tour, but now the boys can sit back do what
they should do at this point redraw from Crue and do other things get fresh
air so to speak then next year come together for the movie and the new album
SHIT. Nikkis book, the action figures set two, the Corabi book, Vince solo
album and much much much more. Wonder if and what of it al lwill never see
the light of day. 2007 can only be a better year. Not that this one has
sucked ass. More like so much bullshit has been thrown around and there has
been so many twisted actions taken from a band member (not just one) through
ou the year and now its just time to jump off the Crue wagon for a while or
they become a joke.
((Private Line & KISS - sæt et
billede på hver af texten i mint blå så txten ligger i midten ))
There is also a new release (thought
I just had to mention this) of the band of Finland / Suomi that is in my
link section PRIVATE LINE .... you should get it. Its good. Love these guys
and I miss them a lot we have not talked much for quiet some time now. KISS
also have released their new 4 Live disc box set. But the promise of the
xclusive Best Buy 2 bonus tracks on their sold edition failed. This is the
official KISS messege to the ones that have been bouying their release and
got cheated:
Fans are the greatest! Not 15 minutes after the KISS ALIVE!!!
1975-2000 CD Set went on sale this morning, we started receiving
fan emails informing us that the Best Buy store version did not
contain the advertised bonus tracks "2000 Man" and "God of
Thunder." Thank you for bringing this to our attention so
quickly. Though not directly involved with Universal's Best Buy
store promotion, Paul and Gene were made aware of the bonus
track problem and have chosen to help rectify the situation for
the fans. Several solutions are currently being discussed by
Universal Music and we expect to post more information in the
next day or two. Bottom line - Paul and Gene appreciate your
support and any fan who bought the CD at Best Buy expecting
these two tracks will receive them. Just heard from Universal
Music regarding the Best Buy bonus tracks for the KISS ALIVE!!!
1975-2000 CD Set. They apologized for the situation and also for
the delay in announcing the solution because of Thanksgiving. We
will be able to announce the information on how to receive the
bonus tracks early next week.
Stay with us - you will get what you expected!" |
Fans have waited for the
Millennium Concert recording for several years. On December 31, 1999 the
reunited KISS, with the original
lineup, played BC Place Stadium in Vancouver, Canada to ring in the new
millennium before a crowd of 45,000. The career-spanning concert was
originally intended to be Alive IV but the KISS+orchestra KISS Symphony:
Alive IV appeared in 2003. Meanwhile the Vancouver concert took on mythic
status. KISS ALIVE! 1975-2000 finally fills in that gap in KISStory.
Thats a shit cool move. I have said
it so many times and I gladly say it again... KISS has always been the most
loyal band to its fans. Crue have so many times been told and gotten aware
of things but they have acted like they dont give a shit. In many ways they
are money men like KISS . but money men in a way that they care first
foremost and almost ONLY about their own pockets. KISS do too but with the
added little bonus that if you are a fan is so appreciated. You are a fan
and you have trouble with something thats an official doing that doesnt turn
out right, then come hell or high water the band will fucking fix it to
please the fans what they were promised.
Good job guys.
Motley Crue and Trunk Ltm.. also has
a few new designs.. I dont support the company of the Trunk and their
doings. I think its a shitty thing. Well cool to have the old shit reprinted
for sale 2006 but for the prices they have ... hell no. Other than this not
much is up or on lol.... the ongoing handling of the site is still happening
and I like it. There are a few fresh things some new things and all the
added new items all over the place. But that in it self should be something
... right? Hell yeah. I get a few emails here and there about the silence
from Jesse again. He is working on somethings and his picture taking of the
remaning stage probs so ... he will be back in style soon.. he has done some
refreshments too on the my space site we run. Things will get bigger and
better all the time. Just wait and see 2007 what we come up with.
Till next time enjoy your week-end.
Here its off time thats good but the weather is fucking bad. Guess the lord
(if you believe in him) is for sure now telling us the summer is officially
over lol. lol.
23rd of November 200SIXX,
5:40PM CET
Okay things have gotten a little out
of hand some how. There are updates going on and there will be a few changes
on the already stuff up on here. I am gonna try to get more smart ass moves
going for the site later on. How ever right now I just have to get all set
up on here. Added all thats totally all over the place here. Its a hell. All
the time, I am floading in stacks of new this and new that around here. Cant
wait to get all that cleared out of the way and get put away some how. Its
been a good while since I actually had the whole place cleared for shit
round here. My god. its been nuts. I kind of begin to miss that a little bit
again. There is no way I can have guests here at this time. No places to
sit. i barely walk around here. damn all the Motley stuff totally covers my
home. Gotta have that changed. Its a stinky fact that I need to have that
air here. I actually often think about my good and missed friend in Sweden.
Alexander - KISS nuts. He is so lucky to have done what he has done. Gotten
his own place a two store apartment where one floor is a home like away from
the hobby so to speak and the other floor his KISS world. I wish I could do
that dude. I really, really wish I could. I would so kill for that to
happen. You see every now and then because it has been there for so many
years you sometimes need to get away from it. Get it on a distance. But I
see myself in a like constant move on deal upon deal upon deal and all. Its
nuts. Its a fruitball. Its a totally ...well I cant explain. Im a Crue
addict. I begin to slowly see the price I have to pay and the lousy living I
am offering myself from doing this. But I have no regrets. Its all good.
Just so fucking damn hard.
Ohh you now hve a chance too to get
an orderst up for the "DISASTR The Movie"
But be prepared ones ordered you will get this:Thank you for ordering from
Screen Media Films. Your order dated November 21, 2006 has been received.
For customer service please refer to order# 00146.Upon shipment, the
following items will be charged to your VISA credit card with last four
digits 1938 and will be shipped via US POSTAL PRIORITY to:
TOMMY LEE C/O Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, GREER, SC 29651
Qty Ordered: 1
Price each: $24.98 Total price: $24.98
This item is on backorder and expected to ship on 02/06/2007
Thats right sadly its not able to be send to you before next
year somehow. It sucks. But hey what can one do? You know its
all just taken the time it takes and thats final. Not to be
argued. Should be a hell of a fun one. Crue is also in it with a
live performance in this kind of puppets movie. Ìts a laugh. My
god. Cant wait to see it. Also there is a Hard Rock Cafe, DVD
out you may wanna check out too?
20th of November 200SIXX,
Updates & New Countdowns, Or?
6:11PM CET
It is a new week and a new ass
kicking doing on the site. We have changed a few things and there will be
more just started. Its new times again and with new times we also have a few
new things and ideas. It will take more than likely the last of this week to
bring it all up to date but we are on it. Just bare with us. Hope you like
the new shit on here. We are so gonna make it worth your time everytime or
at least try to. Again thanks for your loyal interest. There have been added
the Supernova section that is slowly taken shape under the SOLO section and
then Tommy. Vince too has gotten a new section the Vince neil Ink. The
reason for it to have a page of its own is simply cause its said to be a
monster. There are stuff on there already and shirts to be photographed so
they too can be added one of the next days. And a second new line of items
is already made and ready to go into the shop there in Las vegas and online
for his new site thats still inthe bilding stages. But we have it up
Then we have a good few new places
added in the meet n greet section on .COM it holds some recent vicited
places. Pretty cool. Just trying to collect time and money to go vicit more
of these places but it wont be anytime soon as it looks right now. I am
still working on hoped for deals to go my way as the smoke clears. There are
simply a good handful of things that can be seriously cool to have. but the
items I say that about are really not the cheapest shit to be found. So
well... its a hoped for happening only with the things I try to win time and
set a deal or two about. You know how I am and you know how it goes.
So there are countdowns for a line
of things these days. Maybe not for new doings and happenings like
travelling and all. but in these alternative ways of getting things together
and try to pick the longest straw and have a future that will include the
much dreamed for items to get added to the collection here. For now i am
tryong not to think too much about tomorrow cause that is a night of another
exclusive live show in South carolina I can not go to. Surely its gonna be a
far better one than what has happend up till now. They are doing a solo gig
at the House of Blues in KISS Coffeehouse country. Excellent. That too did I
miss. God damn. i am not the luckiest dick spreading its seed. Shit. But if
I am lucky Corinna that of course is going tomorrow will get me something
from there. but then again what does that count for? What kind of cool is it
to have others get the shit for ya? Naa its uncool.
Anyways, things are to be dealt with
like everything else. Also today is the release day of the Rock Star
Supernova CD. Its out today just as KISS Alive the box set. Supernova CD is
more than likely at Corinna place for me today. Hope she sends it to me this
week. I would appreciate that big time. Getting it added as quickly as
possible. Speaking of Tommy. He is on Kimmel today recoding the bands first
minor live thing for the TV land. A mini concert of perhaps a good 4 to 5
songs. Interview. Goes on air tomorrow and his website is also setting up a
new 4 choice thing is you like to renew your membership. Pretty lame as
always material but its there to grab for a pay of 50 or 60 bucks depending
on if you are US citizent or not. Sucks. If you wonder what the choices are
to choose from for the 50 bucks and a years membership well here they are.
You take your pick. His clothing line has gotten a fairly good start for
him too.
Other news from us here at
MCrueLoyal well I think the site in itself and the stuff worked with should
bring you a good portion of greatness. And satisfaction perhaps. I am so far
pleased with the things going on. It can be better for sure but with the
shit we have that limits us right now that would simply have to be a
pleasure for the future. There are still to come more in the "looks" section
on .Dk and there will be a updated audoio video list onthepages of "Cruecial
Facts" for sure there are much new stuff added this week. Should be a little
something for everybody. I constantly try to get things up in a hurry. there
are way more live audio and video on its way to thisaddress and there are
still a few things in the mail that goes in to most sections on here. So
event hough its over for me and this tour 2006 it does not equal a silence
on here. No sir ree. Fucking enjoy all you feministic gay loving wankers.
Love you all......
Sunday 19th of November 200SIXX, Promises & Losses Life`s Grand
3:10AM CET
I am sitting here this
weekend with very little sleep what so ever. Had been looking forward to
this weekend since I would have had a chance to recover and regain the lost
sleep from since I got back home last Tuesday from the USA. But no that has
not happend. I have done a lot of preparing for the work with the webmaster
for this site from tomorrow night and the week to come. So last night I did
not get to bed till around 4AM. Slept fairly late today and now its fucking
3AM again Sunday morning already. My guess is its gonna be a noon wake up
and a shitty Monday morning again and that means the coming week and work
will be all crazy ones more. Shit. It is not easy. But oh well one once told
me "Tommy you see people are like this, if you have a hobby you dont care
spending a million hours a day of your free time to do study on your
interests for nothing. But if your job is for the pay check only and not a
hobby then you will not even think about doing half an hour overtime for
free one single day." I guess the man was right on the money with that one.
We all know more about our hobbies than what we know about our jobs anyways.
You see my point?
Read the kickstart postings from you
guys and YES the STAGE PROBS will go on here in the coming week. No doubt
about it. As will the new shit brought home in October and November. There
will be new pieces to the meet n greet and personal moments too. There will
be added all the missing pictures from the already posted diaries part from
the ones that...well lets just say I sat with Corinna this evening my local
time in Europe and we discovered a HUGE and sad shitty los. A line of our
photos taken are missing the camera of hers must have erased them by itself
or she as she put them on to her computer in files something must have
happend or accidently erased the damn shots. That is really shitty. I am a
bit sad to have had this news today. This was photos of the Tommy and pamela
house, the Vince Neil malibu yearly golf tournament location in Malibu, Ca.,
The old 1981 82 83 Country Club. And the location of Tommy and Heather`s
wedding in 1986. Yeah it was a long drive and a long cool day. I am really
sad to have these photos missing. That kind of kills me BIG TIME!!!!
MÖTLEY CRÜE drummer Tommy Lee and
Amy Lee of EVANESCENCE are among 36 stars who appear in the new video for
the JOHNNY CASH song "God's Gonna Cut You Down". If you happen to watch
music videos look out for this one. Other stars who appear in the video
include Iggy Pop, Kanye West, COLDPLAY's Chris Martin, actor Terrence
Howard, Anthony Kiedis and Flea from the RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS, Chris Rock,
MAROON 5's Adam Levine, Kate Moss, Sheryl Crow, Woody Harrelson, the DIXIE
CHICKS, Keith Richards, Bono, (+44)'s Travis Barker, Kid Rock, Jay-Z and
Johnny Depp. The boots listed the other day an in the last diary of mine
went for 1100 US dollars. The military proto short is still running. But not
for long. I guess there are a good few people out there that still tries to
hang in on a personal item from the man. I sometimes wonder myself what
would my collection or some of my single items bring in should I decide to
sell?!! Well now is not the time to sell out or anything. Still in the
expanding collection situation. Some few new "old" items have been bought so
lets see what we can do for the winter on things on that front .... right?
All tour picks from the fall tour
has been covered . ahh okay not fully but a good 8 of them. I will get them
in a good two weeks or something. So look out for that to be added at round
the end of this month too. Hopefully I will know more about the still
missing Rock Star Supernova items later today, will they be covered or will
they be missed out on. They are not to be reprinted as noted yesterday. And
some of the fuckers are now already in limited suplies. So ... better get my
ass in the swing if that is to happen at all. But lets see if we can do
magic there too. You will read and see all on it for sure in the section you
sit with right now. I have no doubt to that one. Some of the things Jesse as
a solo individual and as my team player and partner in this will take on
should take a fairly good time to get ready. But I tell you he is looking
into some really cool things for us and there would hopefully come a shit
nice result out of it. I guess you can say there are things in the planning
stages that are so shit cool that even I cant wait to get my own "copy" of
the things we are going to do, hell yeah man. Just you wait and see. A few
plans on Jesse part too to maybe change the My Space site a bit for us too.
Should be quiet interesting.
Here are a few new shirts that have
come out recently, if you shoud have interest. Also check out the new shit
from Tommy and his clothing business if you like I personally is not all for
it. Nope thanks.
Now if there are anything we could have done better
on the site please send either of us a mail and we will seriously take it
under consideration. All we really wanna do is make this site the best
possible and as attractive to most loyal fans possible. You know what I am
saying. Just saying you could actually sit with bigger or better ideas than
maybe what I myself am sitting with. Anyway I think with out knowing we will
see a fairly large line of things to come out over the next 6 to 8 months to
keep the fans busy and reminding us all about the band as they are gonna be
laid on ice for a good year. No new music, no movie, no touring. In short no
nothing. So the business men of course will make sure to remind us all about
spending our money on their name in other ways. I would be the first to be
suprised should this not be a solid fact for the time from now till maybe
August next year. Ohh well thank god there is no forcing to to buy anything
.. .said the hopeless and loyal money spending idiotic dane. Shit lol....
- www.amazon.com has too some still pretty cool
things if you are missing some items in your shirt or cd collection. damn
there are just holes everywhere and a constant excuse for spending money
right? Hell even money we dont have. Who the fuck invented the credit card.
Boy my boy was that a stupid move for and towards the human kind. We are so
digging our own graves with crappy temptations arent we? I say no more. It
is fucking morning here now and I am about to well ... carry on with my
fucking doings. But its all good after all I will be greatly prepared for
when the webmaster and myself are gonna sit here from Sunday evening. So
yeah all in all my doings are good and there by excused for skipping sleep
when I absolutely should.
17th of November 200SIXX, More
Auctions & Sunday Addings
4:33PM CET
Right on. Had a chat with the
webmaster last night she seems bettering. And she and I have set a time
together for working on the site here getting all the diary photos added and
the collectibles in "LOOKS" section on .Dk over the next days in the coming
week. Starting Sunday evening central European time. It will be great and
there will be a few good things to see. The long awaited "personal" section
will have a rather cool new look and all the stage probs will finally go in
too. I have had two trips to the US with only one week between them so I
have sadly not had the best of time ot do all that the last month. For that
I am sorry I know I promised you. And had the webmaster been a little more
into the Motley story and all she could have done this like in her sleep.
But she isnt too into it so she constantly need me with her or at least very
direct and to the point data and explanations to every picture andall to get
it on ... so we have just waited so it all will be right the first time we
touch that baby!! Again the next 10 days starting Sunday night we will try
to get all this on and uploaded. Thank you.
More news in the sence of the
clothing lins from Tommy and Nikki. They both had their opening thing this
week and they both Tommy in San Francisco and Sixx in Houston, Texas were
present to meet fans and sign shit for the fans that did buy the stuff from
these clothing lines of theirs on the day. I would have liked to be there
yes, but I couldnt. I have been to too much the last long time already and
my pockets says "back off" for some time at least. besdies I have other
things in the works and that too will for sure cost me like a mutha load of
cash should I in the end be the one to pull the longest straw from all I
know are interested in what I refer too. I would rather not say too much
right now for the reason of not being sure where it will all take me and
what will actally be the outcome of the whole thing. But I will get back to
you on that note.
I am gonna try to clear the official Supernova stuff too now that they have
changed their name and all. I have been told the items printed shirts, caps
and more are to be this one printing only. It may change for a second
pressing but NOT with the Rock Star Supernova on it. As they were not aloud
ot have that name used no more. So before all that shit gets sold and are
gone I like to clear that. There has already been a Supernova section
started in the light stages but it will have its addings. Just give it time.
You find it under Solos on .COM alright?!! Thanks. Check it out brothers and
sisters. Speaking about boots you have two new Sixx auctions going. And
there seem to be some sort of a boom on these things again for some time now
there was not much of interest or people just didnt have money or something
.Others may have saved like fuck to have money for just one owned and worn
Nikki Sixx item as there may be put up more. Well now is the time and there
are like two items up right now they are:
Autographed Nikki
Sixx Stage Worn Ankle-Boots.
This auction brought to you by swagrox.com the offical store for
nikkisixx.net is for a pair of Autographed Nikki Sixx (106-1 Italiy Nomada
Negro.) Tower Negro Acero, " Ankle-Boots" . Size is european 44 / 11 USA
made by New Rock. Item is signed in silver marker on toe of each shoe. And
he has also added the words "Motley" on the left and "Crue" on the right!
Shoes are black and worn and very heavy. This is a rare opportunity to buy a
real STAGE collectable item worn by Nikki Sixx! And to help the Kids of
Running Wild in the Night. Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx founded The
Running Wild in the Night Foundation, which is dedicated to raising funds
for Covenant House. Covenant House is the largest privately-funded childcare
agency in the United States providing shelter and service to homeless and
runaway youth. |
N-Sixx Prototype Short Sleeve
Military Shirt.
This auction brought to you by swagrox.com the offical store for
nikkisixx.net is for a exclusive never reproduced prototype shirt for the
N.Sixx Clothing line. Shirt is designed with print from N.Sixx Thermal on a
green military shirt… Shirt is size M mens, and has been custom treated to
have an aged appearance.. Shirt was never produced in any quantity. This is
one of only a couple in existance.. This is a rare opportunity to buy a real
collectable item! And to help the Kids of Running Wild in the Night. Motley
Crue bassist Nikki Sixx founded The Running Wild in the Night Foundation,
which is dedicated to raising funds for Covenant House. Covenant House is
the largest privately-funded childcare agency in the United States providing
shelter and service to homeless and runaway youth. |
So if you have or had money for it
and is a serious fan these two items were alright to ad to your private
collection if you ask me. All of these items of course are always to be
found and auctioned off on the world famous
so if you have not checked that out yet you should but be careful its poison.
It will take your money away quickly if you are not careful. You hear it
from one that really have done his share on that site. Huu haaa.
And a recent red Sixx stage worn
shirt went for 2025,00 dollars as his nazi cap went for 3500,00 so these
things are not to be owned for a walk in the park. You really have to have
the money and really have to want these things bad if you should own one of
these things. I think he has worn shit I would still LOVE to be the next
owner of but lets see what shows up. its no longer as interestng as when the
band wore actual costumes like in the older days. These things now are yes
owned and worn by him but still its just regular shirts, jackets and pants
and boots that he fucked up with some patches or some embroided shit on
them. Not as cool as back then if you ask me. But then again you dont so ..
so nuts go ahead invest in your dreams buddy!!!
talk again Sunday as we get started
on the new things. Should be rather cool. See you then. Lee
16th of November 200SIXX,
Pissed Off Mood & Piles...
5:47PM CET
It is Thursday end of the first week
after I got back home. It still feels really weird. I tell you all that
much!! I am not fully aware of what ishould do here from now on. I am not
tempted to even give it a second in thinking. But soon I have to. There is
not much for me to actually do about it. I have to say it is a shitty
feeling. I miss my American plans and sceduals and ofr the first time in
almost two years doen it NOT say USA under any future date n my calender. It
has done so almost every second or third months since March 2004. It has
been crazy times and wild beyind dreams for me. I know I should not
complain and I am not either. its just I got so used to all this now and I
loved it. 82 flights are behind me in that period of time and i have not a
waiting ticket to take me anywhere now. I was not born a rich man son so ...
my pockets are empty now and used well out. I gotta say thisthough; there
are a few things I can only do so many times and this travelling seems to
have been one of them. I guess my situation and timing and luck all together
have been in excellent place wouldnt you say? Its been possible for the BOD
days and tour, the reunion tour and all up till this fal ltour that I just
could not deal with. it was too bad for my taste. It drowned in a whole lot
of nothingness. And it makes me sad to even say it.
Thank god for all the stuff I have
been able to do besides the shows seen on this Aerosmith / Motley Crue tour.
They have all been cool. Really interesting and all. man I could type shit
about the shit I have done and seen from here till I turn 80. Which of
course I will never be. I will hopefully die way, way, way before that.
Please god if you are real I beg you to take me way before that!!! Anyway
the webmaster is sick and we are so way behind here with things to do and
get added its crazy. I promise you all that as soon as i get her back on
track we will continue this adding and changing. We have so many things to
get done its nuts!! But things takes a good periode of time and there has to
be both of us working on it to make the best of it.
We hope to have it all back on track
sooner than later.
I have a line of the latest Vince Neil Ink, Las Vegas merchandise home with
me too. I think it is a huge line to come and it alone can be quiet a huge
task to cover. Anyway I think it is a way adding your collection something
new and something from the solo member like the Nikki clothing lines from
the old Draginfly and more. You know what I mean. Only thing is it is really
a hard thing to keep up with. I do not like the fact that you now get a shit
load of stuff from three members in the near future to focus on unless you
collect Crue and the band`s doings. Skipping out on the solo stuff. I have a
lot of things to catch up on but right now it will not be in the near future
what so ever. I simply have too much to get around of so called ordinary
things before I even throw myself into some new stuff on that front. But
there will be a still continued flow of small things I am sure for the site
in the next coming months. I just cant say how much or anything. But sure
there is a line of things laying here already that needs the attention. bare
with us.
I have also today gotten myself a really shitty suprise. The Crue DNA
connected family member to a band member that i said earlier had taken a
line of my precious things and collectibles a good two years ago or
something have come out of the darkness and sent another friend of mine an
email where it said this person had already sent my shit out to me over a
year ago. I do not beliveve that for a second. Simply cause this person has
received a line of mails and notes from me about it. That all I wanted to do
was to get my stuff back and not having to regain the contact of frinedship
if the person was having a problem with this how ever why would this person
have sent the stuff out to me a year ago and not been telling me? And now I
get to know about it one year later and nothing has arrived at all? And it
should all have been sent in ONE package. There were lines of Coffmann stuff
from the old to many familiar online auction a good two years ago and also 2
full cases of Crue Brew. How can that get in one package and on top of it
get lost? Plus why all the silence from my requested mails and then now LL
OF A SUDDEN ITS BEEN SENT .. AND A YEAR AGO. I cant really swallow that one.
And to even start thinking that the lot is lost and all is so not real to
me. And more painful than I can even find words for describing it. I know
almost for a fact now that I will never ever see this shit again. Ever.
That is aboout all that has been
happening here since my home coming part from of course unpacking, laundry
and all other kind of borring stupid things one just has to do. You know..
so till the webmaster is back on her feet there is not much else from here
really. You take care and be safe as will I try to be here ....... peace
16th of November 200SIXX, My
Last day On Americn Soil
1:55PM CET
been a few days since my home coming now and I have been stinky beat since.
Hpw ever here is my last day on Amrican ground. It was Sunday the 12th of
We had still things to get covered. And yet we knew it would not all be!! I
know there are a line of things and places we have not been able to get to
before all trips have been over. This was the third one and we still have
not done all. There are just so much to do see and get around. Sadly this
trip would end with yet another bunch pof locations uncovered. But we
started round the corner from where we stayed in Hollywood. Started to shoot
pictures and video of the Tommy Lee owned "Rokclub" he has one here in
Hollywood and one in Miami under the same name. We have done all possible
coverage of this one from the outside. it was right now under some sort of restoring.
So there was not a chance to do much from inside. But we did what we could.
From there on we went to see some other place that was no longer there.
Sadly assaid a few times earlier this is what has been the case with quiet a
few places in Motley history. Its sad. So better do all possible and treat
it carefully.
Off to the Bloomingdales as Corinna
wanted to check out Tommy Lee`s new clothing line TL but guess what this
specific Bloomingdales had not the line in stock. they had chosen not to
take it in. Hmm suprise so that was kind of a fast check out. Then it was
the hospital that had Nikki when he in 1987 December had his death
experience and overdose. We took some video shots and a few new photos. It
was just all weird to be there. But even more weird the last time we saw it.
We got out from our "breakfast" visit at the Los Angels Hard Rock Cafe after
having what we wanted to eat and that would be our last things to do before
we actually had to say bye bye Holly weird. We could not get more out of it
should we not miss our flights. Well One more stop and that would be an
enjoyed one. Off to the place that holds one certain London LeGrand we
simply had to go say hello and goodbye. He is this time far more open and
willing to talk, than other times we have seen him after the split of Brides
Of Destruction.
I am dead sure London was hurt and
dissapointed more than any of the three other guys in that band. That was
just insaine. The BOD should never had ended. It was acool one part fromthe
second album a littel weak. In most peoples minds. Okay so we met and he was
all cool with gving us a good 10 - 15 minutes before he had to get going. We
video shot something woth him and here is the cool news. London is forming a
new band on his own. That is fucking wicked. Superb. I have missed him on
the stages and I fucking hope he does get around to build something strong
up and get the shit out within next summer. He was actually pretty psyched
about the idea of his. And I for one am too. You may not fully know but
london is a piece in rock n roll that I just do not wanna be without. He and
I have been sharing so much. He knows just exactly what i like and dont like
what I am all about and what not. He knows me and he is like my american
brother litterally. I love you dude. you know it.
He said some things and we vidoe and
photo shot it all. As said not too long but all is "IN THE CAN" and we now
only wait to getthedamn pix back. I cant wait. I always treasure this manand
the few minutes we share here and there every time I get to go to Hollywood.
Nice with some new photos and all. I gotta say I am more than pleased with
what we got and it will just be a man I will never ever push for more than
he from the get go says good for. I respect him too much!!! That you can
take to the bank. I always want more of him but never if he does not offer
to begin with. But guess what - London was as most times cool and friendly
to me so hell if I should complain I should be ashamed. So there for I wont.
Thanks a great bunch dude. You with your new attached dreadlocks in black.
Guess its more important to you to signal the rock star attitude than
anything else. Lol.... its alright. I am but me and thats all I will ever
be. An open book so easy to read if you really have the interest!! Thanks
again London.
Then we started rolling off to the
car rental place at "ACE, 11101 S Hindry Avenue Los Angeles.
We drove and drove and the way we
chose fooled us the last time and this time too one lousy turn off the 405
South Shit. but it wasnt any worse than we took the next exit and headed
back and then 3 minutes later we were there. It was kind of weird to say
goodbye to the Hollywood place again. For two reasons we have always known
we would come back and do all missed, We always said goodbye with the next
plan set to do. But this time was the first one if more than a year and a
half that we had no plans no nothing. Didnt even know when we would see each
other again. It was just strange. Very strange. I have to say the trip to
the car rental was fast anyway. And not till we actually turned in the car
key and sat on the shuttle buss on the way to the terminal and stopat
British Airways was when I started to really see and feel how strange the
situation actually was. I could somehow see it in her eyes too. Even though
she is so different than me she had something going on within heerself too.
It was just a wicked situation.
At the arrival of the airport we sat
on the sidewalk with all our shit and I went to the counter to see if my
changed ticket was actually all good. I mena I was not supose to go home
till the next day actually but had caleld the airline and changed the ticket
to go home one day earlier due to help Corinna out from something that
really concerned her the lnely trip back to the airport .. worried not
finding her way. I would do most for her. Incl changinf this ticket pay 160
dollars and go with her and leave USA one day erlier.
At the ticket encounter I got my
ticket checked in my two bags and I was all set to go to London UK then on
to Cophagen Denmark leaving LAX at 8:45 Pm that evening. We went ot North
west with all Corinna baggage and checked in her two suitcases as well and
then we headed abck to my departure terminal and sat down. I helped her get
another jack D. bottle for her collection but had to bring it home and its
now here till next time we will meet. Then we went upsatirs got something to
drink and I paid her off with what I could and owed her. We talked till it
was time for me to go to my gate. We hugged goodbye and it again just felt
really weird. Motley land shows and historic location had ended ones again.
This was not to be repeated for god knows how long a time again. She has
givin me much and i gotta say she has been more nice and all than I have
ever before shared time with her. As stupid and all I may be .. I miss the
idea about us. But what can one guy do? it takes two. Shit...
Then it started the engines got turned on and the dark was calling me home.
A long but fairly okay trip back. Home safe and all with no shitty
happenings. All that was on Corinna this time cant believe the story she
told me the next day of how her trip back to South Carolina had been.
But now its Denmark boredom and crappy feelings again. Not easy!! Tommy
15th of November 200SIXX,
Devore US fest ground 83
8:31PM CET
So Sitting here still on this god
forsaken day of Wednesday and posting the last week-end doings. I gotts do
this before i forget.damn the tecnology when you get depended on the shit
and it doesnt work. Cause that, as said, is what happend to our labtop in
hollywood as these things were happening. so a little delay ..sorry bout
that. Still worth the stories though. Saturday was another meant to be huge
Crue history day day but it never got to be that since we had so shit much a
need for rest in the morning. And we just did not get up at proper hours. It
was all kind of weird. This felt like our last chance part from maybe a few
hours in the morning Sunday. That was the day we checked out to leave this
loved loved place and to hed back to reality and every day doings each
seperately her to South Carolina and me to Denmark Europe. But we still had
a few things and a few hours to go nuts in. We just had to get some things
over with. The traditional hotel coffee FUCK thats a great coffee. Love it
had two cups every day went for one ot Corinna in the lobby too while she
either showered or still was a sleep. I loved the mornign start with the
coffee. Then after all theusual hoola hoop morning nuts got done with we
took off. We wanted to check outthings today. Axl Rose house on Whitley his
first self bought one in early 80s after making it with the Appetite album.
From here to the Manson murders ...or rather to the house of where the
murders were comitted. It was shit many years ago and we only hope that
there now was a chance still to see it. A bit out side Hollywood. Actually
in what is called North Hollywood was where that horror took place.We drove
up and had an address. but there was no such address no more. We both
wondered if they had actually torn the house down after the horror here. We
at least could not find it. It skipped that exact number so we had a hard
time getting any pictures or anything. Drove back and tried to find the very
famous house of the Wonderland Murders. In the Hollywood Hills. guess what
we found them.
To actually be at this place was
like holy fuck. It was like if it was untouched since the days of the
murders. It wassick. The owner of the Starwood club inHollywood where Motley
had their very first shows this dude was involved and had now murdered
people. he was an old hotel owner in the 40s and 50s but he was a nightclub
and venue owner in Hollywood inthe 70s and early 80s and was a number one
big guy intown. Police hardly dared to touch him. he was a huge drug dealer
he was into kinky sex and asked often girls to lick his asshole clean after
having shit without wiping his ass. For that the desperate got the heroin
and cocaine they all begged for. man it was a man you just did not wanna
mess with. He was the whole reason for the Wonderland murdersin Hollywood
early 80s. Huge story. Starwood owner half arab.
Man this house and this street was
so unreal. You could almost feel it happening as it wasnow. There is a movie
called WONDERLAND have you not seen it you should chck it out. Bizarre shit
for sure. Realstory and this was the house that hold the story. You tell me
if this doesnt give you the chills. You see besides crue there were so much
we really wanted to do and go see that held stories of mass interest but as
always for us in Hollywood TIME was not a thing we had enough of. Butwhat we
did see and what we did have time for was awesome.
From the murders the dark side to a
more Crue orientdand brighter side. Sunset Blvd. We had another address both
back in the day sigend on to both Tommy and nikki. WOnder if they lived
together here. It was just before you get into Beverly Hills.. of cause a
lot has changed since when ever so the actual address was also no longer to
be found anywhere. So we headed down to Beverly Hills tryng to find a few
locations there too. Now one we did not really find and we asked around. Was
a hotel where Vince on the 13th of March 1986 announched at a press
conference that the band would participate at Live Aid II which of course
did never happen. But the hotel it was helt at was not to be found we even
asked a black dude who ws extremely cool We video filmed him and all. Cool
dude. He knew a few things though about hotels and Crue history. They had
most history at Biltmore downtown Los Angeles and at a rather huge hotel in
Beverly Hills. We drove by there and found that. That was after he told us
that athis hotel where he was working a band had just 2 days ago checked in
there ad they were staying for a week. The god damn Rolling Stones. Here are
a few pictures of their tour buss parked next to the hotel too.
From here on to court. We were to
find the court house of where on january 13th 1998 Tommy Lee pleads no
contest to misdemeanour battery over the Viper Room nightclub incident with
a photographer on September 29 1996. This too we found and took a few fast
pictures. You see we are often in a kind of risky situation about doingthese
things. For one reason only. It is not at all legal to shoot official
buildings in USA no matetr what they are. not even airplains at the gate in
terminals. Its all risky business and you get cought doing it its not no
more a warning its jail time dude. We were told so two times lat we were
there. So hello America sorry but things has to be documented for the Crue
books. Its jus tinsaine how few things we really were aloud to have
informations on and there by go to places and document them and see them for
our selves obviously had it not been for years and years of long pullings
and gained contacts. It was nuts . So of course as we were here now we took
them chances and shot away all we possibly could. After this we drove off by
Sunset sw the Hisue Of Blues had finally set up the official word about the
long sold out show for Tuesday by Paul Stanley. Duck I would have loved to
see him there..Glad I at least did get to see the tour. And at the opening
night on Atlanta last month. That was wicked. Loved it as you may remember
from the diary.
Then on the infamous Capitol records
sign .. we never got pictures of that so we snapped a few and moved on to
Melrose after something to eat. Melrose had one certain London LeGrand there
and I have never so far missed a hi and hello with the man since the
release of the B.O.D. debut album 2004. Now he was a little busy but he was
very suprised to see us there. He waved us in from the street and he wanted
to say hello again. That was kind of nice. Then to make a long story short
he wanted us to come back the next day being Sunday since he had better
time there and that would be our last minute hellothenaswe were leaving
there. But it was arranged and set as a deal. So Sunday would be a short
hello London time .. .as always nice. Wonder what he had to tell me he said
he had good news. Cool!!!
The day here in Hollywood ended more
or less there as we were about to go and find Blockbuster video store and
then see if we could find the movie "Wonderland" if we could we would soon
head out to Devore for the concert sit tight at the parking lot and onthe
computer watch the movie before let in. And what do you know. We did find it
and bought it for Corinna private ownings of the thing headed back to the
hotel and then off we went. Another good 75 minutes drive and we were there.
It was a show place that helt so much history it was almost insaine. The
classic US Festival where the bandhad its break through. A three days
festival with all kinds of shit on there. Super fucking legendary. Had one
only been that much older to have seen all this crap . had been awesome.
Anyway we wnet there
and we saw the film. it was just as we had been in it due to the scenery of
the movie. As said it has almost not been touched from the outside. Looks
exactly the same. Its frightening. Shit.
The movie was awesome highly
recommend it. We then began to move our asses toward the place and stranded
in a huge line to get in. But it did not take long so fuck it. We found our
frint seats and sat our asses down. I could hardly believe the thing wewere
about to witness. It felt unreal. it was such a legend this place man sorry
for repeating myself but I had a hard time to really think straight. I think
there were more coolness than bitterness there. as the show started more
people came to the front seats but far from fulltill Aerosmith came on. As
the crue hit the stage we could actally move closer and Corinna did so. I
stood still at the place that was mine. I had a fine view from where i was
standing. One bottle hit a dudes head no one reacted including me. I saw
corinna jump a row to get a water bottle from Sixx. I didnt care for it so
assaid I stood still. Those things can not make me jump for battle no more.
I dont care about them. She was well how can I put this pretty happy even
fucking worried about her not getting the last drops that were still inside
the bottle with her home. Okay that is where I start laughing. Sorry. Not to
be a prick but .. well... lol lol lol..Motley did fairly good there that
evening. It was a better Vince for sure but still not a cool blasting
concert. I found it still to be a bad tour. have explained myself mor than
enough why I think so in past postings on here so.... let me just leave it
at that. Aerosmith rocked as always. they are just really cool on this one.
They fucking own this tour. Superb. Dont ask again I will give you the same
answer. Superb. Really thrilled that we went. Thanks for the show bitch!! It
was cool. Really aweosme to have seen them there no matter what. Wish it was
1983 though. Went out of there bout half into the Aerosmith gig we had a
long way home and wanted to avoid traffic jam frm the 10s of thousands that
were to leave at the same time later on. And we wanted a morning to be good
as that would be our last and final one there. so Off we wnet and in 70
minutes we got back to the hotel and just .. .wow... resting. Felt so damn
good. I thanked her for it all. I really fouond it rather an honour to have
gone cool... off to bed!!!
15th of November 200SIXX, A
Vegas lost Posting - Inked
4:25PM CET
Sorry for the miss out on tons of
pictures. They are being added with in the next few days from this trip. You
will have a blast going through them all so many cool ones too. Trust me.
Thursday was as you may have read a kind of dissapointing day for me. So we
took revenge today. Last night we simply said lets do something that can
really rock our stinky socks off. What can we do to make yesterday kind of
be alright as a loss? We can do what this day (time wise) would the only one
allowing to - go to Las Vegas. I know how it sounds. It sounds crazy right?
hell yeah but you know what??? It was something that could take us to two
things really wnated to do. A - go to Vince Neils tattoo shop. And B - go by
the chopper shop where the crue have had their bikes built for the last two
tours. And you know what we did both.
Viva Las vegas, Viva.. ohhh yeahh
I could not belive it. It was a ride out there like none other and ohh
well why not just start from the beginning.
We packed what we thought we would be in need of and then took as every
morning, the hotel coffee and a shower ... not really in that order and
certainly not together. Lol... Would I have liked that .. of cause but under
different ... well you know. Okay so I got my shit together as did corinna
and we said why not get something with us candy bar or soemthing so a cold
large drink and a bar was bought and off we went. Towards the San Bernadino
where also the show would be at the infamous US festival grounds of 83 as of
tomorrow. We passed this place and took off towards the desert. damn it was
a ride I have not done before neither had Corinna. So we again shared
something that was new to both of us. We have done so many things together
the past two years its insaine. The desert drive was hot long straight and
extremely . well am I aloud ot say boring? It kind of was. At the same time
of course also very differetn from anything before and quiet stunning. It
really was WAUUU there is fucking not a pot to piss in out here. Its so
amazing to see this. If you get fucked here you really are fucked in the ass
like you havent been before. Hell it was impressive. Sand, mountains, sand,
mountains nothing else. Really nothing. That is simply something you can
only be impressed about even though after a good couple of hours its getting
kind of boring.
I think there are so many things in
the world that makes one really excited to go do. But to see the city slowly
coming around in the middle of nowhere in the desert ... seeing the city of
lights Las vegas pop up in the sand between the mountains is really
soemthing that cansoon take your mind of things. Shit dude this was
something. We entered a few turns andall and surely we went wrong one time.
It was a wonder to find your ways around to this place we were looking for.
The home of the owrlds coolest choppers. Build also for the motleys and it
was just something I had to see. I had been emailing back and forth with a
guy working with the guys there. He had said to me come on by and you`ll be
givinthe grand tour. That was fucking killer. we came to the place and
simply went in. Not something we could just do it seems. And of course I
could not remember the name of my contact to this place. And further more he
wasnt there. But the guy that shook my hand going in was kind enough to show
us around. It was a true thrill to see them do and work and create. But it
was also simply shit awesome to do things like this. Things that somehow are
only linked to the crue but takes up a cool part of what they do ..
including in their live shows with the use of these bikes. Man that was
terrific. To you all at Kostume Choppers hell a huge thanks and hi five to
you out there boys. thanks for the kindness and willingness you showed us.
it was awesoem. And guess what? They had the Mighty Mike mini chopper there
too. now it seems owned by the owner of this place. And in case you wonder
the choppers are costume build from 32.000 dollars. Thats right. not more
lol. Lol. Yeah right like we I you or any of our kind has that kind of cash
for a damn bike. Would love to through but no. 32 big ones and more.. hell
its insaine. The ultimate over the top xtra special bike would cost you
about 100.000 they said. But then its a bike none other in the world can
find nearly like your personal costume made one. Got it? Start saving.
It was a good 30 to 40 minutes I
would say that we got there .. .told stories and all. Cool it really was
super cool. We could not vidoe film in there but got to take a good bunch of
photos. So surely they turned out alright and that was just all a blast.
lol. From there with out proper thank you´s and goodbyes we headed off to
the strip. the main street of vegas. Next goal the newly opened November 3rd
shop of Vince neil Ink. It was easy to find. It was easy to see. Buut
parking wasanother factor. not that easy at all. So we crossed the street at
Ceaser`s and found a prking place there. It was easier. But it was not as
easy to get out of the damn building. This fucker was huge. And I mean huge.
We walked through a casino and stores after stores after.. then we just
stoppedand asked our ways. Finally got out and had been getting out at the
right end of the building. Right cross the Neil Ink shop. That was kind of
neat. Okay so this was the next thing in our trip to Hollywood the Las vegas
Strip and this newly opend shop. It was kind of cool. very detailed with his
"VNI" of course reading Vince Neil Ink. We got in and ohh dear .. yes we had
talked about a shop shirt if there would be one. But hell there was a whole
line of merch here. And from what i was told in about 2 wees the next lot
would be coming in. Right here and now they had; one hat, one cap, 2 buttons,
2 stickers, girl panties, one long sleeve shirt and 7 other different
shirts. Fuck man it was nuts. This alone was a whole new line of crap that
was to be covered slowly but surely. A COOL jacket was to come out in a good
month or something. Yeah there was no ending in sight when it comes to
buying and expanding your collection do you want all or most possible. Even
though the band is not gonna do a thing next year as it looks right now
there are now Vince tattoo line Nikki`s clohing line and of course Tommys
already ongoing one. Shit dude. Its insaine. Not possible to keep up. It
will ruin anyone with just a small portion on trying to get all. The shit is
not cheap either. the shop has an online order service too so all who wants
something can get it through there. Glad I took all there was on the day
beng there. Fuck me I was so low on the dollar it was sick. Still I spent my
good last few bucks there on a tattoo. Got the shop logo VNI inked on my
inner left arm with the rest of the tats . slowly but surely covering the
arm up now. Right where you bend your arm so still of today it is a painful
fucker to have tillits fully healed and over with.
The day had also been a on and off
with Joelle and her maniac guy Chuck on he phone cause we wanted to meet. So
we met there in the shop. They too had taken the trip and with a visior from
Florida they all now were here to sy hello. Cool. I love these people. They
are so cool .Sadly we always only get to see them so shortly. Things get
changd and rearanged andall so we rarely get to do what we talk about doing.
But we met and it ws cool. Corinna
has a thing with the number "11". So she thought about getting that tattooed
there on her left shoulder. I was thinking about getting the Vince shop logo
myself. So as it all got down to it we both did our thing. Was then inked in
the chair that Vince himself was the first to have used for himself by the
man that did his and was about to do his next to come a girl in a glass.
dont get it. but so fucking what. That was to be soon from what I could
understand. Then some video shooting and some pictures taken and all the
shopping was done and off we went. had already said goodbye to Joelle and
Co. again as their gust wanted to go gamble. I would seriously never do this
myself. Ohh we ll we agreed to meet at the Vegas hard rock Cafe a good 90
minutes later. So Corinna and i headed to the car and after yet another hand
full of bags and fresh ink we took our car and headed to the hard rock. Here
we just got in, sat down and waited till we could get our ordered meals. man
it was perfect. Corinna was still up to this point nice to be around that I
had an emotional issue was just my own fucking problem.
Hard rock cafe las vegas was
actually pretty cool. There were a lot of KISS and Elvis not one item on
Crue though. i liked this place. it was a party and it came to show as they
played the old 1970s Village people and "Y.M.C.A.".. all the working staff
members here got up on the tables and bars and started cheering the guests
to join them in the YMCA dance. It was shit funny. Think about it some few
tunes from the past actually still has it for a good party. Man i admire the
thing called music. It is simply amazing. There is no way round it. I have
said it for years music is, besides food, the most important engredient for
the human kind. It just really gets to your bones in all kinds of ways. You
your self know what it does to just you. I know what it does to me too. Yeah
Hard Rock Cafe was a cool place to end our dayin Vegas. Yeah I know you may
be thinking what the hell you only stayed half a day? The answer is yes a
quick in and out. I speak for both of us though when I say we had a blast.
It was simply a thrill to have taken this ride out here. Loved it. And got
something memorial home with me too. Lot of new Vince stuff and also the
inked little thing. You should all have been there with me. I felt happiness
for the day. It was so cool. Nothing was better ....
We then sat after eating waiting for
the freaks to come in Joelle and the rest of them. Lol. They came but way,
way, later than we had agreed to. What the fuck it was alright. To begin
with we wanted to get out of Vegas no later than 5 or 6PM. Yeah right. We
added with the tattoos we got done added with the Hard Rock and more.... we
simply stayed way longer . took a lot of pictures and shot a line of video
clips. nice to have the little things for a memo later in life right? Sure
thing. But as they finally came in to the hard rock joelle etc. We sat and
talked a bit and had a fairly blast i would say. The situation was a little
so and so due to me and corinna but also cause we never met for as long as
we had wanted to now we finally were there. That was kind of sad. We all got
a few pictures taken and rejoined in fresh group photos. Loved it. I like
these fucks as said and i think it was new picture time for my arcives to
have. Joelle had a few things for me like older TV show tickets and
newspaper. It was nothing much but as all should know by now everything
small is appreciatd too. Simply cause it ads the collection up to that
higher step on the latter. It all makes the collection grow. So surely I
appreciate it more than one may think?!! Thanks a lot girl you re so very
sweet. I have missed talking to you for too long....
So nice to have this new chance to
catch up.
From there we went outside were
offered to stay and all. But we kind of had to go back to Hollywood even
though it was like 11PM soon. Nothing to do about it. We had things to do in
the morning before the evening show in San Bernadino. So no other obtion.
But even though we had stayed there way longer than planned it was really
appreciated that we did. Thank you Corinna for this and all the day brought.
I am really grateful for the day. You can only guess how I feel ... Thank
The ride home was ... peeewww hard.
Hard to stay awake and we couldnt either. Corinna who was the driver had to
pull over and lay down a bit I think we stayed there for a good 2 and a half
hours cause as we woke up or maybe it had just been me sleeping it was
nearly 3Am. And we had still a good couple of hours to go. we went by a gas
station in death Valley or something I bought post cards not to send home
but to keep as souveniers. it was cool to have these from places I had been
at. Now the state f nevada could be added to the states I had vicited in my
life. Have done most of them now I think. In there we at the gas station we
bought some vanilla coffee and had a small stretch legs a piss and alla in
all it was a nice 5 minute rest and well needed. We heard poison all the way
home again. The first album Corinna had bought at the Hollywood Towr Records
that to my huge suprise was now closing down and going out of business. I
was in shock. this was the place I had had so many great memories from. It
was a cool place and my friend Kevin had worked here and all. It was
insaine. To loose all that was not appreciated. man the next Hollywood vicit
on my part will not have the Tower Records no more. I can not believe this.
It is like so not real. We drove up to the hotel round 5AM Saturday
morning.... what a cool fucking day it had been. Still as of now thinking
back on this trip to Las vegas looking at my still still fresh tattoo I
remember every detail so very well. Again Corinna thanks for doing this and
being able to push yourself so hard on the driving for us to do all this. I
am highly appreciating this. Thanks for a great time.
15th of november 200SIXX, Lost
Diaries Part One
3:45PM CET
I am back home but there are so many
stories I have to fill you in on from the USA trip last week. I normally
post them as they are written and they are normally written the day they are
experienced. But we had major labtop trouble so there was none made. I
apologies for this mess and try to make it up to you here and now.
Thursday the 9th of November - this
was planned to be yet another Crue History day... it never fully became one.
Let me tell you the story. We got up and took off around 9:30 AM local time
there in Hollywood. had plans for going to Calabasas, Rodondo Beach. and
other places today. It was not to happen. As we drove off and were almost at
the first stop an old house and home address of Mick Mars Corinna got a call
she had hoped for could have been yesterday. In short she has replied for a
job at the hospital in San Diego or parts of the city at a place she wanted
to get an interviee set up. She of course heard nothing till after we had
left and were on way to this place being Mars´house. I can only say this; It
was cool for her to have this call now that she actually was in the area.
And she really wanted me with her for directions and shit. She seems pretty
lost going alone. And that is fine .. I would never mind helping her on
this. Actually now that she did wanna move out here it was cool to have the
interview at the hospital at the same time. Only for me it was a long
nothing but a waing day and a los for me and a line of crue historic
locations. Simply because we had to leave after the first place was
documented. It took a good long 90 minutes to go south and the interview
took 2 hours and 35 minutes. Plus the ride back it was dark already at 6PM
there so we got to do that one location only. I was ok with her interview
but surely also dissapointed this was why I had gone to Hollywood with her.
And a full day was waysted for me. Not for her. It was so fucking bugging me
the last hour I sat there alone in the car waited for her to come back from
the talk. Neither of us had any idea how long it could or would take. but
still it sucked ass. I just really hope she gets it. The job that is. She
will know in a good 2 weeks.
