Diary 2005

31st of December 2005, Greased Up, Cool Times
5:06 PM CET

Happy fucking new years freaks. I am so not ready. But here it comes. Do you wish you were all in Detroit right about now? I guess so. At least if you care for the Motely's. Corinna and I have been here for a good days time now. Spending time at my masters house. Airbrush artist Don Armstrong. He made us this concert banner (yeah yeah yeah I paid for it no worries) And we have just been sitting here talking to him eating shared musical interest and past adventures and more. It is awesome. I am so not regretting coming here. I love the man. He is the living proof of nice guys still around. No fucking shit. Don you are the man. My god. 2006 will bring me more of the awaited huge SHOUT banner portraits from him. They are unbeatable too. You can be sure.

We took off from Greenville S.C. yesterday morning round 7:30 AM local time and boarded for a flight to Cleveland Ohio 9:10 took a little over an hour. Corinna and I talked a lot on that little up and down trip. Felt good. I hope she gets to see me a bit differently on this trip. I wanna make her see what she has not seen so far about me. Cause certain things she has for sure gotten all wrong. I hope we will be better with time. I refuse to give her up. She is what I want and I will not be fine I'll if ever that happens. I really dont think we ever got the chance talked about so intensly on here the past longtime.

Now we went from Cleveland with the smallest ever airplane known to man (kidding) but small indeed. I think we got a bit of a nap on that one. Needed like hell. We were so tired leaving home and we both needed to get a bit of a rest. So that we got there for a good 45 minutes. Now it is Detroit next!!!! or just a bit north of it. Flint int. airport. We landed bought ourself a soft drink and went on to get the car we had reserved for rent. Got it and Corinna was like NO WAY!!! Breaks no good. Not taking this.

Went back in, traded the car, and got out of there. The easiest thing ever was to get to Don on Pine Hurst north and kind of a bit east of Detroit. Just loved this one. But the roads to the destination was fucked up. Have no idea how even to explain that. Was not a road more like an old bombed something. I think it is not fully what could be expected. Always thought the Detroit area was like in great shape including their roads. But hell no. We crossed farmer land like big time and was not even close to anything else but barns and a cow here and there.

Gives you kind of an idea what kind of NON ROCK-N-ROLL trip we had getting here.

Arrived, and Don came out to greet us welcome. So weird but as said I was excited and I got all I ever asked for. He is THE MAN...... we got coffee, soft drinks, turkey sandwishes, and hey all we could ask for. He took us on a trip round the house just quickly and then we were shown the banner he had done for us to bring to the show tonight. It looked freaky awesome. Will do us good bringing to the front of the stage in a good 10 hours.

We talked and talked and did not do much other except for a short ride to town to go to the mall checking things out. I cannot believe it. I did not leave with even a stamp. Damn.... Corinna found one jack D. bottle she did not have, to add her Jack D collection. So there was a smile showing. I am not saying nothing. Just happy for her. Hell, I know her feeling getting shit to add to your collection.
Came back and talked even more. Had a nice run through some Crue and KISS bootleg dvd shows. I have really not gotten any idea about how Corinna is with this stay. In short she says she was fine. But inside what does that mean. I am sure or rather dead sure that she did like the dude though the family of the Armstrong's is just amazing.

Here we are Saturday last day of the year 2005. Perfect ending? Well we will see later on won't we. I am about to rap this posting up and get my face made up SIXX style for the one off show tonight. Fuck it lets just do this go apeshit and close the year that blew my financial situation. It has been all well worth it. And it stops if Corinna is not no longer gonna be my partner in crime with this to which she by the way promised she would. More about that in a posting later in the week, I twist her arm or something and make her do that longed for posting for you all. No sweat.

Alright just letting you know we are here and fine. In snow covered farmer country heading to the city of Detroit as soon as I get my war paint on. So hang in there for the things to come. Pix and all will come to you too shortly. I think I will just stop it here and get the grease rolled on and find myself as ready as I ever will be after that little operation.

Now Corinna, what's the situation here? How are things?
Things are fantastic here!! It really couldn't be any better. I'm so glad that I had the chance to come here & experience this.
You are in Farmer land, snow covered, and cold, otherwise good?
Yes things are great, fantastic, & I wouldn't have it any other way or with anyone else.
What do you expect today? The man Mr. Don A. how is he in your own words?
I don't really know what to expect today. I think it will all be a surprise, & we'll just take it as it comes. Don you say: well, he is great! So extremely nice & helpful in all ways. He has been such a host to us, doing this & doing that. So Don if you are reading this THANK YOU for being so good to us, it is extremely apreceiated!
You have seen his works and the thing we are bringing tell about it a lill.
You are talking about all the airbrushing. There are not really words for it. He is simply amazing at what he does. Unbelievable work! The piece we are taking to the show is so fuckin' cool!! When I first saw it I thought shit I want that for myself to hang on my wall!! If anyone ever wants any airbrushing of any kind done you need to get in touch with guy cause his work is by far better than I have seen anyone else do.
Any famous final words for the year ending?

From Detroit, The Palace
Fucking Kick It,
Tommy & Corinna


29th of December 2005, South Carolina USA - Cruecial Thoughts
8:23 PM CET
I am once more alone for some time today at Corinna's place. She has to work once more, the last day as I am here as it seems right now. Finally. I was once again waking up shit early. 8 AM local time USA. I am constantly having a headacke here. I think too much she says yeah well that may be. But I still think I will be having a lot of them after today. Thinking or not. Just seem to reach me all the time. Fuck.

We talked this morning about a few things. I wish I had her back. The more I look at her the more I....... I just want her. We traded christmas presents today. I know a little late but we could not do it the evening I got here or yesterday. I am really pleased overwhelmed and moved to tears from her gift to me. I got something that I have WANTED FOR LIKE A DECADE. Motley Crue / Tommy Lee personal belongings. Tux vest and a vest and chap set from back in the golden 80's. I am speachless about this so let me just say this, I am extremely moved. I was in tears as I got this. And she saw it. Will bring it home and have it added to the site.

Webmaster tells me it's all fucked up on there. THAT IS SO NOT GOOD OR ACCEPTABLE.
To all on there these days I am truely truely sorry for the shit not functioning.

I will have to be a dick not to like this gift. And I do.

She is moving out and we went to her new place with a few things just for me to see it too.
I love that place. The first thought on my mind was... waaauuuu!!! cool really cool place. The next was with with shit up my throat teary. I could have moved here with her. This could have been our first thing together. Jack D collection and Crue museum like almost. I could see it all in front of me. Fuck I would have loved that place. Fucking a dream place for me.

I am gonna be alone as said for the day until she returns at midnight or just about and we will not be up too late after that. We have a flight out of here in the morning. Take off 9:10 am to Cleveland and from there to Detroit. Snow and awesome times. I cannot wait. I think Corinna is gonna stick with me still being my partner in crime in the Motley world. If that happens and we get to talk about it all I may continue. I have done an ass load of thinking about it all. And can and will not push her but will not give her up either. But we can rule this damn Crue shit together. I will not have her say anythng else. It is not acceptable......

I guess that is the thougts and happenings of my Crued life in South Carolina for the day. If Corinna will bring her lap top to Detroit I am unaware of as of yet. But if she will I will post from up there too. Make sure to bring my video and photo equipment and just tape and snap shots most and best way possible.
That's all for now.

Cruecial greetings my friends,
Tommy "US male" Lee


28th of December 2005, First Night,Unsaid Longings
5:36 PM CET
I have reached my destination. I am in the fucking middle off yahoo land again. Home of one important person in my life. The same person that was so the reason for me almost not going. Now I am here, it was a hard evevning and it was a bad long day. I will try to make a best possible diary on this shit as often as I possibly can from here. I got up 4:00 AM EST Tuesday to make it to my ending eBay. I did not get the things I bid on. Let me just kill this issue right away. If no one grabs the collection for the $75,000 US then I will continue. I have never stopped loving the band. It has got nothing to do with that. I live my life from them. I just had an extremely shitty and bad thing with my long lost love. There is no doubt I so... no let me get to that later.

I have not been spinning a Crue record in 4 days cause it kills me. She is in everything. She does not get that. How can that even go together? She is not my collection. She is not part of it as such. Well guess again honey. You were the one I wanted to say it's not my collection it is our collection. And that too got cleared off the table. I love her. And I love major. Maybe that too scares her? I will never do anything to hurt her I will die for this girl and that is the god to honest truth.

The taxi picked me up Tuesday at 5:30 AM and we took off. A thing and a ride that took 25 minutes to the airport. And the one thing I was not at all sure of was the right idea. I had made up my mind and I will damn well get the best out of it. Corinna has to me no loss in this. I come she loses nothing. If I stayed away she would loose the moey that was spent on the plane ticket to Detroit. That's all.

In Aarhus airport that should take me to Copenhagen was a real suprise. I met one of my old so called friends and her boyfriend. They too were on their way to a warm new yrs holiday in the sun somewhere. That was nice. I loved that hi and hello. What a small world I often say.

But then it got time I had my danish and my morning coffee in that airport and the first flight were to take me to Copenhagen. A 20 minute flight. You kind of go up then down... almost roller coaster like. And that is as they say CROSS COUNTRY. So that gives you all a kind of an idea how small my country is. 5 million people all together.

I got to Copenhagen it was still shit early. Had a 8:20 AM flight to Amsterdam from here. Amsterdam Holland. I wanted to get something for Corinna again. I did not. I do not know how many things I have held in my hands in Copenhagen and Amsterdam that I was so close to buying for her. But it felt wrong. It felt so wrong. I was only cheating myself. Would have been a 3 second pleasure. I passed on it all in the end. I even hate being in a situation where I can actually sit and say this. At the same time running round there in all airports I had promised myself to video shoot and take pictures of a lot at least take some from the trip as it goes along. And post them on the diary here. And I will I just did not do it as I travelled over.

In Amsterdam I was rather early too and had a good long 4 and a half hours waiting time before next plane would take me to New York. I had a rough waiting there. I felt hunger had a headache coming and I felt terrible. All I wanted was to go to my baby telling her I love her hold her get a kiss and talk about stuff and what we had in wait on this trip of mine here and in the future. Plus share christmas gifts. I have to say we have not done that yet.

As with the gifts I could have bought her in various airports I just did not feel like it as I landed at her place. Long fucking story. And my head was spinning a million miles an hour. So Amsterdam took the best of me as I only sat there drinking my brought Pepsi max. I so missed that chick. And my life was like... wonder if there is a plane back - can and shall I buy a return ticket now and just head home? That is how bad it was for me. Amsterdam may I not go there again in ages.

When it was finally time for me to take off and leave Holland I was so hungry. But convinced myself that the food on the plane to USA would cover my needs. I could not rest in mind either. Crue stop collecting. Crue sell out. Crue Corinna Corinna Crue. Crue Corinna... it just went on and on....... nothing felt right. Nothing felt like it should. And of course it did not. It was not weird that I was feeling this bad.

The boarding pass was checked and on I went. It was US Continential. And I really was not sure what to expect. This was not the airline I had taken before to the US. It was new to me. I guess I really looked for was the entertainment panel and brochure to let me know what the hell I could kill time with. Think of something else. A few movies and some radio shit for a little while.

Sitting here in Taylors South Carolina now is a lonely feeling,. Corinna has still a full day at work today. It is shitty of course. But in a way great too. I get used to being here for a day alone and it is a full day too. I will not have her face to face again till after midnight. So it is a long time still for me to kill time but then there is this the diary and the eBay endings to think about and more. I have to get a solution and just stand by it. With many things today. I will fill you in later on.

Right now I am sitting in window seat 38 K far right in flying direction. My mind is a bullet train. I so wanted to reach out and touch her. But instead of Corinna there is a native, somesort of older woman next to me not saying a pepe but rather acts like she owns the goddamn section. As she is done with her received milk and water cups and more she places all her trash at my tabel seat. FUCK!!!!! I ask her to keep her own shit and once yelled at her enough times I do not get her to change habbits but I get her small piece of poe we all get cause she does not want it.

We get lasagna on board and I wonder where the hell she is coming from. She looks at me as I eat it like "are you out of your mind, you cannot eat this junk"... wake up fucker wake up and smell the real world. We do this and we travel like this and we try to not mess with the other travelers like you do. Damn it. Well at least she had her ways of making me think of something else for a good while.

I tried to sleep a little on the way too. But never really had any success with that!!I did see 3 movies ate and heard a bit of radio. Did not move my ass out of the chair once. I wanted to call her too. Wanted also to call another person from the plane. But what do you know. $9 US dollars for 1 minute charged through visa. Hell no. I could wait.

Now for what it is worth I can tell you all that my many received emails on the matter of putting it up for sale has been mindblowing. I expected maybe 3 to 5 people contacting me and a few of the "gang of loyalty" members of this site. There have been over 70 in total. Many just saying WHAT THE FUCK R U DOIN? Others trying to seriously reaching out and trying to help me with my pain, or at least that is how I chose to see it. Some have even been givin' me their stories form when they too were in similar situations sold and had a life long regret on that kind of action.

For what it is worth and it does sound like she is to take the decision for me that however is far from the case. But after she returns tonight I will need to have a talk to her about things that are Crue related. And that is something I do not fully know how will turn out. I say it again I do not hate Motley Crue I have not gotten tired of it it is not that at all. I just need that talk.

We were informed it was a good 20 more minutes till we set wheels in Newark airport New jersey, New York. I have tons of cool stories in my rock-n-roll life and New York so I tried to see out the window. And my my I saw plenty. Flew in over the thing. Like it was yesterday for me. Saw the statue of liberty, the Manhatten skyline, Hooboken, N.J., and more. I was in the US. And my mind exploded again. Many great things from my past here. Smiled, shared a few tears in silence and we were at the gate.

I remember the first step out again on the ground. Reached out touched the walls we went by in the hallways. Felt the reality. It was true. I HAD LANDED. And I so wanted all and everything to be a dream. It simply was not. It was as real as it gets. Wake up and smell the roses. Yeah right. I am so not right. It hurts. I still wanna check with myself every day to feel how things are going. And I will just have to give the girl of my dreams the benefit of letting a little time pass and then we will see how it all is.

Sitting in New York was another walk about holding several things I wanted to give her. It is so real and honest to myself to feel that way about this. But I did not. The last straw was taken out of my hands as I was about to pay for a Jack Daniels bottle I wanted her to have yes she collects those. But I was not fully sure if she had this one or not. At the desk the lady told me "but you have just gotten to the united states and you're not leaving. I am sorry we cannot sell you this then. You have to leave the country to get this." Huhh? What?!! So there it was. No nothing. It was not to be. Fuck it. I have time as I am there with her to see what will happen.

My head hurt major now maybe also because the time was now so much I had been traveling and all for 18 hours. The connecting domestic flight was at least on time it said. 7:30 towards Greenville, Spartanburg airport. Yet 4 hours and 30 minutes to kill there before that happend. Or so I thought. Later on as there was 30 minutes till boardng that changed. Now delayed for 2 hours. Lift off 9:15 and changed gate number too. I had earlier called Corinna to let her know all was good. I was in New York and things were fine. Baggage for once was not lost or anything. Great feeling. At least till the delay. So I called again. Told her she did not have to try to get off early from her work as I would most likely land in Greenville round the time she was to get off anyways.

I was in major pain. I felt my pulse running a million miles an hour my head could explode anytime now and I was over tired. I tried to get a bit of sleep sitting there waiting in the hours of the dealy. I guess I may have been out for a good hour. Cause all of a sudden I head the voice in the information system saying TIME TO BOARD FOR GREENVILLE. Halleluja.
Damn man.

And I was lucky I had seat 01 A very front too. So I got on, took a pillow, and tryed to rest. I felt I would get sick really sick, throwing up, and more. I managed thank god. Never did. I slept for a good half the way of the 2 hours to Greenville south of New York.

Claimed my baggage and was about to take a piss before going "downstairs" waiting for Corinna to get there to pick me up. The baggage was found and again for the 3rd time in a row my damn newly bought suitcase was smashed. Got a crack in the new hardbox. Damn my luck.....

Anyway I am sitting there going I wish she would come. I wish she would stay away. I wish she would come. I wish she.... over and over. What and how would she react? I longed for the love meeting. Warm hugs, a kiss, and off we go. But that was not to be. Crue was in the back of my mind like all the time. A certain

guy had held a speach to me in the middle of the night before I left from home and I could not get things out of my mind. Well parts of what he had said to me. But little good did it do me. I was not in this talked about sitaion where one could not find a way to get on with both still willing to continue. I still hope one day it will be that way. I know!! It is highly appreciated but .

She came. I was beat. Dead tired. I was sad. I was still ok. I got up gave her a hug and that took us to the car. For the first time ever I got in the back seat. All I could think was I do not belong here after all. I remembered all the trips and doings from September when I got over here to see her. The front seat of this car was a film. All came back. I loved it. We shared such many great things and it felt so good. Now it was like that film spinning in my scull was an illusion. And Crue was not shared with the girl driving. This was ficion. This was... BAD.

Stopped by at 1524 Locust Hill Road only to get me MILK, JUICE, CEREAL, AND bagels. Thats was what I was to be fed with for the morning to come. Which is today. I am not doing much today other than trying to gain energy and rest my mind from ALL!!!
I need to be clear headed.

But to finish off last night after we got home - in short:
I brought in all my shit from the car, sat down, and I started talking a bit. She popped one question on me, "Do you regret coming here?" I went YES. And gave her the longer answer to that one. If she understood me or not well.... not for me to say and not for you to know. And during all my talking she looked at me like I was an idiot. Or maybe not but it felt like that. I missed her and I had a serious hard time not geting up and kissing her. I still have not done that. Well a goodnight kiss on her forhead. At least I could do that. She and I were not having the best night. It hurt my insides. I gave her the reason for taking it this hard. Everything in my life hangs together with her name these days.


To not get in and be a dick about her I just wanna say this, I hope she will be interested in a little more than half of what I hope for with therse few days here. I did receive a nice warm honest felt hug as she took off this morning to work. That alone was good. It should not feel bad. I have had her calling me twice till now and she is trying to be helpful. She is and still has this side to her that I love so much about her once she finds it in her to let me "taste it".

God shall know I have wanted to kiss her every single minute. I long more than words can say. But for now I will let time pass by and try to find peace here. As said it is maybe good I have the house alone here for the day. Getting used to the surroundings and wait for her to come home. I miss her here.

For what it is worth - I love her.

The next few days will be interesting to see how it will unfold.
The fucked one!!!


27th of December 2005, Pounding Heart Shitty Feeling
4.51 AM CET
This is it. My day has come. A day that I for a long, long time had hoped would come sooner. A day that would bring me to the one I dared calling my soul mate. But that is and seems long gone. I have gotten 60 some emails from people in private now about my decision and they all say the same thing. Look in on kickstart on here and motley.com under “band” and $75,000 collection …. If you want to see more.

I am being picked up by the ordered cab in 35 minutes from now. Taken me to the airport, Tirstrup, Aarhus. On to Copenhagen, Amsterdam, New York and Greenville SC, where she is suppose to pick me up. Then comes the days and times we had planned. No matter how it goes and no matter how broken I will be and feel I have this trip now and I will try to be as strong as I possibly can. Never ever has my loss been any bigger. Never felt any higher.

I will try to ask Corinna for a lap top a few times to post a little something on here for you all– filling you in. I am so tired. So mentally out. It has been the worst days ever. And that does say a lot when I think of all the stuff in the Crue world I have had to go through to get things done, won, and sorted on different levels to attend and be a part and get things in the bands name over the years. Nothing of that can reach the pain I feel and have with this here. It’s awful.

Now all the best to you all and the fucking best of luck to me.
I am about to meet my love for life and slayer at the same time. That is what this feels like. So extremely bad. Talk to you all later. Nothing can be said here in words that come close to the center of my pain. I just take my ticket, leave, sit in my seat and hope for the best. Till next time,
Your twisted fuck!!!!

26th of December 2005, End Of The Year, Last Show And Last Collecting
7.46 AM CET
It has been a roller coaster ride like none other in 2005. You all know that already. There has not been a year like many others in my Crue life. Well I am about to do a move that will overheat my PC from incoming emails. But in short I am prepared for it too. My last posting was taken off of here the day after it was posted because I could not deal with it. It will get back on here. And it will stay on. There has been a lot of bitching from me to Corinna lately but the ticket over there in the morning from Denmark will be used. My trip will take place. I have had a ton of doubts of what to do.

KISS new yrs millennium, Vancouver 1999 was my last KISS show. I ended that then. It felt weird, close to be feeling wrong too. But I now have Motley new yrs 2005 too. That can be the last show for me with them too. People here will go "SOME SENCE OF HUMOUR HE HAS".
I hear you. And I agree to a certain point. But?..

I have sent an email to one bass guy asking for a cut contact for a long period of time.
I am IF someone should be willing to throw a minimum of $75,000 in the collection making you a chance to get the lot. It is going out the door. Fuck, long and boring story I guess. So I will spare you.

The site here is up for a re-payment to stay online and that will be the last time it?s done.
I have been hit by a bullet train and the damage done is not for me to fix. Or it is but I cannot.

Corinna seems to not have much of a return here either. For all of you that keep asking me about it. She has kindly still gone over every posting and all refined things and so. The collection has been put up on motley.com as a posting or an official announcement that this can be the possession of anyone if you are willing to pay what is asked for it. It sure is a hell of a lot. Both in money and in the lot. But I know there are also pieces in there that are so CRUE HISTORY it is useless to start saying anything about it. It speaks for itself.

It is a once in a life time offer.
-I do not expect this one to go like in the any near future. As it is a lot of money.
But it is up there now. And it is there for any if interested. I want a new life. Or not. But I will try to build one. I do not necessarily want to get rid of it because I am tired of it because I am not. I still love them. Do not ask? you will not get a reply.

This is the last train out so to speak. And it is the last stop in my collecting rock-n-roll world. Only 3 people knew about this before I type this.
But here it is. I need to build new tracks for my own train in life. And they are no longer going to be a collector included kind of thing. This is most likely the posting that in MCRUELOYALTY's entire existence the one that could have been the longest. So a lot of questions from you are not going to be answered here.

I am off tomorrow morning for a 22 hr long traveling and I am absolutely not having a clue what it will do to me. But this is the final posting from Denmark 2005.
PS: I know the webmaster has been telling me that there have been server problems the last few days, but she is returning home from her Christmas today and she will be looking in to it. To you all a happy new year enjoy whatever is coming to you all.

Thanks for everything in the year that passed.
For great and loyal dedications and friendships,
Tommy Lee, 2005

25th of December 2005, Wrecked And Foggy Fan & News
7.22 CET AM
December 25th early morning. Really truly wanted this one to be so different. Should have been a continuation of something awesome in my life. But it is not. Instead it is a deep sad feeling these days that burns through my body every hour every day. Here in Europe we had Christmas last nightand I tried the best I could to have a social joyful one. I guess on a scale form 1 ? 10 I got a 6 or a really small 7 on that one.

This was the first Christmas in about 15 years that I did not get any music related things either. Felt weird. But kind of uplifting in its own way. I did not really care for the day as I am in pain no one (I hope) will ever experience. But the day is over now and another 365 days till the next one comes knocking.

Today for some of you out there it is Christmas today and I wish you all a happy one. Hope YOUR day may be extremely much better than mine. Enjoy the morning share and all. Merry Christmas.

The new years show is starting for Crue 9:45 and they do plan on bringing extra things pyro, shit to throw on the audience and more. Well according to the Sixxter anyways. Let us just see what really will go down. But he says he is actually looking forward to doing it in that special place and not anywhere else in America. Hmm?. Well some 1000's will be there and can later tell the man if he did a great job or disappointed a few?!

I am sorry to you all if I seem at times like I do not make much sense. I am in a foggy state of mind and hurting. I think this can take a good couple of months to get through. Because it was all so honest and real for me so not something that will be wiped out of my life like an old magazine. Takes a lot of time. I try to post the best I can the entire time okay. If it gets too much stay off of here for a while then and do something else.

To all of you that have asked, asked, and asked about the pile of things that is in USA when will it all be added on here and more.

Well the tough shit is? due to all the changes going on there is not a chance for me to promise you guys the lot for a while. I will bring back all I can. But there will be stuff that has been in the wait of being picked up that will still be there for another uncertain long period of time. I will do what I can. So a good guess look in on the site round the 16th?20th of January and it should at least have gotten started. For the missed out things as said no one can say?!! Simply due to the fact there is no more WE so money does not seem to have the biggest interest in finding its way to another bought US ticket. I know, sucks. Trust me I know.

Well I guess that is about it unless I decided to throw a line of detailed or minor things and thoughts to this posting. But I will not bore you all to death. So this is a rap up. For the day. Again merry Christmas to you all. Had things only been different.


22nd of December 2005, Crushed, Torn And Heartbroken
9:11 AM CET
My life has been a dream the last many months. And it was to end with a great awesome finale in just a handful of days. I have been totally beside myself the last 36 hours. My baby gave me a call the other day. Said I would hate her for the things I was about to hear. She had to drop me. Got second thoughts, cold feet what ever you want to call it.

This posting is one that could have been very long indeed. For one reason only.
I have tons of things on my mind. I have a zillion questions and I do not even know as of now if the trip that I have a ticket for shall be used or not. If I am going or not. I am torn and that is to say the least. My heart and Crue partner in crime is gone. I am totally without words. Of all people in the world this is the one person that I never ever could be convinced about would make a move like this. I am speechless.

It also means things are back to zero for me. I have no idea what to do in my life or with my life.
I was totally set for moving to the states in any given month next year. Everything here has been in preparations for just that. I have no ground no more. That of course really touches my Crue thing as well. Something many of you may not fully understand. But it does. I cannot really speak right now.

But this was a bomb dropped on me 3 days before Christmas and 6 days before a huge trip was planned for and by the both of us. Sounds like I am bitter and blaming her? Not blaming anyone. I am simply as always telling it like I feel it. Opening up about what is on my mind.

Wish I had never ever had to make this one posting. She just totally killed my insides.
I feel alone and abandoned. Nothing I can do nothing I can say!!!

Yours truly,
The heart broken.

20th of December 2005, Serious Countdown And Started Dreams
4.13 PM CET
I am back my dear friends and foes. Yes indeed. It is a weird time of year. It is closing an awesome year for me.

It is presenting a line of cool things for me too. Right here right now. I have been having a splendid time at work lately sadly finishes there late Feb 2006. So I will not really know what the fuck I will be doing after that time unless I am seriously on my way to the USA for good. Or at least for a serious try out!!*

Î am having only a few days till Christmas too. Well we all do. But I look forward to it really much this year. Simply because- I feel good. You know what I am saying? I have gotten a few things going I have a few things closing and I have the awards started. Yes I know it is absolutely the worst thing I can do financially but I love to get these. And I need to make sure I am getting as many as I possibly can.

Corinna my girl in the USA is pretty quiet about all that. I still think she would tell me that she does not care for what I do about that deal. On the other hand she knows too that I have not a single chance to guarantee much about me coming over if we do not get closer on the talking and sharing side of this. Ahhh long story.

But I see the deal on the award means just about as much as the going over there does. I truly hope I will not find myself in a bad stinky regretting situation on the matter later. Had I only could wait two more weeks for starting on this, and then I would have known what Corinna and I had figured out and all.

But we did not talk about it for some reason and the seller of these awards wanted to get going NOW or selling. SO what the hell can an addict do? Well it has begun and I am seriously thrilled about it in all ways except financially. But if I want to get?? Well, I got to pay!!!

-Okay things are also good on the Christmas itself. I have finished my buying and I only would have loved to give my mum another present but cannot. Also my honey but I think she will get something while I am there in America.

Countdown for travelling, Christmas, the first awards in the lot, and more is ticking.
Tommy is a pleased guy. I will be posting a few more times on here before Sunday I am sure. But so far and if I should die tomorrow - happy holidays.. Be good to your loved ones. They are not easy to find. So the ones you have should be able to feel the love from you every day. We can soon enough be taken apart from one another.

Let me feel that rattlesnake shake,

18th of December 2005, Jesus Christ, Holy Moley, God Damn!!!!!
7.50 AM CET
Just wanted to say things are looking to go high as the 7th heaven with the first of 2 of Nikki's guitars auctioned off. Sunset AK 1974 Cream Colored Framus guitar. The Guitar was used to write Sick Love song and has an autograph on the guitar as well as a hand written thank you from sixx himself on included paper. This auction also comes with the soft case. The retail value of this guitar is $3499.00.

Just think of it. Nikki buys a guitar for an amount and sells it with profit just because it is his. Fans are mysterious people. And you can all save your breath I am not going for this one. I am on the awards talked about previously on here. Right now the auction still runs for 4 days and 12 hours and is up at: Current Bid US $4,150,00 !!!!

The people of an auction bidding are often dedicated people or company people trying to make a smooth deal. Not always Crue fans. But it is as always impossible to say. Here is the list of the current bidders ? return to www.Ebay.com and follow the link see if any of these will actually be the winner in the end or if one not bidding yet is waiting in the dark waiting with his strike and grabs it at the very last second!!!

Good luck to all bidders,
The amazed one

17th of December 2005, A Final, And A Line Of Excitement Coming
2.59 PM CET
I sit once again home from work on a Saturday afternoon in Denmark.The decision has been made on the awards. I am gonna jump on them and get all I possibly can. I had asked my girl about her opinion to this. And told her she had to give me an answer or at least her honest opinion about it all. Should or should I not go for it. She never turned back. So I am taken action in a way I do not really want to do. Going over her head with this and make a final decision solo. I would have hated that had it been her doing it. But I think there is no more time to wait with an answer to the seller. He wants one now TODAY as he has several interested people on hand. That is rather shitty. So I have to act.

These kinds of actions will never ever happen again as long as we are together. Thank god I told her about it instead of just saying "I want this and fuck you". I could never do that. But she for some reason chose to stay silent I read that as she does mind much. But it can easily affect my chances for moving over there.

Ok, I hear it now a ton of comments like; "YOU STUPID DICK" and worse. You can finally get the relationship frames you have dreamed of and if this could take that chance away why do it? Oh god, I rest my case. Or else this defending crap would never end. It is my life and I need more from my honey to let this go. More in the sense of "communication and planning" for us in 2006.I love her and I cannot wait to see her again. How ever this offer is to never to return to my backyard as long as I live.

It's the addict speaking. Cheap shot, yeah maybe but an honest one. 10 more days and I am airborne. Guess how I feel. Just splendid. My honey and the whole goddamn area of where she is living have been put to darkness. That is also why I have not talked to her for days now. We have the phones only and that bullshit costs me tons of money so I am not doing that much. I need money for trip and Crue and bills and . well you
all know the boring line of doings every month every week every day!!

It is an extremely exciting time for me.
I have most of what I like to have right now. Always just want more of it. -I have a rather good line of offers and shit to pick up from over there in the US of A. If we talk about my boys. M.C. I like that fact. I have had an expensive year. VERY expensive year said it a gazillion times on here already. I know sorry but it has been. And I love the adventures I have had. It has been mind blowing. Thanks to a line of people and of course but had my interest gone down hill or other practical things not been in order this would never have been the year it has been. I am forever grateful.

Five more working days and fairly short ones too. And Christmas is here. That of cause is a minor detail I think is amongst the things I look forward to. For the first time in 7 years do I actually once again look forward to Christmas. My dad died December 12rth 1998. And nothing has been the same since then. Mum found a new guy.
A real dick if you ask me. However I do not communicate with the ass just kind of leaving him alone and he me so in short we are fine. Now I am better about that so come Christmas. Just sad the outside family loved ones are not with me. Ohhh well...

I have the past few days found and bought items on Crue that I cannot wait to arrive. The store display or standee USA of the "Red White" album. Also different old magazines, posters, Hawaiian gig poster for Tommy's DJ job, the newspaper for Crue show flyer, and more. Signed shit and 1983 and 2005 guitar picks,
Oh yeah, it is still an ongoing expanding of the collection every week.

Frightening I know.
Loving it all. Of cause I do.

I actually have been a little bit worried the last 3 days. It is getting quite cold here now. And now that I am so close to Christmas and the trip over I am a little afraid to get sick. I actually take really good care of myself. I may eat too much but besides that I am doing fine. HAVE TO!!!!!! Not long now.

Sadly the webmaster and I had a few end of the year plans to share time together.
We should have been in Hamburg Germany. Two or three times now to attend a B.O.D. concert. In the end they fucking cancelled it all. Jesus fucking Christ that is bad doings. Disappointed. Then we should have been to the tattoo artist together.
Not going. Then we should have had a one last trip together for the fun of it and gone pick up the Crue collection at my brother's place in Roskilde. Not happening. The webmaster's boyfriend has been acting dump!!! And has gotten himself hurt quiet bad. Well you know the saying. Heavy weights fall hard. And reaches more damage. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well not funny for the seriousness of the hurt. But the big so called grown men play dangerous games and act stupid at times.
So I do not really feel too sorry for them. Have a nice recovering though dude.

Your bastard host

Thursday December 15th 2005, My God It Is A Kick Ass Time
3.09 PM CET
Sitting here just returned form work and now eaten my ribbon sandwich, I think about the time of year we are at now. Closing in on Christmas and all. I LOVE Christmas. I think this year will be of a certain caliber. Why? Because I have such an awesome time in wait for me. I have bought everybody quite great gifts this year and I think I will get a few of the many wishes I had for myself too.

I seriously want to spend the holidays with my mum, brother, and sister for a number of reasons this year.
I love them all and some have done and been extremely passionate and helpful to me with things this year. The year to come is hopefully going to be just as great a year just in a total different way.
I think it can be extremely exciting, 2006 for me.

A ton of new tests for lill 'ol me.
Ohh dear!! I love getting these adventures and testing myself.

I have today talked to my old ex-girlfriend.
She is in India as a helper and backpacker. I miss her dearly and I feel like she is one of the two sisters I lost this year. Well I did not lose her. She said she was extremely happy about my call. And so am I. Living in a house of clay and brown as a niggers ass she is. But she sounds healthy and some girl she is.

She gives me a lot of inspiration for hunting my dreams.
And she is.. Well okay, okay Tine Sorensen is now getting the attention on here which wasn't really the plan. Lol. All I really wanna say with this is that she is giving me so much energy to keep hoping for my own dreams to come true. Thanks for being who you are Tine. Love you girl.

Now about my dreams - I spoke to Corinna a couple of nights ago. No boys and girls nothing is wrong. We are doing fine. But I had some questions on certain things and it also included my huge doubt on the awards offer that is laying at my feet.

I wanna see if I can get that deal started and get as many as possible.

Perhaps trying to start with 2 in the lot. There are at least a good 10 awards I really like to get my filthy hands on for keeps. Apart from the award pictures received I have gotten another picture sent on a costume HUGE Shout At The Devil award.
Needless to say I WANT IT!!!

It is a killer time in all ways. I love that this holiday season is so giving. I have another ONLY 12 more days till the line of planes will take me to South Carolina and on the same trip to Detroit and new adventures. Guess if I can wait. One of the "gang of loyalty" members on this site from Norway is throwing a party in late January. I plan on attending that one. Fuck yes. I am half Norwegian anyways. So fucking hold your goddamn horses up there and we will have a blast. I promise you this.

Finally heading towards some goddamn snow too. I miss that in my life. No snow what so ever.

Your impossible host
Still T mutha fuckin Lee

12th of December 2005, Wild News And Lost Feelings
7.39 PM CET
Finally got a mail from Mr. Karsten Walz of Germany. He is the goldmine for me right now.

The goldmine holding a line of Motley Crue awards I want. There are a line of awards that are or can be so shit cool to have. Also a complete set of Dr Feelgood album awards presented each one to the members of the band. Such a set is IMPOSSIBLE to gain whenever wanted. I myself have the "Too Fast For Love" ones like that. Floater style too. That is with out a doubt the best.

I need serious communications on this with the man.
Fuck it- give me 5 minutes I need to make a call to the man and have a chat... hold on...

Karsten, 3 short minutes. He is okay with a long deal on this. I need to talk to ONE person on this for sure. That person and that conversation cannot go on until maybe in a few days time.

Ah never mind, a longer story. A longer and boring one but of high importance.
Here are sadly some of the shitty pictures received today. Sorry bout that. With time I hope of course they all end up here in my home but I think also the better pictures will come slowly. He did mention that he had more awards coming..

So right now I am all torn and all BROKE for the next 3 years should I do this. You all have no idea how badly these awards are wanted by me. But ohhh brother I will end up in loans to up over my ears jumping into this kind of thing.

Now a few things have gotten added today too. And in just 15 more days I am out of here. For a good 2 weeks. USA calling as you all know. I have a line of things to get cleared over there important questions with needed answers. Nothing seems to be of the right time for me right now. I have a serious line of issues unsolved and if things don't find its answers I will make answers for the issues myself.

-I have no interest in sitting with more problems than needed. Hell who does. I am on this very day asking myself HOW MUCH am I still after 20 some years allowing Motley Crue to fill up in my life? Only asking myself this question as all these IMPORTANT offers are in over my head these days. Whatever I make of decisions to it all it will either be; I say no and will regret for years to come cause these things will NOT return to me as offers. And that's a guarantee. Or I will say "Lets Deal" and I will be financially BAD the next 3 years.

All these things will have to get solved THIS WEEK!!!
Can you believe it?

Talk about pressure.

Am I ready to die? It is almost the same question for me. Yeah, yeah, yeah!!! I hear you all. You are fucking insane saying that. You need to get yourself checked or something. Well, I say again no music in my life no life for music from me. That's a guarantee. I am so stuck on this. I have even told Corinna a few times this is not healthy for me. And myself a ton of times. But ask an addict to lay down the needle and walk away!

I rest my case.

I can say this. Motley will be the death of me. No doubts there.

You are all invited, come piss on my grave.
-Still loves you are

Dad today it's 7 years since you were taken away from me. Died of cancer.
I miss you. Wish we would get a second chance. But none of us does. R.I.P.

December 11th 2005,
A big congrats to the girl of my life these days and the 4 string killer in the band of my passion. I hope they both have an awesome day. Both without their loved ones on the day but what can one do? I so wanted to be there. In stead I am sitting here celebrating them with my coffee cup and simply thinking of them both.

Happy big 3 0 to my girl and a happy 4 7 to the Sixxster.


Friday the 9th of December 2005, Closer And Fucking Cool
3.13 PM CET

Last nights tattoo work is fine this morning. I am happy about it. I have so many things to still get added but I like to get some new things cleared first before more paint gets shot into my skin. Simply for a one off reason. The tattoo artist basically told me yesterday that she would like to get more money.

I am kind of going "no, we had a deal and that should not get changed for some unpaid financial troubles on the artist's part". I had this tattoo thing fully planned and turned down another artist that offered me the same FULL job for the amount already paid!!! Really shitty.

The single cool thing last night was my baby calling me. Like out of the blue. She told me things and showed me things that made me really happy. She has made sure that the very much now infamous sign or display from the Brides Of Destruction that by the seller was told to me I would not get as it was damaged in the mail.

Well she got it yesterday after all and showed me. Damn I love it. That was a very special day for me. I told her that I would perhaps do the VERY first thing that signals my moving over, with my display. Which is to get that one pro framed and then KEEP it hanging over there at her place not bringing it home. How does that sound? To me quite weird. Very much actually. All of a sudden I seem to have this chance to do a thing that gives me first doing to such a future event.
Shit man, all of a sudden it feels like I can reach out and touch that idea.

I only have 11 more working days till I am on a plane and out of here. Heading to the US of A and a missed little birthday baby coming Sunday. BabyC and Nikki both have their magic days Sunday. He 47, she 30. What can one possibly give them? I am Feeling a little weird about not being over there for it all. I more than ever feel like I do not belong here in Denmark no more.

Cannot even begin to describe that feeling in words.
I so wonder how my baby sees this and what she is thinking to this in her own mind? I so want to get to the US in 2 weeks and return to Denmark with the needed answers to what I must do to move over there more permanent.

I keep getting so many offers on Motley stuff it is simply unbelievable.
This weekend should see the pictures of the award lot I have been offered. I would so like to get them. That has since the day of dawn been a highly wanted thing. Same with KISS as they were the big want in my life. Awards simply are an awesome thing and a pretty wall decorating item. I now could cover all walls with my Crue and KISS awards here. And should I get the Crue lot offered well, then I doubt any fan anywhere has more than what this collection would be holding.

As far as I know I am also only missing one pick of the 2005 tour. A pick of Vince- a black on white. That too was won last night. I am really trying to cover things on certain areas. Like posters, picks, passes, and such things. So I do not get too far behind on those. They are so appreciated. And I think I am fairly good catching up on all.
I now know too that there are a few picks out there at one certain place for me to get. But boy oh boy some prices they hold on them. DAMN!!!

I cannot do them right now but I have to also be careful as these picks at times are so hard to find and they only get more and more expensive. For only a fucking little piece of plastic. But I really have been on a look out for picks for years and years. Have a good lot too. But still I have a line of missing ones too.

Okay chicks and bad asses, I have been spreading the Friday thoughts of mine in the Motley world.
Corinna has several I am sure. She as you all also know is shit busy but my guess is that she will be posting on here again onces or twice more before Christmas.

Do not forget all your Christmas shoppings either. I thank god I am almost done.
Only missing like one extra thing for my sweetie.

In the name of rock
Suck It,

Thursday 8th of December 2005, The Needle And The Pain
4:53 PM CET

I am doing this in kind of a two part thing. In about an hour I will most likely be in the hot chair again to have a continuation on the already started tattoos. I have not grown better for these things. I still feel very indomitable with it. But hopefully - a special kind of version to the “Theatre masks” on shoulder, back, and chest. I have to see. That is my goal for today though. I feel way behind with the finishing on this already. The original plan was to have it all done in 2 times in Sweden.

But here I am in Denmark and hopefully as I said have the 2 masks here on my body later on.There will be a couple of pictures taken in the process for you to see. So I have them on here later in this posting if all goes well. Maybe a line of snapshots. So you all can see how it grows in the process. I feel it is the right thing to choose. The masks. Not that they are special but they represent the era of the band that I have the most and best memories from. So I think I will just have to get them done. And that better be of today!! I let you all in how it went and felt……..

Don’t forget also to check in on the new page: “Cruecial Bondings” and “A Cruecial Injection” link is on the front page lower left corner in the menu line. It is a thing that will grow massively with time.

6:14 PM I'm back again. Fuck me!!!!! I missed the Brides CD so badly wanted. Damn it. Only 3 long years have I wanted that one. Ohhh no!!! Well why the fuck cry over spilled milk? Cannot drink it now. Shit!!!

Well the masks are almost ready. Not fully still need some red, yellow, and black kind of strokes with the needle. I really think it can come out cool. And there is a chance to put more around it. Simply because I did not place it like I first attended. Oh well. What is new? No it is alright. Nice big size too with the ribbons and all. So…… Let the fucker heal well and I have added another creation to the inked body!!!

I should have about two more visits at the tattoo studio then I am about done for 2005. Once more next week. And then MAYBE one more time around December 18th.I will have other places to put my money now than on ink. My body does not go anywhere so I have plenty of time to get more if that should be a wish!!,

Cheers all,

Your bloody host,

T. mutha fucking Lee.

7th of December 2005, Woke Up A Honey To Share The Unbelievable
6.28 PM CET

Wednesday afternoon here in the cold and dark Denmark.

There is always some eBay stuff to look for. And other shit as a true dedicated sucker for the boys right? Well, I now have about 15 more shitty mails to reply to on offers. But those will be fairly easy to reply to. As the lot will all get each their “Thanks but no thanks”.

And especially now as a joke became a win.

Let me explain. Sixx has these items up. He has these 3 items up and one ended yesterday:

That was a sleeveless shirt or what ever …… Truly not really worth that much. But what the hell.

It is all gone now. I cannot believe it. The second thing is Nikki’s personal Sunset Strip tattoo jacket with his name embroidered on the front chest and personally signed down one sleeve.I thought don't want it- but I can see how it goes. And with 2 minutes left it was still at around $475 dollars. I thought this is not happening. No way this is real. So I decided to – JUST FOR THE HELL OF IT – place a bid and say “the top bidder is up at, at least $1000. Time passed and up came one window on my PC screen saying

Nikki Sixx Autographed SunSet Strip Tattoo Jacket

I went WRONG dude!!!

This is not real. I closed the PC and started it up again. Said the same thing. I thought and still think people are missing something here or eBay has been fucked for many or what ever it is. But this is not really real. Any way now I have stopped thinking about it. I seem to have another Sixx owned item and it is at a pretty okay price.

-The time of year is ABSOLUTELY not the best for me for doing these stunts!!
How ever it was almost a giveaway compared to the rest of the stuff that has been up here.I needed to share this with the ONLY one that shares my passion this way. Corinna. She has a morning off so I felt a little bad about waking her up. But I was also NOT really expecting her to scream at me. I thank god was right. She was sounding tired but …. Nice and interested. Peeww!!!

Sorry about the Corabi pictures the goddamn photo shop has not yet made them. I will get them shortly no worries. It will be all good.

Okay that was short but brutal news.
talk soon……..

Your slut - Lee

Monday December 5th, 2005 , I'm Still Alive
07.07 AM CET

Hey people I'm still here. I am so fuckin' busy with work you have no idea.
I work 2 jobs. So most of the time I go to work at 11:00 AM till 2:00 PM at the first job & then go directly from there to my other job & work from 3:00 PM till 11:30 PM & sometimes I stay over until 3:00 AM.So you must understand that I have no time for anything. I also only get one day off a week & I have been working overtime that one day off. I will only have 2 days off until T gets here on the 27th.

So tell me who is the working girl here? Right now as I am posting this my eyes are killing me. I am dead ass tired but I know what my limits are & it takes more than this to reach them so don't worry about me. GOT THAT HONEY. I'm fine just no time. Yes there is a reason why I work this much & I still am not going to tell you all that reason just quite yet. Lets just say I will be moving soon & that is all I'm going to say. Not away from here though. One more reason for no time, I've been looking for a new place to move into.

The days are closing in on me until T gets here! I can't wait to see him! I also am soooo looking forward to the days off. It will be so nice. It will be nice to just sit for a day & do nothing. I have not done that in I can't remember how long.

I got T an X-Mas present. I think he will be happy with it. If not then oh well that's his problem!! He wants me to tell him what it is but I absolutely will not!! That is another reason why I work too, to pay!!

I have mentioned a girl named Lisa from Las Vegas on here before. Well I have never met her in person but I will soon to come. She finally bought her plane ticket to come out here in Feb. to go to a show with me in Atlanta on the 10th!! I'm excited about that. It will be pretty cool.

So Cruester I hear your asking what happened to me. Well, no me & T didn't break up so wishful thinking!!! I hope this has satisfied your curiosity of where I have been.

I will probably not be back on here again for a while, but believe me I'm not gone I'm just hiding in the shadows. So you all better be good or Santa will not bring you anything! I'm always watching so don't think I don't know what is going on on here.

By the way give a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our MAN MR. SIXX & me on Sunday Dec. 11th!! You all do know we share the same birthday. Fuck I'm going to be an old lady!!
Do any you want to take a guess at how OLD I will be? I'm not going to tell & lets see if you all can guess! Fuck I never thought I would make it this far for some reason, but I'm here so I better enjoy it while I can.

Well people I'm ass fuckin' beat & need some sleep before I fall out. I have work at both jobs again tomorrow & have to get up at at least 9:30 AM & it is already 1:01 AM.

So............. I'm Alive A Live Wire until future notice

Keep Kickin'

5th of December 2005, Impossible Soldier And Scary Offers
6.42 PM CET

Here is another Monday hitting me like a bullet train. So out of it these days.
Too tired? I don’t know. Am I? I guess it is just the goddamn things I constantly have to take care of. Shit. Some of the things are just fucking brain farts others are seriously fucking with my skull.

I think I feel a bit down. Like things are going up in higher gear than I can keep up with. That truly is not a nice feeling. Like the guy I told you briefly about in on here yesterday. The one with the four awards that I want. I think we can do it have settled more or less on an agreement. BUT!!!! Then the goddamn same guy said “I have a friend that’s selling out. He has about 10 more awards or something – interested?”

Suck my dick!!! Fuck…… duuuhhh!!! Yes I am. I wanna see if I can get the biggest and best award collection on the Cruesters there is. That is a damn cool offer. But what would (or will – lol) that not cost me? Ahh to hell with it. I may die tomorrow so what the hell. Can things be fixed I'll try to get as many as I can.

I will gladly pass on the Sixx stuff up on auction for these awards. Awards to me are the milestones in my collection. Especially if they are the costume ones or of presentation to the band. My god 12 to 14 more awards? I cannot even begin to think about it. Let us just see what will happen. The guy told me he would put pictures up on email for me in 4 to 5 days form now. So… I can perhaps post 'em all on here for you all to see.

Been offered other huge lots too. And BabyC has a friend or knows of one that is about to sell out. Once again due to the ONLY thing in life that is not worth doing: Getting married. Hope she will ask him about things for me or give me the address later on so I have a chance to dig in maybe?

The one soldier in the “gang of loyalty” that is truly fucked up is the one form Norway! That is just without any hope at all. She is not doing much but work and drink. My god well could have said a gazillion things here but I will spare the weak. I seem to scare more people than I thought!People seem to have kind of a problem with me having this totally twisted look on life. Like how can I?!!!

Not that that is the case of the Norwegian soldier. She is just scared of me in a weird way.And there isn’t much Motley up there it seems. Okay it’s the country of two things. Booze and sex. On the official list these country men are the ones that fuck around the most and drink like hell. Not many Motley related things can be added on here as of now.

Really weird. Feels more and more like the one that stands closest to me in thinking and in …well many things is C. Hargrave. I am a little bit amazed I have to say. -I think maybe there is a reason for the strong bond between her and me. It gets clearer and clearer to me. I cannot wait to get to the other side of Christmas. This is just such a hopeful thing to me. I so want to make this happen.

I AM scared that it can cost me a line of Motley activities and all…….Sure is not as I live the life now – should I go over there.

But like I tell all my friends and foes – life is a price tag – look at it and make up your mind are you willing to pay the figure on it?

If not STOP!!! If yes - go for it and stop complaining. My good I get sick of looking at all the people around that fills up their lives with shit they don’t truly care for.
They live their lives with mostly GOT TO Does all the time and not much
“I like to does”…… that shit I hope will never be the main factor in my life. If anybody sees me having that kind of life … please kill me.

Okay I have to say this too in the posting of today:
There are new ideas for the site again!! Keep coming back on here and soon you will see some shit that could make one get to know me even more. Get more in touch of what I am and this is all about. There is hope for making this site even cooler.
Some changes coming in the early stages of the New Year and shit. I cannot wait.

In many ways 2006 can be considered the NEW ways for Tommy.

The Fucked One

4th of December 2005, Trust, Offers And headaches
5.14 AM CET

I do feel I am getting a headache form all the offers rolling in over me. I have now been offered 4 awards again. All personal and members presented. I of cause want to get these. I have requested or suggested things to the seller of them. Hopefully he will work with me on this one!! We will see and I am pretty sure you will hear the result of it too.

I got the Japanese tour book from eBay this morning actually that one just ended and that's the reason for this boy to be here up so early. I think I am gonna have to find more trust in myself on certain Crue things again. I am going a bit overboard on several things. Worries like hell. I know my honey hates that about me. Sorry baby. I will try to better myself.

Then there is an all new item on the market. A REAL bowling ball Motley Crue 2005 style. That one I would like to get too. They are about $120 dollars US but truly nicely done. I remember when I saw the KISS one last year I freaked. That one is even cooler than this M.C. one. But it is not KISS that I collect now....

The latest Sixx personal items are long into its auctions. Three of the five items are up and running.The shirt pictures here a few days ago then the Sunset Tattoo jacket, and Sixx's Dr. Bracelet. That one is a shit super cool thing to have.

-Am I going for it? No. I do not, RATHER want the awards but awards are super cool to have and I have so many and these 4 offered to me are just a truly fantastic piece of collectibles.

The Brides Of Destruction sign I won then lost then . yeah well.. My sweetest of sweets Corinna has got on the sellers ass about it.

It turns out it is bent into some what half the size. But not torn in two parts. She knows MORE THAN WELL how bad I want this one and said she wanted the god damn thing anyways. So I think it is coming to her for me after all. Just not in the condition I wanted it in. FUCK!!!

But I will have it framed - so maybe it can come out pretty nicely after all. Fucking hope so.The pictures of the John Corabi 1994 jacket as promised will be coming on here Tuesday but until then here is the one in the newly signed version.

Tons of things coming. It is a highly interesting time for me. But a time too for headackes. So many things on the market.

I miss my girl. I so want to be there now. I think it is a little too hard to get things covered these days. The Crue satisfaction. And being or just talking to my girl as much as I like to. Things are being tested these days and it surely takes one to go through with it. I think.

24 more nights and I am out of here. South Carolina here I come. I cannot wait for that to happen.

By the way speaking of South Carolina and Corinna. She is up over her head in working hours this month. She says hello to you all and says she is sorry for the silence.
But she cannot yet find time to make a posting on here simply due to the schedules she is having. And trust me NO ONE that I know would have been able to fill in her working schedules. I get all tired just THNKING about it, and she fucking has to do it.

We miss her here and she will return. Maybe later in the month or suddenly she will miss us all too much and just do it. Lol.

Alright ya all!!!
back to bed for me!!

The coming American!!!

2nd of December 2005, Corabi Again And Again
5.59 PM CET
It was not Motley Crue 1994 no more. It was once more Union including The bass man of Alice Cooper band, Bruce Kulick ex-KISS, Fred Coury of Cinderella and Mr. John Corabi of 1994 edition of Motley Crue. I went to the capitol of Denmark. Copenhagen once more to see these guys. I had seen the jam band E.S.P. earlier same year same club same members except back then it was ex - KISS drummer Eric Singer n there with the three string men.

Now I was extremely excited for the Union thing. I love Union. I think they are very underrated as a band. Sadly!! Now for the show I had a few plans. First of an interview set up with John Corabi as the main goal. It was arranged and it happened.
Actually as often before very delayed but it was happening. And I will let you in on it a little later.

My personal thank yous to Mr Corabi, Union and the man making it happen. Nicolas, tour manager. Thanks a lot guys it has been awesome. Cannot wait to see you again in April.I have my younger brother now as said earlier on here ending his days of a Crue collector. Things have reached its high and he is calling it a day. I decided I would like to give to him a "goodbye" experience so I offered him in on the interview to meet one of the Cruesters. He did.

He got some CDs signed and he got to chat a little with him and got his photo with the man.
I promise the meeting Corabi shots will go on here Monday or Tuesday!! Need them back from the lab first!

Got a few things signed too...The set list for the night

My old Summer of 2004 Hollywood meeting with John at the Roxy club at the Cardboard Vampires show there July 16th.
And some stuff I got from them. A live Union DVD and the 8x10 photo

The show was filled with F-U-N and the more they played the more crazy they got. As you can see from the set list a lot of cool songs, all together it ended up more like an intimate jam evening with a few people. They loved it. All had great fun. The Corabi interview went well, really well. I got about one hour with him and of that maybe 40 minutes down on tape. It all took place at the band room. After the show. And the so called meet n greet. All were really cool about it all. So it did run rather late compared to the original deal which was 6 PM..

This baby did not go down till after midnight. I just did not want to miss it so.. my Union night got extremely long.
The hours from a quarter to six till quarter past eight were long and DAMN cold. My brother and I had to leave after seven to go to a café get a hot cup of coffee and hot chocolate. Then we returned to the venue feeling nicely hot. That was just so good. What coffee can't do to you is sometimes a miracle. LOL.

For once in a long time my brother and I had no problems. Not that we are cats and dogs or something. But we have had really tough waters for a lot of reasons.

Now it was a day with pure joy and brotherhood like we could not even remember. Thanks Morten. Now he too was very grateful for the show and what it held for him. Hopefully the good atmosphere here will continue.

-in the interview John told me some pretty intense and personal things. That was just super cool. I think there is a chance to put together a really cool hour on him for radio too. After the interview we sat and talked, me, him, and the tour manager guy Nicolas. Really sweet guy. They are coming back in April 2006 as Union and then John in between is doing a ton of things too. And he is coming out 2006 with his first ever solo CD. And band to tour massively in Europe. That tour will hold a lot of awesome surprises that I promised not to tell about on air. and that I guess means on here too.

So for the ones that get to hear things from me on that one consider yourself lucky you bastards. I love you all and you all damn well know it too.

I am signing off here now!!
I will return Monday with some pictures of my 1994 light brown coat of johns signed and worn in freshly printed photos okay!!!

I am very pleased with this one. Thanks for doing it John and for the old Crue stories told.

PS: babyC - hope you like your greeting

Power to the music dude!!!

29TH of November 2005, Here We Go – Once Again
9.23.PM CET

Yes chicos and dudettes. This is round two starting. Round two of many things actually.The Brides Of Destruction sign that I got from this seller a few weeks back. Guess what? I got an email saying that the thing was returned to sender and was totally damaged so I would not be getting it. You guys have absolutely no idea how that hurt me to hear. A refund well yes.

But that is so not of interest!! My god. I am shit sad about that one!!
Then a few guys I have sent part payments to throughout a longer period seem to have fucked me over. I am very pissed about that. Always and everywhere you stumble into these idiots that just fuck you over and get silent.

I know also that Nikki Sixx has NOW this hour started his new 5 piece personal auction again. This here is the first then tomorrow a Hollywood Sunset Strip Tattoo jacket and Thursday a Dr. bracelet then 2 bass guitars. Guess how I feel?!!!!!

I am low, low, low, low, low on chances for doings on these items. Well let us see how bad it actually gets.

He ? Sixx ? is also just about to release a new clothing line of a whole bunch of different shirts. That line of shit I simply have to get and clear as it comes out. I have so many Dragonfly shirts missing. And bought a whole line of them. I sadly have never received them thanks to Crue family screw ups. Sorry not telling more than that.

Only one thing to say torn, disappointed, and pissed about it.

The Brides tour of Europe has for the 3rd or 4th time been cancelled. Or it seems to have been. That is simply too cool. NOT!!! What the hell is that? Is it the band, the management or the label that fucks these things up? Great way to build a follow up to the debut album and tour from last year. Jesus Christ. I guess I am only this hurt
and shitty feeling about this because it is still a band I love so much.

But this is wheather I like the dudes or not a fucked up rotten way to roll the dice.


Okay I have a stinky line of experiences this week. And it is all costing me money too. That is just a truly nice one. Stinks!!

Guess I cannot have a full month without stones on my road of travel in the Motley world?!! Fuck that is just a huge fucking fact and has followed me like for 10 years or more. Anyway just wanted to share my feeling of a Tuesday and the news good and bad!!!

To all my kittens ? miaaauuuuuwwww
To all my soldiers ? stay armed.

More tattooing Friday afternoon?.

Yours Tx

Here is what the Sunset auctioned jacket is looking like.
Think you will be able to find it online somewhere in a day or two.

Good hunting!!! Sixx Shit!!!

26th of November 2005, Sex, Sex, And A Honey
1.50 PM CET

My fucking god. I am so in need of a sexual act. I had a massive cool time this morning with miss cool this morning. Guess you all know who. She showed me all the latest arrived Crue stuff. And as always there are so many cool things. But it is now also so wanted by me to have added to the site. I cannot wait to get this lot on here. Wait till you see it all. Fuck me there is tons of great stuff. It is almost a small collection in its own. LOL

I felt satisfied looking at it all. So much better, than sex. But then she started looking at me with her teasing sweet warm eyes. Talk about getting excited. I had a restaurant working day to deal with about 20 minutes later. I fucking left my home with a stiff 3rd leg.

Have to see her soon. If not my right hand will fucking go ape shit on me. Cannot continue to do the polishing solo. Hell no. Sex, sex, sex……… who needs it? I have learned to need it. And it fucking kills me.

Have to get laid soon. My god I am so out of it. Think I will just fuck her in the airport. Get the pressure over with. Can one get arrested for that?

The items there are so awesome. And next to be added are the Detroit new years stuff. I tell you guys (and chicos) the thing is, I have now so many things to add on here that this site begins to be even bigger than I expected it to be!! In January as I bring as much of it home to Denmark from America as I possibly can, the webmaster and myself will be getting busy!!!Going to be so cool to add again.

Webmaster is growing old. Too old too. She wants the gold but cannot work it no more….. That’s a laugh. C’mon.… got to agree with me there!! (look at her posting on “kickstart my heart”. A hard living with a hard doing but she is not holding up). Well best of luck with something else then.

I think I am gonna be bringing a cool banner to the new years show. Whip it out front row dead centre and see if we can have the band grabbing it for the show ON STAGE and then hunt down the bootleg video of it. Cause there will of course come one. I think it will be a cool special one.

Hope to have a new jacket to wear too. Airbrushed new yrs special. My god or airbrushing is gonna do all this. And we will be having the time of our lives that night, No home TV dinner for us. We are gonna be rocking to the Crue In Auburn Hills – Detroit, MI USA baby!!!

A little hotel sex as dessert if I am lucky!! My god I am so damn sexualy frustrated here… She goes down …..(& you know it) Lick It up… ohhh damn that’s a KISS song…

Sticky Sweet

24th of November 2005, 24th Once Again…..
3.33 PM CET

I am so beside myself. I have no idea what the hell is wrong with me. I am high above still. Iceland is below me. Another two and a half to three hours left and I will be in my living room once again.

How is everything? The word “regretting” is a wrong choice. But I feel like I regret NOT getting the Japanese tour merchandise like more than anything else. But it would have killed my chances for a fairly nice December trip to the US!! And that one is even more important. Not bigger in heart felt passion. But more important. I have to make that one a good one. It is with my baby and the new year`s concert and extra travelling from southern state to north and more. So yes it is more important!!

Looks like I will now NOT be getting much more Crue in a long, long time!!
-Long story but seems to be a true one. Anyway, I also hear Sixx is putting up a handful more of personal stuff for auction.
Including two bass guitars. That is PURELY fucked. I wanna know first of all which ones they are….
Then I wanna see what they can possibly be going for.


There is a pile of things more at Corinna's house for me. Miss you…….But a lot of people have yes… still not gotten their shit together and sent what is already paid for a long time ago. FUCK!!! Especially the Brides Tower Records Hollywood sign. I wanted that so bad. I got it and now … still not there.

Hopefully by the time this gets online I hope Corinna tells me it's there already!!
Had a chance to party with Magnum the UK band in Copenhagen today. But I am shit too tired to make the stop and stay there.

I will not go. I have Union and John Corabi in Copenhagen next week. And then the weekend after that Brides in Hamburg.

Hopefully with an interview again…. I do not see how I could possibly fail. The new label of theirs and others are fucking asses to deal with. It is shit bad!! I cannot make this one happen. And it simply is a fucking bad ass situation.

Well I will turn to the Danish distribution company to ask for help there!!!
Till I get home…. these have been the thoughts on my way back!!!!
I love most of you fuckers out there… Let me have my bitter pill.

I still am….. too fast for love sweetie….


24th of November for Some – back To Real Life
3.18 PM CET
Sitting in the airport. How can things be feeling so wrong yet so right?I have had that kind of feeling tons of times. Do you think I am getting too used to be living out my dream? I have asked myself that question many, many times. I do not think so. If I was I had not had the excitement what so ever left to do it. And I tell you all right now – I love it.

It has been a hope for a long time to get to do a few certain things with the band but I am sure I will only get to live out so many dreams in that category.

I am sitting here in calmness. It is past midnight and I can say to myself “your Eastern trip and tour here is history pal”.Feels like I have a smile coming at the same time also a bit of sadness. I mean I think the shows have been awesome but they do more here… tomorrow too.

I will just not be a part of it. Kind of sucks but hey, cannot ask “the man” to cover all doings in the Crue life. Right?

I hope this will be the start of something AWESOME for the next and last month of the year. Who would ever have thought this would be happening? Not me I give you that much!! I am blessed and I feel blessed as hell. I have so many things fixed and so many nice doings waiting for me.I need to get laid. I feel everything is awesome everything has been covered but I am still full of energy. Getting laid can fix that problem. You hear me honey? We need to look in on that problem. Lol.

I will remember this the most by the line of merchandise I never got. I feel shit sad about that. Always wanted to go here and get the full line of sale products. And now I do get here I cannot do it. That hurts like a mutha fucker. You guys can only guess…. I think only two people on planet earth that can find kind of an idea how much I suffer form that fact!!

Alright guys, I will rap this up as it is getting time to do a boarding check so I will maybe find myself doing a few thoughts to share with you as we get airborn. Have about a full day to do just that!!

The Sticky Sweet!!

23rd of November, 22nd To Others, The Shows??
4.49 PM CET

I see the webmaster is pretty busy. Gotten other work and seems to be a little tight in things these days. I hope she will be able to get the things out as they happen. That is our main goal on here to update you all as the shit hits the fan so to say!! Bare with us. I am sure she does what she can. I think she will make a posting soon in the guestbook for you all. Whatever it is her call.

There has been a question or two towards me about the many postings but not much on the actual shows. Well people there really is not much to say. The Japanese people are as always full on. There are no others like them. Crazy in a non violent way. Simply rocking out like no other country. There is no really dramatic changes than from what we have seen or heard on the rest of the world tour so far. Guess everybody is aloud to get the same kind of medicine for this one. See the same show.

And for me it feels much more honest to let you all in on what I think and experience from this. Than to make another show review since it is to me but another show(s). What can I say? It's called Japan, or USA or England, or Sweden it does not really matter. The Crue have rehearsed plenty to do and say the same things every where. Not much impulsive happenings going on. So, I do not really know what to say to you.

I guess I could share this; From all the shows I have seen, and now the tour is getting closer to the actual end, I still think the solos are well….. not that fully awesome. It's cool to see the guys do their solo shit for a few minutes. But honestly it is not stinky impressive. I am much more a fan of getting the songs played out so…..I love simply love the old ones “Too fast..”, “On With The Show”, “Ten Seconds …”, “Shout..”, and I am touched by the “Don’t Go Away Mad” and the “Glitter” one. Not their best rocking songs but, I guess I have my reasons.

I wish to this day Tommy had been giving me a kick in the ass and delivered a FULL hard rocking solo on the skins…. but that did not happen. I do not really like the dance club sound kind of thing he does. It is with full respect that he makes his alternatives but it is not cool in my private little book. Sorry. Do another rock solo and fuck the tittie cam. Girls are going nuts. They want his ass I know, but again I am there for the music not……

Vince has gotten shit good over the tour. But also fell off a bit in the summer shows in the US I think. He better be careful and not loose it. Mick is the BEST on the tour for me. He is just fucking amazing. Nothing else to add there. Sixx I guess is Sixx?!! Again no really news to add. Love him and he knows it. At times things go good and others they are shit tired or having perhaps a bad night.

Overall I think the shows are much alike. They are different here and different there from the fact that In Japan,

they have looked ready and awesome. Good enough? Thank you……

Sad to let this go.
Good to get away from the temptations and can't haves.
Reloading for Smaller things before USA late December…Tx

21st of November Or Rather The 22nd!! Jetlag?
8.15 PM CET

I do not know. But I woke up after a nightmare today. A nightmare that has followed me for years. It is another date here than “there” but I feel for writing just a little piece. The band has been awesome so far. Hiroshima gig seemed better that the Tokyo one. I think maybe it could be because I was a little too excited and maybe a little too tired the ”first” night? I can not really say. Now I feel as if I still live on European time.
It is simply not giving me the rest needed, this whole thing.

I do not have that kind of problem when I am in USA.It is just different. This is so much different than from what I have done earlier on this tour.

I know Sixx has had the same problems in 2004 in Europe when he was touring with the Brides. Now I feel it too. Does he? Do they? I have absolutely no idea. I do know that in 5 hours my ride to Osaka is leaving town. I should get rest. But I cannot find it.

It is not a complaint it is just weird. Normally I get a headache too from these things. This time I have not. That of course is extremely nice. I feel bad. It is Tuesday here Tuesday there in the morning and I will Wednesday have my last day here. Missing out on a few shows. Feel sad already. But then Again I miss some elsewhere so I will be okay with leaving.

It can be jetlag that is getting to me. Or too short a time here combined with too much excitement over the fact of WHY I am doing this. Well, as said no complaints. I have had my "in the middle of the night tea" and I have gotten a shower. As sitting on the can which I feel can best be described as sitting on the floor, so low… I am now finishing up what ever has to be done before the few last hours here.

I feel Osaka will be another blast in line. What the hell else can say it is? My long lost Japanese friend is not here. He will return to the show in Osaka. He was not going this far south if you from Tokyo as he had things to do today. I even think this was his only to be missed show. Amazing guy. Crue head since the Theatre days. That tour and all brings back so many memories in my mind. I still think I will leave here with a hole in my heart not getting the Japanese items. Man I so want them. Sounds like a joke to many I know. Get real, Huhh?

Well say that and you do not know this fan too well. Have I used the word addict before? Well let me do it again. I am a Motley addict. And the ride I boarded December 2004 is soon ending. It has been the best rollercoaster ride in my life.

You guys get some rest over there.
I will now seriously try to find some of my own.
Crue`d brother!!!

21st of November 2005, Second One, Second Last
6.24 AM CET

Feels like it is so not right. Having a blast but this is my second show here and also my second to last one. Sadly I missed out on the first show as it got cancelled, the flight out here that is. And the show on the 24th is not gonna happen for me. The airport is too far away to make the flight back it seems. So instead of getting stranded in the middle of hobbit country I gotta say dude not happening. And head out of here too. Sad but that’s life I guess. In its own beauty. What the heck I have a few weeks to spend at home before the USA trip goes down, but them weeks too are gonna be filled with all kinds of things. So I guess it is fair to say– I'm all good.

I have gotten a few emails from just a few while being here already. Thanks for that. I love it. You know who you are, Means a lot. Thanks again. I wish right now the trip here could be the complete shows but things have changed since the day of the ticket got in hand. Well…… fuck it. I keep reminding myself I should not complain about it. I have had so much goodness in my 2005 so stop crying. Thank you very much.

This city is some what different than Tokyo and others I guess .The old infamous bombing is so showing here. Monuments and more in many places. I am far from seeing it all but still it's like there is a reminder of this in so many places. You won't believe. Some of the old buildings from the tragedy like in Berlin Germany still has the old burned out buildings standing. Here are a few. The monument and an out bombed dome of the city. The city seems to have kinda like a old ghost town combined to the new and modern part of the city.

Thank god the hotel is better than the sad memos from back in the day.Not much Crue to be seen here. I have not seen anything. Then again again maybe I'm not looking in the right places who knows?? I have done my little walk about and am on my way out to the arena so…. But just in case you are wondering. The boys seem extremely happy about being in Japan. Damn I wish I had a chance 2 talk some more to them.

Okay my friends I have got to go!!
Talk again later,

It's time to kickstart this fucker!!!!
Same ol Situation I guess…just another city.


21st of November 2005, Funny To Be Rocking Daylight
7.06 PM CET

Fucking weird sitting in the middle of the night saying to one's self the show ended HOURS ago.
They basically play late afternoons here and are able to walk round the city early evenings local time of course.

Anyways, just wanted to say the boys have had a busy press thing it seems. I am not fully aware of this fact. I have just eaten something my Japanese friend recommended. Raw fish… guess what fuckers… we are in Japan. It was actually really good. I have had it before but this way Japanese style for real… get out of here.

Everything is so surreal. I hope for a little special Crue something in the morning but the boys seem so busy! So the few days that I am here, well if I do not get to meet them then- tough!! Things have changed a bit according to that. But what the fuck I am alright with it. I have fun. Miss USA but not Denmark one bit. Get out of here. Man I am living a dream, a dream I feel sure will be cut back MASSIVELY when we roll the calendar and it writes 2006. I have spent so stinky much cash this year as you all know that has followed my adventures through out the year!

Well I am off from here now. Here are a few pictures of the life in the heart of the city of Tokyo.

Getting up early and the long travel is starting to get to me. Moving my ass to Hiroshima!! Live at the Sun Plaza.

Sweet dreams ya all.
Where ever you are

20th of November 2005, Thank God There IS A Guide
10.33 AM CET
That is so to the point!! Thank god there is a guide. I met a Japanese guy here. Very same hotel by the way. As loyal as these Japanese fans are this guy totally went crazy when he saw the tattoos. I fucking almost felt like I was the star there. What a fucking huge and amazing thing these little people do when they get a passion for something.

He speaks English too that is perhaps the best of all. Lucky me. Lol -Well after gotten from the airport and feeling the Japanese ground under my feet I kind of got a strange feeling. It was not as real as it could be. I felt I was dreaming. I have over here with the borrowed laptop for the few days this trip will be sending several mails to my honey while air born. I have been looking forward to this one sure I have but with so many things added to the December trip it is financially no good to do this one. As said yesterday I will not be taking anything back home from the tour over here. And now after my new found friend has shown me around a little bit. I can honestly say it is pure torture.

There is Crue everywhere. The Japanese promoters have with their label done some awesome things. Or maybe it is just because as we all know the Japanese collectibles are sick!! In a good way. So over the top. Everybody wants them. My god I would rather deal with the pain of getting tattooed for 5 hours than seeing these things and then not getting them.

Well as I sit here back the the Crue hotel


And I caught myself nodding. This year is a never ending story and it has been the ride of a lifetime I think. From a fan and collector's point of view. A few people have followed me and my doings this year and I think they can agree with me. I should be ashamed if I complain about anything.

But I do. I guess it is just the nature of the beast huhh?

We passed the arena earlier and the view and the thought of "This is the frames for the 4 original MOTLEY CRUE boys in a good few hours" that was just amazing. I surely love this I wish I had been able to do all this much much more in my life. But, I am but a worker. And the ordinary little living man is not able to do this much.

I have done my share I think. And then as I return to the cold of Scandinavia it is still not over for me.

Now I only regret one thing. I forgot my camera hope. It is in my hallway.
And….well no need to rub it in. I am here now and I will get the fucking best out of it.
Saw Vince leaving the hotel so…. I guess it's show time soon…..!!!Guess who is smiling!!

Your Japanese happiness

19th of November 2005, Memphis International
12.40 Pm CET
It was never really believed in. That I should sit here and on my way to a Japanese tour with the Crue. My Swedish travelling partner Mattias and I fooled around with the idea but I could not do it then. And neither could he. In my mind I think he is now today, happy that he did not go. Besides he is a The Darkness freak first and foremost. And they have a new CD and tour in the works so…

Guess what has been read about on Motley.Com is hanging as a banner at the Memphis International Airport – the Crue tickets auction.

I fucking wanted that one. I have asked like 10 different people no one will take it down to let me have. There goes another thing not to be added to the collection I am constantly trying to build. Shit. Well, I know this as good as anyone– cannot win them all. I have had a HUGE Crue year 2005 and fuck me, it is not even over yet. Direct flight form Memphis the city I so badly want to stay in. I want to go to Graceland like you cannot even begin to believe.

Honey we have to go there next year. Man I want to. Elvis Presley City.Now direct flight to Tokyo in the waits. Due to a connecting flight I will most likely miss the first show in Tokyo so that brings me down to 4.

What really bugs me the most is going solo, and I have a few people, friends, and a girl that would have actually loved to share this one with me and me with them. Plus I know for a facts there is no Japan merchandise brought back home. I simply have no longer had the money for it. So that I am sure will be a HUGE test for me. I cannot walk away from a Crue thing I see up for grabs if you only have the asked amount!!

Thinking of that I have to say– I think it is a bigger deal than I actually realize what my honey has done for me. Helped me with, been the reason happening this year. If I speak about adding stuff to the collection. She has been a huge impact. I had most likely bought it all anyway had I not had her. Then I could have saved a lot of money on the travelling to her and the USA too. I guess it all hangs together. But sitting here a little tired and still a long way to go I have to say C. you are a dream come true. Besides all the shitty sides to you I love you, lol.

Okay guys and gals I will post a little more as I am there….Keep going in here. MCRUELOYALTY.DK is growing and if the damn webmaster (lol) can only keep her shit together we will move to even bigger heights shortly. Heidi, I could not leave be. Make sure your guy takes me to that Brides thing, now you burned me lol lol, lol!!

To you all……..
Why are you not in Japan?
Course you are going to be in Detroit?

Just teasing!!

Power to the music, man!!!

16th of November 2005, Sixx Shit and Inked Skin
7.49 PM CET

Okay as I sit here there are 3 minutes till the ending of the last pair of Nikki Sixx leather pants. Used on stage at on the Carnival Of Sin tour 2005. Am I bidding yes. Hold your horses and let us see how it goes.Okay a few minutes past the ending seconds. Guess what!!
I WON!! I FUCKING DID IT again. Man I am gonna be fucked. But the items here are to never return and be offered.

So grab the damn thing. And so I did. The Sixx leather pants are officially a part of the crazy Danes collection. Jesus!!

I can fairly say that that was the LAST auction on these major things for at least half a year!!The wallet and my health does not accept no more of that kind. I keep getting shit in the collection so it all runs up!!! Well I have had a weird day. And it ends with a pair of Nikki's sweaty stinky pants? It is all good. I should start at work round 9:00 today, but did all a favor & checked in early and started at 7:15. Got a lot of shit cleared out of the way. Had a good feeling about most of the things I have had my hands in today!! No sick shit. Except money going, going, going gone. FAST TOO!!

The shock of today may have been the message from my younger brother. "Im stopping the Crue life" huhh!! Well, I take over and it's not gonna be with a tear. I will and shall always treasure it with a smile. Anyway the word is out. He is officially calling it quits. He has had it and it is time for him to move on with things filling up his life.

-I will be in need of something soon to clear my own slips. I have a line of things to do and to get cleared before the Christmas day hits my face this year. I have so many things that I need to get in order. But it is all cool. I got a feeling there will be a ton of working to do to get it all organized but I think I will come out fine at the end of the rainbow. What about you honey you agree??

From work to the chair of pain!! I got inked more today. Shit fucking hurts more than I care to deal with. But I handled it. I would say 3 more times at the tatt artist and I am done for this round. It will all come out fantastic I am pretty sure…. As things now start to get connected. Rolled up in tape and plastic (lol) from shoulder to hand on my right side tonight! Hell what you don’t do!!!

Now, I rest the next few hours with the CD spinning and then enjoy this evening relaxing. Got no more to do today.

That feels really nice. Tomorrow is yet another day and I think I will take that day with a smile too.

To anyone that bids on the FINAL Sixx item tomorrow as it ends good luck. You can fight over that WITHOUT ME!!! That was not a threat. That was a goddamn promise!!

Fuck the needle
hail the dedicated

“The ink man!!!”

PS: the jacket going under the hammer tomorrow is shit cool but as said
NOT going for it. The best of luck to all.......

15th of November 2005, Lee interview and Sixx auctions
11.36 PM CET
So who would have thought? Seven items have ended so far in the Sixx eBay auction. And I truly wanted 2 of those. Never got them. Though fuck lets try for the one tonight.Just ended. My worries kind of just ended with it. I WON!!!

Two more items are ending. How can one possibly sit with a strange wrong feeling about such a win? Most likely because the money spending on this thing I had rather seen going on the other item form Sixx auctions. No, no, no, no, no!!!!!

I am not complaining– what are you kidding me? I love it. But would rather have wanted something else. Today also the Tommy T-Bone Lee interview should have had gone down for the magazine here in Denmark. GAFFA!!! Never happened. Tommy ditched it… well so far at least. That was my 4th or 5th time promised an interview where he or someone in his staff let me down. Lee is by far the one that does this the most.

No matter the reason for it. That is just fucked up. Mars and Sixx would never do it. Neil? Well on his so called a very infamous off days I guess he could but I have heard this from a line of people that had arrangements with Lee that it just never happened. Sad. I remember on tour no matter what country I went to in 2005; fans that have met the boys had had most bad experiences with our beloved skin man. Fucking sad!! People around US and Europe have sceptics if he has gone too far into ego land.

Never mind with the emails rolling between me and the magazine contact we still hope for a rain check on the interview. Like hell I would love to do it. Tommy if you see this. Make 30 minutes of your life available for me. Fuck do not know if I should laugh or cry here.

A few other things have happened. Item wise yeah still a few new things added the last 48 hrs. To the collection. But to be put up on here later. One thing that has worried me yet not really has been my baby and the new yrs show. She got told she could not get off from her work those days. That’s a huge worry. But as said I am not TRULY heart broken over the news. She is having a nonrefundable plane ticket too so no matter the situation trust me she is going.

I think it is by far the best new years I will be spending. The KISS in Vancouver millennium new yrs 1999/2000 was with big sadness a disappointment to me. Fuck!!! I will never forget it. It hurt me after having been KISS loyal too since '76. Well that is over with now. This time it will not be a Swedish friend going with me. No, this time we share the day and show together my baby and me. That trip will be awesome. Almost no matter how the Crue show will turn out. So many new things, places and more to see. Love it.

Now– for the people on the Sixx site don’t be walking in such small shoes people. I am not on anyone’s asses. We are family. But then again it’s said that family are the people that argues the most!!! Makes sense? Hell I do not know. Fuck it.
-A rat like me!!!

14th of November 2005, Another Ended Sixxter
6.28 PM CET
It went for the amount of: Bidding has ended for this item at US $2,100.00
You were outbid

Bloody hell!!!


14th of November 2005,
5.23 PM CET
Monday, Yeah well it had to come did it not? It is okay though. I have had a fairly good Monday so far. A few new Crue items. And my so far Hamburg ticket for Brides OF Destruction. I know there is no Sixx in there no more. Yet it will be interesting. Still love the band. Thank god it was not an all Sixx thing for me. Was a bit scared of that to be honest.

Now I only need to let time fly till that one arrives in my face. The date for that event I mean. I think there is a good chance for me to get that interview with the Brides too. Anyway I have been promised this as posted earlier on here. But them PR guys and artists for that matter very often drop out or push these things. We will see. At least the show will be attended.

The latest news and things to worry my little head has been a line of payments in a total of a quiet high amount!! There are a few that has not gotten through or some items paid for that has not gotten to me yet. That shit worries me.If I do not get sick from all this worrying then I don’t know!

The goddamn tattoos are on hold. Shit much for me to do and VERY bad connections and all the needed for moving on with these fuckers too. That is irritating me like……hmmmmm.

Also welcome to the latest of our loyal GANG OF LOYALTY members. The oldest so far LOL, LOL. Sorry Don could not let it be. I love that you want to join us. For people not knowing and I guess that is about all of you out there. I have known and had contact with Mr. Armstrong. I have had the pleasure of getting some shit awesome airbrushed stuff from him. We are it seems – on a constant move in doing things.

For everybody that wants to get something airbrushed you need to talk to this dude. Don I will be meeting in line of the New Years Eve Show in Detroit. I cannot wait. Finally to shake hands with a master. Don will be creating a banner made ESPECIALLY for the new years show. We are as said FRONT ROW so the band will see it plenty.

Fuck who knows maybe they will grab the fucker and bring it up on stage – would LOVE to get a picture of that. Man that had been an honour. We will see how it goes. -You should maybe know that there is now also a December release for the DVD of the live one out now in the USA. Plus the “LIVE 8” dvd box is out. Sadly there is not the complete Crue performance. Try to get the Toronto single DVD instead. If of course you want this for the Crue.

Also there is a new release of the Sweden rock festival 2005 out this month. It holds the Crue`s press conference and finally there is a rumour of no more meet-n-greets for the 2006 shows. Maybe it is time for us that got that experience to feel lucky? What a damn shame. Still the band is live in Europe again April 2006. But I think it's going to be for a good 6–10 shows only!!

Now, till next time, stay Crued.



WTF, I was about half way through this posting & this fuckin' computer decided it wanted to freeze & I lost everything. FUCK That so pisses me off you have no idea.

Shit last night at work a girl got canned. Sucks for her. Anyway now I was asked to cover some her days for a while. So guess what?? Now I have even less time for anything as if I had any to begin with. But that leaves me with a little more cash for the New Years show. So good & bad in all.

Damn I can't believe these ppl are paying that much for all these Nikki worn items. It's just fuckin' insane. Don't get me wrong though I would do it too if I had it to spend!!! MONEY- The root of all evil. It just sucks when you don't have it.

Anyway how about that New Year's Eve trip? FUCK YEAH!!!! I bought the plane tix today!! I bought the show tix yesterday at high NOON & had to lay out of work to it, but you gotta do what you gotta do in the name of the CRüE!!! I'm so excited!! It's going to be the BEST FUCKIN' NEW YEARS EVER!! So for those of you goin' see ya there in front row & if not well........ then that sucks for you!! Sorry.

T will also get to meet a contact od his that he has been wanting to meet for a while now. So that will be awesome too! I couldn't ask for anything better then New Years with T at Motley show. How cool is that? Now the waiting is going to kill me!!

I also bought tix to Columbus GA for the Feb. 10th show. My friend Lisa from Vegas is going to try to fly out here & go with me to that one. That will so cool. I have not ever actually met her before but we met through eBay (LOL)(what is it with me meeting ppl off of eBay). She's a big cruehead too. I hope it works out & she comes.

About the Nikki jacket lost, I'm so sorry honey I didn't mean to be rude or anything. I really do undrstand how much it hurt when T didn't get the jacket. Shit I would feel the same way. That is the very jacket Sixx was wearing when he let T into his life. I can't believe it's not his to own. This is a true loss & probably went to some asshole that won't appreciate it in any kind of way that T would. Next time I just won't say anything honey I'm truely sorry.

I finally watched the first disc of the new DVD last night. I thought it was pretty good. I'm watching the second half as we speak so to speak!!! It just started & it's pretty good so far. Pretty entertaining!! SO... if haven't already bought it shame on you go get your ass out & buy & watch it now!!!

You know what would be an awsome thing for T to get would be? Well I think it would be so damn cool if he could get one of the stage worn coveralls worn by one of the Boys. Honey you need to talk to MR. SIXX about this one!!! Work the man, I know you can do it!! LOL!!!

Damn I can't take my eyes off the TV, this DVD is good!! LOL

Well I think T is a little worried about the us thing going on. He keeps just mentioning things here & there. Well honey be worried all you want but worrying will not get you anywhere. You just have to take things as they come. You will never know what the
future holds. You only know what you want it to hold. Just know that I love you & I want this thing to work ok.

Now to this *Cruester* guy!! Who the hell are you? Tommy keeps tellin' me that you keep asking him about me. Well he's right I am spoken for & will not be won over by anyone, but I would be glad to talk to you & say hey!! T says you're a pretty cool guy.
So if you want to ask me anything you don't want to put up on here be my guest at: corina1965@aol.com or sixxaddict@nikkisixx.zzn.com. That goes for anybody who wants to.

I'm sorry about not being able to help get all this stuff on line for you guys to see. I don't have the time & I don't think I have the right kind of scanner or even a big enough scanner to do it. But what I can do is ask T if he wants me to put the link in here to all pics I take for him. I can do that if he wants me too & if you guys want to look that way until they can actually get put up on the site. So get on his ass people!! LOL

Mr. T has some new Tatts coming along!! I think they are going to be awesome! I can't wait to see them in Dec. I told him I want another one & the responce I got back was not too good. I don't think he wants me to get one. He says he doesn't like a lot of tatts on a girl. Well I don't have a lot. I have 2 & one that you can barely see anymore cause I had it removed. Don't ask why cause I will not say why at this time in my life. Just put it this way: I didn't want to do it but I did out of (?????) respect maybe. And WOW did it hurt like a mother fucker. 100x worse then ever getting one. You also have to go for the lasering many times for it to completely fade, so that pain times about 4 times going to do it. It sucked!!!! I will never do it again. I still think I will get one though. Sorry baby!

I just talked to a friend in Vegas that tried to go to the Vince Poker tournament. He has tix but they didn't tell him it was going to start at 1:00pm so he got there at 6:00 & said it was so fuckin' packed. Well here is what he wrote to me:

We could not even get in. They over sold the tickets. It started at 1pm. We did not get there till 6 pm. They said it is full and we have to wait till people leave before they let more people in. There was like 50 people ahead of us. It was bullshit. Thank god I did not pay for the ticket's I would of been pissed. I did not see any shirt's or anything. But then again I was not able to get into the Joint where it was happening. We waited around till 9 pm but still could not get in so we just left. It was a real bummer. But that's Vegas on a Friday night. So that's it. Sorry. It really sucked. Talk to you soon.

So sorry nothing to add to the site from that little thing. But I tried. Something will come on eBay I'm sure!!

You know I keep saying things about my life & I'm thinking about just telling you guys what is really going on. Should I? I keep asking myself. Well................. If I did I think T would catch so much shit from everybody that he would kill me.

So.............. NAHHHHHHHHHHHH not this time around!! LOL! SORRY ppl but it will be on here one day so if you really want to know you just have to keep coming back & reading about all this shit that we call a life. If that's what you want to call it.

Until the next time we all do a dirty lill SIN SEE YA

The Joker

12th of November 2005, Too Fast For Love And Then Some
6.49 PM CET

How willing am I to get things added? I guess most of the people around me can give you who doubt a clear answer to that one. I will go anywhere it takes me. If I can help it. Recently I have had shit much bad luck on that front. Last night too. I have still not gotten over it. The Sixx jacket that meant the world to me. Just did not get it. Corinna was on my ass about it. Kept telling me to put in a high bid. There are certain things she still does not seem to know. About me.

Like how hurt I really was to NOT get this one. But the winner of it had a bid a good way over $2500 US dollars and I was totally unable to do that. So I raised an offer I thought we could do. Man it hurts. She can not fully know how much. But she kept getting on me about it. She needs to learn that Crue are like the kids I never had or never will have!! Like if the kids were sick and had hunger and I could do nothing but sit there watching them suffer. Imagine how a parent feels in a situation like that. Well I felt it last night. I felt I was cut several times with a rusty blade.

Honey, I beg of you if you cannot find a way to accept, understand or support when shit like that happens. Then please– not to be rude– but, then please don’t say anything at all. This is and was so hurting. It was none of our faults. It just was not meant to be. As with so much else. On a Crue related thing I can say I hear Nikki is starting a photo/film studio in his house. He is going to make a ton of new things with old Crue films like private filming from the entire career and the photos he takes all over the world. I envy this. I LOVE filming too. But I rarely have a stinky chance to do anything. MONEY MONEY MONYE is always the single thing that keeps getting in my way.

I spend all I have, find, and get on the band and its members. I will never get a straight life no more. I think things are so and so catching up on me. Back to my old saying of “don’t ask an addict to simply quit!! It does not work like that!” –Rock-n-Roll is my life. Take that away from me and I would rather die. Glammer, cash and cocaine is not have not and will never be anything I have. But I do have a heart that beats for the
love of music.

I have my honey too. But always that seems to be a borrowed win. I have never fully trusted love and relationships with the life I lead. This is the only one that is truly being given this kind of a chance. But then we have other things to kill and get wiped out of our relationship don’t we? Yes we do. There are always things that needs to be refined and killed for two people to work.

My baby has been a HUGE deal this fall. Huge deal in this Crue world of mine. But there has got to be things sorted with (again) a life lead this way that I do. I will be very interested in seeing how we do coming this December. Ok this begins to sound like a god damn therapy class. Not meant to be. Told every one it is an open book. MY LIFE that is.

I guess what I am trying to say about all this is: Your fucked up host and life long rock-n-roll whore is in pain, and just trying to reach out in his own ways. Do not pay too much attention to it all. I am not complaining or anything. Simply sharing. That is what I like to do with this site. Let you all in under my skin. Stripped down bare naked and wounded.

I feel like the luckiest fucker on planet earth yet the one with the most broken heart. I am as said many times before closing in on the end of 2005 and the year has been a rollercoaster ride full speed for 10 months!!! Over $25.000 dollars has been spent this year and I am flat on my ass broke now. The bank savings and the all good money things are long gone. Replaced by a line of memories of the year that passed by and a
line of Crue adventures I guess most people have only dreams of.

I gave it my all, my everything. Worried this reunion would not last. Little did anyone know. Including the members themselves. But the merchandise and tour kept rolling out for us all to take a part of and it just took all I had. I have no more to offer. I am not sad about that by the way in case you are wondering. All the tour merchandise and shows have been covered. The planet has been toured and I am now here mid November with a few more actions to take before we change the page!! 2006!!

Japan tour. Items getting cleared out of the way. And the new years show in Auburn Hills, USA. That I guess is cool too right?

Hell who can say they could do this shit. Toured USA 3 times, Puerto Rico, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Scotland, England fuck the whole Europe and ending it with Japan and new years show. The only thing I KNOW for a fact I will be missing is the Australia tour and the merchandise in Japan. Cannot do it. No more dollars in my deep pockets.

Since the last thank you's I wanna spread my THX to these people:

Our Norwegian soldier in the GANG of Loyalty online – ElisabethDon Armstrong in Detroit, USA. I will see you in December buddy.
And it will be an honor to meet you. Finally.

My baby– as always in spite of the pressure and what ever we fight with you are the best! LOVE!!Rooberto in Italy, Thanks man. You truly kept your word. Thanks man… I will not forget.

Rick– for keeping the belief in me. I will treasure the Tommy coat as I get it.

Riki– for the deal on the bass. Many talks but in the end only TWO TRUE FANS talking.

The few on Ebay that understood the seriousness in my collecting and were willing to
do a deal off of the auction site.

*To you all THANKS A LOT!!!!!
To the sound of...LOOKS THAT KILL…… I end my posting.

Remember – we stand and laugh and… shout … shout... shout … together!!!!!

11th of November 2005, A Little Making Up Deal
7:49 PM CET

You will receive your ticket(s) 14 days before the performance date.Your ticket(s) are from the following venue(s): The Palace - Detroit, MI .. You have been charged for the following:

Serial # Section Row Seat Price Conv. Fee Date Performance
2314211350 SECTION B 1 10 $250.00 $5.00 December 31, 2005 8:00 PM MOTLEY CRUE
2314211441 SECTION B 1 11 $250.00 $5.00 December 31, 2005 8:00 PM MOTLEY CRUE

This ticket is a revocable license. Any violation of law while attending this event may result in holder being removed from the premises without refund of any portion of the ticket price or charges. The holder of this ticket voluntarily assumes all risks of property loss and personal injury arising during its use whether prior to, during, or after the event and agrees that etix.com, the venue, its management and affiliates of the event are not liable under any theory whatsoever. This ticket is non-transferable. Any transfer, attempted transfer, resale, counterfeit, or unauthorized copy is grounds for seizure from and/or cancellation without refund. Tickets obtained from an unauthorized source may be stolen, copied illegally, counterfeit or lost and if so, may be seized and cancelled without compensation. There are no refunds or exchanges. Event dates, times and locations are subject to change. etix.com reserves the right to change this information without notification.! Sincerely, The Staff at etix.com

11th of November 2005, A Little Making Up Deal
7:49 PM CET

Missed the dream of dreams of this month. Nikki jacket. Got these instead. Both the Brides Of Destruction award plagues. Will try to get them autographed by Early December as the band is here. I hope for an interview so it will be a fair chance to get that done...Crossing my fingers.

Hope one of the last 4 items on SIXX can come to the collection. REALLY don't think so.

Well some don't care- so I might as well just shut the fuck up !!!
White Trash!!!


11th of November 2005, FUCK THE FUCKIN' FUCKERS
7:26 PM CET

Maybe it is a sign!!! No I did not get the jacket. There were 37 seconds to go it was at $1280 US dollars. I bid 2500!! Instant showed “You have been outbid” and that was the end of it. No more time And then it was lost gone never to return again.
Man I am feeling bad!!! Totally fucked!!

The second shirt thing I was getting a 2nd offer for. Well, it turns out the original winner of that one claims she has it in her possession and that can only mean the 2nd guy is a liar. Have emailed not to rush to conclusions.

I hate the fact that a lot of shit like this is out there. What the hell can one do??
BE FUCKING CAREFUL... Who ever is lying? FUCK THE FUCKING FUCKER THAT TELLS A LIE HERE!! Shit I cannot believe this.

2 people say they have it and one ONE exists. Go figure……
The Detroit New Yrs Eve show. We got tickets and we are fucking going!! End of that argument.

Shit I feel sad about that loss!!

Your broken host!!!
Tom Boy

11th of November 2005, A Rocking Or A Sucking Friday?
3:36 PM CET

Today goddamn it is the day!! The day for many decisions. Will we go to the New Years Eve concert in Detroit?

I guess we will. I will know in about 3 hrs. Just posting this so you all can kind of follow what is going on in my mind about the things happening right now! The concert as said I think will be. That had just been the TOMMY LEE (me) perfect new years.

Could have been doing anything else or nothing– but none of these alternatives are attractive to a fuck head like me.

The other thing I have actually been offered the long wanted FIRST ended Sixx auction shirt cause the poor lill winner could not afford it after all or however the story goes. I will be knowing this too in a bout 6 hrs from now if that too will happen anyways!!
Had been sweet. It’s a shirt with a lot me and Sixx together when he wore it. Nice!!

The final big one is the… well…. Do I have to say it. The greenish jacket. That means so much to me personally!

We will have to see how things go down. But at work today these things have been on my mind like all day and an inner gut
feeling tells me I should just try to get over it. Forget it. It is not possible. There is no chance in hell to get these things.

But I refuse to put it to rest before the goddamn fat lady sings. As they say!!I have a ton of things to get worked on. And more than 4 people have now been ripping me for money from paid things over the $1000 dollars mark. That too will of course also take some out of me.

Well it can either be a rocking or a sucking Friday and the next and final last 3 hours of waiting will be hell to get through!!!
I will return on here then with a short sad posting or a short posting jerking off. In happiness!!

Later my dear friends

Hail the rock-n-roll


10th of November 2005, Another Fucking Cool Day To Be Alive
9:07 PM CET

I have had a blast today. Been shopping like a maniac NO NOT CRUE for once. All kinds of shit. Clothing, food, candles, and all the shit you could not really care hearing about!! Shit!!However I got the TOMMYLAND European promo album and single today!!
Of course put up on the site as well for all you to view and drool about!!

The Tommy Lee interview on Tuesday has to be prepared the best way possible. It is for me personally a 3 year long hunting that is finally ending!!!! And that of course is a nice little victory even though it is ONLY happening with thanks and a big kiss to the Danish magazine GAFFA!!! Never the less it is an awesome thing and I am so looking forward to it.

Do I need to say more? Guess not!!

Another shirt ended on the SIXX auction: WINNING BID – US $1,763,50
Tomorrow is the BIG day for me. A day of sadness and a day of tears I am pretty sure.
The Much talked about jacket Nikki wore as I met him and the bond started back in the Brides Of Destruction days!!! 2004…. Fuck I will never get that one. Honey forgive me if I cannot speak to you tomorrow due to a sadness beyond belief!!

I must also admit my honey has again been helpful on stuff added to the collection. I have been sleeping like a baby and she has been giving people on eBay hell and grabbed a pile of shit for me. Plus local book stores she is on a constant hunt for new magazines and shit.

Love you baby!!

Let us see what I can possibly do to make the coming day of tomorrow Friday the least painful. We have talked a lot about heading to Detroit on new years eve too. Motley plays a new years show so…..

Busy times and all.

Love you bitches.