The location and house we did see
felt really weird him had living here. Mick Mars. It was liek an ordinary
area and nothing high class or fancy at all. Oh well we went and we saw and
it is filmed and photographed so we got that one in the can too. I felt kind
of weird having this address being his but then again a lot about the boys
as we really get to it feels weird. And not at all as fancy as one can think
it to be. It is a weird thing. But of cause as always shit cool to go round
and see these things. I am totally happy about it. It makes me really feel
good. I love it. No one still to this day even though the lost relationship
between us and all and yes I do miss her... no one have so far made
themselves equal with her about sharing the shit with me. Did that one make
sence? I am not entirely sure but she still stands out as the one to show
most willingness to do all this with me. I thank her for that too.
But this day of Thursday was
not the coolest in the name of Motley Crue. Kind of a wasted day for me. Oh
well cant change that now. and we had more coming the day after .. which
would actually turn out to be a shit cool day!!!
9th of November 200SIXX, Bowl Ball N
Pacific Ocean
4PM Local California
The Tuesday night ended with the show at
the Hollywood Bowl obviously. That place is just all together a gold
mine. Its so cool, awesome sound and all. Totally out of the
ordianary. Loved it. We got there a good 45 minutes before show time
and the place was packed with cars and shit. Damn that was like a
little city in its own. Really cool. Was kind of looking forward to
this one it was the bands first time there at the bowl and it had to
be a cellebration for them ....and with their own long time wish
...doing it with Aerosmith. Oh yeah baby they had to do good. But
they hit the stage and things sadly had gotten to be just the next
written chapter in dissapointments. Vince is a done toast. he just
doesnt have it no more. He sucks. Sorry people but that man has had
his days.
I was not exactly psycked about seeing them
but being there was the shit. And yes they ended up with another
crappy show. Cause Mr. Neil cant cut the cake in proper order. Shit
that fact begins to hurt my bones more than I can even care to start
saying. What a shame. I feel so sad about that. Its a stinker of a
feeling and there is nothing one can do about it. They were so not
cool. Shape up or bowout before its getting too embaressing please.
Its a mystery to me why no one at the managemnt or Sixx doesnt take
actions to this crap.
Oh well enough said It was bad .. we stayed
for Aerosmith they were superb here. It was sick. And guess who
attended the show: Slash, John Corabi, Steve O (BOD producer) Lemmy
and more. It was al lthe people thaty either wqanted to see
something cool past members or just respectful rockers that rockd
the joint. Man it ws killer. We had super seats in my opinion. Not
front row but 3rd. Seats in booth and all. Toptally cool. The
weather was excellent not steaming not rain no nothing .All perfect.
Everything about this eve was perfect part from... Motley.
Headed home to the hotel after this show
well after a shot cruise up the Sunset and back. It was crazy. But
what a night it was. What a first day. Loved it.
Wednesday morning was meant to be a 7AM
start too but after I got up wnt ofr fresh awesome and excellent
morning coffee had my shower Corinna was long gone she was so beat
it was sick. I let her sleep. But did some diary shit and all. Yeah
she was all cool. Not saying much lol. How ever as she did get up
and got ready it was closing in on noon local time and we had a long
drive should we manage todays program. Hell dude it was wild. So off
we went. Started by grabbing a visit in the Beverly Hills.... to
visit the house the man upstairs. GOD!! Mr., Gene Simmons home and
ressidence. Fuck me if we found it. Yes we did and it was beautiful.
I loved it . Obviously we could not come in there but helloooo we
stood by the gateway and filmed and took shots. Shit I loved it. It
was a long time small dream for me. He lives like 7 minutes away
from the Whiskey A GoGo and al lwe know. But what a fucking cool
house and place. I have to admit the man did the shit and is now
living the shit.
From God to king of comedy in my mind. Stan
Laurel and Oliver Hardy. Yeah I know they have been dead longer than
myself being alive. But we went by both their houses and took a few
shots. I loved it. As I often sy ... "its been documented next
location". That was like 2 times a minute that I lived on alone. I
had so many memories from watching these two idiots and here I was
standing in front of their houses now. Stil lthere and people still
live in them. Whom ever they may be.
Then we wanted to go to Marilyn Monroe
house but missed a turn and will do it later. We just continued down
Santa Monica Blvd. and all the way to the sea. Down to the Pacific
Coast Highway turned right and headed towards Malibu!!! I had the
location address to Tommy and Pamela Andersons house when it was
them at their peak and them in tragedy. This was the house you can
see all about in the VH1 presents a celleb in his own castle. That
was cool. Now of course they are not together nor do they live there
any of em. And the house now is a manssion ofor clean and rehab
individuals. Yes sir. But shots were taken and video was shot best
way possible. So yeah it was alright. The field or rather hills
behind the house where Tommy rode all his dirt bikes and shit. Saw
it all.
Pretty cool. Off and crossing the road in
the mountains here to head to the yearly held and famous Skylar Neal
Golf Turnament. At the Malubu Golf Club. Found it did it biut sadly
forgot to video shoot that one. Stole a sign though. "Course Closed"
lol, lol!!!
You know what I mean? So we took off from
there and thought kind of that that was really not much from the
outside never went in. But I am sure that inside it was cool. Really
awesome. It has to kind of be doesnt it? its Malibu for the rich and
fame as the clubs gets in the swing. You get the hint.
From there it was just so way more north.
For what? Well the hotel of the famous 1986 world known wedding.
Tommy Lee and Heather Locklear. yes sir. And i gotta say this .. its
beautiful that coast ride up to Santa Barbara. ANd the hotel itself
.. hell that has got to be the coolest I have ever laid eyes on
myself. Up to 4000 dollars a night per room. ANd think about it
Tommy and Heather had 500 guests there and ..well do I need to say
more? Shit. All in al lit was a blast. Super unreal place. Went
through it all and just had the video and camera running nuts. Loved
From there we went south again toward
Oxnard to see the old 1981 venuen that had the band playing there one
time only. The band was here asked to never come back as they never
paid their fee for renting the venue. Bad? You can say that but bad
for whom? The band? The management? Or for the venue itself?? You
decide. I have to say it was strange to see it. Most of all the
places that holds some sort of history attached to the band does
that to me in one way or another. I guess it was a quick visit there
but it was really beginning to be rather dark now. Here even though
its warn as fuck still its dark after 6PM. The sun sets low and
quickly dissapears behind the mountains here. Its crazy ... we had
like one more location still to do. And it was just well a chance to
take so we needed the fastest way out I guess. So we went.
It was like a not too long way to go. A
good 25 minutes and we had the shit located from the out of L.A.
venues this was the one from the early years. The much talekd about
Countery Club in Reseda. Not too long away from Hollywood really but
still. We found it it was kind of dark to film anything so it was
mostly photos from there. And then home like Hollywood and now.
There went another day. Cool sightings but another long day too....
We did not go out late simply cause we were
counting on two long days tomorrow and the day after .. so .. from
that day Wednesday in Hollywood.. cherrio mutha fuckers
8th of November 200SIXX, First Day
9:15PM CET
After having been up 39 hours before turning to
bed last night I still got up after only 4 hours of sleep like 5:30 AM
local time. Why? Cause we had a downtowm LA thing to go through. Some
locations that we wanted to have under our belts in terms of more video
and more photos .. so as I get home again next week look for more added
things in the Meet N Greet section on here. Now it was a tired Tommy and
Corinna that both got up but the morning hotel free coffee was excellent
so it all had a great start for the day.
Well as you all know women taks a good half a
life time to get ready in the morning so up this early meant that we
could be and were ready to head out the door at around 8:30 in the
morning. We took of and left for downtown Los Angeles. have never been
there myself so it was an experience. I can understand why people would
feel nervous and overlook signs and shit there are a gaillion of them
down there and they can be really hard to see if you are nervous to
start with.
Well we got there anyway found the Forum. The
arena that has so much Crue history to it and all. And we found the
store / company / what ever where the band and Supernova singers from
the TV show and Tommy himself have bought their stuff. We got in and I
taped a small video interview with Tod, one of the guys that has build
this thing up as a designer company. It was awesome. I loved it. he told
us about their latest things and how they got in touch to work with Crue
last year and more. It was a thing that I think no one has ever done. As
a fan I guess. I have a line of things in my mind about things and
places that are simply too cool to miss if you have this kind of
interest. So further on to the place of court rooms and more for the
case of CBS on new years eve 2004 and more. Nikki clothing line and deal
with Dragonfly and all. The prison that Tommy spend several months in
some years back and more. Then heading out of LA again towards Hollywood
and shot a few things here. Some places were not documented as I found
out by going to certain locations that these places were no more like:
The place Tommy and Pamela ate and caught
attention at on Sunset . It was a Sushi bar and now nothing. It was
the evening theywent from this meal to go oto the Key Club further
down Sunset and attended the Monday night attraction of Metal Skool
playuing where Tommy at one point got up on stage and playd drums
with them through Girls Girsl Girls. And Pamela started bar dancing
as if she was attraction on a strip joint.
Also the Franklin Hotel on Sunset where
Nikki Sixx overdosed in 1987. No longer there either. Nor is the
tattoo shop where Tommy had his back tribles done on La Brea. A lot
of things are gone. Its kind of sad not having documented these
places back in the day. O well its way too late now so....
Junker Designs was the name of that
thing. And it was like so easy to overlook. It was not a thing a
place a store or something that was at all like a store you would
think of. It was kind of hidden and it was like really out of the
way in the area of where no people go and all. But we rang the bell
and then went in. A dude Tod opend the door and then invited us in
after having told him who were were. He had been in on this site
already and said he thought it was awesome now thats a pretty cool
comment to our madness. Thanks dude.
We were aloud to take some photos of things
in there and we were aloud to see some things while it was being put
together. There was some brand new designs to go on Vince leather
pants that were laying there and he signed it out to both of us
((could be a problem)) and he gave it to us as a thanks for coming.
Did not go to Vince then this one lol. He has one like it already on
his pants side lower left leg. Cool.
But I asked for beong aloud to film a bit
in there and tape some questions I had. He gave that permission and
its in the can. Pretty cool. Yeah man..Thanks again. This is for the
big boys costumers Motley Crue, Aerosmith, and more. Right now they
are to work with new things for Mick Mars having a Friday meeting
with him some where round here. And They did some things that at
tonights concert at the Hollywood Bowl would be givin to Steven
Tylers new girlfriend. Plus new man in the list of shopping fames
is Iggy Pop. Awesome.
From there to the real downtown end of Los
Angeles. The roads can easerly confuse anyone that does not live
here. But keep your head cool and focus ONLY on the signs that you
are looking for and you will be fine just the same. Its all good. We
had one wrong turn in there and other wise all things went smooth.
Now off to the court buildings of Nikkis case with Dragion fly and
the CBS new years show 2004 where Vince wishes Tommy a happy FUCKING
new year. It was right there all the bad mouthing happnd in that
Next door almost the court house of the
devorse from Donna to the Sixxster. Yep it was all there. And just 2
minutes at the south east corner of the city was the jail that Tommy
was spending months in after the Pam abuse and all years back. It
was just so weird to see the buildings and knowing the stories you
know. I guess you can say the memories and the films rolling in my
head suddently had locations added to it in front of my eyes and it
all just felt kind of more real.
From downtown Los Angeles we went on to
go back to Hollywood. It was just all together okay what we had
gone for and seen. So fr not the biggets amount of shit between
us either. I have to say I am pleased but also I am on a
constant emotional reminder of the cold air that I wanted to be
love and heat between two people. But ... well you know the
story so on that note I am kind of locked up in an emotional
cage and it feels like I am not too happy about that. But I
still keep focus on trying to have this as a good way!!! A good
trip and a positive something.
Now back to Hollywood and on our way
from downtown we tlked about what to do next. I have such much
info and locations listed of Crue history that we havenot even
touched yet so ...It would be a rathercool thing to have under
our belts I would say... But there is no time to do it all. SO
its a choice of what to skip.. all the time. There is a location
on Santa Mionica Blvd. that holds one of the biggst ever 80s LA
hair metal history all together. That place is now in the so
caleld dangerous part of Hollywood. Its in the East Hollywood bt
I would so fucking like ot go and check it out. SO we took a
fast decition and just went. We found it and stopped and a guy
was on his way out from that ally between the two buildings
there. I tell you it was with a little shaking hand that we
urned to him and asked for permission to see the place. Not at
all knowing what we were going in to freaked parts of me out. I
so badly wanted to see the place my now music retired man of men
had been dealing with in the early and mid 80s. Involved in
Coffmann management too for the Motley boys. Fuck I was now on
my way in.
I cant even begin to describe to you
how i felt or what I expected from this place. One thing though
I found out that it was so n so still active as a rehearsal
location for bands that wanted to rent a roo there for their
gear. I would like ot hear how what what and all... so the now
manager of the place a seriously SPOOKIE person called Zagg Zagg.
He asked questions of what I knew about this place and why I was
there. Then out of nowhere he said he turned his back on us and
went into a small room where I am pretty sure he actualy lived
in private. Holy fuck it was a shit hole a dump and he lived
there as if he had lived on the streets. Anyway none of my
business i guess. So he turned and said feel free o lok around
and in a myserious way he open up he can of coldness and mind
trippin for what would be seen here. Fuck dude it was a place
with mile long stories from the hay days. Shit if the walls
could talk. It was shit cool. But a ratt hole. I could not
belive I now got to see this place. It was a highlight for sure.
Guns N Roses livedhere while they were still Hollywood Rose and
bare ly alive. Steen Adler was there scrubbing floors for a very
few dollars aday to takle the band to the local cross street
burger bar for food and drinks every day. Poison before they
were called Poison and had Bret Michaels in the band. In short
this place was shit important ofrhte 80s metal bands history.
Tommy lee had this place back in the day as the chosen
localplace to come and party out. It was 1983 then. For fuck
sake how can I possible type here ...type anything that would
justify my feelings for having seen it. Nothing. It was just
simply an emptional mindtrip that totally kicked my brains to
the 7th heqaven.
At the same time it was sick. Twisted
and spookie like hell. I had that feeling like a psycopath was
looking at me from holes in the walls and ceilings al lthe time
watchin my every move. It was shit seriously givin me goosebumbs.
Damn.... The pictures says it all and yet they say nothing. It
was insaine... But I went.
After this we just went out of the car
sat there and said nothing for many seconds ...then came the
feelings and all. I was in a state of mind I could not even
begin to describe. It had been shit awesome. Huuu haa..from here
it was on to the Sunset and cover the infamous "Palladium" the
place that helt the opening night in late 2004 and a good
handful of songs played for the first time on stage by the
original band since forever and they had a reunion started that
simply killed up till spring 2006. Now it sucks. And they have a
singer that is not ever gonna be cool again. Its sad I think.
How ever we did the Palladium and then started to head back to
the hotel for things. Cleared the camera and all for video and
pictures. As we were about to do that two busses came in from
the Freeway and headed towards West Hollywood and Beverly Hills.
Aerosmith and all had arrived in Hollywood for the show at the
Bowl. They stay at the Hiatt on Sunset. Yeah it had been a
seriously cool day. No ned to say more right no it was a day of
many new experiences that had been just all cool. You see it
things could have gone very wrong even between us .. but so far
not happening. Thank god.
Okay more downtown shit. We had an address to a
1981 rehearsal place. Slash studio facility I guess. We got there but
the place was as expected not active like that no more. The pictures
here dont really tell but there were like a factory or garage repair
kind of thing going on these days. But we found it and it felt kind fo
weird to me that they would go from Hollywood and down here back in the
Too Fast days as they already had like a line of places in Hollywood to
be at. Ohh well it was there and they used it reheased a good 9 songs
every day for a longer period of time .COuld have bee to prepare or
ciddle around details on the Too Fast album song list before going to
recording studio or something I sadly do not know if this was actually
the case. So Naomi Street Los Angeles held a bit of early Motley history
here then...alright.
From here it was on to the place that helt the
1997 music award show where Pamela introduced the band playing live with
the 97 version of the "Shout At The Devil" track. It was located just at
the outer corner of the skyline downtown. A place that has this Egypt
kind of shaped building with its towers on top of the building and a not
too huge place really. But I guess for an event like tht it is not
nessesary cause TV kind of does the rest of the work for you. We may all
remember the event and their performance but have maybe not a clue about
the looks of the building. Here again are a few shots. It was with a
curiocity tha we asked the cleaning staff there if we could take a quick
pick inside to get the shots and get the feeling of being there kind of.
well you have the answer we went in and we did all there was to do ...
pretty much nothing .. but the memories of having ben her e now are
documented. Thank you very much!!! Vince was back and introduced here
8th of November 200SIXX, So Far So What - For Fuck Sake
7:15PM CET
Okay now here I am sitting in Los Angeles or
actually in the Hollywood glamour. I am not too sure where to start this
thing. But I have a line of things have have actually gone really well.
And I think it is a good thing so far at least to say I have had some
rather cool experiences on the trip that in all honesty was so close to
being dropped in the hour of travlling. I was not too happy going. I am
still not a changed man on that front about the things that were the
reasons for me wanting to cancel. There still is a mountain of pain in
this one. Trust me. But on a note about the things that are happening
and all its been a fairly good trip so far. Let me try to just sum this
one up the best way possible.
-I left home about 11.15PM local time Sunday
night from Denmark and I was all up to the last 4 hours still not even
close to having packed my stuff. I seriously did not wanna go. Too much
heartacke and pain. Too little money and too much worry on a line of
things about it all. I felt that this was not right no more.
By 11.15 as said I closed the door behind me
and I started out my almost 33 hours long trip to but feet on American
soil in the afternoon local time in LAX Los Angeles the next day. I
started off by going by train with 4 other people from Grenaa (my home
city) to Aarhus a ride that was almost a good hour and a half. Then
arrive there a little to 1AM. Wait for another hour and some minutes and
board another train to Copenhagen that would take me there after 4 hours
and some minutes. To arrive in Kastrup, Copehangen International
Airport. Then wait here for another two hours and finally after check in
and all I was at the gate about 35 minutes due to take off. It was hell.
Just too long a time for such a shitty little distant. I think there is
only one thing to say about it. It had to come the classic headacke. And
trust me it came. It was constantly on the edge of either being just a
painful headacke OR going that one step further and making me puke like
shit. Thank god the last obtion never happend. But most likely only due
to the fact that after I arrived in Heathrow, London, England I went to
the phamacy and got myself some pills Man it was bad it was extremely
bad. Also to my own suprise I got Corinna a toll free only available
double thick plasticlimited Jack Daniels bottle set for a good 52 US
dollars. I knew she collectd this shit and I again felt like I was just
wanting to be nice to her.
In the UK while waiting for my flight from
there to Los Angeles directly I sat and waited again for some time.
Could not get water to take my pills either before we had actually
boarded the plane. I began to feel realy ill. I had not been eating much
and also not drinking enough that was a fact in it self but hell I also
had a really bad feeling about the whole trip to begin with so no
fucking wonder I felt and got ill. You see there was only so much to do
about it. My pain was real and my financial situation was a stinker.
There were plenty of well deserved doubts and issues that made me sit in
the "I DONT WANNA GO" situation to begin with. God damn it I was torn to
pieces. Boarded the doubledecker flight to L.A. with a good 20 minutes
delay - of course. Its always happening to me. God damn it. Sucks. But
thank god it was a delay for the final flight had no connecting flights
after this one so it kind of did not matter.
You see I kind of have this shitty feeling all
the time that this trip would be bad. But at the same time i also knew
this was to be my last one in a hell of a long time. It simply was not
cool to be without no matter the emotional turbulence. Fuck it is hard
to explain in words. Cause the feeling is so massively strong you cant
even begin to understand.
I have been sitting with a few cool friends
that knows about my situation Joelle in california. Tine in Aarhus
Denmark and all and they all said go or you will regret it but also
think hard. The pain is there no matter if you go or stay home. The
expensences have been paid already and you would after you get better
only regret not going. Thanks guys I guess you were right so here i
The plane from London to L.A. was super cool. A
hell of a jet. My god. It was a huge and awesome comftable fucker of a
metal monster taking us all to the skies. The serving staff in my
section were bloodie awesome. I have never met a cooler guy in this line
of work ever. So awesome. but the black Brazillian kid next to me was a
shithead. Constantly moving in and out of his fucking seat. laughing out
loud. Takling loudly in his sleep and more. Man some shit head. But time
passed on anyways and guess what, after my pills and a couple of things
to eat I tried to sleep a little and most likely did and now i felt
better. Motley Crue were on my mind too. But sadly I missed the good
thoughts and all about the band. It just was not there. I guess there
was a line of things that had led me to this shitty position about the
band and there was nothing it seemed that could take me away from that
I watched none less than 4 movies onboard this
flight. "Pirate of the Carribean II", good one "Cars" the animated movie
about emotional and talking cars .. so n so ..not too cool. But with a
few good messeges to the people I guess. Then 2 more I cant even fucking
remember. All in all I got over tired but could not sleep. All I did was
minding my worries about the whole thing. The concern about the sucking
ass tour we were to see again. The situation with my head and the freaky
guy next to me. I never fully slept anything. Fuck!! But with a heck of
a lot of turbulence in the air and in my head we got to our destination
a good 30 some minutes late and then we had it coming. Los Angeles in
sight. Down from 36000 feet and below the lower clouds and we were safe.
The landing was sick too. Like we were side sliding for a minute. It was
crazy a few people around me gave up a little scream or signal as they
did not feel safe about the landing at all.
Off the plane and in line for costume and
immigration it took forever today cause all of a sudden thought the
lines were shit long two officers left their fucking booth and not to
return. So we ended up in a line of a good 100 or so thanks to my racing
down to get as far up to the front as possible I did not have as long a
time as the rest of the poor fucks behind me. But it still took forever.
And as it was my time it took 50 seconds to get through. The officer
said man you have been here a lot of times (he could see the marks in
passport) the last couple of years youre probably good for it have a
nice visit. Welcome to the US.
Yeah thanks pal....have a great day..
Then off to baggage claim that went smoothly.
My only suitcase was already there. And my mind began to wander about
the things to do. The Motley shows and all. Yeah I had a time coming
that could be either fairly cool or really stinky bad. Grabbed my
suitcase and then it was off to finding Corinna. Or at least try to.
That too was easy. Well hi and hello to you my sadly missed ex.
How are you? She had been waiting here for like
5 some hours already. And she had not had a cool trip. Been sick and all
on boaurd the plane. We were absolutely off for a good start huhh!!
Now we needed our car and to get to that we
needed the airport shuttle to the rental car place ...well there we
went. It was insaine. Back "home" !!
Welcome T-boy welcome to the place you had huge
plans for to move to. Welcome back. Enjoy.
As we found our way out of the L.A. area we
took off to Hollywood a road we or I began to know by the back of my
hand. It felt weird yet soooo good to be here one last time this year.
Whitley Street in Hollywood was in sight and we
....drove up checked in and then left al our baggae there and went to
get somthing to eat. The very first thing I paid for in the states got
to be a pizza. lol. I was so freaky hungry it was sick. We had on our
way to Hollywood from the airport gone by a grossery store and done a
little shopping. So it was a cheap way to get started. Food for a few
days and drinks and all. Yeah this was a good choice.
Now the trip had begun and we were to have a
final ride in the Hollywood land for our Crued Motley passion. A lot of
places to visit and document as we get to them....There goes the Monday
and the first day for this USA trip. It had now turned in to Tuesday it
was now 1:15Am and I had been up for like 39 hours. I was waysted as the
trash I can think of.
Tomorrow Tuesday it will all start ....again
welcome to another diary in the adventures of US trips.
I will try to
make the best of it for sure, your fucked up host Tommy Lee
5th of November 200SIXX, A
passionate Move Has Never Been Tougher
3:52PM CET
I am still not entirely sure that
this my LAST chapture in the name of Motley crue 2006 is a wise and wanted
move. I feel on top of things have not been breaking down as such but been
extremely bad feeling down and sat with more than an empty feeling. I do not
feel for going to L.A. this evening. But my own self says I should. Should
as I will not get to these places that were originally planned for Corinna
and myself should I stay home tonight. I know I can be there and i know I
can do all planned. But I will do it with a feeling inside that is so in the
way of anything that has to do with pleasure and joy. Nothing can change
that little fact. I feel really bad for the sake of all that has changed in
my life with is more or less everything I have planned and done my first
step preperations for. Now I can take all that and showe it up my ass. I
have a good 6 hours left till the train takes me through Denmark to the
other end and there by Copenhagen and the international airport. It is not a
thing I like to do right now and I have not at all started packing should I
go. Never ever have I felt this before about travelling. The sadest point I
think is that my "then partner" cant no matter how hard she tries see there
should be anything to be down about. All there is of changes is NO SEX. I
cant help but think there is no way on earth any person with a brain cant
see the huge change at least for one of the two. My whole life has changed
due to the things not in it no more.
What on earth can possibly be said
to cover my shock from her reactions towards me?I have none, absolutely no
idea what so ever.
I did get to see the last and ending
part of a great spring summer turn into litterally a fall and winter in many
ways. I see darkness and cold, pain and other troubles i can not just clear
from mind just like that. What the hell is possible for me to do? I have no
absolutely no idea. It sucks to be here now and it will suck to be there.
But I think the last straw will tell me to get my ass in gear and have that
misserable flight. I seriously need that one thing. One trip and just close
the doings and all. I know of none other that does not have the slightest
interest in other peoples well being and more. So I cant say I do a smart
move by going into the company of this either. But then again I know there
most likely isnt any good solution. So take a pick and stick to it. No
matter what I do it will feel wrong. End of story. So why not just go. Just
go and experience and then you know ...return and say i got this and that
under my belt too now. It will for sure be the last as said all along. I
cant do more trips more anything and now things have to be looked at from
another angle too with my life.
A passionate move like this one has
never been tougher. And I hate it. its another fucking eample of what I have
said so many times before. Involve another being in my doings to be shared
and things will go wrong. It fucking sucks ass!!! Not to be argued about.
Hate the fucking fact. Now I pack my ass away eat something and then I see
what will be off from all this mess. I will return in a couple of hours....
hate this.
5:20 it is no different but I have
decided to close my eyes from the shit to come and just go to L.A.
I am not at all up for it and it kills me. It brings me to tears. I never
thought this particular girl would and could ever hurt me. But without even
trying too hard she has done a perfect job. My inner guts are screaming for
ending this suffering. I wanted this year to come 2007 to be the new and
perhaps life long first year in my "new" life. What happend....yeah right.
I am without words of what to say and / or do about this. I guess the only
medicine would be time. Time heal all wounds? Yeah kind of. I fully agree to
that one but I will never see what was so highly wished for. And that
perhaps is the biggest suffering of all part from the dissapointment in her
ways of seeing me. And allthings always . no Tommy fucking stop this shit
dont type no more on this matter and try focus on the Crue.
Motley crue - fall tour 2006 ...said it before and i can again, I do not
like this tour. I feel really dissapointed about everything that has my
passion this fall of the god for saken year 2006. God damn it. I need to let
Nikki know another new happening about me but that is not really for this
site or anything. So I will go around that one. I really hope you can all
bare with me on the turbulence I am going through this and every storm has
an end and I will come through this one too. But my god it takes time. There
have been a huge setback too in the eBay actions taken against me and their
fucking policy has limited me from a line of doings now. Thats really not
helping me on the front of being a collector as you can so easerly imagine.
Hell no.
There arent too much to say other
than this really. It would only sound like an old recorded 7" same ol song
and dance. Nothing new should I carry on. There for - this will be the last
before my travel to the other side (of the globe) and return the 15th here.
I am not sure if I will be posting from over there. If I can then yes. Other
wise I will just keep all written down and then post the diaries as i return
Thats all . have a plesant week. Your fucked up host - Tommy
4th of Novemebr 200SIXX, Let
It Rest In Peace - Damn It
11:33AM CET
Saturday morning. Not a thrilled boy
today. I am having so many second thoughts about not leaving my home to go
for tickets to the train that tomorrow night ALL NIGHT should take me to the
international Airport in Copenhagen. It sucks. This feeling about not really
wanting to go. Not really wanting to be with this trips partner. I have
gotten everythiing about this out on a side track that simply is nothing but
a heartless, painful totally ass sucking activity if I do go. There are
about 20 minutes till this place with the tickets is closing. What the fuck.
I really dont know what to do .I am without words I tell you this much. I am
so not cool with what is moving inside of me. I have also to saý that this
trip holds so many cool last time things in itself. The last history round
trip of Motley places, the concerts in Hollywood and at the old place of
their 83 break through at the US Festival 83. All these things should be
reasons enough to go. But I have this very over shadowing thing, and its
killing me.
I am so all about company, good
times and what that brings. And it used to be like this way back in time for
the company going. It is not a thing I care going more in on. It is just
kind of killing the pleasure and the REAL reason for going. So what do one
do...I guess I could at least make a covered kind of guarentee with the
tickets. 11 mins till closing. I guess I will go and get the tickets should I
not use them then fuck it. If I do not buy it and then at the last minute
wanna go then I am screwed. I will be back....Give me 15 minutes.
Back its done now let me see how I
feel as the time comes tomorrow for leaving. I am not really cool with it
right now. Feels like there is nothing but bad things going on. And since I
hate the tour of this fall to begin with I have a huge need for the company
and the doings to be great. But that is not gonna happen it seems. I will
have to win myself over and kind of just say okay, this is a trip alone and
though there is another person with you you have to just kind of pretend
there isnt - really. Find me 3 people that can tell me that is still a cool
idea. Its not its a bloody waste of everythign there is about it.
I guess my diaries from there will
be none covering of anything else but my view to things. Just leave out any
more of this emotional shit. That also means these diaries could become very
short and quiet none personal. The touch in open up my mind and soul to you
all would be buried. Its been a rather long time since I had something
really positive to say here and it kind of kills me big time.
Now what is
up on other Crue doings? Well, there is no more eBay auctions for me
to join in on thats a thing. On there is this second and latest worn
late 2005 early 2006 shirt of This auction brought to you by
the offical store for
is for a Autographed Nikki Sixx Red Plaid Stage Vest. Size is
X-Large made by Mad Toys. Item is signed in black marker on the
back. Also has F**K patches on the upper and lower front panels as
well as skull patches on the collars. Back has Sixx patch work over
a screened skull as well as a F**K you xxx screen, & a screen at the
bottom that says i am just a rock 'n roller with another skull patch
to the left of that...This is a rare opportunity to buy a real STAGE
collectable item worn by Nikki Sixx! And to help the Kids of Running
Wild in the Night. Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx founded The
Running Wild in the Night Foundation, which is dedicated to raising
funds for Covenant House. Covenant House is the largest
privately-funded childcare agency in the United States providing
shelter and service to homeless and runaway youth |
I love to have this one too buut I
am not a registered user no more. Really cool. Fucking not. I will just have
to NOT go do anything and too much looking on there no more. Period. I am
not gonna say I dont care about the eBay situation on my part. I do but I
just wont continue to do all there is to be done in the battle of reinstate
the account and all. Its just kind of like a FUCK IT!! I am so worn out on
the matter of the constant fighting and solving with people around me. You
have no idea. I am just sick of this stupid and childish ongoing bullshit. I
dont know what to say about anything of this matter. I dont even have alot
of thoughts no more just . a simple tiredness filling my body!! Things were
so cool till the end of spring and early summer this year but there after
things have really step by step gone down hill.
There have been a few ofers to me on
two extremely cool collectibles. One is the front stage curtains to the
legendary 1987 "Girls Girls Girls" tour. Its mind blowing how cool a
collectible these curtains could be as part of one dudes private collection.
Its just things you either thought were long gone not around no more or
maybe at a place with no really ways of ever getting these bastards offered.
They are still in really great shape. And this was the tour that really
fucked the members up and took Nikki and Tommy to their high in cocaine and
other drug abuse. Took Sixx to visit death for a brief moment and thats all.
Sure these stage curtains are really wanted ....time will tell if they are
gonna be mine at all. Then there is the US part of the 1985 Theatre tour the
stage used huge backdrop behind Tommy`s kit. hell were they for that use
only? I think so but awwweeesome item to hold in your hands and say THIS IS
MINE!!!!! I own this baby. Holy hell brother its a cool thing to have. I
would love to get it. Buut ime will tell. Right now there are no way in
earth I can had it been like RIGHT NOW!!
Its just some things that many dont
understand what are worth in sentimental value. And there even have people
turning to Jesse asking him why would I want something that have been up on
stage? What is with that? Well people no comments. If you dont collect like
massively and from the heart you can and would never understand. I have a
good 20 years of experience with this so its really of no point that I say
eny more on that one. So I wont say anything. I just think I have a good
emotional reasons to why I would die to have them though. As said time will
tell but time is limited for grabbing these bastards so I will have to see
what the hell can be done. I will have to get pass new years to do even, a
minimal of serious concideration to this one. Due to financial reasons. And
the story is not any longer than that!!
Okay I think this will do for
now.. as I reach a deciion to my going or not I will have a posting done
tomorrow about it and how things are ... so stay put and as always thanks
for stopping by. We truely do appreciate your support in every way. Peace
1st of nov 200SIXX, Cheap
Wedesday Entertainment
10:30PM CET
I have after all, on
top of some sick experiences today had some rather joyful times this evening
.. Who would have thought a huge passionate thing like collecting these
fucks could actually be a tearful laugh from two sick no cure in sight
diehards ....even though we arent too well with the daily feeling about
things. Man I have sitting with one brother, a work of art I tell you guys,
its a stinky brother to have he is the funniest shit on my lawn and I love
him to death. One day in 2007 the to be chosen location will be so in
trouble as we knock the doors down there and grab a piece of fun night
here is what I talk about......I
have gotten some rather awesome cool collectibles offered today and the joke
is ... you gotta be sick if you do this but I fully understand. Lol...
On messenger with my man for a
good while . here is a part of that crap. I laugh so I almost pissed myself.
lee2@tdcspace.dk siger:
huge fuckers |
Brother siger: |
Damn they are |
lee2@tdcspace.dk siger:
hell yeah |
Brother siger: |
Is that the
last of his Motley stuff? |
siger: |
but by far the best two pieces I think |
Brother siger: |
I see |
lee2@tdcspace.dk siger:
what you think |
Brother siger: |
Man that is quite a load. do you think
anyone else would even buy it though -
that is alot of $$ |
lee2@tdcspace.dk siger:
good question. |
Brother siger: |
mean it is kool as fuck to us, and we are the guys willing to pay,
but really who else is gonna pay that for something so huge |
lee2@tdcspace.dk siger:
I could not say .. but there most likely is a
person like me or two out there that thinks like me .. FUCK THE
BUCKS its an emotional thing ...
nothing less nothing more and if the number on the tag is high then
.. well tough, I just would not know ..
Brother siger: |
I would try to
get him down some more |
lee2@tdcspace.dk siger:
but my inner feelings tell me that I may have
lost this / these if I dont.. cause there always is a fucker out
there when I get things offered . and dont take , you know...
my life is filled with that luck |
Jesse siger: |
Yeah. I
guess. You would know more than i in this situation |
siger: |
he hehe |
Brother siger: |
Like when I
had the chance to get Tommy's SATD drum kit. That killed me not
having the loot and the price was right |
lee2@tdcspace.dk siger:
Jesse I have paid 3000 bucks
for the two 1981 original contracts alone - actually a little over
- money is a stinker ....
but no matter the amount ones its paid I no longer think about
it ....have i bought something |
Brother siger: |
yeah |
lee2@tdcspace.dk siger:
do I scare
you?? He he ....im fucked up i know |
Brother siger: |
No, i just
don't have those rsources anumore |
lee2@tdcspace.dk siger:
i hear ya |
Brother siger: |
I was the same
way for a while when I first discovered ebay. It put me in the whole
deep. I'm still diiging out of that one |
siger: |
does in the ways they have their things done these days of modern
times.....put ya in the hole....its freaky. He he he
Sorry not laughing AT you but it is.. |
Brother siger: |
Yeah |
siger: |
why do we do this |
Brother siger: |
I don't know |
siger: |
why do we agree to put
ourselves so far out for this |
Brother siger: |
sometimes i think it's a disease
siger: |
why, why, why,
ha ha
it is |
Brother siger: |
with no cure |
siger: |
its a junkie
thing .. just not through a needle |
Brother siger: |
only temp.
sanity....yep |
siger: |
he he |
Brother siger: |
ha ha
ha...Yeah some of the stuff i bought then...what i see it worth now.
FUCK!! I over paid alot and made out alot |
siger: |
hear you there too....so
have i done |
Brother siger: |
I've got like
5 copies of the GGG tour book that aren't worth shit |
siger: |
he he -
some way you put things bro "not worth shit" ...he he he he |
Brother siger: |
yeah, must be
funny to read those american terms |
siger: |
different in these parts of the fucking world - poor thing .. he heh
e you crack me up ... cant see my eyes are all watered ... he h |
Brother siger: |
ha ha, well
gald to see I'm not the only one who finds my ways funny. I wonder
how I'm to take myself serious |
siger: |
wait till meet mine
its the cheapest entertainment youll ever find |
Brother siger: |
sometimes I
can't help but say FUCK if it's what i want fuc it...no need to
please others |
siger: |
go see a dr pls he
he he |
Brother siger: |
ha ha - I
canceled my appointment last week can you tell. ha ha |
siger: |
it shows yeah, if there is any legal or none
legal medication ofr this crap.. buy me a glass. This
convesation has got to go on in my next diary |
Brother siger: |
ha ha |
siger: |
stopped . dont go into shick my friend .shock,.. shit |
Brother siger: |
My shick is
thinking of big boobies |
siger: |
really |
Brother siger: |
weakness |
siger: |
got spare
parts? |
Brother siger: |
or disaese |
siger: |
what else
can you call it? pleasure? hobby? if so ppl will judge you as a sick
perve, gotta have a night out at a bar withyou one day he he |
Brother siger: |
Yeah yeah last
time at the boobie bar we got thrown out in true Motley fashion |
siger: |
ohh no what the
heck did you do now? |
Brother siger: |
5 hours of
drinking and leaving with the dancers he he - Me nuthin' |
siger: |
not quiet
as fancy but I intend to be thrown out of fucking bowling centers
locally ...wtf |
Brother siger: |
nuthin' i'll
admitt too - they have bowling over there? |
siger: |
jesse what do
you think? Its not quiet the planet MArs here yet |
Brother siger: |
ha ha - I
thought that was more a american way to waste time |
siger: |
no its world wide ..
only funny thing about it is in Japan...
weird lill creatures biiiggg
balls |
lee2@tdcspace.dk siger: |
Japan loves
anything american yeah, ha ha ha ha |
Brother siger: |
goofie eyed too wonder if they actually see
straight, always be aware of the silent types and the small thingies
you and I |
siger: |
... pretty
simple straight up and all.. just plain fruitcakes but who cares in
the end never thought a home alone night on a
Wednesday could be this entertaining!!!! |
Brother siger: |
ha ha |
1st of November 200SIXX, Cheesy
News & Winter
6:59AM CET
So it happend. The eBay blocked me
and my account for good. A totally bad thing and childish thing is the
reason. I have asked a contact in USA to have my wins shipped there for
shipping savings and they felt a violation was made. Fuck it I am not gonna
go in to all that. Its a stinky weird way and so ...almost kindergarden
behaviour its sick!! I am right now not gonna be doing a comma on eBay no
more so who knows where this shit will take me. I have a few offers for
things but I need really need to get some numbers on the table to see what
can be done early next year. I think most of the things that are really cool
will pass me at least all listed on eBay I have no account no more and they
are not gonna be hearing from me on and on and on about reopening my account.
I told them it was wrong I have done NOTHING but their policy is I guess
their policy!!
Now the people at Swagrox and
motley.com have again listed the second oftheir test pressed long sleeve
Nikki shirts and more is about to come from him the next 4 to 6 weeks as it
looks right now.
Vince Neil is opening his Tattoo
shop in Vegas on friday and The 2,200-square-foot shop located at the
Flamingo in the area where O'Shea's Irish pub is being replaced will be part
of "a rock and roll vibe" in the space. Also
The adding of all Crue
articles and tickets and smaller things got on the site yesterday. You can
see them all under "looks" on the
site. More will be done today. Today and tomorrow will see most of the solo
adding and it takes a good time to get the changes in mind done and also
added the new stuff or the solos of Tommy, Vince and Nikki. There are picks,
posters, articles, magazine covers and more just wait it will all be up
shortly. You just return to this site every now and then and I guess I then
have to see what will be next!! But things will come ....
Dont know really what else to do or
add to this posting right now. Not much else in the Crue world for me is
going on right now part from adding the latest stuff. Today is just another
damn day of normalcy and boredome. That part of life is ripping me apart
slowly but surely. Its sick. November huhh? God how time flies by. Later Tx
31st of October 200SIXX, Spooked!! In More Ways Than One
4:56PM CET
So its here huhh! Halloween 2006 is
here and for the day today only. Bg thing in the states a little less to
nothing here. God bless it. Suckers. Spooked!! Fuck I got scared myself this
morning . What the hell. All that was around to wamke up to was a suspended
eBay account and it was nothing but a bad feeling. Limits all there ever is
to buy from. What the fuck. The reason is rediculous and it is not a thing I
even wanna spare a line on here about. I have contacted them and said heyy
fuckers listen up this is the stupidest policy... what the fuck.... part
from that I have more or less ONLY had a so and so day. I am about to add
more right this very minute but I seriously dont care for anything about
going to the states this coming Monday! I am just not really up for it.
Always like to be there but the whole feel about it with the ex and all just
limits the joy. I am not an ego fucker but I have ( I admit this ) placed my
ass on a self made ego cause and I will perhaps learn to be just as huge a
fuckhead as I see others in this business. Let it be allabout me, me, me,
me, me!!! And to hell with the others aroundme part from the one... Jesse!!
People really one by one seem to just really dissapoint my ass big time. Ohh
well dont cry over spilled milk! Yeah right buddy! not easy to just say it
like that and be a sport about it. I think there are a good portion of
dissapointment that sadly has ruled my doings in life a little too long and
a little too much the last 15 years of my life. you see ift really is quiet
"funny" a lot of the times I have been doing something involving other
people then shit goes wrong and mostly when I do things solo .. mostly...
then things go well. How can that be? Anyone? An idea? No? Well, it just
gets extremely fustated very, very often and I cant say I particulourly like
it. Right now the addings are in full gear. For the people that have not
figured out the NEW section items yet here is what is so far added: Posters,
CDs, Vinyls, This N That, Magazine Posters, Magazine Covers, and tonight the
Magazine Covers will be finished and the articles will get started on....
more to come too after this.
And with the new Paul Stanley CD on and spinning "LIVE TO WIN" .. things
kind of get into a perfect created frame for the evening. I liked the album
before I saw him solo this month. .... "you make me bulletproof thats what
you I feel ...when I am next to you... " .... uhhhh great fucking album.
After seeing him .. I love it even more. I miss my KISS days but there is
not a rotten apple in my basket. So there wont be a secind attempt of my
KISS re collecting. No sir!!! I have my fucked Hollywood men in Crue and
that functions fine. I just need to find them doing something cool agian.
And end this fucking tour. I hate it. Go Stanley.......Woops sorry lads...I
didnt mean to .. well you know. Or do you? Lol..... "I cant take it Ive been
working myself to the bone.......I dont care where it ends tonight its all
about you.." damn paul welcome back and to the solo stages cross America.
Hell youre good.
Motley Crue wins and contacts have
gotten lost the last 24 hours for multi reasons. Web shit account fuckers
and more. I almost give in. This is simply too much of a good thing ....NOT
I think I will simply have to just sit and wait till this year ends and then
see what the heck to do. I realyl do have a ton of things I want and wanted
to do and get done but its not the easiest thing to do when other people
fucks with your goals and activities and make your ones plain road be an
uphill struggle. Im spooked in more ways than one I tell you this much.
Anyway hello Novembr, hello America and goodbye October and other things.
Fuck I really have a shit of luck to get my ways. I rarely do. So the new
mission is .. BE A DICK BE EGO AND FUL OF IT.
See you on the other side of
kindness.......your bitch T Lee
30th of October 200SIXX, I
Pledge .To Rock n Roll
2:20PM CET
Okay its time for me to get a little
note out to you all. The day before halloween is here and there is not gonna
be much of that thing going on here for me. Its gonna be a day of work and
site update. I have not a halloween party to go to anyway. On another not
the Halloween is beginning to come to Denmark too but has never been much of
a thing in Scandinavia. But like everything else also here on certain things
we get Americanized slowly but surely. As long as its not gonna be certain
political changes down American avenue style I am happy. Cause that for sure
it fucked up. But yet Happy halloween to all of you out there. Here is old
gang member and for life my good friend Don Armstrong and wife. I love this
family to death. Really do. Will always treasure them as my foreign family.
That is a guarentee. Buuuaahhhhhhh!!!
So there are a line of things
brueing again with the old familiar BIG boy collectors on eBay again huhh?
There have been some silent months now from certain ones that are always
competition to my kind. It will never change I guess. Thats what makes the
eBay people so filthy rich. The small lads like us over bidding each other
and there by cold $ right down front pocket of the people behind this
machinery. damn why is it I dont care to study and figure out something new
to make money off? Shit I could have been a multi millionaire times over
dude. But now... its a laugh, its a joke. Its a struggle. But I have a home
of boxes upon boxes of Crue memorabilia instead and I am rich on memories.
But could have had more. Shit sucks ass.....
I pledge alligence to stage of rock
n roll for which it stands and for what it gives me. I love it. And that
line could for me easerly turn into a book kind of thing. I tell youthere
are so much cool shit in that life that simply keeps me alive and well. But
also extremely poor as fuck. I love what i get out of it but ... wellthat
story too is to be read about on me elsewhere on this site. My partner in
crime Jesse of Boston does not seem to have too much hope these days and too
many great adventures in the name of Crue. But is my loving dude and part
ner on this shit since Corinna changed colours again a while ago. I
constantly try to hope and see the good in people in the long run. I have
now stopped that. She made me see that its not worth the wait, the struggle,
nor the hopes and denial on other things just for one person. It simply
isnt. I will not do it again.
Last night the first few things got
lined up on here and I added ad new things to the collection on the .DK site
and under the "Looks" page which holds most of the collection I own any way.
More comes on there today guarenteed. And all is on before the weekend
comes.. no worries. Jesse is bettering though.He has some aweosme ideas for
soemthing to do for himself and for us. Just you wat and see...Yeah you will
love these shitty ideas for sure. Hell they are awesome. Every now and then
we actully get something useful to mind. And these ideas now are brilliant.
Hell I am not gonna sauy anything just now we have to look into them and
then see what kind of thing we can actually turn into reality other than
just an idea. Now back to scaning the last bit and start adding the stuff to
the site again. Its rather great. Thank you all for your patience. And happy
Halloween. Booh All !!
29th of October 200SIXX,
Adding Begun & Countdowns
4:56PM CET
Sunday the 29th they have promised
winter here now like from next week. So time has really come for a serious
line of changes now I see. I am finally in a state of mind where I can say i
feel I have catched up what was missed out on in sleep and shit from thehome
coming last week from South carolina. And now there is only one week to go
before another couple of flights takes me to Hollywood again. Sunday next
weekend will be the day of my ass leaving home again. I am almost getting
tothe point of being tired of flying. 74 flights has it come to so far since
march 2004. And now a good 4 more flights are lined up over the next 2
While thinking of all that and
getting ready with the totally outrageous financial situation I am sitting
with here makes me not happy!!!Ohh fuck never mind. Should I die next week I
at least went for the shit I wanted ...so why complain? I wont. Suck that
soda bitch!!! I am gonna be grateful for all I have done the last long
time. No matter the balance in my pocket. I loved and still love every
monute of it. Well...almost every minute. Right now I have spent the last 3
days or so in scanning things broought home last week. So from in a good
half an hour from now the shit will start to get added on here and that will
be kind of cool....it will most likely take more than a good few days. But
by Friday it should all be here. I am all up and on it. Trust me. I will be
bringing home a few more things as I return from L.A. the 14th so ... yeah
there are a line of cool things to be seen here. I am gonna make it easy for
you all. How youcan see the sections that have gotten new studd added will
have a "NEW" star next to the name of the section like in SHIRTS or where
ever there may have been added new stuff. But there will be a lot to look
inon should you sit with an interest in the sections that will have these
added things. That of casue can only you know that watches.
But there will be added all the new
stuff more or less in the week that starts now. Everything we can possibly
find time for to get added will go up on here. be excited i am. I sometimes
hear that people go "but that wasnt much you have added" well... sotry lol,
lol butu because there are so much stuff already there sometimes seems to be
like 30 new items is but a drop in the water. And with the collection on
here in total then . yes... 30 items can seem like nothing. It really can.
I agree to the fullest. How can we get around that? we cant. I feel proud to
have reached that sick fact that so much can seem like so little in the
general total of this collection. really. Its nuts!!! but I like it. I am
sure most of youaout there agree.
Now there will be another good thing
coming shortly. The solo collections will go through a lift up or what ever
you may choose to call it. All the solo pages will get split up like for
Methods page and all thats from that
part of his carreer, Never a Dull and all thats from that time, Tommyland
and Supernova... and so on.. you know. Its been a harder and harder thing to
keep setting up nicely as more and more gets added from these ereas of the
members. So we change that one soon. Maybe that will be only AFTER I return
ones again from the USA in November. We will have to see how long these new
things take to put on there. For now I guess thats all and thats that. Enjoy
the new stuff. And come back through out the week. Yeah cool......Much love
your loyal dude - Tommy Lee
More of the stuff is coming from
Sixx...damn there have been some pretty sick endings price wise too on some
recent autions lok at this:
Autographed Nikki Sixx
"F**k Off" SS Visor Cap.
This auction brought to you by swagrox.com the offical store for
nikkisixx.net is for a Autographed Nikki Sixx "F**k Off" SS Visor
Cap. From the Carnival Of Sins tour comes one of the most requested
Nikki Sixx items in Swagrox.com history, the SS Visor Cap. This cap, the
sister of the infamous "Sixx" cap, was worn by Motley Crue's Nikki Sixx
during last year's comeback tour. Fake "blood" stains can still be found in
the white piping just above the autographed bill. In addition to Nikki's
autograph on the bill, he's written a nice little message for the winning
bidder on the underside of the hat. He also signed the hat box which is
included. This is a one of a kind item which very few fans even knew existed.