Your own Lee

9th of November 2005, Again The Dollar IS High
7.13 PM CET

The shirts just keep topping the most expensive Ebay prices.
Sixx Your shit really amazes me with the shown ending dollar!!

Fucking too much...

But surely niiiicceeeeee

The Creep!!

9th of November 2005, My Soon To Come Tommy Interview
4:02 PM CET

As previously posted on here I had an interview for radio and a magazine with our drummer boy Tommy Lee this Thursday. It has been pushed till next week. Tuesday the 15th. Fine with me have better time to prepare things over the week-end.

Now the magazine in Denmark that will hold this interview in its issue of December (I think it will be) has of today mailed me and said they would like to do a double special feature. Like The interview in the up and coming December issue and then a second part I guess in January of the same magazine GAFFA, (A free monthly magazine here in Denmark) with a “portrait of a fan” if you will me. I cannot believe it. The magazine wants to send out a guy to interview me, take pictures and do something cool on me!!!

Or maybe it will be in the same issue perhaps even cooler!!

Not bragging just sharing the info I have gotten today!! That is simply awesome”!!!! I guess this will take place also next week or something!!! I have no idea how or why they are willing to do this. But that is simply fucking awesome. Nation wide interview and “fan portrait” that is shit cool!!

Alright guys I guess this was the news as of today, lol, but good enough for me. I like that idea. For me personally as a fan I am always interested in seeing and reading about other fans!! –So if for nobody else (laughing) I will enjoy this to the fullest!

Remember – If I die 2morrow another cool dream just got fulfilled.

Love to the non believers


8th of November 2005, Guess Part Two In Pain!!
8:58 PM CET

Yes! The step was finally taken. More inking done today. I am just no good with that kind of entertainment. Call me a puss I'm alright with that! I am probably having the softest skin alive. So I am shit hurting when I do this crap. But I will give you this; it will be pretty intense what we are creating. The webmaster was there and took a few snapshots. Look below to see the preparations and the first stinks to the bigger picture. I think it is fair to say this is a larger operation than first thought of. Damn!!

There are so many more hours to feel the needles in and the one that really did the damage was a 12 needles I one. That’s fucking right TWELVE!!! Do not blame me for being a bleeding son of a bitch, holy shit. Sat for a good two, two and half hours today.
More to come obviously!!

The left shoulders will have a covering of the T. O. Pain masks. But in a way that makes them come more alive.
Won’t even bother to explain it any further. Just wait and come back in on here. It will be awesome as it gets done, I am sure. Safe to say bye, bye skin!!! All ink there soon.

The people that have tried to mail me the past 2 to 3 days and have not been able to get their emails through to me, well I am sorry. There simply is no other reason than my inbox has had an overload!! LOL
Been too booked and all to clear shit out. Sorry folks. Try again. Should be back on track now, I apologize!!

More eBay auctions of interest and personal offers have rolled in on me so I now await some decisions from my inner self, lol. A few things I would love to get. But still the heavy thoughts and concern goes still on the Sixx jacket. The infamous one for me full of personal stories. Man that one is just a piece of…… Noticed the first pair of pants (of 2) is online from yesterday and already way into the $1000 dollars. Fuck me.

Why is it people will bid on something days and days before ending time and KNOW it will be fucking outbid no matter the amount you post on there. Are people complete geeks?? My god. Still hang on to the thought of these items. Way too much in the final prices. Not really worth it. Well a few of them are but hell not all. Not saying I would not want them but…. Today’s ended one was no different– way up there long passed the $1000 dollar mark.

Now it is not the latest hours yet BUT I am beat today and I think it would be really nice if I could just go to bed get a nice rest and then we will see what tomorrow brings. Miss my girl too.

Okay friends and foes, Talk soon.

Your bleeding monster.

8th of November 2005, Nice Sleep And Ended Deals
7:52 AM CET
yeee haaaa! For the love of mutha…….
Well, there have been many talks with many people again. And some of them people have offered me shit that I have jumped on.

Like mostly in my life these days I turn offers down simply because there are too many. Because I have always tons and tons of deals going. A line of things that I do turn down I should really want but what the fuck can one do? I am not son of an Arabian oil fucker.

A few of the deals that I would have loved to get are OF COURSE are the Sixx clothing ended. But $2000 dollars for one regular shirt just because it covered Nikki`s upper body. NO!!!Then there are other things I would like much more.

One deal that did go down to my favor is with a person that seems to have supported me on the site with great comments like for a long time.

Here is part of one of the emails received:

” Tommy,

Hello. Its good to hear from you again. I just took your not getting back to me as a sign you weren't interested in buying them,and Iwasn't going to keep bothering you about it. Not my style. I just thought that if AMYONE was interested in these 75 photos from the club days that it would be you.

Unfortunetly, I do not feel like playing 20 emails again going back & forth. I won't do it this time. I made up my mind that if you WANT these, if you really & truly want them,then you'll buy them, and be done with it.........Now I know you. Your money is probobly tied up into trying to acquire ALL of the Nikki shirts available from Shaun through Swagrox..........But if you have any dollars set aside for my pictures, I'm ready to sell ONE COMPLETE set of them. Thats all.

I'm making this offer to 4 people other than yourself, and the first one to say "DEAL" will get the photos. There WILL NOT be another set made available. They may not be the rarest of items, but they are mine,& I don't want a hundred of these sets all over the world ruining their rareness................

The price is $300.00 for the set. Free Shipping to the winning buyer. I'm sending these emails out in the same order that people have expressed interest. Tommy, your first. Just cause in a way I have a fondness for you. You seem to be a genuine true lover of MOTLEY CRUE.............so,I offer to you first..

However, as I said, I'm sending this same offer to 4 other people, first come first serve. I truly hope to hear from you. I'm sending out the next email as soon as I'm done with this to you. I hope to hear from you, ljh1963”


That’s a nice one isn’t it?

Well there are a line of other things that I need to get done and get to deal with. And the things just around the corner is here too. Getting tattooed again from today and the next two weeks. A lot of mutha fucking pain once again. The Tommy Lee interview that I will do is pushed till next Tuesday. I think it can be a great one but I cannot tell of course. I hope it will. I have done interviews a gazillion times. I just need to get this one right as it goes into a nation wide music magazine as well. Have never done that before. Shit!!!! Gonna be a test for me.

Anyways– again just a quick sharing of what is on my mind as of today and I am off again. I have shit much to do the next 2 weeks before I leave for a little week. I will have you updated on everything.

By the way “Page” a member in the GANG OF LOYALTY on here; hi girl. Sorry, yes we did cut your baby out of the picture. Not going family here. Sorry. Feel free to put it up in the Kickstart section. Or have your daughter posting something.
All that goes to the webmaster!! She deals with that. You just tell her if you havea problem with anything.

”Cruester” – you keep mailing me asking me all sorts of questions. Continue to do so if you like it is fine, just one thing. You ask often to Corinna. Why don’t you just mail her privately. (if you dare lol) and see if she answers. All your non Crue questions are not really my deal if you hear what I am saying. And I cannot answer for her. Be prepared for a slap in your behind from her if you do not behave. About winning her over. I think in all honesty you can forget that idea. Sorry pal. She is so in love and so spoken for it hurts.

“Nikki_Sevven” – you have more than once in on SIXX site yelled out about the site. That’s just awesome. Keep it up. Good soldier. LOL . If you too have any ideas for what we should try out just yell out to me or the webmaster okay! I think it has a great twist if we all throw some ideas around for future doings. Nice one.

“XXX” I do not know if this answers your question to what I do not get and why! In short I don’t get all because like I said I am not a son a an Arabian multi millionaire. So money is the ONLY limit I have in my world of this band. Sadly that is how it is. But money talks as they say. Nothing anyone can do about that including me!!

“David” No it's a non costing thing to become a member of the GANG on here. The only thing I need to be knowing about is that you are willing to spread the word the best way you can about this site. So a talk can get going world wide even more and we at one point hopefully can get some serious people to respond to the work and later down the line HOPEFULLY be givin the green light to my dream. Starting the European fanclub. And more. And if that happens I want my GANG members to be working in that with me. Hell yes!!!

“A sceptical fan” – why is it things I have in the states cannot be added on here? Well mostly because Corinna that holds the items there for me does not have the time sadly to scan it all down and there by we would be able to be adding the stuff on here.
But trust me we will be expanding this site like SO MUCH in January!! It will make you go nuts!!

I need to get going my beautiful creatures.
Talk soon at the end of the week– look in on here for new pictures and more. It will be stunning. No worries. Around Friday or so..

Later my lil hobbits

6th of November 2005, A Stinky Sunday Ends, Baby
8.57 PM CET
My Sunday has been the stinkiest in a long time. Mailed my honey about it. And she seemed to care enough to give her guy a call
and we talked. She told me this great news. "WE GOT A THING YOU LONGED FOR BABY"

Ohh like what?

My personal adventures with Mr .Sixx started in Hollywood in March 2004!!The Brides OF Destruction instore at Tower Records, Sunset Blv. The band had a huge about 40 x 40 cardboard sign hanging over them.A sign Mr. London LeGrand (singer) promised me I could have that night. He forgot all about me after that statement he played rock star big time and all of a sudden the sign was gone. I have wanted this one since that day in March 2004!!

All of a sudden now this fucker puts THAT VERY ONE up on Ebay. And the sign got signed too that day so I have huge memos from the day Sixx came into my life. Just wanted to share (again) my smiles with you all. Look here ... damn thing is on its way to my baby!! Brides Of Destruction in the rebellious days with this fucker (me) getting all up on the band and got my own and the worlds FIRST official BOD tattoo!!! To the seller of the Sign - thanks for the understanding of this collector who wanted it BAD!! I fucking over paid for it too!!! Here it is... Heyyyyyy BRIDES OF THE FUCKING BAD ASS DESTRUCTION!!!!!

After all a stinky Sunday ended in beauty.

Tommy "mutha Fuxxin" Lee

6th of November 2005, Sundays Can Be So …..
3.28 PM CET

Bitter Pill? What a fucking Sunday!!
Well at times you just feel you could swallow a line of those shitty things don’t you?

-I guess my mood today is just a little bit stinky. Try like all the time since I got up this morning to make a good day out of it. I guess I am unsuccessful. Bothers me a bit. I was just trying to think of the cool stuff that is going on right now. Japanese tour round the corner. Tommy Lee interview over the phone Thursday.

John Corabi interview December 1st. Brides Of Destruction interview December 2nd. What the hell are you so buu huuu about? Well I guess I have experienced too much for those issues to be doing it for me. The feeling that bites me today is more like daily shit. Not music related. So that would be a fucking boring thing to write a book about on here don’t you think. So I will spare you all.

I got a few ideas that I wanna try out with the site soon too. I know a constant adding. But that is cool. Right? Not bad!! What else? Well I guess there are a few people that keep asking me about the limits to my collecting. Where do the limits go and for what?

In short my friends – there is only the one natural limit which is MONEY!! If I have the money for the things I like to do or to get then I jump onboard. If not I go through hell to find a middle way of reaching my wants and if that too fails then I’m screwed!!

What else as of today? Well not much really. I just felt like letting off steam. Enjoy your Sunday where ever you are!
-Just want the year to end now. So I know what the new line of limits are going to be for me in the first half of 2006!!

Need the facts I guess.


5th of November 2005, Getting Ideas & Ordering
11.29 AM CET
I know it is not fully going my way all of the things put to mind. As posted here the other day it is an awesome time for me.
I do get a lot of wants and needs covered both in the Crue world and in the ordinary boring side of life.

Right now I am putting together the new tattoo ideas for my final chapter in life when it comes to the pain from the tattoo artist's needles, I am getting there. It is closing in on what to do. Have as some of you know many tats already so these new things are just to close the arms up.

I sure would love to get the jacket and one of the 2 pair of pants Sixx has auctioned off this week.

The jacket has changed a bit since I met him in Hollywood wearing it in the Brides Of Destruction days. That day I bet he had just bought it. Here is what the jacket is now as it is getting auctioned off.

It ends next Friday so we will see what the heck is gonna happen. I predict a good $1700 to $2000 on it!! And that I cannot do!! Have so much else to get cleared out and to do!! As said we will see.

Trying to find an idea of what to do with all the soldiers on here. The gang of loyalty.

They do not really come themselves and suggest things to try to go for.The sad thing right now is it is only a good portion of footwork and mouth to mouth telling we can do right now. But feel free to throw ideas at me.

Peewww, it has taken a ton of my money these past few days. I am so low on cash now that I hear the echo in my wallet. LOL!!!

No fucking idea how to come by more right now. Anyways that is for me to worry about now isn’t it?

You all have an awesome weekend out there – where ever you are.

Keep digging the music.


4th of November 2005, Could Get Killed For Saying This!!
8.53 PM CET

But the first shit of Nikki`s auction just ended. I DID NOT GET IT!! Why? Cause I think the closing price is way, way too high for what the item is!! $1625 Dollars. Just not happening. What hurts my soul is that 8 of the ten Sixx auctions are things I have been with him wearing at a time. It is simply too hard not to get a little bit torn over it.9 items to go. There are actually 2 I would REALLY like to have. But I think they will be shit high too. Time will tell.

The one of the two items wanted is the jacket to end next Friday. Sixx wore this at the record release day in Hollywood when I was there too.Guess how much that shit means to me? I would love to have it, frame it too.

Well I say I will see how it goes!!

I think it is tough to get things ALL the time you want!!

Got an offer to get the ULTIMATE Christmas gift from my honey this year. No of course I cannot tell but it is super awesome. Only problem is we are depending on another guy to react!! And I cannot reach him. So what the hell does a shit head like myself do? Holding his breath till later in Nov. or December and see if the dude gets back!!

Ohhh, no sweat I have plenty of wishes to hand my honey too. Not all sexual more likely Motley Crue. Duuhh! Will she change her offer to some of these other things should the man not reply?Well… I have no fucking idea. I have needed her desperately these days. SO hard to deal with what we do in a situation like this. And the timing is not killer either. When I have time she doesn’t and vice versa. That sucks.

Well just needed to blow off some steam I guess. SO hard to be right on how things go with these auctions that I really wanted to gain. Well shit happens and then you hunt next victim. LOL

And I am sharpening my hunting gear and one of these days I will be moving in for the kill.

Sixx you son of….. I could have gotten nice memorial items from these things but I
will see your ass in a few weeks instead!!

More brain mush to come shortly,
your impossible host!!!

4th of November 2005, Blessings, Nightmares and fucked up doings!!
3.17 AM CET

Can any of you believe it? It is fucking November already!!

I feel my life is passing by in a blink of an eye. It is a little more exciting times than Icared to hope for. A lot of people have emailed me on all kinds of basis. And the talk slowly but surely gets round about the site and the GANG OF LOYALTY.

We need as many as we possibly can get. As said many have come to me already I thank you all. Can only be counted for as a blessing, fucking love you all!! Thanks so much for the great support! I truly hope we will all reach the goal I have talked so much about. May the devil look over you.

Angels do pass my doorstep every ones in a while. Fucking killer what we can do things together.

Please don’t think twice about asking, what ever is on your mind. Even my right hand in this wicked world Corinna loves it. Trust me. And she has absolutely no limits either. You will be met with full satisfaction guaranteed. Just not sexually. That minor thing you will have done on your own. Sorry!!

The SIXX auctions on Ebay are fully rolling. First one to end today. I will NOT go on them. I predicted each item go for around 850 to 1100. Looks like my guessing is about right!!! Nightmare. –Tell me about it. On the other hand if one can find it in him or her self to be okay with not getting these things then this is an EXCELLENT chance to get other things because the HEAVY collectors are putting their money on the SIXX items instead!!! So start shopping. But leave MY wants alone!! Please.

There are a few things up on there that I would like to add to the collection this next coming few days! We will see what happens. I am right now trying to deal with the fact of not getting my hands dirty on the Sixx stuff as said. I feel like a tortured kid!!!The things are taking so much out of me. Knowing certain things are not possible. THAT KILLS ME “Cruester” if you really wanna know!!

I have booked myself to the USA for December again.

Ticket made out today and it is a satisfaction I love and look forward to. How can I not?My love life is shitty. Rarely touch it cause of the world between us. Like literally. A WORLD BETWEEN US!! So a little sex, a little kissie missie should be aloud. Most definitely needed!!

Have also booked myself for getting in the chair of pain again for the next 4 weeks or so.

Getting tattooed again. Broke my own promise. Said I would never get another tattoo!! Enough already. Well its time to close my arms up. To up over the shoulders. I hate the fucking god damn pain. Can not stand it. Here is another fucked up doing I have gotten myself in to. Damn it. I am incurable. Hate the shit. Need to change my ways. Most of all I do these days takes my money and time away like in a heart beat. Like yesterday 5000 dollars took me 39 mins. to spent. Shit. I promise you all. It will be well documented.

The webmaster goes to hell with me and snaps the pictures to put up on here. She amongst others may have her laughs.
My skin is so soft and I have very easy for pain. So that I am doing this is the stupidest thing I can possibly do. But as said pictures will come up on here. Say a prayer for me. Pain starts Tuesday next week. Damn it….

As you can see Corinna is also on my ass. She do not understand that I do not really care about certain things in the Crue boys lives. Like kids who how many and banged what woman. Yeah it is true certain things I do not pay attention to. Let them screw every second girl on the planet and have a zillion kids. I do not care. She for one found that very weird to hear. Well like she don’t care about her boyfriend's way to do certain
things I do not care about this about the Crüesters.

30th of September 2005,
Webmaster & postservices
7.36 PM CET
So I ended up posting a few words before October after all.

Hi everyone, how are you all doing?
Here well, it has been a time of worries the last few days to be honest! The webmaster in my mind seems to have had her own ways and eyesfor her own things only!! It got close, for this site to come to an end, I can tell you all this much! Now that would have been a fucked up situation would it not? I think so - yes!!

Now we are having a few talks these days here at the end of September and hopefully I can find commond ground for us both to work on, on this fantastic fan based Crue site.But things absolutely needs to be straightend out. You may ask your self what is or has been wrong? In all honesty I do not personally see you should know, I mean whats the point really.

But what you SHOULD know is as written. The site has been / is in danger. Simply as they say in the music industry, a matter of differences. Not the best of terms right now. But let us see how it goes.

Other than that I have been shit pissed at the postal services the last few days. A few people in the UK and USA have claimed to have sent not less than 7 yes I said SEVEN packages over the last 4 to 5 weeks and fucking NONE of them have come through yet!!I think thats fucked especially as 3 of them have been sent airmail EXPRESS and the receits have been scanned to me. So it is not the sellers or senders of the stuff that has been fuckingwith me. I think it is the postal services.

On the other hand a cd sent from the USA on August 10th AIRMAIL got to me today! What the hell is the matter with the services these days. Things can take a good long period of time if they go through costume YES!!! But this one has not been in around there. And the shipping costs these days are fuckingkilling us all. So get a fucking grip in there.

It can not be that we "your" costumers are forced to loose stuff cause you guys in the mail services treat our well paid for shippings like shit. God damn it. This is only a written thing. But had I had the chance to speak th is out loud .. it would have come out in high volume and screaming voices. Fucking hate your god damn stinky services these days. It is totally unacceptable. Maybe some of you people out there go "yeah well Tommy you have just been having a very unlucky few examples." You know what? I have not. This is not the first, second or third time this has happend. FUCK OFF!!!

I think its just totally overboard this crap going on. Now - finally I got that of my chest and hopefully this shit will not repeat itself no more. Thank you very much.

while I get a breather and you stop shaking your heads over my fustrations I will leave you with this. The news in the Crue camp is that the Hawaiian gig(s) in December will happen. AND the new 2006 calender and more has gotten officially released now. The live double DVD has been pushed till late October but it will still come...

So start your savings. Im gonna try to do mine.
see you in October....

27th of September 2005,
Fall, october and Darkness
13:48PM CET
Closing in on October. It begins to be truely dark here in Denmark very early. Weird to still hear and feel the heat and late night brightness from my friends and my baby in the USA. October as said, is here this coming week-end. And some of my bigger deals will from now on and through out the coming month be taken care of hopefully without too much hassle. I hope things will be cool.

I know as so many times before that there is again a line of things these days I have just jumped on without really thinking it through!! Meaning buys and all. I simply feel addicted like I am on drugs. Hard to explain and maybe I do not have to? I don't know. But there are every now and then just things I so need to get. It is not healthy I know!!! Lol...lol...lol!!

There is a new book in the making with Paul Miles of the "Chronological Crue" of Australia. I have today sent my 600 word short story to him cause that is the limit to see if it is interesting enough to be a part of the coming book for a brief little something. Could be cool, right?!!See this:

“What Mötley Crüe means to me” Here's a call for submissions from fans all over the world to write in and tell
“What Mötley Crüe means to me”. Chronological Crue will select the best, most interesting and inspiring contributions for publication in a forthcoming Mötley Crüe book. This is your opportunity to see your own words in print!

If you find that interesting go join in with your own. There is a deadline coming up shortly so don't wait.

The damn scannings are still taking a good part of my time, with more Crue boxes found at my home and therefore they too have to be included here. I think, there will be a soon to come, reach of the size limits to this site (maybe even with the scannings done these days?) That is for sure NOT good. What that means is we need another host so to speak. The ones we have bought the website from have no bigger sized sites to offer. We have over the last year bought a bigger site 3 times and now we have reached the biggest option offered here too. Fuck me!!!

This will most likely be the last diary posting from me in September.On Friday we open up for the fresh new page for the next quarter. The remains of 2005. Then. damn... we go into 2006!! A long and huge year too for the Mötley boys. Movie filming, studio recordings, and the Hollywood star at the infamous walk of fame.

Don't forget the new coming DVD release and the next action figures in October as well.

In short just.... don't forget!!!

25th of September 2005,
memory lane what a place to be
2.47PM CET

I am going back in time. A text book madhouse, a juvenile jail hell house
once surrounded my being- but I am not looking back.

As I sit here scanning more pages and papers for the site I am taking a ride music wise back in time. W.A.S.P. debut album is on the CD player. I remember the day of this release as if it was yesterday. They have as every other band made some real crap but my god they have also touched my soul. As you may or may not know they released the "Crimson Idol" album in early 90`s and that album is the most important one to me of all releases in the music industry.

Long story, won't go there. But my god this is good. B.A.D., School Days, Hellion, man this is just pure Tommy alley...... I am so lucky to have witnessed these bands back in the day. Cannot even begin to explain. This is maybe not really too Crue for you but I tell you many of you out there may very well know what I am feeling and more importantly talking about.

Things are just all related to music. Certain songs, makes you remember the days of what ever you did earlier in your life. True right?

I remember the god damn W.A.S.P. concert at "Mudd City" in Gothenburg 1984. The baddest debut tour ever- from the new bad boys of shock rock. Fuck me that was the days. Crue did the same for me in 1983 as you can read more about in the "Public Enermy" section on this site.

...In the begining poor..... remember the very first thing on that SHOUT album.
have gone through a few of the OLD shit from various bands today, and this is my medicine I can feel it. I am being taken to a totally different planet with this...

Ohhhh here it is... "Sleeping in The Fire" W.A.S.P. .... give this song a chance......
That is just one 4 minute thing that gives me the chill. Shit!!!

Don't know how many times people have told me I ought to have collected this band if not instead then too. I, to a certain point agree. They do fill up a great deal of my life. But so does KISS, Elvis and others. I cannot jump every band wagon there is simply cause it's good. Know what I am saying?

Anyways- new things on the paper goods, articles, and papers will come up here around Wednesday!!
I have found a few things that need to be refined too so please don't worry. I am aware of it all or at least most of it. And it will be fixed just a lill too busy the next coming days for looking in on it. Sorry guys.

Great bands or not, a line of musical love or not- may the devil bless the 4some. Mötley Crüe.

I have gotten a few new contacts from fans I have not heard of before. And that I am grateful for. I am right now also trying to pick a handful NOT MORE of fans worldwide to be my "contacts" for future friendships and other. I may have found the one for Spain and Canada.

Jesse and Sonia. We will have to see. They both sound pretty cool to me.

Hail to you lads!!!

Much love and a CRUECIAL injection to ya all!!!

Your host, x

23rd of September 2005,
Award winning
5.57PM CET
Just quickly want to let you all know, my concerns from yesterday got about the coolest outcome it could get. I am refering to the "Red White & Crue" platinum band presented ONE ONLY available award. I GOT IT!!!!******

Well I did not really but my baby in the states ((yeah yeah go puke I talk a lot about her on here)) she was up online with me. I told her I was shit stressed out about maybe not getting it. It was at a good $500 US dollars about 45 mins. before auction ending. And then from about 5 minutes before closing it just raised up on bids like crazy. My baby said "Don't sit there fustrated, I will bid and get this one for you". I was for the first time of us being together NOT 100% trusting her. Had she any idea about what she was telling me. An award like THIS ONE 90% of all times offered gets to be a $1500 dollar item.

Now you may go ok ok ok ok fuck all the info tell us what you had to pay. Well that again my friends are not for you to know. All you do need to know is it will be here amongst the other awards and this one could truely be the best one of them all. But my god... as the clock ticked down in seconds 10, 9, 8, 7, and my honey was high bidder I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT!!!!

I was, still am, so lost for words. How and why she would give me this helping hand till she of course gets her money will always be beyond me. If you out there know by now what this band means to me you will understand the appreciation for her doings. She made me cry. I just saw the seconds go down, 4, 3, 2, 1, AUCTION BIDDINGS HAVE ENDED.....

YOU ARE THE WINNER. Tears ran impulsively!! I have rarely been that moved like that.

Baby- you will rarely see my like that. I once again thank you from my heart. You are a killer

22nd of September 2005,
As good as ready
4.14PM CET

Finally, this new look can be looked at as 98% ready for the time being. I am proud to say things look good and the site is growing slowly but surely. It wil be very limited from now on till December of how many items there will actually be added on here. Since 95% of all items I get are being sent to Corinna in the USA. Simply for the reason many do not ship out side USA and others have like these sick and sky high priced shipping expences.

I cannot wait to get started on the months of October, November and of course December where I again will go to the USA. Most likely celebrating new years over there. But the diary and a handfull of things here and there will surely be added. No doubt about it. So do not think twice about returning on here.

Today I personally wanna thank Mattias (again) for the latest swedish promo poster and magazine received as he visited me with my earlier best friend from my home country. It was nice to have that visit. He knows fully what this collecting means to me. So he has even promised me a huge store display on the red, white release. That is fucking amazing. Thanks brother. Love you lots.....

In the name of Mötley today the so very badly wanted collectible award on the title of latest release is ending today. I can and will most likely NOT get this one. I am so not able to clear the reminding thought about that piece ending today. Hate that fact!!

To my baby in the south (US)- been going crazy in mind about you today. Miss you sick!
To the rest of you out there I hope you are having a great time. Will return soon to you on here and hopefully have some exciting news.
Right now... well......

Sick it lads,


Atlanta show on friday
#21st of September 2005,#
4.50AM CET*

Motley Crue rocked Atlanta in true Motley fashion, yet they were getting nothing in return from the fans! The crowd up at the front wasn`t even fired up, no screaming yelling, fists in the air, rock and rollers in this crowd! Just as the crowd sucked, the venue and the security at the venue sucked ass ven worse.

People who had plats were on the second row while others who didnt were on the first, and there were a few certain security people (from the venue) who were threatening to have people thrown out if they stood up and didn`t stay at their seats, now, I dont know where these guys came from, but at a Crue show you stand up and raise some hell Crue style!!

And to top it off there were huge gaps at the stage, including front and center, where no one was standing!! The Crue seemed to be in disbelief that a crowd in Atlanta could be so lame!! Nikki even said at one point, ”are you fucking kidding me?!” No meet and greet was so disappointed after planning for this for months, then to be treated like we were by those security guards on a power trip ws like truely unreal!

I will hopefully return for show and the meet and greet if resceduled simply because this may be the chance for that experience! But I will not ever go to that venue again in the future.

The Greenville show we saw back in February of this tour was so fucking awesome and the crowd was fired up and loved the Crue!! The crowd last night fell short on showing any love of the Crue and I think they felt that. A shame, but true.

It won`t suprise me very much if they choose not to return due to the crowd as a whole lacking the energy the Crue deserves!! The Crue definately gets a well deserved 5, but the other factors made this night truely miserable for many crueheads.

I can pretty much say thae best thing about the whole night was when Nikki threw out one of his water bottles and it hit a girl that Vince had invited to the show the night before from the Cheetah Club and she didn`t even care or pay it any attention. So I jumped over the seat and grabbed it.

31st of December 2005, Greased Up, Cool Times
5:06 PM CET

Happy fucking new years freaks. I am so not ready. But here it comes. Do you wish you were all in Detroit right about now? I guess so. At least if you care for the Motely's. Corinna and I have been here for a good days time now. Spending time at my masters house. Airbrush artist Don Armstrong. He made us this concert banner (yeah yeah yeah I paid for it no worries) And we have just been sitting here talking to him eating shared musical interest and past adventures and more. It is awesome. I am so not regretting coming here. I love the man. He is the living proof of nice guys still around. No fucking shit. Don you are the man. My god. 2006 will bring me more of the awaited huge SHOUT banner portraits from him. They are unbeatable too. You can be sure.

We took off from Greenville S.C. yesterday morning round 7:30 AM local time and boarded for a flight to Cleveland Ohio 9:10 took a little over an hour. Corinna and I talked a lot on that little up and down trip. Felt good. I hope she gets to see me a bit differently on this trip. I wanna make her see what she has not seen so far about me. Cause certain things she has for sure gotten all wrong. I hope we will be better with time. I refuse to give her up. She is what I want and I will not be fine I'll if ever that happens. I really dont think we ever got the chance talked about so intensly on here the past longtime.

Now we went from Cleveland with the smallest ever airplane known to man (kidding) but small indeed. I think we got a bit of a nap on that one. Needed like hell. We were so tired leaving home and we both needed to get a bit of a rest. So that we got there for a good 45 minutes. Now it is Detroit next!!!! or just a bit north of it. Flint int. airport. We landed bought ourself a soft drink and went on to get the car we had reserved for rent. Got it and Corinna was like NO WAY!!! Breaks no good. Not taking this.

Went back in, traded the car, and got out of there. The easiest thing ever was to get to Don on Pine Hurst north and kind of a bit east of Detroit. Just loved this one. But the roads to the destination was fucked up. Have no idea how even to explain that. Was not a road more like an old bombed something. I think it is not fully what could be expected. Always thought the Detroit area was like in great shape including their roads. But hell no. We crossed farmer land like big time and was not even close to anything else but barns and a cow here and there.

Gives you kind of an idea what kind of NON ROCK-N-ROLL trip we had getting here.

Arrived, and Don came out to greet us welcome. So weird but as said I was excited and I got all I ever asked for. He is THE MAN...... we got coffee, soft drinks, turkey sandwishes, and hey all we could ask for. He took us on a trip round the house just quickly and then we were shown the banner he had done for us to bring to the show tonight. It looked freaky awesome. Will do us good bringing to the front of the stage in a good 10 hours.

We talked and talked and did not do much other except for a short ride to town to go to the mall checking things out. I cannot believe it. I did not leave with even a stamp. Damn.... Corinna found one jack D. bottle she did not have, to add her Jack D collection. So there was a smile showing. I am not saying nothing. Just happy for her. Hell, I know her feeling getting shit to add to your collection.
Came back and talked even more. Had a nice run through some Crue and KISS bootleg dvd shows. I have really not gotten any idea about how Corinna is with this stay. In short she says she was fine. But inside what does that mean. I am sure or rather dead sure that she did like the dude though the family of the Armstrong's is just amazing.

Here we are Saturday last day of the year 2005. Perfect ending? Well we will see later on won't we. I am about to rap this posting up and get my face made up SIXX style for the one off show tonight. Fuck it lets just do this go apeshit and close the year that blew my financial situation. It has been all well worth it. And it stops if Corinna is not no longer gonna be my partner in crime with this to which she by the way promised she would. More about that in a posting later in the week, I twist her arm or something and make her do that longed for posting for you all. No sweat.

Alright just letting you know we are here and fine. In snow covered farmer country heading to the city of Detroit as soon as I get my war paint on. So hang in there for the things to come. Pix and all will come to you too shortly. I think I will just stop it here and get the grease rolled on and find myself as ready as I ever will be after that little operation.

Now Corinna, what's the situation here? How are things?
Things are fantastic here!! It really couldn't be any better. I'm so glad that I had the chance to come here & experience this.
You are in Farmer land, snow covered, and cold, otherwise good?
Yes things are great, fantastic, & I wouldn't have it any other way or with anyone else.
What do you expect today? The man Mr. Don A. how is he in your own words?
I don't really know what to expect today. I think it will all be a surprise, & we'll just take it as it comes. Don you say: well, he is great! So extremely nice & helpful in all ways. He has been such a host to us, doing this & doing that. So Don if you are reading this THANK YOU for being so good to us, it is extremely apreceiated!
You have seen his works and the thing we are bringing tell about it a lill.
You are talking about all the airbrushing. There are not really words for it. He is simply amazing at what he does. Unbelievable work! The piece we are taking to the show is so fuckin' cool!! When I first saw it I thought shit I want that for myself to hang on my wall!! If anyone ever wants any airbrushing of any kind done you need to get in touch with guy cause his work is by far better than I have seen anyone else do.
Any famous final words for the year ending?

From Detroit, The Palace
Fucking Kick It,
Tommy & Corinna


29th of December 2005, South Carolina USA - Cruecial Thoughts
8:23 PM CET
I am once more alone for some time today at Corinna's place. She has to work once more, the last day as I am here as it seems right now. Finally. I was once again waking up shit early. 8 AM local time USA. I am constantly having a headacke here. I think too much she says yeah well that may be. But I still think I will be having a lot of them after today. Thinking or not. Just seem to reach me all the time. Fuck.

We talked this morning about a few things. I wish I had her back. The more I look at her the more I....... I just want her. We traded christmas presents today. I know a little late but we could not do it the evening I got here or yesterday. I am really pleased overwhelmed and moved to tears from her gift to me. I got something that I have WANTED FOR LIKE A DECADE. Motley Crue / Tommy Lee personal belongings. Tux vest and a vest and chap set from back in the golden 80's. I am speachless about this so let me just say this, I am extremely moved. I was in tears as I got this. And she saw it. Will bring it home and have it added to the site.

Webmaster tells me it's all fucked up on there. THAT IS SO NOT GOOD OR ACCEPTABLE.
To all on there these days I am truely truely sorry for the shit not functioning.

I will have to be a dick not to like this gift. And I do.

She is moving out and we went to her new place with a few things just for me to see it too.
I love that place. The first thought on my mind was... waaauuuu!!! cool really cool place. The next was with with shit up my throat teary. I could have moved here with her. This could have been our first thing together. Jack D collection and Crue museum like almost. I could see it all in front of me. Fuck I would have loved that place. Fucking a dream place for me.

I am gonna be alone as said for the day until she returns at midnight or just about and we will not be up too late after that. We have a flight out of here in the morning. Take off 9:10 am to Cleveland and from there to Detroit. Snow and awesome times. I cannot wait. I think Corinna is gonna stick with me still being my partner in crime in the Motley world. If that happens and we get to talk about it all I may continue. I have done an ass load of thinking about it all. And can and will not push her but will not give her up either. But we can rule this damn Crue shit together. I will not have her say anythng else. It is not acceptable......

I guess that is the thougts and happenings of my Crued life in South Carolina for the day. If Corinna will bring her lap top to Detroit I am unaware of as of yet. But if she will I will post from up there too. Make sure to bring my video and photo equipment and just tape and snap shots most and best way possible.
That's all for now.

Cruecial greetings my friends,
Tommy "US male" Lee


28th of December 2005, First Night,Unsaid Longings
5:36 PM CET
I have reached my destination. I am in the fucking middle off yahoo land again. Home of one important person in my life. The same person that was so the reason for me almost not going. Now I am here, it was a hard evevning and it was a bad long day. I will try to make a best possible diary on this shit as often as I possibly can from here. I got up 4:00 AM EST Tuesday to make it to my ending eBay. I did not get the things I bid on. Let me just kill this issue right away. If no one grabs the collection for the $75,000 US then I will continue. I have never stopped loving the band. It has got nothing to do with that. I live my life from them. I just had an extremely shitty and bad thing with my long lost love. There is no doubt I so... no let me get to that later.

I have not been spinning a Crue record in 4 days cause it kills me. She is in everything. She does not get that. How can that even go together? She is not my collection. She is not part of it as such. Well guess again honey. You were the one I wanted to say it's not my collection it is our collection. And that too got cleared off the table. I love her. And I love major. Maybe that too scares her? I will never do anything to hurt her I will die for this girl and that is the god to honest truth.

The taxi picked me up Tuesday at 5:30 AM and we took off. A thing and a ride that took 25 minutes to the airport. And the one thing I was not at all sure of was the right idea. I had made up my mind and I will damn well get the best out of it. Corinna has to me no loss in this. I come she loses nothing. If I stayed away she would loose the moey that was spent on the plane ticket to Detroit. That's all.

In Aarhus airport that should take me to Copenhagen was a real suprise. I met one of my old so called friends and her boyfriend. They too were on their way to a warm new yrs holiday in the sun somewhere. That was nice. I loved that hi and hello. What a small world I often say.

But then it got time I had my danish and my morning coffee in that airport and the first flight were to take me to Copenhagen. A 20 minute flight. You kind of go up then down... almost roller coaster like. And that is as they say CROSS COUNTRY. So that gives you all a kind of an idea how small my country is. 5 million people all together.

I got to Copenhagen it was still shit early. Had a 8:20 AM flight to Amsterdam from here. Amsterdam Holland. I wanted to get something for Corinna again. I did not. I do not know how many things I have held in my hands in Copenhagen and Amsterdam that I was so close to buying for her. But it felt wrong. It felt so wrong. I was only cheating myself. Would have been a 3 second pleasure. I passed on it all in the end. I even hate being in a situation where I can actually sit and say this. At the same time running round there in all airports I had promised myself to video shoot and take pictures of a lot at least take some from the trip as it goes along. And post them on the diary here. And I will I just did not do it as I travelled over.

In Amsterdam I was rather early too and had a good long 4 and a half hours waiting time before next plane would take me to New York. I had a rough waiting there. I felt hunger had a headache coming and I felt terrible. All I wanted was to go to my baby telling her I love her hold her get a kiss and talk about stuff and what we had in wait on this trip of mine here and in the future. Plus share christmas gifts. I have to say we have not done that yet.

As with the gifts I could have bought her in various airports I just did not feel like it as I landed at her place. Long fucking story. And my head was spinning a million miles an hour. So Amsterdam took the best of me as I only sat there drinking my brought Pepsi max. I so missed that chick. And my life was like... wonder if there is a plane back - can and shall I buy a return ticket now and just head home? That is how bad it was for me. Amsterdam may I not go there again in ages.

When it was finally time for me to take off and leave Holland I was so hungry. But convinced myself that the food on the plane to USA would cover my needs. I could not rest in mind either. Crue stop collecting. Crue sell out. Crue Corinna Corinna Crue. Crue Corinna... it just went on and on....... nothing felt right. Nothing felt like it should. And of course it did not. It was not weird that I was feeling this bad.

The boarding pass was checked and on I went. It was US Continential. And I really was not sure what to expect. This was not the airline I had taken before to the US. It was new to me. I guess I really looked for was the entertainment panel and brochure to let me know what the hell I could kill time with. Think of something else. A few movies and some radio shit for a little while.

Sitting here in Taylors South Carolina now is a lonely feeling,. Corinna has still a full day at work today. It is shitty of course. But in a way great too. I get used to being here for a day alone and it is a full day too. I will not have her face to face again till after midnight. So it is a long time still for me to kill time but then there is this the diary and the eBay endings to think about and more. I have to get a solution and just stand by it. With many things today. I will fill you in later on.

Right now I am sitting in window seat 38 K far right in flying direction. My mind is a bullet train. I so wanted to reach out and touch her. But instead of Corinna there is a native, somesort of older woman next to me not saying a pepe but rather acts like she owns the goddamn section. As she is done with her received milk and water cups and more she places all her trash at my tabel seat. FUCK!!!!! I ask her to keep her own shit and once yelled at her enough times I do not get her to change habbits but I get her small piece of poe we all get cause she does not want it.

We get lasagna on board and I wonder where the hell she is coming from. She looks at me as I eat it like "are you out of your mind, you cannot eat this junk"... wake up fucker wake up and smell the real world. We do this and we travel like this and we try to not mess with the other travelers like you do. Damn it. Well at least she had her ways of making me think of something else for a good while.

I tried to sleep a little on the way too. But never really had any success with that!!I did see 3 movies ate and heard a bit of radio. Did not move my ass out of the chair once. I wanted to call her too. Wanted also to call another person from the plane. But what do you know. $9 US dollars for 1 minute charged through visa. Hell no. I could wait.

Now for what it is worth I can tell you all that my many received emails on the matter of putting it up for sale has been mindblowing. I expected maybe 3 to 5 people contacting me and a few of the "gang of loyalty" members of this site. There have been over 70 in total. Many just saying WHAT THE FUCK R U DOIN? Others trying to seriously reaching out and trying to help me with my pain, or at least that is how I chose to see it. Some have even been givin' me their stories form when they too were in similar situations sold and had a life long regret on that kind of action.

For what it is worth and it does sound like she is to take the decision for me that however is far from the case. But after she returns tonight I will need to have a talk to her about things that are Crue related. And that is something I do not fully know how will turn out. I say it again I do not hate Motley Crue I have not gotten tired of it it is not that at all. I just need that talk.

We were informed it was a good 20 more minutes till we set wheels in Newark airport New jersey, New York. I have tons of cool stories in my rock-n-roll life and New York so I tried to see out the window. And my my I saw plenty. Flew in over the thing. Like it was yesterday for me. Saw the statue of liberty, the Manhatten skyline, Hooboken, N.J., and more. I was in the US. And my mind exploded again. Many great things from my past here. Smiled, shared a few tears in silence and we were at the gate.

I remember the first step out again on the ground. Reached out touched the walls we went by in the hallways. Felt the reality. It was true. I HAD LANDED. And I so wanted all and everything to be a dream. It simply was not. It was as real as it gets. Wake up and smell the roses. Yeah right. I am so not right. It hurts. I still wanna check with myself every day to feel how things are going. And I will just have to give the girl of my dreams the benefit of letting a little time pass and then we will see how it all is.

Sitting in New York was another walk about holding several things I wanted to give her. It is so real and honest to myself to feel that way about this. But I did not. The last straw was taken out of my hands as I was about to pay for a Jack Daniels bottle I wanted her to have yes she collects those. But I was not fully sure if she had this one or not. At the desk the lady told me "but you have just gotten to the united states and you're not leaving. I am sorry we cannot sell you this then. You have to leave the country to get this." Huhh? What?!! So there it was. No nothing. It was not to be. Fuck it. I have time as I am there with her to see what will happen.

My head hurt major now maybe also because the time was now so much I had been traveling and all for 18 hours. The connecting domestic flight was at least on time it said. 7:30 towards Greenville, Spartanburg airport. Yet 4 hours and 30 minutes to kill there before that happend. Or so I thought. Later on as there was 30 minutes till boardng that changed. Now delayed for 2 hours. Lift off 9:15 and changed gate number too. I had earlier called Corinna to let her know all was good. I was in New York and things were fine. Baggage for once was not lost or anything. Great feeling. At least till the delay. So I called again. Told her she did not have to try to get off early from her work as I would most likely land in Greenville round the time she was to get off anyways.

I was in major pain. I felt my pulse running a million miles an hour my head could explode anytime now and I was over tired. I tried to get a bit of sleep sitting there waiting in the hours of the dealy. I guess I may have been out for a good hour. Cause all of a sudden I head the voice in the information system saying TIME TO BOARD FOR GREENVILLE. Halleluja.
Damn man.

And I was lucky I had seat 01 A very front too. So I got on, took a pillow, and tryed to rest. I felt I would get sick really sick, throwing up, and more. I managed thank god. Never did. I slept for a good half the way of the 2 hours to Greenville south of New York.

Claimed my baggage and was about to take a piss before going "downstairs" waiting for Corinna to get there to pick me up. The baggage was found and again for the 3rd time in a row my damn newly bought suitcase was smashed. Got a crack in the new hardbox. Damn my luck.....

Anyway I am sitting there going I wish she would come. I wish she would stay away. I wish she would come. I wish she.... over and over. What and how would she react? I longed for the love meeting. Warm hugs, a kiss, and off we go. But that was not to be. Crue was in the back of my mind like all the time. A certain

guy had held a speach to me in the middle of the night before I left from home and I could not get things out of my mind. Well parts of what he had said to me. But little good did it do me. I was not in this talked about sitaion where one could not find a way to get on with both still willing to continue. I still hope one day it will be that way. I know!! It is highly appreciated but .

She came. I was beat. Dead tired. I was sad. I was still ok. I got up gave her a hug and that took us to the car. For the first time ever I got in the back seat. All I could think was I do not belong here after all. I remembered all the trips and doings from September when I got over here to see her. The front seat of this car was a film. All came back. I loved it. We shared such many great things and it felt so good. Now it was like that film spinning in my scull was an illusion. And Crue was not shared with the girl driving. This was ficion. This was... BAD.

Stopped by at 1524 Locust Hill Road only to get me MILK, JUICE, CEREAL, AND bagels. Thats was what I was to be fed with for the morning to come. Which is today. I am not doing much today other than trying to gain energy and rest my mind from ALL!!!
I need to be clear headed.

But to finish off last night after we got home - in short:
I brought in all my shit from the car, sat down, and I started talking a bit. She popped one question on me, "Do you regret coming here?" I went YES. And gave her the longer answer to that one. If she understood me or not well.... not for me to say and not for you to know. And during all my talking she looked at me like I was an idiot. Or maybe not but it felt like that. I missed her and I had a serious hard time not geting up and kissing her. I still have not done that. Well a goodnight kiss on her forhead. At least I could do that. She and I were not having the best night. It hurt my insides. I gave her the reason for taking it this hard. Everything in my life hangs together with her name these days.


To not get in and be a dick about her I just wanna say this, I hope she will be interested in a little more than half of what I hope for with therse few days here. I did receive a nice warm honest felt hug as she took off this morning to work. That alone was good. It should not feel bad. I have had her calling me twice till now and she is trying to be helpful. She is and still has this side to her that I love so much about her once she finds it in her to let me "taste it".

God shall know I have wanted to kiss her every single minute. I long more than words can say. But for now I will let time pass by and try to find peace here. As said it is maybe good I have the house alone here for the day. Getting used to the surroundings and wait for her to come home. I miss her here.

For what it is worth - I love her.

The next few days will be interesting to see how it will unfold.
The fucked one!!!


27th of December 2005, Pounding Heart Shitty Feeling
4.51 AM CET
This is it. My day has come. A day that I for a long, long time had hoped would come sooner. A day that would bring me to the one I dared calling my soul mate. But that is and seems long gone. I have gotten 60 some emails from people in private now about my decision and they all say the same thing. Look in on kickstart on here and motley.com under “band” and $75,000 collection …. If you want to see more.

I am being picked up by the ordered cab in 35 minutes from now. Taken me to the airport, Tirstrup, Aarhus. On to Copenhagen, Amsterdam, New York and Greenville SC, where she is suppose to pick me up. Then comes the days and times we had planned. No matter how it goes and no matter how broken I will be and feel I have this trip now and I will try to be as strong as I possibly can. Never ever has my loss been any bigger. Never felt any higher.

I will try to ask Corinna for a lap top a few times to post a little something on here for you all– filling you in. I am so tired. So mentally out. It has been the worst days ever. And that does say a lot when I think of all the stuff in the Crue world I have had to go through to get things done, won, and sorted on different levels to attend and be a part and get things in the bands name over the years. Nothing of that can reach the pain I feel and have with this here. It’s awful.

Now all the best to you all and the fucking best of luck to me.
I am about to meet my love for life and slayer at the same time. That is what this feels like. So extremely bad. Talk to you all later. Nothing can be said here in words that come close to the center of my pain. I just take my ticket, leave, sit in my seat and hope for the best. Till next time,
Your twisted fuck!!!!

26th of December 2005, End Of The Year, Last Show And Last Collecting
7.46 AM CET
It has been a roller coaster ride like none other in 2005. You all know that already. There has not been a year like many others in my Crue life. Well I am about to do a move that will overheat my PC from incoming emails. But in short I am prepared for it too. My last posting was taken off of here the day after it was posted because I could not deal with it. It will get back on here. And it will stay on. There has been a lot of bitching from me to Corinna lately but the ticket over there in the morning from Denmark will be used. My trip will take place. I have had a ton of doubts of what to do.

KISS new yrs millennium, Vancouver 1999 was my last KISS show. I ended that then. It felt weird, close to be feeling wrong too. But I now have Motley new yrs 2005 too. That can be the last show for me with them too. People here will go "SOME SENCE OF HUMOUR HE HAS".
I hear you. And I agree to a certain point. But?..

I have sent an email to one bass guy asking for a cut contact for a long period of time.
I am IF someone should be willing to throw a minimum of $75,000 in the collection making you a chance to get the lot. It is going out the door. Fuck, long and boring story I guess. So I will spare you.

The site here is up for a re-payment to stay online and that will be the last time it?s done.
I have been hit by a bullet train and the damage done is not for me to fix. Or it is but I cannot.

Corinna seems to not have much of a return here either. For all of you that keep asking me about it. She has kindly still gone over every posting and all refined things and so. The collection has been put up on motley.com as a posting or an official announcement that this can be the possession of anyone if you are willing to pay what is asked for it. It sure is a hell of a lot. Both in money and in the lot. But I know there are also pieces in there that are so CRUE HISTORY it is useless to start saying anything about it. It speaks for itself.

It is a once in a life time offer.
-I do not expect this one to go like in the any near future. As it is a lot of money.
But it is up there now. And it is there for any if interested. I want a new life. Or not. But I will try to build one. I do not necessarily want to get rid of it because I am tired of it because I am not. I still love them. Do not ask? you will not get a reply.

This is the last train out so to speak. And it is the last stop in my collecting rock-n-roll world. Only 3 people knew about this before I type this.
But here it is. I need to build new tracks for my own train in life. And they are no longer going to be a collector included kind of thing. This is most likely the posting that in MCRUELOYALTY's entire existence the one that could have been the longest. So a lot of questions from you are not going to be answered here.

I am off tomorrow morning for a 22 hr long traveling and I am absolutely not having a clue what it will do to me. But this is the final posting from Denmark 2005.
PS: I know the webmaster has been telling me that there have been server problems the last few days, but she is returning home from her Christmas today and she will be looking in to it. To you all a happy new year enjoy whatever is coming to you all.

Thanks for everything in the year that passed.
For great and loyal dedications and friendships,
Tommy Lee, 2005

25th of December 2005, Wrecked And Foggy Fan & News
7.22 CET AM
December 25th early morning. Really truly wanted this one to be so different. Should have been a continuation of something awesome in my life. But it is not. Instead it is a deep sad feeling these days that burns through my body every hour every day. Here in Europe we had Christmas last nightand I tried the best I could to have a social joyful one. I guess on a scale form 1 ? 10 I got a 6 or a really small 7 on that one.

This was the first Christmas in about 15 years that I did not get any music related things either. Felt weird. But kind of uplifting in its own way. I did not really care for the day as I am in pain no one (I hope) will ever experience. But the day is over now and another 365 days till the next one comes knocking.

Today for some of you out there it is Christmas today and I wish you all a happy one. Hope YOUR day may be extremely much better than mine. Enjoy the morning share and all. Merry Christmas.

The new years show is starting for Crue 9:45 and they do plan on bringing extra things pyro, shit to throw on the audience and more. Well according to the Sixxter anyways. Let us just see what really will go down. But he says he is actually looking forward to doing it in that special place and not anywhere else in America. Hmm?. Well some 1000's will be there and can later tell the man if he did a great job or disappointed a few?!

I am sorry to you all if I seem at times like I do not make much sense. I am in a foggy state of mind and hurting. I think this can take a good couple of months to get through. Because it was all so honest and real for me so not something that will be wiped out of my life like an old magazine. Takes a lot of time. I try to post the best I can the entire time okay. If it gets too much stay off of here for a while then and do something else.

To all of you that have asked, asked, and asked about the pile of things that is in USA when will it all be added on here and more.

Well the tough shit is? due to all the changes going on there is not a chance for me to promise you guys the lot for a while. I will bring back all I can. But there will be stuff that has been in the wait of being picked up that will still be there for another uncertain long period of time. I will do what I can. So a good guess look in on the site round the 16th?20th of January and it should at least have gotten started. For the missed out things as said no one can say?!! Simply due to the fact there is no more WE so money does not seem to have the biggest interest in finding its way to another bought US ticket. I know, sucks. Trust me I know.

Well I guess that is about it unless I decided to throw a line of detailed or minor things and thoughts to this posting. But I will not bore you all to death. So this is a rap up. For the day. Again merry Christmas to you all. Had things only been different.


22nd of December 2005, Crushed, Torn And Heartbroken
9:11 AM CET
My life has been a dream the last many months. And it was to end with a great awesome finale in just a handful of days. I have been totally beside myself the last 36 hours. My baby gave me a call the other day. Said I would hate her for the things I was about to hear. She had to drop me. Got second thoughts, cold feet what ever you want to call it.

This posting is one that could have been very long indeed. For one reason only.
I have tons of things on my mind. I have a zillion questions and I do not even know as of now if the trip that I have a ticket for shall be used or not. If I am going or not. I am torn and that is to say the least. My heart and Crue partner in crime is gone. I am totally without words. Of all people in the world this is the one person that I never ever could be convinced about would make a move like this. I am speechless.

It also means things are back to zero for me. I have no idea what to do in my life or with my life.
I was totally set for moving to the states in any given month next year. Everything here has been in preparations for just that. I have no ground no more. That of course really touches my Crue thing as well. Something many of you may not fully understand. But it does. I cannot really speak right now.

But this was a bomb dropped on me 3 days before Christmas and 6 days before a huge trip was planned for and by the both of us. Sounds like I am bitter and blaming her? Not blaming anyone. I am simply as always telling it like I feel it. Opening up about what is on my mind.

Wish I had never ever had to make this one posting. She just totally killed my insides.
I feel alone and abandoned. Nothing I can do nothing I can say!!!

Yours truly,
The heart broken.

20th of December 2005, Serious Countdown And Started Dreams
4.13 PM CET
I am back my dear friends and foes. Yes indeed. It is a weird time of year. It is closing an awesome year for me.

It is presenting a line of cool things for me too. Right here right now. I have been having a splendid time at work lately sadly finishes there late Feb 2006. So I will not really know what the fuck I will be doing after that time unless I am seriously on my way to the USA for good. Or at least for a serious try out!!*

Î am having only a few days till Christmas too. Well we all do. But I look forward to it really much this year. Simply because- I feel good. You know what I am saying? I have gotten a few things going I have a few things closing and I have the awards started. Yes I know it is absolutely the worst thing I can do financially but I love to get these. And I need to make sure I am getting as many as I possibly can.

Corinna my girl in the USA is pretty quiet about all that. I still think she would tell me that she does not care for what I do about that deal. On the other hand she knows too that I have not a single chance to guarantee much about me coming over if we do not get closer on the talking and sharing side of this. Ahhh long story.

But I see the deal on the award means just about as much as the going over there does. I truly hope I will not find myself in a bad stinky regretting situation on the matter later. Had I only could wait two more weeks for starting on this, and then I would have known what Corinna and I had figured out and all.

But we did not talk about it for some reason and the seller of these awards wanted to get going NOW or selling. SO what the hell can an addict do? Well it has begun and I am seriously thrilled about it in all ways except financially. But if I want to get?? Well, I got to pay!!!

-Okay things are also good on the Christmas itself. I have finished my buying and I only would have loved to give my mum another present but cannot. Also my honey but I think she will get something while I am there in America.

Countdown for travelling, Christmas, the first awards in the lot, and more is ticking.
Tommy is a pleased guy. I will be posting a few more times on here before Sunday I am sure. But so far and if I should die tomorrow - happy holidays.. Be good to your loved ones. They are not easy to find. So the ones you have should be able to feel the love from you every day. We can soon enough be taken apart from one another.

Let me feel that rattlesnake shake,

18th of December 2005, Jesus Christ, Holy Moley, God Damn!!!!!
7.50 AM CET
Just wanted to say things are looking to go high as the 7th heaven with the first of 2 of Nikki's guitars auctioned off. Sunset AK 1974 Cream Colored Framus guitar. The Guitar was used to write Sick Love song and has an autograph on the guitar as well as a hand written thank you from sixx himself on included paper. This auction also comes with the soft case. The retail value of this guitar is $3499.00.

Just think of it. Nikki buys a guitar for an amount and sells it with profit just because it is his. Fans are mysterious people. And you can all save your breath I am not going for this one. I am on the awards talked about previously on here. Right now the auction still runs for 4 days and 12 hours and is up at: Current Bid US $4,150,00 !!!!

The people of an auction bidding are often dedicated people or company people trying to make a smooth deal. Not always Crue fans. But it is as always impossible to say. Here is the list of the current bidders ? return to www.Ebay.com and follow the link see if any of these will actually be the winner in the end or if one not bidding yet is waiting in the dark waiting with his strike and grabs it at the very last second!!!

Good luck to all bidders,
The amazed one

17th of December 2005, A Final, And A Line Of Excitement Coming
2.59 PM CET
I sit once again home from work on a Saturday afternoon in Denmark.The decision has been made on the awards. I am gonna jump on them and get all I possibly can. I had asked my girl about her opinion to this. And told her she had to give me an answer or at least her honest opinion about it all. Should or should I not go for it. She never turned back. So I am taken action in a way I do not really want to do. Going over her head with this and make a final decision solo. I would have hated that had it been her doing it. But I think there is no more time to wait with an answer to the seller. He wants one now TODAY as he has several interested people on hand. That is rather shitty. So I have to act.

These kinds of actions will never ever happen again as long as we are together. Thank god I told her about it instead of just saying "I want this and fuck you". I could never do that. But she for some reason chose to stay silent I read that as she does mind much. But it can easily affect my chances for moving over there.

Ok, I hear it now a ton of comments like; "YOU STUPID DICK" and worse. You can finally get the relationship frames you have dreamed of and if this could take that chance away why do it? Oh god, I rest my case. Or else this defending crap would never end. It is my life and I need more from my honey to let this go. More in the sense of "communication and planning" for us in 2006.I love her and I cannot wait to see her again. How ever this offer is to never to return to my backyard as long as I live.

It's the addict speaking. Cheap shot, yeah maybe but an honest one. 10 more days and I am airborne. Guess how I feel. Just splendid. My honey and the whole goddamn area of where she is living have been put to darkness. That is also why I have not talked to her for days now. We have the phones only and that bullshit costs me tons of money so I am not doing that much. I need money for trip and Crue and bills and . well you
all know the boring line of doings every month every week every day!!

It is an extremely exciting time for me.
I have most of what I like to have right now. Always just want more of it. -I have a rather good line of offers and shit to pick up from over there in the US of A. If we talk about my boys. M.C. I like that fact. I have had an expensive year. VERY expensive year said it a gazillion times on here already. I know sorry but it has been. And I love the adventures I have had. It has been mind blowing. Thanks to a line of people and of course but had my interest gone down hill or other practical things not been in order this would never have been the year it has been. I am forever grateful.

Five more working days and fairly short ones too. And Christmas is here. That of cause is a minor detail I think is amongst the things I look forward to. For the first time in 7 years do I actually once again look forward to Christmas. My dad died December 12rth 1998. And nothing has been the same since then. Mum found a new guy.
A real dick if you ask me. However I do not communicate with the ass just kind of leaving him alone and he me so in short we are fine. Now I am better about that so come Christmas. Just sad the outside family loved ones are not with me. Ohhh well...

I have the past few days found and bought items on Crue that I cannot wait to arrive. The store display or standee USA of the "Red White" album. Also different old magazines, posters, Hawaiian gig poster for Tommy's DJ job, the newspaper for Crue show flyer, and more. Signed shit and 1983 and 2005 guitar picks,
Oh yeah, it is still an ongoing expanding of the collection every week.

Frightening I know.
Loving it all. Of cause I do.

I actually have been a little bit worried the last 3 days. It is getting quite cold here now. And now that I am so close to Christmas and the trip over I am a little afraid to get sick. I actually take really good care of myself. I may eat too much but besides that I am doing fine. HAVE TO!!!!!! Not long now.

Sadly the webmaster and I had a few end of the year plans to share time together.
We should have been in Hamburg Germany. Two or three times now to attend a B.O.D. concert. In the end they fucking cancelled it all. Jesus fucking Christ that is bad doings. Disappointed. Then we should have been to the tattoo artist together.
Not going. Then we should have had a one last trip together for the fun of it and gone pick up the Crue collection at my brother's place in Roskilde. Not happening. The webmaster's boyfriend has been acting dump!!! And has gotten himself hurt quiet bad. Well you know the saying. Heavy weights fall hard. And reaches more damage. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well not funny for the seriousness of the hurt. But the big so called grown men play dangerous games and act stupid at times.
So I do not really feel too sorry for them. Have a nice recovering though dude.

Your bastard host

Thursday December 15th 2005, My God It Is A Kick Ass Time
3.09 PM CET
Sitting here just returned form work and now eaten my ribbon sandwich, I think about the time of year we are at now. Closing in on Christmas and all. I LOVE Christmas. I think this year will be of a certain caliber. Why? Because I have such an awesome time in wait for me. I have bought everybody quite great gifts this year and I think I will get a few of the many wishes I had for myself too.

I seriously want to spend the holidays with my mum, brother, and sister for a number of reasons this year.
I love them all and some have done and been extremely passionate and helpful to me with things this year. The year to come is hopefully going to be just as great a year just in a total different way.
I think it can be extremely exciting, 2006 for me.

A ton of new tests for lill 'ol me.
Ohh dear!! I love getting these adventures and testing myself.

I have today talked to my old ex-girlfriend.
She is in India as a helper and backpacker. I miss her dearly and I feel like she is one of the two sisters I lost this year. Well I did not lose her. She said she was extremely happy about my call. And so am I. Living in a house of clay and brown as a niggers ass she is. But she sounds healthy and some girl she is.

She gives me a lot of inspiration for hunting my dreams.
And she is.. Well okay, okay Tine Sorensen is now getting the attention on here which wasn't really the plan. Lol. All I really wanna say with this is that she is giving me so much energy to keep hoping for my own dreams to come true. Thanks for being who you are Tine. Love you girl.

Now about my dreams - I spoke to Corinna a couple of nights ago. No boys and girls nothing is wrong. We are doing fine. But I had some questions on certain things and it also included my huge doubt on the awards offer that is laying at my feet.

I wanna see if I can get that deal started and get as many as possible.

Perhaps trying to start with 2 in the lot. There are at least a good 10 awards I really like to get my filthy hands on for keeps. Apart from the award pictures received I have gotten another picture sent on a costume HUGE Shout At The Devil award.
Needless to say I WANT IT!!!

It is a killer time in all ways. I love that this holiday season is so giving. I have another ONLY 12 more days till the line of planes will take me to South Carolina and on the same trip to Detroit and new adventures. Guess if I can wait. One of the "gang of loyalty" members on this site from Norway is throwing a party in late January. I plan on attending that one. Fuck yes. I am half Norwegian anyways. So fucking hold your goddamn horses up there and we will have a blast. I promise you this.

Finally heading towards some goddamn snow too. I miss that in my life. No snow what so ever.

Your impossible host
Still T mutha fuckin Lee

12th of December 2005, Wild News And Lost Feelings
7.39 PM CET
Finally got a mail from Mr. Karsten Walz of Germany. He is the goldmine for me right now.

The goldmine holding a line of Motley Crue awards I want. There are a line of awards that are or can be so shit cool to have. Also a complete set of Dr Feelgood album awards presented each one to the members of the band. Such a set is IMPOSSIBLE to gain whenever wanted. I myself have the "Too Fast For Love" ones like that. Floater style too. That is with out a doubt the best.

I need serious communications on this with the man.
Fuck it- give me 5 minutes I need to make a call to the man and have a chat... hold on...

Karsten, 3 short minutes. He is okay with a long deal on this. I need to talk to ONE person on this for sure. That person and that conversation cannot go on until maybe in a few days time.

Ah never mind, a longer story. A longer and boring one but of high importance.
Here are sadly some of the shitty pictures received today. Sorry bout that. With time I hope of course they all end up here in my home but I think also the better pictures will come slowly. He did mention that he had more awards coming..

So right now I am all torn and all BROKE for the next 3 years should I do this. You all have no idea how badly these awards are wanted by me. But ohhh brother I will end up in loans to up over my ears jumping into this kind of thing.

Now a few things have gotten added today too. And in just 15 more days I am out of here. For a good 2 weeks. USA calling as you all know. I have a line of things to get cleared over there important questions with needed answers. Nothing seems to be of the right time for me right now. I have a serious line of issues unsolved and if things don't find its answers I will make answers for the issues myself.

-I have no interest in sitting with more problems than needed. Hell who does. I am on this very day asking myself HOW MUCH am I still after 20 some years allowing Motley Crue to fill up in my life? Only asking myself this question as all these IMPORTANT offers are in over my head these days. Whatever I make of decisions to it all it will either be; I say no and will regret for years to come cause these things will NOT return to me as offers. And that's a guarantee. Or I will say "Lets Deal" and I will be financially BAD the next 3 years.

All these things will have to get solved THIS WEEK!!!
Can you believe it?

Talk about pressure.

Am I ready to die? It is almost the same question for me. Yeah, yeah, yeah!!! I hear you all. You are fucking insane saying that. You need to get yourself checked or something. Well, I say again no music in my life no life for music from me. That's a guarantee. I am so stuck on this. I have even told Corinna a few times this is not healthy for me. And myself a ton of times. But ask an addict to lay down the needle and walk away!

I rest my case.

I can say this. Motley will be the death of me. No doubts there.

You are all invited, come piss on my grave.
-Still loves you are

Dad today it's 7 years since you were taken away from me. Died of cancer.
I miss you. Wish we would get a second chance. But none of us does. R.I.P.

December 11th 2005,
A big congrats to the girl of my life these days and the 4 string killer in the band of my passion. I hope they both have an awesome day. Both without their loved ones on the day but what can one do? I so wanted to be there. In stead I am sitting here celebrating them with my coffee cup and simply thinking of them both.

Happy big 3 0 to my girl and a happy 4 7 to the Sixxster.


Friday the 9th of December 2005, Closer And Fucking Cool
3.13 PM CET

Last nights tattoo work is fine this morning. I am happy about it. I have so many things to still get added but I like to get some new things cleared first before more paint gets shot into my skin. Simply for a one off reason. The tattoo artist basically told me yesterday that she would like to get more money.

I am kind of going "no, we had a deal and that should not get changed for some unpaid financial troubles on the artist's part". I had this tattoo thing fully planned and turned down another artist that offered me the same FULL job for the amount already paid!!! Really shitty.

The single cool thing last night was my baby calling me. Like out of the blue. She told me things and showed me things that made me really happy. She has made sure that the very much now infamous sign or display from the Brides Of Destruction that by the seller was told to me I would not get as it was damaged in the mail.

Well she got it yesterday after all and showed me. Damn I love it. That was a very special day for me. I told her that I would perhaps do the VERY first thing that signals my moving over, with my display. Which is to get that one pro framed and then KEEP it hanging over there at her place not bringing it home. How does that sound? To me quite weird. Very much actually. All of a sudden I seem to have this chance to do a thing that gives me first doing to such a future event.
Shit man, all of a sudden it feels like I can reach out and touch that idea.

I only have 11 more working days till I am on a plane and out of here. Heading to the US of A and a missed little birthday baby coming Sunday. BabyC and Nikki both have their magic days Sunday. He 47, she 30. What can one possibly give them? I am Feeling a little weird about not being over there for it all. I more than ever feel like I do not belong here in Denmark no more.

Cannot even begin to describe that feeling in words.
I so wonder how my baby sees this and what she is thinking to this in her own mind? I so want to get to the US in 2 weeks and return to Denmark with the needed answers to what I must do to move over there more permanent.

I keep getting so many offers on Motley stuff it is simply unbelievable.
This weekend should see the pictures of the award lot I have been offered. I would so like to get them. That has since the day of dawn been a highly wanted thing. Same with KISS as they were the big want in my life. Awards simply are an awesome thing and a pretty wall decorating item. I now could cover all walls with my Crue and KISS awards here. And should I get the Crue lot offered well, then I doubt any fan anywhere has more than what this collection would be holding.

As far as I know I am also only missing one pick of the 2005 tour. A pick of Vince- a black on white. That too was won last night. I am really trying to cover things on certain areas. Like posters, picks, passes, and such things. So I do not get too far behind on those. They are so appreciated. And I think I am fairly good catching up on all.
I now know too that there are a few picks out there at one certain place for me to get. But boy oh boy some prices they hold on them. DAMN!!!

I cannot do them right now but I have to also be careful as these picks at times are so hard to find and they only get more and more expensive. For only a fucking little piece of plastic. But I really have been on a look out for picks for years and years. Have a good lot too. But still I have a line of missing ones too.

Okay chicks and bad asses, I have been spreading the Friday thoughts of mine in the Motley world.
Corinna has several I am sure. She as you all also know is shit busy but my guess is that she will be posting on here again onces or twice more before Christmas.

Do not forget all your Christmas shoppings either. I thank god I am almost done.
Only missing like one extra thing for my sweetie.

In the name of rock
Suck It,

Thursday 8th of December 2005, The Needle And The Pain
4:53 PM CET

I am doing this in kind of a two part thing. In about an hour I will most likely be in the hot chair again to have a continuation on the already started tattoos. I have not grown better for these things. I still feel very indomitable with it. But hopefully - a special kind of version to the “Theatre masks” on shoulder, back, and chest. I have to see. That is my goal for today though. I feel way behind with the finishing on this already. The original plan was to have it all done in 2 times in Sweden.

But here I am in Denmark and hopefully as I said have the 2 masks here on my body later on.There will be a couple of pictures taken in the process for you to see. So I have them on here later in this posting if all goes well. Maybe a line of snapshots. So you all can see how it grows in the process. I feel it is the right thing to choose. The masks. Not that they are special but they represent the era of the band that I have the most and best memories from. So I think I will just have to get them done. And that better be of today!! I let you all in how it went and felt……..

Don’t forget also to check in on the new page: “Cruecial Bondings” and “A Cruecial Injection” link is on the front page lower left corner in the menu line. It is a thing that will grow massively with time.

6:14 PM I'm back again. Fuck me!!!!! I missed the Brides CD so badly wanted. Damn it. Only 3 long years have I wanted that one. Ohhh no!!! Well why the fuck cry over spilled milk? Cannot drink it now. Shit!!!

Well the masks are almost ready. Not fully still need some red, yellow, and black kind of strokes with the needle. I really think it can come out cool. And there is a chance to put more around it. Simply because I did not place it like I first attended. Oh well. What is new? No it is alright. Nice big size too with the ribbons and all. So…… Let the fucker heal well and I have added another creation to the inked body!!!

I should have about two more visits at the tattoo studio then I am about done for 2005. Once more next week. And then MAYBE one more time around December 18th.I will have other places to put my money now than on ink. My body does not go anywhere so I have plenty of time to get more if that should be a wish!!,

Cheers all,

Your bloody host,

T. mutha fucking Lee.

7th of December 2005, Woke Up A Honey To Share The Unbelievable
6.28 PM CET

Wednesday afternoon here in the cold and dark Denmark.

There is always some eBay stuff to look for. And other shit as a true dedicated sucker for the boys right? Well, I now have about 15 more shitty mails to reply to on offers. But those will be fairly easy to reply to. As the lot will all get each their “Thanks but no thanks”.

And especially now as a joke became a win.

Let me explain. Sixx has these items up. He has these 3 items up and one ended yesterday:

That was a sleeveless shirt or what ever …… Truly not really worth that much. But what the hell.

It is all gone now. I cannot believe it. The second thing is Nikki’s personal Sunset Strip tattoo jacket with his name embroidered on the front chest and personally signed down one sleeve.I thought don't want it- but I can see how it goes. And with 2 minutes left it was still at around $475 dollars. I thought this is not happening. No way this is real. So I decided to – JUST FOR THE HELL OF IT – place a bid and say “the top bidder is up at, at least $1000. Time passed and up came one window on my PC screen saying

Nikki Sixx Autographed SunSet Strip Tattoo Jacket

I went WRONG dude!!!

This is not real. I closed the PC and started it up again. Said the same thing. I thought and still think people are missing something here or eBay has been fucked for many or what ever it is. But this is not really real. Any way now I have stopped thinking about it. I seem to have another Sixx owned item and it is at a pretty okay price.

-The time of year is ABSOLUTELY not the best for me for doing these stunts!!
How ever it was almost a giveaway compared to the rest of the stuff that has been up here.I needed to share this with the ONLY one that shares my passion this way. Corinna. She has a morning off so I felt a little bad about waking her up. But I was also NOT really expecting her to scream at me. I thank god was right. She was sounding tired but …. Nice and interested. Peeww!!!

Sorry about the Corabi pictures the goddamn photo shop has not yet made them. I will get them shortly no worries. It will be all good.

Okay that was short but brutal news.
talk soon……..

Your slut - Lee

Monday December 5th, 2005 , I'm Still Alive
07.07 AM CET

Hey people I'm still here. I am so fuckin' busy with work you have no idea.
I work 2 jobs. So most of the time I go to work at 11:00 AM till 2:00 PM at the first job & then go directly from there to my other job & work from 3:00 PM till 11:30 PM & sometimes I stay over until 3:00 AM.So you must understand that I have no time for anything. I also only get one day off a week & I have been working overtime that one day off. I will only have 2 days off until T gets here on the 27th.

So tell me who is the working girl here? Right now as I am posting this my eyes are killing me. I am dead ass tired but I know what my limits are & it takes more than this to reach them so don't worry about me. GOT THAT HONEY. I'm fine just no time. Yes there is a reason why I work this much & I still am not going to tell you all that reason just quite yet. Lets just say I will be moving soon & that is all I'm going to say. Not away from here though. One more reason for no time, I've been looking for a new place to move into.

The days are closing in on me until T gets here! I can't wait to see him! I also am soooo looking forward to the days off. It will be so nice. It will be nice to just sit for a day & do nothing. I have not done that in I can't remember how long.

I got T an X-Mas present. I think he will be happy with it. If not then oh well that's his problem!! He wants me to tell him what it is but I absolutely will not!! That is another reason why I work too, to pay!!

I have mentioned a girl named Lisa from Las Vegas on here before. Well I have never met her in person but I will soon to come. She finally bought her plane ticket to come out here in Feb. to go to a show with me in Atlanta on the 10th!! I'm excited about that. It will be pretty cool.

So Cruester I hear your asking what happened to me. Well, no me & T didn't break up so wishful thinking!!! I hope this has satisfied your curiosity of where I have been.

I will probably not be back on here again for a while, but believe me I'm not gone I'm just hiding in the shadows. So you all better be good or Santa will not bring you anything! I'm always watching so don't think I don't know what is going on on here.

By the way give a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our MAN MR. SIXX & me on Sunday Dec. 11th!! You all do know we share the same birthday. Fuck I'm going to be an old lady!!
Do any you want to take a guess at how OLD I will be? I'm not going to tell & lets see if you all can guess! Fuck I never thought I would make it this far for some reason, but I'm here so I better enjoy it while I can.

Well people I'm ass fuckin' beat & need some sleep before I fall out. I have work at both jobs again tomorrow & have to get up at at least 9:30 AM & it is already 1:01 AM.

So............. I'm Alive A Live Wire until future notice

Keep Kickin'

5th of December 2005, Impossible Soldier And Scary Offers
6.42 PM CET

Here is another Monday hitting me like a bullet train. So out of it these days.
Too tired? I don’t know. Am I? I guess it is just the goddamn things I constantly have to take care of. Shit. Some of the things are just fucking brain farts others are seriously fucking with my skull.

I think I feel a bit down. Like things are going up in higher gear than I can keep up with. That truly is not a nice feeling. Like the guy I told you briefly about in on here yesterday. The one with the four awards that I want. I think we can do it have settled more or less on an agreement. BUT!!!! Then the goddamn same guy said “I have a friend that’s selling out. He has about 10 more awards or something – interested?”

Suck my dick!!! Fuck…… duuuhhh!!! Yes I am. I wanna see if I can get the biggest and best award collection on the Cruesters there is. That is a damn cool offer. But what would (or will – lol) that not cost me? Ahh to hell with it. I may die tomorrow so what the hell. Can things be fixed I'll try to get as many as I can.

I will gladly pass on the Sixx stuff up on auction for these awards. Awards to me are the milestones in my collection. Especially if they are the costume ones or of presentation to the band. My god 12 to 14 more awards? I cannot even begin to think about it. Let us just see what will happen. The guy told me he would put pictures up on email for me in 4 to 5 days form now. So… I can perhaps post 'em all on here for you all to see.

Been offered other huge lots too. And BabyC has a friend or knows of one that is about to sell out. Once again due to the ONLY thing in life that is not worth doing: Getting married. Hope she will ask him about things for me or give me the address later on so I have a chance to dig in maybe?

The one soldier in the “gang of loyalty” that is truly fucked up is the one form Norway! That is just without any hope at all. She is not doing much but work and drink. My god well could have said a gazillion things here but I will spare the weak. I seem to scare more people than I thought!People seem to have kind of a problem with me having this totally twisted look on life. Like how can I?!!!

Not that that is the case of the Norwegian soldier. She is just scared of me in a weird way.And there isn’t much Motley up there it seems. Okay it’s the country of two things. Booze and sex. On the official list these country men are the ones that fuck around the most and drink like hell. Not many Motley related things can be added on here as of now.

Really weird. Feels more and more like the one that stands closest to me in thinking and in …well many things is C. Hargrave. I am a little bit amazed I have to say. -I think maybe there is a reason for the strong bond between her and me. It gets clearer and clearer to me. I cannot wait to get to the other side of Christmas. This is just such a hopeful thing to me. I so want to make this happen.

I AM scared that it can cost me a line of Motley activities and all…….Sure is not as I live the life now – should I go over there.

But like I tell all my friends and foes – life is a price tag – look at it and make up your mind are you willing to pay the figure on it?

If not STOP!!! If yes - go for it and stop complaining. My good I get sick of looking at all the people around that fills up their lives with shit they don’t truly care for.
They live their lives with mostly GOT TO Does all the time and not much
“I like to does”…… that shit I hope will never be the main factor in my life. If anybody sees me having that kind of life … please kill me.

Okay I have to say this too in the posting of today:
There are new ideas for the site again!! Keep coming back on here and soon you will see some shit that could make one get to know me even more. Get more in touch of what I am and this is all about. There is hope for making this site even cooler.
Some changes coming in the early stages of the New Year and shit. I cannot wait.

In many ways 2006 can be considered the NEW ways for Tommy.

The Fucked One

4th of December 2005, Trust, Offers And headaches
5.14 AM CET

I do feel I am getting a headache form all the offers rolling in over me. I have now been offered 4 awards again. All personal and members presented. I of cause want to get these. I have requested or suggested things to the seller of them. Hopefully he will work with me on this one!! We will see and I am pretty sure you will hear the result of it too.

I got the Japanese tour book from eBay this morning actually that one just ended and that's the reason for this boy to be here up so early. I think I am gonna have to find more trust in myself on certain Crue things again. I am going a bit overboard on several things. Worries like hell. I know my honey hates that about me. Sorry baby. I will try to better myself.

Then there is an all new item on the market. A REAL bowling ball Motley Crue 2005 style. That one I would like to get too. They are about $120 dollars US but truly nicely done. I remember when I saw the KISS one last year I freaked. That one is even cooler than this M.C. one. But it is not KISS that I collect now....

The latest Sixx personal items are long into its auctions. Three of the five items are up and running.The shirt pictures here a few days ago then the Sunset Tattoo jacket, and Sixx's Dr. Bracelet. That one is a shit super cool thing to have.

-Am I going for it? No. I do not, RATHER want the awards but awards are super cool to have and I have so many and these 4 offered to me are just a truly fantastic piece of collectibles.

The Brides Of Destruction sign I won then lost then . yeah well.. My sweetest of sweets Corinna has got on the sellers ass about it.

It turns out it is bent into some what half the size. But not torn in two parts. She knows MORE THAN WELL how bad I want this one and said she wanted the god damn thing anyways. So I think it is coming to her for me after all. Just not in the condition I wanted it in. FUCK!!!

But I will have it framed - so maybe it can come out pretty nicely after all. Fucking hope so.The pictures of the John Corabi 1994 jacket as promised will be coming on here Tuesday but until then here is the one in the newly signed version.

Tons of things coming. It is a highly interesting time for me. But a time too for headackes. So many things on the market.

I miss my girl. I so want to be there now. I think it is a little too hard to get things covered these days. The Crue satisfaction. And being or just talking to my girl as much as I like to. Things are being tested these days and it surely takes one to go through with it. I think.

24 more nights and I am out of here. South Carolina here I come. I cannot wait for that to happen.

By the way speaking of South Carolina and Corinna. She is up over her head in working hours this month. She says hello to you all and says she is sorry for the silence.
But she cannot yet find time to make a posting on here simply due to the schedules she is having. And trust me NO ONE that I know would have been able to fill in her working schedules. I get all tired just THNKING about it, and she fucking has to do it.

We miss her here and she will return. Maybe later in the month or suddenly she will miss us all too much and just do it. Lol.

Alright ya all!!!
back to bed for me!!

The coming American!!!

2nd of December 2005, Corabi Again And Again
5.59 PM CET
It was not Motley Crue 1994 no more. It was once more Union including The bass man of Alice Cooper band, Bruce Kulick ex-KISS, Fred Coury of Cinderella and Mr. John Corabi of 1994 edition of Motley Crue. I went to the capitol of Denmark. Copenhagen once more to see these guys. I had seen the jam band E.S.P. earlier same year same club same members except back then it was ex - KISS drummer Eric Singer n there with the three string men.

Now I was extremely excited for the Union thing. I love Union. I think they are very underrated as a band. Sadly!! Now for the show I had a few plans. First of an interview set up with John Corabi as the main goal. It was arranged and it happened.
Actually as often before very delayed but it was happening. And I will let you in on it a little later.

My personal thank yous to Mr Corabi, Union and the man making it happen. Nicolas, tour manager. Thanks a lot guys it has been awesome. Cannot wait to see you again in April.I have my younger brother now as said earlier on here ending his days of a Crue collector. Things have reached its high and he is calling it a day. I decided I would like to give to him a "goodbye" experience so I offered him in on the interview to meet one of the Cruesters. He did.

He got some CDs signed and he got to chat a little with him and got his photo with the man.
I promise the meeting Corabi shots will go on here Monday or Tuesday!! Need them back from the lab first!

Got a few things signed too...The set list for the night

My old Summer of 2004 Hollywood meeting with John at the Roxy club at the Cardboard Vampires show there July 16th.
And some stuff I got from them. A live Union DVD and the 8x10 photo

The show was filled with F-U-N and the more they played the more crazy they got. As you can see from the set list a lot of cool songs, all together it ended up more like an intimate jam evening with a few people. They loved it. All had great fun. The Corabi interview went well, really well. I got about one hour with him and of that maybe 40 minutes down on tape. It all took place at the band room. After the show. And the so called meet n greet. All were really cool about it all. So it did run rather late compared to the original deal which was 6 PM..

This baby did not go down till after midnight. I just did not want to miss it so.. my Union night got extremely long.
The hours from a quarter to six till quarter past eight were long and DAMN cold. My brother and I had to leave after seven to go to a café get a hot cup of coffee and hot chocolate. Then we returned to the venue feeling nicely hot. That was just so good. What coffee can't do to you is sometimes a miracle. LOL.

For once in a long time my brother and I had no problems. Not that we are cats and dogs or something. But we have had really tough waters for a lot of reasons.

Now it was a day with pure joy and brotherhood like we could not even remember. Thanks Morten. Now he too was very grateful for the show and what it held for him. Hopefully the good atmosphere here will continue.

-in the interview John told me some pretty intense and personal things. That was just super cool. I think there is a chance to put together a really cool hour on him for radio too. After the interview we sat and talked, me, him, and the tour manager guy Nicolas. Really sweet guy. They are coming back in April 2006 as Union and then John in between is doing a ton of things too. And he is coming out 2006 with his first ever solo CD. And band to tour massively in Europe. That tour will hold a lot of awesome surprises that I promised not to tell about on air. and that I guess means on here too.

So for the ones that get to hear things from me on that one consider yourself lucky you bastards. I love you all and you all damn well know it too.

I am signing off here now!!
I will return Monday with some pictures of my 1994 light brown coat of johns signed and worn in freshly printed photos okay!!!

I am very pleased with this one. Thanks for doing it John and for the old Crue stories told.

PS: babyC - hope you like your greeting

Power to the music dude!!!

29TH of November 2005, Here We Go – Once Again
9.23.PM CET

Yes chicos and dudettes. This is round two starting. Round two of many things actually.The Brides Of Destruction sign that I got from this seller a few weeks back. Guess what? I got an email saying that the thing was returned to sender and was totally damaged so I would not be getting it. You guys have absolutely no idea how that hurt me to hear. A refund well yes.

But that is so not of interest!! My god. I am shit sad about that one!!
Then a few guys I have sent part payments to throughout a longer period seem to have fucked me over. I am very pissed about that. Always and everywhere you stumble into these idiots that just fuck you over and get silent.

I know also that Nikki Sixx has NOW this hour started his new 5 piece personal auction again. This here is the first then tomorrow a Hollywood Sunset Strip Tattoo jacket and Thursday a Dr. bracelet then 2 bass guitars. Guess how I feel?!!!!!

I am low, low, low, low, low on chances for doings on these items. Well let us see how bad it actually gets.

He ? Sixx ? is also just about to release a new clothing line of a whole bunch of different shirts. That line of shit I simply have to get and clear as it comes out. I have so many Dragonfly shirts missing. And bought a whole line of them. I sadly have never received them thanks to Crue family screw ups. Sorry not telling more than that.

Only one thing to say torn, disappointed, and pissed about it.

The Brides tour of Europe has for the 3rd or 4th time been cancelled. Or it seems to have been. That is simply too cool. NOT!!! What the hell is that? Is it the band, the management or the label that fucks these things up? Great way to build a follow up to the debut album and tour from last year. Jesus Christ. I guess I am only this hurt
and shitty feeling about this because it is still a band I love so much.

But this is wheather I like the dudes or not a fucked up rotten way to roll the dice.


Okay I have a stinky line of experiences this week. And it is all costing me money too. That is just a truly nice one. Stinks!!

Guess I cannot have a full month without stones on my road of travel in the Motley world?!! Fuck that is just a huge fucking fact and has followed me like for 10 years or more. Anyway just wanted to share my feeling of a Tuesday and the news good and bad!!!

To all my kittens ? miaaauuuuuwwww
To all my soldiers ? stay armed.

More tattooing Friday afternoon?.

Yours Tx

Here is what the Sunset auctioned jacket is looking like.
Think you will be able to find it online somewhere in a day or two.

Good hunting!!! Sixx Shit!!!

26th of November 2005, Sex, Sex, And A Honey
1.50 PM CET

My fucking god. I am so in need of a sexual act. I had a massive cool time this morning with miss cool this morning. Guess you all know who. She showed me all the latest arrived Crue stuff. And as always there are so many cool things. But it is now also so wanted by me to have added to the site. I cannot wait to get this lot on here. Wait till you see it all. Fuck me there is tons of great stuff. It is almost a small collection in its own. LOL

I felt satisfied looking at it all. So much better, than sex. But then she started looking at me with her teasing sweet warm eyes. Talk about getting excited. I had a restaurant working day to deal with about 20 minutes later. I fucking left my home with a stiff 3rd leg.

Have to see her soon. If not my right hand will fucking go ape shit on me. Cannot continue to do the polishing solo. Hell no. Sex, sex, sex……… who needs it? I have learned to need it. And it fucking kills me.

Have to get laid soon. My god I am so out of it. Think I will just fuck her in the airport. Get the pressure over with. Can one get arrested for that?

The items there are so awesome. And next to be added are the Detroit new years stuff. I tell you guys (and chicos) the thing is, I have now so many things to add on here that this site begins to be even bigger than I expected it to be!! In January as I bring as much of it home to Denmark from America as I possibly can, the webmaster and myself will be getting busy!!!Going to be so cool to add again.

Webmaster is growing old. Too old too. She wants the gold but cannot work it no more….. That’s a laugh. C’mon.… got to agree with me there!! (look at her posting on “kickstart my heart”. A hard living with a hard doing but she is not holding up). Well best of luck with something else then.

I think I am gonna be bringing a cool banner to the new years show. Whip it out front row dead centre and see if we can have the band grabbing it for the show ON STAGE and then hunt down the bootleg video of it. Cause there will of course come one. I think it will be a cool special one.

Hope to have a new jacket to wear too. Airbrushed new yrs special. My god or airbrushing is gonna do all this. And we will be having the time of our lives that night, No home TV dinner for us. We are gonna be rocking to the Crue In Auburn Hills – Detroit, MI USA baby!!!

A little hotel sex as dessert if I am lucky!! My god I am so damn sexualy frustrated here… She goes down …..(& you know it) Lick It up… ohhh damn that’s a KISS song…

Sticky Sweet

24th of November 2005, 24th Once Again…..
3.33 PM CET

I am so beside myself. I have no idea what the hell is wrong with me. I am high above still. Iceland is below me. Another two and a half to three hours left and I will be in my living room once again.

How is everything? The word “regretting” is a wrong choice. But I feel like I regret NOT getting the Japanese tour merchandise like more than anything else. But it would have killed my chances for a fairly nice December trip to the US!! And that one is even more important. Not bigger in heart felt passion. But more important. I have to make that one a good one. It is with my baby and the new year`s concert and extra travelling from southern state to north and more. So yes it is more important!!

Looks like I will now NOT be getting much more Crue in a long, long time!!
-Long story but seems to be a true one. Anyway, I also hear Sixx is putting up a handful more of personal stuff for auction.
Including two bass guitars. That is PURELY fucked. I wanna know first of all which ones they are….
Then I wanna see what they can possibly be going for.


There is a pile of things more at Corinna's house for me. Miss you…….But a lot of people have yes… still not gotten their shit together and sent what is already paid for a long time ago. FUCK!!! Especially the Brides Tower Records Hollywood sign. I wanted that so bad. I got it and now … still not there.

Hopefully by the time this gets online I hope Corinna tells me it's there already!!
Had a chance to party with Magnum the UK band in Copenhagen today. But I am shit too tired to make the stop and stay there.

I will not go. I have Union and John Corabi in Copenhagen next week. And then the weekend after that Brides in Hamburg.

Hopefully with an interview again…. I do not see how I could possibly fail. The new label of theirs and others are fucking asses to deal with. It is shit bad!! I cannot make this one happen. And it simply is a fucking bad ass situation.

Well I will turn to the Danish distribution company to ask for help there!!!
Till I get home…. these have been the thoughts on my way back!!!!
I love most of you fuckers out there… Let me have my bitter pill.

I still am….. too fast for love sweetie….


24th of November for Some – back To Real Life
3.18 PM CET
Sitting in the airport. How can things be feeling so wrong yet so right?I have had that kind of feeling tons of times. Do you think I am getting too used to be living out my dream? I have asked myself that question many, many times. I do not think so. If I was I had not had the excitement what so ever left to do it. And I tell you all right now – I love it.

It has been a hope for a long time to get to do a few certain things with the band but I am sure I will only get to live out so many dreams in that category.

I am sitting here in calmness. It is past midnight and I can say to myself “your Eastern trip and tour here is history pal”.Feels like I have a smile coming at the same time also a bit of sadness. I mean I think the shows have been awesome but they do more here… tomorrow too.

I will just not be a part of it. Kind of sucks but hey, cannot ask “the man” to cover all doings in the Crue life. Right?

I hope this will be the start of something AWESOME for the next and last month of the year. Who would ever have thought this would be happening? Not me I give you that much!! I am blessed and I feel blessed as hell. I have so many things fixed and so many nice doings waiting for me.I need to get laid. I feel everything is awesome everything has been covered but I am still full of energy. Getting laid can fix that problem. You hear me honey? We need to look in on that problem. Lol.

I will remember this the most by the line of merchandise I never got. I feel shit sad about that. Always wanted to go here and get the full line of sale products. And now I do get here I cannot do it. That hurts like a mutha fucker. You guys can only guess…. I think only two people on planet earth that can find kind of an idea how much I suffer form that fact!!

Alright guys, I will rap this up as it is getting time to do a boarding check so I will maybe find myself doing a few thoughts to share with you as we get airborn. Have about a full day to do just that!!

The Sticky Sweet!!

23rd of November, 22nd To Others, The Shows??
4.49 PM CET

I see the webmaster is pretty busy. Gotten other work and seems to be a little tight in things these days. I hope she will be able to get the things out as they happen. That is our main goal on here to update you all as the shit hits the fan so to say!! Bare with us. I am sure she does what she can. I think she will make a posting soon in the guestbook for you all. Whatever it is her call.

There has been a question or two towards me about the many postings but not much on the actual shows. Well people there really is not much to say. The Japanese people are as always full on. There are no others like them. Crazy in a non violent way. Simply rocking out like no other country. There is no really dramatic changes than from what we have seen or heard on the rest of the world tour so far. Guess everybody is aloud to get the same kind of medicine for this one. See the same show.

And for me it feels much more honest to let you all in on what I think and experience from this. Than to make another show review since it is to me but another show(s). What can I say? It's called Japan, or USA or England, or Sweden it does not really matter. The Crue have rehearsed plenty to do and say the same things every where. Not much impulsive happenings going on. So, I do not really know what to say to you.

I guess I could share this; From all the shows I have seen, and now the tour is getting closer to the actual end, I still think the solos are well….. not that fully awesome. It's cool to see the guys do their solo shit for a few minutes. But honestly it is not stinky impressive. I am much more a fan of getting the songs played out so…..I love simply love the old ones “Too fast..”, “On With The Show”, “Ten Seconds …”, “Shout..”, and I am touched by the “Don’t Go Away Mad” and the “Glitter” one. Not their best rocking songs but, I guess I have my reasons.

I wish to this day Tommy had been giving me a kick in the ass and delivered a FULL hard rocking solo on the skins…. but that did not happen. I do not really like the dance club sound kind of thing he does. It is with full respect that he makes his alternatives but it is not cool in my private little book. Sorry. Do another rock solo and fuck the tittie cam. Girls are going nuts. They want his ass I know, but again I am there for the music not……

Vince has gotten shit good over the tour. But also fell off a bit in the summer shows in the US I think. He better be careful and not loose it. Mick is the BEST on the tour for me. He is just fucking amazing. Nothing else to add there. Sixx I guess is Sixx?!! Again no really news to add. Love him and he knows it. At times things go good and others they are shit tired or having perhaps a bad night.

Overall I think the shows are much alike. They are different here and different there from the fact that In Japan,

they have looked ready and awesome. Good enough? Thank you……

Sad to let this go.
Good to get away from the temptations and can't haves.
Reloading for Smaller things before USA late December…Tx

21st of November Or Rather The 22nd!! Jetlag?
8.15 PM CET

I do not know. But I woke up after a nightmare today. A nightmare that has followed me for years. It is another date here than “there” but I feel for writing just a little piece. The band has been awesome so far. Hiroshima gig seemed better that the Tokyo one. I think maybe it could be because I was a little too excited and maybe a little too tired the ”first” night? I can not really say. Now I feel as if I still live on European time.
It is simply not giving me the rest needed, this whole thing.

I do not have that kind of problem when I am in USA.It is just different. This is so much different than from what I have done earlier on this tour.

I know Sixx has had the same problems in 2004 in Europe when he was touring with the Brides. Now I feel it too. Does he? Do they? I have absolutely no idea. I do know that in 5 hours my ride to Osaka is leaving town. I should get rest. But I cannot find it.

It is not a complaint it is just weird. Normally I get a headache too from these things. This time I have not. That of course is extremely nice. I feel bad. It is Tuesday here Tuesday there in the morning and I will Wednesday have my last day here. Missing out on a few shows. Feel sad already. But then Again I miss some elsewhere so I will be okay with leaving.

It can be jetlag that is getting to me. Or too short a time here combined with too much excitement over the fact of WHY I am doing this. Well, as said no complaints. I have had my "in the middle of the night tea" and I have gotten a shower. As sitting on the can which I feel can best be described as sitting on the floor, so low… I am now finishing up what ever has to be done before the few last hours here.

I feel Osaka will be another blast in line. What the hell else can say it is? My long lost Japanese friend is not here. He will return to the show in Osaka. He was not going this far south if you from Tokyo as he had things to do today. I even think this was his only to be missed show. Amazing guy. Crue head since the Theatre days. That tour and all brings back so many memories in my mind. I still think I will leave here with a hole in my heart not getting the Japanese items. Man I so want them. Sounds like a joke to many I know. Get real, Huhh?

Well say that and you do not know this fan too well. Have I used the word addict before? Well let me do it again. I am a Motley addict. And the ride I boarded December 2004 is soon ending. It has been the best rollercoaster ride in my life.

You guys get some rest over there.
I will now seriously try to find some of my own.
Crue`d brother!!!

21st of November 2005, Second One, Second Last
6.24 AM CET

Feels like it is so not right. Having a blast but this is my second show here and also my second to last one. Sadly I missed out on the first show as it got cancelled, the flight out here that is. And the show on the 24th is not gonna happen for me. The airport is too far away to make the flight back it seems. So instead of getting stranded in the middle of hobbit country I gotta say dude not happening. And head out of here too. Sad but that’s life I guess. In its own beauty. What the heck I have a few weeks to spend at home before the USA trip goes down, but them weeks too are gonna be filled with all kinds of things. So I guess it is fair to say– I'm all good.

I have gotten a few emails from just a few while being here already. Thanks for that. I love it. You know who you are, Means a lot. Thanks again. I wish right now the trip here could be the complete shows but things have changed since the day of the ticket got in hand. Well…… fuck it. I keep reminding myself I should not complain about it. I have had so much goodness in my 2005 so stop crying. Thank you very much.

This city is some what different than Tokyo and others I guess .The old infamous bombing is so showing here. Monuments and more in many places. I am far from seeing it all but still it's like there is a reminder of this in so many places. You won't believe. Some of the old buildings from the tragedy like in Berlin Germany still has the old burned out buildings standing. Here are a few. The monument and an out bombed dome of the city. The city seems to have kinda like a old ghost town combined to the new and modern part of the city.

Thank god the hotel is better than the sad memos from back in the day.Not much Crue to be seen here. I have not seen anything. Then again again maybe I'm not looking in the right places who knows?? I have done my little walk about and am on my way out to the arena so…. But just in case you are wondering. The boys seem extremely happy about being in Japan. Damn I wish I had a chance 2 talk some more to them.

Okay my friends I have got to go!!
Talk again later,

It's time to kickstart this fucker!!!!
Same ol Situation I guess…just another city.