Bid so far 3166,00 Dollars.
Autographed Brides of
Destruction Cd Jacket. Item is autographed in silver by the
ORIGINAL band memebers. Nikki Sixx, Tracii Guns, Scot Coogan and London
LeGrand. And is an actual CD insert from their 1st Album "here come the
brides". Bid so far 176,00 dollars..
Autographed Nikki Sixx
Blue Plaid Stage Vest. Size is X-Large made by Mad Toys. Item is
signed in black marker on the front left (bottom) of the shirt under the
F**K patch work. Also has F**K patches on the upper and lower front panels
as well as skull patches on the collars. Back has Sixx patch work over a
screened skull as well as a F**K you xxx screen, & a screen at the bottom
that says i am just a rock 'n roller with another skull patch to the left of
that... Ended at US
Autographed Sixx worn
jean jacket. Size is Large made by TBY JEANS. Item is signed in
black marker on the back with hand written CRUE and Nikki Sixx 2006. Front
has hand written Rock and Roll above pockets.
Ended at US $2,650.00
Autographed Sixx 2006
COS Stage Jeans. There is no size avalible as these were worn and
customized for the show, by sixx himself.. Patches, holes and blown out
stiched up crotch what more could you ask for from an original pair of Sixx
jeans. Jeans are signed on the front in black ink and COS 2006 tour is on
back. Ended at US $1,585.00
Man I guess there are a few things
that can really be cool to have trust me had I been able to I had taken all
these items but that is for sure not gonna happen. And it on most of this
also DID NOT happen. There are a few cool winners out there. I hope they
treat the things right and not like one I know that last year won two shirts
worn and sigend by nikki athen wore and washed them. I cna not even begin to
think about the bad words I have for such actions. you see there are so many
things that could be awesome to do but this is fucking not one of them. What
the hell..... Only asking. Thank you very much.
26th of October 200SIXX,
Unpacked & ready For Adding
6:24PM CET
All stuff unpacked and ready to go
through. As you can see from the pictures below this is the pile so bare
with me. I really need a good few days to do this. I am still not over my
jetlag have not slept much or anything. But Friday and Saturday will have
the best of it added for sure. If time alouds it and all I am going to the
tattoo store Saturday too finishing up my my Theatre masks and background on
top of my left shoulder / neck!!! Yeah good to have it over with I am sure.
I hate getting inked its just the shitty pain and all that really gets in
the way of it being a pleasure. Yeah, yeah call me a wuss I dont care. i can
even say it myself I am a wuss. There happy!!? Well I am fine about it. But
I need them finished and thats that. I really, really have to. But the pile
in this picture is just something that really is gonna have to be dealt with
AND NOW!!! cause this is what we have not had much of in a long, long time.
You see I have really need to get this added and also for myself. With all
the shitty experiences I have had and Jesse too from this tour i can only
say the adding of the new stuff would really be a nice relief to the shit
going on!!
What else? Well not much
really I guess I just need to have some time alone and getting all these
things dealt with and then come back and say I am back feeling good and I
am ready for the next chapter of what ever in this shitty thing called
everyday life. What do you think? Good choice ey? Yes mama it is. No doubt
to it. I have got to have this done. And find some rest its just every day
from now on till I leave for Los Angeles and Hollywood again on the 6th of
November is so full already. I have not one day off to myself at all. None.
Well you know whats up and you now know whats on and coming in the next few
days. More in the section on
under LOOKS the collection pages. And the SOLO pages on
yeah my sweets its all gonna be cool. Wait till you get to see the stage
probs addings too. that department in on Jesse... he is not too optimistic, he
is not having the coolest positive wibes out there right now. He is not away
from the site or anything hell no. he is now inked with this shit for life.
He, he, he, he. With this I am gonna end the diary of today and just say
wait a while till you see it all and there are more shit in the US of A that
I will bring home in November not as much as this but still stuff .Lee
25th of October 200SIXX,
Danish Between MyToes - Smells
8:30PM CET
Danish are for danes on a Sunday
morning this is Wednesday evening. This is danish ground under my feet
again. Not a nice smell. As said so many times before I have been looking
forward to the USA living for more than a year now. No further comments at
this point. Anyway this is a situation I have to deal with. This is a way of
dealing with it...for me. Trying to look forward to the next and coming
times to get in on the web here for a lot of uploadig and adding. There will
come a load just be patient. Right now while I can still hold focus (I have
been up for 29 hours now since my ass left Greer, South Carolina for the
last time on Tuesday local time there. Now lets go back and start this one
on Monday. It was a day of the final east American Crue show for me this
year. It was Raleight in North Carolina 7:30 local time. Motley again
supporting Aerosmith. I have here at the labtop one more cup of coffee and
this will be my last before bedtime and all. So bare with me if this should
at somepoint sound staange alright lads? Thank you. here we go.
Ohh while I remember I have to add
the pictures from Monday on here a little later sorry bout that.
Ok got up or should I say sat the
clock to go bananas for Corinna at 9AM. We did this cause we wanted to go
for the show at around 10.00 but that did not happen. Corinna was too
personal this morning with her bed cover, sheets and pillows. She stayed in
bed till around 11 or so....Never mind all we could do there was sit in a
car or walk around anyway no way to meet the band or anything for the simple
reasons of two. One there are so new ways and shit this fall tour and there
was at this venue no way we could get to the busses or nothing there. They
were behind the theater and that was a blocked area for special personal
only. So we did not leave home till we actually had the clock striking 12
noon. and more. We had on Sunday evening packed all we wanted with us. The
CDs for the car stereo a late 10PM shopping for chips paper and chocolate
bars. I only had one thing to say and that was we were ready. ready as we
could be.
Funny all the way up there a good
250 miles which is about a good 4 hours drive and as we drove off it was
with the danes in D:A:D a lot of the older shit and just blasting it out. It
Aint Funny Making Fun Of Money ... yeah I hear ya DADs. Its not funny stil
that one and more took us right in to North Carolina. Then it got nasty
Rammstein. All the fucking way. A few stops to the gasstations for refuel
and some drinks. We talked a fair bit on this day it was a solid shared
feeling that none of us were really with too much excitement for the actual
show. I know its fucked up isnt it. Hell yes!!! But honest to god we werent
excited. We kind of expected to to suck so what could we do??
Now I would say we had a fairly good
time on our way up there Corinna the driver as always was a bit tired. She
gets that these days from driving she seems to kind of hate it. Sorry for
not switching seats. I can but then again should we get pulled over it can
be quiet bad you know what I mean right. Yeah, so there goes that story.
Ended. We talked about a good lot of things and we still did not fully know
what to do with the show tonight should we stay for Aerosmith and leave like
in the later hours and just get ass tired as we hit home and then tomorrow
(yesterday) would have been hell. What? We still didnt know. So we took it
all as it came I guess you can say. Talked alot about the things that would
get us together agin for November. It was not a thing that felt easy to do
anything about. How ever we were okay for now and agreed on just letting
November and California roll as it roll would. No pressure in or of any
kind. I had done so good on my worrying, lost love, low financials and more.
Yeah I had done good and I had done a lot of things that I will not forget
from this trip there had been so much. Last stop to go get something to eat
before we arrived there and I got myself a HUGE fucker of a Corona bottle
nice.. .needed that I felt good.
I think its fair to say that we had
a lot of cool things expeeriences and we had had good fun with most of it.
been in many states, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Georgia. South Carolina and
North Carolina. What couldyou more want? REally getting around. Not more
than a good few more things and locations I would have loved o go to but
didnt happen. Tough shit. Anyway we came to the place we were looking for;
Alltel Pavilion Walnut Creek, Raleigh, NC. The bands last gig for the time.
Now they are in for a good 10 days break all gone home to rest and all. So
we attended the last before the big break. We had still some backorder shit
from fanfire that had not gotten to us yet. So we actually talked about
looking at these items at the location we had not bought them till now cause
they as said were ordered. But now they were on back order and what then
would the next thing be we got a call or an email from the Fanfire fuckers
saying cant deliver sorry??!!! Fuck that crap. What happend then? Well we
went to the merch stand and hell dude... some things had actually been seen
more expensive else where ,, but we bought the shit wewaited for and then
called the Fanfire on our wayhome and cancelled the missing. Thank god. That
ment I would be able to bring this long sleeve and hootie home too. And so
Alright 7:30Pm sharp. Light went out
and the Motley boys got on stage all the same..... opening with Dr. Feelgood
and then it started .... the shitty sound. This time it may not have been
the bands fault. But the sound sucked the wind took it and threw it around
and it sounded aweful. No bass at all a hell of a lot of guitar and floor
drums. damn it was bad. Vince still skipped a ton of the words. What the
fuck happend from 2005 and till now. Have they proven them selves they
think?? Fuck that. It sucks this way. Please get this shit over with and
move on. This sucks. To be loyal and travelling fo this and get these
experiences like this tour gives me is fucking not worth the money. Sorry
but it isnt. I am glad I went and all cause it sets the records complete ofr
what I have attended since the reunion assaid many times over. But it sucks.
Get some serious coffee table talks going boys. You need to regroup or
something. I dont know what it is but something, cause this is fuking not
It ws a coldnight to in North
carolina. Not as cold as in Indiana or Detroit but fucking cold enough. In
the 30s (thats a good 10 - 13 degrees in Scandinavian countings) not the
best frames for an outdoor show. Vince could not sing "Home Sweet Home" he
simply could not reach the high nots so he faked it and instead of going huu
huu hu huuuu in the end he went . na na na naaaan aaa ....bullshit. Saving
his own ass on that and others this evening. Sounded shit. I guess a good 80
minutes later it was over. With a show that could had been abouot 10 times
better easy. One nice little detail was the little kid perhaps 5 yrs old or
something Nikkis side of the stage second row Sixx took him up on stage and
up on his chest asked him if he liked Motley crue then told him "just say
yes" the kid did in the micophone and then he put him down saying we all
fucking started that way. Little kids and were still here. Growung up
listening to the AC/DC, Black fucking Sabbath, Aerosmith and Motley
Crue....... after the last song being "Kickstart My Heart" Sixxsmashed his
bass tonight only the bass top broke off .. but the whole thing the whole
lot was givin to the little kid. Nice gesture a happy mum or dad now has a
smashed bass wanna bet??
We sat there with another "ohhh well
feeling" god damn it. This tour sucks. Aerosmith is good dont know why they
dont really suck its the same stage same conditions and all maybe just a
better sound on full gear and better sound dude for the out doors but we
decided to split head hopme after Crue nad then just have a good mornign
together before I was on my way back to here.. suck country. We drove off
easty no traffic no nothing at 9:12 Pm frm the parking lot. Had about 4
hours home and a 4 hours that had been good nice and easy to get through.
Thank god. Had a minor staying awake problem in the last 45 minutes on the
road. But Rammstein still kicked our heads... lol..lol..lol... Asche zu
Asche... right Corinna?? lol.. lol!!! Anyway we got back home from the last
east coast kind of show this time around and I now had nothing more in store
for myself on this one. We should have spent Sunday for a southern drive in
the state of South Carolina a good 5 hours drive each way but didnt. Too
tired and there by wet as said the KISS Coffeehouse for my part. The crue
plays a club gig in that city on the 5th Corinna is going maybe I can have
her shooting som video and taking some shots and all of the place for me.
Not the same but .. well...
Tuesday morning I was up at 9:5 after Corinna came back from the car rental
place returning the car we had used.
Got up took a shower and packed the last clean
washed clothings of mine and tried all I possebly could carry. Fuck me it
was all heavy and overweighted. Shit how the hell am I gonna get this home I
asked myself. wll things turned out in the end that I did get home ... I am
here arent I? Sure is. Anyway I posted a small somthing to say goodbye
America and had my serial and then a cup of corffee and we packed the car at
around Id say 11:30. Went to the Bets Buy store and returned something for
Corinna and got myself the Paul Stanley CD out today (yesterday) it is sooo
good. Now I had it fucking ey.... cool. that Paul Stanley experience was the
greatest. Form Best Buy to the belk also for Corinna and then we found out
we were ahead of our time and Rammstein got on at loud vloume agian and we
went back to her place. That was not the plan and it felt weid .. I know its
sick but I had kind of woked hard inside myself to say this was the last
time you see the place. And here for just a short while I was back. I
started miss us again. Damn it.
Okay some mac and cheese got made I ate that took
something to drik and we went agian. Spartanburg airport it was not more
than around 2:15 or something .My plane left for Atlanta at 4:50PM. But I
had no idea assaid earlier about the weight. And surely I was right .. all
fucking thing were in overweigt - but a few nice people and few this and
that and I got checked in after all. Thak god. The bagpack and the bag I had
to carry on anyway were both heavy as hell. Shit heavy...carried the Crue
bowling ball for one a good 25 magazines and all kinds of what ever .. damn...
As I got checked in and we both went up on the
first floor. Up here was where the hard one was to be tested. Would they
alou me onboard with the bowling ball... or what would they think it could
be?? Corinna and i never really got to say goodbye before I went through
this one. but ohh well.. security 2006 is a monster ... damn ... I had to
yell good bye through a glass and she then gave me like a highfive and the
security dude went apeshit. No, no, no, no damn it take off your shoes and
jacket and jogging shirt. spread em and lets go agina. JUST FOR A HIGHFIVE??
yes people its insaine. Fuck that shit ohh well we said hi bye see ya and
she left. I got aloud onboard with the bagpack and the bag .. thank god. Not
that I really wanted this to be carried home but if I did this this time I
had gotten a good load and that would be awesome. I was givin green light
now so I went for the try. as said SHIT HEAVY!!!
Ok on board the plane I began to feel nuger. Thank
god for the bagels I had brought. The flight from Greenville was of casue
delayed but it was ok. In Atlanta I discovered something I had not even
thought about they had fucking checked in my two suitcases all the way to
Aarhus a place I did not even had a fleight for. What the hell. I could not
ask about it till I actually came to Copenhagen in Denmark, it was weird. i
felt I had had a fairly trip over cause we been flying night time so it was
not hard. Went to the baggage claim and said what the fuck is up here. They
honestly thought I lied. I could NOT have a baggage checked in if I had no
ticket she had worked there 26 yars and knew that that was NOT possible.
Hell girl ... heres some news for you.. This dude can have all the
impossible made possible get used to it. After a long time and a missed
train out of Cpopenhagen airport towards Grennaa my home town I finally got
it out there and now had the whole fucking hoola hoop to carry round all the
way through Denmark. damn it wass shitty. And ones morethe fuckers had
broken my suitcase. it was fucking not possible okay I guess it was.. cause
it had already happend.
On the train and home it went had only one
switch... in Aarhus and that I missed of cause by 60 secs cause of a train
delay from Copenhagen sa the other train leave and had another hour of
waiting here now..
But I made my way and I felt .. well tired.. looked up my neighbour and it
was a friendly sight and welcome home.... nice. Liked that. SO now its
evening time here and I have fucking 8 AM work to attend to in the morning.
BAD!!! But I will overcome that too.. the bags have been unpacked and here I
sit with a late noght jerkoff and then its bed time .. America I am gone for
a short time only will see your fat ass again on the 6th in L.A. then god
only knows when again not till June I guess?? I cant really tell. But its
home ground for now. Stiff dick and a cup of coffee. later. xxXXxx
24th of October 2000SIXX, Home Run
4:15PM CET
Tuesday morning here 10:15 local time. Its gone,
over, done with. The trip of Tommy and his American little adventures. I am
kind of in a time limit this morning so this will have to be a short one for
only saying "goodbye, goodbye America so long kiss it goodbye." I am not
really gonna have time to get in on the trip from yesterday to North
Carolina and the Crue show there. A hint would be shitty sound. How ever a
ton of DAD and Rammstein on the car stereo back and forth. I tell more in
the next diary on here.
I am about to rip the last zipper and call it a go.
It is with a weird kind of feeling mixed emotions and all that i say
farewell to this place. It was not meant to be like what ever it has turned
outto be but this is how it is and there is not a return on the matter
either. I have had my time in the southern Carolina and there now will come
no more of where that came from. I will be back after a hopefully easy
clearence of the security in the airport and we will see.... Delta airlines
has a job now to bring to an arrival in Copenhagen at 09.00 from Atlanta
Georgia. Lets see if this will actually stand scedual.
So from South Carolina on a Tuesday morning have a
good one.
I will be home with a line of new things to get
added to the site so keep an eye out over the next amount of time its really
going to be quiet a lot that will go on there. Okay sorry for a fairly short
and none telling on the Crue adventure lkast night.
Later peace
23rd of October 200SIXX, Crue Time & Last Day
3:00PM CET
Alright this is it. The last day here tomorrow it
will be home going day. In the afternoon I am gonna board my flight to
Atlanta and on to Copenhagen again. Man it kind of suxks back to working
days regular forms and shit. How ever I have done a lot and been really
lucky with things on this one. Thank god for the KISS member experiences or
this trip would have been sucking ass like I dont know what. Today we are
heading to Raleight in North Carolina going in about one hour for thelast
for for me this time and the last show for the boys for a short week long
break. I guess thats about it.
Yesterday is now in the past but it was a Sunday at
home territory only kind of day! Should have been at the beach fror the
coffee house and all but we didnt it became too much of a muthful to go that
far its a good 5 hour drive each way after the long Saturday and the long
one today too. So we stayed home took it really easy looked through a lot
and cleared a lot of smaller things. It was all good. No worries. We took it
easy ate talked and did. I can only say it is of no interest to complain.
I think there will be a fairly good feeling about
today. It is weird in the sence that what ever roads we drive down by today
in an hour will be the last time for that for me for good. Isnt that weird?
I think it is. I have wanted more and I had set my mind for more on this and
about and with the girl that this was all about, but now its like a...just
keep the memos and forget the rest. Tomorrow is Paul Stanley CD release day
and I will get it as the last South Carolina thing I ever did. You know its
really what Corinna hate but I am all about. Its a sentimental kind of
feeling saying bye bye to this thats here. Its bad. Yet the first step in
moving on. SO we will see right now for the day though its about North
Carolina and a Motley Crue show. End of story. The story about the day of
today I will post tomorrow if I can make it in time if not then it will be
as I get home to Grenaa in Denmark again.
News; Supernova is starting their Australian ticket
sales now but guess what even before the whole shit starts bass player Jason
Newstead is now NOT gonna be touring his shoulder is hurt and there is a
replacement in place. Already now its fucked up. Already now its a weakend
experience. TOUR DATES ARE:
Thursday March 15 MELBOURNE VODAFONE ARENA ticketek.com.au
& 132 849
ticketek.com.au & 132 849
ticketmaster.com.au & 136 100
Special guest support JUKE KARTEL with TOBY RAND is
sure to have a huge fan base of their own on this tour. The five-piece band,
who have been cutting their teeth around the Melbourne scene for the past 18
months, featured on the Coke Live 05 compilation album, scored the support
to Nickelback's Rod Laver Arena show in April and were about to record their
first EP when Toby landed in the Finalists for Rock Star Supernova.
Two new shirts too from the company most loves to
hate and that are sadly the official merch company for Motley, Fanfire. It
isa hooded shirt that holds the 2006 spring andsummer motive and the 2005
band tour shirt picture on the longsleeve. Cheap shot really if you ask me
but you dont so...lol, but there I said it anyway, available now for the
ones that collects or just would like to have one or both of these... I know
of one person.
Guess that just a bout raps this one up and I am
beginning to be ready for this mornings shower and a little serial and off
we are. About four hours of drive each way today. Now I will be back before
you all know it. Peace out ...the suitcases are packed the stuff is ready
and I just need the Tuesday after noon to knock on the dorr and this
southern visit is by gones. Love to you all out there people....live to win
till you die.....
22nd Of October 200SIXX, Slap In The Face &
6:00PM CET
I just got up an hour ago 11AM locally.
We came to town again from the Paul Stanley live in Atlanta GA.
Some crazy shit that was. Man it was awesome. I can not wait to
get the photos from this one. Posting a few here but from the
different camera that I refer to. How do I start? How do I cover
this one the best .... I really should start with shower to get
the morning feeling washed off of me. I will but let me just
start this one off and take a minute in the shower for the
review too. I am so going through a big HELL YEAH here. A KISS
kind of hell yeah with a huge kick in the ass flashback to my
old days and living ways in the past millenium. Fuck Paul ruled
the evening. I was numb. But the event started a little earlier
for us really. We got off from Greer, South Carolina, about
12:30 noon.
There was a bit catching up to do sleep
wise for her from the late late late working night before. All
good all cool. Nothing bad in that. We had not even gotten the
Stanley CD in the car for the ride. Somehow actually that made
me feel good. Not over doing it. Just getting more excited about
the REAL thing and not a car ride stereo spinner. You know what
I am saying?? Corinna was not really into it. She was not the
one with the excitement not on our way to the thing at least. We
talked a bit on our way about a lot of things. As usual I was
the one trying to kick in some issues to be talked about. Hard
girl .. hard keep being the one to do that. But we drove and got
there still in great time. There was a little Corinna worry
there about getting closer into the city. Cause the roads are so
filtered in and a gazillion signs. But guess what we had no
problems what so ever not a single bad turn or anything. Cool.
We parked the car in a 4 level parking building. Went down to
the venue we could see from the car.
Here we found a bout a good few people
waiting kind of behind the building to wanna have a shot for the
hand of the man to sign their brought stuff. We got to take a
few pictures and video clips of the place. Just for own pleasure
and things to remind us with later in life how that was. After a
good hour or something the band of Rock Star started to pass by
and throwing stuff in. A few pictures and shit were taken and
then Corinan decided ot rather wanna have the car right here out
side the venue insteadof having it cross the street up on level
2. She moved the car while I waited for her with the camera and
all. I had started to talk to a few people there. It was what I
loved to do. I love that new people fresh minds and exciting
personalities. Its what I am all about. Corinna came back in
short we stood there all afternoon but every now and then we had
our ways and our luck with things of the smaller kind. I see a
huge difference in Corinna and myself in just a simple thing
like that. But no matter the difference we picked up a few of
the things that we could and I ate it up in the calmest way I
could ... my natural way!!!
Three people I had quiet a talk with
shared contact information with and more were awesome. I loved
them all. Such passion going from Belgium to Atlanta to Florida
for 2 more shows and then opne gy of the three goes to New York
too on Halloween October 31st to meet Paul and Gene in makeup.
Fuck off dude. Dont wanan hear about it actally i do. Shit man.
Well more about them later. The next thing was Doc McGhee coming
through. Still attached to the KISS boys. What a life he has had
some stories to tell. Some huge wins and some stinky also huge
looses on that dudes shoulders. Doc was all cool to the people
as he simple walshed down throught the lot that were there. I
grabbed my chance for a quick shot with him. It was cool. Nice
one lookinggood there on my rock n roll highways. Thanks Doc for
that short second. Yeah he was cool. Still a midget though.
Lol....As the clock faten rolled and passed 6Pm, 7Pm, we had had
Paul Stanley arriving. He had been delayed on the highway due to
a car crash (NOT HIM) but the highway had been blocked off or
something. Anyway Paul was fine, and as he came to the venue he
arrived where we were. Guess he was wha twe call a bit behind
scedual as he really did come in late. So he said a quick hi and
hello and then headed into the building. It pissed a few people
off that was there hoping forthe gold an autograph from the
Starchild. Well did not happen so tthey were all over it with
bad mouthing and behaviour. Oh dear. Sorry ass looser. PAul did
return though sigend some things and all. Took a good fair time
and then he had to move on. I had placed mysef in a position
where I was nowhere near the first lot of people he signed to
casue I would rather have him on vidoe than an autograph as i
still have a few from the old days. You know what I am saying.
He then went to, not the buss that he
arrived in, but a car and was driven out of there for a while.
The Rock Star members still walked around so I grabbed the guy
on the keyboards again asked ofr a shot together and again no
problem. Just be nice dont hasllse or give any a hard time and
just be yourself that gives you so the best chances. There are
idiots enough out there really. One thing I could not stop
notizing was the difference between the KISS fans and the Crue
fans. Kiss fans are way way way more willing to be "family" with
you helping out become one with you and all. As to most of the
Crue fans are all about me, me, me, me, and a bitchy attitude
and all. It sucks. Guess thats also why I have a problem with
these so called fans. They are a pain in the stinky behind.
There was nothing after this I would
rather do than go eat and have something to drink and take a
piss. But guess what I didnt. I stayed there. For what ever
reason guess a part of me wanted to wait for the return of the
man but the waiting was long. There was a support band and they
started at 8 and we never saw then dont even know who they were
but I didnt care. I did not want a support act to get in the
picture in anyway so .. no. All of a sudden at round maybe 9.15
there was a noize in the building Paul had arrived but through a
different door. We went to the car 15 secs away left camera and
all and in we went. It was like WOOOWWW there he was. Had not
seen him since new years eve 1999 2000 ... had his music and all
on still quiet often back home. But there in the flesh opening
up with the title track of his Tuesday release LIVE TO WIN. Man
it sounded good he sounded good. No way on fucking earth this
man could be closing in on 60 yrs old. Look at him listen to
him. He was making Vince Neil sound and looking like yesterdays
trash. Sorry people but he did. Fuck me it was mindblowing. I
just kind of stood there sucked it all in. It was sugar sweet
man. God damn it. All of a sudden one of the three guys comes
down and says "we sit in the balcony and I was wondering if I
could borrow your pen. Gene Simmons is sitting up there. Regular
amongst the other people watching his band mate strutting his
ways. Fuck off. No way. Really? Yep there he sat, there he was.
The demon was in the house.
We went up there with him. Did not go
to Gene I did not wanna disturb his joy or what ever just found
the idea really cool. Look at that the two some what most
important men in rock n roll had now supported one another for
more than 3 decades Gene busy doing his promo tur with the
perfuse and bathing products but yet .. he got here and seemed
to not wanna miss this for the world. Fucking awesome. With that
information surely I could not help thinking what would Gene
think of these things Paul did? How did he like the songs? What
did he think about the setlist and more? Just an exciting
thought I think. But I never got away from the focus of
attending the show really. I loved it ... man some of them songs
played were .. solid gold and close to give me teary pleasure.
Man it was Stanley set all the way, "Magic Touch", "Hide Your
Heart", "78 solo stuff", "A million To One", "I Still Love You"
and more. Make me cry dude. It was so well done and such a solo
pleasure I wish these words were for the Motley boys but hell no
they have not done it on this one. Say it gain someone needs to
kick some shit into the heads of them and do a restart or
something. This tour has been bad and for the first time in a
long time I back up the critis of the daily newspapers and shit.
They are not a band worth its name nor money paid to see
them.The Crue has turned into poo. And it bugs me as hell. Thank
god for all the other experiences on this trip over here I just
would have had a stinker of a trip had it been for the Crue boys
Back to Stanley.
19 songs long set and I have no idea
maybe a good 90 minute set or something he bowed out gracefully
and the house went crazy. He was givin so much love respect and
appreciation you could cut it with a knife. The air was thick
with KISS and Paul Stanley love. Love and dedication to the max.
Loved it. For all that sits wondering loo, no I am not going
back to collecting KISS or anything it will never happen but I
am going back home with some things in my backpack I am not at
all sorry about having done here. Fine memories. Outside the
building aftyer checking out the merchandise stand that helt; a
key chain, bandana, a jaket kind of thing, panties and 5 or 6
tshirts there was a little shoppingdone and then out we went.
Left all at the car and waited there at the afternoon spot again
for some time till I said okay enough lets head north find Greer
and get some sleep. The Belgium guys, we met them again talked a
bit shared thoughts and took a "group picture" for the site and
said....we are out of here!!! Good luck happy travelling guys
(from Belgium) dont forget me now lol..we will for sure talk and
meet again) I was over the event I had been really looking
forward to. I could still not believe the talent of the house
band of the Rock Star Supernova. It was a bunch of guys loving
what they did. And they sure as hell loved the Paul and KISS
tunes. Man were they sparkling.
Paul you did a stunning return to the
solo stage and I would not have wanted to be anywhere else this
evening. Mind blowing .A guy that I have no idea who was was
there to film something for a DVD. Wonder if there will be a DVD
release of all this later on. Anyway I back off from the first
Paul Stanley LIVE TO WIN show tonight at the "Tabernacle" in
Atlanta, Georgia USA on a fine and beautiful evening.
21st of October 200SIXX, KISSin Time USA
4:02PM CET
I have a ball with the seriously exciting things we
are doing together here on my last bible belt visit. To hell with the devil
huhh?!! I dont think so. God is an evil caracter that is only but an excuse
for happenings and lack of self respect and inner balance. Screw that shit.
Deal with the real life not a god damn old written story authentic or not.
Fuck that. Now the only real evil shit Iknow of are politicians, religion
and money. Nothing but!! Thats what all fuckers goes for and some of them
out there would do anything for it look at the Bush family!! I say no more.
No let me have my rock n roll and leave me in peace.
Its done me fine all these years and today in late October is a continuation
of it all. And I tell you why. This trip is the final to this place in my
life time and it is being handed a huge bang of a final for me personally!!
Motley Crue shows and Motley talks Motley packings and Motley doings. But
the old 1976 to 2000 second passion of mine KISS has been so in over it this
time too. And tonight will be the final of that Mr. Paul Stanley is starting
his solo tour cross America today in Atlanta and as said a few times now I
am so gonna be there. With the house band of Tommy Lee Supernova TV hit they
will rock the night like I cant even start to tell you.
There will be no this no that no walk abouts but a
night in the name of what its all about for me ROCK N ROLL!!!! I cant wait
to hear him. I love the new CD thats coming out "Live To Win". I think its a
heck of a great one. There will be a night to remember for little old me
today thats for sure. Taking the evening's memories and store it in my head
with the rest of all the Southern memories I have from this weird place.
Tonight it all belongs to me and tonight I refuse to have a thing coming in
my way!! So Cool kind of last time round here though the love life died and
got dropped like yesterdays garbage and there is not a single comma of
memories from that alley around what so ever. So ....leave me be and let me
have the only thing I can truest and be n self control of rocvk n roll. Now
rock it!
Motley and th Sixxdog have again set more crap up
for grabs and are right now online with the lot of stage worn clothings you
can bid on all on eBay. I am not gonna do it. I have enough to deal with as
it is right now or I would have taken it all. You can see things above here
and there will be more much more coming I am sure. I have one more Crue show
to attend to myself on this trip and its coming Monday in North Carolina.
Tuesday I am going to be leaving for Denmark again. I like ot get home with
all I have packed just praying for none overweight either. So for now I sit
with my coffee waitng for Corinna to get up she sadly had over time at work
last night so it may have been 3AM as she got here. Thats kindo f blows
looking through selfish glasses on the only day of KISS member live
attraction. Oh well she gotta have her sleep. I am now gonna end this and
send you a mail tomorrow of the day how its all been and more. Stay
Crued.... but dont forget your kisses!!
Come on Charlotte
Wake up San Diego, Milwaukie, Miami
Put your two lips together and kiss
We're kissin' in Cleveland, and Cincinnatti too
Way out in Chicago, I'll tell you what to do
They party all over, even in St. Lou
So baby get ready and I'll be kissin' you
Oh, oh, 'cause anytime is kissin' time, USA
So treat me right, don't make me fight
And we'll rock and roll tonight
We're kissin' in Dallas
And Philly's goin' wild
So let's Kiss Atlanta, ho
You know we'll make it smile
We love the women
Way down in Tennessee
So baby come on now and start a-kissin' me
Oh, oh, 'cause anytime is kissin' time, USA
So treat me right, don't make me fight
And we'll rock and roll tonight
Kiss all of Seattle, LA to Baltimore
You know we been kissin' in 'Frisco, so lets kiss
some more
Let's do it in Detroit, they all know the score
So baby, oh baby, what are we waitin' for
Oh, oh, 'cause anytime is kissin' time, USA
So treat me right, don't make me fight
And we'll rock and roll tonight
Oh, oh, 'cause anytime is kissin' time, USA
So treat me right, don't make me fight
And we'll rock and roll tonight
Oh, oh, 'cause anytime is kissin' time, USA
So treat me right, don't make me fight
And we'll rock and roll tonight
19th of October 200SIXX, All American Man
9:45PM Local Time
That was the place for me to be at today. I would
have walked to this place I am sure had I had the time and the directions.
Anyway I had a car now so it was all cool. As we foound the place after the
driving time of a good two hours there were like no one there. We went in
saw the items for sale and they were moret han I could possibly do anything
about. I hate to say this but I was in a trance did not know what to do or
anything. How could I? Things were not too cool really. I wanted this like
nothing else. But I was so fucked for cash right about this time so how
could I do anything? Corinna then offered to pay half of it that is making
me ill even posting on here cause I feel weak. But I do cause it was a big
deal. She didnt though I bid my tongue and closed my eyes bought the perfume
and got my access pass to the VIP line for signature and photo. There I was
on the shitter but for a reason of meeting shaking hands with my god..no my
GOD pardon me!! And it was the best thing so far. I had an airbrushed
portrait from my man Don Armstrong and here it is Don .. its at Gene's home
in a few days for sure. He has it now and he could not believe the details
in it either. I should have that. Not that I think it will have any effect
or anything but Gene now has all info on Don too name and number lol.
Okay so We stood in line there for a good two hours
and the Motley's crossed my mind a few times over and then it seemed it went
back to Gene Simmons all the item my old KISS days and all. I tell you man
it was just one of them things I thought would never ever again get to see.
but here were were sitting now at the Gene Instore and I was .. well... a
kid again. As the man came on its was about 4.10 PM in the afternoon he was
scedualled for three hours but he stayed longer the line was endless you can
only guess. It was insaine.
Now as he was about to step up on the small stage
set there Corinna started shooting pictures and me trying to video film a
good half hour. Then it became kind of the same feeling only a new fans face
in the picture so I stopped. But yeah its here now the video and some photos..
I need to say this as it was my turn to get up
there I was not nervous only happy as hell inside thought I had seen the man
for the last time 1999 in Vancouver. He was today the sweetest of the sweet
I tell you no one has been this touching that I can even remember. Nikki has
for a shit long time been really nice to me but again he still is but the
learner in many ways. I know Sixx does not like Simmons but Simmons beats
most I know of my miles in gratitude and all when it comes to being face to
face with fans., Ohh yeah and i gave the portrait brought to Atlanta and he
held it in the picture with me as you can see below and then he wanted to
give it back to me and I said "no no no Gene its a gift and a thank you for
going strong and for all you have been givin me the last 3 decades. It was
well worth the trip from Scandianvia, Europe for these two minutes of your
time." Gene replied "You came from Europe to se me? You have got to be
kidding me. ANd you paid for geting in line. I should pay you and you have
probably paid me a fair share of your earned money over the years already
and I thank you" than was that we shaked hands and off I went. Inner happy.
It was a great fucking day for old memories. The mall was over killed
through the loud sound system with KISS music and shit I tell you it was
mind blowing. Old shit new times. Congrats Gene you did it again another
success to add to the pile of all the ones from the past. I tip my hat to
you. You are a smart and kind man....Fuck dude this was Way awesome. Thanks
Gene for making my day. Thanks Corinna for doing this with me. I will never
forget this (either)!!!!! ....I wanna rock n roll all night .... party
every day!!!
19th of October 200SIXX, God Goes Local
2:47PM CET
Yes I know it is a fan site for the Motley boys.
But this one has got to take the cake or the cookie since we are talking
about Dr. Love, the Demon the blood spitting monster of the softer kind in
Mr. Simmons. Gene Simmons to the fans. Yes sirey, the demon is going local
well not quiet but we do not wanna miss out on this one. It is a meet the
man. Step up and stand face to face with god. For all the none believers
well - never mind. You love him or you hate him and it doesnt matter to me
to be honest. He is gonna have an instore for the new KISS perfume line and
bathing products and all that buys will have a chance to meet god. And I am
gonna love this. I have not touched a damn thing with his name on it since
1999 new yrs at the millenium show in Vancouver and it killed my heart. I
lost most for the guys as a collector anyway so I sold out. Sold the or one
of the biggest KISS collections in Europe at the time. But now he is coming
here and I wanna have a flashback and meet the man again. Sadly next week he
and Stanley are gonan dress up meet and sign for the fans in full war grease
in New York. Shit dude that was what I wanted toto do but two things would
be wrong with that picture. One I am not in th US of A and second I would
not have had a chance to go that far up north anyway had I been here. SO
today is the day doing a face to face with Gene and its gonna be a great one
I am sure. Tell you all about it with pictures tonight after the return.....
lick it up lads... lick it up...Txx
18th of October 200SIXX, Catching Up &
Appreciated Thoughts
8:08PM CET
Its Wednesday noon locally here in South Carolina.
The last 36 hours have gone by fast. A lot of thinking and a lot of ideas
for the site to be tested as I return I think. I know its a lot to kind of
understand when things are written in this section. But I still have this as
the one and only passion and energy in my awaken life and it is this that
gets me through everyting else I do not fully find loveable in my life. I
think the site at one time should still be the coolest of the cool sites on
the band we love but it needs to get more new and untried stuff added to it.
It will come I am sure.
I have had a lot of thoughts about my life in
Denmark as well while I have been over here. I think I can easerly say due
to changes in the bigger picture about my personal life for the future I
need to reasemble and get a plan B. Cause A is not happening. Too much
nonsence and too many "nay sayers" in my life have been pulling shit and I
have tried to be supportive, the helper, the listener, the guy with a long
leatch and more. Nothing in the end when the smoke clears is to my advantage
so I have now stopped that.
There are other doings to come that will not
include the people I had so many hopes for and with for various things that
I will now only do on my own. I have my Boston dude and he is the single one
to fully get the god damn picture of what this is all about. Jesse my site
brother he, he, he, he is such a clone of one self that I can only say this;
may he be with me for life. Now of the things to happen later on here will
be something you will enjoy I am sure. First to come will be addings of all
the stuff that I am trying to get home with me next Tuesday as Denmark will
be a destination. Dont wanna go back but ordinary life and shit calls upon
me. You know. I then have a good week and a half to get most added to the
site and updated before there will be part two of the fall tour 2006. And
California calls for me. I have a hope that all will be added in time or
else the last missing for this time ...will come up after next home return.
Yesterday besides a lot of thinking I tried to do
alot of packing. I have most of the small stuff now after a couple of
repackings and all. Lol... Still missing a few things in the mail so its not
like there will be all brought home. I also think it does hold a chance to
have Corinna bringing some stuff out to L.A that I from there can bring home
cause this is my last visit here in S.C. for sure. Corinna seems to be
moving in December and then what? Well I honestly do not know but I will say
this....There are so many things that can still be cool and positive if we
both just keep our heads cool. You know its not like we have to be shitheads
and dicks to one another that is at least my intentions.
Many ideas have gone a little old in mind cause
they have still not been tried out here but one thing thats new is a forum.
Like you all know it from the shout board. Its functional and open now. You
can start sharing your thoughts and get people to comment on it. You do not
have to be a member or anything just do. Get in there and open a subject. I
know fansites dont have the biggest success withthese things but we try one
out anyway. Thats what the site here is all about. Dont follow a leader. Be
the leader. Dare do ..
You see there are so many things we will get in
around in the future of this site all we need is some sort of gang to
appreciate the shit though. I guarentee you there will be a hard time trying
to find other people that are as dedicated to this as Jesse and myself. We
dont get paid a nickle for this. We are not approved and on some credit list
with in the Motley world of management and label etc. We do this cause we
have a pasion we cant seem to find anywhere and we do this cause we love it.
Its not a forced on thing. Its a passion like none other. And it has been
with usin the most serious way for decades now.
We have had so much contact to all kinds of people
over the years individually and we besides each other still have to meet and
shake hands with our kind. Its not a "putting people down thing" its just a
fact to life. Our lives. We try so hard to do what we do and from myself I
can only say this - I have been so hard on myself and so to people around me
cause of the band that I seriously hope some day to get the ultimate
experience from the band themselves. It is a dream I dont think will come
true it is a dream that I dont think stand a chance but I am a hunter a
believere a survivor so I refuse to give in and give up on dreams that I
have. What is life without dreams and heroes anyway? A buss stop from birth
to death? What else? In all honesty I dont fucking know dudes. But today
Wednesday I have the last day to gain energy ad all before god comes to
Georgia and shakes hand with me. Gene Simmons is out doing his business in
12 cities only. I would not miss this for a hundred thousand dollars. So in
short tomorrow morning we are going. And there is nothing noone can do about
it. Since 1976 the man has been in my life one way or another tattooed to my
skin for life that should say something. Now after 6 years I will see god in
the flesh again. And I will be honoured. Now bow to the man. His life long
music partner gives us a concert on Saturday same state same city and that
will be the crown of roadtrip this time. Thank you very much. Have a great
one...I will!!!!
17th of October 200SIXX, $ Sucking & Addings
3:33PM CET
Sitting her e Tuesday morning home alone again.
Corinna just left for work. Got out of the shower and now its catching up on
the diary side of things here too. I have gotte na few news mails last night
so some of the things here are more like information to what is happening
and not only here for me on this trip. Let me just jump right into it okay?
As eBay has Paul Stanley's Porche listed for 15.000
american dollars and not selling so has Tommy. Well Maybe not Tommy himself
but the old "2000 Tommy Lee's Ford Excursion" Right now it is in Tarzana,
CA!! You want this beauty? Its an 18,000 dollars opening and still can be
yours. This car belong the Rock Star Tommy Lee. This car has 83000 Miles. It
is in a very good shape, with plenty of extra. It has a custom made Stereo,
and Entertainment system. It has custom paintwork on the outside, and has
custom wheels. For an additional fee we can arrange for Tommy Lee to
personally deliver the car to you at our facility. For this option you need
to contact us in advance. Winning bidder must contact us within 48 hours of
auction end, and make arrangements for payment. A 20% deposit is due within
48 hours of end of auction. The remainder is due within 5 days of auction
end. If no contact is made within 48 hours we reserve the right to cancel
your bid, and sell it to the next high bidder, or sell it otherwise. Make
sure if financing that your financial institution accepts the year and miles
of this vehicle before bidding. Please arrange financing prior to bidding.
We can arrange for pickup or shipping of this vehicle, but you need to
contact and have an agreement before the end of auction. The car is sold as
is. It is the buyer’s responsibility to check the car. You are welcomed to
have the car inspected by your own inspector at our facility. Please feel
free to contact me to arrange to see the car 323 316 6113. If you are not
sure about something, please ask! Do not assume anything not listed is
Also Nikki has been digging in, in his closets
again finding some old worn or owned stuff now auctioned off through
This auction brought to you by swagrox.com the
offical store for nikkisixx.net is for an nikki's custom brown fur / felt
cowboy hat. Custom made by Charlie 1 Horse custom designed hats. Size is 7
an 3/8. Item is signed by sixx in black ink.
This auction brought to you by swagrox.com the
offical store for nikkisixx.net is for a Autographed sample of the Vintage
Sixx Self Portrait T-Shirt. Item was given to sixx to approve the design
before mass production. He has signed and given back to us to auction off to
raise money for the kids of RWITN! The size is Women's Med. This Self
Portrait design from the all new Nikki Sixx Vintage Design line is enzyme
washed for a butter-soft feel and features burnout details which make the
shirt appear extra distressed. Ground edges and hand painted splatters make
each shirt unique. These are officially licensed Nikki Sixx designs and are
exclusively available at Swagrox!
This auction is for an exclusive never reproduced
prototype shirt for the N.Sixx Clothing line. Shirt is designed with Nikki's
Self-Portrait on a green military shirt... Shirt is size L, and has been
custom treated to have an aged appearance.. Shirt was never produced in any
quantity. This is one of only a couple in existance.. Has skull and cross
bones pin on right pocket.
This auction brought to you by swagrox.com the
offical store for nikkisixx.net is for a Autographed Customized Personal
Vest. Vest is sized large with bronze studs on the shoulders and a US army
patch on the left breast pocket. Vest is signed in Black in on the back
under a airbrushed skull design. Vest also has leather iron cross, 3 bone
skull pins and iron eagle pin on the left front breast. The upper right
shoulder has a pair of skulls painted and sports black trefoils up the right
side!.. and there is a raisen brain happy sun Sticker on lower left pocket..
This auction is for a pair of black leather boots owned but never worn as
far as we can tell by Nikki Sixx. Boots are black with silver stars on out
sides of boots and zip up on the inside. They were made in spain, and are
produced by a company called Destroy.
These are rare opportunity to buy a real
collectable item worn by Nikki Sixx! And to help the Kids of Running Wild in
the Night.Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx founded The Running Wild in the
Night Foundation, which is dedicated to raising funds for Covenant House.
Covenant House is the largest privately-funded childcare agency in the
United States providing shelter and service to homeless and runaway
The chance for fans to get a signed
picture again from Nikki from Swagrox now is up again. It is a live picture
of Sixx holding the model to be smashed during "Kickstart My Heart" and it
is available for 55.00 dollars if one should have the will top pay that for
an autograph?
More on the Crue news front is that there is now a
chance too to see the band after the first official ending of thetour in Fl
next month. Because in Dec they will now hit Canada too. There are a total
of five new shows listed and they all can be bought tickets for tomorrow and
the day after. Please note: VIP packages will be made available for all the
above dates all sales will end 6 weeks prior to showdate.
12/7 Minneapolis- Target Center- public
on sale 10/21
Presale begins: Wednesday October 18th
Presale ends: Friday October 20th @
12/5 Montreal- Bell Centre- public on
sale 10/23
Presale begins: Thursday October 19th @
Presale ends: Friday October 20th @
12/9 Edmonton- Rexall Place- public on
sale 10/23
Presale begins: Thursday October 19th @
Presale ends: Friday October 20th @
12/11 Calgary- Pengrowth Saddledome-
public on sale 10/23
Presale begins: Thursday October 19th @
Presale ends: Friday October 20th @
12/13 Vancouver- GM Place- public on
sale 10/23
Presale begins: Thursday October 19th @
Presale ends: Friday October 20th @
I myself have packed a lot of stuff again and I am
now gonna see what is at all possible to have brought home. There are still
stuff in the mail to here that I hope will come in time so I can have that
brought too. But I slowly begin to be out of room for more home bringing.
Hopefully Corinna would not mind bringing some of this stuff to Californioa
with her next month than I can take that home too. From there. Not a
problem. Actually that would be super cool. We will see how we part and all.
She does have her ways with things temper and short fuses ... all in all not
a totally cool combination but what would be? Hell I begin to have a wonder
about that about anyone really. Now its time to have my morning juice
roasted bagels and I am ready for the day to hit me with what ever may come.
NOt much else will happen today I guess. I am most
likely gonna chit chat with some on messenger, reading my book and just all
in all male time go by. Two more days till Gene Simmons in Georgia. Its
gonna hopefully be a good experience. I am glad I do not collect KISS no
more whats happening right now with releases and shit is extreme. This is
not a KISS site so I leave it out of whats up with the masked men. But its
amazing. Shit dude so much. I have more than enough to keep up with the Crue
right now. Its insaine too so the Gene thing is gonna be the experience
only. Yes I will buy a product ofthe new bathing and perfume line cause that
is the condition for meting the demon. And I do wanna do that!! What else?
Hmm.. nothing really I mean there really isnt much to tell from here. Not
under the secumstances that creates the frames for this visit. If you know
what I mean. Corinna will be having a day off tomorrow so thats good. Maybe
there will be a chance to talk some and do some really good stuff? Okay well
thats all for now I will return later in the week.
Its the first diary postings from the USA ever for
me with so little Crue in them. Nothing is going on. Well there is but its
not as exciting as any other trip to here really. I am leaving a lot of
things out from time to time as you can perhaps imagine? Ohh well there will
come more things in the days to come no worries. Its actually also kind of
nice to have these few days off not doing much being by myself and all. You
know. So let me enjoy the day and let me wish you all a good one where ever
you are and with what ever you are doing. Crued baby ... Crued!!
This auction brought to you by swagrox.com the
offical store for nikkisixx.net is for a Autographed Sixx 2006 COS Stage
Jeans. There is no size avalible as these were worn and customized for
the show, by sixx himself.. Patches, holes and blown out stiched up
crotch what more could you ask for from an original pair of Sixx jeans.
Jeans are signed on the front in black ink and COS 2006 tour is on back.
16th of October 200SIXX, War Zone City
3:59PM CET
Welcome to War Zone City I say. This place looks
like the US army has entered a place being part of a war. Fuck Corinna how
the hell can you live like this? I refuse to take pictures of the place here
and add out of respect for the guilty. This is not good girl. You should
have a little more respect for your surroundings. Now how can we do this the
best, the todays diary I mean.? There is I guess no better way than to start
from the beginning which would be Sunday morning 7AM. Local time here. I
woke up and felt like "what the hell" knew where I was but it was kind of
wrong. I must have fallen asleep to the "X-Men II" last night. Me and
television does not go together. I must have never heard her go to sleep and
unlike what I would have done she did not wake me saying "lets go to bed the
movie is over". Ohh well what can I say its not important. I got up and
after having talked briefly to the webmaster. I got to find out that all the
postings I have done were lost and I had a lot of retyping to do. That
sucked ass. But of cause I did it. Its kind of going with the thing here
Now the most of the day has been a time with Motley
stuff laying around. I have three fairly huge lots here. I also have a good
lot of lost memories from some of it. See there at times comes this problem
that has a doubt to my mind if I actually ever got this and that item.
Should I buy it as I now have it offered or did it actually come to me in
USA a long time ago just waiting for me to get it? Some of the things here
were like that!! Now that I am here I can see a lot of the stuff thats here
yeah... it was forgotten. And now the next worry is coming to me. How can I
get most of this home with me? I have no fucking idea. I cant thats the
bottom line. I have to choose. And there for if Corinna is moving anytime
soon then I wanna get all the small stuff with me simply cause it can get
lost in the moving and I do not want that to happen. Lets see here....
A few of you guys have for some time over summer
now asked for new stuff to get added. Added to the sections in the
collection pages so here is the deal It will happen now. And the time for it
would be in the end of this October. I just have top get home get through
the luggage the day work and what ever. You know what I am saying. Then I
will get to it and there will be a fair good share of new listed things in
sections like; posters, CDs, Vinyls, this n that, picks, personals, shirts,
and more. Including the solo sections. Ohh yes. There are more to come than
I can sit here and start listing. Then remember there are still a load left
behind here too. I like to say its a good thing and I liketo also say its
kind of bothering me. I had a fine feeling as Corinna did not jump to
killing our thing due to pressure in her everyday life that had nothing to
do with me ... but again we are so different. She is so fed up in her own
world so things as said a while back have simply just changed like 100%. Of
cause I am not pleased with things.