21st of November 2005, Funny To Be Rocking Daylight
7.06 PM CET

Fucking weird sitting in the middle of the night saying to one's self the show ended HOURS ago.
They basically play late afternoons here and are able to walk round the city early evenings local time of course.

Anyways, just wanted to say the boys have had a busy press thing it seems. I am not fully aware of this fact. I have just eaten something my Japanese friend recommended. Raw fish… guess what fuckers… we are in Japan. It was actually really good. I have had it before but this way Japanese style for real… get out of here.

Everything is so surreal. I hope for a little special Crue something in the morning but the boys seem so busy! So the few days that I am here, well if I do not get to meet them then- tough!! Things have changed a bit according to that. But what the fuck I am alright with it. I have fun. Miss USA but not Denmark one bit. Get out of here. Man I am living a dream, a dream I feel sure will be cut back MASSIVELY when we roll the calendar and it writes 2006. I have spent so stinky much cash this year as you all know that has followed my adventures through out the year!

Well I am off from here now. Here are a few pictures of the life in the heart of the city of Tokyo.

Getting up early and the long travel is starting to get to me. Moving my ass to Hiroshima!! Live at the Sun Plaza.

Sweet dreams ya all.
Where ever you are

20th of November 2005, Thank God There IS A Guide
10.33 AM CET
That is so to the point!! Thank god there is a guide. I met a Japanese guy here. Very same hotel by the way. As loyal as these Japanese fans are this guy totally went crazy when he saw the tattoos. I fucking almost felt like I was the star there. What a fucking huge and amazing thing these little people do when they get a passion for something.

He speaks English too that is perhaps the best of all. Lucky me. Lol -Well after gotten from the airport and feeling the Japanese ground under my feet I kind of got a strange feeling. It was not as real as it could be. I felt I was dreaming. I have over here with the borrowed laptop for the few days this trip will be sending several mails to my honey while air born. I have been looking forward to this one sure I have but with so many things added to the December trip it is financially no good to do this one. As said yesterday I will not be taking anything back home from the tour over here. And now after my new found friend has shown me around a little bit. I can honestly say it is pure torture.

There is Crue everywhere. The Japanese promoters have with their label done some awesome things. Or maybe it is just because as we all know the Japanese collectibles are sick!! In a good way. So over the top. Everybody wants them. My god I would rather deal with the pain of getting tattooed for 5 hours than seeing these things and then not getting them.

Well as I sit here back the the Crue hotel


And I caught myself nodding. This year is a never ending story and it has been the ride of a lifetime I think. From a fan and collector's point of view. A few people have followed me and my doings this year and I think they can agree with me. I should be ashamed if I complain about anything.

But I do. I guess it is just the nature of the beast huhh?

We passed the arena earlier and the view and the thought of "This is the frames for the 4 original MOTLEY CRUE boys in a good few hours" that was just amazing. I surely love this I wish I had been able to do all this much much more in my life. But, I am but a worker. And the ordinary little living man is not able to do this much.

I have done my share I think. And then as I return to the cold of Scandinavia it is still not over for me.

Now I only regret one thing. I forgot my camera hope. It is in my hallway.
And….well no need to rub it in. I am here now and I will get the fucking best out of it.
Saw Vince leaving the hotel so…. I guess it's show time soon…..!!!Guess who is smiling!!

Your Japanese happiness

19th of November 2005, Memphis International
12.40 Pm CET
It was never really believed in. That I should sit here and on my way to a Japanese tour with the Crue. My Swedish travelling partner Mattias and I fooled around with the idea but I could not do it then. And neither could he. In my mind I think he is now today, happy that he did not go. Besides he is a The Darkness freak first and foremost. And they have a new CD and tour in the works so…

Guess what has been read about on Motley.Com is hanging as a banner at the Memphis International Airport – the Crue tickets auction.

I fucking wanted that one. I have asked like 10 different people no one will take it down to let me have. There goes another thing not to be added to the collection I am constantly trying to build. Shit. Well, I know this as good as anyone– cannot win them all. I have had a HUGE Crue year 2005 and fuck me, it is not even over yet. Direct flight form Memphis the city I so badly want to stay in. I want to go to Graceland like you cannot even begin to believe.

Honey we have to go there next year. Man I want to. Elvis Presley City.Now direct flight to Tokyo in the waits. Due to a connecting flight I will most likely miss the first show in Tokyo so that brings me down to 4.

What really bugs me the most is going solo, and I have a few people, friends, and a girl that would have actually loved to share this one with me and me with them. Plus I know for a facts there is no Japan merchandise brought back home. I simply have no longer had the money for it. So that I am sure will be a HUGE test for me. I cannot walk away from a Crue thing I see up for grabs if you only have the asked amount!!

Thinking of that I have to say– I think it is a bigger deal than I actually realize what my honey has done for me. Helped me with, been the reason happening this year. If I speak about adding stuff to the collection. She has been a huge impact. I had most likely bought it all anyway had I not had her. Then I could have saved a lot of money on the travelling to her and the USA too. I guess it all hangs together. But sitting here a little tired and still a long way to go I have to say C. you are a dream come true. Besides all the shitty sides to you I love you, lol.

Okay guys and gals I will post a little more as I am there….Keep going in here. MCRUELOYALTY.DK is growing and if the damn webmaster (lol) can only keep her shit together we will move to even bigger heights shortly. Heidi, I could not leave be. Make sure your guy takes me to that Brides thing, now you burned me lol lol, lol!!

To you all……..
Why are you not in Japan?
Course you are going to be in Detroit?

Just teasing!!

Power to the music, man!!!

16th of November 2005, Sixx Shit and Inked Skin
7.49 PM CET

Okay as I sit here there are 3 minutes till the ending of the last pair of Nikki Sixx leather pants. Used on stage at on the Carnival Of Sin tour 2005. Am I bidding yes. Hold your horses and let us see how it goes.Okay a few minutes past the ending seconds. Guess what!!
I WON!! I FUCKING DID IT again. Man I am gonna be fucked. But the items here are to never return and be offered.

So grab the damn thing. And so I did. The Sixx leather pants are officially a part of the crazy Danes collection. Jesus!!

I can fairly say that that was the LAST auction on these major things for at least half a year!!The wallet and my health does not accept no more of that kind. I keep getting shit in the collection so it all runs up!!! Well I have had a weird day. And it ends with a pair of Nikki's sweaty stinky pants? It is all good. I should start at work round 9:00 today, but did all a favor & checked in early and started at 7:15. Got a lot of shit cleared out of the way. Had a good feeling about most of the things I have had my hands in today!! No sick shit. Except money going, going, going gone. FAST TOO!!

The shock of today may have been the message from my younger brother. "Im stopping the Crue life" huhh!! Well, I take over and it's not gonna be with a tear. I will and shall always treasure it with a smile. Anyway the word is out. He is officially calling it quits. He has had it and it is time for him to move on with things filling up his life.

-I will be in need of something soon to clear my own slips. I have a line of things to do and to get cleared before the Christmas day hits my face this year. I have so many things that I need to get in order. But it is all cool. I got a feeling there will be a ton of working to do to get it all organized but I think I will come out fine at the end of the rainbow. What about you honey you agree??

From work to the chair of pain!! I got inked more today. Shit fucking hurts more than I care to deal with. But I handled it. I would say 3 more times at the tatt artist and I am done for this round. It will all come out fantastic I am pretty sure…. As things now start to get connected. Rolled up in tape and plastic (lol) from shoulder to hand on my right side tonight! Hell what you don’t do!!!

Now, I rest the next few hours with the CD spinning and then enjoy this evening relaxing. Got no more to do today.

That feels really nice. Tomorrow is yet another day and I think I will take that day with a smile too.

To anyone that bids on the FINAL Sixx item tomorrow as it ends good luck. You can fight over that WITHOUT ME!!! That was not a threat. That was a goddamn promise!!

Fuck the needle
hail the dedicated

“The ink man!!!”

PS: the jacket going under the hammer tomorrow is shit cool but as said
NOT going for it. The best of luck to all.......

15th of November 2005, Lee interview and Sixx auctions
11.36 PM CET
So who would have thought? Seven items have ended so far in the Sixx eBay auction. And I truly wanted 2 of those. Never got them. Though fuck lets try for the one tonight.Just ended. My worries kind of just ended with it. I WON!!!

Two more items are ending. How can one possibly sit with a strange wrong feeling about such a win? Most likely because the money spending on this thing I had rather seen going on the other item form Sixx auctions. No, no, no, no, no!!!!!

I am not complaining– what are you kidding me? I love it. But would rather have wanted something else. Today also the Tommy T-Bone Lee interview should have had gone down for the magazine here in Denmark. GAFFA!!! Never happened. Tommy ditched it… well so far at least. That was my 4th or 5th time promised an interview where he or someone in his staff let me down. Lee is by far the one that does this the most.

No matter the reason for it. That is just fucked up. Mars and Sixx would never do it. Neil? Well on his so called a very infamous off days I guess he could but I have heard this from a line of people that had arrangements with Lee that it just never happened. Sad. I remember on tour no matter what country I went to in 2005; fans that have met the boys had had most bad experiences with our beloved skin man. Fucking sad!! People around US and Europe have sceptics if he has gone too far into ego land.

Never mind with the emails rolling between me and the magazine contact we still hope for a rain check on the interview. Like hell I would love to do it. Tommy if you see this. Make 30 minutes of your life available for me. Fuck do not know if I should laugh or cry here.

A few other things have happened. Item wise yeah still a few new things added the last 48 hrs. To the collection. But to be put up on here later. One thing that has worried me yet not really has been my baby and the new yrs show. She got told she could not get off from her work those days. That’s a huge worry. But as said I am not TRULY heart broken over the news. She is having a nonrefundable plane ticket too so no matter the situation trust me she is going.

I think it is by far the best new years I will be spending. The KISS in Vancouver millennium new yrs 1999/2000 was with big sadness a disappointment to me. Fuck!!! I will never forget it. It hurt me after having been KISS loyal too since '76. Well that is over with now. This time it will not be a Swedish friend going with me. No, this time we share the day and show together my baby and me. That trip will be awesome. Almost no matter how the Crue show will turn out. So many new things, places and more to see. Love it.

Now– for the people on the Sixx site don’t be walking in such small shoes people. I am not on anyone’s asses. We are family. But then again it’s said that family are the people that argues the most!!! Makes sense? Hell I do not know. Fuck it.
-A rat like me!!!

14th of November 2005, Another Ended Sixxter
6.28 PM CET
It went for the amount of: Bidding has ended for this item at US $2,100.00
You were outbid

Bloody hell!!!


14th of November 2005,
5.23 PM CET
Monday, Yeah well it had to come did it not? It is okay though. I have had a fairly good Monday so far. A few new Crue items. And my so far Hamburg ticket for Brides OF Destruction. I know there is no Sixx in there no more. Yet it will be interesting. Still love the band. Thank god it was not an all Sixx thing for me. Was a bit scared of that to be honest.

Now I only need to let time fly till that one arrives in my face. The date for that event I mean. I think there is a good chance for me to get that interview with the Brides too. Anyway I have been promised this as posted earlier on here. But them PR guys and artists for that matter very often drop out or push these things. We will see. At least the show will be attended.

The latest news and things to worry my little head has been a line of payments in a total of a quiet high amount!! There are a few that has not gotten through or some items paid for that has not gotten to me yet. That shit worries me.If I do not get sick from all this worrying then I don’t know!

The goddamn tattoos are on hold. Shit much for me to do and VERY bad connections and all the needed for moving on with these fuckers too. That is irritating me like……hmmmmm.

Also welcome to the latest of our loyal GANG OF LOYALTY members. The oldest so far LOL, LOL. Sorry Don could not let it be. I love that you want to join us. For people not knowing and I guess that is about all of you out there. I have known and had contact with Mr. Armstrong. I have had the pleasure of getting some shit awesome airbrushed stuff from him. We are it seems – on a constant move in doing things.

For everybody that wants to get something airbrushed you need to talk to this dude. Don I will be meeting in line of the New Years Eve Show in Detroit. I cannot wait. Finally to shake hands with a master. Don will be creating a banner made ESPECIALLY for the new years show. We are as said FRONT ROW so the band will see it plenty.

Fuck who knows maybe they will grab the fucker and bring it up on stage – would LOVE to get a picture of that. Man that had been an honour. We will see how it goes. -You should maybe know that there is now also a December release for the DVD of the live one out now in the USA. Plus the “LIVE 8” dvd box is out. Sadly there is not the complete Crue performance. Try to get the Toronto single DVD instead. If of course you want this for the Crue.

Also there is a new release of the Sweden rock festival 2005 out this month. It holds the Crue`s press conference and finally there is a rumour of no more meet-n-greets for the 2006 shows. Maybe it is time for us that got that experience to feel lucky? What a damn shame. Still the band is live in Europe again April 2006. But I think it's going to be for a good 6–10 shows only!!

Now, till next time, stay Crued.



WTF, I was about half way through this posting & this fuckin' computer decided it wanted to freeze & I lost everything. FUCK That so pisses me off you have no idea.

Shit last night at work a girl got canned. Sucks for her. Anyway now I was asked to cover some her days for a while. So guess what?? Now I have even less time for anything as if I had any to begin with. But that leaves me with a little more cash for the New Years show. So good & bad in all.

Damn I can't believe these ppl are paying that much for all these Nikki worn items. It's just fuckin' insane. Don't get me wrong though I would do it too if I had it to spend!!! MONEY- The root of all evil. It just sucks when you don't have it.

Anyway how about that New Year's Eve trip? FUCK YEAH!!!! I bought the plane tix today!! I bought the show tix yesterday at high NOON & had to lay out of work to it, but you gotta do what you gotta do in the name of the CRüE!!! I'm so excited!! It's going to be the BEST FUCKIN' NEW YEARS EVER!! So for those of you goin' see ya there in front row & if not well........ then that sucks for you!! Sorry.

T will also get to meet a contact od his that he has been wanting to meet for a while now. So that will be awesome too! I couldn't ask for anything better then New Years with T at Motley show. How cool is that? Now the waiting is going to kill me!!

I also bought tix to Columbus GA for the Feb. 10th show. My friend Lisa from Vegas is going to try to fly out here & go with me to that one. That will so cool. I have not ever actually met her before but we met through eBay (LOL)(what is it with me meeting ppl off of eBay). She's a big cruehead too. I hope it works out & she comes.

About the Nikki jacket lost, I'm so sorry honey I didn't mean to be rude or anything. I really do undrstand how much it hurt when T didn't get the jacket. Shit I would feel the same way. That is the very jacket Sixx was wearing when he let T into his life. I can't believe it's not his to own. This is a true loss & probably went to some asshole that won't appreciate it in any kind of way that T would. Next time I just won't say anything honey I'm truely sorry.

I finally watched the first disc of the new DVD last night. I thought it was pretty good. I'm watching the second half as we speak so to speak!!! It just started & it's pretty good so far. Pretty entertaining!! SO... if haven't already bought it shame on you go get your ass out & buy & watch it now!!!

You know what would be an awsome thing for T to get would be? Well I think it would be so damn cool if he could get one of the stage worn coveralls worn by one of the Boys. Honey you need to talk to MR. SIXX about this one!!! Work the man, I know you can do it!! LOL!!!

Damn I can't take my eyes off the TV, this DVD is good!! LOL

Well I think T is a little worried about the us thing going on. He keeps just mentioning things here & there. Well honey be worried all you want but worrying will not get you anywhere. You just have to take things as they come. You will never know what the
future holds. You only know what you want it to hold. Just know that I love you & I want this thing to work ok.

Now to this *Cruester* guy!! Who the hell are you? Tommy keeps tellin' me that you keep asking him about me. Well he's right I am spoken for & will not be won over by anyone, but I would be glad to talk to you & say hey!! T says you're a pretty cool guy.
So if you want to ask me anything you don't want to put up on here be my guest at: corina1965@aol.com or sixxaddict@nikkisixx.zzn.com. That goes for anybody who wants to.

I'm sorry about not being able to help get all this stuff on line for you guys to see. I don't have the time & I don't think I have the right kind of scanner or even a big enough scanner to do it. But what I can do is ask T if he wants me to put the link in here to all pics I take for him. I can do that if he wants me too & if you guys want to look that way until they can actually get put up on the site. So get on his ass people!! LOL

Mr. T has some new Tatts coming along!! I think they are going to be awesome! I can't wait to see them in Dec. I told him I want another one & the responce I got back was not too good. I don't think he wants me to get one. He says he doesn't like a lot of tatts on a girl. Well I don't have a lot. I have 2 & one that you can barely see anymore cause I had it removed. Don't ask why cause I will not say why at this time in my life. Just put it this way: I didn't want to do it but I did out of (?????) respect maybe. And WOW did it hurt like a mother fucker. 100x worse then ever getting one. You also have to go for the lasering many times for it to completely fade, so that pain times about 4 times going to do it. It sucked!!!! I will never do it again. I still think I will get one though. Sorry baby!

I just talked to a friend in Vegas that tried to go to the Vince Poker tournament. He has tix but they didn't tell him it was going to start at 1:00pm so he got there at 6:00 & said it was so fuckin' packed. Well here is what he wrote to me:

We could not even get in. They over sold the tickets. It started at 1pm. We did not get there till 6 pm. They said it is full and we have to wait till people leave before they let more people in. There was like 50 people ahead of us. It was bullshit. Thank god I did not pay for the ticket's I would of been pissed. I did not see any shirt's or anything. But then again I was not able to get into the Joint where it was happening. We waited around till 9 pm but still could not get in so we just left. It was a real bummer. But that's Vegas on a Friday night. So that's it. Sorry. It really sucked. Talk to you soon.

So sorry nothing to add to the site from that little thing. But I tried. Something will come on eBay I'm sure!!

You know I keep saying things about my life & I'm thinking about just telling you guys what is really going on. Should I? I keep asking myself. Well................. If I did I think T would catch so much shit from everybody that he would kill me.

So.............. NAHHHHHHHHHHHH not this time around!! LOL! SORRY ppl but it will be on here one day so if you really want to know you just have to keep coming back & reading about all this shit that we call a life. If that's what you want to call it.

Until the next time we all do a dirty lill SIN SEE YA

The Joker

12th of November 2005, Too Fast For Love And Then Some
6.49 PM CET

How willing am I to get things added? I guess most of the people around me can give you who doubt a clear answer to that one. I will go anywhere it takes me. If I can help it. Recently I have had shit much bad luck on that front. Last night too. I have still not gotten over it. The Sixx jacket that meant the world to me. Just did not get it. Corinna was on my ass about it. Kept telling me to put in a high bid. There are certain things she still does not seem to know. About me.

Like how hurt I really was to NOT get this one. But the winner of it had a bid a good way over $2500 US dollars and I was totally unable to do that. So I raised an offer I thought we could do. Man it hurts. She can not fully know how much. But she kept getting on me about it. She needs to learn that Crue are like the kids I never had or never will have!! Like if the kids were sick and had hunger and I could do nothing but sit there watching them suffer. Imagine how a parent feels in a situation like that. Well I felt it last night. I felt I was cut several times with a rusty blade.

Honey, I beg of you if you cannot find a way to accept, understand or support when shit like that happens. Then please– not to be rude– but, then please don’t say anything at all. This is and was so hurting. It was none of our faults. It just was not meant to be. As with so much else. On a Crue related thing I can say I hear Nikki is starting a photo/film studio in his house. He is going to make a ton of new things with old Crue films like private filming from the entire career and the photos he takes all over the world. I envy this. I LOVE filming too. But I rarely have a stinky chance to do anything. MONEY MONEY MONYE is always the single thing that keeps getting in my way.

I spend all I have, find, and get on the band and its members. I will never get a straight life no more. I think things are so and so catching up on me. Back to my old saying of “don’t ask an addict to simply quit!! It does not work like that!” –Rock-n-Roll is my life. Take that away from me and I would rather die. Glammer, cash and cocaine is not have not and will never be anything I have. But I do have a heart that beats for the
love of music.

I have my honey too. But always that seems to be a borrowed win. I have never fully trusted love and relationships with the life I lead. This is the only one that is truly being given this kind of a chance. But then we have other things to kill and get wiped out of our relationship don’t we? Yes we do. There are always things that needs to be refined and killed for two people to work.

My baby has been a HUGE deal this fall. Huge deal in this Crue world of mine. But there has got to be things sorted with (again) a life lead this way that I do. I will be very interested in seeing how we do coming this December. Ok this begins to sound like a god damn therapy class. Not meant to be. Told every one it is an open book. MY LIFE that is.

I guess what I am trying to say about all this is: Your fucked up host and life long rock-n-roll whore is in pain, and just trying to reach out in his own ways. Do not pay too much attention to it all. I am not complaining or anything. Simply sharing. That is what I like to do with this site. Let you all in under my skin. Stripped down bare naked and wounded.

I feel like the luckiest fucker on planet earth yet the one with the most broken heart. I am as said many times before closing in on the end of 2005 and the year has been a rollercoaster ride full speed for 10 months!!! Over $25.000 dollars has been spent this year and I am flat on my ass broke now. The bank savings and the all good money things are long gone. Replaced by a line of memories of the year that passed by and a
line of Crue adventures I guess most people have only dreams of.

I gave it my all, my everything. Worried this reunion would not last. Little did anyone know. Including the members themselves. But the merchandise and tour kept rolling out for us all to take a part of and it just took all I had. I have no more to offer. I am not sad about that by the way in case you are wondering. All the tour merchandise and shows have been covered. The planet has been toured and I am now here mid November with a few more actions to take before we change the page!! 2006!!

Japan tour. Items getting cleared out of the way. And the new years show in Auburn Hills, USA. That I guess is cool too right?

Hell who can say they could do this shit. Toured USA 3 times, Puerto Rico, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Scotland, England fuck the whole Europe and ending it with Japan and new years show. The only thing I KNOW for a fact I will be missing is the Australia tour and the merchandise in Japan. Cannot do it. No more dollars in my deep pockets.

Since the last thank you's I wanna spread my THX to these people:

Our Norwegian soldier in the GANG of Loyalty online – ElisabethDon Armstrong in Detroit, USA. I will see you in December buddy.
And it will be an honor to meet you. Finally.

My baby– as always in spite of the pressure and what ever we fight with you are the best! LOVE!!Rooberto in Italy, Thanks man. You truly kept your word. Thanks man… I will not forget.

Rick– for keeping the belief in me. I will treasure the Tommy coat as I get it.

Riki– for the deal on the bass. Many talks but in the end only TWO TRUE FANS talking.

The few on Ebay that understood the seriousness in my collecting and were willing to
do a deal off of the auction site.

*To you all THANKS A LOT!!!!!
To the sound of...LOOKS THAT KILL…… I end my posting.

Remember – we stand and laugh and… shout … shout... shout … together!!!!!

11th of November 2005, A Little Making Up Deal
7:49 PM CET

You will receive your ticket(s) 14 days before the performance date.Your ticket(s) are from the following venue(s): The Palace - Detroit, MI .. You have been charged for the following:

Serial # Section Row Seat Price Conv. Fee Date Performance
2314211350 SECTION B 1 10 $250.00 $5.00 December 31, 2005 8:00 PM MOTLEY CRUE
2314211441 SECTION B 1 11 $250.00 $5.00 December 31, 2005 8:00 PM MOTLEY CRUE

This ticket is a revocable license. Any violation of law while attending this event may result in holder being removed from the premises without refund of any portion of the ticket price or charges. The holder of this ticket voluntarily assumes all risks of property loss and personal injury arising during its use whether prior to, during, or after the event and agrees that etix.com, the venue, its management and affiliates of the event are not liable under any theory whatsoever. This ticket is non-transferable. Any transfer, attempted transfer, resale, counterfeit, or unauthorized copy is grounds for seizure from and/or cancellation without refund. Tickets obtained from an unauthorized source may be stolen, copied illegally, counterfeit or lost and if so, may be seized and cancelled without compensation. There are no refunds or exchanges. Event dates, times and locations are subject to change. etix.com reserves the right to change this information without notification.! Sincerely, The Staff at etix.com

11th of November 2005, A Little Making Up Deal
7:49 PM CET

Missed the dream of dreams of this month. Nikki jacket. Got these instead. Both the Brides Of Destruction award plagues. Will try to get them autographed by Early December as the band is here. I hope for an interview so it will be a fair chance to get that done...Crossing my fingers.

Hope one of the last 4 items on SIXX can come to the collection. REALLY don't think so.

Well some don't care- so I might as well just shut the fuck up !!!
White Trash!!!


11th of November 2005, FUCK THE FUCKIN' FUCKERS
7:26 PM CET

Maybe it is a sign!!! No I did not get the jacket. There were 37 seconds to go it was at $1280 US dollars. I bid 2500!! Instant showed “You have been outbid” and that was the end of it. No more time And then it was lost gone never to return again.
Man I am feeling bad!!! Totally fucked!!

The second shirt thing I was getting a 2nd offer for. Well, it turns out the original winner of that one claims she has it in her possession and that can only mean the 2nd guy is a liar. Have emailed not to rush to conclusions.

I hate the fact that a lot of shit like this is out there. What the hell can one do??
BE FUCKING CAREFUL... Who ever is lying? FUCK THE FUCKING FUCKER THAT TELLS A LIE HERE!! Shit I cannot believe this.

2 people say they have it and one ONE exists. Go figure……
The Detroit New Yrs Eve show. We got tickets and we are fucking going!! End of that argument.

Shit I feel sad about that loss!!

Your broken host!!!
Tom Boy

11th of November 2005, A Rocking Or A Sucking Friday?
3:36 PM CET

Today goddamn it is the day!! The day for many decisions. Will we go to the New Years Eve concert in Detroit?

I guess we will. I will know in about 3 hrs. Just posting this so you all can kind of follow what is going on in my mind about the things happening right now! The concert as said I think will be. That had just been the TOMMY LEE (me) perfect new years.

Could have been doing anything else or nothing– but none of these alternatives are attractive to a fuck head like me.

The other thing I have actually been offered the long wanted FIRST ended Sixx auction shirt cause the poor lill winner could not afford it after all or however the story goes. I will be knowing this too in a bout 6 hrs from now if that too will happen anyways!!
Had been sweet. It’s a shirt with a lot me and Sixx together when he wore it. Nice!!

The final big one is the… well…. Do I have to say it. The greenish jacket. That means so much to me personally!

We will have to see how things go down. But at work today these things have been on my mind like all day and an inner gut
feeling tells me I should just try to get over it. Forget it. It is not possible. There is no chance in hell to get these things.

But I refuse to put it to rest before the goddamn fat lady sings. As they say!!I have a ton of things to get worked on. And more than 4 people have now been ripping me for money from paid things over the $1000 dollars mark. That too will of course also take some out of me.

Well it can either be a rocking or a sucking Friday and the next and final last 3 hours of waiting will be hell to get through!!!
I will return on here then with a short sad posting or a short posting jerking off. In happiness!!

Later my dear friends

Hail the rock-n-roll


10th of November 2005, Another Fucking Cool Day To Be Alive
9:07 PM CET

I have had a blast today. Been shopping like a maniac NO NOT CRUE for once. All kinds of shit. Clothing, food, candles, and all the shit you could not really care hearing about!! Shit!!However I got the TOMMYLAND European promo album and single today!!
Of course put up on the site as well for all you to view and drool about!!

The Tommy Lee interview on Tuesday has to be prepared the best way possible. It is for me personally a 3 year long hunting that is finally ending!!!! And that of course is a nice little victory even though it is ONLY happening with thanks and a big kiss to the Danish magazine GAFFA!!! Never the less it is an awesome thing and I am so looking forward to it.

Do I need to say more? Guess not!!

Another shirt ended on the SIXX auction: WINNING BID – US $1,763,50
Tomorrow is the BIG day for me. A day of sadness and a day of tears I am pretty sure.
The Much talked about jacket Nikki wore as I met him and the bond started back in the Brides Of Destruction days!!! 2004…. Fuck I will never get that one. Honey forgive me if I cannot speak to you tomorrow due to a sadness beyond belief!!

I must also admit my honey has again been helpful on stuff added to the collection. I have been sleeping like a baby and she has been giving people on eBay hell and grabbed a pile of shit for me. Plus local book stores she is on a constant hunt for new magazines and shit.

Love you baby!!

Let us see what I can possibly do to make the coming day of tomorrow Friday the least painful. We have talked a lot about heading to Detroit on new years eve too. Motley plays a new years show so…..

Busy times and all.

Love you bitches.

Your own Lee

9th of November 2005, Again The Dollar IS High
7.13 PM CET

The shirts just keep topping the most expensive Ebay prices.
Sixx Your shit really amazes me with the shown ending dollar!!

Fucking too much...

But surely niiiicceeeeee

The Creep!!

9th of November 2005, My Soon To Come Tommy Interview
4:02 PM CET

As previously posted on here I had an interview for radio and a magazine with our drummer boy Tommy Lee this Thursday. It has been pushed till next week. Tuesday the 15th. Fine with me have better time to prepare things over the week-end.

Now the magazine in Denmark that will hold this interview in its issue of December (I think it will be) has of today mailed me and said they would like to do a double special feature. Like The interview in the up and coming December issue and then a second part I guess in January of the same magazine GAFFA, (A free monthly magazine here in Denmark) with a “portrait of a fan” if you will me. I cannot believe it. The magazine wants to send out a guy to interview me, take pictures and do something cool on me!!!

Or maybe it will be in the same issue perhaps even cooler!!

Not bragging just sharing the info I have gotten today!! That is simply awesome”!!!! I guess this will take place also next week or something!!! I have no idea how or why they are willing to do this. But that is simply fucking awesome. Nation wide interview and “fan portrait” that is shit cool!!

Alright guys I guess this was the news as of today, lol, but good enough for me. I like that idea. For me personally as a fan I am always interested in seeing and reading about other fans!! –So if for nobody else (laughing) I will enjoy this to the fullest!

Remember – If I die 2morrow another cool dream just got fulfilled.

Love to the non believers


8th of November 2005, Guess Part Two In Pain!!
8:58 PM CET

Yes! The step was finally taken. More inking done today. I am just no good with that kind of entertainment. Call me a puss I'm alright with that! I am probably having the softest skin alive. So I am shit hurting when I do this crap. But I will give you this; it will be pretty intense what we are creating. The webmaster was there and took a few snapshots. Look below to see the preparations and the first stinks to the bigger picture. I think it is fair to say this is a larger operation than first thought of. Damn!!

There are so many more hours to feel the needles in and the one that really did the damage was a 12 needles I one. That’s fucking right TWELVE!!! Do not blame me for being a bleeding son of a bitch, holy shit. Sat for a good two, two and half hours today.
More to come obviously!!

The left shoulders will have a covering of the T. O. Pain masks. But in a way that makes them come more alive.
Won’t even bother to explain it any further. Just wait and come back in on here. It will be awesome as it gets done, I am sure. Safe to say bye, bye skin!!! All ink there soon.

The people that have tried to mail me the past 2 to 3 days and have not been able to get their emails through to me, well I am sorry. There simply is no other reason than my inbox has had an overload!! LOL
Been too booked and all to clear shit out. Sorry folks. Try again. Should be back on track now, I apologize!!

More eBay auctions of interest and personal offers have rolled in on me so I now await some decisions from my inner self, lol. A few things I would love to get. But still the heavy thoughts and concern goes still on the Sixx jacket. The infamous one for me full of personal stories. Man that one is just a piece of…… Noticed the first pair of pants (of 2) is online from yesterday and already way into the $1000 dollars. Fuck me.

Why is it people will bid on something days and days before ending time and KNOW it will be fucking outbid no matter the amount you post on there. Are people complete geeks?? My god. Still hang on to the thought of these items. Way too much in the final prices. Not really worth it. Well a few of them are but hell not all. Not saying I would not want them but…. Today’s ended one was no different– way up there long passed the $1000 dollar mark.

Now it is not the latest hours yet BUT I am beat today and I think it would be really nice if I could just go to bed get a nice rest and then we will see what tomorrow brings. Miss my girl too.

Okay friends and foes, Talk soon.

Your bleeding monster.

8th of November 2005, Nice Sleep And Ended Deals
7:52 AM CET
yeee haaaa! For the love of mutha…….
Well, there have been many talks with many people again. And some of them people have offered me shit that I have jumped on.

Like mostly in my life these days I turn offers down simply because there are too many. Because I have always tons and tons of deals going. A line of things that I do turn down I should really want but what the fuck can one do? I am not son of an Arabian oil fucker.

A few of the deals that I would have loved to get are OF COURSE are the Sixx clothing ended. But $2000 dollars for one regular shirt just because it covered Nikki`s upper body. NO!!!Then there are other things I would like much more.

One deal that did go down to my favor is with a person that seems to have supported me on the site with great comments like for a long time.

Here is part of one of the emails received:

” Tommy,

Hello. Its good to hear from you again. I just took your not getting back to me as a sign you weren't interested in buying them,and Iwasn't going to keep bothering you about it. Not my style. I just thought that if AMYONE was interested in these 75 photos from the club days that it would be you.

Unfortunetly, I do not feel like playing 20 emails again going back & forth. I won't do it this time. I made up my mind that if you WANT these, if you really & truly want them,then you'll buy them, and be done with it.........Now I know you. Your money is probobly tied up into trying to acquire ALL of the Nikki shirts available from Shaun through Swagrox..........But if you have any dollars set aside for my pictures, I'm ready to sell ONE COMPLETE set of them. Thats all.

I'm making this offer to 4 people other than yourself, and the first one to say "DEAL" will get the photos. There WILL NOT be another set made available. They may not be the rarest of items, but they are mine,& I don't want a hundred of these sets all over the world ruining their rareness................

The price is $300.00 for the set. Free Shipping to the winning buyer. I'm sending these emails out in the same order that people have expressed interest. Tommy, your first. Just cause in a way I have a fondness for you. You seem to be a genuine true lover of MOTLEY CRUE.............so,I offer to you first..

However, as I said, I'm sending this same offer to 4 other people, first come first serve. I truly hope to hear from you. I'm sending out the next email as soon as I'm done with this to you. I hope to hear from you, ljh1963”


That’s a nice one isn’t it?

Well there are a line of other things that I need to get done and get to deal with. And the things just around the corner is here too. Getting tattooed again from today and the next two weeks. A lot of mutha fucking pain once again. The Tommy Lee interview that I will do is pushed till next Tuesday. I think it can be a great one but I cannot tell of course. I hope it will. I have done interviews a gazillion times. I just need to get this one right as it goes into a nation wide music magazine as well. Have never done that before. Shit!!!! Gonna be a test for me.

Anyways– again just a quick sharing of what is on my mind as of today and I am off again. I have shit much to do the next 2 weeks before I leave for a little week. I will have you updated on everything.

By the way “Page” a member in the GANG OF LOYALTY on here; hi girl. Sorry, yes we did cut your baby out of the picture. Not going family here. Sorry. Feel free to put it up in the Kickstart section. Or have your daughter posting something.
All that goes to the webmaster!! She deals with that. You just tell her if you havea problem with anything.

”Cruester” – you keep mailing me asking me all sorts of questions. Continue to do so if you like it is fine, just one thing. You ask often to Corinna. Why don’t you just mail her privately. (if you dare lol) and see if she answers. All your non Crue questions are not really my deal if you hear what I am saying. And I cannot answer for her. Be prepared for a slap in your behind from her if you do not behave. About winning her over. I think in all honesty you can forget that idea. Sorry pal. She is so in love and so spoken for it hurts.

“Nikki_Sevven” – you have more than once in on SIXX site yelled out about the site. That’s just awesome. Keep it up. Good soldier. LOL . If you too have any ideas for what we should try out just yell out to me or the webmaster okay! I think it has a great twist if we all throw some ideas around for future doings. Nice one.

“XXX” I do not know if this answers your question to what I do not get and why! In short I don’t get all because like I said I am not a son a an Arabian multi millionaire. So money is the ONLY limit I have in my world of this band. Sadly that is how it is. But money talks as they say. Nothing anyone can do about that including me!!

“David” No it's a non costing thing to become a member of the GANG on here. The only thing I need to be knowing about is that you are willing to spread the word the best way you can about this site. So a talk can get going world wide even more and we at one point hopefully can get some serious people to respond to the work and later down the line HOPEFULLY be givin the green light to my dream. Starting the European fanclub. And more. And if that happens I want my GANG members to be working in that with me. Hell yes!!!

“A sceptical fan” – why is it things I have in the states cannot be added on here? Well mostly because Corinna that holds the items there for me does not have the time sadly to scan it all down and there by we would be able to be adding the stuff on here.
But trust me we will be expanding this site like SO MUCH in January!! It will make you go nuts!!

I need to get going my beautiful creatures.
Talk soon at the end of the week– look in on here for new pictures and more. It will be stunning. No worries. Around Friday or so..

Later my lil hobbits

6th of November 2005, A Stinky Sunday Ends, Baby
8.57 PM CET
My Sunday has been the stinkiest in a long time. Mailed my honey about it. And she seemed to care enough to give her guy a call
and we talked. She told me this great news. "WE GOT A THING YOU LONGED FOR BABY"

Ohh like what?

My personal adventures with Mr .Sixx started in Hollywood in March 2004!!The Brides OF Destruction instore at Tower Records, Sunset Blv. The band had a huge about 40 x 40 cardboard sign hanging over them.A sign Mr. London LeGrand (singer) promised me I could have that night. He forgot all about me after that statement he played rock star big time and all of a sudden the sign was gone. I have wanted this one since that day in March 2004!!

All of a sudden now this fucker puts THAT VERY ONE up on Ebay. And the sign got signed too that day so I have huge memos from the day Sixx came into my life. Just wanted to share (again) my smiles with you all. Look here ... damn thing is on its way to my baby!! Brides Of Destruction in the rebellious days with this fucker (me) getting all up on the band and got my own and the worlds FIRST official BOD tattoo!!! To the seller of the Sign - thanks for the understanding of this collector who wanted it BAD!! I fucking over paid for it too!!! Here it is... Heyyyyyy BRIDES OF THE FUCKING BAD ASS DESTRUCTION!!!!!

After all a stinky Sunday ended in beauty.

Tommy "mutha Fuxxin" Lee

6th of November 2005, Sundays Can Be So …..
3.28 PM CET

Bitter Pill? What a fucking Sunday!!
Well at times you just feel you could swallow a line of those shitty things don’t you?

-I guess my mood today is just a little bit stinky. Try like all the time since I got up this morning to make a good day out of it. I guess I am unsuccessful. Bothers me a bit. I was just trying to think of the cool stuff that is going on right now. Japanese tour round the corner. Tommy Lee interview over the phone Thursday.

John Corabi interview December 1st. Brides Of Destruction interview December 2nd. What the hell are you so buu huuu about? Well I guess I have experienced too much for those issues to be doing it for me. The feeling that bites me today is more like daily shit. Not music related. So that would be a fucking boring thing to write a book about on here don’t you think. So I will spare you all.

I got a few ideas that I wanna try out with the site soon too. I know a constant adding. But that is cool. Right? Not bad!! What else? Well I guess there are a few people that keep asking me about the limits to my collecting. Where do the limits go and for what?

In short my friends – there is only the one natural limit which is MONEY!! If I have the money for the things I like to do or to get then I jump onboard. If not I go through hell to find a middle way of reaching my wants and if that too fails then I’m screwed!!

What else as of today? Well not much really. I just felt like letting off steam. Enjoy your Sunday where ever you are!
-Just want the year to end now. So I know what the new line of limits are going to be for me in the first half of 2006!!

Need the facts I guess.


5th of November 2005, Getting Ideas & Ordering
11.29 AM CET
I know it is not fully going my way all of the things put to mind. As posted here the other day it is an awesome time for me.
I do get a lot of wants and needs covered both in the Crue world and in the ordinary boring side of life.

Right now I am putting together the new tattoo ideas for my final chapter in life when it comes to the pain from the tattoo artist's needles, I am getting there. It is closing in on what to do. Have as some of you know many tats already so these new things are just to close the arms up.

I sure would love to get the jacket and one of the 2 pair of pants Sixx has auctioned off this week.

The jacket has changed a bit since I met him in Hollywood wearing it in the Brides Of Destruction days. That day I bet he had just bought it. Here is what the jacket is now as it is getting auctioned off.

It ends next Friday so we will see what the heck is gonna happen. I predict a good $1700 to $2000 on it!! And that I cannot do!! Have so much else to get cleared out and to do!! As said we will see.

Trying to find an idea of what to do with all the soldiers on here. The gang of loyalty.

They do not really come themselves and suggest things to try to go for.The sad thing right now is it is only a good portion of footwork and mouth to mouth telling we can do right now. But feel free to throw ideas at me.

Peewww, it has taken a ton of my money these past few days. I am so low on cash now that I hear the echo in my wallet. LOL!!!

No fucking idea how to come by more right now. Anyways that is for me to worry about now isn’t it?

You all have an awesome weekend out there – where ever you are.

Keep digging the music.


4th of November 2005, Could Get Killed For Saying This!!
8.53 PM CET

But the first shit of Nikki`s auction just ended. I DID NOT GET IT!! Why? Cause I think the closing price is way, way too high for what the item is!! $1625 Dollars. Just not happening. What hurts my soul is that 8 of the ten Sixx auctions are things I have been with him wearing at a time. It is simply too hard not to get a little bit torn over it.9 items to go. There are actually 2 I would REALLY like to have. But I think they will be shit high too. Time will tell.

The one of the two items wanted is the jacket to end next Friday. Sixx wore this at the record release day in Hollywood when I was there too.Guess how much that shit means to me? I would love to have it, frame it too.

Well I say I will see how it goes!!

I think it is tough to get things ALL the time you want!!

Got an offer to get the ULTIMATE Christmas gift from my honey this year. No of course I cannot tell but it is super awesome. Only problem is we are depending on another guy to react!! And I cannot reach him. So what the hell does a shit head like myself do? Holding his breath till later in Nov. or December and see if the dude gets back!!

Ohhh, no sweat I have plenty of wishes to hand my honey too. Not all sexual more likely Motley Crue. Duuhh! Will she change her offer to some of these other things should the man not reply?Well… I have no fucking idea. I have needed her desperately these days. SO hard to deal with what we do in a situation like this. And the timing is not killer either. When I have time she doesn’t and vice versa. That sucks.

Well just needed to blow off some steam I guess. SO hard to be right on how things go with these auctions that I really wanted to gain. Well shit happens and then you hunt next victim. LOL

And I am sharpening my hunting gear and one of these days I will be moving in for the kill.

Sixx you son of….. I could have gotten nice memorial items from these things but I
will see your ass in a few weeks instead!!

More brain mush to come shortly,
your impossible host!!!

4th of November 2005, Blessings, Nightmares and fucked up doings!!
3.17 AM CET

Can any of you believe it? It is fucking November already!!

I feel my life is passing by in a blink of an eye. It is a little more exciting times than Icared to hope for. A lot of people have emailed me on all kinds of basis. And the talk slowly but surely gets round about the site and the GANG OF LOYALTY.

We need as many as we possibly can get. As said many have come to me already I thank you all. Can only be counted for as a blessing, fucking love you all!! Thanks so much for the great support! I truly hope we will all reach the goal I have talked so much about. May the devil look over you.

Angels do pass my doorstep every ones in a while. Fucking killer what we can do things together.

Please don’t think twice about asking, what ever is on your mind. Even my right hand in this wicked world Corinna loves it. Trust me. And she has absolutely no limits either. You will be met with full satisfaction guaranteed. Just not sexually. That minor thing you will have done on your own. Sorry!!

The SIXX auctions on Ebay are fully rolling. First one to end today. I will NOT go on them. I predicted each item go for around 850 to 1100. Looks like my guessing is about right!!! Nightmare. –Tell me about it. On the other hand if one can find it in him or her self to be okay with not getting these things then this is an EXCELLENT chance to get other things because the HEAVY collectors are putting their money on the SIXX items instead!!! So start shopping. But leave MY wants alone!! Please.

There are a few things up on there that I would like to add to the collection this next coming few days! We will see what happens. I am right now trying to deal with the fact of not getting my hands dirty on the Sixx stuff as said. I feel like a tortured kid!!!The things are taking so much out of me. Knowing certain things are not possible. THAT KILLS ME “Cruester” if you really wanna know!!

I have booked myself to the USA for December again.

Ticket made out today and it is a satisfaction I love and look forward to. How can I not?My love life is shitty. Rarely touch it cause of the world between us. Like literally. A WORLD BETWEEN US!! So a little sex, a little kissie missie should be aloud. Most definitely needed!!

Have also booked myself for getting in the chair of pain again for the next 4 weeks or so.

Getting tattooed again. Broke my own promise. Said I would never get another tattoo!! Enough already. Well its time to close my arms up. To up over the shoulders. I hate the fucking god damn pain. Can not stand it. Here is another fucked up doing I have gotten myself in to. Damn it. I am incurable. Hate the shit. Need to change my ways. Most of all I do these days takes my money and time away like in a heart beat. Like yesterday 5000 dollars took me 39 mins. to spent. Shit. I promise you all. It will be well documented.

The webmaster goes to hell with me and snaps the pictures to put up on here. She amongst others may have her laughs.
My skin is so soft and I have very easy for pain. So that I am doing this is the stupidest thing I can possibly do. But as said pictures will come up on here. Say a prayer for me. Pain starts Tuesday next week. Damn it….

As you can see Corinna is also on my ass. She do not understand that I do not really care about certain things in the Crue boys lives. Like kids who how many and banged what woman. Yeah it is true certain things I do not pay attention to. Let them screw every second girl on the planet and have a zillion kids. I do not care. She for one found that very weird to hear. Well like she don’t care about her boyfriend's way to do certain
things I do not care about this about the Crüesters.

30th of September 2005,
Webmaster & postservices
7.36 PM CET
So I ended up posting a few words before October after all.

Hi everyone, how are you all doing?
Here well, it has been a time of worries the last few days to be honest! The webmaster in my mind seems to have had her own ways and eyesfor her own things only!! It got close, for this site to come to an end, I can tell you all this much! Now that would have been a fucked up situation would it not? I think so - yes!!

Now we are having a few talks these days here at the end of September and hopefully I can find commond ground for us both to work on, on this fantastic fan based Crue site.But things absolutely needs to be straightend out. You may ask your self what is or has been wrong? In all honesty I do not personally see you should know, I mean whats the point really.

But what you SHOULD know is as written. The site has been / is in danger. Simply as they say in the music industry, a matter of differences. Not the best of terms right now. But let us see how it goes.

Other than that I have been shit pissed at the postal services the last few days. A few people in the UK and USA have claimed to have sent not less than 7 yes I said SEVEN packages over the last 4 to 5 weeks and fucking NONE of them have come through yet!!I think thats fucked especially as 3 of them have been sent airmail EXPRESS and the receits have been scanned to me. So it is not the sellers or senders of the stuff that has been fuckingwith me. I think it is the postal services.

On the other hand a cd sent from the USA on August 10th AIRMAIL got to me today! What the hell is the matter with the services these days. Things can take a good long period of time if they go through costume YES!!! But this one has not been in around there. And the shipping costs these days are fuckingkilling us all. So get a fucking grip in there.

It can not be that we "your" costumers are forced to loose stuff cause you guys in the mail services treat our well paid for shippings like shit. God damn it. This is only a written thing. But had I had the chance to speak th is out loud .. it would have come out in high volume and screaming voices. Fucking hate your god damn stinky services these days. It is totally unacceptable. Maybe some of you people out there go "yeah well Tommy you have just been having a very unlucky few examples." You know what? I have not. This is not the first, second or third time this has happend. FUCK OFF!!!

I think its just totally overboard this crap going on. Now - finally I got that of my chest and hopefully this shit will not repeat itself no more. Thank you very much.

while I get a breather and you stop shaking your heads over my fustrations I will leave you with this. The news in the Crue camp is that the Hawaiian gig(s) in December will happen. AND the new 2006 calender and more has gotten officially released now. The live double DVD has been pushed till late October but it will still come...

So start your savings. Im gonna try to do mine.
see you in October....

27th of September 2005,
Fall, october and Darkness
13:48PM CET
Closing in on October. It begins to be truely dark here in Denmark very early. Weird to still hear and feel the heat and late night brightness from my friends and my baby in the USA. October as said, is here this coming week-end. And some of my bigger deals will from now on and through out the coming month be taken care of hopefully without too much hassle. I hope things will be cool.

I know as so many times before that there is again a line of things these days I have just jumped on without really thinking it through!! Meaning buys and all. I simply feel addicted like I am on drugs. Hard to explain and maybe I do not have to? I don't know. But there are every now and then just things I so need to get. It is not healthy I know!!! Lol...lol...lol!!

There is a new book in the making with Paul Miles of the "Chronological Crue" of Australia. I have today sent my 600 word short story to him cause that is the limit to see if it is interesting enough to be a part of the coming book for a brief little something. Could be cool, right?!!See this:

“What Mötley Crüe means to me” Here's a call for submissions from fans all over the world to write in and tell
“What Mötley Crüe means to me”. Chronological Crue will select the best, most interesting and inspiring contributions for publication in a forthcoming Mötley Crüe book. This is your opportunity to see your own words in print!

If you find that interesting go join in with your own. There is a deadline coming up shortly so don't wait.

The damn scannings are still taking a good part of my time, with more Crue boxes found at my home and therefore they too have to be included here. I think, there will be a soon to come, reach of the size limits to this site (maybe even with the scannings done these days?) That is for sure NOT good. What that means is we need another host so to speak. The ones we have bought the website from have no bigger sized sites to offer. We have over the last year bought a bigger site 3 times and now we have reached the biggest option offered here too. Fuck me!!!