But what did come to my knowledge was that this
thing here is just good I should not complain or anything. I will do all I
possibly can to bring home as much as there is possibly room for and thats a
promise. Probably gonna try to ask at the post office what a large tube of
posters can cost to have sent home. Can I do that then there will be a good
chance that only displays and guitars are left here for later. And that is
kind of a relief cause they are all such huge things that can not be lost or
anything. Now do we have an understanding for the situation between us over
here with me leaving shit behind again with her? I have no idea but right
now it just feels like I am not to bother with that not now anyways, simply
cause it is not a thing I can do anything about at all.
But I do see a line of things that could be issues
for her. She and I are not the happy couple as I have tried for it to be
like since the get go. I simply miss some things and now I cant have that
either and there for I choose to just mind myself here a great deal and lot
is being held back a lot of nice talks and all too. I think I can almost say
I am getting a feeling, a taste of her world - this how I am here - is how
she is in every day life. I hate the feeling I hate the situation and I hate
the odds for finding good self satisfactions. Not happening. OK I am
thinking out loud here dont wanna put her down or anything that is not my
goal. I loke her and she is more than helpful in many ways too so I am only
saying, it is hard to be here for reasons like this. We got together in the
first place cause of Crue then passion and then what I like to think was
love at least from my side of things. She has her view and thoughts on that
I am sure too. There is just nothing left of anything here from what led us
together. Shit I have no idea what to say more abiut it. But my Crue trip to
the USA this time has also now giving me this lonely feeling and not even
the Crue shows have been all great and all the xtra bonuses we have or at
least I have always had, have not excisted this time. It is a trip to lonely
island for me and it makes me kind of think. But I guess in the end after I
see the end of this one I am after all glad I went cause it means that I
have then supported and seen all the tours and all since they got back
together for good or worse and thats that. Just wish she and I had had
better obtions to do and share more with a better line of rules and ideas.
Okay enough of the sad bullshit. I am having my
hands full with the 3 huge piles of Crue shit here and it is nice to have it
fiunally. Have waited a long time and it has not been too cool with the long
waiting and all but everything comes to the one that waits or so it goes.
Not for this boy it doesnt. I am back to where I have always been. The
single only thing that holds me good together is my music. That only I can
take away from myself everythign else in life is being taken from me. I
honestly cant think of a single thing I have had and still have left lets
say a good 5 to 8 yrs after I ones had it. What ever it may be. But the
music and the musical things .. different story. THURSDAY, OCT 19TH, 4PM -
7PM -- ATLANTA at BELK'S is now the next thing I look forward to. Gene
Simmons. Just that the prices for the products are not cheap either. Maybe
its cause its actually good shit not just a crappy item again from the KISS
boys. From 29.99 to I guess it was about 75,00 dollars a piece depending on
what kind of item you want. Hmm well... I dont really know. I am not
collecting and I am not buying for anyone so I guess all it is, is a pick to
make and then from there meet the man. Thats more or less all I really wanna
Most of my Sunday went like all written above.
Going through the Crue lots and pack all down and then think things through.
I wanna watch the "X-Men III" again today as I did not see it Saturday
evening. I have not really a clue how to get the money to reach as far as I
want it to. I jus tknow the more I spend on this one the more fucked the
next Californian trip in November will be for sure. Thank god all is covered
Crue wise from the tour now. Nothing more to get there. SO I guess only
hotels food an gas will be what I first and foremost need money for on that
one. A good long thinking will have to be made and then I need to have the
list of things and changes refined so I know exactly what I have to do and
deal with after a home return from this trip. Now its Monday noon and there
is nothing but a continueation of whats told above for the day. Corinna has
full day job today and tomorrow so there wont be a thing to do except what
my mind gives me of ideas and all......talk to ya later.
PS: for all that have wanted new things added to
watch in the collection pages .. start getting excited. There are a lot of
things here and you'll have it all added in a good 3 weeks I am sure. Love
ya out there xxx
15th of October 200SIXX, Syber Shit & More
6:31PM CET
First of all sorry for the long delay in getting
these last few days listed in the diaries.
I had all sent to the webmaster and nothing seemed
to have come through to her. Shit. So here I try to go again remember all
the details that have accoured on the road since Wednesday. So do as I do
get your coffee your tea your coke your beer your drug your girl what ever
you fancy and sit down cause this may become a long one. I know the lost
ones took a good 70 minutes to write so let me see what kind of details I
have still in my head or on notes here. The Crue has not filled up much on
this trip as hoped for. Weird feeling but I get to that later. Are you
comftable? Need to go take a piss or something? Alright here we go.
Thursday morning 7AM I woke up the second time. The
first time was when Corinna was yelling at somebody in her dreams. I have
taken a punch in her sleep earlier in life so I know what can come from
that. This time it was only verbal. So I went back to sleep till as said
7AM. Then I woke up cause the Vince buss left. It later returned as we
checked out it was still there. But I was awake and did nothing but turned
back and forth in bed till 8:40 I got up took a shower and waited for her to
get out at 9. So I sat by the labtop sending the webmaster stuff that she as
said never seemed to have gotten. Sucks ass.
As we pulled the curtains there was a ...SNOW
STORM!! What the hell? Yes I am not kidding you. It was fucking storming no
shit. We checked out went to our car and for the first time EARLY this year
I was walking in a snow storm. Hell it was freezing. Last night was a rainy
shitty cold windy day. And today it had beentaken over by snow and more wind.
Poor Michigan lol. SO early on the winter time. Shit!! Another plane has hit
a building in New York while we were at the 101WRIF radio station. I
remembered it as .. damn all the shit that happens but it was but a football
player oops ..
We had directions but if they were right or not I
cant say only one thing is dead sure!! We never found two things that were
in our directions so we went south , south, south adn all of a sudden we
were by the state line the Ohio turnpike. Yep thats right welcome to
sightseeing winter style. Hell we had no idea where we were at one time and
it was just like wh t do we do? Lets pull in and ask at a gas station. We
did. Ohh its cool. Youre just 15 miles form Ohio turnpike then you just go
west and you come to Indiana. Sounded easy. So we did. Passed two tolls and
way later we had had the originally 4 and a half hours long ride from
Detroit to Indiana turned into a 9 hours drive. And the weather did not make
it better or more fun for us. Thank god for good inner balance and not
having problems with attitude or a temper!!
We got to Indiana and asked again just to make sure
- ho far till Indianapolis? A good three hours the dude said. Huhh? Really?
Well refuelled and off we went. Okay so as we got closer to Nobelsville
about 35 miles north east of Indianapolis where the venue for tomorrows show
was at we started looking for hotels. The first one Quality Inn was near by
a good 10 -15 minutes from the venue so we asked there. Made a reservation
and then off to the next "Super 8 Motel" and there what was that, the Vince
buss again. The roadies and more stayed here then. We went in took one room
but they were full for tomorrow so we called the Quality Inn took a room
there for Friday so we were now covered. End of that speculation. Nice. Okay
so so far things have been going well fairly well. I have not done any
shitty drastic buys or fallen for any temptations of any kind. That has all
been good. Good boy Tommy you shithead. We checked in and had a fine couple
of hours here. It, due to the long delay in wrong goings and bad weather and
shit it had now tunred into 8PM or a little after. We sat down did not do
much this evening. It was fine. For the first time in days I watchin TV as
she was on her computer. It was a good rest we could get us here. So we did.
We didnt really leave the room till we actually had
to at 11AM. To go to another hotel the Quality Inn only 2 minutes away. But
we could not stay at the place we were at simply casue it was booked full
for Friday. So we had to leave. It was okay not a problem not really a
hassle in any way either. There was also for the day not eally anything to
do. We had nothing we were obligated to do or didnt have any plans before
the show tonight. So I offered for us to go see a few things in the area. We
did, started after we had checked out and inn again to leave our baggage in
the room and go do our selves a favour in getting breakfast. Then off to the
local post office and I shipped the two foreign Dirt books off to my man
Jesse. It was good. I now also had a bit more soace and all to fill in with
what ever I had coming.
It felt good sending Jesse these two books. Now
crossing the road to go to Best Buy. Wanted to check out a few releases
that I wanted anyway. But there was nothing there at all. Not one single
title of the wanted I had on my list. So we checked out somethign
else "the Studio 10.5" vidoe editing programs. Found it on sale bought
the bigger version of it hell yeah... Now getting home to play and all.
Have to learn how this mutha fucker works and learn it fast too. Shit.
But that was a great buy. Have wanted that for a long time now. So the
editing program was bought and of fwe went. Went next door to the
"Barnes & Nobels". People dont know that in Eurtope but its generelly a
book and magazine store with a limited music corner too. I went here to
search for local papers and see if they had anything in them for the
concert of the day. It did sadly it had only one paper. I got it. We
then took off to the hotel again and we this time Now we sat here talked
for a good hour or something then I was about ready. Ready for what
ever. We did not do much its really weird company this were both there
phycically but its like we are not even in the same room quiet often.
She is one weird individual I tell you that.
But round 3 something we said why not go out to
the venue see if there is anything to see. There wasnt. Nothing the guys
that were there were opnly there this early to share info and guidence
on parking etc. They opened the parking lot at 4PM and the doors to the
venue or gates ios realyl what it is. Its outdoors. At 6PM. So what the
heck to kill time with? I had offered a ton of things but nothing was of
her interest. So we didnt. But at around 5 we did go out there. It was
no rush wee had givin seats so if we cam early or at the last second it
didnt really matter. We got in at 6 they Crue was to get on at 7:30 so
we found our seats I waited to see Darron Nikki' bass tech to come by
say hi. I saw him went up and we talked briefly. I miss that guy. We
connected so good but now it feels so far apart. Ohh well. He was rather
busy. Never got into a deeper conversation with him. Not really. So we
just kind of stood there like.... waiting to see if he should get
another minute!! He did not. While waiting Mick came round saw him
arrive never greeted or anything. Then Nikki he was there with the whole
kids parade. I think he had his family there. WIth no acceptions really.
Then Vince Tomym was not to be seen till he actually sat at his drums.
I was curious to hear and see if this would be
just another fucked up experience. It began to feel bad. The lights went
out we got to our saeats again and after the first three songs I have to
say ... it was promising this evening. It was simply alright. But could
it continue or was this juts a lucky start? The answer ws; no this was
not just a lkucky start. They actually reminded me of the tightness
energy and more from the 2005 shows. Finally. We sat just long enough
back to not be in the4 really exciting section but still we could have
eye contact for sure. It was a stinker of a cold day. Fuck if they did
not jump around and release the energy upthere they would be cold. We
were. But in all the show was great. Sadly we did not take any picturs
and video anything. Why not? Cause as we got there at 5 we took a walk
about and checed things out and 3 huge signs said the rules in writing
for the event. And they said it clearly. NO CAMERAS. So great I say just
great. Fuck it had been cool to have kind of a good line of pictures.
Dont have that from this tour. Will I? Yes I will... I will juts not
have them shot myself. Ohh well. It was hard enough to even getthis trip
together in all ways so I am not complaning. We did shoot a few of the
signs and sights out front though. As the Motleys ended their thing.. We
talked and quickly agreed to stay for the Aerosmith boys. We were both
cold as fucks. But no warning one another. No nothing. Fuck in hell
there was nothing but a crazy time and my feet asthe Bostion rockers hit
the stage were like icecubes. I found out how much as I was to leavethe
place .. could hardly wallk. It was insaine. But how were they then? How
were the Boston hurricane? They had gotten very old they had gotten very
worn out. But did it show? Could Motley beat the Aeros? Hell no not in a
milion years. The Boston gang smply ruled their tour. No exception.They
were fucking awesome.
What I like especially was the setlist.They did
almost only old material and I loved it. They did them so intence and so
good it was hard to believe the facts. Tyler and Perry are the
Aerrosmith. Its all about them but they pulled the train like was it a
bicycle. The easiest thing in the world. They are rocking like if it was
their last day on earth. Fuck man they made most forget about Motley
Crue right there. Even me. Yes I know I hear you but its true. They did.
Fuck a good rck show. Nicely done boys. Looks
like Vince and them guys are still in 3rd grade learning the doings.
When you have just witnessed the Aero bomb hitting hard. I said to
Corinna they still have it what ever it is it takes they still have it.
Holy shit. People if you cna go see thier show. Its a blast. Its so ...awesome.
No one cna be a better competor that Steven Tyler forthe lead and front
dude of a rock act of the year. Who can top him from what I had just
seen? Hell I am blnk. I simply do not know.
We got out of the Nobelsville verizon outdoor
venue and headed back to the car. It was shit freezing everybody were
shit cold. I said to Corinna I HAD to see for bootleggers., I needed to
get my missings covered never saw a sould selling anything. Damn. Not
today either. So what happend? Nothing part from our trip back to the
hotel that was the 10 to 15 minutes drive now took 2 hours and 5 minutes.
Had we walked home we had been there way faster I am sure. Why do long?
Cause the locla police had a check point and a test of most drivers for
drinking. We slipped through. Not pulled over but fuck me it took
forever. Felt long as hell.
As we did end up crossfrom the hotel though we
continued down a block or two trying to see if we could get a bite to
eat. Only obtion was fast food. We did that but it sucked and the things
it self were shitty. Not worth the dollar paid. For sure....Back toi the
hotel shoes off and feet up trying to find heat for my feet again. Fuck
me. We packed our shit and sat for a while then we got to it. Bed.
Needed the sleep tomorrow it was bye bye time ofr the norhtern cold to
the warmer and also shittier south. South Carolina was tomorrow.
Saturday. We said goodnite and then we minded our own business. No
nothing happend. And nothing will...
I got up at 7:40AM the alarm clock was set to 8
think it was She did nopt get up till mabe ten past or something. I had
been up two times already for one time she started bitching someone in
her sleep and Iknow how that can go so not to take a possible coming
swing I got up. Took a piss and back to bed. Then again at 7:00 as I
heard the Vince buss leave. It came back so may have gone only to refuel
the monster. We checked out around 9:15AM and started to head down
south. Next and new state but first a flight or two. We needed to locate
the international airport of Indianapolis. It was fairly easy. So okay
we got there and we tried to seethe weight of our suitcvases. Mine was
already 5.5 pounds over the limit shit not easy to pack your shit. SO we
checked in our shit shared for ones the check in and after that we left
with almost nothing . A Gene picture framed and a backpack plus the
computer bag that was all to be split between us. I took the computer
bag the heaviest of the three pieces and we said see ya.
Yep thats right,. Again we did not go together.
She went off from Indiana to memphis for a onnecting fleight there and
me to Atlanta and on from there bot hdid we have the Greenville /
Spartanburg as our final destination. We got there just fine no problems
what so ever. None of us had.
As I arrived in S.C. again I was met by her and
her old neighbour Sari. Have always liked Sari for some reason. And her
kid she always has her kid with her. They were there to pick us up.
Extremely sweet. She took us straight to the house of Corinna's. Easy so
... we off loaded everything and we sat for a while Me resting and she
unpacking then we talked briefly about eating and we took off again in
her car to the Wall Mart ... food store...back home after I also found
myself a new pair of pajama pants nice... forgot my own at home. we then
cooked a bit and decided to watch "X-Men III" and cal lit a day....
more tomorrow....WIll try to post Sunday and
its going through shit here in a few hours..
Swet dreams my little europeans....love Tommy
12th of October 200SIXX, Bad Endings On A
5:52PM CET
So the Detroit day is here and its now kind of over
too. Slept as stated last night at Don Armstrongs. Not a too good night
really. I have a few things that really did not make the night go too well.
Well its all about slleeping anyway. I felt it was not really the coolest
sleep I have had. Corinna kind of shared that one. Yeah well... it wasnt
that bad. I had an early morning of showering at 7:30 and then my day kind
of started. But that was good. Corinna I let her sleep a bit more or resting
anyway. I then had a talk to Don and his family about all kinds of things.
Said it before I love this man. We are really good together. A totally good
friendship I can only say positive things about. So yes I am thrilled that
we actually went up there and stayed with him. Thanks Don thanks a great
bunch for your hospitality. Friendly beyond words. The whole family.
Breakfast and coffee my kind of morning. It was
nice to get that as a start after a shower and all. Again Thanks Mr.
Armstrong thanks a great bunch. Corinna finally got up and did what she had
to do and then around 11AM we headed off. I am thrilled and happy about the
trip here but I am still praying for the rest of the trip to come around
good. Thank you very much. From Don we or should I really say I wanted to go
by 101WRIF. The Tommy Lee rock radio number one. I love that shit. My pal
there radio manager Doug Podell was the guy I wanted to see. And we tried to
set it up. So I emailed the king of radio and said "dude I am in the motor
city, meet me" he said come by at 3PM local time and we did. It was fucking
the wworsst rainy weather ever. I tell you it was madness. It was simply NOT
a good day for rock n roll. As the day would show later on it was rather
At three we knocked on the facility door to radio
heaven and I gotta tell you I was psycked about coming here man. As a radio
rock DJ myself it was simply a cool experience. Some hightech shit of a
studio they have. Fuck me... loved it. Doug met us and welcomed us. He had
already on air before we came in been saying a lot about me being there
already. The biggest Crue dude on planety earth. Yeah well thanks for them
kind words Doug. Lol...lol. He gave us some logo shirts, stickers and shit
and said you got two sadly only lawn tickets for the show.. here you go. And
then he showed us around. Talked and told it was all over before I could
even say YEAHHH... so 15 minutes later we had had the tour of the place a
talk and the pictures were taking and we headed out of there again. Yeah it
was quick alright but we did it and I loved every fast going second I tel
lyou that. Still no Crue had been too much on my mind for the day even
though it was a show day. Maybe also the rain was helping me not to think
about it too much.
We took a ride out of town going north again to the
venue where the show was to be at. Only 2 minutes away from there we stoped
at a place they helt a pre AeroCrue party. Boring as always. But we went
there and had something to eat here and all. So now it was like done with
the eating part for the day. Not a healty hing to do I know but it went that
way and thats that. I had fish if anybody wonders lol. lol. Jummy. At the
pre party you could say hey to the 101WRIF staff who were putting this
together and then you could sign up for winning Iron Maiden tiockets at 5:30
but we werent gonna be around then. No .. the doors opend at 6PM to the
place and as we pulld up top the parking lot it was coming down like I cant
even describe it. What thefuck... Awesome frames for the rock evening. Hell
no.... Then at 5:55 we took our chances in between the rain drops we ran and
in we went. Was even able to bring in the video cam recorder. Awesome huhh?
Yeah it was or could have been. Went to the merch stand and simply had to
get over a pretty huge concern financially anyway....what was I missing?
Shit dude since the early dats on this tour a few more shirts had gotten
added. Now besides the online ordered stuff there were like 6 more shits and
shit i was missing. Man its sick. But suck it I took it got it over with and
then its done with. You see there is a chance to say this ..... the merch on
this tour is uncool. I dont really think its the best they could have done
but what the hell its here its bought and covered.
So another line to wait in after this shopping
stuff. We waited and agaion the rain was close on setting its rules and
present itself with cold cold chills. It was so freezing. Only in the 30s
Man the night was gonna be even longer. Hel lyeah
what a day it was and whjat a night it was turning out to become.... are you
ready for this? hang tight and I get to it....
Got in on the ground and under the pavillion. Found
our seats till were actually asked to just get away from thee for some time.
Never found out why. But after a few minutes we were aloud back to our seat
like everyone else. It was shit cold and guess what. They had promised snpw
for the day to come tomorrow Thursday. Huu haaa.. Thats gonna say a bit
about how cold this outdoor show actually was. Holy mother...
As it was about to begin we took out the video cam
recorder and guess what. We started shooting. This could be a great bootleg
recording of the Detroit show but then it happend. Three songs into the set
a guy, a huge black dude came tipping my shoulder. Bad fucking luck, there
gos that. That was the end of that show. Or therecording of it anyway. The
dude did not give up till he actually could leave with the disc or cas or
chip card it was recorded on. Well he took the card but he didnt understand
it was on the harddrive. Not on the card . Took the card anyway. So sorry to
say we got but three songs off of there. Shit. There is not much luck when
we are together Corinna and I. I am all for getting the best results for all
doings but that too is not always something we share.
The show itself was like well..... I have to say I
think they did what they thought they could. But damn it was not good. Sadly
my own experience going from Denmark to this place is now added to the
Motley dissapointments. I could not believe it. They seem like a financial
interested band only on this tour. I dont know cant help but think the band
is not all that super excited to do this no more. It really is a kind of
weird tour like I first thought fucking even before going to and attending
it. It felt cool like a club thing almost as they have such tiny space on
the stage but then aqgain the places are a little too big to actually be
feeling like one - club tour. There for that great club kind of feeling
falls apart too for me.
The thing simply is too weird. And with too much
aloud bad details. Vince sings like crap and mike problems or not he is
doing a shitty job. I cant help bu think back to the start and sumemr of al
lhe meet and greets of 2005 when I time and time told him face to face hat
he was doing a shit cool vocal job. I cant say that to his face these days.
Not at all. The show too has way too much smnoke and shit ... nahh not
complaning abiout the amount of it as such,. Had the stage been bigger. But
for a band like them to be pushed all the way out to the front of the stage
like this tour the band totally dissapears and you cant see hem half the
time anyway. Makes me think why not just put on a live CD that even gives
one the benefit of good sound quality on top of it too.
So I guess in short you can say they did not
deliever what I hoped for with an investment likethis. They did not ake me
forget about the weather and daily doings. That is normally what a
successful concert should be able to give you. Really. Playing in front of
20.000 or 200 people you can not complain about the feedback andsingalongs
and more fromthe crowd. You as a professional act shall be able to deliever
no matter the situation. And I know Crue can dliever. But its gotten fucked
for some reason now a days. I think there is a possible chace for the band
to actually not be too close no more. They dont do much together outside the
90 minutes on stage no more. Not saying they have to but they were getting
really tight earliron as they reunited and now its like .. we have done this
enough just be on time as the stage curtain falls. Thank you.
We decited to leave after theband ended for two
reasons. It was bad weather and it was also to kind of try to get o figure
out where the heck the boys were gonna stay. So we followed the first buss
out. The new Vince Neil Vineyard commercial buss. Bad move I have to say.
Fuck!!! We ended up atthe Hampton Inn in AuburnHills. Guess what it was a
cheap kind of 2 star hotel and was where the dancers and roadis etc etc
would stay for the night. The four members? Nope. Not a chance.
We did not really know what to do so we booked one
night here just in case .of us ending up with no other place to stay. We got
told by one roadie that some of he members had gone to Indiana already for
the show in two days time and a couple were still staying locally. At the
100 Townsend Road hotel. We went. Some busses were there yeah but they
belonged to Aerosmith. And they were well there already some of them. A
member came (bassplayer) after a few mnutes. And then some of the already 8
fans there went nuts. Wanted pictures and autographs. Understandable and all
but you know not the coolest dudes there are around. A couple of them were
actually embarresing. We got wha twas wanted. Well thta means I didnt cause
I didnt want anything. Then a few minutes later Joe Perry came. Asked for a
picture of and with him ..got that.
then also there was a long time here we kind of
only talked with the people there. One half swede was a total dickhead. Man
what a shitter. What was he 15 or 30?? hell I cant tell. But one thing was
for sure we decided to just cal lit a night and head back to the hotel. Then
as we turned on the engine of our JEEP a buss came rolling down the road.
Turned out to be drummer boy Tommy Lee. What did he do? In short?! Nothing.
Stayed in the buss for a long time then came out but only to take the
shortest way from his buss door to the hotel door. He did not say anything
do anything not even a hello!! He does not care too much for that stuff. He
has enough in himself his ego his girls and his what ever. We left - screw
Vince was at the Four Seasons and Mick and Nikki
had already gone to Indiana. Mission not really fulfilled no. kind of like
...okay doesnt matter much. Its a damn situation anyway and there is not the
coolest feeling about the tour. The fan and dedication status is still
intact but the tour and their behaviour this time is not attractive sorry.
As we headed back another incident happend also a
thing that happens everytime we are together Corinna and I. We got pulled
over. Another ticket was in sight. For fuck sake when will the lesson be
leaned?? Okay the officer was a little out of line if you ask me. We reached
out for help not being bitchin and there simply was no mercy. Period. Back
at the hotel at close to 3AM. The Vince vine busss stood parked next to us
and we took a few pictures here too. Just a few and we hit the sack. So very
tired I was. I gues you can say that thta was it. That was the Detroit rock
n roll day. not much to be psychd about at all. Shit man what else could
have happend? Well I only know it could have been a well better day in all
ways. Tommorw is a day off and we will probably ry to reach Indiana. The
state for the nxt show on Friday!! Friday the 13th.....hell yeah...stay cool
T boy
11th of Octobr 200SIXX, Night Out Airborn
Off to Roskilde 9th of October at noon. The concern
about everything was at its minimum. But for the first time too I really
felt for not going. I was lost for excitement. Right now its Wednesdaythe
11th and I post this from the man Don Armstrong house. Back as I travelled
to Roskilde onthe 9th my head was going from a thought of dissapointment to
a lack of thrill for what s gonna happen and on to a feeling of having no
future in the USA after all due to Tommy and Corinna changes in pvt and to a
new search in mind for what ever I could do for myself in Denmark or a
neighbopur country and a functional love life.
Arriving in Roskilde I met with my brother Morten
an old Crueead and now the guy that handles all audio / video doings on this
site. And yes now retired as a collector himself. And he is thrilled about
his new situation. A huge burden and a constant worry has been taken off of
his shoulders, I am going through things with him and he is as I see it a
new kind of kid. I spent my night in Roskilde cause the connection for my
Tuesday morning flight out had shitty morning connections from my own place
so this was like an obtion and I took it. He now works for the national
railway company at night time so while he was at work I slept like a baby at
his place. As he got back home at 6:30 AM local time I was up and ate
breakfast with him then at 8AM heading out to the airport.
Still able to spare myself some concern yet with a
crystal clear memory of all that had previously happend at past trips to
America. I am a magnet for bad happenings. Well guess what? At time for
check in I ran in to yet another two problems. A) A bought limitd odd shaped
bottle to Corinna fromthe tax free was taken away from me ... no liquid
onboard they said. NOT ALOUD any Delta flights, excuse me. Yeah out of fear
for what ever recently dsiscovered liquid for terrorism in the UK at
Heathrow airport this had gotten to be the new rule to limit the last bit
of freedom as a travelling party in these modern days. So lost cash on that
buy. No refund.
B) then they would not print the boarding pass for
me for Atlanta GA, if I had not gotten a fulladdress on me of where I was to
be stayong the first night of the arrival. It was insaine - 3AM US time I
caleld Corinna I had no choice, to ask for Don address. That I had no on me.
It was insaine. Thank god that got workd out. Sorry bout that girl but as
said I had no choice. Then after spending 9 dollars on a call she asked if
she could call me back. She did but at a time with only 10 more minutes
tillthe check in for this flight was closing. She caleld yeah... but atthe
time she caleld I was turned to with the messege of NO PHONES HERE. You have
to go to another area and cal lthere. So her call was never answered and i
caleld her back. Man all that crap for such a little thing. Ok dealt with. I
was the last person tobe let onboard.
Right "now" two movies onboard have been watched a
slight nap and now a small headacke has started coming on to me. Not a good
sign. Simply gotta be drinking water. Lots of it too. This is my last trip
to South Carolina probably ever. Another era in life of love future dreams
and more has ended. PS: my brother thinks this falls tour is gonna be the
end of the band. We will see.
Now sitting at gate C35 with about 50 minutes to
go. In Atlanta GA on my way to Detroit MI. Came through 3 chck points yep
you read it right THREE security checks its almost a joke. Fuck nothing is
aloud no more however so far no luggage trouble that in it self man is
pretty amazing. Aweful shitty pizza bite onboard from Copenhagen. Nasty
shit. Peewww....
So right now sitting here I have spent like not a
cent part from the call to Corinna from back in Copenhegen for the address
this morning. I still feel fine, no headacke no shit not tired or nothing.
Flew over Masachuchettes earlier and thought of Jesse a lot. Should have had
a parasuit then. Two things hit me as I stepped out on American soil. yes im
back and fucking christ welcome to the home ofthe fat ass fast food fucks.
Sucks!!! Hell yeah I am so not gonna deal with that craop of junk food and
no physical doings. Gonna have long walks and all while i am here.
Motley Crue????
Well Motley Crue have not been on my mind too much
till now typing their name. Why not? Well as everyone that have been reading
these posted diaries I am not too fond of this fall tour. This is where
people go "then why dont you just stay the fuck at home then?" What a laugh,
ha ha ha. I look forward to it as this is the next step in what I do. And
with tht I have not missed a thing since the excluse thing in Hollywood at
the Palladium n the night of the reunion. Late 2005. Its al lcovered and i
have a ton of things to bring home and So at this point only two things to
be worried about but I refuse to let it bring me down: theme and Corinna
sitution .. how will our company do us? And B wil lwe meet the band? I have
a banner and a jacket I want signed. I tell al lThursday as the Detroit gig
is over and we willthen see if there have been any Detroit luck at all.
3:45PM landed finally. found my suitcase without a
problem same with Corinna and then off we went to the car rental for our
Jeep. Cool ... no warm hi and hellos just a brief hi. Thats all. So nothing
is unusual with the situation here. Its cold. And totally unpersonal.
Nothing to be worried about no more. Alright will wrap ths up in the morning
we are on the shuttle buss from airport to AVIS car rental a good 10 minute
Wednesday morning ... here I sit as said and the
fist night is in the past. Slept cool. To see Don was a stunning momment for
me. I dont think the man realizes how much I love him. Well do you Don? The
huge Vince banenr was taken pictures of again and being brought down. It was
now a few chit chats and then ready to do this typing the first fal l2006
diary form the states. Its done now. Today is Detroit show nad hopefully
WRIF101 radi omeeting with Dou Podell. If we can find him and the place.
Looking it up in a second just closing this diary and then packing the stuff
here and I am off.
Tioll later my little shitheads. Hugs hugs kiss
kiss... Lee
9th of OCtober 200SIXX, 4
Hours 30 Mins
8:18AM CET
From now on for a little while
Jesse is gonna be stearing the Loyalty ship. I am about to head of. the
time and day has arrived. I am not gonna sit and say anything about it
here cause I really have no where near any idea of what to expect. I say
its prety open. It can turn out to be one hell of of a cool ride or it
can totally leave me hanging like I never ever wanna do this ever again.
Have no word on it sorry.....
Yes its sad and weird and it
really should ONLY with out the slightest doubt just all together be a
YES fucking eyy I am going. And I am gonna have such a blast. It cant
possibly go wrong. Well that is sadly not the case. It just isnt. I will
be posting a diary if not every singel day then at least most of them
and I will return here to Denmark on the 25th. Anything else from now
till then ... you will know all about it as I get there and as I have
the days rolling up on me....
Be good my dear pets. Detroit
(Rock City) here I come,
7th of October 200SIXX, Blowjob & Crueloads
7:37PM CET
a magical Saturday, the lights are out and thats alright. Its Saturday
night come join the party, well there could have been one. Party that
is..... I so need to rethink my shit my life and this misserable little
stinker called isolation. Im not lonely as such. But fuck me I miss to
be in a relationship. Something that works. I have just kind of lost all
belief in suck a thing. So right now just give me a hore. Give me a
chick with no name. Should have had a deal on a night like tonight. One
to ask no questions, no rules, no nothing just suck cock and bang the
brains out of me. make my dick hurt!!! Put that action on repeat and
make me forget about Motley for a split second. Please.... somebody!!!!!
Do we believe in santa? Not really so ... right about now its nothing
but empty thoughts on and around that subject and my long loyal diaries.
Yes today is the second last one that will be posted just before my
stinky feet will land solidly on American soil. God damn I begin to feel
I am of the male speices and I fucking need to spread the god damn seed
around. Fuck it look at me nasty I could at this minute not care less.
Sorry folks thats what we are like ... the so called ... men!!! I will
never be one but just a sad shitty excuse for one .. always go under
that cheaper model one called BOY!!!! -Oh man .. just give me somethin 4
nothing ... all night!!
Today my buddy and soon to be
perhaps, best friend fast Jesse, has picked up load one and two of a
total five the rest gets picked up Monday. No more ass fucking around.
This dude says the does. no bull about it. Not a whole lot a hulla hoop
about it. No its just a straight to the bone with this fucker. And I am
on his alley with that attitude. no fucking shit. no fucking blah blah
blah blah... just plain rock n roll and open minds about most. But the
important ingredient here is as of today NO BLOWJOB but Crueloads to the
museum big time. You may reconize something in the picture here from the
official DVD release from the new tattoo tour .. the "Girls Girls Girsl"
door. Yeah.. its the exact one. There are several things in this load
here and much much more at the location to be picked up Monday as said.
So....Crueloads in the house. About to get added to the collection
online here. It has been a long hard road and a lot of headackes to drag
this deal in. Trust me its a thing a deal and a financial set back that
will be felt for a long time. But its a life passion a as said before
ONE TIME ONLY offer and I took it. Still have no sex from that though.
Jesse is gonna be the one to unrap everything and the hawk watching over
this load. I hope there is a no worry situation here. But he unlike
every single one I have ever met that is human gets me fully so I know
it could have been at a no better place than this. Since my orginal idea
sunk to the ground.
I dont know how much I can
actually have brught home with me as I return from the USA this time but
I hope there is a rather good chance to get most of all the smaller
things home with me. You know what I am saying!! Really thought I would
love to have ha an American someone to build something with .. maybe it
will come maybe it wont. Its just that I need to have a strong belief in
the future for myself Right now I cant even focus on it. Most of the
times I start something with a girl it goes like well like it has so
far. Things just wont cut it. Always a line for fucked up excuses or
different opinions to it all.
But now today besides no blowin`
I have Crue on my mind tonight. Though its Mr. Starchild on the spinner
right now. 1978 nostalgic. "Its Alright" cant wait till he hits the god
damn stage. Fuck this CD still stands man, its also bringing back memos
like I have hardly had. KISS were huge for me and the thoughts are back
not as a collector but as a music fan of theirs. And this is the month
of Stanley and Simmons again. I just fucking have to have that Simmons
experience. Corinna if you read this which I doubt I am begging of you
to do this. hope you will give me a plesant suprise with that one, I
really like to think of that as happening.
On the buy and sell subject of
the day there are more shit up for grabs around right now.
There are a few new items wonder if they are websales only or also tour
sales?? there are a CD thing and shirts. Also there are a Tommy vest for
auction. Nikki shirt too. A lot out there these days that are up for
grabs should you fancy an easy spending. I will say this already, on my
trip to the USA I will make a diary posting every day to let you guys -
and of cause for my own pleasure - post a little something so you all
know whats going on. I will NOT this time go out of my ways for meeting
the guys. But I will try to meet them ones for a little something I
surely need to figure out how to do that. i have the ultimate tour
jacket to wear on this tour and it will be a ride like none other with
that bitch on. Hope to get it signed I really do!!! Its mind blowing man
and I love it more than I can find words for. I would love to get al
lthe stuff pictured here too for grabs. But this time around I have
gotten a few steps closer to focus on the items I really wanna go for.
So there is a no do situation on the other. And right now I also need to
have that October US trip covered first and foremost. You know what i am
saying....for the day... JESSE BABY!!!!! thanks a fucking bunch!! Nice
talking to you too man. Always a pleasure. I really need to kind of
relax tomorrow before I go. I will throw in a short - extremely short hi
and hello and a salute to you all then too before I have a lift off.
6th of October 200SIXX,
Survival Of the Fittest & Museum Arrivals
6:57PM CET
Thank god its Friday!!! Remember
the movie? yes. Remember the song? yes. Remember the feeling? NO!!! And
I need it back. I need to feel alive again. Another huge dissapointment
about USA hit me less than a short while ago. And now I need to feel
alive again in a new way. A new felt way that holds me up on things that
makes me smile again. I wanted to and I still want to move to teh
Statesbut under different conditions now than before. I am through with
getting sacked and shit. The ex took a big bite of me ones that nearly
made me quit collecting Crue. Then my ex took another one or two huge
bites of me and made me bleed and now my ex has taken the last bite
there was to take. It is not happenng agian and it was a boy she never
decided to get to know much. An invitation to ego world - come in and
see if you can survive my game. I couldnt, in my own way I refused. I
now as said want another try. Want another chance. Everyone around me
says to me I need that one thing. LOVE. Everyone that knows me and that
knows about my situation says it. "Tommy you so need to get love from
someone that can actually appreciate you. And that you can be with.
Other than this fase you are going through. It is kind of hurting me bad
to hear and even more to fully agree with. I am so aware of the shit
that fills up my awaken life. Probably the biggest shit there is, is
that I need to acknowledge that I ones again bid on the wrong horse in
the way of having hopes for a solid great girlfriend. Now a friend yes
she can be that. But till she gets some things changed about her
individual there is no hope. No hope for any guy about her. Its not even
possible. She doesnt want life. She wants life in a cocoon.
Motley Crue; it seems to be
bombing me with offers these days and it is the absolute not right time
for that kind of thing. I think there is a line of things I could have
wanted of it all. Hell I always want all of what I do not have in my
collection already!! I think there is a very slight chance that I will
be able to get some of the stuff I am missing. You see there are so much
this fall it is almost killing me. There are a few things that are of
such importance for me to get. I promise you this; there is a fine line
between undescribeable happiness and slight madness. I know its sick.
But its always this go damn way when its rough. I look at myself and go
what the bloody hell is this? How can I actually do so and so and so? I
am risking a little too much by doing so and so and so. Ohh well been in
it for too many years. There are a few things that are really just too
fucking cool to pass on should there be good chances for working things
out on the wanted too. I am again so sorry I kind o talk in riddles But
I cant really say exactly what it is my dear brothers and sisters. I
only know that I am really excited about the chances I have for getting
it. And then from the excited idea to actually be the proud owner of th
stuff.. hmm well, yeah there are a few miles to go and sadly no
guarentees. I love it though. Hop for the best. This business is all
about money luck and patience and tons of it ..... all of the above. But
today the museum has arrived.....I love it.
The stage probs lot has been shipped off. Has been travelling and has
now arrived but a bit away from what we hoped for. So there is a huge
load in form of a pick up to get organized. Dude (you know who you are)
I am so sorry for this man. Everything had been way easier and way
cooler had the original word talk promises and settlements been
unchanged. But everything is changed. Nothing is the same nothing is
ever gonna be the same again for the rest of my Crue collecting days.
For a number of reasons. But they wont. Now right about now I just wanna
hear this person contacting me saying "T dude the shit is safe. its here
its taking up an assload of space but its safe and its cool." Just gotta
make it a safe ride man. I really really do. Wanna know this shit is as
safe as it gets. And then hopefully most of all that is not guitars or
huge monsterous displays would go home with me I really pray and beg for
that. No doubt. I am not gonna be over there again after November till
sometime next summer so I need to have this shit covered man. I truely
do. I was prepard to let me and my girl be the ultimate Motley couple
around share passion and emotional love and devotion for life together.
Some just did not see it that way. So somehow some where don the line I
am gonna have to figure out a way to get my shit to either Jesse or
Denmark. I am not pleased with the situation can you guess why? Sure you
can. I am still shit much hoping for a good trip. And Iif I can bury my
emotional ongoings to her I will have a great trip coming this Monday
and 18 days ahead. I just need to be on a constant ware of the finances.
I have not much to roll around with you know what I am saying.
Is there any other way to say it but; I am
excited about whats happening and at the same time I am shit bugged
about another and here by last fucking chapter in the book of ups and
downs between two people.
5th of October 200SIXX,
The End & Birth Of New Beginnings
5:35PM CET
So Thursday it is, another
wasted feeling taking a piece of my heart. Wel well well arent I the one
being used to this? T boy is single again. And I cant even say a comma
about it. Its like what the fuck is this couple thing all about. Fuck if
I know. I am only kind of smiling. Anybody wants me Im free on the
market. There is a winter wish for someone that cares for a loving guy
if you are out there give me a yell. but please no bullshit... have had
enough of that in my life time.. ha ha ha....
Have not yet had a truck load
arriving at Jesse`yet but maybe today or maybe tomorrow. it will get
there no doubt. There are more stage prob offers to me and a coouple of
them I am going like .. FUCK ME I have to have that and that. Almost no
matter the loose of apartment and crap . its just too unreal. No I can
not tell you what it is or from where. I can only say I am pleased for
the offers. Lets see in a little later in the year if there will be a
chance to work something out with the dude that has this crap. Mr. H.
thanks a lot for be the talker for the fan here druelling like fuck.
There is not much else to say on that fact. My guy Jesse the man is
still on an almost every day basis with me and this is kinfd of
communication and team work I had hoped for we all could have had across
the gang that ones was the loyalty staff. Where did nothing go? Hell I
dont even hear a deep breath from the guys so I guess it truely wasnt
that important to them after all. Still I hope they are happy where they
are and with what they do!! I think there is a way to see a paddon in
many things and many things paopple say and do. Some have a whole lot of
what ever but only till they feel they fullfil them selves with
then they drop out of things. Not much heart in things. Me? Well I
constantly get blamed of the most weird cocktail you can imagine. Im
selfish, too sensitive, too emotional, too unappreciating too risky,
too hard on myself, a line ofthings that all mixed together would be a
god damn sick monster. Is that really what i am? Just cause i am
passionate and romantic? Helpful and careing? Is that the word on the
label people put on me these days? Well well well.... arent I the fucked
up bastard?!!! Hail the weird one!!
I still have a little doubt if
my wish for the meeting with god would be coming true. But I still hope
so. And I could not care less about skipping other things if this as my
final doing in a visit to the South Carolina state and address would
give me that. Gene Simmons. I am just over all amazed. I am in for a
pretty good solo kind of trip and I have to say its about time that I
figure new ways in life out. I am not gonna be hopeful for any of the
long time planned things now. Thisis normally my kind of life. I always
come out with the shortest straw in everything. part from what I do
musicly and what i set my mind to in that direction. Fucnny and people
dont get it why (or partly why) I hang on so hard. Its the only thing
that does not let me down like that way other things in life does. Music
and collecting is my passion at heart and it is the biggest best and
most appreciated satisfaction I can think of as I have all the other
shit like constantly against me.
So now The Gene meeting and all
at the sale of the new KISS products. I am so looking forward to this...
hell yes!! Just really wanna go...4 more days and I am out of here til
lthe 25th late afternoon my own local time. Thats when the key goes in
the door locker if nothing happens and shit goes bad as it intend to do
for me on the trips to the ol America.
4th of October 200SIXX, 5
Nights, Trailer Load & Fucking health
5:15PM CET
There are five more nights to
get through before I am out of here and that will take me to a place I
need right now. I am so not gonna be the same .....
I have had a terrible time here at home this summer. Very very sad
depressed and feeling shitty. One person can change all that by
suprising me with some good moods and a right spirit too. I seriously
need this shit. Life in normal settings is killing me slowly taking the
best of me. And I do not like it. I am not functional without my shit. I
would rather die. My doctor today has told me to be FAR better and MORE
aware of my own care taking. My bad heart has no good for that that I
do. I am fucking my own health. That being ignoring all physical and
health things that I and all humna beings should focus on much more. All
that happens is that I get worse and worse and all of a sudden it can go
really wrong. Amazing how shitty things can be in life. I need something
that really takes my breath away. And not much in the ordinary world
does this for me and now with extremely sad finances I am not gonna be
able to get or do as much as I would have wanted since so many things
eats up what I should have used on my passion. Too much travel money gas
and food money.. hate it. Well I do. It rips my heart out.
Today on the other hand SHOULD
be the day of a trailer load coming to an address on the east coast. All
the now many months long talked about stage probs are landing.
Finally!!! I cant wait to get it all added to the site and see it all
next year. Its just insaine. I fucking did it. I cant find words for how
I feel about it. Its sick. Its a mther fucking brutal pleasing like few
others. Trust me. I had for ages no belief in getting this stuff. Simply
cause it was a huge load and the price tag was a pretty huge lod too.
But like I said before there are things that simple are not offered to
you morethan only ones in a life time. This lot was one of those times.
I cant tell you how cool I think things are with this. There will come
pictures in sortly. but let the shit arrive first and be checked if all
is there. I can not wait to get things going again but it will be two or
two and a half years from now unless I find myself a different job that
I couldnt care less about and earn more. That is THE one and only other
obtion to get money. Really. So you try o find a will to give in on so
many things and just simply go "I dont care. And I feel fine about the
many sacrifices I do for this" ...thats all thats going on in my life I
promise you. I miss love tenderness and what ever else that crap brings.
But I believe in that when I start believing in farther Christmas. Ho,
ho, ho!!
Sixx on the cover of Nov. Burrn
issue again. A line of shit I wanted is now all fucking gone and I have
ha a bit of a ahrd time not getting these items. Yes, yes yes talking
eBay here. Of cause....damn it. Oh well moving down on the list of wants
and watched items there are still a good few things i almost feel I HAVE
to have. But then again when dont I? I dont know.... Rarely I guess. Its
time for bad health, holes in my pockets and a trip to dreamworld and
make the best out of it. I am gonna be tested like shit much on this
one. It will not be easy. A lot of serial and shit is going down the
drain ....(ME) no fucking loads of fast food shit and all. HATE that
crap about America. Cook some fucking decent dinner and all. C mon. I
really need some real food. I am getting ill and getting so damn
overweighted. Heelllllllllllppppppppp......
Be back as the Crue "museum load" lands at its destination.. later
My pal Don is gonna get my
second thing ready for me of a total four. Here are pictures as the
rocess is going on. The four huge banners are really old ones. Buut to
follow how it has eveloped as it all was going from a blank canvas to
the ultimate finished thing is simply something I find extremely awesome.
Its just too cool to be real. and the best of all. Itslife sized or
bigger. There are a few things I have in mind later to ge done but
things are gonna be really slow as said for a long period of time. There
is no doubt about it. Financially its mayhem. Its a none functional
state. But its a week and a half this one now coming that holds so many
things details and more that if the lady and I will be good with each
other its gonna be an awesome trip for sure. No doubt about it. I think
there is going to be a huge chance for it to be quiet cool. All I need
is to be on a constant reminder towards myself about one thing. DO NOT
spend money like you feel for. I have fucking got to hold back
enormously and only do the Crue thing and the needed. This will NOT be a
holiday like I hoped for. Its stinky hard as hell. I can not say how bad
it is.
The latest Paul Stanley has been
spinning like a none stopping fucker the last couple of days. I really
like his latest LIVE TO WIN solo release. he has really done good on
this one. Only like 30 some minutes but not a filler on there at all.
Just great and great mix. I am more looking forward to that one than I
find words for. I know this can be the final time in my life time I get
to see paul so I am really excited. And it simply has to be a great
night. You will read all about it in 19 days. Lol..... Some have asked
me about why I sem so silent on my Crue excitement. Well I dont know if
I am silent like that ? Am I??
If so then its because all the ones I have shared tons of opinions with
the last maybe 5 to 7 years have said that they were dissapointed in the
band on this fall tour. For all kinds of different reasons. I guess I
can not really blame them. Again from how I know them. And I have not
yet seen them on this tour so.... and further more there is a chance I
may share that opinion or maybe I get some lucky gigs to my adventurous
backpack. you know.. I cant really say too much at all except I am shit
worried. You have no idea. I really truely am.
Its not an easy thing for me to deal with. i am low on cash as fuck I
travel half way roun the globe AGAIN and I have been hurt beyind words
recently with a line of things in the name of the band and members. So
GESS IF YOU FEEL I have been silent I couold choose to call it I have
been laying low and try to think and focus positive thoughts. Hope that
minor explanation is acceptable for you. And yes Jesse is gonna be
posting a line of postings on here very shortly. Also while I am in the
USA. He and I are gonna try to keep contact as much as it is possible.
So there should be plenty of covered postings to go through. As always.
But thats just all cool isnt it???
Sure lads... Hugs Tx
2nd of October 200SIXX,
Cheap Smiles & Clearences, Waiting For God
7:28PM CET
Monday the last one before the
next coming one of its name takes me on my second last 2006 journey in
the name of my passion. Route to all evil..... could be. I will let you
know as I am there. Its gonna be good. Hoping for a complete buy of the
merch line. I have had that as a gold since they reunited and till now
it has gone quiet fine so come hell or high water I need to have it this
time too. I have not seen ANYONE having that by the way. Its always a
couple of shits or some smaller things and then its getting won and
all... so I think I have a pretty good bunch there already. Mint fabric
new ... and it stays that way thats how I have always done it. You
rarely see me in a Crue shirt unless I for some odd reason have two of
it. I have burried myself now for two days with the music catalogue on
high volume and it slowly takes me back to the heights of danger and
brain washing like the old days..... Public enemy # 1???? In manys eyes
your reading his posting. Fuck normalcy, society and the fake bunch out
there. I am back true to my heart and what ever else kind of shit that I
have ....... that sill fucking works. Its time for a serious stiffie and
an orgasm that just really trips my mind. Thank god the right hand still
holds all 5 fingers for a rub off.
Gotten to a decition to on the
final tattoo thngs. Its gonna be killer. It wont be till later this year
but I really need to have it done and all....
You see there is a chance for me
to be actually really pleased in the end. Hurts like a mutha fucker but
it will look cool in the end and be some what completely different than
what I see others have.......
Not so sore today from the vicit
a day and a half ago at the tatoo shop. It is all good all healing and
shit. You see had I had more cash I would maybe have done something that
is just over the god damn top but maybe thats a good thing yeah, lol,
THANK god i havent got a penny. Lol, I have a few new things about the
site too so there will be a busy fall on many things for me us and the
team. US trips, tattoos, web doings, updating, adding, picture taking,
framings, and more just on matetr of Motley. Then comes a few things in
the boring shitty old same ol same o living I guess. So I am getting
ready for a kind of exciting fall and winter. Here are a couple of shots
from the chair of pain on Saturday! Nothing special just kind of nice to
have some from time to time as I go there. Its pretty cool & the final
looks will most likely be hot.
Jesse my brother in life - no
one understands our kind. But I ask myself does it matter? Not really
no!! Actually fuck it. I have you and with what we have we will be going
towards aseome stuff man. Next year the gods givin 2007 we will meet and
we will go hand in hand to the cruefest in New England. Share what we
have and do man. It will be great so I guess lol, see you in June. I
will look forward to that actually. But till then we have a ton of
things to look into try out and allwith this baby here. Loyalty sites
expanding like none other fan site there is. It will be pretty hot as we
get further into winter and all. Right now we have a good few things
that simply takes time to get ready and done. We will be fairly busy
from late this month and the rest of the year and that my friends is a
promise. There are so many pictures too to go in here so we will for
sure have a good share of hours with our hands down in the bucket of the
world wide web. Yes sir. Today also my - what I choose to call - October
check has reached South Carolina so there will be more stuff cleared and
a few more worries and started doings cleared! Nice man. Sooooo nice. I
like that. That was a good day, a good sign of positivity on this second
day of the month of action!! Thank you.
Now what really is beyind belief
fro me is that the Nikki owned regular CDs of Dr. Feelgood and Theatre
even though they are band signed ... they are not specila but sold for
300 some fucking dollars a PIECE. What is wrong with people? I am sorry
but a lot of doings on part of people calling them selves fans - I do
not get ... AT ALL. And perpahs I should not get them either. Hey,
people dont get my doings most of the time if not all of the time so
screw it. But its shitty buys and I am amused. Sorry dear winners whom
ever you are. You could have gotten the CDs signed for nothing and not a
soul would have been able to tell the difference if they had been in
Sixx`s house or in yours. I guess this is one of them sentimental issues.
But one I myself would never jump on. So .. I didnt. What else? Not much
really ... laststraw to be picked is the YES or NO to my one last
unsecure dream for the trip. Will we go to meet Gene Simmons. God!!! In
the demons body of the tongue man..... Mr Dollar Sign!!! Well.. I
fucking hope so. But I know Corinna right and she is truely as we are
about to meet always trying her best to make things happen. And this is
just one of the last few uncertain things that is not quiet in place
yet. I BEG for the right result.
This here was a couple of REALLY
BAD DEALS and they werent mine THANK GOD!!!!
FRI, OCT 13th -- RALEIGH |
Speaking of the masked force;
wanted the Best, you got the Best -- KISS
on the Big Screen. Experience KISS
ALIVE! at Cobo Hall, Detroit 1976. This never-before-seen special one
night event will feature a historic Rockumentary -
KISS Day in Cadillac, Michigan 1975. This
special Big Screen showing is to promote the "KISSOLOGY Vol. 1
1974-1977" 2-disc DVD set on sale 10/31. For Only One Night, October 26
at 8PM local. In select theatres nationwide -- tickets on sale Friday at
www.bigscreenconcerts.com And
as the official product comes out on Halloween it will be
VOLUME ONE 1974-1977" first installment on DVD in stores October 31,
2006. Monumental 6 Hour 2-DVD Box Set Chronicals ascendary of
KISS from New York glam
rockers to Hottest Band In The Land. NEVER BEFORE SEEN FOOTAGE of the
band's rise to music stardom with more than 70 live performances
and FOUR full concerts. Signal the troops for an enormous
KISS Army alert!
KISS will be the subject of a
three-volume DVD project (volumes 2 & 3 are being prepared for release
in 2007) chonicling the career of the hottest band in rock & roll
history. The rock 'n roll journey begins with "KISSOLOGY
VOLUME ONE 1974-1977" which will be released on Halloween, Tuesday,
October 31, 2006 for SRP $29.99.
ONE 1974-1977" takes a look at early bar-band
KISS quickly on the rise. 1974 is covered with a
live concert in Long Beach as well as KISS'
televised appearances on ABC's "In Concert" and an interview/performance
on "The Mike Douglas Show." By 1975, KISS
was playing San Francisco's fabled Winterland, headlining NBC's
"Midnight Special" and making videos for "C'mon & Love Me" and "Rock And
Roll All Night," all of wich is included on "KISSOLOGY
VOLUME ONE 1974-1977". In 1976, KISS
came to Detroit for an incendiary concert at the Motor City's Cobo Hall,
also captured on Disc One.
ONE 1974-1977" picks up the threads of 1976 with the bands interview and
perf,ormance of "Black Diamond" on "So It Goes" a must-see and
much-discussed interview and performance of "King Of The Nighttime
World" on "The Paul Lynde Halloween Special," and PERSONAL BAND FOOTAGE
from May 1976. The 1977 material on Disc Two captures the band at the
pinnacle of its international fame, performing to tens of thousands of
fands at the legendary Budokan Hall in Tokyo in April '77 and, a little
more than a month later, headlining "Don Kirshner's Rock Concert." Disc
Two coles with scorching concert footage from The Summit in Houston, TX
on September 2, 1977, showing KISS
doing, quite simply, what the band still does better than anybody else:
Rock & Roll All Night And Party Every Day!!!
Did anyone say this was suppose to be a MOTLEY CRUE site? Shit lads -
sorry!!! Kelly Gray + Nikki Sixx =
WTF? Well, Apparantly Nikki Sixx from MOTLEY CRUE has teamed up both
professionally and romantically with Kelly Gray, corporate executive and
former model "of the St. John line of durable knits for ladies"! Say
WHAT?! Yeah, apparantly Tommy Lee set them up and now the two are
hanging out on the band's tour bus and collaborating on a new menswear
line of rock star inspired threads called Royal Underground. Hard to
believe but even harder to believe is the revelation that Gray is 39!
Ohh well some fuck their pain away I guess. Knows a couple of youngsters
that seems to have been tasting the dick on one certain ....now Kelly is
the lady and - do I have to say more. No matter what seems to work or is
disfunctional in their private lives they dont get a lot of great
feedback or delieveer a heck of a lot cool shows it seems. As
co-headliners for Aerosmith, the reunited Motley Crue proved unworthy -
loud, cartoonish and often buffoonish. The band needed pyrotechnics,
scantily clad dancers, trippy video projections and gratuitous profanity
just to hold interest. As many people now tell me - but my buddy Jesse
gotta have vitnessed the worst; It didn’t help that singer Vince Neil
had blown out his voice nights earlier, or bassist Nikki Sixx brought
little in the way of rumble - smashing a Fender bass at the end of the
band’s set seemed put-upon, not rock ’n’ roll. It was up to drummer
Tommy Lee and guitarist Mick Mars, who has serious blues chops, to keep
hits like ‘‘Girls, Girls, Girls,’’ ‘‘Same Ol’ Situation’’ and
‘‘Kicksteart My Heart’’ afloat. Aerosmith and Motley Crue At the
Tweeter Center. Boston.
9 more days and I have a lift
off!! Fuck me if there should be any shitty delays or shit!!! I have a
constant worry on these matters. I am extremely good at being picked by
the big dude to be the one holding these fucked up happenings in my
pockets. Always me...But as said I will not have this month of October
2006 to have me worried or anything. Just enjoying the shit as it all
happens. Thats all I can say!! I begin to think it is a kind of doomed
thing for me to be unhappy. I wanna change things on that matter -
change things on matters of Motley as well. I truely think there will be
a better Tommy coming out of it all in the end could I change things
around. I am still dead loyal and freshly inked lol, lol, lol but tthose
things alone does not help me one bit. I have to say is bigger things
like my inner self that needs to be looking at a make over too. With or
without already hoped for future plans. And the near future will tell
exactly what is in need for me to get pass the warzone i hold inside.
The Gene Simmons axe bass was
sold very few weeks ago and is now "traded" in for some original
Coffmann material. feels stupid on one hand really. I think some how I
shot myself in the foot on this one but maybe with time I will learn to
appreciate my actions. Hopefully never regret. A few new things will
have to be looked at for sure on the me myself and I and well being -
but for now, breakfast Sunday sunny morning and I have a day off. All
good Nothing is in the name of any rock n roll this hour lol. But it
will be..... Man all the old times are haunting me now .Kiiiisssssss...
30th of September 200SIXX, Inked & More &
more endings
4:32PM CET
So been there again. Getting tattooed. It is
not something new more a finished touch on something that just has not
been touched for months. I am getting closer to getting things done in
full. Not quiet yet!! But I am getting there and it is such a pain every
fucking time. My skin and my nerve system under it is just not too fond
of this thing. How ever things are done today that makes my Left arm
more or less complete finished finally. Well not really but it will be
gonna take a good few times still. Man I guess in the past I never
really fully thought of how much i have actually done or going so there
are several more hours in it than I remembered. LOL...I have been
sitting in the chair for a good three hours today and it was tough. But
no need to cry over things you wanted in the first place. I think there
will be some rather cool chances to get it all put tighter together as
time goes by.
My floating basement I have more or less givin
up on it and I dont really care. Actually I seem to have become numb
bout things I really cared for but due to so many things going bad
like constantly for me I just end up going "fuck it" I dont know why
that is. I guess its just a feeling of reaching my limits for how much
more I can take before I actually go numb, I dont know??? Thank god no
Crue stuff were damaged ... then again I dont have crue stuff in my
basement. What else? Well, I have now talked to 7 people that are not
happy aboout the band on this tour. And 5 of those people are what you
could call diehards in their own way. Three of them people have said
that thay have seen their last Motley concert. I emidiately came to
think of two things. Actually three. One is ohh fuck what about me
myself? hat if vince or others get their shit hug up and a show or
something gets cancelled as i come over. I dont see it happening .But
that would suck ass. So much mone and such much this and that to get it
organized. Two; I remember my own last KISS concert. I lost everything.
Exceot the pain it brought me to see them dissapoint me so bad. That was
new years eve 1999 - 2000 in Vancouver millenium show. Fuck man. I was
not happy. For me the ultimate dissapointment. I am a little bit afraid
that this will actually be happening to me on Crue too. Yet again why
should it? Why all these fairly negative thoughts? Cause I have not had
a lot of cool positive things going dummy. Thats why. I am not the life
happy kind of guy no more. I have stopped searching for new or keeping a
lot of the old conncetion with fans of the band. Im anoyed by them. I am
so sick and tired of their ways. I am not above them or anything like
it. I am just so much more serious at a completely different level. And
i cant help it I can not deal with these fucks. I more or less only have
one Crue fan thats down my alley left. No further sayings on that
subject. Three; one told me the other day or rather asked me "What would
I prefer, a good performance or a good SHOW?" Fuck to me thats easy. I
want a combination. A good show as it is a show band not a musical band.
Motley and Kiss and others are show bands. But I want a band to deliever
not kiss ass and stink like yesterdays garbage and dont give a fuck
about it. You see there is a demand once you have put your better beriod
of life and finances in a band. you dont go "ok the band was present so
it was cool" FUCK NO!!! Not gonna cut it. And why should it. The band
have had several shitty things said especially Vince about things.
Childish and unforgiveable responds to his behaviour.
I think my USA dreams of how they were and how I wanted them to be in
the first place surely about and with one certain person has changed and
it will change further I think. Again its just a feeling. I am not too
pleased with that either. But I have things to get done and all answers
to work from as I come over. My partner Jesse would also like me to move
to the States and start getting our shared dreams together. Well again,
I will see how things unfold there. So many thoughts and ideas from that
dream are cooking in my skull. Things just dont seem to be on the most
positive track I have been on. I need a partner a sweetheart too that
supports and cares more too. I begin to feel there isnt any. NOT!!!
jumping to any conclutions here just saying that it is not too cool
onboard the loveboat right now. I have more a friend in this person than
anything else. That too is something that of casue wears me down.
I have had one long talk with a person that knows me really well. And i
have had this talk about almost everythign that means something to me.
There are advices for dropping the US and still hunt my dream on the
Crue side of things but dont force on a feeling listen to the heart of
mine and listen good. If things should be put in a lower gear or
something for a period of time then thats okay. But all my emotional
things in my life I should take up for a fresh check up and fix what can
be fixed and dump the rest. You see I have this one person in life that
really makes me take nseriously and THAT is worth fucking more than I
could ever tell you. This person sees things about me and feels things
about me that I at times dont always see or deal with myself. Its like a
little outside alarm clock thats yelling out attention attention....so I
listen a lot to that. And my next fase in that matter is absolutely to
have a talk as I come to America in a good 10 days.
More and more are ending their collecting life.
Well I hear it more and more too. It just sucks. Yet again thank god
some can be true to them selves about it. I think there is a way of
maybe (for the band) to start thinking seriously about if they really do
wanna end and go out on top like they have talked so much about. Right
about now its going fucking down hill. Not all they do is great and I
dont have a problem admitting it to myself either. It just is a stinky
kind of way - and even having a situation where you should say it and
mean it is of casue not easy. Some of the people that have stopped that
I know of are collectors that have stopped for them the right reasons.
Not cause they have gotten a girl or a boyfriend or a baby ar what ever.
That s something that goes on a lot but for these people its been cause
they dont feel it no more. They have simply lost respect and passion. I
remember how close I was a little while ago. It was hectic days due to
inside shit I was told and I could not take all that in as only
information and then dont care. I still get morethan weekly inside
information. Things that are really not always my business as they
themselves too have a private side to life but i cant say it is not
affecting the bnd and in the end me.
So far I have been holding on in that stormwind
and come through - out on the other side. Now it has come down to this;
my passion is still there. But Its just a financial hell and it is also
a lot in my private life mixed emotions on things that really has
nothing to do with the band and that side of me. But surely taking its
toll on me and I am not in a good balance before these too are cleared
out for myself as said above in its own kind of way. How ever I have
today found a bunch of older KISS posters again....fucking hell will it
ever end or what?? I think it is aomething I have had tons more of than
I ever myself expected. I had a gazillion things sent to the boyer of my
stuff back in 2001. It was my whole fucking collection. One of the
biggest in Europe. Well there it is again .. I can feel it has to stop
(this story ) or it will never end. But I am gonna try to take pictures
of them all and sell em. period. Tons of awesome memories in them .....
Okay man that was kind of the lot for the day. Im broke, Im fucked, Im a
sad excuse of a man and trust me...... I am little bit of a "I dont give
a ratt`s ass" these days. Its so tough getting to that point in life.
And it kind of hurts when you get tothat level. I am hungry for positive
things and adventures. Hope so badly I will have that when USA is for my
feet in a good 10 days. I really need it. no I NEED IT!!!!
later my friends. It is still a heart felt
passion this is .. and I am doing all I can not to have Jesse loose his
faith either, peace Tommy
28th of September
200SIXX, Sick Shit & Countdowns
8:22PM CET
Its been a day with a lot of
talk between people and a lot of communication in all corners of the world.
But one thing i just cant seem to forget is that there are so many (in my
world) weird so called fans out there. nahh ahhh before you all take a bite
out of me I have to say I am NOT bitchin any of you. I am only saying this
is I have had myself so full of all the things many of them say and things
they do. Fuck its annoying. I cant have it. Its a small thing like a brain
fart but it stinks for fucking ever. You know what I am saying. It is just
pure and simply sick shit. But I guess the Motley men dont and couldnt care
less what kind of a fan you are as long as you leave your dollar bills
behind for them to cash in. Speaking of that there are so many different
opinions about this tour as I have also said before. I gotta be honest and
say .. things are fucking so pointing to a possible end ......
What am I saying? Well I
think I would be one of the least suprised persons out there to go
"figures". I just think they are showing a good longer list of signs that
kind of leads me in that direction for some reason. Dont particulourly like
it but, well what is there to expect from what is going on and you in the
mix have these totally honest and different ways of and for and about your
passion for the shit you do and collect. I just think it is not improvements
we see from the guys. Not one bit. But a lot is actually worse.
12 days till I stand in
Detroit. And my nightmare kind of actions starts. Yes looking forward to it.
Yes need to get the fuck out of this shitty place. Yes need to kill every
day living for a good couple of weeks more than I care to open up about ...
so yes I am on a countdown. Jesse had a fucking huge dissapointment from his
show the other day. I so feel for him. Have talked to other people that were
there. Some agrees with Jesse. Thats just fucked up. I hope as he says in
his diary I will have a little more and better luck. Corinna my so far best
and most willing travelling partner is a mystery to me now. Wonder why she
is and has done some things she has on this tour. I fully am beyond words
and so pleased - cant wait to do it all. I HOPE it all will be done. I think
we will do the best possible to get things covered of what we have set our
minds for. Weird to think this can very well be the last BIGGER tour. Who
knows with how things are right now.
All auctions from the
Supernova thing ended last night was actually up in time for bidding but I
only bid on ONE thing and never raised my offer
or bid on the item so did not get it. I think all I had in mind was "ohh
man, Tommy this is Supernova." Dont waste your cash on this. So weird
there with such thoughts. But today the new and first single Promo of and
from Supernova or now Rock Star Supernova is available. I do want all
music things and official merchandise but everything else not really.
This is a VERY RARE
Single CD PRO on the EPIC label. From
Rock Star
SUPERNOVA "Be yourself & 5 other cliches"
This is a very
RARE Disc, with a front insert only. Lets see if it actually could
come this way...
This is a black mesh vest
from sixx's personal collection of clothing, that he has donated to
raise funds for running wild in the night. He has been seen many times
wearing this cool garmet. Don't miss out on this great item...Well if
you like to get rid of a good 5 6 7 800 dollars or more in a heartbeat.
Seems like Sixx ones more is clearing house for stuff from the tour. I
dont think I am gonna be doing heaps of biddings on anything really. I
am so ...... low after all I have done the last long time. Lol lol lol
Really not much else from
here right now. get back at ya later ..... kisses..
26th of September
200SIXX, Boston Rock Night & Supernova Shocks
3:17PM CET
After the Supernova thing
went on as one of this years biggest entertainment shows on US national TV
the show left a few things in the fog to be auctioned off on eBay over the
last period of time. Most of the shit has ended. And let me tell you its
been a super shock what the damn things ended up at in the old gods mighty
dollar. Let me give you guys a few examples. I for one did not bid on these
things they are not worth the amounts they went for and further more I dont
think I can ever be too convinced to like this band much. It is kind of sad
to say but what the fuck. Just cause its a crue man in the 4some you dont
have to lick all their doings up and liking it. Hell nahh ahhh!! How ever a
lot do find the stuff attractive obviously. And there are much, much more
than whats ended already to be auctioned off. They squeeze every little drop
out of this one for sure. Seems to be already a totally overrated sick
thing. Man if anything is successful on TV you can easerly and as sure as
there is an "amen" in gods house on any givin Sunday bet your bottom dollar
that people try to milk everything they possibly can out of you. People are
funny. They have such an easy time to spin money on these shows. Ohh and by
the way next Wednesday the 4th of October they will shoot their first video
in Los Angeles for the song "It`s All Love".
328,50 |
271,00 |
214,00 |
61,00 |
850,00 |
64,96 |
2036,00 |
Tonight The Tweeter Center,
in Boston, MA is the frame for the first of two shows in the arena and my
buddy and half of Loyalty.Dk & COM is gonna be there. I am sure Jesse is
gonna have a few things to say about all in the next coming days. I know he
has been busy but inspite of business he and I have talked a lot the past
days and there are now a lot of future ideas on the table. Seems both of us
have come to a point where we are kind of just well....had enough of a lot
of things about well..... again a lot of stuff all kinds of things and it
feels like its time to do something on our own. And I am dead sure we will
too. There are a few ideas that are pretty cool. Pretty awesome but as said
last time long term plans and all. Nothing we can do like in a heart beat at
all. Some asked about the so ever much talked about stage probs!! What
happend with it all? Did I after all not get it? And if not then for what
ever reason? Well, here is the final info to you all. Yes I did get it and
it is as I type this on its way to its destination in the USA just not to
the place I had hoped for and agreed to in the first place. Things have
changed drasticly on that front. In other words the partner I had in all
that Crue business is still in my life but a line of things are not as it
was no more. I am not really having a togetherness in form of a collection
there no more. I have new limits to work with on that front and there for
the lot containing 5 pallets and a couple of smaller UPS boxes to go too.
Yeah its gonna be a monster adding to the collection. And to all of you that
have waited .... dont forget SO HAVE I !!!!! And I have paid a mutha load
for these things. So trust me I am just as excited about these things as you
are to let it all go on the site and late October will be that time. Much
stuff will come on there again. No worries. You will get your satisfaction.
Ohh you all better watch out
for the probably coolest tour item out there for the Route of all evil tour.
The jacket is gonna kick fuckin ass to bring around. And there is a wish to
be meeting the band and have it signed like the last time out there. Some of
you might remember the the first jacket with the stiff middle fingers raised
up in front of the white house. This one now coming, is gonna be even more
bad ass. I cant believe the god damn turn out on this fucker. It is just a
bitch killing mutha .NO doubt!! In all honesty none of the official merch is
this cool. I can now only hope the jacket gets to its destination in good
shape and in time... Gonna be a thrill to wear it. Not a soul should miss
it. Mine or not mine its cool. 15 more days and its Detroit (rock city) time
for this dude. Lots of great memories from there man. Good friends many past
concerts. The new years eve show last year and well a good portion of dusty
bad ass rock n roll......I cant wait to get this mutha on the roll.....new
times and new settings for things in the daily as I return again!! Hate the
idea but I got to have it done more than I care to explain on here. Its just
a need.
Have the ones with still a
few bucks in the pockets seen the auctins going on right now with more
Supernova stuff .. a couple of Tommy worn items from the TV show and a Nikki
signed Dr. Feelgood CD from his personal arcives. And also Theatre of Pain.
Ok that one gotta take the price. What the fuck is that all about? That is
just stupid. Just because it was in his CD lot and now signed by the band
people are willing to pay over 200 or more dollars when its over? Thats
gotta be the thing that makes me laugh. Part from the Lukas singer in
Supernova - a kid no one cared for 3 months ago all of a sudden sells a 8x10
signed photograph (by the way his signature is the slobbiest I have ever
seen. Even kids in the kindergarden I used to work at wrote nicer than him.
Not the drukiest rocker I have met could do a worse signature) sold for over
300 dollars. Thats insaine, not real. Then there is Supernova Tommy shoes, a
vest and a hooded shirt. Guess these things are gonna go up over 3 - 400
each in a second. But there are here for anyone to grab if wanted. And if
willing to pay top dollar for. Alright kids I think thats all thats been
brueing in my skull on the Crue or Crue related front the last couple of
days. Of news anyway. Or concerns or what ever you know....
Till later - have fun, check in on Jesse`s adventures in his diary most
likely in a day or so. There will be plenty of shit to read from him in the
coming future Im sure. All be good now ya hear..T Lee,
********************************************* 24rd of September 200SIXX, Answers & Healings
10:10AM CET
In a dream a long time ago
We fell in love, but what did we know know
Years seemed to pass as time took its toll
You're here at last, so why must you go
But tonight you belong to me, yeah you know
Yes, tonight you belong to me
I know you're leavin', goin' away
And I'm goin' out of my head
Well, go on and leave me, what can I say
You don't hear a word that I say lets go |
Ive been
lonely but I feel alright
You got another baby, hold him tight, you
You been pushin and you wont get me tonight
I`ve been your lover, but Im not your fool
You wanna to teach me but Im not in school
You been pushin and you wont get me tonight
Wouldnt you like to know me
And wouldnt you like to show me you care
Wouldnt you like to take me
And wouldnt you like to make me, whoo yeah
When I was a baby mama sat me on her knee
She told me "boy you listen theres a lot you oughta see
A lot of pretty women is gonna try to tie you down
You dont know what youre missing if you never look around
Move on, thats what she told me
Move on, mmm yeahh
Move on, whoo oh, oh
Move on, Im leaving on my way |
Sorry to say it but the
paul Stanley solo tour coming up is just taking over most of my thinking
these days!! Which kind of leads me in on my headline for the day. Yes I see
there have been a good few postings in the guestbooks recently. There are
two to keep track with so.... One on each .Dk and the .COM one. Its all
good. i am glad to see some still have comments to things going on here. Its
things like that that kind of makes this shit worth while. I know what you
are all thinking. I could have done this without the guestbook. Cause so
much is still going on that I may not have needed this section. You are
probably right. but you know I am just what I have always said I was. I
share I love to share. I am not an ego fucker. Most of all the people out
there are and I cant stand their stupid little sad n shitty selfishness. You
dont like my ways? Fuck off. Pleaaaaseeee!!! Never mind I learn my lesson
every day here. And I know I have only one guy that is fully, slowly but
surely, getting to understand me he is outside Boston. hell not even my
girl after a couple of years gets me. How fucked up is that? My mom has
tried for years to change me but finally last year after about 2 decades
have givin up. And thats, well I think good.
To the one posting that I
have not mentioned a hell of a lot about KISS on here recently. No thats
right. But there are reasons for that. First and foremost there have not
fully been a lot of KISS that has been in over my Motley thinking. So there
for there is and has been no need for me to share whats been in my head
about KISS on this site. There was the HV1 Honours... that was kind of
recent but thats all. Now there is this Stanley tour. Another funny story.
He was originally meant to be the opening act of the Crue / Aerosmith tour
but his CD release got pushed a bit late so it did not happen. Now out
October 24th. So Paul then wanted to be his own self headliner on a intimate
club tour. A rare chance to see him in small places. He has only done it
ones and this could be a single final chance to see just such a tour. I have
had Paul and his masked co partners of KISS in my heart since 1976 so this
is a dream come true for me. People have even asked me how I can be so
hooked up on that when I have all the Crue shows lined up next to this club
gig. Isnt Crue more important? Of cause it is. But I guess its back to the
saying about people have got to understand me and REALLY know me to
follow my heart and doings.
And speaking about heart. I
have said it before. I live from the heart NOT from smartness and minds. Not
even close. If I should have done that I would STOP collecting in a
heartbeat. Trust me. Cause it eats you up in a way you have got to be
willing to pay for. Its the most lonely thing you can almost think of doing
as no one out there understand the willingness in me for givin up everything
for a mucis interest. Well thats where my word lies in what I keep saying
ITS NOT A HOBBY ITS A FUCKING LIFESTYLE. But it is very lonely to have such
a thing meaning so much to you and then there is no one to share this with.
In other ways than you feeling you talk to a door almost cause people just
dont get it. thanks again Jesse for not being one of the masses.
Some asked a while back if
there will be a Supernova section of merchandise and all on here as well? Al
lI can say is - yes I will try to have that. Try to gather what I can of
that stuff. But I am not gonna collect Supernova in the sence of getting
everthing there will vome on the different members in the band. Cause I dont
like it. But it is a Tommy solo thing so yes I will try. Further more its
also a money thing. Things cost a little too fucking much to cover al lthe
shit right now. But yeah im gonna try. I know that the first few items from
them will get added here late October. I am bringing home a ton of things
again and there in the lot are also some of hte Supernova stuff.
Would Jesse and I be throwing
something together for the people to attend to other than this site? If you
think of things that could have some sort of events and all then the answer
would be - maybe. its been talkedabotu butall that is so far int othe future
its not even worth talking about right now. It just has a little too long
list of financial details and time scedual and plannings to even be possible
just now. but its been talked about. Nothing is set yet though nothing is in
the planning stages.
Next lot to be added to the
site? Well it is a thing that simply will not really happen till after I
return from USA late October. I have too much to do and most shit is in the
US of A till I get there. We are thinking of something new in the set up for
the site right now and time will tell if our long time future plan or talk
will be our goal. If so then yes we will be changing it when we have the
right idea and layout for the sites. but riht now you will have to wait a
good few weeks for new collectible addings. Thats al lI can tell you all
right now. Sorry guys. That should sum it all up I guess!! have i missed out
any of your questions posted let me know and I gladly answer you.
23rd of September
200SIXX, Day Of happiness & Sadness
8:27PM CET
So the world is a strange
place. YES it fucking is. Since my last diary I have had really shitty
things going. My basement has not only leaked butu fucking floaded the shit
down there. NEVER EVER again will I Wave stuff meaning a lot to me in a
basement. But the problem is I have NOT had room for shit here in the
apartment. so what happend? Well to put a long fucking story short - I have
LOST things that are totally ruined ... 6 garbage bags of music vidoes and
personal recorded moments with bands and other shit. I have been working on
radios for amany years all together gotten shit load of things from many of
them. More or less any one you can mention thats been rock n roll history or
something there were signed releases special memorabilia ultimate rare
collectibles and more all GONE!!! Its ahrd to prices on things but I would
say from my experiences in what things go for here and there I lost a good
5000 dollars worth of personal memories not ever to be recaptured. Nice ...
really nice. Most of the people dont get it. I am in shock when I year in
and year tell the same stories and people still dont at least can be
listening to me take it in. With no questions asked they dont have to
understand as agreeing with my passionate music life.
Its been all bagged and set
for the garbage man to pick up and thats the end of that. I have had as you
know from the previous few diaries laid on here - had a line of concerns and
worries. Especially with what the fuck to expect from the trips to come fro
me to the USA in a few weeks. Some of the worries were killed yasterday as
Corinna called me and had me on messenger and laid down a few things a few
answers and a few solutions to what I been thnking a lot about. I tell you
more in a minute. For everyone that has been tryng to start deals either
buyings or trades from the audio and video lists on the sites here all Crue
on the .DK site and al lthe solo stuff on the .DK one, well there have been
a few problems. Extremely many people collecting these bootleg recordings
dont have any clues to what they have it seems. In short I guess the
interest isnt big enough. With that I mean they are not listening to whats
on the actual CDS or DVDs as they get them from whom ever either. A lot of
wrong information is whats going on. Thats also why its Morten that takes
care of that here for me. he does nothing but dealing with that here now
either. Its such a huge field and getting all right and all. So I have to
say - sorry to a few that have gotten wrong audios from here. I was told
from the people that I got my shit from that they were from there and there
... well wrong. So other people have gotten wrongs too. Sorry. you all get
the right one plus a free xtra youhavent got as my way of saying SORRY!!!
its unacceptabel. I appoligies.
Corinna went to the Charlotte
show in North carolina 2 days ago. A show we both originally should have
shared as said a few times before. but it got pushed back from October till
now. And it now over with. I think she was more excited about Aerosmith in
all honesty according to herself she said "Aerosmith have not been this good
in a long time i dont think. Crue looked like they werent there really. More
there inth flesh but not really into it." Well okay thats cool. I mean
there are so many opinions depending on who you talk to. About whats good
and whats not with this tour. So I have kind of stopped doing that. i am
slowly beggining to drop a lot of things that I had missed sharing with
somebody or rather many in the world. I have tried to do so for 3 years and
now I am not gonan do a whole lot of that no more. It makes no fucking sence
no more cause people dont get people like myself and my man Jesse from the
sites. they just dont. So I stopped asking and telling and sharing. Its just
not worth the hoping no more. I gotta find other kind of bondings with
people from this shitty world.
Anyway It has been a show as
said from Corinna` mouth that was good but not overwhelming. But I have now
my own line of shows to see and make judgements to. I am some how in need of
these things to come to me. These trips. I am so in need of something that
is fucking NOT of everyday living. I am fed up with all the stuff thats
going on and arent going on in my life right about now here. And speaking of
shows. There are Detroit and Indianapolis first. Theyll be cool for a line
of reasons I will get to meet some really missed people in those areas too.
Then I have had a line of hopes and all about one solo tour form the KISS
man Pauul Stanley. i would maybe not go if Corinna wasnt gonan go with me. I
mean we are together in more than one sence so why and how should I not
bring her. Well today Saturday the newsbroke. We got tickets. to the opening
night for Mr. Starchild in Atlanta, GA October 21st.
Now the tour for me
personally is still having a line of unhealed wounds from what I have been
experiencing and told from inside sources about the band and whats going on
in Crue camp. So we will see if I can bring back that EXTREME special
feeling I feel I need to move on. Guess this is just another story you guys
out there cant really understand. But we have such beyond hope great seats
for the Californian gigs in November. So there will be a final for my part
about 2006 that will be over the top. Thats kind of nice. Wouldnt you say?
Heres a few from Charlotte;
Then something has really
made me go WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG PEOPLE today too. One person attended the
Sixx auction last year buying used stage wear. 2 shirts this person now
wasselling due to financial trouble. fair enough. I wanted them. So I bought
em by recevement there is a note in there with them saying .....have been
washed!!! I totally fucking freaked out. These were auctioned used and
personally owned Nikki wear that this person wore and then fucking washed!!!
What the hell - how can any fan REAL fan do this? Its beyond stupidity. its
beyond common sence of any kind. No real collector and all would EVER do
this. I bet I can name a good handfull that would loose their pulse feel
their on chin drop to the flow even standing hearing this. man you DONT
FUCKING DO A THING LIKE THIS. Buy shirts to more that 1500 DOLLARS a piece
then wear it and WASHING IT after wards. i am glad I have them they will go
framed and all. but its the fucking actions taken on this. What the bloody
fuck .... SPEACHLES.
The Nikki hat that i found so
childish and stinky bad went for 1529 dollars. thats more than I can even
begin to think of being a rip off. Now there is another auction going:
Autographed Nikki Sixx Black and Red Chuck Taylor Converse Shoes
These Red and
Black Converse shoes (size 9 1/2) are signed and customized by nikki sixx
himself. Right shoe is black with star laces and the left is red with iron
cross laces. The red also has hand written on outside left F*ck! by Sixx as
well. Item is actual autograph in black ink on toes of each shoe. This is a
rare opportunity to buy a real collectable item signed by Nikki Sixx! And to
help the Kids of Running Wild in the Night. -a lot of Supernova or now Rock
Star Supernova stuff from the show as been auctioned off too lately. Still
are stuff to get. but they go shit high too. for a god damn lukas signed
photo 325 dollars. WHAT THE FUCK!!!! Again ... lame and stupid. Till next
time brothers and sisters...Your fucked up andemotinally split host
21th of
September 200SIXX, W.A.S.P. Man Dead KISS Dreams & Hopeful South carolina
11:59PM CET
I sit here trying to
get over things I heard. Sitting here hopeful for my South Carolina girl to
show some willingness sitting here praying for a final KISS man dream to
come to life for me.I know its a huge mouthful. There are things that are
able to take my mind off of Motley right now. One is The paul Stanley - Mr.
Starchild singer and rythm guitarist for moe than 3 decades - he is starting
a solo tour of extremely few club gigs here and there. The one that starts
it all is Atlanta, GA almost like a southeern capital city for me. Stanley
starts his tour here and tickets are on sale NOW. I am praying Corinna is
gonan get back to me today with a - Okay for you we are going. I really like
to see and hear this one. One final KISS before I let go. October 21st. Its
a dream and that dream is a thing I can only right now PRAY for will happen
for me. I am sure every one that reads these diaries from me will know
before the weekend is over - we are or are not going. Besides these tickets
will fucking sell like HOT BUTTER !!!!
Motley Crue had a and gave a cool, cool evening the 18th at the Hard rock in
New York. The probably only event this year I did not go to that I would
have givin all fall shows for no doubt. Fuck!!! MÖTLEY CRÜE bassist Nikki
Sixx has comed in from the band's "The Route of All Evil" tour with fellow
music veterans AEROSMITH with the following update: "Last night [Monday,
Sept. 18] we played the 35th anniversary of the Hard Rock Café's private
party. All the usual and unusual characters were there… fun night. Steven
Tyler [AEROSMITH] came on and did 'Helter Skelter' with us. Tonight we have
the second show at Jones Beach… and then we're back on the road (being in
New York for five days has left the luggage under our eyes a little more
visible) Royal Underground [Nikki's clothing line] had a boatload of
appointments by day and MÖTLEY by night… and then the after parties and
fashion shows... Thank you, New York… But a bigger thank you to mom and dad
for not being from here… I can't imagine the havoc I would have wreaked
living here growing up… Well, actually, I can…" Sixx recently told John
Benson of Billboard.com that he's in no rush to begin work on the band's
next sudio album, despite previous reports to the contrary. There's a lot of
[new] music but I don't feel any urgency," he said. "I guess in a perfect
world, the ['The Dirt'] movie and the album and the tour would all kind of
come at the same time. But in the MÖTLEY world, I doubt it."
The CRÜE's journey is
about to be transformed onto the silver screen with an MTV Films/Paramount
project that is slated to move into production this fall. The biopic, which
has yet to be cast, is based on the band's autobiography "The Dirt" and is
due out next year. Sixx says the band will be "completely involved" in the
production. The Motley tour buses were parked on the side street where the
crowd had convened, and the Crue had been spotted a few minutes before. The
scene was one of bustling confusion, as media members were scurrying to get
their credentials, while a line of event attendees formed, snaking its way
half way down the block. As no tix had been sold for this evening’s
festivities, the line consisted of VIP list fans who had either won access,
been given access, or blew a roadie for access. The red carpet was rolled
out, there were tons of media photographers, and the glare of the spot
lights was quite intense.
One by one they
trickled down: Matt Sorum (VR, GN’R), Scott Ian (Anthrax), Vinnie Paul (Pantera),
Steven Tyler (Aero), Hootie and his Blowfish (Hoo-cares?), Evan Seinfeld and
Tera Patrick. Crue finally appeared surrounded by a phalanx of handlers.
They went up the stairs and outside onto the red carpet for the big photo
op, where they remained for quite a while. Eventually they returned, but
disappeared quickly from sight, whisked into the top secret place where
headliners are taken pre-show. The HR stage is modest in size, but can
sufficiently accommodate any band, minus props. The SRO area in front of the
stage holds 200 +/-, with everyone else taking booths or standing on the
second tier, with others hanging over the railing on the main level (where
the bars and buffets are). The set list was consistent with what has been
performed thus far on the tour, although Tyler coming out to assist with
“Helter Skelter” for the encore was a welcomed surprise. Aside from the rare
opportunity to have MC in a small venue, the most memorable aspect of the
festivities came by way of watching band dynamics. the boys were in better
spirits or enjoying themselves more. Mick was smiling and joking around
several times, which is ample proof that’s he’s doing well. And yes, he did
tear up “Voodoo Chile” prior to “Kickstart My Heart”. Tommy was suitably
impressed by the level of audience participation, as was Vince. Nikki? He
appeared to be thinking back to the carefree Whiskey days as well, reveling
in the small setting and the incredible crowd response. This wasn’t a
corporate crowd at all, but rather a good collection of Crue fans mixed with
celebrities and assorted glitterati. Media coverage was huge for this show,
and there was no question who owned the night: Motley fuckin’ Crue. The set
lasted a bit under 90 minutes (including the encore and “Happy Birthday Hard
Rock” sing-a-long) and was, without a doubt, a rousing success for the band.
As reports continue to surface on this
ludicrous bad joke, Coallier Entertainment's Daniel Stanton, manager for
WASP, has released the following statement from Blackie Lawless - "If I died,
I wish someone would have had the common decency to let me know, besides,a
car crash is way too mundane, I would have opted for something more
spectacular" Blackie Lawless.
Blackie-Lawless was
pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics responding to the accident.
Highway Safety Investigators have told reporters that Blackie-Lawless lost
control while driving a friend's vehicle on Interstate 80 and rolled the
vehicle several times killing him instantly. The vehicle was believed to
have been traveling at approximately 95 miles per hour in a 55mph zone at
the time of the accident. Witnesses have stated that Blackie-Lawless's car
crossed the double lines several times prior to the accident and hit the
center lane divider causing the vehicle to flip and roll. Toxicology tests
will be performed to determine whether he was driving under the influence.
Memorial services for Blackie-Lawless have not yet been announced. The
service is expected to be a closed casket funeral due to the severe head
No further comments from me at this time Only one thing COOL to say - NEW CD
out next month ..............................
Blackie gave ME the CD
release that have meant the most to me ever in my life. Not to be asked
to, be understood or appreciated by any of you. But he did 1992.
length conceptual album that tells the twisted tale of a suicidal rock &
roll icon and the perils that come with fame. With guitarist Chris Holmes
no longer a member of W.A.S.P., Blackie Lawless recorded THE CRIMSON IDOL
with guitarist Bob Kulick and drummers Stet Howland and Frankie Banali.
Voted one of the Top 20 conceptual albums of all-time by Metal Hammer
magazine, THE CRIMSON IDOL is obviously more of a soundtrack than say a
straight rock n' roll album. Released internationally in '92, THE CRIMSON
IDOL was not released in the United States until 1993 and gave W.A.S.P.
their first U.S. radio hit single with "Hold On To My Heart." Ironcally
enough, it was the way Capitol Records handled the push (or lack thereof)
on "Hold On To My Heart" that made Blackie decide to leave Capitol
Records. "The main theme of the "Crimson Idol" which is a haunting
acoustic guitar riff was in a Sister song called "What I Am,". "I've
always been very economical with my songwriting. If something wasn't
working out I'd scrap it. But if something was a good idea but not ready,
or didn't quite fit what we were doing at the time, I'd go back to it
later and re-work it." During an interview conducted with RIP Magazine,
Blackie Lawless had this to say- "THE CRIMSON IDOL is an enormously
complicated story. There are ten songs on it and each one is a euphenism
for something else. Nothing on this album is really what it appears to be
at first glance. Everything is a symbol for something else. The story was
written from a satirical point of view. That means that wherever a person
is at their life and whoever's viewpoint they're listening to in the story
are going to determine the story they're going to get. If you're 18 and
you listen to it, you're going to see one thing. If you go back and listen
to it five or ten years later, you're going to get a completely different
story. I didn't want to create fast food for the ears. I wanted something
that I thought was going to have longevity.
WASP coming to Europe next
month doing a full 2 month long tour. in between my USA trips I wanna go
see them : Kulturbolaget, Malmo, Sweden, 05/11/05 Sunday
Careful What You Wish For...It May Come True
I think there
are a few things I could say about some things, thoughts and feelings but it
is a line of things I would have to change my typed sayings to if a certain
person does not come out with decitions and more to my liking and there by
with decitions on the next line of doings and more too. So I guess on my
part it is kind of simply wise not to really say a pepe and just kind of sit
back for a day or two and then see if there owuld come anything good out of
all the stuff I right now only hope for and that includes all the stuff that
partly been mentioned in here the last few days. I cant even begin to tell
you all how important this October and November thing is to me. I know it
takes a big bite into what I should not have givin, paid and done for this
doing. Ohh well you see there are nothing to be said other than I am in hope
but hope is all I have within me right now. No more no less. Its stinky and
it hurts. Depending on somebody where nothing is certain or a guarentee is
like a vacation is hell. All these fucking guessings and ....later Tommy
20th of September 200SIXX, Cruise With Motley Singer & Countdowns
9:36PM CET
Look at this!! Some god damn
serious coolness! I can not believe it. Aweosme idea going or not going.
I guess I myself will be kind
of unableto go but SHIT man. This is so great. A almost total Motley tour at
sea. Can anybody actually argue. Wanna go? You have all the details below
nad can get your reserved ticket right now. Fuck man this is over the top
cool. What the hell can you wish for more than that! And in them stinky cool
awesme visual surroundings. Hellooooooooooo....
MOTLEY CRUISE! - Vince Neil and Carnival Cruise Lines Join For Rock & Roll
Cruise Miami to Nassau, Bahamas, January 12-15, 2007
MIAMI, Florida - September 18, 2006 - Motley Crue front man Vince Neil will
call the Carnival Cruise Lines "Fun Ship" Fascination his Home Sweet Home in
January 2007. The four day, three night rock and roll cruise sets sail on
Friday, Jan. 12th from Miami, Florida, to Nassau, The Bahamas, and returns
to Miami on Monday, Jan. 15th. In addition to a live concert by Neil and his
band, a wet and wild shore excursion is planned, and several on-board
activities will help to raise money for his Skylar Neil Memorial Fund and
The TJ Martell Foundation. "I can't wait to rock the Carnival boat with my
favorite fans. It's going to be a blast from start to finish, and will help
support a cause that's very near to my heart," said Neil. In true Vince
style there will be plenty of bikini-clad babes on and off the ship. Hooters
will send thirty of their most beautiful models to compete in The Hooters
Girls Girls Girls Bikini Contest, as part of Vince Neil's Tres Rios Tequila
Beach Party. South Florida's finest Gentlemen's club, Pure Platinum, a
long-time supporter of Neil's charitable efforts, is sending a bevy of
Platinum beauties to be caddies for the Pure Platinum Miniature Golf
Challenge, which will help to raise money for charity.
- Cabin rates
start at only $399 per person (based on double occupancy, subject to
- Add $155 per
person for taxes, gratuities, port fees and ticketing (trip
cancelation insurance available)
- Full payment due
at time of reservation confirmation(contact reservations@motleycruise.org
for further info)
- Guests are
required to be 21 years to travel (unless accompanied by an adult, see
FAQ for full details on age requirements)
- All passengers
MUST have a valid passport in order to travel!
Vince Neil's Motley
Cruise passengers will also enjoy a slew of other Rock Star Style amenities
and events including a custom Motley Cruise Survival Kit, Vince Vineyards
Wine Tasting Party, a one-of-a-kind live charity auction, photo and
autograph session with Vince, and a No-Limit Texas Hold 'Em Poker Tournament
where one lucky winner could disembark with an extra $10,000 in their wallet!
Cabin rates start at only $399 per person, and you must be 21 or older to
sail (unless accompanied by an adult). For complete pricing and other
details, and to reserve your spot on the cruise, visit
, or call 1-877-666-8539. The
Skylar Neil Memorial Fund supports research for children's Cancer, Leukemia
and AIDS research, via the TJ Martell Foundation. For more information
please visit
My travel partner have her
debuing showon the tour going round the US right now in Charlotte North
carolina in just a couple of days. The show I SHOULD have been at but got
changed and pushed back a good month almost. The summer have been really
UNcool to me on the note of Cruecial doings!! I can only and do actually
hope that Corinna will have this fucker in mind as she goes there.
Bootleggers and what ever else may be there she could get for me. I have
three weeks more to burn before its me that takes a seat onboard the plane
from Copenhagen towards Atlanta, GA and further on to Detroit!!. Then my
thing begins. I think there are going to be a fairly cool trip for me. But
that little detail will really be absolutely depending on how she and I will
be geting along. Said in a fun but also serious way. I think we can have the
time of our lives but that is possible for anybody that is willing to do
team shared experiences. I am such a person and everybody visiting my site
knows this. And some people that have had me close in their lives also knows
I get extremely hurt and disssapointed when people acts like piss ants. And
trust me I see that a little too many times compared to what should be
fucking legal.
Three more weeks and its my
time. A trip that has probably cost me the most of all trips I have taken
the last 3 years. I have this feeling that there will be a line of questions
to this one. Let me just say this; this time there have been so many things
and so many miss outs of all kinds of things that in all makes this one the
most expensive one to do. And also MY last for a very long time. So it
better be good. My travelling partner have all these facts too and its
pretty much her situation too. he last call out for doings for a long long
time from now. But you see there are hopes and there are great hopes for
fine results. I will talk to my partner on Friday most likely and get her
show report ...
You all take care guys... Be back at the end of the week, Tx Lee
19th of September
200SIXX, KISS, Supernova, Hopes
5:28PM CET
Dont know if any have heard
KISS` paul Stanley is releasing a solo album for the first time in 28 years.
New Door Records/Universal Music stands behind "LIVE TO WIN" CD. The CD
will be available at retailers on October 24th. Just in from The first radio
song "LIVE TO WIN" should start airing on radio stations in early October.
Old KISS fans and pre Crue fnas cna find ads for the CD to appear in
Blender, Rolling Stone, US Weekly and Hit Parader. I am gong as said in
these diaries of mine to USA for Crue shows and a visit and togetherness for
and with my girl Corinna Hargrave. After the Detroit and Indianapolis shows
I am returning through Atlanta to South Carolina again with her for some
time off from the roads before the final evening of the trip will be spend
in Raleight North Carolina in October for yet another Motley show as well.
But speaking of Atlanta Paul Stanley the oldest true rocker in the metal
and rock n roll music in my life starts his new solo tour in Atlanta Paul
Stanley's LIVE TO WIN Tour kicks off October 21st in Atlanta. The current
tour dates are listed below. Additional shows may be added.
10/23 Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- REVOLUTION 10/24 Orlando,
FL - HARD ROCK LIVE 10/26 Baltimore,
MD - RAMS HEAD 10/27 Atlantic
City, NJ - HOUSEOF BLUES 10/28
11/01 Pittsburgh, PA -
11/03 Milwaukee, WI - RAVE 11/05
11/06 Chicago, IL
Minneapolis, MN - QWEST
11/10 Seattle, WA - SHOWBOX 11/11
Portland, OR - ALADDIN 11/13
San Francisco, CA - FILMORE
11/14 Los Angeles, CA - HOUSE OF BLUES
The LIVE TO WIN Tour will
begin in late October. Tour merchandise is currently in the works and from
what I've seen so far, there will be a lot of happy Paul fans! Work
continues on Paul's official site,
should be completed around October 1st. Lots of exciting Paul Stanley news
is coming soon! So stay tuned! I
would really like to go see this one. I am BEGGING for Corinna to have the
time and will to do this with me. That and the much popular KISS coffee
house a bit away from her house but still in S.C. I will never ever see it
if she wont go with me and I will never see Stanley solo EVER if not this
Atlanta gig. Tickets are not up yet but they will be shortly and sell out.
Any other gig in the tour is out of my reach. Yes I am going to Hollywood in
Nov. But I am heading home the fucking day before he plays at the Hollywood
Sunset Strip House Of Blues. Guess if that one hurt? man I have to see paul
once more in my life. There iwll NOT be a new KISS album but there will be a
new tour Only question is when how with what and why!!!
The Kiss Army may be able to
pack its gear for a tour in the near future, but not an album. The group's
Paul Stanley, preparing for the Oct. 24 release of his solo album "Live To
Win" and an attendant tour, tells Billboard.com he's "sure there will be a
[Kiss] tour at some point." He even confirms that one of the ideas being
discussed is a traveling version of the orchestral shows Kiss played in 2003
in Australia, which resulted in the "Kiss Symphony" CD and DVD releases.
But it looks very much like we have heard the last new KISS tunes in our
life time. Things in life begins to slowly remind me that we are closing
various books every year - time goes by and we all gets older and the things
I had and loved and that started my rock n roll interest and leading me in
on huge collecting - well those are lacking towards the end. So again I
really really like to go see Paul !!! No doubt!!