This will most likely be the last diary posting from me in September.On Friday we open up for the fresh new page for the next quarter. The remains of 2005. Then. damn... we go into 2006!! A long and huge year too for the Mötley boys. Movie filming, studio recordings, and the Hollywood star at the infamous walk of fame.

Don't forget the new coming DVD release and the next action figures in October as well.

In short just.... don't forget!!!

25th of September 2005,
memory lane what a place to be
2.47PM CET

I am going back in time. A text book madhouse, a juvenile jail hell house
once surrounded my being- but I am not looking back.

As I sit here scanning more pages and papers for the site I am taking a ride music wise back in time. W.A.S.P. debut album is on the CD player. I remember the day of this release as if it was yesterday. They have as every other band made some real crap but my god they have also touched my soul. As you may or may not know they released the "Crimson Idol" album in early 90`s and that album is the most important one to me of all releases in the music industry.

Long story, won't go there. But my god this is good. B.A.D., School Days, Hellion, man this is just pure Tommy alley...... I am so lucky to have witnessed these bands back in the day. Cannot even begin to explain. This is maybe not really too Crue for you but I tell you many of you out there may very well know what I am feeling and more importantly talking about.

Things are just all related to music. Certain songs, makes you remember the days of what ever you did earlier in your life. True right?

I remember the god damn W.A.S.P. concert at "Mudd City" in Gothenburg 1984. The baddest debut tour ever- from the new bad boys of shock rock. Fuck me that was the days. Crue did the same for me in 1983 as you can read more about in the "Public Enermy" section on this site.

...In the begining poor..... remember the very first thing on that SHOUT album.
have gone through a few of the OLD shit from various bands today, and this is my medicine I can feel it. I am being taken to a totally different planet with this...

Ohhhh here it is... "Sleeping in The Fire" W.A.S.P. .... give this song a chance......
That is just one 4 minute thing that gives me the chill. Shit!!!

Don't know how many times people have told me I ought to have collected this band if not instead then too. I, to a certain point agree. They do fill up a great deal of my life. But so does KISS, Elvis and others. I cannot jump every band wagon there is simply cause it's good. Know what I am saying?

Anyways- new things on the paper goods, articles, and papers will come up here around Wednesday!!
I have found a few things that need to be refined too so please don't worry. I am aware of it all or at least most of it. And it will be fixed just a lill too busy the next coming days for looking in on it. Sorry guys.

Great bands or not, a line of musical love or not- may the devil bless the 4some. Mötley Crüe.

I have gotten a few new contacts from fans I have not heard of before. And that I am grateful for. I am right now also trying to pick a handful NOT MORE of fans worldwide to be my "contacts" for future friendships and other. I may have found the one for Spain and Canada.

Jesse and Sonia. We will have to see. They both sound pretty cool to me.

Hail to you lads!!!

Much love and a CRUECIAL injection to ya all!!!

Your host, x

23rd of September 2005,
Award winning
5.57PM CET
Just quickly want to let you all know, my concerns from yesterday got about the coolest outcome it could get. I am refering to the "Red White & Crue" platinum band presented ONE ONLY available award. I GOT IT!!!!******

Well I did not really but my baby in the states ((yeah yeah go puke I talk a lot about her on here)) she was up online with me. I told her I was shit stressed out about maybe not getting it. It was at a good $500 US dollars about 45 mins. before auction ending. And then from about 5 minutes before closing it just raised up on bids like crazy. My baby said "Don't sit there fustrated, I will bid and get this one for you". I was for the first time of us being together NOT 100% trusting her. Had she any idea about what she was telling me. An award like THIS ONE 90% of all times offered gets to be a $1500 dollar item.

Now you may go ok ok ok ok fuck all the info tell us what you had to pay. Well that again my friends are not for you to know. All you do need to know is it will be here amongst the other awards and this one could truely be the best one of them all. But my god... as the clock ticked down in seconds 10, 9, 8, 7, and my honey was high bidder I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT!!!!

I was, still am, so lost for words. How and why she would give me this helping hand till she of course gets her money will always be beyond me. If you out there know by now what this band means to me you will understand the appreciation for her doings. She made me cry. I just saw the seconds go down, 4, 3, 2, 1, AUCTION BIDDINGS HAVE ENDED.....

YOU ARE THE WINNER. Tears ran impulsively!! I have rarely been that moved like that.

Baby- you will rarely see my like that. I once again thank you from my heart. You are a killer

22nd of September 2005,
As good as ready
4.14PM CET

Finally, this new look can be looked at as 98% ready for the time being. I am proud to say things look good and the site is growing slowly but surely. It wil be very limited from now on till December of how many items there will actually be added on here. Since 95% of all items I get are being sent to Corinna in the USA. Simply for the reason many do not ship out side USA and others have like these sick and sky high priced shipping expences.

I cannot wait to get started on the months of October, November and of course December where I again will go to the USA. Most likely celebrating new years over there. But the diary and a handfull of things here and there will surely be added. No doubt about it. So do not think twice about returning on here.

Today I personally wanna thank Mattias (again) for the latest swedish promo poster and magazine received as he visited me with my earlier best friend from my home country. It was nice to have that visit. He knows fully what this collecting means to me. So he has even promised me a huge store display on the red, white release. That is fucking amazing. Thanks brother. Love you lots.....

In the name of Mötley today the so very badly wanted collectible award on the title of latest release is ending today. I can and will most likely NOT get this one. I am so not able to clear the reminding thought about that piece ending today. Hate that fact!!

To my baby in the south (US)- been going crazy in mind about you today. Miss you sick!
To the rest of you out there I hope you are having a great time. Will return soon to you on here and hopefully have some exciting news.
Right now... well......

Sick it lads,


Atlanta show on friday
#21st of September 2005,#
4.50AM CET*

Motley Crue rocked Atlanta in true Motley fashion, yet they were getting nothing in return from the fans! The crowd up at the front wasn`t even fired up, no screaming yelling, fists in the air, rock and rollers in this crowd! Just as the crowd sucked, the venue and the security at the venue sucked ass ven worse.

People who had plats were on the second row while others who didnt were on the first, and there were a few certain security people (from the venue) who were threatening to have people thrown out if they stood up and didn`t stay at their seats, now, I dont know where these guys came from, but at a Crue show you stand up and raise some hell Crue style!!

And to top it off there were huge gaps at the stage, including front and center, where no one was standing!! The Crue seemed to be in disbelief that a crowd in Atlanta could be so lame!! Nikki even said at one point, ”are you fucking kidding me?!” No meet and greet was so disappointed after planning for this for months, then to be treated like we were by those security guards on a power trip ws like truely unreal!

I will hopefully return for show and the meet and greet if resceduled simply because this may be the chance for that experience! But I will not ever go to that venue again in the future.

The Greenville show we saw back in February of this tour was so fucking awesome and the crowd was fired up and loved the Crue!! The crowd last night fell short on showing any love of the Crue and I think they felt that. A shame, but true.

It won`t suprise me very much if they choose not to return due to the crowd as a whole lacking the energy the Crue deserves!! The Crue definately gets a well deserved 5, but the other factors made this night truely miserable for many crueheads.

I can pretty much say thae best thing about the whole night was when Nikki threw out one of his water bottles and it hit a girl that Vince had invited to the show the night before from the Cheetah Club and she didn`t even care or pay it any attention. So I jumped over the seat and grabbed it.

20th of September 2005,
10.00 PM CET*

I have today gotten a bit further on this new look to the site. It will not beentirely done till after I get some time. Hopefully in the weekend it will bealmost clear. For the time being. Things can always change yes but it can also go wrong. And we dont want that right? Hell no.

Now Corinna is invited in on helping with her US look, view and thinking. And her debut posting on here has already been posted. You can find her posting and future to come that are gonna be markerd with a "#" on both sides of the date.

I think so far it is turning out good. pretty heavy this time around right? Kind of foggy.Well I guess apart from the new look on here the cool news is that Crue is not gonna cancel anyt gigs due to Vince`s accident last week. We also have only one month till we have an actual release date on the debut home concert dvd of the kind thats coming!! Can not wait.

Watched the "Resurrection" again today makes me cry. People find it a bit childish for me tp react like that. But fuck it. What ever is your life can make you sad too. I truely want these guys to do good. To be functional and to be family. Family argue fight and whats worse .. but somehow it is just harder to see my heroes fight or not being well than my biological family. Did somebody say "addited"? yeah well shoot me.

I have a shit load to thank a few people for and this is again a time to turn to Corinna. I guess you know by now what you do and how much everything is appreciated. If not you have not paid attention LOL. But I think I can be considered quiet lucky. I feel that way anyhow. The day this thing elds I wil lay down and die. This is not a hobby - its a lifestyle. And my baby understands it all the way. For ones a person that is like a drop totally like myself. God help me.

Look out for the future Baby C on here and more to come from her too. Also at the end of the week look for final refinings and more on here on other stuff. I love a lot of you out there you all know who you are - and this is just not something I say. Again Nikki, Mick, Vince and T. - thanks guys.

Much love....

Debut at Tommy instore
4.40 AM CET*

Thursday Sept. 15th, 2005
Well here's today's story...

I headed out on the road to Duluth, Georgia about 11:40 AM for the instore CD signing with Mr. T. Lee at Best Buy. I got there about 1:30 PM. I sat in the car for a while talking to "MY" Mr. Lee on the computer, missing him soooo much!

Then I decided to go in & see what was going on..... I bought the "Tommyland" CD again because you had to buy the CD to get a wristband & poster, in order to get anything signed. There were a few PROMO posters up around the store, I asked if I could have one & was told NO.

Then I went back out to the car for a few minutes & got my camera, even though the signs said no cameras & only ONE item signed. Said bye to "T" on the computer & went back inside. Within those few minutes the line had gotten much longer. It was about 3:30 PM at this time.

So... I waited patiently & talked to a few people. Finally at 5:10 Mr. Tommy Lee showed up. Everybody was taking pictures so that was a good thing.

When my "T" was here with me in the states he left me his "Tommyland" CD cover in hopes that I would be able to get it signed for him at this instore thing. I was a little worried cause they were very strict about the one item only rule.

So...... I snapped a few pics (not too good though). Then it was my turn. I asked the guy working there to take a pic & he totally fucked it up. Fuckin' DUMBASS.
I put my cover on the table & he signed it & then I put the other one for my "T" down & he said "sure" & signed it too!!!! So I got mine & my honey's signed!! Good Deal!

Then I stood around taking some pics & a short 3 min. video. I was about to leave when I saw the 2 girls I was in line with the first time back in line again with the poster I was told I couldn't have. So I went & bought another CD & took 2 of the posters off the wall along with a sign they had posted. I got back in line.


So..... we walked up front & I pointed to one of the guys who said I could have 'em & he still yelled at me "NO HE DIDN'T". Then he said "I'll tell you what, I don't want to make a customer mad so you can have one of them". Of course he gave me back the onewithout the other sign.

By the time he finally gave me back the poster Tommy was already gone. I was so pist at that Manager Asshole, but oh well.

So I walked out & on my way through the doors I pulled off another sign, but tore it & missed part of it. Then I went to the car & put the poster & the sign away. Then I went back & got the rest of the sign & then back to the car. Then I went back in the store & returned the second CD that I bought cause I couldn't get anything else signed.
On my way out again I took a second poster off the door again!! HAHA Asshole!!....

I WIN!!!

Then I headed home & that's that.

19 th September 2005
Darkend news
11.35PM CET

Ever thought a Crue site could look so "E-V-I-L".
Well it is time for a new look on this baby. And the new lines on here is kept best possible in black, blue and silver grey. There are a few new sections about to come on here and I am doing the best I can to keep my dear webmaster busy... so sue my ass. I am a little bit in need of this new look on here. Enough of the soft hearted baby crap look. The red is OUT!!!! We need something new. The band is changing too if you have seen some of their latest shows. Songs are the same but the look is dark its heavy. Period.

Over the next few days there will be a brand new thing on here and the webmaster and myself are eager to make this fantastic new spooky look a reality in time. There will be a few new things coming on here too in October as we again find more time to solve some shit with webspace and other funky shit we do not really wanna be bothered about - but what can we do in these modern times. Fucking wake up and smell the reality. Nikki did... LOL

Okay enough for now only wanted to bid all old and new viewers of the worlds COOLEST Crue fansite on the god damn world wide web welcome.
It is gonna be a fantastic new thing. Trust me. We have so many new ideas and have only today started opening the bag of goodies for you.

As always you be the judge I will continue to be the jury lol - nothing you can do except telling us what you think and thanks again for all support and the precious time you deside to spend on here,



17th of September 2005,

Now this day and the day before being Friday the 16th have been a bit fucked to say the least. Now I for one have had my mind on these dates cause I have wanted to STILL be in the states for the things going down there. And knowing my baby attended the things going down over there has of course been another reason big reason for my brains running wild about this. On Friday a changed date for Tommy Lee`s in store and signing of the newly released "Tommyland" Plus the show in Atlanta yesterday. Now things got way way way out of line there.

And in a few days time Corinna will be sharing her story with us on here. Sharing some pictures of it all too. Atlanta cancelled their meet-n-greet and the show itself got cut to only nearly one hour cause Vince had an accident and got a serious hurt knee. Hospitalized while the rest of the band got on stage to annonunce the rest of the evening was cancelled. All details and more from her in a few days.

Corinna is now also as involved in this site as she can be- and from the new up n coming visual changes on here from around October she will have a little feature on here too that will let you all get to know her minds on Crue a little better.

I promise you all this site is getting some new cool untouched ideas going that will be "tested" in a few weeks time. Gonna be pretty awesome. Guarenteed.
I guess so far this is it from me and all I can really say is- keep coming back and spread the word!!! We are all family- Right??!!

Baby, you I personally wanna thank for everything. People do not fully understand this new Tommy living, with you so massively in it but, hopefully in time it will all make sense. I welcome you on board here again and cannot wait for this site to be even more interesting and of course bigger.



14th of September 2005,y

Alright have finally scanned and edited all the rest stuff .. so tomorrow Thursday will see the final update on the home brought US stuff. It has been a few days now since I actually returned to so called home base. I hate it. I do not feel at home any longer. My things are here "yes" but it does not feel right no more. I have met and hooked up with the american girl but it is not the only thing that makes me feel like this.

I have for a long long time now felt wrongly placed and now it has just gotten added more to that feeling. I hope there will be a chance to make a drastic move to change my situation after we turn the page and write 2006. I have more or less totally stopped the radio buisness and I am almost done at the Restaurant that I also am at. You see after them two things are out of my life I am "naked" have nothing that fires me up no more except what has all my life.... the MUSIC.

Have not longed for or gone for a girl or relationship cause I felt and to a certain point still feel I am not right for such a thing. Relationships and my type is just not good together. Wont go there its a long long story. And music and Motley just takes over everything and the beauty in a partnership kind of does not get the attention it deserves. This time around I think it is up to my baby to say that I am right or wrong on that matter. I have stopped thinking about it. Cause I am all messed up.

Just funny how everyone these days finds their way to a new love thing.
My buddy in Sweden Mattias has found his, my former best friend and sister in life here in Denmark has found hers and the webmaster hers and well what the hell ... I have to see if this for me will work too..

Crue is so taken over everything. Taken my money and all... I have gotten a few SHIT COOL offers this past week and seen some awesome cool auctions that all goes down and needs a respond from me THIS coming week. So I am there once again. The relationship takes SHIT LOADS of money to be fed and also for us to see each other takes a great load of cash.

If I spend my money on Crue like i do I can not see her too......

Normally it would work. But for now I know too that my american girl is not willing to move here so I am as always forced to the one acting. You may wonder why the the hell I post a posting about all this. Well it "inter fears" with my Crue life a lot and my balance in life. so of cause it is relevant.

What do I do? Play the way I have always played and let the realtionship fload as it pleases or do I take care of it and drop the Crue massively collecting part?

Or do I simply try to not go into this new found world with my baby that feels so good? Sorry baby, I know you are gonna get pissed reading this. Just trying to be open here cause this is a delemma for me. You seem to mean so shit much to me now and the Crue has been a long life thing.

But maybe it is time to back up on that thing a little bit?
There is only one big reason for the confusion. MONEY ...
Both these worlds takes it and a lot of it too. MONEY MONEY MONEY....

Anyway while I think I am still gonna be adding cool stuff to the collection that seems to be one of the coolest of this band - that I know of. Its a fucking mini museum now a days.

Okay, alright I need to be doing something else or this here will kill me LOL.
Crue I miss you guys already more than words can say.
to you baby - goes the same line, kiss, kiss




13th of September 2005,

Sitting here again home in Denmark.
Man this sucks. The Crue thing is just too big a deal for me to be able to go "I went, saw, and smiled. Now I'm back to ordinary and it's cool". Cause it is not cool. Little does it help that I miss my baby left over there. USA... man it is not cool. But I have had a line of so ever cool merchandise new and old collectibles with me home. Actually so much Crue with me back to Denmark I had to leave ALL except the dirty laundry at my honey's place. So no clothing or boots or anything has been taken back to Denmark. It is in the States for the next time coming over.

Instead I packed the suitcase backpack and bags to the max of Motley items of which most have been added on the site today. Look in.... a ton of new stuff. If you think there are a few things missing from the tour merch stand- well it is simply because I had no more room to pack more items down. I had been taken for overweight and needed an extra set of arms to carry it all for me. So there you have it. But several sections have been having stuff added.

The Summer "Carnival Of Sins" tour 2005 USA and Motley Crue is over for my part.
Japan is coming up November yes... but- nothing in between. Hope and think I will be heading to the US again around New Years or so. To go see my honey. I miss her like shit. She is so supportive on the Crue front. A little competition beteen us for stuff. That is UNCOOL but what the fuck can I do. She holds the long straw so to speak and I can do jack about it all. (Yeah well honey, I'm sorry but I still love you & you still love me so just deal with me!!!)

I guess next thing coming would be some minor things here and there and then the Tommy awards worn fur coat late Sep or October. Also have a few HUGE and HIGH priced deals going that I have to find cash for before the time runs out on me... would not want that one bit.

Rap up on the US summer 2005 tour...
Tommy is still the coolest jack on the skins but he seems like he has been adding to the ego a great deal. He can be sweet but is by far the one that takes it the worst when it comes to fans. He is just so hard to get in on. He is at the moment a press favorite yes, and that is taking a great deal out of him for sure but hey, his band mates do just fine by being nice to the fans that step it up. That is really amazing.

NIkki- sixxdog; well... he is just an all killer and the nicest piece of rock ass towards me. He is so appreciated for sure. I love the man. He has not seen the last loyalty from me just yet. Thanks Nikki- always a pleasure. On tour, well Sixx you need a rest a break form this break... it shows.

Vince- Mr. Neil, at times looks like as Sixx very tierd indeed.
I loved him so much from Feb. to June. A killer front man. Now I think he has gained weight again. And I am worried he is getting out of shape and that would just kill the pure crystal voice he has delievered so far on the tour. Vince this summer tour is doing you not much good. Again a bereak seems needed. Hope it is NOT the money that steers the wheels here. Cannot wait to see you again. Still on the pussy hunt too. After all these years....

Mars, I tip whatever I have and can tip with towards this man.
Mars we have now met several times on this tour and you have been showing strength I can only dream of. The kindness you show me is beyond words. I simply love your personality. You should be proud. I hope you are- of yourself that is. Cause I am fucking proud of you. You ARE Motley Crue on this tour. Not up for discussion what so ever.
I will miss the hell out of you and for always and ever I thank you personally for all you have done.

And on the more personal front. What you have done and are in the middle of helping me out with is more appreciated than my tongue could ever tell you. So let me put it simple: THANK YOU!!!

Corinna- I miss you. My life these days is dedicated to you.
Let us see what the next get together can bring us. Your kisses are missed.

Loyal love- peace,



10th of September 2005,

Has there ever been a bed that my ass slept in that was better than this on the Motley Nashville hotel? Fuck no!! It is simply too amazing. Thanks honey. Can not begin to explain what that decition of going with them to this place ment to me.
No, thank you baby for doing it with me!! Even though you did sleep most of the way there while I struggled to stay with it!! But I made it thank god!!

I will admit it. I have had my head too high up your ass to even have been thinking clearly about Motley. It is a truely unknown feeling for me. You got that right!! This is not the Tommy I know. This is not the Tommy that has been Crue focused all these years. This is so far far from the dude that I am. No one and I do mean no one has ever been able to make me go "nahhh no thanks" to offers or chances in the name of Motley experiences over the years. It may sound as a disrespect to the ex- girlfriends. That is not what I try to do here only they have never made me wanna skip anything like this. You just need to remember that I will always be there, Motley won't so get what you can now & don't think twice about it!! Got it? Right everybody??

Okay up at 10.30 shower, talking, hugging talking prepareing and more.
We were at the lobby round 11.55. I had brought my digi video camera and a shirt from the tour and nothing more. Wanted this shirt to get signed and I was so sure this would be just another day of those that would make me / us meet the band again.
I had the same shirt he did & didn't want to get the same one signed so I decided to use the one I was wearing. I was so excited!!!

Corinna had never met the band before so I had another thrill in that. Seeing her debut on that matter. Always fun to see how people are when that happens. She was cool. No doubt. The only thing about Corinna is that she is not the best one to share the feelings from her center heart. There will have to be a kind of guessing going on. That is a little bit sad but what the heck.

Yes this was my first time & I didn't know what to expect. I was nervous. I didn't know how T. would react either so that made it even worse for me. I tried to keep calm & not be an ass or make an ass out of myself. Things went very well I must say.

A quarter to one we had this thing we needed to do. Find our selves some pens or rather markers. We had none on or with us so.....we took a walk about round the block. Got us some cold drinks it was STEAMING HOT I tell you. Fuck yeah it was, too damn hot for me.Damn. Then was guided back past the hotel again and a couple of blocks up. There was a store "office depot" went there and got tons of pens / markers, lol. lol. lol.

Amazing the lot of people that comments the tattoos on my arms.
No big deal really but of cause dedication maximum. To all thanks for the compliments. Anyways, back to the hotel. Walking by the car in the hotel parking house leaving some stuff there and then just wait and see if there could be any luck.
When waiting for something like this it seems like an eternity. But oh my god so worth the wait any fuckin' day!!!

I can in all honesty say at this point that we were blessed with the hotel staff a lot. They could have kicked us out a zillion times after we checked out. I mean we did not stay there another night. We only stayed there this one from yesterday to today. And these kind of hotels are not happy about having people hanging round there even though we were not bothering nobody. They normally wants us out. So I know we can consider our selves very lucky.

During this time I told Tommy a few times there is a lady who keeps looking at us & staring everytime we are in her view. She must be a lobby manager or something. I was so shocked they let us stay the whole day in the lobby.

I told Corinna a few times during the day that she had no idea how lucky this day was for her. She truely had a day that would never return.
I knew I would never ever get a chance like this again. I was on cloud 9 if you know what I mean. I couldn't believe what I was doing. I was the luckiest person in the universe this day!!

Okay 1.40 PM Tommy Lee comes in walking cross the lobby straight to the elevator we fast grabbed our shit pens and shirts nothing else. Just left the rest there, risky but did it. The elevator was there already and he and his right hand man walked in together with maybe 2 other guests. Corinna and myself jumped in with them. Froze a bit but when we were about to get out on his floor the 11th the bodyguard said "Not now guys" and the respect and the silence was massive. truely weird feeling but okay. Did not get a dick out of that one, what a shame. We both were sure that we would not get the Tommy autographs then. He in the elevator only briefly while messing with his cell phone said "Hows it going guys?"

Went to the end of the hall way and took the stairs down. damn a fire case kind of thing. We could not get out. For a split second I thought maybe we had gotten stock there. But at the 1st floor there was a chance to get out. Opening the do from the inside .. thank god. Pewww

When in the elevator I couldn't believe that my Tommy wasn't saying anything. I didn't know what to do so I was just silent. I just watched as Tommy messed with his cell phone trying to figure out how to work it. I wasn't sure what was going to happen & then his right hand man killed it "Not now guys". FUCK!!! I was so sure that there would't be another chance. I was so mad at myself for not taking a picture or asking for an autograph while in the elevator going up.

Back in the lobby and quickly there after at 1.51 PM Mick Mars came in.
We took after that guy towards the elevator too. Still holding on to our shirts and shit. This time the elevator was not there yet and also the man himself was on his cell phone.

As he turned around and saw me he took the few steps forward and greeted me. he knows me well by now. He then said something that I can not share with you guys that reads this. But it was personal and it ment the world to be. Lets just say he promised me stuff that would put an end to most of a year`s misery.

When I heard what Mick said to Tommy I truely thought Tommy was going to cry. He was so shocked. It was the most great news though. Sorry I cannot share with you what about though. It was truely a moment that will never be forgotten for the both of us.

Mick just all together was, has always been and still is the most cool guy in this band on this tour. He shows appreciation like none other. Mick you are it. Shit !!!!!! I can not begin to tell you how that short meeting with Mars was for me. Corinna experinced it. If you should ever fall into her she would be able to tell you exactly how I was reacting to this particulor thing that I refer to. Mick - ones agian thanks. I can not wait for this to become a fact of acting. Shit....

I couldn't believe how nice Mick was. Just from that short time I can truely say that Mick Mars is a wounderful great guy. He was so nice!! He didn't mind taking the time at all to sign our stuff & take some pics. Thank you so much Mick.

We got some pictures taken and the shirts we wanted signed, signed.

Went back to our left stuff in the lobby end couch and then sat there. I was really in shock of what I had just experienced. But on the other hand, I now knew that he at least, had seen the dvd I gave him and read my letter also givin to him yesterday. That was a really great feeling..

I couldn't believe that the band actualy got the DVD's that Tommy have given the girl at the meet-n-greet the day before to give to them. I didn't actualy think they gave a shit about stuff like that. Maybe some things they don't but these one's they did & I am so glad for that for my honey.

Sixx was next. It got to 2.19 PM - he looked bombed. Really like woowww he is so tierd that man. I have seen him so many times now that this was close to becoming a concern for the man. But I know he is kind of used to this thing so he was cool. In spite of the worn out body and mind he still took time to give us autographs a line or two and a hand shake and hug. I dont know how many times I have thanked this man in this diary section on this site but he still deserves another. Always just too kind. Sixx I love you and you know it.

Yes I must say Mr. Sixx was tired. He did say he only got about an hour of sleep. He still was nice enough to take the time though & sign our stuff. Thank you so much Nikki for taking the time. It made my first time so worth everything to me. I have been waiting for this since I was I think I was 9 yrs. old!! It was a feeling I will never ever ever forget. My heart was pounding so fast. I was so nervous I didn't know what to do with myself, Mr. Nikki Sixx was signing the shirt I was wearing!! I kept my cool though.

3.36 the red haired little totally sexy looking sweet ass of a show girl Alicia (one of the 3 dancers in the show) came in with a friend of hers. She was fronted and asked for signatures as well on the back of the same shirt. Thought a complete band and stage staff signed shirt would have been a rare piece to have. So .... we went for it . got it and thanked her kindly.

She really is small but as small as she is she is just as kind.

We then sat again waited and talked about a bunch of things Corinna being sure that Vince was not staying there. I knew he was, They always stay at the same hotel i every city. Maybe not next door to each other but same hotel - ohhh yes!!

At 3.44 PM she got her answer proved. In comes Neil. He too was guided by a line of people but all in all just kind & freindly. He just amazes me big time on this tour.. also said a gazillion times. more photos and signatures ..... Thanks Vince, appreciated.
Yes, I was WRONG!! Vince was there. I was shocked! He was cool though. He signed our shirts & took some pics with us & went on about his business. I must also agree with Tommy, he sounds simply amazing on this tour. Doin' a fantastic job Vince, keep it up.

4.23 PM Annie I think is her name ( sorry forgot) the tall blond haired one some hunk she is too.....ggrrrr damn!! These chicks looks so far better off stage than on stage. Shit. Okay, well enough said I guess??? ...She walked in and ofcause again we ran off trying to get a few pictures and a signing - no problem. She was asked in the elevator and said hang on lets just get off the elevator first. So it took us to the 7th floor. Outside her room 721 she talked to us and greeted us big time. So friendly.

I think I now as I post this regret like so much not having asked for her or their numbers or something to go for a later interview with them on the phone for radio. I am sure they have a cool story to tell. Fuck in hell. I had never skipped such a request or idea had I not had Corinna in my life this way. NEVER!!!! She does that to me. Not thinking straight.

I couldn't believe how nice & willing she was to talk to us & sign our stuff. She was simply amazing. So extremely amazingly friendly. (Tommy I cannot believe you let me get to you this way when you are in such a situation- Dude get it together!! I still love you though.)

some 20 minutes later at 4.45 Vince comes back down with a girl and some guys. Heading to the bar you can call it - right behind us. I am talking 5 feet away. They go there for dinner and some drinks. He seemed happy. He seemed well. I think Vince is actually really enjoying this tour. The gang at the table joked a lot and he too was very up on things. We never bothered them one bit. I had an easy time not to, Corinna lol - she was constantly turning, looking at him like lol, lol, lol I cant really find the words for this. Sorry but that was so funny. God....

See Tommy is used to these kinds of things. I'm not. I couldn't help myself!! I guess it's just the nosy women part of me coming out! I wasn't that bad though. We did let him have his peace & do his thing. I did hear him say something about leaving at 6:00. So... just around 6:00 Vince's phone rang & he went around the corner & talked for a few minutes & then out the door he went.

We over heard him say a few things about a charity show this morning and that they would stay at this hotel till tomorrow Sunday and that they would leave for the show of today at round 6 PM. A lot of info there for just being a fly on the wall. Thanks man. LOL

At 5.47 PM Vince got a call on his cell and that I guess was the cue for "its time to move" he went straight to the bus ... looked over for a split second nodded and off he went.

Shortly after that at 6.02 Mars came down - he too went to his bus and took off. I felt a little sad about the fact that this was the last time I in a long long time would see these guys. But money and daily things sets its own limits for these things I guess. Stinks.

Nikki Sixx , in the lobby at 6.13 he was better looking now still tierd as he said. He also said it had been a day a lill out of the ordinary. the band came in to the hotel at well we all know the time and they got to bed for maybe 2 hours then up for a recording of the benefit concert for the people of New Orleans. was to be aired tonight on VH1 so they got up shit early and after that to a recording studio to record a new version of "Home Sweet Home" which will be a new official benefit cd single shortly. So look out for that one too.

He then said they had to go because they were running a little late. Got our photos with him though. Not the first time in the after noon as they came in. Then we only got a few signatures this time the photos were taken too. All this is what I talk about when I say "Corinna you hav no idea how lucky you are today." This is far far far better than a meet n greet for 400 bucks too. Just amazing. thats what it is.

Yes Mr. Sixx came down again & a bit more friendly this time. I was not about to let Nikki walk out of those hotel lobby doors without getting a picture with him!!! I stopped him this time & asked for a picture with him & he said sure. Tommy took our picture & then I took their picture. Then Nikki talked to us for a few minutes about what the band had been doing that day. Then he left on his way to the show for that night. I was so fuckin' HAPPY I could have just died. I tried to be calm about it though, but Tommy could see how much that meant to me.

Also the little guy with the big name MIGHTY MIKE showed himself. - thank god did not really believe we would get to meet him. But today was just one of the very unusual days in my life with the Crue I guess.

At 6.26 PM a guy comes up to us shortly after we parted with Sixx and sked us for a hotel ID kind of thing. If we could not show one he would have to ask us to leave. We could not cause we had already checked out so....out we went. But that was more than okay. We had had a day at the hotel that was none compareable to anything. Trust me you would have had to be there.

Let me say this as said a few times before in here. There are things said and done that is not written simply because they are too personal and out of respect to people around me I keep certain things to myself. Just wanted you to know. So maybe not all on here makes the most sence. But there you go.
Thank you baby!!

We took all our stuff went outside knew that only Tommy was missing to go to his bus and he was the only one we were missing so fuck no if we wanted to go.

Stood outside waited for the man to show. Took a long, long time. but but he came and he signed 2 guys something and was so close to just pass on us. So I fronted him and asked kindly. He did then do it. Thanks god. A single quick snapshot was all we got. No photo with him he was late. But it was all good. No complaining here.

We then talked were seriously if we should go for the show of the evening or take the drive and go towards South Carolina where most of my stuff was and all. Because my plane was leaving in about 20 hrs from now. If we stayed for the show it ment that we would have to drive all night and miss our last morning and noon together.

You have no idea how bad Tommy wanted to go to tonight's show. I wanted it too. But I was the one driving & I knew that I couldn't make it back to South Carolina that night if we stayed for the show. You have no idea how bad I felt. Baby, I am so sorry that I couldn't do it. Just not enough sleep in the past few days to keep going. Please forgive me.

So guess what we did?
We dropped a Crue show. Yes indeed. Again that has never happend to me before either.

A long, long ride back was what we tried to go for and hit the sack at the local hotel only to have a few more hours together before this really first time together was coming to an end.

I did not like it one bit. But I felt as we drove up to the hotel that morning round 2.30 AM that we would be alright. It was not that tough at that time but it got worse....... ohhhhhh man.

But a day "with" the band had ended and we had witnessed a rare, rare thing that not many can actually brag about on this tour. Cause this tour is having the tightest security ever seen on Motley Crue. I can not believe it. It is almost rediculous. But to the boys - thanks for being so down to earth for us it was a memo I will never forget Thanks.

Yes, I must say "THANK YOU" to the Boys. This has been an experience of a life time for me & I will never forget any part of it. I am so grateful for this chance to do this. Nobody can really understand what this means unless you actualy do it yourself. I cannot put into words how this was for me personally in my heart.

And to my honey, I can only say - what you desided to do and share today that impulsive choice made late last night as the band left Alabama I will forever be thankfull that you wanted to. So will you I guess. We have had an awesome week but a too short one. Most of what we wanted and had hoped for to happen never did. A little too many outside things messed that up for us. But hopefully next time we will have an ever cooler time...

For the Motley`s - see you in Japan coming November:.

Yes, well..... it was my decision & the best one I have ever made!! I cannot thank you enough honey for doing this with me. I wouldn't have wanted to do it with anyone else. Kisses & hugs & well........ you know what else to ya!!! I love you! Thank you for giving me this experience.

And to the #1 Boys of Rock-N-Roll thank for the chance of a life time to meet you guys outside of a show & for the best memories I will always cherish. Thanks!!!


9th of September 2005,

It has and never will be a forgotten trip and Mötley Crüe experience here in the US this summer. I have never seen them in the southern states before and to say this is truely a strange one is an understatement. This here Motley in southern US of A is just not clicking. There are way too many red necks and goof balls down here to even appreciate the thing called street rock-n-roll. Hell yeah.... but as posted the other day no regrets. I am glad I am experiencing this too.

Our day this Friday started off with bed sheet love god knows I needed it. I have been a bit curious about this tour this trip and this girl for some time now. Thank god with both feet planted solidly on the ground. No noses in the clouds here.

But I also gotta say so far the things have been all good. Thoughts of course on the band but thank god not as much as I was expectcing. You may go- what??? Yeah I hear ya all. I am just so in need of something else these days. I still am loyal and loving towards my heroes but I feel things and situations in my life is also yelling out for new things in life. Hard to describe.

But Corinna my baby is one of these things. I hope it can work out. A girl in the US while sitting in Denmark not likely the best options now is it? Well fuck it. I say it again- FUCK IT- the will is big and th focus is for ones when it comes to a girl in my life all good.

Okay enough love talk the rest is private!!
I know some of you may want the dirty stuff but you are not getting any.
Go to the damn porn sites there are enough of em.

We had a couple of hours driving towards Alabama my third or 4th state on this fairly short trip. All in all North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee has been to be experienced this time. I like that fact!!! Anyway we drove off and towards Alabama.... all cool. We had our drinks and our needed shit all packed so we were right on the money with everything. Super Totally cool!!!

The Alabama show was to be in an outdoor thing. Amphitheatre all seating like a circus arena... all looking down towards the stage.... as we got close to the place where the concert actually was to take place one of the four CRUE busses turned up behind us. LOL Mattias you remember that experience right? ((inside joke)) sorry....

Okay now we of course wanted to go there too where ever they turned off but we drove by. Kind of never saw that turn coming. It was at a stinky little hell hole low life no good spot on the map. We had no idea why they did that. But was soon to find out that the turn at this spot on the map WAS actually where they were about to play. My god were we in for a suprise this evening.

We turned around and parked at the parking lot. Corinna as every girl seems to be doing complained about the one thing: "I gotta pee" ohh lord not easy guys, and further more "Im thirsty"... well so was I.... so I suggested we simply take a walk and find ourselves a place to get some. Then the heat was in the way and... ahhh let me just say this... you're a man and you have your woman with you be carefull when she starts going:
-I'm hungry, I'm thirsty I'm sleepy, I'm cold, I need to go or something like that. The fuses are all lightend up so carefull what you chose to say.

Still love our little sweeties though don't we... yes we do. Sorry honey could not stay off...

Okay the Crue show was to go on... and it started kind of okay but was soon to be seen on Vince and the boys that these damn red necks just wern't the crowd for the Crue. Fuck no. They played some neat shit nothing out of the ordinary but Vince tried the best he could to get the masses going just could not do it. Tommy was very dissapointed in the crowd. Nikki I guess was not too impressed either. Mick well who the fuck knows what that man thinks. LOL LOL LOL LOL...

It all just made me think so much about the meet-n-greet the other day in Charlotte, N.C. - man that was so weird too... Nikki always playing his games on me... again a personal brain fart... sorry... but I got a feeling the boys aren't too high on energy now a days. Kind and all that crap towards me though. And by the way for those of you that wonder if the boys did get my dvd gifts. They did - Fucking awesome. So happy I did that.

Got a few new pictures with the band this time one together with my baby in it too.... Tommy Corinna and the band. The very first time we are together we went to a concert with the band we would actually be gettng a band shot together... how cool is that?? Look on here in a couple of days and the pix shall be here...

The band in Alabama dropped a couple of songs and the Tommy solo and at the end they simply did the biggest suprise of all.... I for one did not understand shit. They had the "joker clown" blown up as it was supposed to be behind Tommy`s kit and all... the stage was ready for the band and "Helter Skelter"... then all of a sudden the curtain drops the lights came on and the band was not to be seen any more. I thought and Corinna thought maybe something had happend to Mick or something.

We were only to find out the next day that the band thought the crowd sucked. So hell no... no encore.

We were very weird feeling. But then decided to go for the kill. Try to hunt the band down get some answers and more. So we did not really know where they would stay or go to once they would leave but fuck it. One buss came we let it go, another buss came and we took after it... that particular night got to be a long one. God damn it. NO stops no rest no nothing. Corinna wanted this like I had never seen. All of a sudden we were in a big city across state lines and BOOOMMMM Nashville.

What?? Yeah, baby that's right Nashville Tenneessee- the city of country and all crap. Very exciting though. But never thought the band would stay this far down. But they were and what a stinky cool hotel too...

The details about how and why we stayed here are private but we stayed at the same hotel the band did.

The time was now almost 4:00 AM... so for the day... this was it... good nite and may the devil watch you. More to come.......

Corinna - I love you baby the story will be a lill cool for the morning I know.....



8th of September 2005

A few days has been spent over here and it is not all the coolest of the cool this time.
What?? What is he saying? Well - give me some slack here. You know me already. I have no problem telling you when things in the Crue camp is not all good.

I am not kissing ass or defending the most precious thing in my existance for all causes.

Okay so what is or has been the matter?
There is absolutely some right in the words posted some places on the band being tired.
It has as always been a shit cool thing to see the band again. Always is. But they look like they could either use a good long break or just do something else than being up on stage. They were so stiff and not action packed like they have been.

I am not saying that I cannot understand this but I am saying that I do not see the band I have now seen 30 times on this tour. If that's a comment you do not like to read or hear about. Sorry!!!
I cannot say anything else than what Mr. Sixx has been posting a few times. He is beat. He is not filled with energy no more. His stage presence was... ohhh yeahhh he was givin it his "full" or what could be considered as full in his situation.

He looked like he had to try hard to give it his known for actions. Vince too.
Mick again as so many times before on this tour is still the one that takes the prize. He is just better and better.

Tommy- I guess is Tommy. The drum solo bit is back, has been away from the show for some time... but not changed. Just not a CRUEFAN solo. Sorry Tom boy.... but it is not.
I have said it before and I say it again. The solo is showing your skills yes but its got no buissness in a Motley fucking Crue show.

You said in the "Resurrecting Crue" special that you did not really like to do the old songs no more. That kind of shows in the solo you chose to give us. But I am so sure too that you could have put together a shit awsome ROCK solo... instead of bringin' the disco beats.... I know this is your thing now. You like that dance and club thing. But it is so not Motley. In my personal little mind I think its soooo coollll that you change this much all the time. I at times miss that from the other ones but you would have to learn also that when you are in Crue it's the Crue fans that come. Not the local dance freaks.

Ok enough of the putting down...
Almost. Cause what is not the coolest thing also. Is the summer 2005 tour setlist. Why have you guys not changed a few songs?
Why is it that the fans that have now traveled the world to see you or the country for that matter- has not been givin' a few changes?


I will say though you are doing a great comeback even that term cannot really be used any more. The reunited thing is now old news. Careful not to do the same thing as 2006 enters.

Coming back to Europe in Febuary or March will need some changes I am sure or fans will react. Sorry but times change and fans want more. A lot would maybe like to send me hate mail for this posting but if they sit alone in a darkend room where no one can see.... they too could most likely agree with me on these things written. I think it is so false not to be able to say that all the band does is not good.

Well... next show in Alabama tonight about to head out of here so this will have to do for the time being.
It's stinky hot here, my baby is here too Corinna is still with me and we are I HOPE having a great time. She does not share the opinion with me about the above but I do not really care. I HAVE TO SAY I WANNA COME BACK HERE ASAP TO BE WITH THIS FREAK. SHE IS A KILLER. A small sized killer but.... a killer.

I think we could work something out and the tomster could in time maybe move over.
We are at times pretty good together in every sense. She does have shitty limits on diff things but in Crue she is the most helpful an understandig piece of ass I can possibly think of.
Now honey that was a compliment.

So to share these Crue days and tour with you has been long talked about never truely believed in and now look at us...

To the Crue- lets have it a hell yeaahhhh!!!!!

Alabama calling our asses... later dudes and whores,

Tx and Cx



2nd of September 2005

Just a few final words before I am airborn again. Of course this is a major thing about to happen. Another tour of the boys and a few new experiences on other matters too. Cannot wait till the 4th of September and all shit is packed and I am ready to take off.

For what it's worth to Mick, Nikki, Tommy, and Vince- thanks a million for the coolest rush in my existance. It has been a long, long road so far but I would not trade it for antything.

I have a lot to say to you guys but never seem to get the time.

For now just a huge long THANKS A BILLION guys!!
It has been a tough one but as said- awesome in most ways too. Love the band till death.

Like I say now a well $100,000 dollars later ......still loyal and true!!!

Thanks again- see you all out there........
Fuck yes!!!!!

Tommy lee, Denmark


1st of September 2005

Crue Crue Crue- so amazing.
I to be honest had not seen it happening. But it did. The "Article" section should by the end of TODAY be fully updated... finally. Over 3000 new pictures have now been added on here.

Also Tommy solo, Vince solo, passes, This-N-That, and of course here the Diary!!
So much new stuff on here. And the shit continues in a couple of weeks. Cause there will be the new merch. from the US summer tour and more, much more. Things that I will pick up in the USA as I go there in a couple of days. I am blessed I am sure. All the reasons for envy I guess. I would had I not been me. Ohhhh I would be green with envy!!

Sad about the same songs the same set list as from the first half of 2005. But I will not complain. It is a cool set and I have a lot of great memories from this tour.
Never fulfill all fans wants. Of course not- not possible. Cannot wait.

Okay this was just a short one to let you all know that a month long work with almost 12 hours a day everyday on here is ending. And truest me it feels so nice. I am so tired. And I now need to get freshend up. Cause there is a trip to do. I will meet up with Corinna and that I cannot wait for either. I will spare all the names from home ground I would have loved doing this with. You know who you are so.... this time a new girl and a new travel is to be. Nasty is what it all will be.

(And well........... maybe a little word from me- BabyC, another helper of the most awesome MOTLEY site ever made & possibly a helper of a few other things also! I can say it's about fuckin' time all this "ARTICLES" work is over with! It's been a long, hard, tiring job for the boy of this site. Excellent job I must say!!! Very nice work & new addition to the site. I LOVE it!

Thx for everything & just being you. Never stop. See you in 5 days "T". Till then.................)

You dig??


29th of August 2005,

No fucking way!!
Absolutely not. No way in hell had I ever thought this thing for August and the idea of putting an ARTICLE section up on here could be this hard. I have skipped sleep and eating and what have you to do this. I said in my last posting on here that it WILL with a full guarantee be up on here and done with for now on Friday. You still have my word. The last few days of this week will take a lot out of me to do it but it will be done.

Now, as that has been said I have to also say I am so looking forward to the weekend coming. Not only is this done with but my rest and packing for the trip to the USA again is here. I am so beyond words for this one. I feel I need it but I also feel I am in need of getting away a bit.

Maybe what I really should be getting away from is the Motleys? Just for a short periode of time. What do you guys think? I guess I am doing what I should not. Tour and shows and blah blah blah blah is coming up again and it feels like it's just another dose of my medicine. Will I never get tierd of this shit and just simply do something else? Up till now, you all know the answer. NO!!! N-O .. no!! I will not.

I have fooled around with some ideas but... it is like being on drugs this thing. Cannot just quit it. An old lady once told me "Why stop something that actually works?" -I take that advice to heart. It is costing me the pot I piss in but there is always a tree to swing willie up against I guess. In other words you can piss anywhere.

The Tommy fur coat mentiend about a month ago on here I was offered. Looks like it still holds. I seem to still be getting it. A loootttt of money again for that one. But... hey, what don't you do for your boys.... Huhh moms? LOL!!

Received a shit load of photos again taken on this tour- just finally had them done. No money to do it earlier. Also gotten a few new things won from eBay and of course Mcrueloyalty`s latest worker Corinna Hargrave has fixed some cool shit for me too. I will see you in a few days too. I will have to either pay overweight or have you taking some shit to me as you come over here sometime. I seriously am a little worried that I cannot fit all or the weight limits per person at the airport will be all good for me. Damn .... Always concerns..

I guess that is a word to get used to in the Motley world for sure. If no worries for the practical then worries for the band and the get along and the rumours and shit.
Okay I guess that is enough from me today. I will be posting again Thursday or Friday as we get closer with the actual finish of this monster. Enjoy.

Oh have you heard the tickets for the CRUE / Rolling Stones tour is all up to 1400 US dollars a seat...only 2 shows though. Then The Crue takes Australia and Japan....
Get Sticky ya all...


26th of August 2005,

Paint it black.....*
Who would have ever thought!!!

It is official. The UK legends Rolling Stones are going on tour. For two shows one in Seattle and one more around Nov. 1st. The Motleys will be the support act!! I belive tickets go on sale shortly if not already?? Damn what a rock-n-roll night that's gonna be.

Crue coming to Europe in February or March. They will be touring world wide till around late april then focus on the next studio album in USA. The coming week you will see the final end of "articles". Whatever is there so far so to speak will be online by Friday next week.

Then the next adding will most likely only be diary for a while. Talk soon....
Today the Ramones is blasting the stereo..cool & missed scums....


25th of August 2005,

Like a barking mad bull I fight like crazy to make it. The "Articles" It still is a hard and long road to travel. I tell you, it is now even harder than a few weeks back. Cause the time scedual has changed all too much cause one of the 2 working on here has dropped out on it. Not a complaint as such more like a really really tough nut to crank solo this thing. And my time frames are NOT working with me.

Further more the postal services has been really extremely hard on me too the past 3 weeks. NOT a thing in the mail many items from different people have never arrived. That really sucks big time.

Have had the troubles before with the postal services but now the stuff dont even get to my town. Fucking irritating.......

Anyway just wantedto say a few 100s new articles have been added here yesterday and now there will be no more updating till Wednesday next week.

So bare with me - I try to do this the best and fastest way I possibly can,

To all you loyals out there... Life is now live it!!!



23rd of August 2005,

Tuesday boys and girls. That is right.

Another Monday is gone and we have all headed well into the new week. Two handfuls of days left and I will be leaving for the states again. No way can I describe what that will be like except the same ol same oI I guess. Rocking, banging, shaking, partying, cool, hot, and a trip into the Tommy world like no where else.

The scanning and the "articles" section is still very much going. There will be, at the end of this week, another 1000 articles added in there. So no rest for the wicked I guess.

A few cool new items will come my way and I can only say this is a year that is truly killing me.

The financial side of things is just not cool. No more anyway. I have by the end of this year sold a few hard earned and very loved items to do all this but I have YES - I have gotten a good adventure in return. So I guess you can say I am holding on to this universe no matter what it costs me. I am so very happy about the things I have had experiences with this year alone. Damn yes.

Have also been offered a minor piece in a future to come Crue book.
I hope it will happen. Because that is something I have thought often about. But rather in the sense of doing my own book. A portrait of a fans life. That would maybe have been a rather scary one too. So many limits crossed and pushed. Any so called normal guy would not be thinking like that at all. Fact: people say I am crazy!!

I have had a shit scary thought this week. Should I call it quits and retire from this collecting thing? Next year? Big question huhh?
I will perhaps do this if I will end up with a good experience with a girl to come.
-Right now there are like a zillion things that could absolutely not be cooler to get my hands on but I have to see what the thing called late summer/fall will bring me!!

Damn it I am so short on cash it's frightening. Maybe I did it all a little too much from Feb. this year cause I did not truly feel calm about the thought of the band would not be around for some time. Boy did they surprise me. Of course that is nice. But ... financially and all no not cool. I have blown all my savings this year alone.

I said I wanted to end my Crue book (my life) in style with a bang. Did I ...yes!! Still doing it.

Okay enough of my rubbish. I love you all and remember the weekend is the big one. Tons of added articles and the section will (knock on wood) finally be completed for now.

Terror .


16th of August 2005

Another anniversary for the death of The King. Elvis Presley. 28 years ago today. Officially told on the news 28 years ago today in about 5 hours from now. Well long live The King. Speaking of the man - Elvis P. my visit to the US of A in a little less than three weeks may even take me to the town of The King. That is right. Memphis and Graceland.

I have a honey in the US that has thrown the idea in the air and I can only say one thing Crue or not, that one happening could make the whole trip shit much more unique for me. Elvis started my musical interest and I will most likely break down and cry if we will go. Long live The King. It has been a dream for 15 years or more to go there. Will late summer 2005 be it? Well.....maybe!!

On the Mötley Crüe side of things. We have passed the 1600 pages/pictures in the "Articles" section already. And in the beginning I said there may be about 1800 pages ... My guess is we still are missing about 1000 or so... Can you believe this? We have also passed the 140 pages on this fan site for you to go through with all kinds of things. Pictures and readings. Awesome. Fucking awesome and that's a fact!!

I hope to have a few new changes made for visual refreshments if you will by mid September. But first and foremost we need to get through these articles and magazines. Seems like there are tons. But we will finish what we started. I promise.

Speaking of magazines Tommy Lee has been and is this month in shit many new(s) magazines for all of you that care. But then again there is the new cd "Tommyland" and there is a line of nation wide tele shows he appears in and then tonight his "LEE BACK TO SCHOOL" series starts in the US. Wonder when it will come here?!! Kind of looking forward to that one. It will how ever become an official DVD release thing later on. Just as the LIVE AID one that they appeared on recently. Just hope the Tommy popularity is not going to his head and kills the band again.

And speaking of DVD`S . I have a meeting with the boys in the southern states of America in a few weeks and I plan on making them the biggest most personal gift yet. -Burn the web site down on DVD and create these special covers to go with them. I hope they care enough to look in at them. It holds my whole fucking Cruecial life and the covers will say "A well spent $100,000 later" - It is as personal as it gets. Obviously with a personal note to each the member. I think it is a really cool idea.

Other than that my life is with smiles and miss you muches. Totally going out of my mind here for different reasons. Tons of financial disasters right now and a mix of joy and worries on the front about Crue items wanted.
Damn it....Feels like a hurricane hanging over me these days. Heeellpp!!!

I guess that is about it for the day the scanning's and the uploading's are taking my time here and I truly like to get as much done as possible. My deadline for August 30th will most likely NOT hold. There has been and is far too much than expected. Not complaining but a really hard and tiring job to do. You have no idea.

Much love to ya,

See you shortly - baby!!



11th of August 2005

So the ongoing story of adding the articles.
It is after some hard days (and nights for various reasons) that I today sit here tired and worn out scanning like crazy. But it is all good. Nothing to be worried about. There will be around another 200 added pages in the next four days EVERY DAY. Also today.

The Vince Neil section on the articles will have its lot today. So to the music of "Exposed" from back in the day the toe tipping makes it go so smoothly I can hardly believe it. Especially after all the trouble there has been with scanners, programs, and available time schedules and what have you. So it is truly a nice feeling. Have you been in on there and followed the addings the last few days then you know there has been a lot of work on it.

A few things have been messing with my mind the last few days. Especially since yesterday. Issues of various kinds. A lot of newly popped up questions have to be given answers to before the weekend is over. So I have a lot of serious thinking to do while doing this here. Cause this thing here with the articles and the site update in general HAS TO BE finished on the 30th of this month.

Only problem is that there are so many things in my life that kind of get in the way of spending all the time I like on here. So from this coming Monday it will be rather tough to make whatever will be left after Sundays work.

Let us just hope for the best. This thing has had its good fair share of about 10-12 wasted hours of work cause of fucked electrical equipment. Okay enough whining, I know. But it has been rough since we from the get go on this one, knew it was a tight schedule to work with.

USA - in September is slowly closing in every day too. New thoughts on that, considerations of all kinds of things have also to be put in place over the next 3 to 4 days. I think it is fair to say it is serious times for this boy. So if any one sends me mails or asks me questions in here or through mail please, due to all of the above, I may take some time to get back to you all. Sorry.

Okay the scanner is running red hot as I type in here ...But that too gotta be watched so I am out of here again. It is noon right now and the day is still long .. need yet another 125 scans to get done today. So enjoy.

Later boys,


10th of August 2005

It is an early start today. Working on this site. It is 7:45 A.M. and I wanna have at least 200 more pages or scans of articles added today. So far about 740 are online and that may only be about one third of all of 'em. I kid you not. Like I said early on, there are tons of these things in the collection.

Also I heard from a guy that attended the Tommy Lee "in store" for his new "TOMMYLAND" CD release that the guy was really fired up about this one and that he also seemed to be extremely nice to all that attended. Man I wish I could have been there. But it just takes me back to the one thing it is all about. Money. Had I had it I had gone, trust me.

Just felt for an early posting - so there so - I will now get the scanner to burn and then hopefully at the end of the day this goal of today has been fulfilled too. Some 200 more scans on here. Don't you just love it?

Your host - Tomboy


9th of August 2005

Fucking hell!!! That is right. Fuck in hell....It has been some bad ass days with this thing here. Long and many days of work on this monster. And of course a few new ideas have been added too... both online and in my head for future cool.

Speaking of cool - today the 9th of August 2005 Tommy Lee the other ass... has his new album hitting the stores in the US today!! I sit here in Denmark writing this so I have not the chance to get it on the day. Sadly not Tommy or anybody else in the buizz has sent me the release pre-hand. LOL.... I just wanna say thanks for another release to the man and congrats on top of it. I know the CD, cause of one special person, is in the mail on its way to me as I type. Go get your "Tommyland" release now.

The Crue is on the road but Tommy has, as some of you may know, been offered the opening slot as support act to the up and coming Rolling Stones US tour later in the year. Cool offer to our drummer boy. I would love to see that. But remember it is a US thing only ...as so often before.

Now the site here is heavily growing and shit is added like crazy all the time.
I have so much to add here on all sorts of pages, that I have trouble finding the time to do it. The article pages are massive. It will be a nice thing once it is up and running with the addings that come in every day.

People have been kind of confused how it works.
You say there are pages on your screen with clickable numbers from "1 to 6" but there is nothing happening. Well that can be, or rather that IS, because there have not YET been added pages to that one specific page that you are looking at then. It will come.

Here is how it works:
Every era has pages from one to six. Page "One" holds the articles that are just a one page article from a magazine. The number "two" holds the ones to that era in time with ...yes you guessed it ... 2 pages from that certain magazine and so on.

Now, the page "six" on every era page holds the articles with 6 pages OR MORE as a single article. So don't get confused. I hope this little info helps you a little bit to understand how it is being built up? If not tough shit!!! Buy your own magazines.

-I had to. Go figure. Why the hell do you guys think I am constantly out of money? Well I am spending it on the boys. Constantly. No summer or winter Santa comes to my door bell and hands me shit. It is tough, but as said so many times before, well worth it. I know I will when the time comes, lay down as the mighty dude above us calls me in or maybe the dude below us (more likely) I will lift a big fart, smelly one too, and say thanks for nothing and go to rest with not a smile but rather a big fat sloppy grin on my face.

Now the site here will be worked on like crazy for the next three weeks and then we will see how far we have come with it. It is like I said earlier taking a lot of time but it has to be done right so it takes how ever long ... it takes.

4 weeks and counting by the way. The southern US tour of America is getting closer .. .why is it this sounds like a constant countdown? Cause it is mutha fuckers. ( Thanks again Scott you bad ass rubber boy - B.O.D. for that expresion) ... yeah yeah yeah shoot me - I don't care much. I do love your ass but start appreciating a little instead of whatever it is you do.

That band by the way Brides Of Destruction is out with a new release too in a few weeks and a US tour starting. No Sixx on that one we know - still a band I love to remind you all about. They stay cool . except the rubber ass of a ... well no names mentioned to sort of protect the ... WHAT((??!!)) innocent ....Well...

Okay enough "wife beating" on here for the day - enjoy what's up here and keep returning.
To you all I do mean YOU ALL... I love you guys and girls... ahhhhhh,

Crank the shit out of the stereo and as always be loyal to the power of Rock-N-Roll.

Sick My Duck .......baby!!


7th of August 2005

Any Sunday is more or less a boring Sunday isn't it?

Well this one is not at all. I have finally borrowed my chances to get around my line of problems listed on here the other day. I have worked more on the site here and it is all good. Except one little thing.

There may be a cancellation on the part of having the "Article" section made so all the pages are readable. It takes up a shit load of net space and it will be a thing that will cost me like double the charge on the site as it is for me right now. Plus the pages are opening up way slower than I want them to. Cause there are so god damn many of them.

I have not decided fully yet if the idea will be dropped or not.
They will be added on here for sure maybe just not in the way I wanted them to be.
I will let you all know about that in 24 hours. I promise.

A few more items have arrived to my house and they will all be added here too in the next day or two. The things take time so once again, bare with me. It is a long way to go to have this site the way I want it to be. But the changes here and there and the zillion added things are just taking it all closer and closer to the ultimate idea of how I would like to see this thing.

A few news stories from the band themselves and some COOL stories from some of the guys that were close to the band in the past - all really cool.

The biggest stinker is, still that one FULLY and DIRECT related Crüe family member is holding on to some things of mine and wont let go. They have all been bought and paid for and I have called, emailed and sent letters to this person so many times now without any replies what so ever. I begin to consider it stealing. I am so disappointed. So very very disappointed.

What else is new? Well the time flies (not really news now is it?) but time flies awfully fast these days and there is only weeks now till the next screams, house lights, bombs, and shit will be the surroundings of my evenings. Mötley Crüe shows to be seen in the US of A once again. And then most of my time goes with this site. An example:

Thurday - 17 hrs. Friday - 20 hrs. Saturday - 17 again .. today Sunday only about 7 or so .. because the ordinary life with laundry and what have you needs attention too.

Stinky but a fact!!! Could all days be Crüe days of this magnitude I PERSONALLY would be in heaven I am sure.

Heaven or not - I'm off ......trying to reach angels later on.....
Inside joke (not really) ........later Crüe dudes

C ya!!!


11th of August 2005

So the ongoing story of adding the articles.
It is after some hard days (and nights for various reasons) that I today sit here tired and worn out scanning like crazy. But it is all good. Nothing to be worried about. There will be around another 200 added pages in the next four days EVERY DAY. Also today.

The Vince Neil section on the articles will have its lot today. So to the music of "Exposed" from back in the day the toe tipping makes it go so smoothly I can hardly believe it. Especially after all the trouble there has been with scanners, programs, and available time schedules and what have you. So it is truly a nice feeling. Have you been in on there and followed the addings the last few days then you know there has been a lot of work on it.

A few things have been messing with my mind the last few days. Especially since yesterday. Issues of various kinds. A lot of newly popped up questions have to be given answers to before the weekend is over. So I have a lot of serious thinking to do while doing this here. Cause this thing here with the articles and the site update in general HAS TO BE finished on the 30th of this month.

Only problem is that there are so many things in my life that kind of get in the way of spending all the time I like on here. So from this coming Monday it will be rather tough to make whatever will be left after Sundays work.

Let us just hope for the best. This thing has had its good fair share of about 10-12 wasted hours of work cause of fucked electrical equipment. Okay enough whining, I know. But it has been rough since we from the get go on this one, knew it was a tight schedule to work with.

USA - in September is slowly closing in every day too. New thoughts on that, considerations of all kinds of things have also to be put in place over the next 3 to 4 days. I think it is fair to say it is serious times for this boy. So if any one sends me mails or asks me questions in here or through mail please, due to all of the above, I may take some time to get back to you all. Sorry.

Okay the scanner is running red hot as I type in here ...But that too gotta be watched so I am out of here again. It is noon right now and the day is still long .. need yet another 125 scans to get done today. So enjoy.

Later boys,


10th of August 2005

It is an early start today. Working on this site. It is 7:45 A.M. and I wanna have at least 200 more pages or scans of articles added today. So far about 740 are online and that may only be about one third of all of 'em. I kid you not. Like I said early on, there are tons of these things in the collection.

Also I heard from a guy that attended the Tommy Lee "in store" for his new "TOMMYLAND" CD release that the guy was really fired up about this one and that he also seemed to be extremely nice to all that attended. Man I wish I could have been there. But it just takes me back to the one thing it is all about. Money. Had I had it I had gone, trust me.

Just felt for an early posting - so there so - I will now get the scanner to burn and then hopefully at the end of the day this goal of today has been fulfilled too. Some 200 more scans on here. Don't you just love it?

Your host - Tomboy


9th of August 2005

Fucking hell!!! That is right. Fuck in hell....It has been some bad ass days with this thing here. Long and many days of work on this monster. And of course a few new ideas have been added too... both online and in my head for future cool.

Speaking of cool - today the 9th of August 2005 Tommy Lee the other ass... has his new album hitting the stores in the US today!! I sit here in Denmark writing this so I have not the chance to get it on the day. Sadly not Tommy or anybody else in the buizz has sent me the release pre-hand. LOL.... I just wanna say thanks for another release to the man and congrats on top of it. I know the CD, cause of one special person, is in the mail on its way to me as I type. Go get your "Tommyland" release now.

The Crue is on the road but Tommy has, as some of you may know, been offered the opening slot as support act to the up and coming Rolling Stones US tour later in the year. Cool offer to our drummer boy. I would love to see that. But remember it is a US thing only ...as so often before.

Now the site here is heavily growing and shit is added like crazy all the time.
I have so much to add here on all sorts of pages, that I have trouble finding the time to do it. The article pages are massive. It will be a nice thing once it is up and running with the addings that come in every day.

People have been kind of confused how it works.
You say there are pages on your screen with clickable numbers from "1 to 6" but there is nothing happening. Well that can be, or rather that IS, because there have not YET been added pages to that one specific page that you are looking at then. It will come.

Here is how it works:
Every era has pages from one to six. Page "One" holds the articles that are just a one page article from a magazine. The number "two" holds the ones to that era in time with ...yes you guessed it ... 2 pages from that certain magazine and so on.

Now, the page "six" on every era page holds the articles with 6 pages OR MORE as a single article. So don't get confused. I hope this little info helps you a little bit to understand how it is being built up? If not tough shit!!! Buy your own magazines.

-I had to. Go figure. Why the hell do you guys think I am constantly out of money? Well I am spending it on the boys. Constantly. No summer or winter Santa comes to my door bell and hands me shit. It is tough, but as said so many times before, well worth it. I know I will when the time comes, lay down as the mighty dude above us calls me in or maybe the dude below us (more likely) I will lift a big fart, smelly one too, and say thanks for nothing and go to rest with not a smile but rather a big fat sloppy grin on my face.

Now the site here will be worked on like crazy for the next three weeks and then we will see how far we have come with it. It is like I said earlier taking a lot of time but it has to be done right so it takes how ever long ... it takes.

4 weeks and counting by the way. The southern US tour of America is getting closer .. .why is it this sounds like a constant countdown? Cause it is mutha fuckers. ( Thanks again Scott you bad ass rubber boy - B.O.D. for that expresion) ... yeah yeah yeah shoot me - I don't care much. I do love your ass but start appreciating a little instead of whatever it is you do.

That band by the way Brides Of Destruction is out with a new release too in a few weeks and a US tour starting. No Sixx on that one we know - still a band I love to remind you all about. They stay cool . except the rubber ass of a ... well no names mentioned to sort of protect the ... WHAT((??!!)) innocent ....Well...

Okay enough "wife beating" on here for the day - enjoy what's up here and keep returning.
To you all I do mean YOU ALL... I love you guys and girls... ahhhhhh,

Crank the shit out of the stereo and as always be loyal to the power of Rock-N-Roll.

Sick My Duck .......baby!!


7th of August 2005

Any Sunday is more or less a boring Sunday isn't it?

Well this one is not at all. I have finally borrowed my chances to get around my line of problems listed on here the other day. I have worked more on the site here and it is all good. Except one little thing.

There may be a cancellation on the part of having the "Article" section made so all the pages are readable. It takes up a shit load of net space and it will be a thing that will cost me like double the charge on the site as it is for me right now. Plus the pages are opening up way slower than I want them to. Cause there are so god damn many of them.

I have not decided fully yet if the idea will be dropped or not.
They will be added on here for sure maybe just not in the way I wanted them to be.
I will let you all know about that in 24 hours. I promise.

A few more items have arrived to my house and they will all be added here too in the next day or two. The things take time so once again, bare with me. It is a long way to go to have this site the way I want it to be. But the changes here and there and the zillion added things are just taking it all closer and closer to the ultimate idea of how I would like to see this thing.

A few news stories from the band themselves and some COOL stories from some of the guys that were close to the band in the past - all really cool.

The biggest stinker is, still that one FULLY and DIRECT related Crüe family member is holding on to some things of mine and wont let go. They have all been bought and paid for and I have called, emailed and sent letters to this person so many times now without any replies what so ever. I begin to consider it stealing. I am so disappointed. So very very disappointed.

What else is new? Well the time flies (not really news now is it?) but time flies awfully fast these days and there is only weeks now till the next screams, house lights, bombs, and shit will be the surroundings of my evenings. Mötley Crüe shows to be seen in the US of A once again. And then most of my time goes with this site. An example:

Thurday - 17 hrs. Friday - 20 hrs. Saturday - 17 again .. today Sunday only about 7 or so .. because the ordinary life with laundry and what have you needs attention too.

Stinky but a fact!!! Could all days be Crüe days of this magnitude I PERSONALLY would be in heaven I am sure.

Heaven or not - I'm off ......trying to reach angels later on.....
Inside joke (not really) ........later Crüe dudes

C ya!!!


5th of August 2005

What the hell have I started here? The new section of the "Articles" is yet not killing me.
But boy, my heaps of technical shit happening. But we are on the way with this monster. The train has left the station never to return. And thank god I am on it. The seatbelt has been fastened and we are slowly but surely gaining speed.

In the middle of all this scanning the articles for you guys out there, there is also a constant adding to the other sections on here. Today will also have the flyers, This-n-That, magazine posters, and more.. Just keep returning. This is probably the only site on the world wide web that has a Crue updating and adding to it in this tempo.
Sad it is not a store huhh?? Yeah I hear ya!!!

A few more things have also been added to the pile of shit laying on US ground waiting for me to pick them up in just ONE SHORT MONTH!!!
I can not believe it. Time all of a sudden just flies away in high speed. It really is a tough thing to get this job done but trust me, it is a hell of a rush too. Would never think twice about buying a ticket for this ride.

The next 4 weeks will have a high priority of scanning and editing and more for this section.
I truly have no time for ordinary working or anything else. And as the month ends well... USA is calling my name. Who is calling my name? LOL!!! LOL!!! LOL!!!

I have rarely been this concerned money wise too.

My PC is gone - broken down not to get a new one in 2005. There is just no chance for that. Well there is if I drop the late fall plans and Mötley buyings. But let me tell you there is no way a fucking machine shall be the reason for my Motley buying to stop for a long time. Rather be without the PC.

I can not really be without one but as of now I am forced to. Also my kitchen has introduced me to break downs of various kinds. The refrigerator and the oven say thank you and have a good night too. In the fucking summer time when it is financially just not a good time. So you see this is not the coolest times for little old me. Money flying out the window like I do not know what!!

But the focus as said right now is this the SITE, the ultimate site and salute to the boys of rock. I hope you all get a kick out of these new happenings and addings as they come closer to the actual end.

Now back to work. And as always thanks for watching.
Primal scream!!!

Tommy mutha fucking Lee
(like that quote from Scott of B.O.D. - fucking sick)


3rd of August 2005

Shit, it will only be a short line on here today. We started the "Article" pages yesterday. And now it is turning out that it's much more complicated than that. We need so many forms, codes, links, and shit so I can only say hopefully will we be able to make it in time for the promised deadline of August 31st!!

I welcome Corinna H. from the southern states of the USA in on here. She will be one that little by little will have a few things to say and do with this site. You may later get her info so she can be some kind of a US contact for the site if you like. It will come. Just bare with me on everything. It is a tight schedule right now and the so called boring ordinary life has its things to be dealt with too, so there is a limit too - when we talk about time that can go in to this site. Sorry about that. Trust me I would have liked it differently.

So many things are now laying in the states to be brought home. And being added to this site. But there is still a good month or more for that to be happening. But trust me August and September will be a truly cool cool thing and an awesome period for new adds to this monster.

I wanna thank Morten, Pia, Corinna, and Heidi for the hard and good work with these new ideas. It simply could not have happened without them.
Mattias - I hope you are okay in Sweden too....sorry miss time to talk more to you,
Pearl - I don't know what I can say, miss you much, but it's only words right. We had it cool, Sari - thanks for putting up with the complicated crap you know what I am saying I guess that goes for you too Angela.....see you all shortly.

To the rest of you out there thanks a bunch for the support and comments to this site. I appreciate it all good or bad..

Soft skin, small feet, cool, and more .I'll be all over it...shortly


1st of August 2005

It simply is a weird couple of days for me. I have found myself to be in kind of a sad mood the last few days. I guess too many disappointments and no care from anybody except one or maybe two. Those I thank deeply. Another person is about to get in over the site shortly. To become a bigger part of it little by little.

I have had several items coming my way.
Or to be more exact - they are mine but they will be picked up
as I am in the states in about 4 weeks time from now.
That will then be the time for a line of things to be added on here as well.

The newly started thing with all the posters and articles has slowly started today.
I can not believe that I decided to do that. I mean if there had been like maybe
or 2 hundred pages, but you can easily multiply that with 15, at least, then we are closing in. The scanning for the first maybe 50 or 70 pages took me like an afternoon but is now done and ready to be added tomorrow night. So return to see the latest look then..

The thing will be quiet amazing as it comes to surface. I just pray to it that we can have it working like it is meant to so the damn articles cannot only be viewed but also read.

Anyway - it's a time of hard work and busy doings throughout August if the webmaster
can put her shit together. Seems like summer emotions, sex, & stiffies are more fun for a certain one these days. Shame on you....we got work to do.

Alright alright - hold your horses. I warned you all early on. This dude tells it like it is.

Well just a line of news for you all that it's on a roll with the latest idea from today.
And that is NOT an April fools thing.... No way......

And you can take that one to the bank....
Ten seconds till love??
...fuck that - more like 5 weeks till that shit goes down.


29th of July 2005

My god!!!
What a week. High phone bills - extra bills for this and that.
Hard being only a working son of a bitch. Paychecks just does not cover the wanted.
If you know what I mean.

Enough cry baby on my part. Money is low, joy is high, so fucking what about the rest of it.

September sneaks in slowly and to you all I have a new thing started.
That will mean adding about 2000 yes TWO THOUSAND
new pictures through out August. I am Today starting the "sceletor" for the up-n-coming ARTICLES AND MAGAZINE POSTERS!!!
A hell of a job to add in here. Cause it is simply a ton of stuff.

You can easily say the size as it is now ... by the end of August will be double. So enjoy. Thursday will see the first few addings in here. Bare with me it will be era for era to keep track of most of it. It will cost the team behind this site a great deal of sleep and what else.
But we have a deadline saying August 30th for it all.
Simply because I have another plan up my sleeve. Maybe I will tell later.

There is a good 20 some items in the mail on the way to me as I speak.
So that too of course will be added and after that probably nothing more till mid September. I will not be able to get the money. Period. There is a tour coming up and though NIKKI once again has been sweet, it is just not all for free. So what else can be said.
I honestly have no fucking clue.

I hope you all can find the patience till this new monster is cleared. It will take a good month but it will (if you like reading) be a mouthful. So far that is it from here.

PS: have you all heard the band has been given the "job" as being the house hold band of
.... in Las Vegas? Search the site and you will find out more if interested.
One more week and Tommy's new album is out. Don't forget.
That's all!!


25th of July 2005

Some day this has been.
Refined most of all that is online here. You have got to look for yourself. Hopefully you will see a slight change to some earlier fucked up "out of focus" items that have been looking like it or they have been through a fucking thunder storm.

Should be considered changed - NOW!!
Thank you very much. So hold your fucking horses about it.

Just a quick note.
Remember there is a 2006 calendar to be pre-ordered right now.
It is a US only item so all us idiots in Europe or else where have once again have to spend a shit load of extra $ in shipping to get it. But I guess that is as it always has been in  the world of collecting these fuckers.

Also only two weeks till the new TOMMY LEE CD release is in the streets. "TOMMYLAND" is also if you want the US version up for pre-order. I don't really wanna go in on a line of links - you do your own searching on the world wide web and find your ways.

Finally the up and coming double DVD "Carnival Of Sins" has gotten a US release date of Oct. 4th - do not know the one for Europe. This US version too is up for pre-order now. If no where else then at the official site of the boys. You know the address.

Besides the slight changes and refines on here today there are a few new items listed as well. As always to make things easier - just look at the rolling banner at the top of this site. Easy. Don't tell me any different. Or I will smack you.

Today a lill less than 6 weeks till the next and new line of Crüe shows hits my face.
Guess how I feel. Do I seriously have to comment anything anymore - don't think so.

I may see you out there - I may not. If that's so - you and you only is to blame.
I am not gonna miss this for the world.

That's all and that's that - end of today's hard work....
Good night....


24th of July 2005

It seems like a demand. Many have asked me if there is no like magazine articles in my collection. The answer is "Yes" tons. Can they be put on here? Well yes but the problem is that it takes a lot of space and there are perhaps 1000's of pages...

I have though, decided to try to do it. It will not be any time soon.
Cause it would have to be a time when I can actually say I am able to take a full weekend off to do it. The scanning alone will take days. But You all hang in there and I will try to throw 'em in here little by little. But be warned - there are shit loads. The more I think about it this site can become a fucking awesome MAMMUTH by the end of the year.
You asked for it, Have an awesome Sunday...


23rd of July 2005

Today has been a shit cool day.
It has just been one of them days where I have had a fairly great feeling with most of what has been going on today. I can only hope that you are all aware of what I am saying. That you all are having this experience once in a while too? Do I hear a YES?? Awesome.

I have gotten a few things in the mail today too.
A bit of it has been in the mail for like several weeks so it is nice to see it finally has arrived here. Further more the SIXX jacket, black and white striped, Theatre tour jacket is in the house too. Will get a few pictures taken of it and list in the personal section either tomorrow or Monday. Looks like the old man is in good luck again for a couple of days.

I have been kind of down too as you know - you that follow my adventures in the Crue world on here. I have dealt with a lot of worries and all so it is absolutely really nice that it is now a good day all together.

Some pages have been updated as you can see. a few new items are on here. So after several months with this site online I have still managed to add stuff at least twice a week. It is quite impressive I think.

It is Saturday today and tomorrow is another relaxing day with NO CRUE what so ever, I don't think. And that could actually be okay too. I am sorry but, it could. Monday we will rumble again and go crazy. LOL

The clock has been started for real now - the count down to my next trip over there US of A. Turning the page as we go from August in to September. I for one can not wait.
I know it will be a kick in the mutha fucking ass, once more.

I just wanna say one last thing about my old best friend here in Denmark. Thanks for everything. I have no idea what will happen. We are a bit distant now and I seem to be the one that has the biggest problem about it. But what ever goes on - still thank you.
You are a missed one.

Hargrave - you I can only say one thing to as well. Sorry for being a fool. You know of what I refer to. You know I love you. If not shame on you.

Have you all by the way heard that yesterday the "Too Fast For Love" VINYL album and the 7" "Stick To Your Guns" has been released as a limited hand numbered
set for $18.99 in 5000 copies only? Surf the net and get it while it lasts.

I guess that is my gift to you all out there that did not know about this.

Soon to come and to be added on here:
personal, posters, shirts, this-n-that, cd's, vinyl's, and more.........

Remember live in the now -
use experiences from yesterday and go for the goals of tomorrow.
Then you can almost only gain some wins. Trust me I know what I am talking about.

Till next week (only a few days)
Crank it up .....today's cool......"Too Fast For Love"

"The impossible"


21st of July 2005

It is a rather stinky day today.
Quite bored. Yet with at least some good news. On the Crue side. I have gotten a promise that the jacket ((financially)) will be able to come to my belonging in September. The Tommy Lee owned and worn coat .
see other date posting with picture below.

Also my baby has gone once again helping me out by "taken' care" of a pair of Tommy Lee worn cowboy boots. They could and should be on here in mid Sept. Along with a line of new stuff. Thanks a great deal baby. NO WORDS FOR IT.
September will see a fairly huge portion of Crue stuff being added.

More before that of course. Things are in the mail as they say. So no worries. There are several things all the time.

My best friend - another help from her .. also thanks there... Actually there is a line of people I should and could thank a great deal.
But I rather go like this - you all know who I appreciate for what!! So THANK YOU!!!

I have a hard time with some issues right now and there isn't anything anyone can do about it. It of course in my own ways affects the universe of mine too - Motley!!

I am high yet in a tough game.
I am glad yet kind of scared and sad.
Maybe I just should not go there ..... sorry all. It isn't fair to say A and not go to B right!!
Sorry lads. Guess it was just a lill thing I needed to let out of my system.

I hope things will be truly amazing again as we get in to August!!

Till next time - crank that Mötley shit up!!

Love to all my friends worldwide.



18th of July 2005

Fly soup!!!

What? Yes you read it right, fucking fly soup.
Delicious supper isn't it?!!! There are so many fucking flies and insects in the air of this fucked up town today it is awful.

Anyway I am NOT here to make a remark on today's weather forecast – shit no!!

I am here to do today's posting on the coolest fucking Crue fan site around.


Any comments?

I didn't think so!! Well these last couple of days have been hell with some totally Fucked up eBay sellers. I really begin to wonder. Should I create a list in on here

that holds these fucker's ID's?

A few has actually been so goddamn rude that I can only say, Glad I have not stood face to face with these dicks!!

Other's have had problems with my arrival of payment sent through BIDPAY.

I posted the other day that I have raised hell on the line with BIDPAY too right?

Today, thank god, one of the 3 cases/sellers received their payment.

And some have been like awesome too. Totally cool.

We have had serious good communications. Speaking about eBay, I wanna know who "cooks500" is, I think that was the ID on that, and who that is. And who is "mayhem69".
They are shit irritating.

They grab all in the absolute final seconds of auction endings & make all the first bids on every fuckin' thing.

Another one crued1_4life – sorry do not wanna fight over things.

But certain things in this NON hobby but rather LIFESTYLE I lead,

I have to have these items baby!

It makes me sad that you and I have to "fight" over things here and there on eBay, but you have grabbed shit from me in the final seconds too, so many times.


Today I have taken the now old "meet-n-greet" shots to photo care – a chain store in this country and finally I will have them in real photos. A couple have been ordered as a poster sized cause I wanna get them signed in September as my next tour with the Mötleys is coming then.

I am as low as Anyone can possibly be financially these days and this is just pure and simply a non smart move to make – Period.  I guess in all honesty MOST of what I do is non smart. But guess what, My heart is in it 300% and that is what counts for me … surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other than that, Well the site is slightly going through changes here and there so I just hope you all like it.

You can always in the "Kickstart My Heart" section post what you think.

And or like or don't like. Remember safe sex is wet dreams, cum in bed and a biiigggg fart in the puddle. Nothing but a bunch of bed covers and sheets are to be washed.

No 18 years misery or anything. Plus you save on condoms or pills.
Do it yourself – have fun,

Mr. Bad!!!!

(or so one tells me)


15th of July 2005

Okay just as I thought it can now not get any sweeter on the matter of getting lucky!

I have just received my plane ticket the other day and the Crue show ticket (THX)
PLUS I got the black and white striped Sixx Theatre jacket paid out ...
mama help me your son is shit broke. I am below low ...
Actually the world would have to come up with a new expression to cover my situation financially with a word as of now. LOL

But those BIG ISSUES have been taken care of and NOW I got this offer too from the personal assistant of Tommy Lee on the European Red White And Crue tour to buy from him, late September, the worn coat by Tommy Lee at previous award show.
See picture at the top.

Tommy bought this coat at the store "New York" on Melrose in Hollywood.

Rik!!! My man, I personally wanna thank you for the understanding towards the situation and for the chance you give me here to own and add this piece to my monstrous collection.
Do get back should you find or can get other stuff. I truly like to get these things.

This is NOT healthy doings on my part again - financially - lol.. but to do this, get this added to the collection, AND to maybe establish a bond to this guy - is well worth the money.
Again don't ask about the price tag, not telling!!!

Holy shit a lot will be added the next 2 months, I see that now.
Then again things get added here almost every other day!!
Amazing or?
Yes it is!!!

-To my best friend, for what is now the latest <on planet messy< hope we will survive this chaos and get the bond rebuilt.

Alright that is about all for the day!!
I am having major problems with the BIDPAY online payment company!!!
Fucking shit.

But I am on their asses on all issues.

Alright - have a wet time cum in bed sit in it and blow bubbles - FART!!
Disgusting but truely funny!!!

It is the safest safe sex I can think of!!!
Have fun.

Your host!!


13th of July 2005,

How is this for ironic shit!
Got my ticket to the US in September today!
Going back home from Washington September 11th.
Making no big fuss about it. Just talking to my old mama today (sweet worrying soul)
14 planes leave from US towards Denmark that day.
And Denmark, England, and France have been the countries supporting the US troups in the war.

And only Denmark of the three is the one NOT been hit by terrorism .. YET!!!
Ironic right? I mean think about it! I go over there again - see Crüe once more heading home on that date and just IF something happens - that's just fucking bad ass shit isnt it??

Count your days boy!!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ......

On the matter of my well being - tomorrow is my I dare say big day.
My friend is hurting and I am hurting big time. I have not been wanting to listen to Crüe today.
It is my best friend, all over it till i know if we are breaking parts here tomorrow.
What is the sick shit, is that I personally feel I have to make shit up to go "You're right".
You are so right on every issue.

One scared me off or maybe I should say enlightend me that this is very typical female actings. My best friend will and DOES hate me for doing this on here.
I have more from the get go been saying ALL that touches my Crue world and thinking one way or another will be written in here. It's a diary. Diaries hold thoughts.
Only this diary here, holds ONLY thoughts, replies, and happenings dealing with my passion in Crüe.

Sorry - that is what this is meant to be. An open book.
More than a few people have so far been very personal with me on things posted.
I feel okay with that.
It is my thoughts and reactions to actions.
Others have theirs that they too can say out loud or choose to keep to themselves.

No point repeating myself with a listing on this best friend thing in here.
I am hurt and I feel really stepped on.
My friend SAYS I am keeping her out of my life. Saying I am lying.
Saying I dont share no more.

If somebody out there has the effective medicine for for this one - tell me.
Cause I am not a wizard. Do not have a crystal ball. I have only my flesh and bones as always .....something is going on that I do not have the power to affect in her heart.
Smells rotten. Smells like a brother and sister walks their seperate ways only cause of a sadly stupid belief that holds nothing.

Pearl you have no idea, you keep saying and reminding me you are hurt over this .....
you really don't seem to care about my being no longer.
My tongue has spoken to you and told you it's all fiction in your brains.
I loose too.

This truely is a sad day ......
In many ways .

4ever loyalty...
have to ...


12th of July 2005

Another day in the name of Crüe.
Meaning? Well - meaning that there will be a few more things added on here today.
Not much cause the postman can't seem to find his way to my doorstep.
So today we will settle for less. But it all adds up now doesnt it?
Yes it does.

-Some may also wonder what is up with the picture of the girl on top of this posting.
Well it is my, at times, mentioned best friend. She can laugh or she can yell at me (again) for doing this. I have an ongoing thing here with her that is not good.
Seems to be on shakin' ground this friendship. I cannot forgive her for some things she is saying to me and she, it seems, can't forgive me!! If this is a friends funeral then she needs to know this:

I have never in my existing life had a closer friend.
I too through jealousy, made up stories and other things that could never come between this. I may be wrong. I may be dead wrong. And that is another reason for living the way I live.
Don't live with what is smart live with a risk at heart. Have your heart in all that you do.
Don't put up with continuous shit to please people...
Please yourself but be true, loyal, friendly, helpfull, and listen to the few that matter dearly.
This is what I feel I have done and this is what I now feel is no longer enough for this friendship..
I will miss you if, when we meet Thursday, will part our ways for good.

The only few things that can crush my heart is: lost thing or person that has my full passion and appreciation. That would be, close family (yes close not all), important friends, girlfriend, hobby, loved job, or other things.

So guess what, I am in a happy fase of my life these days cause things are fairly good on a few issues but then this is pulling it all down a lill.
I think Mötley Crüe and their music cannot help me here. Or at least they will have a hard time helping me get through this one. Cause we also shared more Crüe together than I ever will with anyone.
Not even me and the webmaster share this much Crüe.. that's gotta say something cause we work on this a lot...

It is tough to let someone go - and especially over things only made up in one of our heads.
It simply can become a split for all the wrong reasons. Period!!!

Hate facts like that!!
The more I think about this shit the more I actually wish I would have changed to a person with as much new ongoings in my life as my best friend claims I have and shot her off of. Sad. The more I think about the fact that I am almost married to Corinna (in rumours) the more I actully would like to see if I can get her as a steady girl.
It would all be so much easier.

Besides YES we are both Crueheads and yes we do share a lot ....
I am not and will not write a book on my views on her
it's only my buisness but dear best friend - why can't you any longer give me the appreciated space to actually get the rumours to become solid facts before you strangle me?
Let there actually be some meat on the bones before we can actually say we have a feast.

Yes it takes a lot of me to write these things.
I am - we are - losing something beautiful here.
And there is abslolutely no way this thing will be found again for either of us for a long time.
TRUE TRUE TRUE freinds with so much XTRA to go - sharing, friendly love as if we were BROTHER AND SISTER (your words too) is not replaceable.
Think about that for a second. I will meet you Thursday and we will rap this up. As a continuation or as a burried beauty.

I am dead sure I can not look at a Crüe poster or listen to them without being reminded of our years together as friends.
We shared and created a lot of Motley shows on radio together too.

- I felt sick, bad, and what's worse last night too. Really bad. Must be all the concerns I have for this and that plus the fucking heat! Summer heat you can have it. I am a rocker by heart not a beach boy. Shit. Too hot for me. Hand me fall and winter and I'm blooming!

Much love
A broken host!!

PS: pix on top - best friend with a shared HUGE experince only two weeks ago....her fave boys from Finland Private Line


10th of July

I know guys, and I am sorry you have to deal with my almost EVERY DAY postings these days!!

Look I just wanted to share this ...the mentiend Sixx tour worn jacket in the picture
above has been an offer to me for some time now.
Today I had a final chat with the owner of it and it's now official.
It will go my way. Payment straight up cash tomorrow .. don't ask for the amount on it
- I wont tell. Save your troubles.

I can however tell you that I AM SHIT BLESSED!!!!
Look at what I have going these days for me.
Being famous - FUCK IT
Being filthy rich - FUCK IT
Having a nice car - FUCK IT
Looking like a model - FUCK IT

I am having my girl and my best friend, this site and my rock-n-roll, and none of the above can ever top that!!
Everybody else that says I am wrong is an asshole
Everyone else that claims I am wrong is a pussy
Everyone else that talks shit is green with envy and a dick on top of it too.

The few that can actually sit calmly reading this and go "right on!" is a cool fucker.
A friend of mine. My kind of human....

Now go puke - I'll have a pizza!!

May the devil bless my soul,

Till late summer fuckings, cold beers, and a Crue show - crank the shit up!!

Yours truely


9th of July 2005,

Holy macrel,
One posting has been hitting hard on here today. I had not seen this posting till around noon my time. That is (just to give you guys info) about 3-4 hrs. after the posting I refer to. The posting I am talking about is this one here:
Date: 09 Jul 2005 Time: 08:54:33

What people have been (11 e-mails in total till now alone)
asking me about are these things here:

1. Tommy are you now involved with this girl?
2. Tommy will this make a drastic change to the site or the collection?
3. Tommy I dont get this, what is this all about, pls explain?
4. Are you selling out?

There are other questions and cause of these I am gonna get things carved in stone for you all. Ready here it goes.....pure speculating.
Later in this posting you will most likely go "ahhh ok I see, how can he possibly be able to answer all..."

Okay here goes nothing:

I am still single. I don't mind getting involved.
I also do not mind the universe of being in a relationship.
For all you that have been reading the CRUEHEAD section on this site, not much has changed. With that I mean exactly what the "Cruehead" section is saying.
I have gone through a lot in my life the past 2 decades to have this Crüe life and to have this collection growing to what it is today!!
Have always said nothing shall or will come between my Crüe life.

Now this girl who has been posting, that has caused a reaction towards me well...
Right now we talk like I have not talked to many before of the opposite sex.
We are trying to get to meet in Sept.
(things can go bad so I choose the word we TRY to organize this)

And we both have some pretty cool equal likings and so on.
I will if it really matters that much to you all - return in Sept. with a "Im taken for" or a "another disappointment" in the life of a guy/girl situation.

No matter what - the posting girl has already made it clear too that my Crüe life can and will not change unless I personally choose to change it.
Which I in the time of posting here have NO intentions for.
So there so....

BabyC is her at times -
She has been very helpful with shit loads of things from the states side.
She is a truely cool friend to have in the crue world - all you out there think hard about how and what your BEST friend means to you.
That is what this one is to me these days too.

I already have a BEST FRIEND here in Denmark
and that one sure as hell is of great importance still.
I am willing to say for life!!!

BabyC(rue) is also, the band ......I love 'em --- miss 'em ---- and what have you.
I have been fortunate enough to have this cool thing with a couple of them and I do
not wanna ever rip that apart.

When I write certain things the people here and there they know who they are.
For the rest of the fans that go in here and simply read it through ...
well... just very informative reading I guess.
No harm done to anyone.

Except the dicks, assholes and pussies out there.
I hate your guts. May you rot in hell and never return to become anything,
but something the dogs leave behind fresh, warm, and on the sidewalks!!

I love the idea of maybe finally finding myself (in the future) in a relationship that would also work.
Will the webmaster or my best friend here, a today nameless total stranger, or this posting girl be it.?? Who can tell..
Her best girlfriend is on my ass all the time these days .. wanting to look me over .. .
so I can perhaps down the line get the "APROVED" stamp....LOL LOL LOL

I have as only a few of you know .. .tried earlier to move to the states...
Was so close in the early stages of 2005. Now - who the hell knows.
Corinna if I want you - if I find you just as cute as you are now and you me the world could get a Crue fan couple. Fucking funny.
Like I said already and her words too... time will tell....
We have good feelings about whatever (your word C) lol lol lol......
And we are building an awesome thing.

What the fuck....
She posted this - I got bombed with curious people's mails ...
Now I react. Or make a comment.
To actually be with a Crue lover can be awesome.
It can also be dynamite in the bad sence .....
Right now it's as harmless as nothing else .
I miss her deeply, I care for her and I love my "new" found friend like hell.

Feel free to kill me next time you see me if these few comments don't make up for what ever you wanted to hear or still have questions too?!!

My Crüe life still lives on very well. Like crazy.
Only costing me too much money ... lol lol lol ... but Nikki you lovely bastard,
you help me on getting things - to feel a bit easier too. So ......

Yeah that's right. No further explenations towards that lill brain fart.

Some people are truely very helpfull....
To all, thx for all.
You fucking know who you are.
I like to get more of Corinna... and I will.
Now it is out there and we know I have my ticket booked and all. I am going over.
She lives pretty far away form the concert(s) attending .. but we WILL meet and then ..
magic .. maybe. Baby!!!
Couldn't hold back baby...... (you asked for it ) lol lol lol....

Secrets ... there are no secrets.
Unless you out there consider all things not told secrets.
I have different glasses to look through!!
That's all.

Miss you girl - thanks for letting the world know . lol lol lol ....
Boy oh boy .lol lol

Have a great Saturday .. I am having a too hot one.. Here it's like 95 degrees (US temp).
Fuckin' hell I'm boiling here.
HATE THE SHIT!!!!!!!! Winter come in over me soon...

Now back to the ordinary shit happening.de

Was any light spread over your curiousity?
I don't really mind or care ....
It is a personal thing anyways..
(expecting hate mails now) lol lol




8th of July 2005

Guess what?
It is fucking Friday......that means week-end and all.Of course the gods have promised heat like hell. Not functional for me. Damn it . Want it cooler. Want - yeah well ......Tomorrow the Theatre striped jacket from Sixx and the Theatre tour will be paid off.  If the guy that has it does not change his mind like another fucker did recently....A guy wanted to sell a Tommy belonging from a past tour and sacked me as payment was about to go out
Fucking cunt!!

This one here I have actually had fairly good communications with. So ... I pray for a result in a good way! My USA ticket - plane - is taken care of today.. don't ask how or anything. Fucking cash is killing me. That's my own goddamn stinky problem I know ...

I just say "not doing it"...Not an option some how is it? God fucking damn it.

No new crue in the mail for days now .. wonder what the hell is happening. There are quite a few things on their way.

But I have over the years also lost a great deal in the mail. And as said here givin an example to yet another asshole that has taken, stolen, or regretted a sale or what ever has been his or her slimy problem...

Hope it will come soon though.. everything that's in the waits...Now - as said it is Friday and that means off from work too... for some of us anyways. Time to dust off the stereo and blast it out with some Crue again. To hell with the damned and borring neighbours ... these fuckers ((loudspeakers)) can cut it fairly for me ...LOL LOL LOL

Till next time ... get wild - have fun and stay true to yourself. Dont be a pleaser....

Love you all,
Kisses to "ME"


6th of July 2005,

First word of today!!!
For what reason?

I am getting all shaken up over a few things. I now WILL go to the states in Sept. I will again see the tour of Mötley Crüe.
I will get to places I have never been at before ...I think it will be shit exciting.

Wonder if there will be wicked southern americans - wanting to kick my sorry ass. What the hell as long as they do it AFTER the show it's all good.

BabyC I am fucking coming again. Can not wait to shake hands with a certain bunch of coolness again.

And with others FOR THE FIRST TIME.

This trip can change my life. Things will be tried out - things I will go for. Say no more right now.
First small step towards maybe a future to live in the US of fucking A.

We will see...

This will be the new second leg of the tour. New merchandise and all kinds of shit . No way I can come up with that kind of cash.
But ... Let me see what is possible when time comes.

Another thing is, today is the date I have been promised for sure the Theatre tour black and white striped jacket from Nikki Sixx's stage wear will be mine.

Speechless. Just smiling nearly crying over these two today new final settlements. Im blessed .... and I am thankful...

New girl on my personal THANK YOU list : Angela P. USA
You have only guesssings to what your doings towards different stuff means to me. Thank you.

A few changes in my every day life changed too... it is not really effecting my Crue world as such .

Just saying that things at times get shitty before you get to feel the good stuff. yeah right Tommy ... wooowww SUPRISE!!!! NOOOOOOOOOTTTT!!

Okay before the webmaster gets on my ass here - I am signing off again....Remember to check it all out.

Several new things on here and everwhere at mcrueloyalty.dk so......

There are a few new releases and bands I strongly recommend you to look in on too The GA GA's, Steve Walsh, Private Line, Soul Circus, & Weezer ...if you like melodic rock...Enjoy, till next time - touch me gently

Tx mutha Fxxxxx Lee


5th of July 2005,

Sick puppy!!! Who? Me... yes Tommy mutha fucking Lee (the BOD drummer named me this - I take it in), you are a sick sick puppy!!! It has been a huge day in the US of A ...The yearly party day of "4th Of July".I am not there, and it kind of kills me.Have been there earlier though. Too many years ago.

"Whatever!!!" -Good word right C. Hargrave? That is what this person says to me all the fucking time. "whatever". Good thing bad thing? Well an opinion towards every day life as such. God.... my personal lill attitude bitch!!

Anyway for all you have laid on me - the shit you do the shit you bought, Thanks a lot. As from everybody else that has givin me shit the last past few "whatever" Thanks a lot. You are all too kind. (though it was this sick puppy's birthday)

Now last night about 7 hrs ago I updated the site with all kinds of things. The pages touched you can see that on the rolling banner at the top of your screen.

A few new things have been started too. Under Posters we have opend a new page to grow. "Flyers / Handbills"

Also under "Awards" there is this link on there to so called "golden plagues / cellebration awards".

Check em all out. Like I say every now and then .. this site is becoming bigger all the time. Updates at least two times a week.
NO exceptions. Okay that was basically what I wanted to share with you all..

Again thanks everyone,
Love you all more than you can possibly know.

The sentimental shithead,

T mutha fucking Lee


3rd of July 2005

Private Line and Roskilde 2005.Sounds like a good combination? Well... what is Private Line?? It is a debuting artist from Finland.

Just spend a few days with them as I this past weekend went to Roskilde.There in Roskilde is a thing most have heard about . Roskilde Festival.These guys didn't play there this year, They have been there only for a summer holiday kind of thing to get inspiration for the soon to be recordings of the next release. The hard follower to a debut. The 2nd release.

Man we had a blast... I know you guys are gonna read this one of these days so...a BIG KICK IN THE ASS THANKS A LOT guys. You have been awesome during these few days in Denmark. Welcome back up on a stage soon I hope.

WWW.PRIVATELINEWEB.COM ((I hope is right)) if not fucking sue me...I have posted a little something here cause they are truely remarkable. Crue fans too. And for you that do not know. They were the OPENING ACT for Mötley in Finland 2005. A month ago.Cool job guys. Green eyed monster? Who me??? Naaahhhh..... Tommy you stink. You are boy....
YEEESSSSSSSSSSSS I admit it. I am scum!!! I envy I envy damn it....