Thinking Supernova and the TV
reality thing that formed Tommy Lee`new band well... the so called HOUSE
BAND behind the singers well;
Paul Stanley's backing band
for the LIVE TO WIN Tour will be that House Band from the CBS TV Show, ROCK
STAR. The band appeared on the first season of the show - ROCK STAR: INXS,
as well as this year's ROCK STAR: Supernova. Comprised of Paul Mirkovich
(Keyboards), Jim McGorman (Guitar), Rafael Moreira (Lead Guitar), Nate
Morton (Drums) and Sasha Krivstov (Bass), the House Band is an eclectic,
skilled group of professionals who know rock and roll. Earlier today Paul
enthusiastically spoke about bringing the House Band on the road with him.
"From the first time I saw them perform, I knew they were the band that
could help deliver the songs for my solo tour with lethal force. Trust me;
this is going to be awesome!” Paul told KOL. Thats pretty cool and proves
ones again my rock n roll world of roads and mysteries arent that far apart.
Have to see Paul. Corinna if you hear me I am begging you on this one.
to view more photos of the guys.
Okay I guess time will show
if this is gonna happen for me. But for me as a single individual this is
jsut a big a wish as for seeing the Crue on the fall tour. many of you wont
really get that with me but its a past still sticking loyalty to the love
for a New yorker masked gang that took me by suprise and fucked me up good
in 1976. So Mr. Stanley is surely still an important individual in my life.
Not gonna hit the US for the Supernova tour at all. They should come to
Europe next year as well. And go through the world pretty much like the
Brides Of Destruction did with Sixx. one year turbulence then comes another
Motley album and tur. So we will see if this holds water or if it leaks and
die out. In the mean time I have my faithful loyalty.com and .dk partner
Jesse to cover my ass with the Supernova stuff and Corinna the constant
helper so far. So right now that is what is going to be the frames for my
life in the Super name - If no Europe 2007 then NO Supernova for this dog. I
have a line of cool things inthe wait and things have started to knock on
Corinna´s doorstep so far and slowly are arriving at the place ..so with a
return from the US next month (o answer peoples questions) YES there will at
the end of October come plenty of new addings in form of collectibles in all
aspects once again. No reason fro doubting that one. talk later .....Soon up
Detroit (rock city) .lee
16th of September
200SIXX, Hang High
2:12AM CET
Only One God Damn Thing Say It!!!!
Dont Fucking Quit Your Dreams - Without Dreams Youre Mecanical Might As
Well Die
The Autographed Nikki Sixx Carnival Of Sins Custom Cowboy Hat.
After numerous requests by the Motley fans to make a Custom Motley hat .
American Made Outlaw has joined forces with Nikki Sixx and his charity Running
Wild In the Night American Mad Outlaw is very Proud to Announce that this one
of a kind Custom Carnival of Sins cowboy hat that will never be reduplicated
and was created By American Made Outlaw & Mr. Sixx for his charity Running
Wild in the night is Autographed by Nikki himself and is going up for Auction
to the highest bidder. The hat is a L / XL black straw hat that is Bendable
and shapeable with a comfortable cotton head band inside of the cowboy hat
that is a custom designed Jonathin Harris hat line. American Made Outlaw is
very excited to be apart of the Nikki Sixx Charity "Running Wild In The
Night". We look forward to many more Years With Nikki & everyone at Motley
Management and help Raising Money for a Great Cause..
Item is actual autograph in silver ink This is anopportunity to buy a
collectable item signed by Nikki Sixx! And to help the Kids of Running Wild in
the Night. Auctioned off by Swagrox.com
American Made Outlaw are the Leaders of the Fashion & Music industry American
Made Outlaw is a Custom Clothing Company that works with various Artists in
the Country & Rock Music Industry Custom making One of a Kind Custom Cowboy
hats & Custom Jeans and Jewelry and has helped raise allot of money for
Numerous Charities for the last few years. Website
Here is a chance to get it. A Nikki owned
something. Personally I dont think its worth the money its up at. 510 bucks
with still a full week to go. What the hell...
Its not an item I would personally pay more than 200 for. Anyway there are
enough people out there that are all messed up ones things gets thrown to the
table and being offered for the public to buy.Ohh well let the kids have their
15th of September
200SIXX, Countdown & Spinnings
11:25AM CET
I am sitting here gearing up
for a return to some restaurent business for a borrowed time only. I am not at
all pleased with theings as they are right now. If you have read yesterdays
diary you would know what the fuck I am talking about. I am in a state of
"LOOSING MY MIND" .trying to find the spike again about this life that I lead.
I need more than ever to have my travelling companion, girl, love an more to
join me and do the best possible to make these USA trips to come sparkling
best way possible. I have been spending most my the late hours sitting
listening to the back catalogue trying to find the old familiar answers to
why I do this. Why I live and love the band so much that it alous me to go
overboard in any so called normal life. How can the 4 Hollywood men still drag
me to their world when the rest of the life that I live is totally fucked and
with absolutely no satisfaction what so ever?? I am amazed and shaken at the
same time. Yet I seem to catch myself al lthe time in the one single reaction
and thought the more I go through the fucking music and more. I AM LIKE THIS.
It is not a put on thing, act or feeling. It is not a thing taken on cause of
boredom. I truely find myself loving this dreaming of this living and leading
this .
The self titled album from 1994 is spinning on the CD player right now and it
is just another kind of weird felt thing. The music goes in like a needle to
my bones and I cant seem to slip my mind digging in on the lyrics that a lot
of these lyrics on this album on the 94 release was thoughts emotions and
demons on paper from nikki`s herion years of 1986, 1987. Wonder how many knows
about that? Anyway, I have so many dreams still to live out and to ful fill
that it is almost mind blowing what the hell is going on in my skull. And to
be pushed back into a corner like I feel a huge part of my life is, makes me
think alternative big time. I have reasons to believe I will not fully die a
happy guy. Life - Death - its all the same to me these days. Its all the same
kind of hula hoop. Fuck it. Live it like it loose it. What the fuck?!! Does it
all really matter? Isnt this thing called life just another version of gods
huge puppet show? Arent we all just fabricated to to what we are meant to when
he pulls his shitty stinky strings? never mind, I CLOSE MY EYES AND GO SMOKE
THE FUCKING SKY!! There is no god, never was even though that is another story
and totally besides my point here. And if there ever was, god fucking lost his
game of chess and the devil took over. yeah ... when its time we fucking all
smoke the bloody sky. I dont get the god damn ways of the world no more. No
matter what we do to outdo each other we fucking all loose. The world has
taken a crappy turn and ... ohhh why bother sitting here giving lecture ones
again. Nobody cares and all ther would come out of it would be a "Tommy you
dick, you are a sorry ass of a sad shot head - lightend
Thats why this ends right here. I am a mad dick...
not happy with the world it sucks and there inside myself a comfort in this
one sentece - life sucks .then
thank god you gonna rot n become the dirt that you are!! What the
fuck .....I am tryng to win back some belief in things, I kind of know what
broke me recently and yet I cant put just a finger on it. Its not right its
not enought with just a finger on one thing. A little more complex than that.
maybe I should try to just rest my life close my eyes and slowly drift away.
been thinking about going backl to making music but I dont have the full
passion for it besides it would be some really dark shit anyays and the most
of it would end up becoming diary penned shit that would not go into actual
music results anyway I am sure. No I need to find that old inspiration from
the music the adventures from the band that I
live for and love so much! Only question is is the mountain these days a
little too high? I dont do things from a forced on will. I do cause I wanna
and thats the way it will go for this bastard till I turn to dust.
There have been a lot of
thoughts abotu the Supernova stuff too. Do or should I also cover this? Cover
it in a collcetive kind of way? Its a two faced monster really. I dont like
the band dont like the whole smell about it. So I am tempted to say no I dont
wanan collect it all. On hte other hand it is what i started off by doing
trying to cover allthe 4 original members and their past present and future in
a musical way!! So arent I just really looking at a something that needs to
take its share of my money and time and in the end apartment space?? Just
asking.. myself. well I guess it is like that. It is a thing I have ot do and
have to cover. It is a thing I may learn to find okay or for all I know learn
to love. I seriously do not think so but I could be wrong....
Its going to be a full time
week with not much website work at all from today. There will be a focus on
other things now till I return here with hopefully a better feeling gained
from what ever the coming week may give me. I am hoping for something to make
me reach the point of brief smiles in an honest way that cna only come from
something hinest and heart meant stunt in sime way. I do talk alot about HEAT
dont I? It is something I am fully aware of. But only cause the one thing in
our excistence to give us a warm bubbly feeling is just that ... shit coming
fom the heart or having been touched by our hearts. No other way everything
else in your living years is shit you force on yourself cause you feel you for
one reasin or anther have to. Or pure and simple greed. we are people of the
western world and society so yeah there are things that arre forced upon us we
dont really care for and take in. but we have to or sociaty will fucking
punish us through its own written books or laws and complications they them
selves cant always figure out. Its a rotten place......have an awesome
week(end) later.....
Charles Set To Break
Ground On “The Dirt”
Larry Charles, (”Borat”)
is in pre-production on his next film “The Dirt,” a Mötley Crüe biopic
based on the rockers’ 2001 book “The Dirt:
Confessions of the World’s Most Notorious Rock Band.” Rich Wilkes
adapted the book penned by bandmates Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee, Mick Mars
and Vince Neil with writer Neil Strauss — tells the story of the band’s
rise, complete with all the ups and downs in friendships, on tour and in
the studio. The film will shoot on location in Los Angeles.
Whiskey and
porn stars, hot rods and car crashes, black leather and high heels, overdoses
and death. This is the life of Mötley Crüe, the heaviest drinking, hardest
fighting, most oversexed and arrogant band in the world. Their unbelievable
exploits are the stuff of rock ‘n’ roll legend. They nailed the hottest
chicks, started the bloodiest fights, partied with the biggest drug dealers,
and got to know the inside of every jail cell from California to Japan. They
have dedicated an entire career to living life to its extreme, from the
greatest fantasies to the darkest tragedies. Tommy married two international
sex symbols; Vince killed a man and lost a daughter to cancer; Nikki
overdosed, rose from the dead, and then OD’d again the next day; and Wick shot
a woman and tried to hang his own brother. But that’s just the beginning.
Fueled by every drug they could get their hands on and obscene amounts of
alcohol, driven by fury and headed straight for hell, Mötley Crüe raged
through two decades, leaving behind a trail of debauched women, trashed hotel
rooms, crashed cars, psychotic managers, and broken bones that has left the
music industry cringing to this day. Its starting to take form after manys
stops and goings. But then again whats new in that way in the Motley world?
14th of September
200SIXX, To Die Or To Win Love & Understanding
12:36PM CET
I am sitting here at my own
little musical castle in life trying to do something a few people acuse me
for doing a lot, which by the way is a lie. I am ANALYZING my life as of
now, my inner feelings, my feelings and heartfelt pain and pleasure
dissapointments and joy bout everything I have in my awaken life. A line
of things in my life is going under the microscope and I dont particularly
like it. A lot of things and people are dissapointing me. I end up in a
corner asking myself "am I really such a misunderstood person? Am I really
such a loner cause I refuse to be round ordinary that bores me out of my
own skull? Am I really such a requesting or demanding dedicated soul that
I am slowly slipping away into another world where its almost a comfort
that there is a death waiting at the end of the road?" What is a guy to do
when all he knows, all he cars for all that makes his engine spin, is the
music and the passion he holds .... sitting here with tears rolling down
my face I wonder if I was ever meant to be or do something else but
through a tough long youth of fighting standing up for my discovered
passion for music ... I also waved goodbye to love and sharing. Love as to
nobody I have met so far can handle my love. My passion, my dedication. I
have been lost and found many times over.
Heaven can wait and a band
of angels wrapped up in my heart will take me through the lonely night
through the cold of the day. And I know I know ...heaven can wait. And all
the gods come down here just to sing to me and the melody`s gonna make me
fly without pain without fear. Give me all your dreams and let me go alone
on your way give me all of your prayers to sing and I`ll turn the night
into the skylight of day. heaven can wait. Yeah... heaven can wait. But
till I meet heaven I wont have tasted home. I feel all revved up with no
place to go. I live in a world that doesnt aply to me. Live in a world
where I sadly have good intentions and postitive thoughts and all about
every new face that steps into my life. But mostly it ends up me being a
substitute for weirdness in a person. Or I simply go fighting a fight for
a friendship or relationship that I am doomed to loose. People have such a
way of polishing their own backbones. There are not many team players
around no more in this modern day form of society. How much good will and
honest love do I have to share and dig deep for to get just a spoonful of
what I work so hard for? I hear the voices out there going "what do you
think? Youre more special than any of us? We too work hard and fail on
things" yeah well there you have it. Whats the point in shouting it out.
Gonna get nailed to the floor anyways. What happend to people listening
and then trying to be a bit focusing on something else than themselves?
I begin to feel a need for
changes of some sort. Changes for things that means a lot to me in life.
Changes on things that I love. For the simple reason that the stuff I love
in life the most is wearing me out. It is a dangerous feeling what passion
for things and people can do to you when it isnt fully covering your
needs. I have asked myself many times the last month what I can do to keep
things as they are and not really change things around a hell of a lot
bout my ways of looking at things. The only thing is my love for my girl,
my love for my collccting and my love for people around me are just eating
me up due to the fact I do not get back what I myself put into it. I can
not fully explain it in other ways than this that you are reading. Unless
you have been there yourself and kind of know what I am talking about. I
am extremely alone it feels. Yes I have people around me but they are kind
of only there in the flesh. I kind of have a girl but she is not acting or
sharing what every living soul is looking for and more importantly not
giving what I need back to feel calm good appreciated and all that a
relationship is supposed to be all about. My collecting ...well it has
limits now to what I can do for quiet some time now. It has a set of new
rules to what I am aiming for and it has limits for what and who I can
trust without a glimse of second thoughts.
I guess I have managed to
find myself in a new aspect of life called; dissapointment. I am so hugely
dissapointed in the ego and the selfishness people carry around these
days. There are a lot of words and promises like constantly. But the words
and promises - 19 out of 20 times falls apart or all of a sudden they have
a book thick explanation to why and what is the reason or more likely
reasons for not backing up those words and promises. I dont think I can or
want to live with that in my life. I have sat here with a pause after
every line written here in this posting thinking "Tommy you fuck, why not
just create a thank you and goodnight note and quit this kind of living?"
-I am not known as a quitter. I am not known to myself for being one to
give in and give up. But people that means something to me that are around
me and in my life one way or another are looking so empty to me. Filled up
with a whole lot of nothing. Not to them but to me. I wish I could see
things differently...And I dont know what the hell to do about it. I am
not gonna ask them to change again or think one more time about their ways
and what they send out as signals to me, for me and about me.
I am in the middle of
nowhere near the end of the line but there`s a border to somewhere waiting
and there`s a tankful of time oh give me just another moment to see the
light of the day take me to another land where i dont have to stay and Im
gonna need somebody to make me feel like you do. Then I will receive
somebody with open arms, open eyes and open up the sky and let the planet
that I love shine through.
My life is a song book.
Every song is a chapter or a feeling in my lived years. I know only this
type of life that I live through a few musicians really. I cant say or see
it any other way. Is that sad? or is that exceptional excitement? I have
no idea. I only know things are not what I wanted them to be at this point
in my life. Only in the sense of collecting. I have had the last couple of
years going better and been holding up more for me than I ever dared hope
for. But then again now the limits have been reached and now the next
three quarter of a year will be holding more or less nothing. So many
things and so much have been coming to my attention and so many items and
adventures have been added to my basket of Motley life.
This world has just kind of come to a point where I dont think I fit in.
That sentence could have ended with a question mark but I chose not to put
one there. Cause I feel shit sure ...
You see the three people that means the most to
me in my life are all living lives and sending me waves of really fucked
up this and that, that I can not handle and no matter how much I say
things directly and gives hints and signs that I need things to be
differently, at least see them too, having a will to rethink their ego
freaky ways yet asking me constantly to do and not do so and so.....where
is anything fair in that?!! I have made my decition to all of it. But
After November things will just change. Things will either have sunk in
for these people or I am not having anything major with them. I cant. It
is fucking tearing me apart. It is killing me slowly. But surely. Should
you be a slave to your frinedships and realtionships? I dont think so.
Both ways are there to ......hey, look at the words. FRIENDSHIPS..
thats a positive wibe in the word right there. RELATIONSHIP
that is an emotional and heart meant thing of positive wibes and sharing
in that one. I dont feel it in either - about the persons I am referring
to. And it is like being stabbed and alouing myself to be constantly
fooled BY MYSELF and I dont like it. Its hurtful and painful. I could put
up a fasade and pretend... but I wont. What good is life if you half your
awaken life should do that?? Fucking wake up. People are selfish and
ego bitchin. And I dont seem to be able to say or make a note of anything
for these people to even make them give it a second thought.
Have you who read this also experienced something
like this? Or can you imagine that everything you care for and fight for
kind of well.. works against you in smaller or larger ways?!! It is a true
hell to have in your life. It is a doubt of where to go that would give
you the feeling of IT being the right way! I am at that cross light. I do
not know where to turn or anything... I just do not know. I am blind
screwed and fucked up from how I get treated. And how I see the reactions
from the ones I tell the ongoing wrongs, it is ..... I guess I am only
feeling comletely lost from all this. And I can in all honesty NOT
say what can make it better. Well I can That the people start thinking
about what the heck is going on, and start to listen and try changing just
a fucking inch. Meet me at lats half way instead at their end like all the
bloody time. Here we go ..... some are about to get really extremely
pissed even more. Stepping on their egos is not popular. I am now willing
to pay the price should it come to that .
I hear also some saying Tommy what is this
posting about ... why is it qualified ot be posted on here. Becasue it
highly touches my Crue life too people. It highly gives me a second
thouoght of what I should do as my next move after the touring. I am not
selling out if thats what you all think it begins to smell like. Thats not
it. Thats not it at all. I think a lot about my future doubt will get
either harder worked on or get dropped after I return from my next two
adventures in the USA of October and November. How they will go, how they
will turn out will set a lot of marks for whats next!!
I am one with (at times) many inside informations
and maybe I should just start not to share them and keep them to myself. I
have been wondering too if they are what people treats me from? Is it
envy?? Arethere really things like that, that have influences to how we
get along me and some people?? People I thought were amongst the closest
to me in life? Okay it begins to feel end and pointless to go on but I
feel I have to do something to get it out of my system and the diaries
have been the best obtions for me to this ahort lighted self theraphy
right here right now. Thanks for keeping up with me and alouing me to get
it off of my chest!!
Last episode of the Supper Soda is finally over.
It holds my 25% of the thing I have a life long passion for in Tommy. So
here it goes here goes another little fact to back it up ... the above
typed thing and suspition. I said it a couple of weeks ago and it was
settled then and there already.. go back in my diearies and see for
yourself. Thats what I touched above. Is this something that brings people
to aggresion and envy? Hell I dont know. i should maybe keep things to
myself. How ever I said Lukas would win it. it leaked and it has been set
as something that would give the Supernova workrs time to get the new
shirts and more done in a hurry. It ended yesteray so there are already
new double sided shirts and shit available online from the "Supper Soda
fanclub" right now. There have been other Supernova things prepared as for
Lukas being the winner that has not been officially said yet!! So I know
and hear things from along time and hard rock gained social net of people
over the years. I have on the Motley dot com shout board been accused for
being a liar and more just like woth the brides chat board when that was
around. What the fuck..... people are idiots. Yes I went as far as saying
that - idiots. Fuck the consequences. Yes it was live TV part from, it was
recorded in the morning hours of the day it was sent on air. That does not
mean its not set up or already, decided in details on how who should go
where and why!! Are you guys that believes this really that blind? I give
you the credit of not being aware of it but dont fucking tell me I am a
liar - you who said that are small ignorent little fucks. I dont aprove or
share the Lukas caracter but - congrats to the guy.
San Diego U.S. District Court Judge John Houston
grants the request from the members of the original Supernova (an Orange
County, California, punk trio formed in 1989) for a preliminary injunction
to halt Tommy Lee’s new band from performing or recording under the name
Supernova if they fail to change or add any words to the moniker. The
injunction keeps the producers of Rock Star: Supernova from "performing
rock and roll music, or recording, or selling rock and roll music
recordings under the same, pending a trial of this action on its merits,
or until otherwise ordered by the court." I dont fully get it either why
not just change a detail in the name and get the unhappy people happier?
The three Supernova giants Lee, Clark and Newsted. The band that holds
some TV advantage now from all the shows will have a great deal of succes
indeed they tour US for a couple of months beginning of 2007 if they come
by here then I go see a show yes. But if not then no. The Crue is my
passion not the other. But I will follow it from a distance. It holds some
people that could attrack fns of three bands that were the cream of the
cream in the day Crue, Metallica and GNR. And then of cause the people
that are simply new fans and not thinking of these memebrs past and
presents. There are as said already new merchandise and there are prices
that would make a dead guy roll over in their fucking grave. Some pretty
cool lithographs yes but fuck me is they arent also WELL paid for by the
fans that buys them. No kidding. I cant believe it. What is kind of funny
though also some what sad is that the Supernova shirts are gonna be like
30 bucks (US) on tour and the Crue ones out there now are fucking upat 40
each. I think there have come new times in touring merch now huhh? The
band really wants huge profits for their stuff. Having been in the music
business for some time either actively or just of interest I know that
there were a time back in the late 90`s where bands began to say there
would come a new revolution in form of bands earning their money. Even
Nikki Sixx jumped on that idea and wanted it to be true on their behalf
That being ticket prices should with time for a
show go down and what should bring in the money should be the merchandise.
Thats where the bands should earn their money from. Yeah well it is surely
going in that direction. Now Supernova even have lithographs for 10 and
400 dollars. I think the prices have gone up more than anything BIG time
but the quality in the material is the same shitty 100% cotton that looks
like yesterdays something only after a good amounts of washings. That is
sad I think. Not for me personally cause I buy everything but never wear
my shit. Never. The stuff I buy is in the exact same shape and quality as
when I did buy it back in the day was it bought new and not from hands of
an earlier fan or collector that had worn something.....Anyway, seems like
the Americans are all over the Supernovathing right now more than on
motley compared. Some how i can understand it though I do not share the
opinion. Peace you all ...and please bare with me till I get over the
hill top again. I feel like shit and as you can clearly see I am not in
the best shape of mind at all these days. Love ..... the few I hold dear
at heart .. you know who you are!!!!!
Lee - the probably most lonely dedicated soul out
11th of September 200SIXX, Just A Change Thats All
12:09AM CET
I know this is not really a
time about Motley or such things so in a way I should not really post this
one. But its 9-11 and I have to say it is for many reasons a date for me that
is just really heart felt. I had a past passion for New York and felt really
shitty about what happend in 2001. Five years dead...... well, doesnt that
have a shitty ring to it? I never forget the times I was in them towers in
Manhattan. Been up there a couple of times myself. You see there were so many
things musicly then too that was attached to New york for me .... a line of
stories that have never been shared with you all on here. Just too many .. and
I might as well had written a book about my passion in the musical life that I
lead. I have a huge interest in the thing that happend back then and these
days in Denmark we have 4 days in a row started tonight on national TV with
and about a lot of things about the tragic happenings from that day in New
York. Fucking aweful. I remember it well, I was at a fucking cafe as the news
hit the TV here first flight had already hit the first tower as I heard about
it. I was in chock. And I have not really fully gotten over it. Easy people I
am not in a shitty health bad dog ass carma kind of situation ... It just
means a lot to me that is all.
Now being on here I wanna thank
my latest only partner left on here Jesse for the talks, the many talks and
cheers we have had the last week or so. It is good to get close and get to
hear your inner thoughts and ideas, wishes and other shit dude... thanks man.
We are so on the same rail track - and that is what we need to be brother, to
stear this thing to its supposed final destination. People if you have any
questions about anything or comments or something use the old fasion way - "kickstart
my heart" section. Either me or Jesse will answer it. I have givin him free
hands too people, to answer things. I - with where we are on this consider he
and I equal .. this is no longer a Tommy - Denmark only site. Later guys....Tboy
9th of September 200SIXX,
Pittsburg, Future Adventures
12:03PM CET
Its Pittsburg day!! The 3rd
show of the 30 some listed for the fall with the not too highly talked about
Aerosmith. Well I am kind of suprised to hear the stories I have heard so far.
Seems a few more people have turned to me now with som more positive thoughts
to the Motley show on this tour. Thats kind of nice. I begin to look forward
to going myself too. But there are things that needs to be dealt with on my
own in my own world of fan dedication before I go. I have had some rather
serious doubts to a line of things that I am kind of supised to say they have
not gone too deep to my soul a created a lost passion for them. Shit jesse and
I have talked a ton about it too. As you may rememebr from reading his own
diary , he too has been marked by certain things and is not fully just sitting
back with wide smiles and open arms.
Right now I have to say I am
over excited about the trips I am having with Corinna in October and in
California in November. We are pretty much closing our "Crue History" doings.
We are going to see a line of things again and they are right now in the
planning stages. We will go by so many still (for us) unseen places and some
how get in on a talk about "do or dare" thng about other locations. Meaning
some of the locations are in East Hollywood and is said to be shit dangerous
places. I would just really like to see them since they hold the creem of the
creem in the Hollywood hair days.
I dont know if
you guys have seen it but ther is the Hard Rock in New York that will have
Motley playing there .. two of a very unique Gibson guitar will be made one to
be hung in the Hard rock cafe there and the other to be signed by the band
later in September and auctioned off for one fucling lucky winner. So far its
up at 1000,00 dollars. 13 days to go. Guess if I would love to have this one?
Thats a fucking big hell yeah!! However I have my hands full right now I think
and the trips with and for Corinna and myself are of such high priority that I
guess I have to throw this auction way, way, way back in my head and not think
too much about it. Besides I also have other offers in these tight "do full
days" lol. So we will just see .... but it is a fucking beautiful
guitar not a band owned one but
just really really beautiful.
Mötley Crüe Signed Gibson Les Paul Custom Guitar
The band that gave us "Girls Girls
Girls" and "Dr. Feelgood" is giving you the opportunity to bid
on and win a piece of rock 'n roll history. Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee, Vince
Neil and Mick Mars will commemorate their
Ambassadors of Rock
New York performance by autographing* a
custom-made Hard Rock Ambassadors of Rock Gibson guitar! The guitar is one
of only two in existence. One will adorn the walls of Hard Rock. The other
goes home with you! A Les Paul Custom Shop original, it was hand built by
Gibson’s Custom, Art and Historic Division and comes with a Certificate of
Authenticity. It also features the signatures of all four members of
Mötley Crüe over a Hard Rock Ambassadors of Rock logo, created in
celebration of Hard Rock's 35th anniversary. Winning bid includes photo
documentation of the band signing the guitar at the show. Proceeds from
this auction benefit
The Chris Farley Foundation
dedicated to educating the next
generation about the risks and dangers of drug and alcohol abuse. Place
your bid today and help touch the lives of future generations! And don’t
forget to
bid on VIP tickets and a limo ride to the
show as guests of Sirius Satellite radio host, Jim Breuer!
This guitar will be signed and authenticated by photo
by all four members of Mötley Crüe at their Ambassadors of Rock New York
performance on September 18, 2006 at the Hard Rock Cafe New York.
Next up for myself should be
all the stuff I am now waiting for to come to either me or Corinna`s place.
Its going to be such a good feeling knowing the handful of deals are done and
over with and items are safely gonna be added to the lot and collection. I
think I can honestly say I am quiet proud of the doings and expanding addings
this year (too) and a few people have been showing extreme good will and
understanding to all as it has gone along. I love it - a few things I think I
will really love to get in on too are .ohh well maybe I should not bite over
more than I can chew? what ya all think huhh!! Yeah maybe save a little on the
gas... we still have a long road to travel down by. Its all okay!! Its all
But yeah time is ticking and
there is soon a plane to take me out from Copenhagen to Atlanta and on to
Detroit. For the first show for me. Corinna and I are gonna be seeing a few
people including the old gang member Don Armstrong. I kind if miss him its
gonna be good to see him again. Really good. Thats kind of the hard part for
me I intend to like a few people and we get close and then I get this
"missing" thing going. I guess I just dont really take my friendships and
relationships lightly. And why the fuck should I? enough dumb ass shit heads
doing that. Life is way too short to just be a dick. A decade is going by so
extremely fast and all of a sudden what you had and / or could have had is
fucking far gone. Its sad but the hard fact of life really. Its everyone`s
choice yes I am aware of that ... I just stand by my word and opinion of that
one .. life is too fucking short to be fucking around. later bastards...
7th of September 200SIXX,
Relaxed Feelings Tour Start & Dissapointments
12:37PM CET
So its been a few days after
the killing of the loyal gang. I still feel sad that I couldnt find the gang
of people to want equal doings as myself. But now that its over with I have
learned my lesson and its now just a feeling of being more realxed, than
sitting with a constant wonder and worry, about why the folks I wanted in on
it seemed so silent when they claimed this was a heart felt passion for them
too. No one is pissed at anybody it just was not what I wanted so its gone.
And to have the better relaxed feeling now gives me kind of a new energy too
to focus on the things that are now going on. Jesse and myself will do all we
can to bring this mutha to another level. We only need to convince the
webmaster to find personal interest in expanding her doings and will to learn
more and all too. Heidi get that school thing going. If you really want this
we need better creativity on here from you too lol. But in generel just a
cooler feeling. Much better. Thank god.
The Supernova thing has passed another week. Week 10. One week to go. Still I
say Dilana is showing true colours now and all I have said since the get go
now shows to be true ..... it fucking amazes me how good my two boys Toby and
our guy from Island still does. Their personal songs with their covers this
week was just showing their private talent and I still say they are the better
ones. Dilana I have nothing left for her. Storm - good but its not fully right
for her to front this thing. Lukas who is winning this (sadly) I still see as
having major things in the problem zone so I dont know why they will not
choose Magni or Toby for it. Ohh well... what the fuck. Besides Dilana in my
book is about to maybe make a huge step to really insolt herself. She has
threathend the show to leave before being kicked out as she is "Officially"
angry with the producers of the show that sets her (she claims) and others in
a lower standard / bad light... so she will now perhaps leave the show. Dilana
grow up. Your ego and downfall from the last two weeks has gotten to the best
of you... what the fuck. At least loose with pride stop being this freaky
little .(Ill spare you all who loves her - the words) Ohh brother how fucking
stupid. Wonder if she does it. Quit!!! Pussy!!
The Fall tour has had its first couple of shows done
in the much talked about Aerosmith support tour. And most of the people I have
talked to about it that have seen the first show(s) are not having a cool
feeling with it. Looks "great" visually with the new stage but it is way, way
too much alike the past 18 months. Only cut shorter. Think of it like this;
they started our in 2005 with a 135 minutes show - two part thing with a 10
minute pause. Then came winter 05 and spring 2006 tours and the shows were the
same - part from being an edited version - fewer songs and all....
Now its a new stage set but same songs only once
again edited. This time its a good 80 minutes and thats it. Nikki says; ""The
first show of the tour was pretty good considering all the little wrinkles
that need ironing out. All I saw was smiling faces from the front row all the
way to the back of the place. There were a few of the older Aerosmith fans
holding their ears, but we like it loud." -Well guess what Sixx, your fans can
smile and be happy about being there but still be with a dissapointed feeling
insde. The prices in the merchandise is said to have gone up. A Key chain and
6 shirts are the new sale products for the tour.
I have to say this; Not having seen it yet but I will
shortly I have to say the new stage was needed no matter what it had been
like. But more importantly the music GOT TO see some changes too. They have a
shit long back catalogue with each a good 11 - 13 songs on there so there are
tons to mess around with. Its a god damn professional band that should be able
to see and know such needs. Its a tragic thing for the real supporters of the
band the so called DIEHARDS - we can not 2 years and more in a row be
satisfied with being fed off with the same kind song lists. C`mon Crue you
have got to change things around. What about other songs from Too Fast,
Theatre, Swine, Dr, there could really be build up a shit cool totally
suprising set. I understand the new "theme" is horror dust and bones and that
with some new songs could really be awesome to throw in some long time none
played songs. Some may think I am travelling down ego street and dont seem
satisfied with a thing. Like the boys them selves say "no matter what we do
there will always be people not pleased" ... thats right!! Big time!! How
ever I would still say the people you should give that xtra inch of
understanding and respect are the diehards that have fucking stood by you
through thick and thin. I know a good 10 people recently that have stopped
collecting because they sadly have a feeling of the band being a repeated
version of their own selves. I would really hate to see them make the same
mistake that KISS did. Go out on a line of tours year in and year out playing
more or less the same sets their greatest hits things and then say its all
KISS - they are still my childhood heroes along side other artists you can
read more about in the "Public Enermy" section on here.
How ever I lost heart felt interest in the band
because they did what Motley is now slowly moving in on. I am frightend to
think about the future if they dont change it ....Like Jesse says in his first
own diary posting on his own page "they are only human" and that is true too.
But c`mon dudes - this is not fucking too bright a move. Change the set list I
beg of you. Love and respect is what should go both ways but it seems one of
them things or both is constantly hanging in a thin string and it breaks if
there is not a kind of care taking feel and activity ......
Corinna - thanks again for all the stuff you have done recently. You know its
a huge and a personally important thing for me. Thanks a great bunch!!!!
Later freaks, peace!!!! To Doug, Don, Darron and all see you soon guys ..my
take off to the USA has again been set to a countdown. Lee
5th of August 200SIXX,
Burying Some Waking Others
9:33PM CET
So today is the day in a good
few hours the band enters the stage again for the first time for a bigger tour
in Nikki`s single life. There is going to be some sad shit happening out there
if you know what I mean. Never the less this is the day. This is the day of
the motley boys going back on the road The long talked about tour supporting
Aerosmith. New stage looks and saldy and most likely also only a short best of
set. Anyway they are tonight being woken back to life as a band after a summer
off of the roads. PLease dont dissapoint us. We are some loyal dicks that have
supported you since back in the first reunion days bring us what we deserve.
Bringing life to some we are on the site killing others. The highly wanted
GANG OF LOYALTY was a dream I had but sadly a line of reasons was in our way
to make the results show. It is wit hgreat sadness I kill this section tonight
on the site and it will most likely return no more. Due to a lot of turbulence
for many they sadly arent with me no more. This kind of kills me they were
great people I am only thankful that they will remain in my life as good
friends most of the retired gang members. Thanks a million for trying the time
you were all there. You can only guess how much this meant to me.
Now only Morten is with us
together with Jesse. Corinna may be on the side line in the shadows.... we
will have to see.
Morten is only to be contatced
if you see something on the site thats got to do with audio or video. he is
the guy talking care of all that listings corrections and tradings and all.
You find the info on him where you always have been able to find infos. Jesse
of Bosten is now my single soul partner on the sites here both this .Dk and
the .COM and the My Space is in his full control and its working fine. I am
sure he and myself will try to do all we possibly can to change things and
bring the hopes back for the ultimate effective site that yet has to be seen
on the world wide web. Welcome to new times in the partnership of Motley
Peace, Tommy, Jesse, Morten
4th of Sep 200SIXX, Changes & Killings
I am loosing two of my
most "dedicated" workers on the Loyalty thing. I am gonna give it this week
out and then I am just gonna say its not really holding up. If thats the case.
It does seem like the grand idea is sinking to the bottom of the where
ever.... Things are not cool in the camp of Loyalty it seems. I have a ton of
rearrangements to do too. I am planning this Oct and Nov thing with one too
now that has what I am tempted to call "lost interest" at least the fire is
gone. That too is now gonna feel really weird and all. Hell I dont know. I
guess I am just not fully in a state of mind right now cabable to judge the
situation. But there are surely things going on that are all of negative
Loving life these days? I can
not say that I do. It is absolutely smelly and slimy. I seem to run into
people big time the last week with not much faith and all for the band no
more. Certain people have said a few things too but not explained them selves
so I am not really aware of where they stand and all. It is simply a stinky
fucked up little situation. Ohh well I seme to have more than enough on my own
two shoulders to sort out. Things are not gonna be easy from the end of next
month and then a good what....year ahead!!!! Well I have to say a new job is
needed. I can only hope the people close to me will work with me in the new
rules to come. I am in need of a time away from Motley Crue after this fall
tour too. I need to have a little fresh air that does not include their name
for the first time in years. Had been nice to have that special someone that
shared that thought. We will see what happens. Hopefully this week will start
show some arrivals at Corinnas - of the items from the thousands of dollars
paid a while back. Long postings could have been givin these days but I am
kind of finding myself in a waiting position on what to do change loose and
more. So I will just wait and see whats up.
Supernova - Think maybe Magni and Dilana is gonna be sent home this week. That
leaves three and as said in my posting last week Lukas is wininng it all. But
the thing is both my bets for the job Toby and Magni stood up all till now
from the start of the show thats good judgement man. Enough of that right now,
next Saturday will have a clear picture of whats going down. Love to you all
3rd of Sep. 200SIXX, Gang
Changes & Huge Crue Support Los Woooww!!
11:11AM CET
As I post this I am on my way
to Rolling Stones in Horsens Denmark to the tour the Motleys should have been
on. Now it feels like . okay its gonna be great to see them but I could have
been without.
I will post more tomorrow as I
get back and try to give an honest opinion on Stones and what else of news I
have coming in from fans. But right now I am looking ahead to something that
is just so out of what can be called EXCITEMENT. Its kind of ...ohh well. Not
really cool. Gonna be stranded AGAIN in the streets for 5 hours in the middle
of the night and then its gonna be thunderstorms and what have ya too. Ohh
yeah its
gonna be a treat. Guess who is
sick Monday Tuesday? Yep!!! You guessed it. Fighting with a cold as it is
Now, the Crue have lost a fair
share of support and all from loyal fans. Some just fans as of the band and
the music and others have been die hard collectors and more for years. What
the hell am I talking about? I tell you ...sort of. Without saying what I cant
say - let me say this. There have been and are activities going on that has
crushed the hearts of serious Motley supporters. They have had it, they have
had enough. They even use words like "not gonna support a band that no longer
treats their fans with serious respect back". I for one totally understand.
And from that I can hear it now - "Tommy what about you? Are you stopping
too?" I have not a clue to what will happen or anything. I have been shit
close to things in the crue camp in many ways for a long, long time and I have
to just see if my reactions goes beyond me being chocked from all the shit I
have been fed with. If it does then YES I pull the plug. But I of casue have
to let the feelings speak for themselves. I need to have that .... this is not
a free time thing as you all know by now for me this is my life. I have givin
up everything for this world I live in of Crue collecting and all. Should that
be torn away from me or if I myself decide to put it away I will have only an
empty life and absolutely nothing to build other things on. It will be like
beng born an adult over again.
one out there have and I dont think ever will fully understand my situation on
this. It is just a thing that has a lot of impact on my excistence. I hope for
many reasons my girl will be able to take me in and give us a life I dream of
and there through maybe have an easier time saying its over when it one day
will be over. We will see what happens. But there are doings from certain
members that right now are stinky. certain members gives themselves the
ultimate ego ride on Self center Blvd big time and it just feels fucking
totally uncool. And a lot are (I know of 7 ppl) the past ten days that have
said enough is enough. It is not something I had expected in all honesty I
have to say this. A couple of my beloved gang members have the same feeling
running through their bodies and I see some leaving us in sadness. It breaks
me to know this but I understand they are fucking not pleased either with the
way things are and have in more ways than one stopped supporting the band.
It rips my soul to pieces that
I am in this situation and witnessing this shit. I am respecting all my
friends that have givin me this information gang member or not they have just
had enough. I am just extremely touched by the ongoing. It is not just a " ohh
well its their life" thing.... I can not look at it that way. It is a truely
shitty way that there. Never thought it would come to this. Wonder how I
myself am gonna be treated should I meet them in Oct or Nov. And this has
nothing to do about having a bad day either. No mam. its ego street and stiff
middle finger attitudes and revenge towards some somehow. Its just really
not cool in even the smallest way. I have to find inner peace again on this
again and right now my mind besides this here is filled up with a lot of
things that I have to look in on too the next 3 to 4 weeks.
Talk later my friends......to my loved ones I miss you guys....you all know
who you are.
Looking forward to be with you
all later on, Lee
30th of August 200SIXX,
Mystic, Addictions, Unreachable Goals
5:59AM CET
-Tommy are you alright? Tommy
is something wrong? How are you doing dude? The list of personal emails the
last 72 hours have been long and full of these questions. People have been
curious to my well being after having read my last few diaries. Well describe
okay? what is it, when you are okay? Is that when you are in fairly good
health and the world is still standing not tipping down over your shoulders or
is it daily plates of food on the table or simply being alive, breathing? You
tell me. I have kind of givin up on seperating these, and weighing these boxes
in life in each, of their different aspects. We all look on these things very
differently. I bet you, ask the 8 gang members individually what they would
consider "being alright" you would get a good 5 to 6 different answers. Mine
may just be a little more extreme. I have things in life I have to have to be
or at least feel alright and there are a line of them things that I do not
have right now. But I am being kept in a "waiting position" that yet aquires
quiet a large and active energy just to be even aloud to be in the waiting
position. So for those of you thinking ohh, thats all".. or "stop whining" or
something "you already have what we dream of." Well then in your world I am
fine. My cold has gotten way worse too so its another fairly great shitty
thing I just dont feel good about but had that been all, I would have felt
Want it explained? Well let me
kill the "love to hate" issue first. Supper Soda. The family entertainment
Tommy Lee TV project. Just sat and watched the latest of the performances of
the remaning six fighting singers. I still say this - listen in on Magni`s
voice its still fucking pure and clear as crystal. Maybe thats not what the
guys want. But a cool voice to front a band and a tight drummer which they
already have are the keys to have the tools for putting a cool band together.
And yes he at times sounds a great deal like the singer of LIVE. Thats not a
fucking bad thing. Magni has most of the cool things covered too. He will NOT
win but I still say he is the golden egg in there. As the rest of the
Americans, I guess, I was kind of curious to see the Dilana performance and
the Lukas one this week. Hers for the reasons that she is on the shitter and
after the stunts she pulled she lost points. And she lost just enough points
to loose the god damn contest I think. And I was not cool with her tonight.
She was a thing on stage. Not a singer. She was a desperate thing that longed
for revenge. Convincing the masses she is the ace in the card deck for this
thing called Supernova. Thanks but no thanks! Lukas because he will win this
and I was in all respect not impressed with him today either. For some reason
just does not apeal to me. And his singing gets shit lost in his songs when he
starts being agressive up on stage. No dont like it. Magni I say it again.
Toby still cool but not for the band. Wrong fellow. Storm - same story I see
them two or Storm and Toby (sadly) leaving next week. Cause two will leave
next week for sure. And two the week after that then the final with 2 remaning
for the 13th of Sep and its all over.
Now my closet ghosts are in my
life simply because I want things a whole lot. I dont know where it comes
from. I dont know who else has it in my family, no one that I see. So I think
it has just been a rebellious thing in me that has kind of said "Tommy look
around too many people doing too many things they have been put up to do not
self chosen from passion or anything. But things in the every day Monday
through to Friday that brings them butter on the bread .... I have for as long
as I can remember asked myself how can people sit back being satisfied with
this kind of living? I have never understood about 95% of the human
publilation on planet earth lives that way. That is why its called "normal
life and doings". I too have had a line of things in my life like that. I
have been well feed from gotten sex or something but they have never meant
more than .....to me. It was not a touch of heart. I have in music always had
my heart. My problem has always been I have just been unaware of what to do in
the music field. What would give me the shot of satisfaction? I have sold
records in a record store - fucking boring. I thought it was a work under god
before I tried it. Sucks. I then have been in a booking agency for bands.
Inspireing but there right there I noticed had things to do with music then I
was more serious than just about all around me. And i time and time again got
let down by the people I worked with. We just simple had different views to
what we wanted to gain of it. I fastly found out that ws I to be in a
situation depending on other people then I would surely get dissapointed - big
time. So far in life it has just never failed. In everything I have touched.
Jobs, relationships, off time activities doings in sparetime with friends. And
so on and so on. Fucking not cool. I have been in managements and even aqt an
independant label in Denmark.. over all things sucked. Then radio DJ and
spinning and making rock n roll radio shows MY way. Cut backs and shit again
you are depending on others and their shitty decitions. So What was left for
me to do. Well collecting and doing it my tempo and my ways. Only I and thats
litterally ... I alone could decide on when and why to end that so here I
I think in the end I have to
bury my own dedication to things in my life that I truely love and have a
passion for or else I will never ever reach happiness.
Now with Motley Crue - man if
you guys (read this) have had any idea what, I have gone through to be here
with the collection and the ideas I have thrown on the site and all..... you
would know how I at times feel. But you dont and for one reason only. You have
no clue to the kind of dedication I lead into my passions of life. Why can I
not just collect and be pleased with what I can get and afford? Let me spell
it out to you all in this way (without putting you all down cause that is NOT
what I wanna do or even try to). You love cars. You love your car. You like
the colour on the seats and all. But then you start geting curious you wanna
know whats in the seats WHY are they so great to sit in? You wanna know about
the engine. Whats its secrets compared to cars you dont like. Get the picture?
Thats what I have in me, about the band slowly but surely I have gotten more
curious. I have expanded my goals, to find out, to see, to do and to have. So
as the site got up and running I have with time since this is new to me too...
gotten new ideas for this and for that. But ... ok, let me take the example of
what some people have requested on the kickstart / guestbook page on here...
1. Why not put together a gang
of people to have a inner circle of dedicated Crueheads that simply would work
together with me on goals for various things. I did ..
2. Why not start a gang diary
after a while where people who now was in the gang could share their things
with others like I do all the time. I did ...
3. Why not set up some ... you
know the list is rather long on what people would like to see on here if you
go way way back and read most of the postings in the guestbook.
I think I did meet most of the peoples requests. But there it is again The
gang I have put together or the people I have tried to work with on the
outside to get things in gear .. have just not had the same kind of passion or
the same kind of priorities (which is probably more like it) with how to spend
time in their lives. I am simply too dedicated time wise and all. I have to
simply learn to not be depending and further more expecting that others would
do and / or have the will or time to do what I like to get done. Very simple.
Does this mean that I can no
longer have this collecting and site thing going on on the level I have it at
now? the answer is NO!!! I can - but I have to make room for the one thing
which is - only set goals you can do on your own. Like in the older days of my
collecting life, it was always like this everything done solo for the one
reason, nobody wanted it as much as I. For most others it was a hobby. It is
not for me. It is a life style. I have these last few days after having had a
kick to my "memory lane" and way of living and feelings for what I do .....due
to the read of what I referred to yesterday...... gotten a very unpleasant
wake up call that has givin me new ways of looking at things, Even though its
the same drama looked in on. Its the same cartoon I just put on different
glasses. I dont particularly like it. Have I too high expectations of life?
maybe but still I say no why should I have? Should I just sit back and say
"well this is how life has been presented to me so thats what I can do, thats
what I can expect and thats what my limits are"??
I refuse... I refuse to live by
that kind of rules in the long run. There are ways around it but all you have
to ask yourself is "are you willing to do what it takes or are you just
talking to get the 2 minutes of attention?" I guess I know the answer to that
one about most people.
Like I said yesterday this kind
of posting could be endless - long - and again I ask myself why do that?
Would people get this? If not, well is it then important to you Tommy to make
them understand? I dont think so except for one. My partner in life. My love -
my future. Do I have her yet? I hope so but I cant say till the storm has laid
itself to rest that is over her head right now. Too much to do to give us any
attention. Nothing but a fact to that one. Period. You see I also want this
bad enough and had it been singlehandedly up to me and me alone. we had been
somewhere different already. But its not it takes two to bild the beauty in
one, takes two to tango. One relationship, partnership .... love in life
between two people thats honest true and loyal. So many things to change and
test and try out but time goes slow in that part of my world. Time goes slow
while waiting while the clock on life in generel feels like running a 100mph.
You know what I mean? Shit ......
I just cant get my goals, dreams and all like I truely wish for, thats a
promise from the big dude upstairs, I have just refused to listen to that
I think when the smoke clears I am gonna sit either alone for life or with
this one that I hold in my heart right now and say this, that and more has to
change and / or go for good for us to make it. And if thats the price for a
perfect life as two I am willing to pay it. Fast and cash at check out box
numeber one. No questions asked. If these things makes sence on my being then
great if not then tough. Live with it or shake your head, make your comment to
it all and forget it. Its not important in the big picture I guess. One thing
is sure; its fucking hard wanting things badly and ppl around you kills the
chances for reaching it.....
PS: thanks a billion to Corinna
this morning for having gone through things in a tough scedual in the weekdays
... things are moving even closer now for the many AWESOME items to come to
her doorstep and be part of one of the most awesome personal and private
collections hold by one...Thanks a fucking bunch honey. And to Jess in Boston
- TRUST me I am torn about the you know what!! Thx for the mag bro....
29th of August 200SIXX,
Thought I Could Control IT But.....
2:36PM CET
As I know Sixx
loved it - I too now have the SWEET on the spinner "Desplation Blvd". A lot of
the Americans dont get Sweet and a lot of todays people outside the age rage
of 35 - 45 dont like them either. Really who cares. The Sweet are cool. I
treasure so much of the same shit the Sixxdog does. It actually amazes me how
much we are alike only in different ways. I thought I could control my
collecting and my ideas for the site. But I got news for myself. I obviously
can not. It sucks to sit with that feeing. Some how I am feeling I have not
really any goals to aim for no more cause all I aim for gets ripped away from
me in the early stages of what ever. I seem to be rather alone in my little
Motley universe with not much else to believe in than my own goals of sizes
where I know I am not depending on no others to gain these goals with me. I
feel sometimes the world have never and will never fully get me. Do I
sometimes even wish I could get away from this for other things? Not really.
Well that should be for a girl and TRUE love then. I am not in a position
where I can alou myself to say "I dont have to think about ordinary people and
the ordinary life". I constantly try to avoid it these years. But ONLY to have
the freedome to do my Crue things and all. It is so sick to even read my own
postings in here at times cause I see it is a so not normal way of living a
life. Fucking giving the needs of daily doings like eating and all that the
stiff middle finger. Something I Have not really any honest lust or passion
for living without it. I feel at times that life is great when its shared with
some that shares your beliefs and doings. I have this and ... yet I dont.