Well Private Line and me .... it goes back about a year and a half now.. love these dicks. Cool as shit.Look at the picture - kindness not shown but trust me these gys are PARTY and hard at it. Hell throw in the towel before their parties kills you.

I missed my 2005 Crüe touring as hell yesterday. Can not really tell why. Simply (maybe) cause I love the shit. But hanging around these guys did not help me much either. We talked Crüe a lot I think.

What else? Missed like I said the tour .. there by also BabyC. How could I not?? Dumb ass....
Looks like my Sep. trip is pretty much in the can. Nice to feel that way ....

I have walked the souls off of my shoes this week-end. Litterally. My shoe almost died on me on the road this time..-BAAAADDDD.

Mötley Crüe:
well whats new? hmmm let`s see!! I have a line of deals about to start and I have a line of stuff to be uploaded tomorrow Monday!!! Can not do it today it is too late and the job takes focus...So ... No!!! Not now.

There will be ; posters, this n that, shirts, books and more ...Just click in - refresh the god damn thing and enjoy.To the fuckers out there; sorry been away and have had an awefull lot of beers. ( the finninsh fault)!!!! Cheers guys . you are killing me ....LOL

Besides somebody had to celebrate my shitty birthday....LOL..LOL..LOL....
Okay now this now OLDER dog needs his beauty sleep...-Gotta run ya all.....later .Feel free to contact me ...1-800 out of nowhere .

Thanks again guys..Private Line....
Much Love,



1st of July 2005

Damn it - never thought it happend. Lucky for me!! I made it ... yeee haaa..one year older. This fuckhead just wont die...lol lol lol.

Been a while now but life can be fairly good if you want it to be.Things are about to change in my life. At least I am buying myself this "life lotto ticket" and I am gonna play.I feel rather good about my chances that this ticket will be a winner.
Just watch me through out the last part of summer and fall.

You will know soon enough!!
Yesterday a few pieces to my dream puzzle falled to place. I will tell more as all is written in rocks.....so be patient...

Some more things have been won or bought to the collection... nothing major still waiting for the items to come.
But the same ol situation is ... IT WILL BE ADDED here as it arrives.

I am today ( in 2 hrs) heading to do some things out of the city...Incl.. a lill something on the infamous Roskilde Festival .
Today is Black Sabbath,. Green Day day...tomorrow ahhh the list is long... www.roskildefestival.dk
Look in yourself.

Now for the fuck of it - I will not be posting here again till maybe the 4th or 5th
I will be a lill too busy. Just to let you all in in case you go "where the hell is this puppy`s stories"
They will come you know me by now. Just need the time to post too.

Alright Crue life is well. Crue life is good. Cruelife is continueing also for me in this new year...
Happy B day birthday boy....enjoy the day...

Baby C - soon....
All my friends out there ...love you all... even if the rinkles, thin hair, body hurting, the sorry excuse of a man is getting older.
You are not forgotten. Just takes me that lill longer to remember you all..... LOL LOL..
Thats what ageing does to you...

Peace to you all... thanks for all the last year or so in my life...

T mutha fucking Lee


June 1st 2005.

My babyC - it has been the fucking best day in a long time....U know why!!! Hope some stuff - letters and all comes to my doorstep shortly!! Love!!!!! U r mine.How is it to be waking up the first day of a new month and be all excited. In more ways than one? Disfunctional dick!! I could write a novel ... but I will spare you all.Two more fucking days and the long hard travelling adventures starts!!!

There is a new thing to the site ... on the moving banner top page it says the newly updated pages on here so you all dont have to search and check ALL the pages now it is getting so big. Thought it would be an appreciated thing...

The new stuff is added and more is in the mail on the way .. so a lot more will be added in June. Actually a whole lot more will added in June.
A complete European tour is gonna be witnessed by me this time.That is gonna be a new weird feeling. And a fucking expensive one.I will live on yougurt for the next full 60 days LOL...

Well I will get my price for the hard work. CRUE CRUE CRUE CRUE CRUE CRUE...

A couple of new dicks have been experienced too this week.
Fuck me!! I am so shit sick and tierd of such dicks saying one thing and thenact totally different!! Liars. Thiefs. Dicks...they are everywhere!!FUCK EM!! I have been so wrecked almost these past 2 days. The radio have been giving me a hard time. Disfunctional equipment my ass. Pushed sceduals and bad fucking interviews.

Thank god for rock n roll.I will never be without it. Nothing right now is more important. ((this is where one person goes))

How have your days been? You out there in Europe. You all know who I am talking to. I have agreed to meet up with a ton of you guys out there.And we will meet. So glad to expnad my "family"....

Love for the troubled - love for the music.....
Fuck whats safe!!

You cant have your cake and eat it too...
I can - I want and I will....

Tommy mutha fucking lee


27th of May 2005

Fuck yes!!!
week-end!!! Radio and work has been . well...So it is now nice that the friday has entered my life. It is getting shit hot over here.. Denmark is cooking. Wonder when the fucking fire starts. A good guess would be in 9 days as Motley Crüe enters EUROPE!!!! ROCK AM RING is the first ... Germany .. going?? Yes indeed. Hope the fucking rain will spare us this year.

I have not at all come over the loss of all the cool postings on the KICKSTART MY HEART page on here .. It has been checked for recovering .. but no luck. It is gone for good. Fucking hell....I have today gotten a few new things. Will add them this weekend. And I will ofcause also keep all updated on what is cooking here in Denmark/ Scandinavia and on the tour and life of myself... Tommy Lee.

My life on the Mötley matter is actually getting filled up. I have so much to do and the radio shows are just CRUE CRUE coming!!!Makeing a few new shows ...If you read this and would like to be a part of it. Mail me.

Other than that - just a big hug and and a steaming hello to you all out there We`re all sick and the Dr. is coming shortly!!!

Tommy Fucking Lee


23rd of may 2005

My fucking god!!!Can not believe we lost al postings on this site. To all that posted. My personal apologies. It is like cutting fingers off of the kids I do not have . TRUST ME !!!! I have the same feelings for Crue as you out there have for your kids. Crue are my kids.

This is in excuseable. SORRY SORRY SORRY .What troubled waters can do to a computer at times. I urge you and please you to leave new postings. I loved what you all did on here. You are my unknown family - the lot of you. Crüe fans are my blood. This is exclusively a note to you all to say I have seen the loss on there KICKSTART MY HEART - and I feel terrible.Can not force any to post again .. but hope you all will. Can not get over the loss. Looks like it is all none appreciated... Sorry guys and girls....

My heart is weeping!!!



18th of May 2005

Imagine a guy standing on a Mountain top looking out over the fuckin world. Taking the deapest inhale possible to man and just letting it out in one wild long "Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhhh".. That is me.

Seriously excited now. 3 more weeks and Counting. And the Mötleys are here. Europe. All the tix, all the this and all the that is closer to be in place than ever before. I can not wait for it. The tats, the gear, the jacket the what ever you can think of is packed in my head already.

I am in the middle of getting this one or actually two deals already going - bigger.The one is not gonna be closed till round the end of the year as it money wise is a rather huge one but it holds so many great things. All personal stuff. Clothing from more than a member. Also holds Nikki` first bass strap that was used in his LONDON days and first part of Too Fast tour. Plus it holds The handcuffs on the Too Fast album cover and more... The same dude is having a Sixx bass that was used to record the DR. FEELGOOD album.

Guess what - you are right!! I have GOT to have this one. Do not know how but I got to... that is a 2006 thing. You see that is how my collecting life has been for several years now. Planning the huge buys like crazy. Always have things set up for the future. I will, have and can always count on the one fact that there is never enoughmoney in my pockets. There will always be this HUGE interesting offer laying round the next corner for me to be offered. And I rarely pass on it if a solution on both parties can be found.

A few people that the last few days have been seriously appreciated are : Pearl, Bertelsen, Dustin jack, Nikki Sixx, Jamie Taylor, Michael Hoffmann,
Corinne Hargrave, and Tracii Guns. I take it you all know ,what I thank you for. So thanks.

More stuff has been added on here too. A bit here and a bit there .. Still more to come. For all that has not seen this earlier. The site`s solo member sections and the "LOOKS THAT KILL" section are all together my collection.

There is an almost every other day adding of some kind of item to the lot so keep coming back for a guarenteed satisfaction.

Sixx, Lee, Neil and Mars - talk to you all soon.
The passes are waiting for me and I am ready!!

S`Crue all none believers


14th of May 2005

Part from the fact that a few people have been acting like pussies the past week,there have been nothing but cool days in my Crue world.Let me tell you a little bit:

The site here is finally closing in on what I want it to be like, as a fan and collector At least a fansite that should be interesting. Putting some meat on the bones of this monster.Almost every page has been doubled. Observe - its al now 2 paged in hereHad to do it because every link / merch page and what have you - has grown fairly huge now most of the stuff has been added opf what I have here laying around.

Does this mean it is now over with stuff being put on here? The answer is simple : HELL NO!!! It is growing if not daily then for sure by the week.Actually today and yesterday it has been added with about 15 more items. Tickets, stickers, displays, this n that, a little all over the place.A few long term deals are gonna get closed at the end of the year if an old granny doesnt die that I dont know of and I get a a ton of money But ther are so many things on the list of my monthly Crue payings itwould scare you shitless if I started telling...

So .....I wont!!!

How ever - it is mid May and only 3 more weeks to the CRUE OF EUROPE tour. Can not fucking wait for that one. Read Tommy is in Australia for a quick vicit and that it is actually him of the 4 is even cooler I think. Good goin T-bone.

I am getting a safer feeling with the tour too. I had several concerns a few weeks agobut I think I am starting to get psycked more than I am concerned. As always check it out - all the cool new things in the LOOKS THAT KILL... and a few new pix of the dog here - me (wuff) on the Cruehead and Sumthin For Nuthin pages..If not before - then later my friends. See you round EUROPE in a few weeks time too PS: Europe is having the IF I DIE .. out officially as a 7" pic disc and a cd single mid May.

In the US the new single is about to hit the fan as well... "Sick Love Song"
Fuckin Eyyyy - Tomster


11th of May 2005

Just a quicky.
10 -11- or 12 or what ever it is (loosing count) pages have been added today! Not for any other reason than to make the whole view of the site more impressive.
And ofcause for it to look even cooler visually!! And does it? You bet it does! Within the next week several of the pages in the "LOOKS THAT KILL" section will be split up to become 2 pages. Because they seem to be rather big just as a single page.

I think it works better this way too. The eye can get all fucked up looking at too much on a single page, agree? I think about 15 more items small and medium have been added the last 48 hrs too. Seems like there are added about a good handfull of things 2 or 3 times aweek now...

Okay that is it. I am off - nite nite - sleep tight and have yourself some Crued dreams where ever you deside to lay yourself down.



6th of May 2005

Man it is Friday and ... hey week-end is here and I am off from almost everything. Super!!! The latest on here has been added , updated and played with. The "This N That" section has been turned into a 2 page thing now.Too big other wise!! -Also the posters have been started to get a bit more split up... as some of you have asked if I have the subway sized poster of this and that one .. so this should help all to get a better idea on that too. Other wise there will be lots more added in the weeks to come . Do I say that all the time? Well there is stuff al the time.

I have gotten the script for "THE DIRT" it is under THIS N THAT too...I have seen the bass auctioned smashed by Sixx and the Motley.com is behind the auction. FUCK !!! I would love to get that one. Can already now say - not possible. Not the kind of money it takes to do it. Shitty but that is my life every now and then I guess.

There are a few things that could really have been so damn awesome to have.The last week I would say has been totally impressive with offers of things from people round the world. Again I do not have the money for all this. Not now - The European tour is sneaking in on me too. So..... What the fuck can a one man army do??
Not much!!!

Hear that Nikki? Tommy? Mick? Vince? You guys are ruining me. LOL I spend so much money and time on this band I should be a 5th member. Guess that never happens. In my dreams right? LOL!!! But to all that cares - look in the pages and see all the new added items. It even begins to blow my own mind what is actually on here .

A kid still in its growing stages...
Thats right....Now ROCK IT !!!

Later friends - Tommy


5th of May 2005

There is such a huge fucking offering these days. A lot of people out there trying to get some money in for items on the band. It sells fine - only problem on my part is that I dont earn enough! "Be happy with what you have" my mum often told me. On Crue matter - hell no. Never...

I have managed though to get quiet a few new items .. and they are in the mail as I post this. Ofcause as always these items will too come on here by arrival. Speaking of adding - a lot have added their comments on the site through email... THANKS A GREAT BUNCH!!

I agree with you all. It is a cool collection now. It is growing like a baby.. and it becomes rather massive. Other addings have been made to almost every page on here. All the posters are finally up too. If you see some that you will not see every day I am not suprised. But go through it all. Make yourself a cop of coffee, tea or get a beer what ever ..sit back and scroll your way through it all. Tons on there now.

To all new viewers to the MCRUELOYALTY.DK welcome!!! Feel free to use the "Kickstart My Heart" link for a comment to the site. A lot have done so already and I am glad you did it ... thanks to everyone. I love to hear from you all.

Till next time - stay hard -
B Crued and remember your daily dose of rock n roll heaven!!!!



Friday fuckin 29th of April

My god - last night was awesome. Went to Copenhagen saw E.S.P. (Eric Singer Project) with John Corabi. Had organized an interview with the man and all was in place. Sadly the band`s own scedual totally blew off and the only one I got to talk to for rock radio was Mr. Bruce Kulick.

That was fucking awesome too dude. As an old KISS fan and collector .. the memos started to catch up on me. A little teary at times. Was fucking mindtrippin.. Had my old Crazy Nights Bruce tour used ESP guitar with me for signing. That he did and .. then the show got going. Had a blast - what a freaky evening for a couple of hours. With a handfull of people at this little club.

Now - the day after, I have stated to look through the next portion of items, to be put up on the site here. Posters are next in line. Lots of em too. Also some minor things on the "THIS N THAT" page so check it out. The Cassettes has been put on as well on the "SINGLES" page.

Peww other than that - stay cool and be good. There are tons of exciting times and adventures just around the corner. Fantastic...

Remember the music ... till death do us part .
Fuck YES!!!!



26th of April 2005

Man I am so in a good mood this morning. My head is killing me. No I have not been out drinking. Simply been a little worried for an auction I truly wanted to win.The first raw script for the ”THE DIRT movie to come. And guess what I did!! That is simple shit cool. Can not wait to get it and go through it., Also I truely wanted another piece from the Brides but that one Slipped. Totally forgot about the time and all.Shit. Other than that – the site here has been updated with a few things again.It is such an amazing thing. See your kid grow.

More things will come.As posted last time I am going through all the posters this coming week so there are plenty to look at in about 7 days. Thanks to Tommy Lee’s private photographer. He is so fucking cool understanding and supportive. I am doing an interview with him today too. That is just gonna freak me out.

Hope to one day meet this guy shake his hand and get a bond build. More stuff in the “THIS N THAT” section will too get stuff added the next coming week. Okay gotta run, a sunny long radio day in the name of rock n roll is knocking in my door,

Later Crue heads – later

Stick to your guns …….


23rd of April 2005

Cloudy Saturday morning. Whats new? Well a few new things have been listed the last few days.

Hardly remember which sections has been touched. Personal, This N That, Tommy solo, Vince solo, and more. Go look for yourself. Much more has been started on. Deals that is. Also bumbed into some rather interesting people. And gotten a few new contacts to people close to the band. That I have not had the time for yet. It will come.Can not wait to get these contacts going.

And by the way a great thanks to Corinna. Man could begin a book on you already. But I save it for private .... appreciation.

Have also been fucked over by some more people. Hard to just sit still and not do jack about it. Been wondering if there should be a list of ...lets call it a BLACKLISTING of names on individuals that simply fucks people over , and do not care or share the passion for this band that many of us have. Just a thought so far....

More have asked to be a part of the Cruecial Facts rock radio serie on Crue ...Thanks for the inetrest. That is really awesome.
It is still growing that serie.

I gotta admit these days in my Mötley life is filled up with worries. Mostly worries on the money front. The more that sees this site, the more turns to me with awesome offers - and I simply can not go for them all.There are too much cool stuff or to be more correct, there is too much money needed compared to what I have to spend. Sad !!!! Almost like not being able to feed your kids. (I have no kids, but it hurts just like that anyways)

Now - in about a week from now I will start doing the posters. Some have asked if there are any more posters. And the answer is PLENTY!!!
Please give me time. I would say about 100 posters will appear shortly. And remember NO posters taken from magazines are on there .....That is not of interest. If I did that I would have like god ... hundreds and hundreds from magazines ONLY.So it will be only rolled ones. official sold posters, promos and so on. Plus the other links will have stuff added all the time too...

Thank god for rock n roll!!!


19th of April 2005

Hey freaks!!
Man - its a heavy site. More stuff has been hunted and more stuff has been won, bought, received.A few misses here and there on shit really wanted. One girl took my breath away this week in the Crue world. Took my auction too. Damn it. Girl I am coming for you - b-have (lol)

Anyways - the site has finally gotten a lot of shirts, vinyls, cd's, and so on on it.It is getting bigger and more variated every week it seems.I think we finally have been able to get this site up as we wanted to for a starter. Who knows what will change in time to come.

The Crue rock radio and the Brides ongoing saga still is airbourne. I can not wait to get these shows into newer chapters as well.A few people on the "shout board" have mailed me wanting to go on the radio to become a part of the show called "the Cruecial Facts". Loving it.... Thanks everyone...

Other than that right now it is only time to find money to get it all paid what is laying around and get it all home and on to the site. Spring is knocking heaverly on doors over here now so ... smile out there.ESP concert with John Corabi too in Copenhagen shortly.There will be an interview made and possibly some video recordings of the interview and show too.. Nice one.!!!!!

Anyway work is calling for my ass so . better get ready....have a safe Tuesday everyone - talk soon... Feel free to post a little something on the "Kickstart My Heart" link on here ...Now blow the fucking world away with those Crue tunes ... crack it ...



16th of April 2005

Sunday Bloody Sunday - could have been the headline for the day!!!It is only Saturday though. And it kind of tripped me out that over 100 pictures have gone apeshit in the scanner. I have done a lot of new shit on here. The vinyl section, 7" singles and cd's are all up. The "This N That" page is up. A few more "personal belongings" are up and many magazines and shirts are about to be loaded on here.

In two weeks time about 100 posters or so will be added too.Slowly closing in after a few good weeks work to the end of what is here right now. Still an ongoing income of items on a regular basis. Summer has arrived in Denmark. Or at least a GREAT spring.It is time to prepare the Crue summer European tour shortly too. Brides Of Destruction is here in about 6 weeks too. Man I will be ruined BIG TIME. Hell I have just been ruined on top of the US touring some weeks back....here comes part two of that "no money" feeling.

How are you all doing out there in the world? I hope you are all fine.

I have actually sat here thinking during massive work on the site - "how are you Tommy?" ((asking myself)) ... "how are you these days with the Crue Tommy?"-Well I still love them. I still focus on the damn thing all the time. I still spend all my spare time and money on them. Has it now simply gotten to be an old habbit? -My answer still is - NO!!!! It is still heart felt like hell. I really do have a list from here to Jupiter ((or any planet)) of things Id like to do and get. But I do not have money for both.

Man if Nikki, Tommy , Mick and Vince knew how much I dedicate this excistence of mine to the 4some of Mötley - I guess they would .......yeah well I dont relly know. Think about it. You get older and older. i CAN STILL UNDERSTAND PEOPLE LOVING THE BAND. But it gotta be shit deap dedication if you as a 30 some yrs old can sit an honestly go: "ITS STILL MY PASSION NUMBER ONE!" You figure it out....

Look in on all the new stuff.
Till next time - B-Good
Cheers, Tommy

12th of April 2005

My god it is time to get a little concerned (LOL). The site`s limit has been reached . Man and I have not even gotten half on here yet!That can give you some grey hairs. Anyways a few more things have been found, bought, won ,what ever you wanna call it. So things will come here later as well as the stuff that you see here and will be seeing here as it comes online.

The latest from here is, that the European tour dates have had rumours onextra tickets available to a lot of the shows. But it is not gonna happen. The only one that has done so is the Sweden ROCK Festival ... they added the last 1000 - and from what I have heard they too are close to being sold out. Surrounded by boxes upon boxes of items still to be taken shots of - I will now return to the pile of stuff and get more done. My god it takes a really really long time.

Did by the way (again) go in and try to do a few Ebay wins ....did not happen.I feel that - as said before - that people are going nuts right now. Getting all they can. But I would say around July it has been going on such a long time and the band has been here too in Europe so it will be a bit more calm then. Ok back to the site doings.

A lot has been put on there already... Stay put for lots more


6th of April 2005

Yeah another week is well on its way as I sit here going: "there must be visually cooler ways for the site to be." Yet again I do not really want to get into flash and all sorts of things.Nahhh not really. I like to keep it 80s like and I think it is right now. So my desition is - fuck it - change a few pages and just upload tons of things on here. So here we are. Slowly putting new shit on there. Posters, picks, passes etc. etc.

This coming weekend will be the start of exploding changes. There will be so many scans and so many digi pix taken the damn scanner and camera will burn the fuckers up. SO all I can say for you out there that follows the changes on here get ready. It will be exploding. Actually to do it I have to turn to the web central and buy myself a bigger site.

If you sit in Europe remember to be on a watch out for the coming Brides Of Destruction dates for tour over here in late May and through June.

I have again been hunting and found a few goodies - later to be visual on here. Picks, passes, shirts, mags, and have yet another huge deal taking the food money away. A deal on a pile of PERSONAL BELONGINGS from over the years from all members... This weekend will also add a couple of Nikki bass guitars on here...Nikki Dr. leather pants, Tommy jacket and so and so on....

Trying to take in the advise from my probably best friend - Pearl : "Tommy smile - it does not cost much and it lasts for as long as you want it to" -Yeah well... can not eat Crue can you? Money goes on them four letters...C-R-U-E !!! Yet.... okay smile people ... let us smile together. There is enough shit out there in the damn world!!!!!

2nd of April 2005.

Did not dare posting here yesterday. Hell you could all take it for an April fools.... Anyway here I am...Not much on mind today. Have bonded with a few new Crüeheads.Mustang Mary, Corinna, Tommy Pfeiffer nice to have gotten a little closer. Jeff my Hollywood friend - get better will ya?Miss you dude. Hope to see you again this year....A few things have come to me in the mail in buys again.So it looks like next weekend will be an all "adding stuff" week-end.

SO much stuff... I can tell you this out there that April you will see all linked pages under the "Looks That Kill" section on here will expand big-time in the next few weeks. Have been the laziest fuck I know these last 2 days. Been ... can I say "nice"?????? Well relaxing anyways. Only tried to better a few things in the collection and so on. Taking care of certain items, if you know what I mean?!! Come back on here as you find the time. It will grow in the next coming weeks.

Crüe 4Ever


31st of March 2005

Just a quicky!!!
As we close in on the European tour, Copenhagen , ((capital of )) Denmark, we will at a rock club in the heart of the city throw a Crüe celebration party.With Universal Music of Denmark there will be, a huge cool party with clowns, strippers, the whole bloody circus like in the real "road circus" delivered by the 4 Crüe men.

There is no official date or more details yet but as soon as I get it I will let you all in. DJ for the night will be spinning the Mötley Catalogue....I guess that is the excitement in the Crüe world for the day. PS: just saw the new and refreshing Motley.com - fuck that is one bad ass vision. I am totally loving it.

Should have been mine LOL.... Well it should. That is really a cool update of it. Back to ordinary life - coffee making, book readings, laundry and all the other time killers in the day. Till later, be Crüed stay hard!!


30th of March 2005

Damn it!! Danish rock n roll radio show "New Rocking Sounds" had last night a new 60 min special on Brides Of Destruction. ((My rock radio show))......ego thoughts lol...lol....lol. It was a brand new interview done March 2nd at the Key Club in Hollywood. Really nice one. www.newrockingsounds.dk

And an interview with John Corabi has been set up as the band ESP with ex-Crüe and KISS members comes by Denmark as well.Also some more stuff added on the site, and more new stuff is on its way here to be added.This weekend sees most likely there will be more pictures in the "Looks That Kill" merchandise section too.

A few people have asked what and where is the "guest book" on this site? That is the "KICKSTART MY HEART" page. Fill in the window and press send. Then click UPDATE / REFRESH on your computer and you should be able to see your own posting. Thanks....

The up coming CD from Tommy Lee - a dance album? My personal thoughts ((thank god we are all aloud to have em)) I am not really sure if I want that one.You see I am not a DANCE dude kind of guy. I am into Mötley Crüe and that is rock n roll. So if I do not enjoy listening to and by far not buying dance music why should I do it? The only reason is it is our own fave drummer boy?I don’t really think so.

I like changes and I like to see people not staying the same, but dance music?Nahhh... I had a really hard time with the solo thing he does too on the current tour. I thought "damn it - another chance to see T-bone top himself on a final tour. AWESOME!! Did not really happen.

From the east coast shows I saw early March he often ended his solo with a "Don’t be so quiet" to the audience. Well maybe that is a sign. People did not really get it. They are Crüe fans not really in to this other thing.Miss my T-Bone cool - now its all dance and sex focused....I guess his thing is not exactly mine. PS: Not putting the man down - just saying the change to the dance thing - not my style. Remember always ....if I die 2morrow - he and the lads still rocked my world


28th of March

Good morning people.
It has been a good nights sleep and I feel better now. Better?

Yes after some ongoing "battles" again yesterday with a few people I have to say this ones more, it really amazes me how short a fuse and how personal some people take certain things. Or if they actually do I have no idea. I cannot really figure them out. They blow a lot of steam and show a really aggressive side to them over nothing. Do you all know what I am talking about?

I was bidding on certain things on eBay last night and a person threatened me almost in some e-mails that I had had my share and I should .blah blah blah.....WTF?? Good for me I got a long sleep. I got away with a few things as said - and now already I begin to enter the danger zone.The site here is closing in on its limits. So I have to buy more space for the site and I have to grab a hold of the host master of it to get that.

There is no way I am stopping here. You guys have heard me say that the listings of items isn’t even half way there and that is still a dead on fact!! I have boxes and boxes still to be photographed to be put up here.' An example :

I would say there is still like 150 shirts, 25 promo 8x10s, 100 posters, etc. etc. etc. So.... you have not seen much yet!! Though it is growing and taking shape... How has your eastern been? Mine has been calm - nice friend on visit. Of course a look out for things to be added. Have been thinking about going to Japan in the Fall or maybe wait for that one and try Hawaii in December?? The money situation speaks for itself I guess.

I have a complete European tour to look forward to too... it all takes the hard earned, now doesn’t it? It is not only the concert ticket itself when you do this. It is the traveling to the venues, hotels, and food, you know the story. Tough!!!!!

I would like to say that every one that uses the “Kickstart My Heart” link and gives me his / her view on this site and leaves a contact link I will try to get those postings added to a personal contact list and for the future to be the ones that I try to build new friendships with. Always nice to expand your "friends list" Later ladies and gents!!!



25th of March

Man time flies when you are having fun.As it does when you are pretty screwed. What?
Yeah - that is what I said!!I have been so fucked today. A lot of things have been on my mind. I have really not been able to simply relax.

There was a few offers again coming in through e-mail today. Some was like "nahhh – don’t really wanna do that."Others were like - "You have got to be kidding me - that is really awesome"In the end some turned out to be nothing but hot air. Others stayed interesting - but were as auctions not to be coming my way.I still have a lot of stuff going, a lot of deals on layaway programs and so on.So I was unable to sit with the winner card as a couple of auctions ended.

That situation still hurts like a mutha Fxxxxx at times - no kidding. But a few things have been added to the collection again today and now they all just need to arrive from the sellers to my doorstep and then pix will get taken and all added to the collection on the site here. Too Fast poster, sticks, vinyls and more. There still are a few things in the next few days to make finals about. What happens....we will see...

SO Mötley got their latest platinum in Los Angeles the other day at the Forum!!! Congrats - again. No matter what the hell people are saying, that is pretty amazing isn’t it? I am a little surprised that the "Red, White and Crüe" sold platinum. But I am thrilled at the same time. Nice one boys!!! Yeeee haaaa..... Time for tug in here .. brush my tooth and get a long ((hopefully)) nice rest ...and sweet dreams. To all out there... Thanks for the support to the site. The buuuhhhhs and the yeeeaaahhhhs....it is all usefull. Trust me.

A special thanks to "Mustang Mary" - you know who you are.I am not all sure, but I would not be surprised, if we ended with a closer bond on this ...Mötley Crüe universe that we share so passionate.

Thanks girl!!!

PS: Tuesday sees another new BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION 60 minutes Danish special radio feature with the interview done at the KEY CLUB, Hollywood March 2nd.


22nd march 2005

Tuesday, another day of updating the site and of hunting collectibles. There were a few things I got offered today but sadly I could not match some other people’s offers so there for I lost!! I have only managed to get another Sixx guitar pick from the SHOUT days and a few shirts and more. Nothing major. All items will of course be put on here as they come to my doorstep later on.

I guess these days have the masses going crazy for the collectibles since the reunion is here and ......who knows how long it will last. A lot have been in on the site and there have been nothing but cool, friendly, positive feedback to it so far. I thank you all for that. Nice to know it is not all a waste of time doing this.

Also let me point out - to the staff at Motley.com, the Vince site and the Brides Of Destruction sites ... Shaun and Craig I fully understand the pain you guys are having when you have to deal with all the people’s questions and bitching about this and that. Hell I only have my own opinion and collection to deal with in here and that is a total full time thing almost. At least until it is closer to being finished. As always, excellent work guys.

Many pages have had added a line of things today and yesterday and it slowly begins to take shape. I still try to get this site to form itself as the fan site I personally think I have always wanted to see. It does take a lot of hard work and it takes a lot of money to build such a collection and I have been asked if I think back "has it been worth it?" Well, I think it depends on what you want out of life, if you look for a family and become a family man or woman this is NOT possible to do. It simply takes too much time and all of your focus and financial possibilities.

No questions about it.

But it can be an off time hobby. If you have managed to get a pile of things together in your earlier years. If not this collection here and this way of living a life is a hard and almost impossible one to start at. The prices on a lot of these things are so sky high today it is frightening. Believe me.

If that gives you an answer those of you that asked - well...... then that is my answer!!! Again and as always thanks a lot for the support and the looking in on here - keep returning there is much more shit to come. My whole house is filled to the limit with boxes still to be opened!!!
Have a great week and happy eastern


19th of march 2005

Damn it has been forced to part with a really nice Crüehead today. It hurts my guts every time this happens. Guess I have just had enough of things when two people simply loose the respect they once had to still be a good thing. Cannot have that crap.

Other than that a few more updated pages on the LOOKS THAT KILL page and a few more scans and picture shootin’ has been done today so there will be a lot to come in the next few days. Stick around. I think there are a few out there I have to get in touch with that over the last few nights have emailed me about if I would be interested in some Crüe stuff. To all of you out there - if offers come to me on interesting stuff and I have the money - consider then your item(s) sold.

-Missed out on a few eBay things today - can not win ‘em all. Tough, but a strict fact in life. Sorry about the still screwing "Kickstart My Heart" page.....It just will not go along with what we have plans for with it. We will get it fixed ... again give us time.... Hope all of you there have a fantastic Saturday

Peace - Tommy


16th of March 2005

Shit folks!! holy mary of god. It is that time. It is that day - today it should in a very few minutes be UP N RUNNIN. This mutha of a site should be kickin` now the labor is over - birth has ended and a few in Denmark smiles evil from ear to ear!!

Look I only want to bid all of you welcome that sees this the first time and decides to go through these pages and give it all a shot. There are shit loads to come on here ... every week there will be added new dates on the "diary" and there will be shit loads of new pictures every week of some sort. Just go through it all - bare with me and there will be what ever you are curious to see more of in time.

Right now only one last thing - ENJOY!!!!


6th of March 2005

long motha fucking drive today, but nice.
Saw a lot on the road video filmed a bit and was caught up by the tour buss of one of them. There were so many tolls along the way for bridges and shit so we always had to get in line, and the boys just passed right through cause they had this prepared road pass.

Washington was for me personally a little excited as well. It is the capital of the US of A and we decided if we had time a few of us would go see the white house, Lincoln statue and so and so on. We did that next day cause it would be an off day for the band. No show.

In the crowd – Tommy had been watching these 5 girls on the side seats to the stage, and when it was time to do his introduction of the tittie cam….yes in deed… he was shocked. Only one girl and one other in the crowd would play with him. He stopped the search cut it short and went to a loud “buuuuuu” and gave the audience the finger. Ups!!

Other than that – pretty much the same show except the opening song “Shout At The Devil” had tonight lined a line of fire on top of the PAs on stage…Looked cool.

So boys and girls – a little road mind trip from me. And after a long time out there I have now gotten sick. Nice finish, Huhh?


5th of March 2005

My god the trip north towards Boston was amazing. Now-a-days Hollyweird is amongst my favourite places on earth. But to Pass New York in the horizon was just a cool cool cool thing. We were there 2 days ago and now we pass it again towards Boston.

We were really (for some reason again) super psyched for the show that evening. Down to the floor to see the show and sat next to some awfully nice people. They were a couple. He is in his late 30s maybe she maybe the same.

The Boston show was just as good as the N.Y. one. Philadelphia was a little so and so. The band was good but the crowd was shit. - Here in Boston they rocked. The amazing thing about the show tonight, was that the arena was just as big as any. And the bookers did not wanna book the show. Because they did not believe when the contract was getting signed, that the Fxxxin Crüe could sell.

So they rented the arena and got a HUGE SOLD OUT fucking party going. Tommy still has his face painted all white with massive red around his eyes. I would love to get Tommy on for an interview to go under his skin a little bit. But that will most likely just not happen.

Vince Neil still gives me the chills – he has truly shapend up big time. You can actually hear every word the fucker sings. Good voice too…….Okay it was time to get a little more of the merchandise for my own collection. Only one thing that turned out I would never get from this tour.The brown shirt that was just like the poster. I would be told the next day in Washington D.C. that it had sold out. Fucking hell… Only 1000 made.Anyway Boston you rocked and we rolled.

Out of the city. Drove for about 150 miles (maybe) to stay where we`re supposed to for the night.The Crüe themselves had themselves based in New York for these 4 shows, the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th !! Never went there … A bit of a regret today.


4th of March 2005

–We talked, talked and talked about yesterday. And I must say this one especially. Cause it was legendary – MSG in New York fucking City dude.

Again up round 9 on to the next massive attack. Tonight it would hit Philadelphia. The Wachovia Spectrum. These arenas are bloody huge and they have all sold out in record time like KISS in 96. Now it is just another name on the glitter spot. MÖTLEY CRÜE!!!!!!!

Same set list still good shit though. Talked to a few people today to hear what they expected, and a few afterwards as well. To hear what they thought. On a scale from 1 to 10 everybody gives them 9 or 10 some even 11…Must be an American thing ((LOL)).

There is only one thing people do not dig in on. In all honesty being a loyal Crüehead. The Tommy Lee drum solo just does not cut the cake this time. It shows big time he is a huge name but a huge CHANGED name too. He is still into the dance and rap things that the loyal diehards do not understand.

He at times looks disappointed with the reaction from the fans. But Tommy dude, you cannot really blame the Crüeheads. Your new shit as you put it, is too alternative and too far away from Crüe music we know, and love you for. For god sake sorry if it hurts your or any fans feelings. But I heard this comment several times on this tour. And I agree.

After the show we wanted to drive after the busses - each member has his buss on this one – to see if they would make a stop and we for a few minutes could get a little more private time… But that idea quickly died as a friend of mine got sick. So it was a still calm and cold waiting while getting water and shit to make him feel a little bit better..

There were a line of people running the parking lots and arena area selling bootleg shirts. Some actually got caught and busted. Stripped for the shirts they had left and the money in their pockets. Wow!!! Tight eye views on those none officials.

The official shirts were going for 35 bucks a piece and the line of merch on this tour was quiet huge. After all shows I went to the merch stand to see how well things actually was selling. They sold like hot bread from the local bakery one fine Sunday morning.

Goddamn they will make a lot of cash from that alone. Merchandise …. The kids and the collector hawks want it all, no matter if it is the shirts,the cigarette paper or lighters, the caps or the foam hand. Does not really matter what it is, as long as it says MÖTLEY FUCKING CRÜE on it … you can as sure as an ”amen” in the Sunday church consider the shit sold. Amazing but of course NICE!!!Good night Phily!!


2nd of march 2005

Hollywood – morning shopping a little bit and there by an early start. Sunny, hot ((for me)) the locals say it is cold. What??? A must go by the favorite record store on planet earth…. AMOEBA MUSIC, 6400 Sunset Blvd. Fuck dude – that store rocks like none other alive….Hell yeahhh!!

Topic of today : Brides Of Destruction live at the KEY CLUB on Sunset Strip tonight. 4 PM – we went to the Key Club for meeting up with my buddy the coolest of cool I have to say…. He was working there tonight. Jeff you fucker thumbs up ….respect!!!

We met him went for sandwiches and got back to the club. There .. on the parking lot on the phone was Mr. T.G. Tracii Guns….He saw me and was like – WHAT THE FUCK!!! Made his call short – grabbed me. Gave his warm rock n roll hugs and said ”Tommyyyy – Welcome home”. Can not begin to tell you guys how that felt. I almost feel like coming home as I am there. Thanks Trace…Tracii: ” How you been? Missed you dude.” He got the info as usual … there ONLY for the one hour of Brides … he then turned to the crew for B.O.D. and said ” Hook this guy up. All he needs. What ever it is”

So – there you have it. I asked if there was a chance to get a new ”rock radio NEW ROCKING SOUNDS www.newrockingsounds.dk interview. He said ”no problem of course …..I love that. We always have a good time with you”.I was let in as a fly on the wall and witnessed the sound check and all..That one had 3 songs to it - only NEW songs. It surely was exciting but Mr. Sixx no doubt in my mind was missed. The new guy on the block ”Scot” ex- AMEN was introduced to me and I to him a little later…

As London entered the Key Club his girlfriend came down sat pretty much next to me and then London came down. He had not seen me untill he actually was in front of me….. Stopped – starred and went:”Tommy!!! What are you doing here?” I love London – he is by far the coolest ever seen singer in a band in my opinion.

He asked me pretty quickly – ”When am I gonna be on your show again?” My reply – ”London it is your lucky day. Tonight already set it up with Guns.” London said ”alright!!!!!” Looked at the Mötley tour leather jacket … wanted to see it try it…. ”Now that is a shit cool jacket baby – ((turned to his girl)) look at that. How sweet is that?”

He has changed a lot since the summer of 2004. No more punk style looks. Now it is best described as a sort of a classy trash style. Greyish pants matching vest and tie. With a red and black striped jacket. It is so cool. No matter what this dude jumps into he's got the looks ((that kill)) LOL…

Alright the rain had started falling on Sunset Blvd. And the sound check was done. Tracii from the stage called me out for the interview – new guy bass swinger Scot and London followed. As we had just started drummer Scot came out – made a comment and split. Have to say I was kind of chocked. No further said – all respect. I am a loyal fan coming once again from the other side of the planet he should know I love this band at heart but he just did not stay. And it killed me in its own way.

But the interview went well and the 3 other guys were all friendly and stayed as long as I needed them for. Thanks guys. You are always the shit. Thanks a lot. The interview ended and a little picture together with just the 3 of them was taken and then I showed them the latest B.O.D. tattoos they had still not seen yet!!!

Tracii – went apeshit. London could not believe it either. Tracii had a busy time telling bass player Scot everything about me. I will most likely always be loyal as shit to the band. But of course it is hard to show the loyalty out here in Denmark, Europe as the base for the Brides is in Cal, USA. Tough. The band is heading to Europe in May though…. Ohhh no… money, money, money!!!!

Off we went to the hotel leaving the radio equipment and all and went straight back to the club. 3 other support acts and then the BRIDES! They rocked.

Set list:

Shut the fuck up
Natural born killer
Brace yourself
2 times dead
Never say never
I got a gun
Tunnel of love
White trash
I dont care

That was it. They rocked but I must say I do need to get used to the new line up. For me personal the HUGE kick was to see how many I actually knew in the audience. There were like 15 or something. Jeremy, Samantha, Laura, Cat, Steve O., and others. And all of a sudden a butt kick from one I had not seen till he kicked me and grabbed me… Snake Feider. Well isn't it just a small ohh so small world. What you say to a day like that?

Rock n rooooooooolllllllllll. Cool day – Slammin`shit.


28th of Feb. 2005

Up early –today was travelling day!! Man, financially ruining me but passion and heart spoken – it is a nice, longed for weird feeling. Double costs ones again and a line of the things that were meant planned and counted for has now changed a lot.

Leave home- via Copenhagen for connecting flight to Chicago. What do you know? Chicago had snow. Actually so much snow that the pilot to fly us from Chicago to LAX in Cal. Never appeared. Man were we glad ((us that had LAX as the final destination)) that we could not miss another flight. The new pilot was flown in from New York and a lot of time was to us going for the rock n roll. So we had a long talk about the Mötleys and Brides too…..In all a 90 minute delay!!!

Landing in Los Angeles was fine, smooth a little sleep on the plane and we were ready to rock the Hollyweirds once again. Cannot believe my luck for the things that are in the name of rock n roll. In certain ways I have been blessed many times.

Orchid Suits behind Kodak Theatre on Hollywood Blvd. was our home for a few days. A fast 45 minute walk about was it that evening … things had closed for the night as we finally arrived so….A lot of Crüe talk and B.O.D. amongst fans. No surprise really huhh?

All there was in mind was the things to come this time because I was doing them WITH someone I knew. Time to tug in those Hollywood sheets.

Huuu haaa…


Feb. 26th 2005

Right!! Every now and then as you get to be dependent on somebody else for your dreams - things fuck up. This is a fact for me I would say 7 out of 10 times. Today has been another one of those days. It concerns the dates and dreams for the Mötley tour just around the corner.

Let me be polite and be nameless towards the guilty and say that I am deeply disappointed and everything is now costing by far more than it was originally counted for. Enough said!!Do not want to go in on details. Just had to get it out of my system. Let certain people be nameless as said. But hey!! Thanks a lot. That was the last time we are gonna be setting anything up in my time.

The website is refined and more photos have been added to the "Looks That Kill" pages today!!!

I think it is really turning out to be an awesome site. Trying to find new fresh ideas for it all the time. What can you possibly be thinking right now if you had known this site was to come? I can only say those that know - I understand their curiousness. Hell I am that myself. Even though I follow the birth of it step by step. A name has finally been found too. WWW.MCRUELOYALTY.DK It even sounds cool.

My apartment as of now looks like it has been bombed. Why? Because everything that has been dug out from the vaults ((funny word)) to be photographed for the pages are now spread out all over the goddamn apartment. And trust me when I say - of what is attached to the pages on here ... you have not seen much yet. There still is a damn good pile of things to be put up in here.

I have 2 more days to get by before take off. Read today that Tracii Guns has been cursed by Nikki. And that Sixx no longer wants to be returning to the Brides Of Destruction after the Mötley Crüe tour is done. Ohh brother. That felt also like a heavy stone to swallow. I love Brides Of Destruction.

Well maybe, just maybe Tracii is a little green with envy of the monsterous tail that the Mötleys have lined up for the next couple of years. I cannot tell but I find it sad that they now seems to have parted indefinitely and in BAD vibes too. I have also to say:
The next Brides release .... It feels like it will be a do or die album to come?!! Nikki was the main man in that band - like it or not - and what a damn shame if this band was only here for a little while cause of him.

Alright let me have a FEW hours in silence of this Saturday and start focus on the positive things to come. There will be an evil satisfied grin on my mug!! Just have to adjust my address book a little bit! So should I die 2morrow ... at least that rotten apple got kicked out of the basket...

Later, Huhh!!


Feb 22nd 2005

Well well well - the Tuesday appeared and the tattoo artist once again hurt me like a mutha fucker. The arms are as good as done... all inked Mötley Crüe and Brides are in my skin forever. No regrets. Now I am like a walking promotion. LOL...I am sure - if not already - there will be a few pictures on the site showing the tats. Just stay with me on this. Let the fuckers heal and then we do something.

Have you ever been tattooed on the elbow or on the arm where you bend it? Man think twice about it.. LOL LOL ... it is not for pussies. Nikki, Tommy, if you read this your biggest fan has just admitted to be a bit of a wimp. Sorry about that - still loyal though.

The hot chair at the tattoo shop was left to get on with the work on the site here. Looks better and better. Will be ready soon. We have added a guest book or something that can be considered one "Kickstart My Heart" (( please do)) I will be honored to hear from you all out there. Nice to expand the address archive if you wanna stay in touch for the future.

Should anyone out there be sitting with a great story or something and wanna get on a Crüe rock radio series "The Crüecial Facts" feel free also to mail me on the "Shout At The Devil" page on this site…Tell me your stories.

So today ... New tattoo - bitchin' arm finish and closer to the actual finish of the basics for this site... all in all today was a good day. Now.... If I die tomorrow - The Crüesters rocked my Tuesday....Later.


Feb 21st 2005

Ok it has been another hard working day on the website. Been a nice break also visiting a friend. Relaxing from the Crüe world. Though it did not fully become a day of none Crüe. At the friend's house we talked a bit of last years adventures from the Brides tour in Europe and in talk and mind got around the "round 2" for my friend. Only this time she is getting to see the Mötleys. Not Brides. She is very excited. She never witnessed the band before in the day.

Counting the days a little bit myself. A few new posters added to the collection today to. In general a smooth day no hectic actions really.........


Feb. 19th 2005

It is Saturday - almost like any Saturday.

However this time I was going by my tattoo artist to get my arm sleeves worked on some more. Need to get ‘em done so I am ready for the tour LOL.

We have a few ideas how to close the last arm. We did do a little bit on them today but not finishing it like we had plans for. Some new ideas popped up as we got into it. So I have a new appointment for the hot chair again on Tuesday! Man I think it will really be awesome with the ideas that we have.

I am in one week - on Monday the 28th leaving for USA. I am going with a friend. He is from Sweden. We are going to see a line of Mötley shows but will ad a quick visit to Hollyweird - for a personal pleasure of mine. To once again see the Brides Of Destruction. I know it is no longer too much Crüe related as Mr. Sixx is no longer with them. I would rather have Sixx in Crüe though. But I think Brides is one of the more musically interesting bands of today. I LOVED the debut from last year. Now it is truly time to re-experience the new B.O.D. without the SIXXster. Should be rather interesting.

That of course is much on my mind these days too. I am working for a rock radio show (see "Merry Go Round" for link to it) and I am so much hoping for a new interview with the band on Sunset next week.

What has also been a little on my mind today is that Mötley Crüe has not listed a gig on Danish ground in 2005 so far. I am curious if they end up being added to Roskilde Festival round July 1st. Hate that in a way. I am not crazy about festivals. They seem to take a lot of the real magic out of a band. No matter who that is.

The website has been worked on the last few days too. It is coming along. Looks better and better. Heidi, a girl I work with on it, we often sit these days and grasp for new wicked ideas. Yet we wanna keep it simple and true to the idea of the new colors the band presents themselves with 2005. Red, White and Blue!! Anyways... Time to get back to the greyish reality show called life and get some things done....

Later Crüesters.


Feb. 17th 2005

Weird feeling. The kick off is tonight... The RED , WHITE AND CRUE tour starts. A living nightmare. Concerns and other shitty mind farts have been brewing in my mind lately. It is soon time for me too... heading to the US of A and going in for a roadkill. Cannot wait to get these shows in my bag of Crüe experiences. I know it will kick my rock n roll ass.

I have gone through a line of really bad things this time to be able to get my "Crüe book" closed in style.
After 23 some years as a diehard rock steady loyal collector of the 4 Mötleys I have had the urge to get it closed in style..with that I mean - it has been like reading a book for so many years and I have no intentions finding myself now so close to the final chapter and to be putting the book away now.

It may sound like I’m planning to stop collecting. That is not the case. I still am very dedicated and I still love this band by heart and not just because it has been a steady thing in my life for so long.

Sitting on the other side of the planet tonight is kind of a weird wrong feeling. I should have been somewhere else. But being this "normal" kid I have to be aware of tickets, plane seats, money and what have you to make that reality. What also took my mind in turbulence tonight was a few items on eBay. I am quiet often in there again it takes so much money at times to be a serious collector. And money is these days not an option.
Because they have been changed into concert tickets, plane tickets and other tour 2005 related material.

A few people on eBay are really killing me. There are like a handfull on there that grabs everything that is truely worth having. Anyways - I got away with some things.. I have been trying to promise myself that I would save what ever I can for the tour. But it is already a dead end promise. I cannot do that. I have no more money to save from. It is a time with a ton of worries for this old dog.


Feb. 14th 2005

A big day for a few reasons.

The warm up gig is today the Puerto Rico people and a few of us that cared have this day apart from the December 6th last year as a kind of memorial day. The band starts officially tonight. The 80s top glamsters are back . Man can you imagine being there tonight. Well....I say no more. No reason to drop salt in a wound right?

Another reason for this to be a big day is that today also sees this to be the first day for trying to put this badass site together as the latest one in the line of many of official fan sites. I hope you out there and myself will get out of it what it in mind is meant to be like.

A third reason for this to be a big day is that I have managed to get another dream put to life by winning an auction for a 1982 collectible. Remember the posters in the bands early days? They walked the streets and put these up themselves.
Well - one can now be included in the collection that slowly day by day is growing to become a monster.