One should seek counsling. Yeah
right....the day hell freezes over.
Is this something I should try to just re-organize and say ... "Tommy you
simple need to rap it up and bow out" Say to myself this is something that
took the best years of your excistence but its time to let it go for the one
reason its isolating you and keeping you on a track where you simply feel too
much alone in it and all. You are letting things eating you up. It is for sure
not an healthy thing to do. Right now I am sitting here thinking; Hell if
people ever wanted to be a bit close to a maniac and wanted to find out what a
psycho was like in a world of his own? Well I am RIGHT HERE. I am alone on
most of my dreams and doings. I can only hope and pray the chick in South
Carolina wants things bad enough like I want them....in SOCIAL ways and not
only in a spoken sentence kind of way. Did that make sence? ohh well if not
tough!! I know what I am in for and I know what I want and have worked and
made decisions from for a long time now. If it does not successfully go to my
advantage then I have to learn how to resaddle my horse (life) and make a
brand new life for myself. Time will tell. motley is just not a thing its a
tattoo on my muscle called a HEART.
I have followed the few postings in the "kickstart" section too on both sites.
The latest one from "Cruester" as well... hard to swallow. I to a point agree.
We are not having the loyal gang going as I dreamed of it is a pot of
individuals that simple have their own doings and others quiet simply there in
name only. I feel like that was a great idea but not one to bare any fruits.
sadly. I m not pissed dissapointed or any of that. It kind of only justifies
my strong beliefs. VERY, VERY few out there actually has something these days
they would kill for at least when it comes to what I have a passion for.
Motley Crue. Man I just dont know. Its all a blur right now. Im not in haze
oops did it sound like it? Well I am not. I really just need to solve
somethings for myself and maybe change a few things around. I just see it as a
thnk constantly hunting my ass. Everytime I reach out and offer others to team
up on with me I get "burned" Burned in the sence things fail mostly. I cant
help but think its just not as high a priority to others tommy as it is to
you. And maybe thank god. Good there are some saine people left on the planet.
Maybe it really is just you thats so way off of reality and fuck things up
that as a living soul of society sooner or later will get hit by a ton of
bricks telling you you can fucking not live this way. You can not have a stiff
middle finger to most around you and believe that this passion you have as
long as you are not an employe in the business that you can go on doing these
things and in the size of how you actually have done it so far the last few
Fuck it!! it feels like I am my own self apointed "brain twister".... in this
one. I am fully aware of all the letters and commas in here - can I help I
just really want this to go right? can I be accused for having a dream I would
die for? Is that so wrong? Is it not okay to try to go around rules and shit
to be happy and to be avoid a feeling like being in prison doing things with
your life that could not interest you less? Okay I should maybe end this
posting right about now before something really ugly comes out. later
PS: cant believe Lukas won the
Supernova singer role. God damn it. Shit!!!
Ohh well, I better get back and
find a clinex... have catched a fucking cold.
28th of August 200SIXX, My Collecting Life passing For Me Eyes - Supper Soda
5:09PM CET
I have discovered my own story
with in a stripped very disturbing naked feeling. A version of my own view
upon life and society around me as a dead serious collector dedicated to the
Motleys for life.
This is gonna be a hard one for
me to type right and even harder to describe my just discovered devilish look
upon things as I have stood loyal and true to the band and my collecting over
the years. All I can say is there is an official story coming out to the
public next year that I have read now and so many parallel lines have been
drawn to this story in my own ways of acting and being "against" society and
its norms. I do realize that already here you are asking yourself what story?
What is he referring too? Well I cant say. I am just not able to so forgive
me. but the fact that I have been reading the to come peace for all fans have
made me see things just in a way of my own activities and willingness towards
gaining things to my collection over the years. for the first time ever in my
life I could read and pretend it was my own tellings and told in a naked
brutal way that makes the section of my own story in "Cruecial Injection" look
like shitty baby food. I just never wanted to write the story in the harsh way
that it at times really has been for me. I feel a need of getting it off of my
chest after having briefly talked to a great friend about it today Tine.
I have so struggled to win
things over and have so struggled to win and fulfill my inner dreams. I have
always been looked at as the music freak that would do ANYTHING to get these
dreams turned in to real life happenings. And nothing out side this universe
should or would I allow to fuck these hopes and dreams up for me. I refused to
let a house rent or a job or other things come in my path of where I was
riding down at to gain something I really, really wanted. In many times of my
life have I (too) been bugged and pissed off when the so called ordinary
people have called to to chit chat about things. I ONLY wanted to have to do
worth the people in my own chosen inner circle that had an understanding and a
passion in some serious ways for music and at times my collecting. I have said
it before I find it a miracle I have never gone criminal or an alcoholic from
being this so very out of the ordinary. Almost a freak. An abnormal person in
many eyes. I think I have never fully don't anything to attract my persona to
normal things from the heart. I still today look at ordinary life as something
that pisses me off and bored me to death. I can say it is an ugly way just
about the same for me today. I hate it. But I also know why I hate it. I LONG
FOR A TRUE LOVE LIFE. A true love OF my life. I have tried to erase that hope
from my mind a gazillion times cause I have never believed SHE was out there.
The single ingredients of TRUE LOVE and an open and butt naked honest
relationship in good health is what I seriously need to get my ass to the next
level in life. I have giving one girl all I possibly could. I am still not
giving up its not that but I need it and I need whom ever she may be to
understand this and to be wanting a real honest loving partnership too. For it
to work.
Funny how the "to come story"
from Crue next year holds that same search in life. I need that one thing to
make me complete. I have said to a line of females you could make me complete
a handful of times in my life. But I have always been the one to draw the
shortest straw in the end. The real center heart dreams have never been
fulfilled for real. The next best thing has many times Motley Crue and
personal adventures. How ever there are things you as being part of the human
race has got to have for some reason or get extremely hung over from weirdness
as a single and solo living person for a number of years. You loose your
fucking social skills and more. You crawl into a closet and its your own
private world where no one can find or see you. Again a parallel line to the
story to come. I have had that experience not with a closet but a mirror. It
kind of only shows our face. I somehow I have been able to see behind that and
give myself belief in things no one could. Mirror - my personal little crystal
I have often wanted to talk and
tell Sixx the inner felt and experienced story and what MY price has been to
do what I do all in the name of them. But I have never done so. I just have
not. to sit with him one time alone and do it with no other issues or news
lines to be read form him to me or nothing. Turning the spotlight on this ONE
FAN of his / theirs. hat is what I really would need and perhaps cherish more
than anything I have ever managed to add to my personal collection. Tell the
band what really has been inside ME of demons and crap to do and be where I am
today. Unlike him and his millions I have only managed to collect a shit load
of boxes filled with collectibles. Awesome ones yes - but my god have things
been expensive and not only DOLLAR wise. Not the price tag alone. I have too
even died ones for doing this being a fan of the extreme. The reading have
just really been giving me my own self in many yet different ways than the
printed thing I have seen.
I have many times over;
As much as I love my friends , I also hate them,
because they are with people that love them. I don’t understand why, as big as
my heart is, I’m alone. Maybe I just choose to be this way? Maybe I don’t have
a choice? Maybe I don’t know? Maybe I’m just asking myself questions to hear
myself talk? Has it been like this forever? NO!!! But it pops up every now and
then still. The longed for solid true love the sharing and the idea of a male
and female connecting to win the one time passion of human love. Sharing
things. Going crazy in a positive way over things that only a good couple
could get crazy about. An understanding and longed for passion from both
sides. Funny how love and care literally controls a person up through life. A
child not giving love will eventually gets fucked up. I had a good amount of
love no doubt. The time it went wrong was when I decided to have a full
blooded heart felt seriousness about my collecting life. I was never happy at
any job I had. I had only the jobs to get a paycheck for buying what I wanted.
As the Crue did with drugs and cars. At one point in time the music too for
some in the band was secondary bu it was what they had to do to get the things
they needed. As with me same thing. Just not drugs and cars. They lost girls
friends and relationships and more .. me too only in smaller amounts. But each
living man has only one heart so we have been broken and sad and lonely
longing for the same one thing ultimately: a loving and positive functionally
relationship. Like Mick and Nikki I too have at times in my life giving up
hope on that one thing, for my own reasons and sunk even further into the
Motley collective land of life.
I will never ever forget what
Corinna my still partner in crime when it comes to traveling round doing Crue
things. She just don't understand me and my extreme silent and still standing
actions at concerts and more. I feel the shows the presents of being there in
a TOTALLY different way not many would understand. Then again as she has said
to me a few times "I am not a collector. I am not social I am not looking for
anything " and so on.... She is just one of a shit load that has said these
things to me over the years. I guess I might as well bury my hopes of meeting
someone that understands me 101% and can relate to all I am about and all I
constantly try to do. A girl that has been very close to Nikki for years and
years now living in Florida is one that also has not fully understanding of my
being. She has also chosen the family life and have struggled shit hard to get
that going ... now from a distance it seems like she has succeeded.
Beautifully. I envy her. But only I have the reasons and stories to why I do
A shit load of smaller things have
been forming the Tommy that I am today as with everybody else. I just am so
very different than most anyway. I bet some people that would be reading EVERY
single comma on this site of mine about me my thoughts my doings my sacrifices
and more would say "that kid needs a god damn brain eater (therapist). You
know what? I tried it and guess what I felt she totally fucking didn't get it
with me. In short she tried to kill my passion and let me become what I did
not wanna be a kid from the masses. An ordinary working eating shittin pissin
guy that was gonna have a family and a house with a dog or something . funny I
split after two appointments there. Fuck me i live for music. Know not many if
they aren't musicians that does that. LIVE for the music. Then again if you
are a musician and a successful one you forget music and turn your first
priority to being drugs or alcohol or some shit like that. I consider myself a
rare and dying species of the fan kind.
I Think had I not been me and
looked in on a life of my l´kind in another fans life I would have said he or
she would be a loony but now I AM he and I have giving up on making people
understand my purpose. There for there are also an even harder smack in the
face by reading the story I have just read and there from seen these parallel
lines from my own self. My own way of living and seeing things through the
lence of a collector like I am. Healthy ways of living? Fuck no not at all.
Will I stop it on my own just like that knowing these facts? Most likely no.
Why not? cause that's me that's what I am all about. I ma a music junkie and I
am shit true and dead serious about my collecting life. Will it bring me down
if I do not find the love that will make me move in on a soul mate partnership
for life? Most likely yes. Why? Cause it is like being on what I don't do.
Drugs!!! It is. It is a rush it is a hunt that is a continuing never ending
road. You get a smashed bass you want a whole bass. You meet Vince you wanna
meet the whole band. You Get one glove from one you want a full costume. You
just act like a mountain climber. You climbed the one you dreamed about. Fine
then you stand on the top and go ... whats that mountain. And you wanna clime
that one and that one and that one. Like I imagine people at least Sixx in his
drugs days. "Wow that's something new. What will that do to me?" ....You
know?!! It could be another one of these never ending stories told a million
times - but i just had this extreme cold sweat running through me from going
through this story. To come.....
Needed to get it off of my
shoulders. And as always I do that best by writing it off. It is a
satisfaction that is known to many. i like my diary. i like to have the chance
to let people get under my skin still. Not many respond to it and getting back
at me with it but it really is for me a good available thing for me to do. Mis
understandings to my own individual is massive. Even the people that are the
closest to me can not fully understand me. thats a nother reason why I have at
times gone under ground stayed silent and just done what I do. It suprises me
that I am looked at as being so very different. What is it that makes people
think that? I guess my line of questions to the people around me at times
feels endless. So I ill just stop it here and say sometimes doing things in an
abnormal way and being over the top in what ever it its that you do can
sometimes make you a really really, lonely guy. Soetimes I even give up on
people for understanding me perfectly and fully. I no longer seem to have the
urge to make them understand. I will take my "weirdness" to the grave I`m
We paint the outside of
our bodies beautiful but the inside is like dead men’s bones. The hurt topples
on top of itself until the hurt gets so big and ugly, growing like a cancer
worm, webbing around the walls of the heart, which ultimately turns cold and
callous and dull of love. We mistake lust for love and believe in a vision. A
fantasy that does not exsist. We want it to but it doesn't`t. For it to do we
have to grab the root of our inner problem and change and become a new person.
If we are not willing to do this we will never get the center hearts biggest
need. A shared love and healthy existence that promises a bright future.....
Now Supernova or like I like to
call it, Supper Soda - wow wow wwoooowww... Dilana got her wake up call last
night huhh? Holy fuck. I still say if it was and had been a matter of ONLY
looking at her stage presence she is cool and all. BUT!! The whole package ...
no way no deal no ahh ahhh...... Don't care if she had a rude awakening
either. Off she goes. Don't hassle with it no longer. But I say it again the
people of America looks through the fingers I am sure and she is still uhhh so
cool and popular. Two people will be kicked off the show tomorrow I am sure. i
got a feeling its gonna one of my faves Magni or Toby but no one of them
deserves to go. What she said about Toby being there for the fun of it and
Magni being there but ONLY had family in mind... is a weak shitty sorry ass
excuse for a comment on her part. Dilana my advise would be you have learned
(I hope) great things from this but you could do even better and bigger LATER
if you go home and try something serious if you "HOPEFULLY" gets send home
tomorrow or next time. I still am not high and doubt I will be for the
Supernova or what ever they will end up calling themselves with the lawsuit
they have from the already existing band of that same name. Anyways, they sell
fairly well ticket wise in presale and their meet n greet tickets ago smoothly.
Fuck even the 700 dollars ones - that's just so WHAT!!! out of there. Its
sick. A couple of the gang members on here may full on disagree with me and
think its a hell of a great act and go see the band a few times I am sure. All
the best to them. No matter if I like bands or not its always nice to see them
sell tickets.
happy Monday everyone!!!
25th of August 200SIXX, Pop Diva Town & Cruecial Thoughts
5:15PM CET
Some are gonna hate me for
this I am sure. I am not gonna argue or anything. it was pop diva night in the
city. And I had a line of cool experiences happening. I will say this to you
all guys. Crue were on my mind but there were a totally different thing going
on. The uncrowned pop diva gave the only live concert in the whole of
Scandinavia last night in the town of Horsens. Madonna. Denmark of all the
countries took the whole package alast night. Madonna took it but she did it
like not many other I have ever seen do. Madonna gave us the mother of stages
as the short 5 feet something totally took and gave all a kick in the ass to
the Danes. Madonna was coming and Denmark saw her first ever live performance
on Danish ground. The county has been on another level the last two weeks. its
been Madonna in everything here. Fuck even the weather forecasts have been ALL
focused on the area of the concert... 10 days to go and it looks like we can
expect ... 5 days to go to the big bang we can look forward to weather of...
and so on. Everything has been M-A-D-O-N-N-A !! But now its over. It all went
down last night. 135 minutes of Disco night. And a few classics.
Why do I post this on here?
Well because it was with many Cruecial thoughts I attended the diva pop show.
The "Carnival" circus stage set
show from our boys the last year and a half was a backyard barbecue show
compared to the size and all that the stage was of from Madonna. It was a
fucking state of the art show. Everything high and mobile. that stage changed
so many times and all kinds of shit came up of from the floor or down from the
roof. Like every song that had a story or something got the stage to change
for something new. You never fully could tell what was coming next. It was god
damn awesome. I really was amazed by the whole thing. I think it came to a
point where I was even close to being speechless. I can only imagine how big
an operation this was. from time to time I was thinking this was something
that would top and outdo everything the Motley guys had ever done to date had
it been them that delivered....
Think of it. Through out the show the stage could turn and change and change
from new sets lined up under the stage floor with things coming to show from
below or above depending on what kind of era we heard songs from. I don't care
what anyone says that had been the shit of the shit. Completely outrageous.
And not ever to top again.
ramps to and thought the
audience and so so so much more.
If anyone cares, NO she did not
do a line of old stuff SO sure but it was a more recent and older disco dance
Madonna we had seen last night. I for one was pleased with that. It all worked
well. Well more than with a best of tour for sure, I can actually only bow and
say it was pretty cool. The 48 yr old lady was not old in any way or form. She
really nailed it down. She with the body and physical shape she has now a days
she really, really was making a line of females jealous even down tho the
ordinary 30 year old. She is extremely fit. two years form the big 5-0!!!
damn. The dancers she has with her. I am not sharing a comment about them.
They make EVERYONE look fat and out of shape. Fucking awesome fit. Almost
frightening. I tip my hat t where tipping is due. And was here.
For you who cares; here are
some shots from the event last night. And Madonna at hotel.
been forced to pull out of the first month of the band's forthcoming US
tour, after being diagnosed with throat cancer. The CRAZY rocker, 54, has
just completed seven weeks of radiotherapy and is currently resting at home
with his family. The group's guitarist JOE PERRY has enrolled his musician
pal DAVID HULL to play bass until Hamilton's returns. That's the latest
bulletin from the fall tour from the guys that hits the road. They are all
seeming to fall slowly but surely apart. Mick Jagger comes to the same
Danish city of Hhorsens in less than two weeks bringing his Stones and he
has now too been in the rumors about having cancer. Haven't really paid that
one too much attention. All I see is there are a lot of the 40 some old and
up that are having more and more problems. Let us just hope this will not be
the issues of our own boys. The tour is still happening according to high
sources of the tour this tour will not be cancels or anything no matter what
happens to and with Hamilton. Let us just hope we are not really about to
loose another member of the giants here.
On the Supernova front there
are a few offers to the really Super fans of the novas... Look at this:
This package includes one reserved ticket in the first 2 rows, an exclusive
Supernova T-shirt, an authentic VIP Laminate for access to the Supernova
meet and greet and pre-show sound check, a Q&A session and personal photo
with the band, a limited edition Supernova track jacket, a copy of the new
CD and a $125 voucher good for your next purchase in the Supernova Web
This package includes one reserved ticket within the first 4 rows, an
exclusive Supernova T-shirt, an authentic VIP Laminate for access to the
Supernova meet and greet, a personal photo with the band, a copy of the new
Supernova CD and $50 voucher good for your next purchase in the Supernova
Web Store.
This package includes one reserved ticket within rows 5-20, an exclusive
Supernova T-shirt, a Gold Package Laminate, a copy of the new Supernova CD
and a $25 voucher good for your next purchase in the Supernova Web Store.
Gold Ticket Package BONUS! If you are spotted wearing your Gold Package
Laminate at the show, you may get upgraded and taken backstage to meet
Supernova and get a photo!
What do you think worth it? I
don't ... its shit load of cash for that and them. Ohh well its all but one
guys opinion.
I am not here to rule any offers in or out. We are all different. But now
you have a line of things that is up in general and whats been taking my
time off of Crue actions the last couple of days. Tommy at a freaking pop
diva show who would have guessed. lol lol lol.... Talk again soon !!
Well I'm all Hung Up .... I'm hung up on you......
23rd of August 200SIXX,
Mixed Emotions
As always the Motley world is a rollercoaster
sometimes it goes up and sometimes.... you know what I mean. Things have not
been the coolest from things I hear of many kinds. It is a sick twisted thing
this fall and recent things coming to my knowledge about members and more.
Sorry folks cant deal with this on here. cant say more. Just sharing with you
that I personally am not all great with what is. On a tour note things surely
dont seem to be the coolest of cool either. Latest news has it the band will
be the opening act in every city and they had only a good 60 to 75 min. to do
their thing.
( |
I cant help but say that
that sucks. Coming from europe going ofr flights hotels food and all plus
concert ticket that is just kind of so not cool. If this holds water so to
speak this is just about the badest investment I have yet made in a long time.
The band does have an awesome new stage set up but hellooooo .... for 75 mins
or less? Hope that surely is not true. Man that seriously sucks big time.
I have learned my lessons in many ways about Motley Crue and things that goes
in their name - things can and often do change a million times before it
actally goes into action. I can now only hope that the tour merchandise
line is not gonna be totally fucking huge. That is my one and only worry right
now as to what I am doing in my collectible life. Money!!! There are a lot of
smaller things again in USA for me and I have another full suitcase (as
always) with things to come and all to bring back to Denmark if I wanna do
that! I think its a lot of constant activities that there are for things in
the collecting world for me. I think we have as said so many times on here a
ton of things to look forward to, but if you are like myself collecting any
and everything the 4 members throw at us you also have kind of a hell in the
waits in the next year or three to come!! A lot of things are in the making
and we all know whats up first - the fall tour with the Boston guys.
Supernova is gonna have all in place in a good 3
weeks time. Then only one thing is missing. The vocals to the album and to get
the tour started. The tour is planed and the tour merch is in the making the
music and cover and all that is finished for the CD part from the singer to
join them. In short there soon is to come but a ticket sale. At that too for
the whole northern US tour is about to hit you too.Tickets go on sale to the
general public on Wednesday, August 30. It is up for grabs now for the members
of the Supernova fanclub. And what do you know. The tickets are not even more
than 35 to 75 dollars or around there in all cities part from the new years
debut show 150 - 250 dollars a ticket.
I hope to be able to cover what is there too as it is
Tommy´s solo carreer and project. Told you all it would be hell to be me. Lol
!!! But I have to do this. If i am being forced out to choosing I would rather
have these things than the fashion clothing line from Tommy thats coming. it
does not apeal to me at all. Ohh boy fell like I am sayng this a lot of
Tommy´s stunts recently. As for this weeks live performances - hmm well, still
magni killed it. Still my boy number two TOBY hell yeah brother....dont know
why Dilana is not on the online internet version. But Lukas - no its cool you
can go home now. Storm - she is okay but a Supernova with her and the voice
not really. Ryan good too I guess but I personally think he tried a little too
hard to be honest. So I have still my cards and money on the two guys. They
are just somebody that could really do it well for the band. Thety are really
good in their erformances and they have in my book this week 8 of the serie
totally squazed Lukas a so far all time fave in many peoples eyes. So dont
think I would be not worried should the boys not send home the others one by
Would I personally go see Supergroup? I think I
answered it in my last posting but yes I would for a show or two now that the
US is listed and up for grabs I may do so but Crue is by far more important to
me and all. Would Corinna and maybe my baby brother go for it yeah I could see
myself do it. right now its all but a thought. Really - it takes cash baby and
a sick load of it. But for now let me focus on the fall tour and TRY to cover
the so far released merch itmes from the band I have babtised Supper Soda.....
my own lill personal joke. Later friends!!!
Dec. 31 - Las Vegas, NV - The Joint
Jan. 16 - Hollywood, FL - Hard Rock Live
Jan. 17 - Orlando, FL - Hard Rock Live Orlando
Jan. 20 - Buffalo, NY - Shea's Performing Arts Center
Jan. 24 - Toronto, ON - Massey Hall
Jan. 27 - Wallingford, CT - Chevrolet Theatre
Jan. 28 - Worcester, MA - DCU Center
Jan. 30 - Philadelphia, PA - Wachovia Spectrum
Jan. 31 - New York, NY - Radio City Music Hall
Feb. 02 - Columbus, OH - Schottenstein Center
Feb. 03 - Chicago, IL - Rosemont Theatre
Feb. 05 - Detroit, MI -
Fox Theatre
Feb. 08 - Minneapolis, MN - Roy Wilkins Auditorium
Feb. 09 - Fargo, ND - Fargodome
Feb. 11 - Dallas, TX - Nokia Theatre
Feb. 19 - Vancouver, BC - Queen Elizabeth Theatre
Feb. 21 - Sacramento, CA - Arco Arena
Feb. 22 - Oakland, CA - Oakland Arena
Feb. 24 - Phoenix, AZ - Cricket Pavilion
Feb. 25 - San Diego, CA - Pala Casino
Feb. 27 - Long Beach, CA - Long Beach Arena
21st of August
200SIXX, `81 Michael, Nostalgic & Kick Ass Honour
8:53PM CET
It is a hard time for me.
Lots of decitions to be made and a lot of things to get in on. I think
there is gonna be a huge time ahead for me with the things I have plans
for, for myself. I have not missed much since the reunion days and still I
have been able to cover a fair share of things on the side. Actually I do
not know of anybody that is at all near all the shit I have done. I guess
its course I show disrespect to normality and set rules. I have been givin
the written law book and its norms a kick in its ass and now I have a ton
of things to deal with from doing it. But it was all expected. Surely
there are things like all the monthly bills and all that just has to be
dealt with. I seem to have taken distance like never before to all these
boring things in life. I need to have a chance for ending my Motley
collecting years and part of my life in a proper manner. I refuse to give
in and change my ways till its actually all endning. 2009 right now is the
earliest for that. Only two years after that the band could have its 30th
year anniversary. That I can not really see happening at this point for
many reasons. It would be nice to see them do it but, well no I do not see
it happening.
Supernova; People still ask me about the TV and
media created super group. I stand by my previously said opinion. I dont
like the idea of how its being put together. It is fun, cool, and blah
blah blah entertainment for many yes - but not for me. I watched week
eight about the days of the press thing being set up at the mantion. And
the strongest individual and fave for the masses Dilana, she is a bad
lyricist in my opinion at least of what we have been aloud to see. And
she totally blew it on the press day of the 8th week. No way would I
trust and work with one that have the nerves to say the things she said.
What I did how ever notice was ..... remember how I on here always said
Magni and to a point Toby were my faves? Yeah, Dilana totally
backstabbed those two at first then moving on and bitching about Lukas
(even though I dont like him) you just dont do that!! She has it on
stage I will give her that. And if MUSIC and SINGING were the only
things to worry about in the music business I would say she perhaps took
it for the hype of it. But no way on earth is that what it is all about
in these modern days of time. So still I go with the two said. Magni is
just shit over the top cool in all ways. Never ever trying to gain cheap
points. And he can do the shit high or low keys and all... I rest my
And now as they say on to something else.
Are there anything I have plans for right now? -YES! it is a line of
activivties that holds the deals going on right now and the tour that is
in the wiat for us all this fall.
I have been lucky to stumble into a lot of
exciting people the past many years and I`d love to take more advantage of
that. If you think there are more cool things to do for me than the things
above this year you may be right you may also be wrong. I have not much
planned. I have a huge amount of money to figure out how to get and pay
off what ever and then the year is about gone. What can I say? I guess I
wont say anything. It is just really, really hard to keep up and I know
already now that I will have huge problems with things getting covered,
bought and paid for and all. The clothing lines from Tommy and Nikki that
are just around the corner will not be looked at for a long time. Corinna
is gonna be my saviour if any - this fall. No doubt about it. We really
have a line of things to work with and work on. There are simply a ton of
things we have to get settled and solved. We are still working hard for
two trips to kill the times together in October and November. I only hope
there will be a good result to it all. we have as earlier said new long
listed plans for more Motley history locations to be found and covered.
One thing can scare me pretty good. There are a
couple of places that are located in the East of Hollywood and people have
STRONGLY advised me / us not to look them up as it is a dangerous
-At least make sure there is day light and all.
Still it will be dangerous as hell. Any wacho can come jumping. Totally go
apeshit and do you harm. But ofcause we have to document it no other way
round it man. We simply have to. It will most likely be a fast and over
with thing but what the hell can we do? Not do it? Not an obtion. This was
where the Hollywood Rose (pre- GNR) Poison, and others hung out. All of
the Hollywood rock n roll trash and all went there to the SHAMROCK place
owned by my man Michael Flaherty. The Alan Coffmann partner for an
important time in their carreer - of 1981.
The old places they all lived in dividually in the days of and round 1981
round the times of Too Fast and all. We will go there too. Would you not
just love to sit in the car with us to see these places? I can only say
there are a lot of things that are so not there no more but everything
that are we need to have documented before its gone. Its a long lasting
thing I wish the band would put together for a release. I know Sixx have
several hours of material laying around that are from all past tours and
all. No doubt these things could have become shit cool official releases.
But I seriously dont think it will be released. He is dreaming and
thinking though of putting a movie (or something) together with all these
things laying around.
I contacted him after reading some of his stories
and I gotta say he can spread a lot of light to a lot of often asked
questions in the name of the band.
Michael Flaherty have a lot of things in his
mind, a lot of memories we all wish we had been there for. He has so far
shown me great kindness and I have decided after bringing it up with him,
to post a line of questions and answers here in the diary section!! I will
put up that something part two (later in the week, maybe) as I have all
replys from him. I have to say its really awesome facts he can bring to
the plate.
Here we go:
Michael, the Nikki on fire stunt when was it first tested? Was
it tested off stage - ever any real bad happenings you were present for?
It was tested in
the apartment, no damage.
Live Wire - the video where was it
As I recall it
was filmed at S.I.R., the original location. I think it was the same
room that Van Halen filmed the 'Jump' video.
There are other videos from the days
like "take me to the top" .... where were they filmed?
Not sure. Probably S.I.R. as well but I
wasn't there for that. I know that the were shot on commercial 3/4 inch
tape and I was getting requests from clubs (with video screens, which
were becoming big at the time) and local cable channels for VHS. I kept
asking Alan for money to convert (it was expensive at the time) but it
never happened. In fact, when I received that response from MTV (see
book) I kept begging (litterly) Alan to get me a dupe of the 3/4. That
never happened either. VERY bad move on his part.
Were you ever in over things of what
the band should wear and how they should do their thing or was it up to
the band alone?
I was never in
on that, before I came on board Alan had taken them on a massive
shopping spree for stage clothes. I did take Nikki to Koontz Hardware
store in Hollywood as Alan had given him $100 cash to buy chrome
chains that he wanted to make into belts and other stage items.
I should add that the guys never wore
their stage clothes off stage. Usually just jeans, sneakers and
tee-shirts, maybe a leather jacket. Little if any Aqua-net hairspray
Was David Lee
Roth really the big role model that he seems to be from the tellings?
Did all in Crue like him?
Yes and yes. A good guy, full of
himself sure but impossible not to like. I just learned a couple of
weeks ago that my girlfriend at the time (the flash-pot girl) who I'm
still in touch with has a picture of Roth and I made that New Years
Eve. Hopefully I can talk her out of a copy and I'll send it to you.
Any ideas like stage activities - special effects or even
songs YOU told Nikki or the band NOT to use why?
Only two come
to mind. It was a Saturday night show at the Country Club in Reseda.
We had invited a number of record A & R people to the show. (This of
course was before the Electra signing) Nikki was in the dressing room
with his white Gibson bass. He proudly showed Alan and I what he had
put on the back with red duct tape. A Nazi swastika that he planned to
flash at the audience during the set. (There's a picture of it
floating around the internet somewhere) Alan just about shit. As anti-semetic
as he himself was, he knew that wasn't a very smart idea as it's
pretty common knowledge that many record executives are Jewish. I
backed Alan up on that one and Nikki pulled the tape off. Around that
same time we had a Whisky show. The line to get in snaked around the
block and Tommy was hanging out the dressing room window teasing the
fans below on the sidewalk. 'Mike! Alan! I'm gonna show these dudes my
dick!' Alan was funny, he said, 'No dick, just moon'em with your butt
if you want but NO dick!'
Mick the oldest of the 4 had kids and most experience - was
he ever thought of as maybe he should be replaced?
Certainly not
to my knowledge. I would say I'm almost 100% sure that was never
thought of.
As you met Alan
Coffmann were you ever sceptical about joining forces with him after
the experiences you had had with your own band and the dissapointments
from Bob?
No, quite the opposite in fact. I was excited to have a
partner that (I thought) was stable financially and was very
business-like. I felt I'd 'paid my dues' with Bob and Images and was
ready to move into a more professional situation. And it certainly
was for awhile.
From the book of yours, its pretty clear that you had the
knowledge of the buisness way more than Alan how would you describe
Smart but naive as to the ways of the music business.
Although successful with his contracting business he was rather
'back-woods' and as smart as he was (and indeed he was on a certain
level) he was out of his league when it came to dealing with music
executives. He was power-driven, nothing wrong with that but his ego
exploded when Motley became such a local success. He even said to
me one time, 'Mike we've got the next Beatles!' Meanwhile we still
couldn't get a record deal or even a gig out of town.
Overall I
liked Alan, but that doesn't mean I couldn't get so angry at
times that I wanted to hit him. He had his quirks and the success
went to his head (much more than the guys frankly) but his
intentions were good for a long time. There was a severe alcohol
problem, then the 'lady' situation developed. Drinking and fucking
is all well and good for the guys, but a manager should be more
restrained. I can't honestly say however that I didn't 'partake' in
some of the temptations, but I tryed to keep it more discrete. In
the end, Alan blew a gasket under extreme financial pressure and
perhaps family pressure to give up this 'music fantasy' and come
home to his kids and wife. I never knew until I read 'The Dirt' that
he had emotional problems from Vietnam. We'd never talked about it,
I didn't even know that he had fought in the war. That's cool, it
was his decision to talk or not talk about his past of course but I
do think I could have understood him better had I known that. I was
too young for 'Nam but have many friends (Biker Lyle in the book for
example) that were there and looking back, he displayed very similar
personality traits.
After Alan got involved (even though he was married) with
the girl from the book, to me thats when it looked to be starting
going wrong. Why did you not confront him on that?
always been told that there are three types of people that you
can't talk to: (And I believe it to be true) An alcoholic, a drug
addict, or someone who is in love. He was a grown man who was in
charge. I didn't feel it was my place to say anything frankly.
Maybe I was wrong on that I might add that the guys (especially
Nikki) were not happy with the situation that developed at all,
but they too didn't say anything to him, just complained to me.
Again in retrospect, maybe I should have talked to him, but how do
you tell a 40 something year old man who to fuck or not to fuck?
You had a
close relationship with Sixx it seems, how would you describe him?
In a word, focused. He had a dream and knew where and
how to take it or at least give it his best shot. It go's without
saying that he was/is Motley Crue. And yes, for awhile I felt we
were becoming very close. The RATT show at the Whiskey, the
breakfast at Denny's, the night's at the 'Motley house' where he
would take me aside and read me hand-written lyrics to new songs
he had written, to the two Sisiters we each 'dated. Nikki at the
time had a huge fear and it permeated through all of us, including
Alan. He was almost paranoid. That fear was that M/C would become
just another L.A. band not unlike Quiet Riot, Snow, Smile, Al
Carte, London, White Sister or numerous other 'Starwood' bands
that never received a record deal or gotten out of L.A. and had
been around for years just playing clubs. At the time the last
'heavy metal' (I use that term loosely) band that was signed out
of Hollywood was Van Halen. That was seven years before Motley was
even conceived.
Nikki was all business most of the time. There could be
a house-full of barely clothed young ladies around and if a
business matter came up, there was a 'time out' and he was all
I liked Nikki a lot. He may have been a street kid but
he also had street smarts. For example I suggested some additions
to the stage show which he nixed. (See below) Looking back, he was
right. Nikki was (is?) the type of guy that if he loves you, he
loves you totally. If he loses trust for whatever reason, he's
outta there. That's what happened with Alan and to a lessor degree
with me. I'm sorry that the stresses and events of those early
days did not allow us to become a bit closer. I think we could
have made a great team in the long run.
like "Casa Cugot" and the "Hilton Coffee Shop" in Beverly Hills
often were the places you guys had meetings. A coincidence? Or was
it comfortable? Also the Sunset Denny´s!!??
Close and comfortable, that's all. Alan had a policy (I feel
rightfully so) to conduct business meetings and lunches at more
conservative places than the usual Hollywood haunts such as the
Rainbow. It did look more professional.
Michael, did Motley have another place they had all
they gear - a rehearsal room, where?
During my
involvement with the band all rehersals were held at S.I.R.
(Studio Instrument Rentals) on Sunset near Gower Avenue in
Hollywood.(I don't have the exact address, but around the 7000
block) They (S.I.R.) have since moved from there several times,
the latest location is still on Sunset in the area. And yes, all
the gear was stored there. Stick and the roadies would arrive
early and set up the stage, Tommy came in an hour early (before
a full band rehersal) to work out on the drums. Lucky for
everybody, there was a liqueur store across the street! It was a
great place/deal until we became behind on our account and were
threatened with eviction.
After the
Electra signing, and Coffman gone the label rented them the
entire upstairs at S.I.R.' second location in Hollywood and the
equipment remained set up.. Again, I don't have the exact
address, but it's a two-story building on the North side of
Santa Monica Boulevard, immediately next door to the yellow Army
surplus store on the North East corner of Santa Monica and Vine.
It's no longer S.I.R., but another type of studio. That's the
room where the final part of the video 'Girl, Don't Go Away Mad'
(where you see Tommy teaching his dog drums) was filmed.
As the band recorded
their first "Toast Of The Town" and "Stick To Your Guns" at St.
Crystal Sound Studios
located at 1014 Vine St, Hollywood
were you there? Or was this JUST before your time?
That was just
before my time. I came into the mix during the recording of
'Too Fast For Love.'
What do you know about the guy
that was in the studio with Nikki, Tommy and Mick as they were
meant to record the songs before Vince was in crue?
Very, very
little. Never met him, never even
saw a picture. Just heard a few comments, nothing negative
except that he was over weight.
Michael the places
the band got booked in L.A. area, were there any of them you
think they should not have been playing at? Why?
That's an easy one. 'Pookie's' in Pasadena. It was a
sandwich shop with a small stage. I've seen bigger stages in
Holiday Inn bars. I don't know who's idea that was, but it was
basically a disaster. Maybe all of 25 people in the crowd, and
this is when the band was selling out the Hollywood clubs. The
guys made the best of it. It was less than a year leter they
sold out Perkin's Palace which is a 2000 seat venue directly
across the street at a show produced by Gina Zapperelli, who
now works for Sharon Osborne/Ozzfest I'm told.
Were there any
ideas and wishes you had in mind for Crue that you would have
loved to see happening that never did?
Well, like I
mentioned in the book I would have loved to have seen them get
an opening slot with Van Halen. I talked to Roth about it and it
was a no-go. V/H had strict polices on what type of bands opened
for them. In fairness to Dave though, he did help the Crue out
in other ways, particularly in 'moral support. I was upstairs in
the dressing room at the Whisky one night before a show. Nikki
and I were talking, just hanging out when we noticed a billboard
across the street on Sunset that was for Ozzy's first solo
album. (Blizzard of Oz?) I remember Nikki asking "Think he's
gonna make it solo?" My reply was "I don't know, but I would
love to get an opening slot on his first tour, I'll make a few
calls next week." That idea for whatever reason was forgotten,
at least at the time.
Another thing that I was
pushing for was pyro to enhance the stage show. Except for a
dry-ice fog machine (that never seemed to work) and occasional
strobe lights, there were no special effects. I wanted
fireworks! (This was before Nikki discoved lighter-fluid for
his leather jeans) Nikki's response to me was "If we can't do
it right we're not going to do it at all. Not yet anyway. KISS
has walls of fire and if we did anything like that on a small
club scale we'd look lame as shit. Besides, we're already
getting too much KISS comparisons." In retrospect, as usual
Sixx was right.
Any ideas you tried out that
did not work - which and why not?
The self-promoted shows were
a great idea but Alan couldn't or wouldn't come up with the
money to produce them. I'm talking about larger package shows
with RATT, Stormer, Quiet Riot or WASP like the one we planned
in Oxnard, not the tiny shows Alan produced in Northern
California and Nevada.
The mentioned debut tour of europe that never
happend, had a Finnish promioter involved did you ever talk to
that promoter?
No, never talked to him. That was
Coffman's deal and frankly I'm not sure 'him' ever even existed,
it was all a scam by some Hollywood hustler to get Alan's
$10,000 bribe money.
-More cool short stories will come from Michael as I get
them. You too can now enjoy these things and infos. There will
be so many cool things also from others as the late summer comes
over us. many things have been set up and many cool inside and
untold stories hopefully will find their ways to the biggest and
most dedicated fansite of the Hollywood Four.
Enjoy talk to you all again shortly!! T "mutha fucking" Lee
19th of August 200SIXX,
Holy Fucking Shit - I Am Honoured!!
10:25PM CET
I have been sitting the last
couple of days with the stories from one certain Michael Flaherty who was Alan
Coffmann´s first and right hand in a business partner in 1981. Michael is a
guy that really lived the early 80s hair metal. if you still today 2006 sit
with wonders about who was actually amongst the first and biggest metal names
in Hollywood. Well Van Halen had already made a name for themselves as it
happened. it was a name everybody knew. Roth - that's David Lee Roth singer
and front man in Halen was a rock god. Everybody knew of him. And Crue were
friends with him as well. UK act Def Leppard had broken through on American
rock radio and Quiet Riot had made it big with "Metal Health" and a strong
front man in Kevin Dubrow. 1982 had RATT and W.A.S.P. in the works and they
both were names in the scene that draw an audience. At one time RATT`s Stephen
Pearcy was actually an inch away from being our heroes front man. There were
various happenings that really makes it a wonder Vince has been with the band
all this time. And now back with them again. To say the least.
Michael was witnessing it all.
he was friends with Blackie Lawless who's real name is Steve Durannd and he
loved RATT. He housed a ton of musicians in a place he build up that was rock
n roll hell and heaven in one and same time. Placed on Sunset Blvd. he bought
his ways in to a place that used to be rehearsal rooms for up n coming bands
later closed down. And now Michael wanted to reopen it. But things went
well... both right and wrong. A young band called Hollywood Rose came by first
in form of a skinny little guy named Steve Adler. He was a hungry starving man
that would do anything to have roof over his head and a place to house his
gear. He brought in the rest of the gang that was later to become Guns N
Roses. Michael saw them all. he fed them with money for visits daily at burger
king. he met and saw the guys in Poison before there ever was a Bret Michaels.
He offered them maybe half hearted who knows a female singer. She auditioned
but got sacked later after they had Bret and the name Poison they came by
Michaels new place and held rehearsal and studio room next door to Hollywood
I personally can only imagine
all the adventures Michael hold in his backpack. he is an amazing guy to hear
Michael have had his with the band in 81 before the "Too Fast " album ever saw
the light of day. I have gotten in contact with this man from the golden days
of when everything was about to happen.
One day he and I will meet. I am dead sure of it. Michael has a book out that
is shit cool telling all his stories and it has turned into a sell out first
and second edition. His third edition is in the making and should come in a
couple of months I think it was. Michael moved out of Hollywood that he loved
so shit much and now lives in Florida.
I am gonna get some things
talked through with Michael and have a so called questionnaire ready for the
diary to tomorrow for you all...
I for one cant wait, Michael thanks in advantage - your new found friend
Lee, Denmark
18th of August 200SIXX,
Crystal Eyes & Set Doings
10:55AM CET
Yeah I see it. A lot of you
people out there question my ways of handeling the gang of loyalty. Well not
question it as such but how it works.
Well I will put it short as I have done to the members already on there."Why
join something you cant put time into? Would you join a baseball club if you
never showed up for practice? Would you join a school or education if you
never attended? I wouldn`t. So there for I would not really see why anyone
would join the gang of loyalty unless you would like to work some sort of
teamwork in the name of Motley Crue. Aiming for goals we set together. Its
just not something I understand if you did join in but didnt wanna
participate. You know what I mean??
I think I have a few new doings
up my sleeve for the near future. I know that the thing in October with the
USA trip is something I like to get expanded and get great feelings about. I
have a couple of hopefully cool doings set up already. Hopefully we soon will
have a video thing on here too taht could grow with time. We will have somw
awesome times with the gang memebr Don Armstrong video shooting at his place
outdside detroit. Ryan another gang memeber I hop to meet in Detroit. The WRIF
I have plans there too and finally hopefully the boys themselves will be
a-okay with their time sceduals too as we get there. Just a few weeks later I
go to the US again and then its LA / Hollywood.
We have a few things set up.
There is going to be some Sunset Strip inking. There will be a new Londin
LeGrand hi n hello. There are more Crue history travellings lined up. The
shows and my man Dustin. Tommy Lee`s own personal photographer. He did the
shots for the methods cover shot a lot with Tommy then, on his Never A Dull
thing last year with Crue and more... Its fucking awesome what he does. he and
I have talked for sometime now. Finally in Nov we will meet and he will take
us through the vaults in photo land lol. I can not wait. He has promised me a
POSTER sized awesomeness in his personally fave pic of all times. I cant wait
to get it. Expensive but .its a thing that makes you fucking proud to have.
You see the funny thing with
Dustinis he lieke London LeGrand like ... well others often say that we are a
like in amny ways. We get each other. We get what the other does thinks and
where he coems from. Why he thinks like he does and so on. I am but so fucking
pleased to know these guys. I love em. I respect them all and there is nothing
- nothing - on earth that would make me say or do anything to kill that
respect. cant wait to go see all again. Also my other Californian friends in
MANDY LION and Joelle....I love them all... I am a lucky son of a bitch. No
doubt about it.
Now I have a line of great
frineds out there now that has givin me some really cool chances in many ways.
I miss you all. I also wish people would not have the kind stubburness and
egos many carry round.
I could go on and on about things but would most likely bore you to death si
this is gonna be the final news fillings for the day from me.
Any one from Europe that
reads this - get in touch with me at
lee@tdcspace.dk if you
are SERIOUS as a fan and collector and would like to try to do things on
European ground.
I am all here for you guys!!! what do you say ???
later perverts, Lee
16th of August 200SIXX,
Elvis & Supernova
8:39PM CET
Guess where this dog is RIGHT
NOW!!! this very minute as I post this it is about 20 minutes and 20yrs ago
that the danish national television informed the nation here that the king of
rock n roll Elvis Presley has died. 42 years old. The king is gone. i sit here
posting with goosebumps all over my body with my salute to the in my mind
still king of rock by playing his records. it is 20 years today and i feel
like I miss him so much. He is the reason my music interest is so intense
today. yes it was KISS and it is Motley Crue in 2006 but yet Elvis is on the
player every now and then. He will forever and ever be the one I appreciate
the most. Elvis is the one single person that can make me really emotional and
go totally inside myself. I treasure you Elvis. hail be your name and your
talent. You were the one that gave me the urge to dedicate my life to music in
the way I do it.
Elvis Presley has sold over one billion record units worldwide, more than
anyone in record industry history. In America alone, Elvis has had 150
different albums and singles that have been certified gold, platinum or Miltie-platinum
by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), he In 1956, Elvis
made his network television debut with the first of his six appearances on
Stage Show, a weekly variety program hosted by Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey.
Elvis starred in 31 feature films as an actor and
two theatrically released concert documentary films. Elvis Presley’s three
network television specials - Elvis (1968) , Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii, via
Satellite (1973), and Elvis in Concert (1977) - stand among the most highly
rated specials of their time. His 1968 special, Elvis , is one of the most
critically acclaimed music specials of all time. His 1973 special, Elvis -
Aloha from Hawaii, via Satellite , was seen in 40 countries by 1 billion to
1.5 billion people and made television history. It was seen on television in
more American homes than man’s first walk on the moon. The United States
Junior Chamber of Commerce (the Jaycees) named Elvis One of the Ten
Outstanding Young Men of the Nation for 1970 in a ceremony on January 16,
1971, one of Elvis’ proudest moments. This award has been given since 1938 and
has honored men of achievement in all areas of endeavor - sports, government,
science, medicine, entertainment, etc.
Graceland, Elvis Presley’s home and refuge for twenty years, is one of
the most visited homes in America today, now attracting over 600,000
visitors annually. It is also the most famous home in America after the
White House. In 1991, Graceland Mansion was placed on the National
Register of Historic Places. In 2006, Graceland was designated a
National Historic Landmark. Currently, there are over 625 active Elvis
fan clubs worldwide. Elvis' popularity is at an all-time high, and his
legacy continues to reach new audiences. Half of Graceland's visitor
ship is age 35 and under. Elvis died as a 42 year old lonely man. he
would have been 71 this year had he been around. For my motley friends
to understand or not - I pay my respect to the King and his voice
tonight. Nothing is being done tonight rather than listening to his
Supernova the Tommy Lee Project has opened their official fan club this
week too. There is a pre-order chance to get the debut CD to come.
Should be delivered if you do pre-order it round Nov. 21st.
To actually follow the original four members of the Motleys are on top
of the band itself hell right now for me. I am in financial bankruptcy.
I still ma not fond of the Supernova thing. But I do try to collect all
i can for and on the band. I think it is a little too ..hmmm don't know
.. irrelevant and well, not too revolutionary and cool. But I can be
mistaken as it starts rolling sure. But right now no... I really hope to
see Magni getting it. The way they do things in the band and the things
that are lined up with the debut gig on new years in Las Vegas can be
looked at as something they will have success with but will I myself
attend it at all? maybe to just check it out -one show one something
somewhere. I guess that could be. But for no other reason than Tommy
being in it. I can honestly say that without blinking. It is getting
closer and closer to the last handful of singers around too. More
exciting to me now? No!!!! Just still hope Magni get it. Hope they will
drop the Rock dude... mention no names but they are pretty fond of
him everyone is. Me, no...
I think
we can look forward to a shit load of things to come from now on till
the summer of 2007. There simply is a hell of a lot of things to look
for if you are like or even just a bit like me. At times you can even
learn to hate being like me. Its a never ending thing that sadly really
takes its toll when there are activities in the solo member camps like
solo music projects and clothing lines and more. It is fucking not easy
to cope with. Financially its a living hell kind of!! - on qua flash
news the Diary drug new to come book from Sixx has now been pushed to
Early 2007 as well. Its really weird how the deadlines and first couple
of official dates that's being brought to us always gets pushed up some
when its something about KISS or the Crue. First new things from Sixx`s
new clothing line is in stores late Oct early Nov too Hang tough. Love
you all, Lee
PS: the
last time mentioned payment sent to the states I was worried about has
seen its destination today. Thank god. So soon there is another line of
shit getting added on the Loyalty.DK site
13th of August 200SIXX,
One Out Of Two & New Sections
12:36PM CET
Alright the week-end has been
giving me one of two great results if you will. I have two payments sent to
the US for things to be dealt with. One and the bigger of the two has arrived
and that is super.
I really needed this one to
arrive in the US now. And it is. That covers things that are about to come
soon later in the month. I think I will have a cool time going through whats
there to come at Corinna`s place. All the stuff that has been talked about now
for some time will get cleared early next week and there by getting packed and
getting shipped out. I is things that are somehow so hard for me to believe
that I actually now has ended up with. Its quiet simply amazing. It has been a
lot on my mind the last day or so since Corinna informed that the 9000 plus
check arrived yesterday. Think about it. Who - being a serious fan - would not
be in heaven if one could go shop Motley Crue collectibles for 9000 dollars?
Fuck !!! Its almost a joke. But this isn't. It`s as real as it gets. The real
deal. And I am loving every minute of it.
Also on the .COM site there are
new sections added these last few days. As something new we have put a little
"NEW" mark next to the sections that have been added things to it. many have
requested something so they would not have to go through everything every
time. Lol, I sure would not mind. Lol, But I know what you're saying all. many
are regular visitors on here and its hell to go through everything every week
to see the addings. I know what its like. So I get the picture. And it just
gets bigger fucking all the time. I know this too.
But that's the whole point. Let the sucker grow. Let it take over. Let the
site dominate the motley sites on the world wide web lol. I would love if that
site here could become a really talked about and appreciated one. becoming an
unavoidable site for the collectors and the diehards. I've no ego in that
field but I long ofr throwing the ultimate site together that quiet simply
holds what many longs for but never ever get to see in a fan site. Hell a lot
of bands and their official sites aren't even cool. I think take the news
section and the shout board out of the bands official site on our boys too
then it begins to be a whole lot of nothing. You know what I am saying?
Hopefully my second payment to
the US and Corinna will reach her Monday or Tuesday too so the next line of
shit can be covered. I am still running in high gear on the spending front and
the expanding of the collection. The day I stop this or the day I die (again)
I AM SURE I AM GONNA DIE WITH A SMILE. Idid this and did that. and all. I have
sort of already planned the next Hollywood / Los Angels visit is gonna be in
November and it should once again hold a line of locations and stings to add
to the "Meet n Greet The Motley World" section on the .COM one. have some
fairly cool places to get on the list. Amazing that these things are just
about as big as meeting the persons of the band in person for me. I have maybe
done just that a little too many times lol. Anyway its gonna be a blast
fucking eyy it will.
I dream of something. You wanna know what it is? Really? Okay here it is. I
dream of all of us that are working on this site the Loyal Gang to put it
short, that we will ones a year get together for a day or a week-end and just
share our passion with everything that's in this for all of us. the shared
passion for the band. I would seriously adore that. I would forever be
grateful could we do that and keep it going and just ..... ohh well I will
have to see if we can do that. wonder if any in the gang member section are
gonna respond to this idea? We still need people in the European field to join
us. We could do something totally untouched here as well. It really kills me I
cant reach people on that. I have posted on all official sites about this and
people just don't seem to be interested. I get a lot of excuses for this and
that NOT to get active on any of my ideas. Well - fuck the non believers. I
believe and I have dedicated my whole existence to this. Ohh well we will l
see if I can make another shot at it.
don't give up. Don't let go. Till we have given it all we`ve got. Its well
worth the fight to show all that we can and will do this. I think we can
really do this together. Give me 3 or 4 DEDICATED people and we can do more
much more than you even dare think about.
Anyway till next time - may you
all have a good Sunday. take care - peace, Tommy
10th of August 200SIXX,
Whats where?
8:35PM CET
Some have asked after
splitting the website up what is where. It is really simple.
The collection on Motley Crue and everything that has got to do with any item
on them is on the
www.mcrueloyalty.dk site. There is also the diary
and guestbook. And links to the new site and
the My Space one. It should be really simple really. Still in doubt or having
ideas or comments use that kickstart section. Thanks
site is now holding the solo careers of the members. Their side projects and
bands. My own story about what and who I am and all.
It also holds the diary and guestbook there so that any one can read all thats
going on. No matter if they prefer the collection site or the more personal
ongoings site.
It also holds a "guide" kind of
things with short notes and pictures from places in southern California where
the band or a member ones wrote history. There is a link page to other
likings of mine in rock n roll. And there is a Crue Shop that will later on
hold some LOYALTY.COM and .DK items you will have a cool chance to get your fingers on.
Everything about the gang members are on the .COM one too and the soon to come
video clips and MUCH much more. Either way you
will as a TRUE fan and
collector get a kick out of any of the sites I am sure.
I have tried to build them up
as something totally new and so far unseen fansite on the boys .. still far
from my goal with this .. but its getting BETTER!!!
Enjoy!!! Your host T. Lee
8th of August 200SIXX,
New Site Premiere TOUGH!!
7:13PM CET
Just a quick one for ya.
Have already posted my thought for the day! But the very latest as yu can see
the MCrueLoyalty.DK has changed a lot. Much is now to be found on the sister
site of
and that one is online NOW!!! Not
fully in perfect shape we are still working on it and still doing minor
changes. But you can still go through it and you can still see a few new
things on there. I think we will have a great couple of teamworking sites
here. Also dont forget the all active My Space site too from the Loyalty gang.
Link on the from page of both .com and .dk thanks a lot.
Check out the new one & spit
out a comment in the gang diary if you are onboard OR just a vicitor post a
thing in the kickstart my heart section. We appreciate your time to stop by
andcheck us out. hell yeah!
W W W . M C R U E L O Y A L T Y . C O M
W W W . M C R U E L O Y A L T Y . D K
August 8th 200SIXX,
Added New Show & Creepy feelings
8:50AM CET
Shit man, it looks like
there is not much going with sales in the band right now. A lot of things
on eBay does not even sell. Its a tricky period of time. You could if
someone put up stuff for garbs actually get something for a slick. Man
that blows me out. I am not having anything more bought for some time. I
am having 2 trips over in October and November and right now i am not
gonna see all the shows planned for .Simply course there is not money for
it. Period. It sinks in more and more that I would not have mind not
seeing this tour as I felt it even back in March as I decided not to go.
But now I will but in really scrapped version of a trip or trips. I so
rather want the tour merchandise I have everything that was sold on the
tour(s) so far since 2004!! Not gonna miss this.
Speaking of tours or shows
another one has just been added;
headline the New York stop of the Ambassadors of Rock Tour. On Monday,
September 18, MÖTLEY CRÜE, will take the stage at Hard Rock Cafe New York,
performing legendary hits such as "Dr. Feelgood" and "Shout at the Devil".
MÖTLEY CRÜE will take time out of the band's packed tour schedule to
celebrate the company's 35th anniversary and to rock one of the world's
most historic stages, in the former Paramount Theatre, joining such greats
as FRANK SINATRA, ELVIS PRESLEY and THE BEATLES. I am not gonna be there
and that fucking blows. 25 times more rather see this that 3 concerts.
That is a fact of my personal opinion. Fuck!!!
The Supernova
shit is just not awesome I dont think. Its another TV hyped something in
the limelights of Mr. Lee. As I saw the chapter of them writing their own
songs individually, that chick Dilana who seems to be so popular SUCKED
ass. She was not haivng it. She totally blew it she is not a good
lyricist. Lukas -- yeah he gets it but he has a singing problem. he is
singing in his throat and not his stomack. NOT GOOD: I still say Magni and
Toby as I did from the get go. They are just greater stage persons as a
full package.
It just gives me
the creeps. I am sure they will get a good amount of attention But I do
not see the band Supernova being any more than a GOLD status selling act
at the most. I could get suprised but I dont think so. I think people have
had a little too much of all the TV land hyped serial shit. Good clean
family entertainment you can trust. I dont think so. As said the other day
new addings are in the sections of what ever in the LOOKS .... my
collection. About 35 new pieces have been added. Talk again soon. Chin up
folks. Rock out!!! Later
August 6th 200SIXX, New Addings, New Site
1:23PM CET
Sunday it is. And what a fine
Sunday. We all love the way it is here. Not too hot, not too cold. And I have
gotten a shit load of cool things to do and say. First of I have gotten a
great idea from an activity a friend of mine in Sweden, Alexander has been
doing. A KISS fan
since 88 or so ... and he has a yearly KISS Excibition in Sweden. My god it
so cool. Such a shit cool idea. Things from his collection is
displayed for people to see there and all. Its awesome. I can hardly believe
the idea. Its a blast. Like KISS or not. I should do this with Motley Crue.
Its just Denmark .......no its not the place for it. And more much more than half
the collection is here in Denmark NOT in the US of A. You see I have so shit
much stuff it would ruin me to bring all over there. So an excibition would
be maybe a little bit too much to dream
for. But it is a thing for the future maybe? Hell I dont know here are a few
pictures from his KISS excibition by the way. Awesome...
Another thing is site
two :
it is coming up online this week we are heading
towards. Yes!!! It is really happening. It has been ready for a long time
but we surely have also been stalled waiting for the codes and all from the host
master. From the company we have bought web space from. Trust me it will be
a cool, cool thing that we are about to open up for. Things in there are what we already know of from the .DK
site but yes.... more new sections are being
created and so too. New things will be added to it, slowly a few new things
will be there already as it goes up online. I tell you guys it will kick
ass. But I am not pleased until I can actually say "ITS THE BIGGEST AND
THE BEST" and we really do wanna aim for that one I tell you. Just be
patient. It takes a lot of money and a lot of time to do. There is a new
section coming up on the .COM one called "Meet N Greet The Motley Crue
World" it holds only extremely short sections and pictures from places they
created history some how. That is one short page but it took 100s and 100s
of dollars a lot of days and patience to go round to vicit the places and get
the pictures to put up on there. If you start looking at the site like that
you will soon enough get ill and puke. It has costed a shit lot of hard work
money and worries to get the things thats on here. But I have decided to
build the site for 2 reasons only!!! I want to bring a fan site of the
Motleys that has previously been unseen. I have never seen a site that
truely kicked my ass or pleased me in a way beyond words. I am still not there with this one but I am aiming. And I am not quitting till its done.
the second one was for my own self to have something listed so I could see
it here instead of going through box upon box looking for a poster a CD or
something before I could actually say "ohh I am missing this and that" or
vise versa. You know what I mean?
This week-end here now is
holding new stuff added to the site in the sections of; Posters, Tommy solo,
Nikki solo, Magazine Posters, Magazine Covers, Articles, This n That,
Singles, Vinyls, Displays, Picks and Shirts. More is coming shortly. A
larger audio and video listing is under way. And then there after I guess
its time to add more of the stuff again like we have just done. Soon upon that we
are closing in on the HUGE personal lot to come to South Carolina I guess.
the much talked about stage used items. That will be a lot of cool shit too
to get added on here. At least a lot of money in them pictures. And then
hopefully we are closing in on the vidoe clips to get added. It is something
I am personally looking forward to for sure. Also I am as some of you
may know going to the states again in October and meeting up with a lot of
great people and bringing home yet another lot of stuff to go on here. Ohh
shit. Yeah I am almost exausted from just thinking about it. Coming home and
then 2 weeks later I am going over there again. it will also be a fast tight
packed trip with new addings to the above mentioned Crue History location
page to come. And a lot more video coolness. Yes freaks it will be some shit
cool late summer fall that we are heading towards. And in the mean time this
old fart here (me) has a lot of preparations to do with all kinds of things.
I can only say this - you wonder if I dont do anything else in my awaken
life? Lol, lol I can understand why the question may be on your lips. But
the answer is yes. there are the every day things I too have to deal with
like all you others out there. So maybe woth that in mind you now
understand why I do not have time to have kids, family and most of all the
so called ordinary things people want out of life. THIS IS MY LIFE.
I REALLY need to get my shit
together though. I am totally horney when it comes to meeting new people and
i do so much of it right now. Like a danish band that recently contacted me
about management. they wanted me to be in over them. I dont know ... I have
not seen them live so I have booked a gig at a little local place just to
see them up on stage. So who the fuck knows? maybe that is my next thing.
Maybe that is what i am going back to also. Working with bands like this.
Done it before but quit. Long other story ......
Anyway, Jesse and I are gonna
start looking more into the crue Convention to come 2007. It will be a
really hard job to do and pull off. But hey its gonna be a cool thing if we
can have it done in the way i dream of. We will see how it comes around.
Corinna have been busy doing pictures and gaining things for me over there
too. She has been quiet active for a couple of long days, Morten the new and
latest adding to the gang is in full work on checking out things to be made
in the name of Loyalty.DK and .com........ Angie is always busy like fuck
with things we try to get in on. We wanna try to break through to some
magazines, TV, Radio and what have you. To get in and spread the word. Jesse
just is a constant mover - awesome buddyy!!! The other guys are doing theirs
and I just need to catch up with them all and so on.
It is all in an expanding movement. Really. Sadly there have been too
little time for other things right now. But maybe you guessed that from
what has been written here already? More to come - Stay Loyal -
"Your host of
The loaylty gang"
3rd of August 200SIXX, Drugs, Delays & Others
8:39PM CET
Alright yet another new member in the gang of loyalty is listed. I think it
looks fairly good. When I think of the things we could actually do together all
as one gang it blows my mind. But we are gonna have to of course - do way
better. It think it is all priorities in each our lives. I wish sometimes I did
not have so many contacts to people. I dream of meeting my own kind. but no
matter what I do where I go and whom I talk to everyone says the same thing: YOU
WONT FIND THAT PERSON. Unless you look in the asylum or someplace like that,
cause you are fucking not normal. Normal?? Fuck normal-icy. Smoke it !!!
There really is not much going
on here trying to over come my long lost cash sent out Friday!! 9000 plus
dollars for MOTLEY ITEMS... that's fucking not real when you have just done
what I have the last long long time. It has been a lot of this and that for a
long long long long time now with absolutely no break. So I find myself
sitting here going "I think I will back out a bit for some time not getting to
know too much. not being fully updated and all. Just focus on the every day
life the site and what is already going for a while at least said. Catching my
breath again and trying to get myself back in better shape. Trust me I need
that. I know what you all are thinking too. How can I? And why dint I just
drop that idea? Course that sure as hell wont happen. Well.....I will try just
for a period of time anyway. Think of it as a "refuel my engines". I need it I
feel. I am normally quiet good at listening to my body. But now I think its
time again for such a move.
I just got off the phone with
one Herby Bowman. Finally we talked. Sorry dude for calling you driving lol.
But you guys are heading out for vacation and I am just a happy duck to
finally have catched you on the phone. I think we will have some great future
bonds. Only Herby and Corinna kind of knows what what this means to me what he
and I are doing. Ohh pardon me - how rude ...lol... he is the guy that helped
me getting all the stage probs to come. In a good two weeks or something it
should be slowly but surely getting packed and shipped off to South Carolina.
I am so happy about this. I still see it as a hard fact with out cash you are
fucked. But when it comes to Crue for me personally this is ONLY MONEY. Paper
with some ink on it. That also makes me receive things that gives me bigger
better pleasure than anything on planet earth could ever give. part from a
girl - if it would a girl willing to and wanting to do those parts of my inner
dreams as well. But that is one thing that life can and never will bring us
any guarantees for. No bonds or relationships are guaranteed. I know I can
guarantee myself to ONE single person if only I see and get what i would do
and give to that one person in return. So I in the end, end up with this one
That is the only field if you
will I can fully trust. As it is up to me and not a girl friend, a brother,
sister or boss or anyone. Its me only.....
I can trust that. With out hesitation. I never let myself down. I am very
loyal and true to myself on this. Life is too fucking short to NOT be!!!
So from talking to Herby I got
comfortable for sure. I am so thankful for your willingness to settle this
deal with me. even though it was at some point a long shot. You could NOT!!!
have sold to a bigger fan. That's all I can guarantee you man. But I truly
wish i could give you or show you my appreciation for everything in other ways
than a shitty phone call. But for now alright, Thanks a million. Can not wait
to get it, come to U.S.A. and see it for myself and also receive the video of
it all before or while being packed. Yes folks that's right I threw a request
to Herby on that and he promised to do so and send it to Denmark before I head
over. So you people can see the video online later. Or parts of it at least.
There is this video clip section to come up on here once the second
Loyalty.com site comes online in a few days. Thanks man really!!!!!
While sitting here gasping for
a relaxed atmosphere and all I at the same time can almost not wait to get
started on new things. New things with the website. I want it to blow peoples
minds. It does not in my own mind quiet do that just yet. Its big yes - its
cool yes - interesting yes - but still fairly far from what I would like it to
be. Patience? Is that what I hear you guess out there say? Well I do have that
- just so keen on working on the site some more MUCH more.... adding and
getting new things that aren't on any sites anywhere. New turns in the fansite
universe. I long for the ultimate rush with the Loyalty.dk and .com.
I want it to kill not just kick
ass. I am just too bored
here in ordinary life and
then I need to have some goals and right now them goals can not be with things
costing money GUESS WHY lol lol ohh well.... I just need to be busy and all.
Creative. That's my rush in life.
I hope you guys will be cool
where ever you all are. I again thank all that is supportive of the site and
checking in ones in a while. thanks a lot.
There will be a few more things
put up on here in the collection section "looks that kill" in the weekend.
Remember all new adding only happens every second week. At least for some time
But damn its gonna be good to have some structure too lol. For a while at
least. A lot of new audio video things in the "Cruecial facts" section too
will come up on there. have a couple of bigger deals in the works too. I think
about a good 70 concerts on video and a good same amount of audio shows will
come on there with time. More after that too sure, but that's about what I
have deals going for on that field right this minute. A bunch of things are in
the U.S.A. still. Corinna has scanned and done some pictures of some of it but
she is not fully done so the rest will come in time. Always good to have
something in the waits isn't it? Lol... sure it is. I think we will all be
enjoying the things that are in the works on this site.
Mr. psycho!!!!
29th July 200SIXX, Fuck I Did It And It Feels Good
10:46AM CET
It is Saturday the so called
"Day After". Yes the huge long talked about thing on the deal holding lots of
past tour stage props got kind of sealed yesterday!! I sent a huge mutha
fucking check to America of over 9000 dollars and that should cover what I
almost wanted. Lol, lol, I know its like "WHAT ? What did you just say?" yeah
You heard me people. It covers almost all I wanted in this one lot. I got the
master pieces I think and a lot deal that took my sickness of doings to even
greater heights. I just could not say no!! All in all you will see it as it
arrives at my second Motley house. The one in the U.S.A. Greer South Carolina.
It holds so many great things.
I am almost scared t think of it. Lots of used things drum parts and pedals
drum heads in the 100s, lots of backdrops, stage / tour fans many items from
the "lued Crued" live DVD the girls girls girls door the Hollywood strip
tattoo backdrop, street light and so many more cool things. I am so pleased.
Tommy Lee`s old tour make up box still holding a few personal things. Drum
stool seats, the Rocket platform used on G.Swine tour Mic stand and mic.
Older things like the thing with what Tommy keep time, the sport marked DRP 20
is where the Dynatron DRP20 would patch in, the Stunt Kit MIDI A
and B, is that spot for the brain from the electronic drum pads, From QX1 Out
is where they hooked in the Yamaha QX1 sequencer, and last the K-1000 out was
Tommy's Headphones, bass chord made and personalized for Nikki.... and the
list is so long. Guess who feels its Christmas all over.
Plus remember the auctions from
last year Nikki sold out of used shirts jackets pants etc? yeah I got a few
things back then of that stuff. Now two people are a Little bit in financial
trouble leaving no names at all. And I have been offered some of these shirts
auctioned off. I will get 3 of those now too. Also money sent to those
yesterday. Saving a lot of money as a complete deal. Had I been the winner of
the three shits back then and paid what the winners did. I should have paid
about 3500 dollars more than I am now. Great fucking save. That's is idiotic
not to do anything about would you not agree. I mean especially with me being
a fan and collector of the magnitude that I am. Shit yes. it is totally cool.
I bet also the stuff that I get of the stage props would have cost me a good
lot more had I been bidding on it piece by piece on eBay or somewhere else for
that matter. Holy crap. It was a huge and sick sick lot of cash to ship out of
the account and pour into Motley items for god knows what time... but hell
this collection is only with this and the huge award deal I did over the past
few months getting so much more exciting.
There are so many things still
in the works of smaller deals too. It is not stopping. I promise you. Recently
got an original wedding invitation and other cool paper stuff from the Lee
Locklear wedding 1986. The seller attended this wedding in person and has a
full photo album holding shots of the event. I like to get that lot out of her
as well. I think its actually possible. very kind very friendly people. Today
they have no contacts to either of the two Tommy or heather. But there is a
chance we that too - the house of the pair back then - can be added to the
section coming up on the new .com page end of first week in August.
I really think it is a house
that could be shot for the listing there too. It has been a heck of a busy
month of all kinds of actions. Ton of worries too but most of them are now
over the doubt have been dealt with the deals have passed their deadlines some
have been missed and most of the cool ones have been won over and acted on.
I think there are a lot of
ideas in my head still that kind of haven't been looked in on deeply. But it
has been because of these other things like deals, the site and others ...they
have simply taken all my time and energy. I have been sick as a dog from it
too. Not slept well. Not eaten well and so on. Now it is kind of over I have
passed the last mountain top on this trip. And there now is a chance to
actually feel a Little more relaxed. And oh my do I need it. I have been
worryng and sitting still with computers and phone calls and paper work like
you wont believe. gained weight as hell I feel and "grown out" of half my
closet holdings. Lol. It is hard for me to deal with course I have absolutely
nothing that eve reminds any living creature of "good shape2 left in my entire
But I did at the end of my suffering and hard work get a lot of Motley stuff
out of it. Which all are about to find its way to the collection here - damn
right !!
I have also grown out of room
here at my house seriously - so the kitchen has now been taken over the
holding of records and CDs, computer and all crap. Shit that is really giving
one something to think about. There simply is not much to work with no more
here space wise. It is kind of a weird feeling but I saw it coming a long time
ago. I think it is a wicked thing that the fact has now finally hit me right
in the face here and there are nothing I can do except live with it or move
out. Guess what I do? For a longer time at least I live with it.
Alright all my dear and global
friends, it is now time for a thing to do and say I have not said or known for
a long - I`ll rap this one up and then i will have a nice meal and REST.....
yes the man said REST!! It feels even fucking weird to say the word. but after
today the huge check of dollars the re decorations of the kitchen lol, lol and
more is really something that took from 1PM yesterday till 3.20 Am this
morning. And yet still I was up and have been up since 6AM too. Had a lot to
tal to Corinna about and so I did. One more dude may be joining the gang of
loyalty he is pretty active in his own ways anyway. Morten Foldrup. I think he
can be a fairly good and different kind of guy to invite on board the loony
train of Cruesters. We will see what happens. Till next time folks .... enjoy
your week-end.
Peace, Tommy
27th of July 200SIXX,
Heavy Deals, Hot Heat, No half hearted Actions
11:11 AM CET
With heat locally over 125
degrees here in Denmark there is no way I feel or anybody else for that
matter it is a nice day. 14 people have died in the little country this
summer alone from heat.
That is quiet a lot. We are
only 5 million here. My god it is killing everyone. People are screaming for
cooler times now. We where we live are used to and feel extremely
comfortable at about 70 80 perhaps.
I personally like the winter.
I always have. I just feel good with the fact that next week it is going to
be August and Oct and Nov will soon enough come over us. That will bring a
far better temp. too. Ohh boy.
This is the last day before a
check of over 9000 US dollars will go to USA for Motley doings, it feels
kind of sick to say it out loud. But that is whats gonna happen. In 24 hours
there is a check on its way to the states covering a lot of heavy
collectibles again. That will set me back for a long, long, long, long time
but its all good. I can not believe it. Hopefully I will not regret it. Or I
will be in shit trouble. Morten my brother has thought about joining in on
the gang situation. Providing all with team work and maybe some future site
items and all. Yes he has been thinking about things and he may do some
shirts key rings coffee mugs and other stuff. I am not all sure.
We have a meeting this weekend and we will see how things unfold. Two of our
gang members have already done quiet well on a birth to yet another
Cruefests next year. Much more on that too on here. Later.
It is great to see all the
things that are growing. It is great to see all the things that are coming
but it is also great to see on astricht personal level that the collection
is still growing as it is. And with the payment tomorrow going out there
will be added a new hot line of things to the site for sure. Tons of things
in the personal section, posters, magazines, shirts, this n that, records,
CDs, DVD`s and more. But it ill take a while to do all this and of course it
has to come first too. This is not going to be send to Denmark it kind of
stays in the US for many reasons. How ever there is a chance to have these
and other things in use later on if things will it that I move over there in
2007 or something. We will see where it all takes me.
Heavy dealings in a fucking
hot summer time of 2006!!! NO half hearted doings here. Not in the name of
the band anyways.
I see and have talked to several people now that have attended the first
show in a while which was last Saturday at this years Rock Fest. They were
nothing to proud of. There were something everyone talks about at least if
you are a fan. Vince Neil. His alcohol problems are getting worse if that is
a word that could describe it. He has been for years an alcoholic but he has
the last 12 months now been seen in various cities they have toured in less
and less sober. And with his blood spitting thing and all going on he or the
boys and their management should take actions. This is not only killing the
him it is also killing the band and a great career. It is terrifying to see
him do this to himself. Lots of old issues are undealt with for the man in
his personal life and maybe this is what it all comes from.
He just needs to get things
done about it.
There are things to come in a
way that would set many of us on a hard test. If you are a collector like
myself 2007 will be a year that will or at least easily can kill your
economy. There are so much coming its almost sick. Well - unless as it
happens from time to time that things change and it from there will get
delayed or simply canceled again. I don't know. It is just a weird thing
from time to time. I love to say I want to keep up and have all bases
covered but with what things costs and all the travel expenses too on top of
it, it is just not possible to keep doing things. Sorry but its not!!
I am trying as hard as I can
though. This huge deal tomorrow was just a one off chance and offer and I
could not say no to it. The thing is done and the thing is now in high
In a Little week or so the
second MCrueLoyalty site is coming up. It is ready for uploading we just
need codes and all other small needed details from the company!!
That means that we have a Loyalty.dk and a .com one. Yes it sounds sick and
it sounds unreal for a fan site only. But its that big here now. Its a huge
thing and its done in a way we want it. A way that makes us way different
than anyone else. Its just cool period. I so hope for things to go right
with all that's coming from here too. We need a lot of things and we need a
lot of doings for the many goals I or we have. The group of people working
on this here together.
That's kind of all from here today I guess. I get back at the end of the
weekend with some updates on how things have gone with some of the projects
that we hold on to here.
from hells backyard steamy
PS: If anyone is interested
in an extremely rare edition of THE DIRT Scandinavian edition then now is your chance. It
is limited edition and it is very hard to find. Officially not in sale outside Sweden. 10 Avail.
Brand new hardcover edition. Collectible and rare as hell!!! $100.00
22nd of July 200SIXX,
Motley Yes butThere Is Something Else...
11:25PM CET
Yes I know funny how life can
turn out. For the first time in a long time I feel for posting something that
is not exactly news. Not exactly Crue loyalty exclusive as such.
It is Friday evening again I
should be out there in the dark in the streets going "whhoooo Hoooo thank god
its Friday lets go apepoo". But you see I am not that kind of guy. Sure I love
to party but not at a disco with the so called ordinary rules and politics. No
it would make my ass scratch. I would be one of two things. beat up by the
god damn fashion freaks they are so on dope at the discos these modern times.
Or I would be extremely bored. hell who knows maybe even both. You all ask
Corinna I am not the guy to impress the easiest. I would have to see something
new and something new that would be kicking my ass too. Not much these days in
life does.
SO here I am chicked out
staying home with my god damn lap top and ones again missing out on the
parties out there in the world. It so hit me for the gazillion time I LOVE
ROCK N ROLL. But I enjoy it in a so different way than most. As I post this
the latest from Buckcherry is spinning close to midnight at HIGH volume so I
bet tonight will be the latest for me getting a knock on my doors from the
blue cap man. Also known as the local police. "Could you please turn the god
damn noise down and shot the windows" See what I mean? Man rules ordinary
misery and the list is endless. You see every day I am forced to ad another
name to the list of people that pisses me off. I do not know about you guys
but I would say this.....I am freaky lucky to be solid self loyal. Following
my hart still now the big 4 0 hit my ass this month. I do not do whats safe
and smart in this rotten world that i love so much. I have brains but I do not
use it much. I go by heart. I follow my heart. I follow my passion. It is by
far the most insecure to do unless you are already a successful Miltie
millionaire. Which I think I could have been but now never will be. I like to
hear what is honest in life. Truth often hurts the most? I agree to a certain
point. You see I like critics. Especially towards myself. It is the only thing
you learn from. You do not learn from success you get greedy. And I hate
greed. I would give my baby the world. i would give my mom the world. She gave
me life. And it kind of stops there. Right there. I would be there in need for
my friends. For life. Some out there knows this already!!! Some out there
knows me better than 99. 9999 of all people around me and they should know I
will ALWAYS AND EVER be there for them. Right now i have a gang in my loyal
site of the Motleys and I tell you they are as different as the 4 seasons
individually. But I love them all. I am just getting to know some of them. But
if they would they would in me have a solid trust and good friend for life. I
do not look at things lightly. Things and life are way too complicated for
most in that field. I am and have fought hard to break that rule. And I hate
life for the fact that I have had to fight so hard almost waste so many years
of my short life to win over what I today can call inner balance and pride in
my doings. I will forever love what I do or I would not do it no more.
I often feel it is me against
the world and the biggest enemies in my existence are the Crue fans fighting
with me over items I want and the employers. Every one else I am not in fear
of. Every one else is either a friend or just another living soul out there. I
love to get things build up to my own satisfaction but I rarely do. I am also
always a one man army for life. It will most likely never change. I love one
girl these days but she is far far from willing to do and head for the things
I would like in a bind between two people. And NO!!! I am not talking about
Motley here. There is are a few other things in life part from them 4 sick
bastards. Oops! Did I really say that? Damn right I did. And I fucking meant
it too. I seem way too passionate about things in life not having things in my
life course I have to or anything like that. No. I think life is shit short
and you fucking sleep one third away of it too. So with 2 thirds left minus
work obligations and shit whats really left in life for true glittering gold?
relationships love music and all could be some of the things. So open up show
a will and try to aim for goals. Set goals. Don't make a list of ego bitching
sickness and excuses for not do this and not do that. I hear it way too many
times in life "ohh but that's not me I am so n so n so and you cant deal with
that you take a hike". Why don't these people not just say ITS MY WAY OR THE
HIGHWAY. That's what they say anyway but - politely. I am sick of their sorry
I guess tonight has made me
think in peace about the things in life I have done people I have met fights I
fought won and lost. The joy and sorrow I have had. It has been a rich life. I
tell you out there. It has been a rich life. One I am getting to know these
days "A. W." I think alot about things in your life these days. i hope your
heart wont die these days from what you may or may not be going through. I
truly am here if you want a shoulder or just a listener. I will never let you
down. Bets of luck with the ongoing.
I have a few things here that I
need to focus on, where I am in life right now. Things that also has Motley
involvements. But they are things that is a now a never thing too not right
this second but rather long term actions that could give me a totally new kind
of life. It is mind blowing how great things can become and how great things
can turn out if two people just really open up and stick together support one
another and what ever else is needed to be a success.
have you ever asked yourself
sitting isolated with yourself, where am I in life? what do I have? Do I have
what I want? or am I right now on the totally wrong path in life of who I am
inside my heart? Am I willing to change for that that I dream of? Do I dare
show weaknesses? Do I dare being vulnerable?
Life is best when you let
people see your true inner heart. I have been n both worlds and I prefer the
last. The totally nude personality. Be proud of yourself. Don't hide behind
something and get aggressive as you get weak. Work on it and learn to be loyal
first and foremost to yourself Most people are not. Do not give a shit what
they proclaim to be. They are not. They a a facade a walking play. You see
what they aloud you to see on the surface. I am not good with that. I have
lots of weaknesses but then I tell people that. I need hello in this and on
that please would you help me. I am not that strong in this or physically or
what ever it may be. I have no problem what so ever admitting it. And that is
why my inner balance is so eased so calm so great.
Hope I am not boring you all
out too much here. I simply say - think again in everything that you do.
Follow your heart NOT your brains (too much) and your life will be a bit more
appreciated but you wont fully know till you have tried it. I promise.... Your
personal little bitch - on a Saturday
21st of july 200SIXX, One
Week To Go & Then Boom!!
11:50AM CET
Wreck that shit!!! hell yeah
all my dudes and dudettes... lol....I am so freaky busy have so many things
going I can almost not find hours enough in the day!!
The so called ordinary life is a thorn up my ass and I hate it. doing
everything I can to avoid the crap. sadly it has its imput on the every day
life. Especially since I am not a rich fucker and there for not fully able to
ignore it as I really like to do. I have a few things I have got to do and
they are so gonna set its limits to everything else for the next long long
long time. i am on the shitster here from next friday andon. it is freakin me
out every now and then. Good I am not a family man a dad or something like it.
the family and the kis would have been so left out in the cold.
I just can not find joy in that
part of life. I like to share shit with a life long partner. This dick here is
one that like and hunger for adventures aqs often as possible. Live life in
every other way than normal. I am one that really needs to be looking for
challanges and passionate things like on a daily basis. It will quiet simply
not work other wise ......I get bored and the next and only exciting hing that
can make me curious is leaving this life. Then again like Sixx I did that
about 10 years ago. I am here for the music and thats my life. It is a thrill
to have things expanding in what you do in life. I have a few expanding issues
in my own these days. Thanks for the care and all so far to all of you.
I wonder if Corinna really
knows hat she has gotten herself into with the ship load thats coming to her
place in a good few weeks, lol lol ??!!!
It is a load full that will be a little more than what can be stuffed away in
the closet and then from there we have again like when the massive Motley
awards deal was going on - this collection will rise in value.
This time with things that are
again not mass produced and all. it will be a treat to add it in the section
of personal. God damn.
In short in a week my finances
will go BOOM like a 4th of july firework show. Up, up, up and ka-boom!!!! out
the window. Gone left with a shit load of stuff we have absolutely no room
for. But we fucking have to make room then right. it is a thing that can and
will be fun to go through. what else is there? Right now kind of only the same
things as posted here and in the last few postings. All right now are long
time processes that will take a good amount of time to come full circle. I
have a lot of things to get through. But you all know what? it is alright.
actually it is extremely appreciated and there is not a thing i would trade
for the business.
there are a few things that are
still but ideas on the table and I need them to be looked into deeper than
that and also there will be a chance to do new things if a few more things
will go in hand. Right now things on the unsaid are a bit tricky but iso want
it so I will not give up. It it kind of mind blowing how far one is actually
willing to go for his dreams.
PS your fucking host is looking
in on a totally NON Motley thing too. Been asked to help a band out so I am
also looking to that dont know yet though what I will do on that.
Also I have gotten a totally
fucking stinker of a heavy dance beat from the finish band Mighty44 in my head
this stinky hot summer of 200SIXX. cant wait for a fall and some colder
Now back to work and the
Mighty44 and let that subwoffer punch a hole in my chest with the .... yeah
yeah yeah you dont have to say anything
Just say one thing - Tommy YOU
i can deal with that!
Suckers, T Lee
16th of July 200SIXX,
reached Limits, Changes & New Ideas
10:53PM CET
It is new times exciting
times and more than ever busy times. The new site has just gone up online and
already we are changing it. It should be on here I predict in about a good two
weeks time or so!! What do you think? Am I shooting too high? well I Dont
think so course most of it is actually ready as it is more considered a split
of the site thats already there now. Only the new site is going to be
Mcrueloyalty.com and then we have the Mcrueloyalty.dk and we have the My Space
one too. And more is in the making. We are expanding like fuck and we like it.
No we love it or at last some of does. I am one of them. Course I have full
control not loosing it at all. Feels good. Ohhh so good. It will be a sight, a
thing to go through that will be a great thing to run through if you truely
are a fan of the greats. It still is a huge and still rolling thing that is
NOT at all ending. You will love it once this is coming along too. But the new
site is not gonna be torn apart so things will be missing all of a sudden.
That will not happen. I promise. It is not going on till the split is fully
done OFFLINE but expect it up around the 1st of August. Seriously I think you
too will enjoy this one. It will be even more easy to look in on and it will
be even more easy to figure out. kept in the same style as the new one here
that just got online.
Another thing is i am thinking
of doing a few things that could go up for grabs. is it something that would
sell if it was cheap? Like shirts with the web link on and more. Like key
chains, anything that could be a positive and useful something. Uhhh thinking
big now huhh!! Well yeah why not!! you live but only ones so why settle for
beans if you can have lobster? You get the idea right? I am a gambler and I
dare do thats the whole difference thats where the fun is!!! Man its awesome
if it could happen. But in the near future I will know more and you can
actually see a sample of the things I hope - IF there will be any of it. I
will have a look in to the chances for those thoughts too.
Remember the gang members will
have their own diary section so you all can get to know them a bit more too.
go in under sumthin 4
nuthin.... untill the site splits in two then it will be GANG Diary. But not
right now. For the gang members that have not fully understood this bit yet;
you send a posting to the webmaster who sent you all a usefull e-mail address
today so you should take care of that one. but send her the posting as if it
was a regular e-mail and she will put it online for you. All gang members have
only one obligation to post at least ones every three weeks. so we all feel
there is life round lazy lol lol lol....
Talk again later my little
ones.... Love to you all.
15th of July 200SIXX, The
Mutha fucker Is Too Huge
6:06PM CET
The all new and monsterous site
is online for the second day. And guess what my dear friends? The fucker is
already over 2100 mb that means we can get no bigger sized site from our
company. So instead of worrying ourselves to death we are gonna do the totally
unheard of. We are gonna buy a sister site to this one and split it all up.
The way we are gonna do it is most likely the collection off the band one one
and all the other ongoings on the other. makes sence. Course with the ideas I
have to get on here too is like WHAT THE FUCK!!! Cool of cool and huge as huge
can be. In short its all for your benefit youre viewing pleasure and more. Dig
Hell yeah we now soon have a MY
SPACE page - a MCRUELOYALTY.DK - and the new to come - MCRUELOYALTY.COM Hell
man its gonna kick serious ass. And ad this little sentence...."..and
I have gathered a well working
few sick minds in the world of dedicated Motley followers. So I am so far on
appreciated ground. We will be a one a little further down the line. I am
kicking butt here to make it all the coolest of the fucking cool on the world
wide web of M.C. You tell me if I do wrong. You tell me if I have too high
thoughts too high goals. There is no such thing. Its all hard work but full
steam ahead is the only answer. Every now and then we fall but then we have to
get up again I refuse to fall and stay down. This here will be bigger than any
fan site I have ever heard of. This maybe already is how ever its still in its
early stages and it is still taken shape.
The end of July sees me killing
some rather huge deals. Killing deals that financially will rip my throat out
for a long long time.
But the stuff I get out of it is well worth it. And it is a couple of moves
that sets the total collection in even bigger value. it simply is a huge thing
that can not be denied as crazy but still keep in mind this is a one man
collection. I do have my Baby c in over it but till she gets out of things and
more into this here it pretty much is me myself and I. In short it even blows
my own mind what I have been gathering as a private collection and its not
quiet over yet. There still are a few years to gather whats possible out there
before I turn the key lock the room to that part of my life and go "wasnt that
Sixx is okay but his latest
posting in on his site is of course giving many people a lot of worries for
the time. I can understand his tumbleing around and his partly lost lust and
energy to jump right back in the pool of Motley doings. yet thats where he
gets fed from. Thats where he is picking himself up the best. So just sit
tight and give him the time he needs to do this fully.
On a note of the Tommy Supernova thing, talked to a friend of mine that said
he met the boys at The Roxy in Hollywood this week. Said the boys were
actually extremely excited about it all. My friend said Tommy looked more than
happy and said Tommy had told him not to worry on the Crue matter. There is
not likely gonna be any changs made on that account. Seems like the movie and
the Feb - March 2007 release of the new Crue CD will not see the light of day
now till late 2007. Personally thats fine with me. I have way too much on my
hands to even think the thought of yet another tour merch line and more. Fine.
the late July things will have
a bunch of personal stuff added to that section too if all goes well. I can
only hope and pray that it does.
The things here are hard to
keep up with but I dont mind going totally insane on the life style that I
lead and then drop dead saying in that part of life I did it all and I did it
well. Thank you and goodnite.
back to the spilt up and
ongoing works on the even bigger to come site(s)......
Love to you out there,
12th of July 200SIXX,
Well What Do you know - Fucking Eyy!!!
2:07PM CET
A huge and well meant "I
AM SORRY" for the delay the screw ups and the fucking unforgivable
excuses for all.
I will not have this
happening again and you can take that one to the bank. I will not happen
like that again. Now the new site is her e its on line and its well
working so far. We still have some awesome new things to get started on
here. Quiet simply unseen things so far on any fan sites before. Just
bare with us and give us time we will do it we will give it the spot on
here and all. We just need to have other stuff looked at right now that
have been forsaken due to the heavy work on this site here now.
As for the site itself I
hope you guys find it a bit more easy to get around and a bit more cool
for the eyes the everything. It is a thing I have tried to be aware of
since the site has grown so huge now a days. Its not possible to sit
with colors together on a page that irritates the eyes. So that I hope I
have succeeded with? If not tell me please. And it will be fixed.
Absolutely. We have on the front page the page we call Home Sweet Home
at the bottom of your screen the link to another new doing for the
Microlight.dk - the sites brand new
page. Click on the box and it takes you there. It is in heavy growth
already. Please take a minute and post look in on there feel free to
leave a comment and also still as last time on the old site the
section which is the guest book you can still make your comments and all
there. I hope you all still will do that.
Now there is also a new
section in under sumthin 4 nothin which is my diary. There has been
added a section called
That is all the other members or staff personal that bust their asses
for a common goal for us all. They can be posting on there and they will
a minimum of ones every 3 weeks. So look there and get to know the so
far invincible staff a bit better. It will be a cool idea. it will be a
fucking cool idea I am sure. I count on my staff and we have so many
things going right now that have not even been mentioned in on here. But
we have a mission or several lol, lol, but I will get to them all and
share with you eventually. For now enjoy it all and get used to the new
look and the many new adding in almost every section. It has been a
while since new posters, awards and what else have been added to the
website here but with this the new one and its premiere its all on here.
Its all good. And many new cool things are to be viewed here so go ahead
spend a good few hours and druell.......
The thing you do if you
wanna be a staff member contact either myself or the head of gang staff
Angie. All email infos you can find under the gang of loyalty section.
We have a good few future
try outs in the works. There is a possibly that next year will see
something new on the east coast of the USA but we still have a shit load
of doings and tryings to go there before we can actually say its a rap.
We did it. So I am not opening up for that bag just yet!! But stay tuned
as they say and we will see what happens. I personally hope we can do
this and that we will succeed. It will be a KILLER!!!
For now we just have or
at least I do a day or two to relax let everyone take in the new and let
me hear from you all my Friends and foes out there. Feedback is gold. So
we have so many things to work with right now as you can see that the
rest on my part is poor but I will take it. Its been a hard long road
and its been a hell of a ride with an almost closing of an era. This
site was so close to be killed but here we are hope you all enjoy it.
Lots of new postings
inside and more in the next couple of weeks... welcome back to the
coolest fucking Motley web in the world.....
Crueloyalty and its staff rules the world wide web. Now bow........
Your captain!!! T. Lee
7th of July 200SIXX, Where The Fuck Is the Site & Whats New?
2:04PM CET
Right I hear you all. I have
been an inch from shutting this whole thing down. There is not much that
makes me believe in the active staff on this monster can actually pull off
something that holds time limits. And that to be honest worries me big time.
For one reason only. I have goals where partners shall be involved where
others can be depending on the doings we in camp "loyalty" deliver. And so
far not a shit like it has been living up to that goal what so ever. I think
I too slowly am falling apart here. Fallen apart with the belief in the
greatness of a staff worth gold. Just not the dedicated people this at times
requires. Enough said. There is a try on getting this one online for Monday
now. I said it before and here I say it again. If that can not happen either
then I just give in.
A lot of things and wrong
doings have been corrected on the new site and still about a good few fists
full of crap is hanging behind and lacking from making this one a perfected
site. Actually I think it begin to suck ass. My personal apology to all
that's waiting for this one to appear, I would think less and less of the
whole thing too I am sure. I think things are going up and down like a storm
these days in most things that I do.
There are so many things in
the making so many things in the bucket of "maybe`s" and there are a lot of
things that I hope for.
People are extremely
non psyched on the fall tour I think. i don't know how many I have talked to
about it from many countries. Everyone agrees it will be nice to see them
again but besides that it is no over the top feeling. Not over excited due
to the feeling its gonna be the same ol same o. And we have had about two
years of that already. On the other hand I share the feeling about hurt,
worry and disappointment to Neil`s statement recently to the extremely bad
Florida drunk performance
:"I was pretty buzzed. I tripped, fell off
(the stage) - sometimes it happens. But, this isn't’t a tour. This is just
me going out and having fun and sometimes, yeah, I drink a little too much.
That’s just the way it is. I just finished 185 shows with Mötley Crüe, so
one show in Tampa where I drank a little too much - whoopdie-doo. I am still
doing my shows and I’m going to record another Mötley Crüe album and then be
back out on tour; by then nobody’s really going to care anymore. We’re
actually going to be writing a lot of music out on the road and should have
an album out late next year. We’re not ever going away."
What the fuck is that Vince. C`mon. You cant just piss on people like that.
Then please rather stay off of the stage. It is actually shit sad to see him
not being either able or willing to deal more serious with the drinking
problem. I really don't know a hell of a Lot of serious fans that thinks
that's too cool. Rather they all go "I`m hurt" and that includes myself. It
is not a thing I like to see.
Actually I can see things go
down hill for the man and the band if this don't get taken care of a.s.a.p.
What ever there is not hing I am sure one can do about it. Lia what you do
and deal with is on a guessing on our hands but you should feel more for
getting the shit looked at if you love your man. I don't get it. And I hear
a million people say "Tommy it is not your business either". Well no its not
but I invested my time my life my money in the 4some and I don't like to be
treated like that had I been at the show like Tampa or with these issues at
all. Okay I hear how that sounded. It sucked. And it was extremely negative.
But what the heck. I speak here like I always do with a free mind.
Have been shit sick the last
few days. Guess it has been a mixture of bad eating, too hot in the day and
too hard pushing myself. Fuck I hate the place I am at right now and all my
life is on hold for I have not finances to just go do and pick from all I
love. I am trapped here it feels awful. I hope things and solutions to some
things will be in place with in the next week incl. this site. Course this
is smelling ass's!!!
I too have now heard and seen
some things from the Supernova thing. i am not keen on that what so ever.
Funny how Crue fans gets swallowed up in this just course he is in it. I
don't mind saying I am not expecting much from it. I will and can only be
pleasantly surprised. But from what the thing i have seen from the intro
first episode. no thank you. Only one voice was awesome Toby form Australia.
But I bet I hear how things go and all. On the other hand we know nothing
about the material they will come up with what voice will fit that? How are
they gonna work around it. I fear shit .. but I m open. Like the Supergroup
with Sebastian Back ted Nugent and others ... IT SUCKS ASS!!!!! ted for god
sake take your six string and go do what we all know you are awesome at and
let the joke be left alone.
1st of July 200SIXX, My
oh My - & More Loans. Also.........
3:16PM CET
Your host is celebrating or
not his birthday today folks. It has been Worth a non really existing
interest in yet another number in line of the summers I have now been
around. But more like okay so things are a little more Grey now lol. But I
still feel 25 and there is nothing nobody can do about it. The year will
be cool A lot of things and doings will be done and looked into. I have
tomorrow or Monday pardon me i am getting old. Things begin to slip my
mind. No they are not. I really like to get things on the roll and they
ill my grayish (lol) ol mind is just fine and fully functional. Trust me.
Things are expanding but of course people may ask themselves today "hey
where the fuck is the new site at?" It will be here hang tight - stay
with me here. Things have been more fucking with us than expected. But you
know what? It will be here Monday. Guaranteed what ever .... It will be
here by Monday. And be excited too my dear friends. It is a thing that is
simply growing almost by the day. The site has gotten its new things too.
And the site now have its MY SPACE too and it holds a few new ideas and
there may be something HUGE and OVER THE TOP 2007. A happening in New
Jersey. I can not tell about it right now but trust me its going to be
awesome if we can pull it through. And I am the guy that promises you all
this - I will go out of my ways to make it happen.
I have to morrow the plane
ticket for my October USA trip. So that is a solid activity. I am going It
will so kill. I am sure of it.
We are gonna try to look in on Hollywood and grab the Hollywood and US
Festival 83 spotted live event too. That was a dream I said out loud "cool
to actually see the band here now too should there ever be a chance. Now
in November there actually is one. and I want it. hell yes I want it. So .
Sure i am going to sit on the grass there. FOR SURE... Glen Helen park
2006 - let us rock the shit out of this place. Hollywood Bowl a few days
before this hell yes....Nothing is going to be any different. I am so
Corinna is back in business here too. She will be posting something soon.
And the new thing about the gang of loyalty is that at least ones every 3
weeks you will have a diary from them all on here too. On the new site. I
have set up a GANG diary for the people to get to know the gang a little
more too. TRUST ME ... yo will love it. Like with myself it can be
anything big or s,mall positive or negative as long as it is Motley Crue
related. It will be a sick mutha fucker.... so awesome so extremely cool.
I am personally looking forward to THAT ONE big time. There will come so
much more attached to the new site as it gets going. no worries. There is
a shit long list in the wait for us all.
More deals have been set
today and I am pleased to say it looks like the stage props dude is gonna
let me make a deal with him for doing something. It will sadly NOT be the
lot but so be it. Tough. I can not cover the monthly rates what so ever.
But I will do a good job with the guy next week I hope. And grab maybe
about half of the stuff he has. We will see. I am just really happy about
things IF they do go the way I want it to as a thing I call plan B.
Also a huge thank to the
staff of people I have on here with me. Its going to be so much more
exciting now with the new to come. Only wish people would bury their
aggressiveness and start communicating to and with me and each other much
more. It would and it SHOULD be a all together bigger pleasure. This is
not a thing I have built up course I can. this is a thing I have built up
course I want to.
no go drop the work for the
day and enjoy your big day Tommy.
Between you and me people "I CANT TOO MUCH TO DO TOO MUCH TO SOLVE TOO
MUCH TO COVER ..... all in the name of my passion...... MOTLEY CRUE
Your proud host
Tommy Lee
• Home Sweet Home • Jan - 2009 • Jan - Dec 2008 • June - Dec 2007 • Jan - May 2007 • July - Dec 2006 • Jan - June 2006 • European Tour 2005 • Feb - Dec 2005 • |